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Kyle is on a Reality Show so she is absolutely a Famewhore.  No one will ever convince me it is possible to be on a show like this and not be a Famewhore. 


There were rumors about Kyle's daughter and it being an ugly situation as to why she was in the hospital.  Kyle cleared it up by posting a picture of her daughter looking happy which put an end to the rumors.  She didn't throw Kim under the bus or even mention Kim's dog was the one responsible. 


Interesting timing since the Season Trailer was just released this week and we see Kyle asking Kim if she ever takes responsibility for anything.  In the article posted above it sounds very much to me like Kim is blaming the victim in this situation, which seems to be per usual for Kim. Kyle got so hammered in S1 for the Limo Reveal. I've read posts from so many people who have never been able to forgive her for that episode. It seemed to me then, and more so now, that she has spent her life dealing with a personality that would sap your strength on a daily basis and is a better sister to Kim than I could probably ever be in the circumstances.

I liked Kim during season one but since Kim's earliest scenes on the show I knew she had substance and mental issues, a sense of entitlement and was living a life of learned helplessness with Kyle and others enabling and taking care of her and bailing her out. However the operative thing about the limo scene is what you said in your first sentence and that is Kyle is a famewhore. By the way, I've come to like Kyle as well, although I'm losing respect for her, but that's another story having more to do with her relationships with Lisa and Brandi.

OK back tothe limo, for me, the $64,000 question is at the party after Kim told everyone off and Kyle walked away from the group and then Kim left the party, why in heaven's name did Kyle follow Kim down to the limo? Yes Kyle is the frustrated and long-suffering sister of an addict, but to me, the Kyle who followed Kim down to the limo and then goaded her by telling her she ruined the party and people are sick of her antics was much more the famewhore angling at delivering a juicy scene for the cameras than the frustrated and long-suffering sister of an addict.

Edited by quinn
  • Love 3

Kim being sued over the other dog bite: http://www.tmz.com/2014/11/07/kim-richards-dog-bite-pictures-photos-pit-bull-attack-lawsuit/


No, that slap is not a real slap. These editing monkeys want us to believe it is, but I surmise it will be one of those silly scenes that is being played up as a serious one.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 1

I liked Kim during season one but since Kim's earliest scenes on the show I knew she had substance and mental issues, a sense of entitlement and was living a life of learned helplessness with Kyle and others enabling and taking care of her and bailing her out. However the operative thing about the limo scene is what you said in your first sentence and that is Kyle is a famewhore. By the way, I've come to like Kyle as well, although I'm losing respect for her, but that's another story having more to do with her relationships with Lisa and Brandi.

OK back tothe limo, for me, the $64,000 question is at the party after Kim told everyone off and Kyle walked away from the group and then Kim left the party, why in heaven's name did Kyle follow Kim down to the limo? Yes Kyle is the frustrated and long-suffering sister of an addict, but to me, the Kyle who followed Kim down to the limo and then goaded her by telling her she ruined the party and people are sick of her antics was much more the famewhore angling at delivering a juicy scene for the cameras than the frustrated and long-suffering sister of an addict.

They all wanted to go home but they needed the final group photo.  So Kyle went to go get Adrienne and Kim.  I know Kyle tried to block the airing of the limo scene but I do think Kim wanted it to air so the world would feel sorry for her.



Kim being sued over the other dog bite: http://www.tmz.com/2014/11/07/kim-richards-dog-bite-pictures-photos-pit-bull-attack-lawsuit/


No, that slap is not a real slap. These editing monkeys want us to believe it is, but I surmise it will be one of those silly scenes that is being played up as a serious one.

Typical Kim-the woman gets gnawed up and Kim thinks of herself.  Something tells me animal control is going to be involved.  What is with Kim stiffing the woman on her medical bills?  Time to send the dog off.

  • Love 3

They all wanted to go home but they needed the final group photo.  So Kyle went to go get Adrienne and Kim.  I know Kyle tried to block the airing of the limo scene but I do think Kim wanted it to air so the world would feel sorry for her.



Typical Kim-the woman gets gnawed up and Kim thinks of herself.  Something tells me animal control is going to be involved.  What is with Kim stiffing the woman on her medical bills?  Time to send the dog off.


I feel like I'm on crazy pills (/Mugatu).  Kingsley is a very powerful dog and has bit four people.  It's not his fault he has a self-pitying, indescribably irresponsible crackhead/pill addict/'alcoholic [yes, she just has a drinking problem...]' for an owner but this is fucking ridiculous.  He needs to be removed from her home, ideally to a sanctuary where he can live forever, and not be adopted out to anyone other than a Cesar Milan/Tia from Villalobos type.   It is not the fault of people for not following unstable Kim's 'rules' with her dog.  She is not kooky or down-to-earth or the 80,000 other Kim excuses - she's entitled goddamned trash!  I knew this was coming the first scene I saw her with her dog - where she took the dog over from her I'm completely sure totally irresponsible son, who got him as an impulse (so Kingsley's life began with a certain instability), then got her fucking drug-seeking nose job where she claimed that unlike every other g.d. rhinoplasty patient under the sun, she needed 'the lightest dose' of anesthesia (in her crackhead attempt to seem 'extra-clean and sober' to Kyle and the cameras), and then Kim blamed Kingsley for 'jumping up and re-breaking' her nose (to let her avoid one of Lisa's parties, remember?)  DON'T look at the photos in zoeysmom's link if you're not strong-stomached - it's a very deep, bad-looking bite. 


The NY Mag recapper Brian Moylan began including descriptors in last season's recaps in all of the Kim/Kingsley scenes a la "Kingsley, Kim's dog, who will one day take her life."  But that's not often the way, is it?  Instead, Kingsley has bitten others in his misguided attempts to protect his selfish idiot of an owner.  I can't stand her.  I really can't.  All I can think now are her innocent neighbors with their own dogs and kids and elderly friends and family being fearful that the crackhead's dog could put them at risk.  Kim doesn't give a shit when Kingsley bites a significantly older woman who was 'her second/surrogate mom,' with the bite tearing tissues apart and going clear to the bone and she doesn't care when Kingsley apparently does the same exact thing to her niece's hands.   So what's it like to live by her with him in his 'fenced-in area' under the control of someone who probably spends days in pill-induced stupors?  Kim is a piece of shit!

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 9

I had a nippy Lhasa Apso and it cost my insurance $100,000 over 20 years ago. I hope everyone who was bitten sues her and she has great insurance tho I doubt she has any. Then I hope Kinsley is re-homed with a group that handles this breed. This would actually make for an interesting and REAL storyline. About an hour north of Kim is a kill animal shelter that currently has several hundred pit/pit mixes so this is a very real problem in southern CA. I am aware of this shelter because its where my current little fluffy was dumped and I was shocked at the number of this breed living and dying there.

  • Love 3

I feel like I'm on crazy pills (/Mugatu).  Kingsley is a very powerful dog and has bit four people.  It's not his fault he has a self-pitying, indescribably irresponsible crackhead/pill addict/'alcoholic [yes, she just has a drinking problem...]' for an owner but this is fucking ridiculous.  He needs to be removed from her home, ideally to a sanctuary where he can live forever, and not be adopted out to anyone other than a Cesar Milan/Tia from Villalobos type.   It is not the fault of people for not following unstable Kim's 'rules' with her dog.  She is not kooky or down-to-earth or the 80,000 other Kim excuses - she's entitled goddamned trash!  I knew this was coming the first scene I saw her with her dog - where she took the dog over from her I'm completely sure totally irresponsible son, who got him as an impulse (so Kingsley's life began with a certain instability), then got her fucking drug-seeking nose job where she claimed that unlike every other g.d. rhinoplasty patient under the sun, she needed 'the lightest dose' of anesthesia (in her crackhead attempt to seem 'extra-clean and sober' to Kyle and the cameras), and then Kim blamed Kingsley for 'jumping up and re-breaking' her nose (to let her avoid one of Lisa's parties, remember?)  DON'T look at the photos in zoeysmom's link if you're not strong-stomached - it's a very deep, bad-looking bite. 


The NY Mag recapper Brian Moylan began including descriptors in last season's recaps in all of the Kim/Kingsley scenes a la "Kingsley, Kim's dog, who will one day take her life."  But that's not often the way, is it?  Instead, Kingsley has bitten others in his misguided attempts to protect his selfish idiot of an owner.  I can't stand her.  I really can't.  All I can think now are her innocent neighbors with their own dogs and kids and elderly friends and family being fearful that the crackhead's dog could put them at risk.  Kim doesn't give a shit when Kingsley bites a significantly older woman who was 'her second/surrogate mom,' with the bite tearing tissues apart and going clear to the bone and she doesn't care when Kingsley apparently does the same exact thing to her niece's hands.   So what's it like to live by her with him in his 'fenced-in area' under the control of someone who probably spends days in pill-induced stupors?  Kim is a piece of shit!

I remember when the trainer was on last season and so many viewers were up in arms about his treatment of Kingsley. I said then that the dog tried to bite him ON camera and that he most likely had bitten before the trainer got involved but most did not care. They sided with Kim and many sent tweets to her to ignore the trainers instructions, which we now know she did. Kim should NOT have any type of pet, even goldfish. She is not able to care for herself in any way shape or form and puts any living creature she is in charge of at risk. I hope through the course of this new lawsuit against Kim that the Judge prohibits Kim from ever owing any pets, small or large. I also think there are more victims of Kingsley than the 4-5 people that we know he bit, wasn't Kim shown to have another dog, a white one, when we first saw Kingsley? What happened to that dog?

  • Love 6



It bothers me when anyone says stupid things like Kim does.  Maybe it is time to go and make some meaningful relationships and quit turning off people who are your friends with a dog you can't control.




I can totally see Kim chatting away and the pulling the covers over her head.  Good way to get an anxious dog more upset.  Interesting Kim thought who her job on the show was in jeopardy. 


Didn't Kim do something stupid when the dog trainer first arrived-I believe it was to continue to talk on the phone? 


I appreciate Midnight Cheese's sentiments.  Some people are just not cut out to have a pet-especially one like Kingsley.

  • Love 3
DON'T look at the photos in zoeysmom's link if you're not strong-stomached - it's a very deep, bad-looking bite.

It was me who posted the link, but that's ok. I don't mind being confused with zoeysmom. ;)


I have put off posting until the season actually started, but this whole dog-biting matter has brought me here sooner than expected. I had a gut-feeling one day this dog would bite.  Having been bit by a dog before, I can't tell you how this infuriates me. What pisses me off even more, is Kim not giving one fucking iota to the pain and suffering her so-called best friend has endured. Then, her niece gets bit and all Kim has to say is Alexia knew the dog's propensity for biting? Is she fucking serious? Would she have said the same thing if it was Portia or another small child? If Kim knows the dog will bite, and he surely has proven that point, why does she then have it around?




Interesting Kim thought her job on the show was in jeopardy

Kim is so stupid. As if a dog bite would keep Bravo from airing her mess. Sounds like Kim was grasping for anything to tell her friend in order for Kingsley to not be removed and possibly put down.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 3



It bothers me when anyone says stupid things like Kim does.  Maybe it is time to go and make some meaningful relationships and quit turning off people who are your friends with a dog you can't control.




I can totally see Kim chatting away and the pulling the covers over her head.  Good way to get an anxious dog more upset.  Interesting Kim thought who her job on the show was in jeopardy. 


Didn't Kim do something stupid when the dog trainer first arrived-I believe it was to continue to talk on the phone? 


I appreciate Midnight Cheese's sentiments.  Some people are just not cut out to have a pet-especially one like Kingsley.

Kim was to have Kingsley on a leash when the trainer arrived. Instead she was on the phone and did NOT warn the trainer the dog was loose when he entered the house. Kingsley then went to bite the trainer who used his leg/knee to keep the dog from biting him.


Also, it was the Producers/Bravo that hired/insisted on the trainer for Kingsley because they were/are afraid of him because he bites! I am sure they refused to film at Kim's house unless she did something with the dog and she agreed to the trainer. Filming at a HW's home would get them more money/bigger paycheck and more camera time. That is why Aviva rented that townhouse last season, her co-op would not allow them to film in their apartment building so they rented a second/faux home just for the show.


Bravo should have fired Kim 2 seasons ago IMO.

  • Love 5

It was me who posted the link, but that's ok. I don't mind being confused with zoeysmom. ;)


I have put off posting until the season actually started, but this whole dog-biting matter has brought me here sooner than expected. I had a gut-feeling one day this dog would bite.  Having been bit by a dog before, I can't tell you how this infuriates me. What pisses me off even more, is Kim not giving one fucking iota to the pain and suffering her so-called best friend has endured. Then, her niece gets bit and all Kim has to say is Alexia knew the dog's propensity for biting? Is she fucking serious? Would she have said the same thing if it was Portia or another small child? If Kim knows the dog will bite, and he surely has proven that point, why does she then have it around?




Kim is so stupid. As if a dog bite would keep Bravo from airing her mess. Sounds like Kim was grasping for anything to tell her friend in order for Kingsley to not be removed and possibly put down.

Speaking of pets I love the photo in your avatar- a very cute kitty.


The thing is the Kyle's girls have always had dogs big and small so they are use to dogs.  I don't think Alexia would directly taunt the dog-especially after the attack in March. I am going to join the consensus that thinks that Kim should maybe stick to turtles and add the ones that are manufactured and hang on the wall.

  • Love 2

Kim was to have Kingsley on a leash when the trainer arrived. Instead she was on the phone and did NOT warn the trainer the dog was loose when he entered the house. Kingsley then went to bite the trainer who used his leg/knee to keep the dog from biting him.


Also, it was the Producers/Bravo that hired/insisted on the trainer for Kingsley because they were/are afraid of him because he bites! I am sure they refused to film at Kim's house unless she did something with the dog and she agreed to the trainer. Filming at a HW's home would get them more money/bigger paycheck and more camera time. That is why Aviva rented that townhouse last season, her co-op would not allow them to film in their apartment building so they rented a second/faux home just for the show.


Bravo should have fired Kim 2 seasons ago IMO.

Thanks Wire-I knew she did something stupid.  I remember thinking- Kim you have a camera crew, you are on the phone and now here comes the authority figure to the dog.  


I think they should have fired her when she befriended Brandi-whenever that was.  Kim can be entertaining but at best she barely qualifies as "friend of the housewives".  Her stuff with Lisa last year was overboard.

Thanks Wire-I knew she did something stupid.  I remember thinking- Kim you have a camera crew, you are on the phone and now here comes the authority figure to the dog.  


I think they should have fired her when she befriended Brandi-whenever that was.  Kim can be entertaining but at best she barely qualifies as "friend of the housewives".  Her stuff with Lisa last year was overboard.

IMO, just mine, they should have fired Kim after the Paris trip. Bravo/Producers were the ones that forced her into rehab and she went off the wagon during that trip and should have been fired after that season ended. She should not have been on last season at all or at the most a "friend of HW" only.

I think Kyle negotiated a package deal for herself with Kim when she signed on. As often as they get into tiffs, Kyle probably likes the comfort of having her sister around knowing that if push comes to shove with the other women (as it might literally well this season judging by the previews), Kim will "have her back." (How many times do you think that phrase will rear its ugly head this season?)

I think Kyle negotiated a package deal for herself with Kim when she signed on. As often as they get into tiffs, Kyle probably likes the comfort of having her sister around knowing that if push comes to shove with the other women (as it might literally well this season judging by the previews), Kim will "have her back." (How many times do you think that phrase will rear its ugly head this season?)

If I  were Kyle, I would not count on Kim having my back! LOL  Kim has stabbed Kyle herself several times on the show before and visa versa. Remember the Camille fight in NY season 1, Kim did not back Kyle up. Those 2 fight nasty, especially with each other. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 3

The pit bull situation is so sad to me.  I want to believe it's all bad owners.  Ones that make their dogs behave in horrible ways.  But you have to muzzle a dog around people in your house or else it will attack?  What other breeds is this a must?  This is a dog that has been with her as a pup.  It's not a dog that was abused.

Pits are strong willed dogs that need/require training, regular/daily exercise, socializing and strict owners that are committed to doing these things. Kim was a full blown addict when Kingsley was brought into her house by 1 of her kids and Kim babied him from the get go. They are NOT the only dogs that are strong willed but they have gotten a lot of bad press because of bad, irresponsible owners like Kim. 

  • Love 3

...Did no one in that family think to get her a golden retriever?

When Kingsley was brought into her house, Kim already had a dog, it was a white mix breed dog that has not been shown since then. IMO, she should not have any pets, she can't take of herself let alone another living creature.


I am not sure if Brandi is being counted in this 4-5 victim number, but she said last year that she had been bitten by the dog. 

I don't think the media is counting Brandi otherwise they would have mentioned her like they do the trainer. My gut feeling is that someone on the production crew was  bitten as well as Brandi and that then the producers/Bravo stepped in and forced the issue by hiring the trainer. The Producers arranged and paid for the trainer, not Kim.

I've often wondered why Bravo keeps Kim on the show. It has to be stressful for her, always being "on" and trying to come up with something interesting to contribute. It almost seems that Bravo keeps her around so that viewers will tune in to see her fail.

When Kim's children Whitney and Chad came of age Kim had no income.  Her biggest source of support for the previous17 years had been her ex husband and their father, Gregg Davis.  I think she did the show, kicking and screaming, strictly for financial reasons because she brings absolutely nothing interesting to the show-maybe this season they will show her daughter's wedding?  In past seasons they have had to block Kim's adult children's antics a DUI, the son wandering the neighborhood naked (oops Lisa made reference to it and last year's Reunion) Kimberly living with her father.


I know Brandi seems to put forth the theory that Kyle wants to see her sister fail-never understood Brandi saying that then again as a drunken mess, she probably does expect friends, families and agents to clean up her messes.  I have always felt like someday we will see Kim show some gratitude.  Until then I hope she enjoys some level of sobriety.

  • Love 3

The pit bull situation is so sad to me.  I want to believe it's all bad owners.  Ones that make their dogs behave in horrible ways.  But you have to muzzle a dog around people in your house or else it will attack?  What other breeds is this a must?  


I agree, very sad. It could be the owners.  But there's a reason that pit bulls are responsible for so many dog bite related deaths. Nothing to do with the owners, even stupid ones like Kim.

  • Love 6

When Kim's children Whitney and Chad came of age Kim had no income.  Her biggest source of support for the previous17 years had been her ex husband and their father, Gregg Davis.  I think she did the show, kicking and screaming, strictly for financial reasons because she brings absolutely nothing interesting to the show-maybe this season they will show her daughter's wedding?  In past seasons they have had to block Kim's adult children's antics a DUI, the son wandering the neighborhood naked (oops Lisa made reference to it and last year's Reunion) Kimberly living with her father.


I know Brandi seems to put forth the theory that Kyle wants to see her sister fail-never understood Brandi saying that then again as a drunken mess, she probably does expect friends, families and agents to clean up her messes.  I have always felt like someday we will see Kim show some gratitude.  Until then I hope she enjoys some level of sobriety.

Kim gets life long alimony from 1 of her ex's, I think it was her 2nd husband but I can't remember which 1 right now. It is like $250K a year...for life, this way she could not lay claim the family's fortune in the divorce. Of course, that does not go far for an addict/alcoholic in BH that likes the finer things in life as well and that is why Kyle/Mauricio have had to pay her living expenses many times over the years.


I know Brandi seems to put forth the theory that Kyle wants to see her sister fail-never understood Brandi saying that then again as a drunken mess, she probably does expect friends, families and agents to clean up her messes.  I have always felt like someday we will see Kim show some gratitude.  Until then I hope she enjoys some level of sobriety.

I believe Brandi will be back to this narrative again this year after giving it a rest in S4. She got a lot of support for this theory in the past, but that was back when she had a lot of support. I think it will be interesting to see how it plays this year with this whole dog bite deal hanging over Kim's head and her seemingly trying to blame the victim for her bite.

I agree that Kim is a mess and shouldn't be responsible for the care of any animal, despite my deep believe in the restorative and healing power of animals to the human soul in general. Maybe some day she will have this ability, but right now she is not at that point. I also agree, however, that it is just fine in many circumstances to flat-out blame a breed of dog. The statistics have proven year over year that this particular breed is responsible for for an overwhelming number of serious dog bites and even deaths each year. I cannot believe that in each case the dog owner was as inept as is Kim. I have read story after story about what wonderful pets they can be. I would still never allow my child to be near one of them. Ever.

  • Love 6

I could live on $250K a year in So. Cal. I might not live in BH, but neither does Kim.

Andy Cohen made an interesting analogy this morning on CBS Sunday Morning. Talking about the top tier versus the bottom of the barrel.... "I read The New Yorker, and I also read Us Weekly.... I have guests like Meryl Streep on my show, then I have the Housewives." He realizes the Housewife franchises made him who he is today, but he is clearly much happier rubbing elbows now with Oprah and Meryl.

  • Love 3

Sadly, I don't think Kim is going to do squat about Kinglsey unless forced to. She says she'll keep Kingsley in her bedroom when she has company, but imo that will only frustrate the poor dog and he might get more aggressive. Wait until that dog seriously attacks one of her kids or someone who will insist that dog be put down. I'm sorry, I love my pets as if they were family members (and sometimes more than actual family members!!) but a dog's life doesn't trump that over a human being. This will end badly.

  • Love 6

When Kim's children Whitney and Chad came of age Kim had no income.  Her biggest source of support for the previous17 years had been her ex husband and their father, Gregg Davis.  I think she did the show, kicking and screaming, strictly for financial reasons because she brings absolutely nothing interesting to the show-maybe this season they will show her daughter's wedding?  In past seasons they have had to block Kim's adult children's antics a DUI, the son wandering the neighborhood naked (oops Lisa made reference to it and last year's Reunion) Kimberly living with her father.


I know Brandi seems to put forth the theory that Kyle wants to see her sister fail-never understood Brandi saying that then again as a drunken mess, she probably does expect friends, families and agents to clean up her messes.  I have always felt like someday we will see Kim show some gratitude.  Until then I hope she enjoys some level of sobriety.


I just don't see Kim ever showing gratitude to anyone, for anything.  Ever.  She is the most intensely selfish HW on this show in my opinion.  I know Brandi is the least-popular housewife by far for maybe most BH viewers, but I also think that Brandi's messes aren't anywhere near Kim's.  I don't think being wasted during a night out and having your ass and tampon string showing and even getting 1 DUI (and I HATE drunk drivers and want harsher across-the-board punishments) are comparable to how I see so much of Kim's behavior - I'll just mention this terrible situation with Kingsley, that it seemed extremely likely given her expired-license situation that Kim was driving around high and unlicensed during seasons 1 and 2, so possibly for a year-plus, that she's apparently had murky custodial situations with at least her youngest, Kimberly, and that she wanted to sic her kids on Brandi during the s. 2 white party.  She blames everyone around her for her own fuckups (creepy ex-boyfriend Ken, Kyle, Brandi, Lisa, Yolanda).  She puts a terrible emotional burden on her kids (Kimberly).  I think she's an awful woman.  She is 'nice' and 'charming' when she wants to get flattered and I think she is also the only person on this show, maybe across all of the shows, who is a danger to others because of her intense selfishness and general incompetence at life.


WireWrap, I didn't know that behind-the-scenes people forced Kim into rehab.  I couldn't agree more that Kim's contract should have been canceled/not renewed after that point. 

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 2

Kim gets life long alimony from 1 of her ex's, I think it was her 2nd husband but I can't remember which 1 right now. It is like $250K a year...for life, this way she could not lay claim the family's fortune in the divorce. Of course, that does not go far for an addict/alcoholic in BH that likes the finer things in life as well and that is why Kyle/Mauricio have had to pay her living expenses many times over the years.

From people who know the family that lifetime payout  is an urban legend.  She got $250,000.00 a year in child support from Davis.  I know it is in "The Book of Hilton", but it was a two year marriage.  If Kim lived to be 80 he would have paid out something like $12 million dollars. The family has been in litigation for years suing Gregg for undervaluing the sale of David petroleum. The family as a whole received only $31 million. Kim had a horrible relationship with Gregg Davis.  Husband #1 has always been there for her and the kids (sadly he now has terminal cancer) and Kimberly's father has been on friendly terms and taken over as the primary caregiver when Kim was unable to perform.   I think Kim wants people to think she is rolling in the dough but I think what she makes on RHOBH is what she makes.


When Kim got out of rehab she went to at a Hilton hotel until she could get appropriate housing.  I don't know if she purchased this latest house or if she is renting it but she had been there awhile.  The first season on the show she moved three times in eight months-not including her one week stint in rehab.


One thing is for certain-if Kim gets sued next week-I am sure we will here a different story as to her "wealth".

  • Love 2

Filming at a HW's home would get them more money/bigger paycheck and more camera time. That is why Aviva rented that townhouse last season, her co-op would not allow them to film in their apartment building so they rented a second/faux home just for the show.

Bravo should have fired Kim 2 seasons ago.

That's something I've never understood. If a person owns their own home, nobody should be able to tell them what they can and can't do behind their doors.

Why couldn't the crew have just carried their equipment inside the apartment and started filming once inside?

I will NEVER live where there's any kind of co op or association. Nobody will tell me what I can and can't do in my own home.

  • Love 3

I could live on $250K a year in So. Cal. I might not live in BH, but neither does Kim.

Andy Cohen made an interesting analogy this morning on CBS Sunday Morning. Talking about the top tier versus the bottom of the barrel.... "I read The New Yorker, and I also read Us Weekly.... I have guests like Meryl Streep on my show, then I have the Housewives." He realizes the Housewife franchises made him who he is today, but he is clearly much happier rubbing elbows now with Oprah and Meryl.

I wish he would have said, "Vanderpump Rules or Patty Stanger."

  • Love 1

I just don't see Kim ever showing gratitude to anyone, for anything.  Ever.  She is the most intensely selfish HW on this show in my opinion.  I know Brandi is the least-popular housewife by far for maybe most BH viewers, but I also think that Brandi's messes aren't anywhere near Kim's.  I don't think being wasted during a night out and having your ass and tampon string showing and even getting 1 DUI (and I HATE drunk drivers and want harsher across-the-board punishments) are comparable to how I see so much of Kim's behavior - I'll just mention this terrible situation with Kingsley, that it seemed extremely likely given her expired-license situation that Kim was driving around high and unlicensed during seasons 1 and 2, so possibly for a year-plus, that she's apparently had murky custodial situations with at least her youngest, Kimberly, and that she wanted to sic her kids on Brandi during the s. 2 white party.  She blames everyone around her for her own fuckups (creepy ex-boyfriend Ken, Kyle, Brandi, Lisa, Yolanda).  She puts a terrible emotional burden on her kids (Kimberly).  I think she's an awful woman.  She is 'nice' and 'charming' when she wants to get flattered and I think she is also the only person on this show, maybe across all of the shows, who is a danger to others because of her intense selfishness and general incompetence at life.


WireWrap, I didn't know that behind-the-scenes people forced Kim into rehab.  I couldn't agree more that Kim's contract should have been canceled/not renewed after that point. 

I was "reported/rumored" that Andy spearheaded Kim's rehab. It was go to rehab or else your fired kind of deal.


From people who know the family that lifetime payout  is an urban legend.  She got $250,000.00 a year in child support from Davis.  I know it is in "The Book of Hilton", but it was a two year marriage.  If Kim lived to be 80 he would have paid out something like $12 million dollars. The family has been in litigation for years suing Gregg for undervaluing the sale of David petroleum. The family as a whole received only $31 million. Kim had a horrible relationship with Gregg Davis.  Husband #1 has always been there for her and the kids (sadly he now has terminal cancer) and Kimberly's father has been on friendly terms and taken over as the primary caregiver when Kim was unable to perform.   I think Kim wants people to think she is rolling in the dough but I think what she makes on RHOBH is what she makes.


When Kim got out of rehab she went to at a Hilton hotel until she could get appropriate housing.  I don't know if she purchased this latest house or if she is renting it but she had been there awhile.  The first season on the show she moved three times in eight months-not including her one week stint in rehab.


One thing is for certain-if Kim gets sued next week-I am sure we will here a different story as to her "wealth".

I just don't see Kim ever showing gratitude to anyone, for anything.  Ever.  She is the most intensely selfish HW on this show in my opinion.  I know Brandi is the least-popular housewife by far for maybe most BH viewers, but I also think that Brandi's messes aren't anywhere near Kim's.  I don't think being wasted during a night out and having your ass and tampon string showing and even getting 1 DUI (and I HATE drunk drivers and want harsher across-the-board punishments) are comparable to how I see so much of Kim's behavior - I'll just mention this terrible situation with Kingsley, that it seemed extremely likely given her expired-license situation that Kim was driving around high and unlicensed during seasons 1 and 2, so possibly for a year-plus, that she's apparently had murky custodial situations with at least her youngest, Kimberly, and that she wanted to sic her kids on Brandi during the s. 2 white party.  She blames everyone around her for her own fuckups (creepy ex-boyfriend Ken, Kyle, Brandi, Lisa, Yolanda).  She puts a terrible emotional burden on her kids (Kimberly).  I think she's an awful woman.  She is 'nice' and 'charming' when she wants to get flattered and I think she is also the only person on this show, maybe across all of the shows, who is a danger to others because of her intense selfishness and general incompetence at life.


Brandi will be Kim in 5 years. 


In her case, she won't have rich family to bail her out. I hope Eddie and Leann are preparing for that day to come when they'll have the more boys more than not.

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In a re-run today, I saw Kim's other dog.  It looked like either a pale Golden or an English Retriever.  He was pretty old.  Just laying around.  Didn't get up when Kyle came in the room, didn't even lift his head.  Hopefully he's passed peacefully and wasn't Kingsley's lunch.  This was the episode when Kim was moving into Ken's place and Kyle meets him for the first time.  I love the re-runs, too.

  • Love 1
Bravo started running S2 reruns today. Oh, the good old days....



OMG, I forgot about Kim wearing that shirt with the bow in all of her THs in season 2. For some reason that shirt makes her THs all the more entertaining. She just comes across as so fucking loopy that I find myself both cringing and laughing.


Dammit, I think I missed Game Night.

  • Love 3

OMG, I forgot about Kim wearing that shirt with the bow in all of her THs in season 2. For some reason that shirt makes her THs all the more entertaining. She just comes across as so fucking loopy that I find myself both cringing and laughing.


Dammit, I think I missed Game Night.

.  Motorcity mom said it first.

Edited by zoeysmom

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