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RHoBH in the Media

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On 2/12/2019 at 11:50 AM, twilightzone said:

Firing LVP is a start. It sends a message that HW is an ensemble show and no one is indispensable. She wants to be the Queen B, but she's been phoning it for several seasons. And she never wants any blood on her hands.

I think they have all been phoning it in.  Nobody wants to be the bad guy, they all want to sit back and watch the drama.  And they don't NEED drama, but maybe if they had something exciting going on, that would be ok, but a tv show needs SOMETHING to make me want to watch.  I am sick of the endless visits to the botox doctor, wineries, etc.  Maybe this show has run it's course?

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But is Teddy's business really about helping women and offering emotional support or is it about "holding people accountable"?  I've heard that you mess up once on her program (i.e. text her a picture of your lunch late) and she boots you out and keeps your money.

Holding people accountable is in quotes because I'm not all in on her version of it

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3 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

But is Teddy's business really about helping women and offering emotional support or is it about "holding people accountable"?  I've heard that you mess up once on her program (i.e. text her a picture of your lunch late) and she boots you out and keeps your money.

Holding people accountable is in quotes because I'm not all in on her version of it

I like Teddi (from what I have been shown), but this "accountability" issue has always troubled me.  Or made me wonder what it means.  Is is supportive, or is it judgmental and punitive?  Never quite understood it.  The impersonal touch (text me what you eat, etc.) has bothered me.  But I have not researched her program, so perhaps I am missing something.

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9 hours ago, Thumper said:

I like Teddi (from what I have been shown), but this "accountability" issue has always troubled me.  Or made me wonder what it means.  Is is supportive, or is it judgmental and punitive?  Never quite understood it.  The impersonal touch (text me what you eat, etc.) has bothered me.  But I have not researched her program, so perhaps I am missing something.

From my understanding of her explanation, the people that enroll in her services are supposed to text her photos or some evidence that they are working out on a regular schedule and adhering to a predetermined diet. I assume weigh-ins are included, because what's to stop someone from eating a chocolate cake without making a record it?

I think the premise is that if people have to check in with someone about their workouts and meals (aka be accountable), they are more likely to stick to a program. I don't believe there is any emotional support other than "Good job!" or "Way to go!", It's strictly about helping people adhere to a program.

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You're right, @SweetieDarling and @yourmomiseasy, she might not provide any real support at all.

If I were in search of help,  her website would lead me to believe her program was personalized and in depth, though. They ask about eating disorders (note: maybe just to winnow out clients with food issues, not tailor a program?) and the mission statement sounds like you get more than a happy emoji: "one on one support" and  "achieving one's best self" would lead me to think I'd get real emotional support:

"ALL IN by Teddi Mission Statement: To provide our clients a pathway to self-accountability through personal one-on-one support, guidance and tools that inspire a complete—and lasting—lifestyle shift toward health, fitness and achieving one’s best self."

They also provide a "clean eating" diet plan you must follow exactly.  (I'd like to know what the calories are - especially during the "jump start" section -- doing a daily hour of cardio and "clean eating" under 600/ 800 calories, frex,  would cause weight to fall off at a rapid rate.)

Mellencamp said in an interview she went back and watched all the previous seasons of the show -- pretty sure her new bestie Kyle got in her ear, and the sudden change from cool riding chick to meddling, borderline asshole can be chalked up to that.

And since the blogs and interviews are current, this seems like her new persona, not a weird blip on the screen that will fade away - it's too bad she's going down this road -- she was a such a fun breath of fresh air last year.

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7 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

From my understanding of her explanation, the people that enroll in her services are supposed to text her photos or some evidence that they are working out on a regular schedule and adhering to a predetermined diet. I assume weigh-ins are included, because what's to stop someone from eating a chocolate cake without making a record it?

I think the premise is that if people have to check in with someone about their workouts and meals (aka be accountable), they are more likely to stick to a program. I don't believe there is any emotional support other than "Good job!" or "Way to go!", It's strictly about helping people adhere to a program.

Sounds pretty much like the services I get from my $100 Fitbit.  

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1 minute ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Sounds pretty much like the services I get from my $100 Fitbit.  

Yes but you do not live in a world where you expect personalized service for everything you do, that you expect everything to be about you...those are the clients that enlist Teddi's services.  I can only imagine the level of neediness she and her other trainers put up with.

I do not even have a fitbit 😞

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15 minutes ago, SoCal4Us said:

Am I supposed to be impressed by the indiscrete unprofessional dipshits Lisa has working for Vanderpump Dogs? Listen, not every dog is able to be adopted AND not every home or family is equipped to adopt a dog. This undercover behind the back bitchery is the precise reason why someone may not choose to patronize Vanderpump Dogs. When the premiere aired, I speculated that Dorit attempted to re-home the dog because she was trying to avoid LVP's shady gossiping and then LVP's employees do the exact thing Dorit was likely attempting to avoid. I would NEVER patronize a business that pulled this shit. Then this fuckwit gives an interview exonerating LVP, but stating that he and another senior employee are gossipy and incapable of being professional. Lisa tells them to cool it, but they decide that they need to press on. Yay!?!?!? Dorit fucked up, but this public shaming isn't about helping the animals. It's about punishing Dorit. And if you know anything about humans, especially in the criminal justice system, punishment does not work as a real deterrent. They could have let it go with an explanation of what happened and asked Dorit to spend some time volunteering so she and the larger audience understand why they have that clause in the adoption contract. This was an opportunity to teach and these morons blew it and I'm not here for their sanctimony. Congrats! I'm glad everyone knows you're right. Winning!

I've worked for 20 years with charities and organizations that help parts of society that are far more maligned than dogs. I'll be sure to remember the behavior of the idiots at Vanderpump Dogs when I want to ensure that organizations that help the seriously mentally ill, disabled, and poor NEVER GET FUNDING AGAIN because I'm so wedded to my own sanctimony and superiority.

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According to John Sessa, it was Dorit who turned the dog over to the shelter. He said the shelter said a reality star dropped Lucy off. I suspected from the beginning that Dorit didn’t actually rehome the dog but dropped it off at the shelter herself. Her story about the home never quite added up and it totally doesn’t sound like Dorit and PK to put in the extra work to find another home. Those two cut corners with everything that they do.

Normally I’d agree that the shelter shouldn’t be gossiping about their adoptive homes but since this is part of the RHoBH I’ll give them a pass. If Dorit had simply returned the dog to Vanderpump Dogs and they were gossiping that would be a whole different story. But she likely took the dog to a shelter and it’s part of the RHoBH storyline so it’s fair game to be gossiped about and discussed. It already is being gossiped about on the show. 

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Because it's reality TV, I give John Sessa even less of a pass. Most charities the size of Vanderpump Dogs couldn't dream of getting the type of free press that Vanderpump Dogs does. They get millions of eyeballs looking in on their work every time they appear on RHoBH or Vanderpump Rules. 

They had the opportunity to educate, but instead chose petty gossiping. And every interview has been pettier and pettier. "Oh, did you know Dorit adopted 2 dogs and got rid of them because they were 'biting.' I bottle raised both of those dogs. They would never bite. Dorit has done so many awful things to Lisa that Lisa won't reveal on the show." Ugh.

John talks about raising and bottle feeding the dogs and how they'd never bite. But does John have 2 kids under 4 who might yell, scream, throw tantrums, make sudden movements, or be generally too rough with the dogs like Dorit? No. Then he needs to shut it about the dogs never biting because these were and are not equivalent homes. He's absolutely placing a value judgment on Dorit returning the 2 dogs; he shouldn't. There could be many valid reasons for Dorit to return the dogs. And he obscuring his real point by fixating on less important shit. 

My 4 year old niece does not have a typical laugh. Instead, she does this ear piercing shrieking (you can hear it in all 3 floors of the house) when she's happy or thinks something is funny. It startled me and I grew up with 4 brothers and have 8 other nieces and nephews; I've never heard anything like it. It startles me; I'm sure it might startle a dog. Can I see a dog nipping if the kids pulled on its tail or ears? Yeah. Perhaps Dorit returned the first dog because she thought the nipping was due to the dog. When she got the second dog and the same thing happened, she might have realized that family and household isn't necessarily ready for a dog right now, which is completely valid.

But John Sessa decided that he wanted to be an unprofessional right-fighting scold. Now people are busy talking about whether LVP set this all up, how unprofessional he and the staff at Vanderpump Dogs are, and how Dorit sucks for what she did. The reality is that the first two issues wouldn't have been a topic of conversation had he shut the fuck up. I've seen posts talking about how John has a PhD from a diploma mill., which he does. He's been with the charity for almost 3 years, but the first time people think to inquire about his background is when he's acting like an unprofessional moron on national tv. That's not a coincidence. And now he's defending LVP from the allegations that this was an LVP orchestrated takedown because he couldn't shut his yap and handle it like LVP wanted to. This gossip isn't doing LVP or the organization any favors. 

Even worse is that this was such an obvious opportunity for John to actually educate Dorit and the public and advertise what they do at Vanderpump Dogs. So he could have asked Lisa if he could join her to have a lunch with Dorit and PK about why they request that you bring the dog back to the charity. He could have invited Dorit and her kids to come down to the center to visit/play with the dogs while he provides some education to Dorit and the kids about interacting with dogs. This would have allowed the organization to salvage a bad incident even though it was Dorit's fault and do some good.

The reason I'm harping on this is because I do work in a similar field, but with people not animals. When people say some of the most vile, bigoted, backwards, and incendiary nonsense about these communities, you channel your anger and disgust into a positive outlet. So when I'm in a group of people and maybe some high profile case becomes the topic of conversation, it's an opportunity to provide insight and education. For example and I'm putting the following in a quote box because this getting too long:


This happened a couple of years ago at Thanksgiving. There was a case with a young man of color who had killed his girlfriend and his infant child. Some of people at dinner were glad he was convicted and hoped he got the death penalty. None of them had really read past the headlines. They didn't know that he'd grown up in an unbelievably broken home with mentally ill family, drug addiction, and recidivist violent criminal behavior in the adults. At some point in his teens, his girlfriend's family took him in because he'd always been a sweet kid. He revealed to them that he'd been hearing voices from about 12 or 13. Did they get him mental health treatment? No, they sent him to a pastor. After he killed his girlfriend and their child, that was the first time he'd ever been seen any mental health professional. He was given a diagnosis of schizophrenia, which duh. Medications weren't particularly effective. He also proved to be a lot more self-harming than dangerous to others. In jail waiting for a trial he pulled out one of his eyes. In prison after his conviction, he pulled out the other eye and bit most of his fingers off. So when people say or do fucked up shit with little understanding of the circumstances, you educate.

John's immature tantrum and ranting also tells me that he's likely never testified to any level of government or requested funding from any governmental body.* I say this because the first thing you learn about testifying is to sublimate your own ego. Your cause always means more and you focus your anger, irritation, and energies on achieving your charitable goals.

Elected officials love to ask random questions, don't always listen, and will talk over you. "Mr. Sessa, why is your rescue center only in Beverly Hills? Don't you think dogs in other parts of Los Angeles need to be rescued? I highly doubt that there are many dogs that need to be rescued from Beverly Hills millionaires and movie stars. Why are you so concerned with these dogs in China? There are plenty of dogs that need help in the US. If you ask us to pass a resolution condemning Yulin, do you really think it will make a difference? We've had all sorts of resolutions and monetary sanctions directed at China, North Korea, and Cuba for human rights violations and it hasn't changed those policies. What if China decides that they want to start slapping restrictive tariffs on Chinese goods to be sold in the US? Do you think that's fair for millions of Americans to pay more for goods just because we supported your charity? What is your charity doing to train and provide support dogs to veterans with PTSD?"**

tl;dr In no way am I excusing Dorit's actions, but John's actions have turned this into a miniature catastrophe and will literally make his good friend Lisa's life much worse for the foreseeable future. Thanks pal. He's the catalyst for making Lisa's life so much worse for the next 2 - 3 months during filming and moved the goal post away from Dorit's fuckup. I don't know how he thinks he's made the situation better.


He said the shelter said a reality star dropped Lucy off.

This is such a super strange detail that it doesn't sound at all legitimate. I can believe that Dorit gave her name, I can believe that she hinted she was on tv, I can believe she said the name of the show, and I can believe that someone sort of recognized her. But I don't believe that the specific phrase "reality star" came out of either Dorit's word hole or from anyone from the shelter. I can believe that the shelter would have referred  to her as "some lady from a reality show" as they're relaying info to John. "Reality star" isn't really a phrase regular people use. Gossip writers and columnists do use that phrase or the variant "(Name of the show) star." Maybe LVP uses John to feed stories to tabloids. joking.

*Vanderpump Dogs did have a briefing, which is worlds different from testifying. When you do a briefing, you control the presentation and if questions are allowed. Testifying in a hearing, you control almost nothing. It's like a surfer trying control the ocean.

**I'm not exaggerating in the least. I've worked for nonprofits, state agencies, and as a legislative aide and policy analyst. I've seen an elected official sandbag the head of agency with almost that exact question, but not involving dogs. The question was not germane and it was fucking brutal. The Department of Higher Education  for a state was giving a presentation on all of their programs; they mentioned a program that provided career and educational counseling to returning veterans. The one legislator was feeling some kind of way about the physical and mental health services the VA was providing or failing to provide. He proceeded to ream this poor woman was in charge of college programs for 15 minutes. She was an old pro, but she couldn't redirect him. That paragraph of questions above is not even close to an exaggeration and you'll often get all of them in a machine gun barrage over the course of a minute or two. 

Edited by HunterHunted
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@SoCal4Us, picking up on your media talk in the episode thread re:  Vanderpump Pups getting a possible show (sounds more like a one-off special at this point) but dayyum!  look at paragraph two in the original Page Six blurb:


"One insider told us that any potential show is definitely “not a spin-off” and it “could just be a special.” Right now, the project is “just a reel in development.”

Meanwhile, another insider told us that when Vanderpump’s “RHOBH” costars — Erika Girardi, Lisa Rinna, Teddi Mellencamp, Dorit Kemsley and Kyle Richards — got wind of the project, they gathered for dinner at Craig’s in Los Angeles to discuss how “extremely unhappy” they are that Vanderpump was allegedly given a new project to work on at their “expense.”



...jelly, Kyle?

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29 minutes ago, dosodog said:

Poor Rinna. No one wants to watch a show about her family. No matter how hard she tries.

Yeah, I'm thinking she's got visions of Kardashian plums dancing in her head.

  • Girl spawn ✔️
  • Fish lips ✔️
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49 minutes ago, film noire said:

@SoCal4Us, picking up on your media talk in the episode thread re:  Vanderpump Pups getting a possible show (sounds more like a one-off special at this point) but dayyum!  look at paragraph two in the original Page Six blurb:


"One insider told us that any potential show is definitely “not a spin-off” and it “could just be a special.” Right now, the project is “just a reel in development.”

Meanwhile, another insider told us that when Vanderpump’s “RHOBH” costars — Erika Girardi, Lisa Rinna, Teddi Mellencamp, Dorit Kemsley and Kyle Richards — got wind of the project, they gathered for dinner at Craig’s in Los Angeles to discuss how “extremely unhappy” they are that Vanderpump was allegedly given a new project to work on at their “expense.”



...jelly, Kyle?

If she gets even limited specials for VanderPups/Vanderpump Pets/Vanderpump Pups and Vanderpump Vegas/Vanderpump's Vegas Vixens/Everything's Coming Up Rosé (I have no clue about the actual titles will be), the RHoBH women are going to spit nails. This is shades of Bethenny and Jill all over again. Blergh. Lisa has had Vanderpump Rules, Vanderpump Rules: Aftershow, and Vanderpump Rules: Jax and Brittany Take Kentucky. If they add one or two more shows/specials, the BH gang will lose it. LVP cannot remain in the cast. VR has good solid ratings. It had a profile in Vogue.

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59 minutes ago, film noire said:

Would LOVE to know when that dinner happened in the Get-LVP timeline.

Jesus, what a group of lunkheads, meeting like the Five Families in The Godfather ("Let me swear -- on my QVC cardigans, fake tits and bag of black market pills -- my fishlips will not be the ones to break the peace we've made here today.") 

Bravo to Denise and Camille for either not attending, or for being too distant from these bitches to even merit an invite.  

Denise and Camille are the only two who are on good terms with and still keep in touch with LVP. Their absences may have been kept intentional so the Five Families could speak and conspire freely, lol.

I can kind of get why it would be annoying that LVP skips out on most of the season and in the end she's awarded with yet another show, but then again, if they ever acted like grown ass women and addressed their issues with LVP one on one rather than waiting for safety in numbers, maybe she wouldn't have ran off into the sunset and nowhere to be found.

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LVP gets rewarded because she brings the viewers in.  The fan loyalty to her, and I say this as someone who likes her, is huge and some of them a tad crazy.

I'm not kidding when I say Twitter is a war zone for some of them now.  Teddi's request for Empathy post on instagram?   Pffft.  Forget about it.  Yes, there's the "stay true" but more are vocally chastising her.

If I were Teddi, I would avoid social media until we the viewers see what they keep telling us we're going to see that will make us understand. 


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1 hour ago, film noire said:

Would LOVE to know when that dinner happened in the Get-LVP timeline.

Jesus, what a group of lunkheads, meeting like the Five Families in The Godfather ("Let me swear -- on my QVC cardigans, fake tits and bag of black market pills -- my fishlips will not be the ones to break the peace we've made here today.") 

Bravo to Denise and Camille for either not attending, or for being too distant from these bitches to even merit an invite.  

Found it - they went to Craig's yesterday.  Here's a video of them leaving...

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1 hour ago, dosodog said:

LVP gets rewarded because she brings the viewers in.  The fan loyalty to her, and I say this as someone who likes her, is huge and some of them a tad crazy.

I'm not kidding when I say Twitter is a war zone for some of them now.  Teddi's request for Empathy post on instagram?   Pffft.  Forget about it.  Yes, there's the "stay true" but more are vocally chastising her.

If I were Teddi, I would avoid social media until we the viewers see what they keep telling us we're going to see that will make us understand. 


LVP can be a snarky bitch and the only reason she's has such steady fan loyalty is because her co-stars happen to be  embarrassingly stupid women. There's not a single part of me that believes that LVP would have remained a fan favourite for so long if these women would have bothered to bring receipts for the accusations they throw. How many seasons in and they still haven't learned? With this narrative, there's just no way to escape outing yourself as an absolute imbecile. Either you take part in the same accusations every other season (yeah, you Kyle) and still can't bring any kind of proof or you shamelessly profess your idiocy that someone  else is in any way  somehow responsible for the shit that comes out of your mouth. Sure, there may be some who enjoy LVP's snark and getting an inside peek at her lavish lifestyle but a good chunk of her fanbase I think has stemmed from people seeing her as someone being bullied because

1. Without fail, when the women want to corner her, it ends up being a wolf pack and their prey...no one really trying to be reasonable and facilitate helpful discourse, and;

2. Once again, hurling accusations that not a single one has produced real proof of. They accuse her of selling tabloid stories, tabloid releases statement and says that LVP is not their source. Accuse her of telling Brandi to pack a magazine about Mauricio cheating right in front of witch lady, witch lady (sorry for the life of me I can't remember her name) says she didn't hear or see anything to corroborate that, etc.)

They have created this monster on social media that comes for them and all because they don't have a lick of sense between the lot of them. And it's exactly why I have yet to have any patience or sympathy for any of them.

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I cannot imagine what they'd film for a show set in Vanderpump Dogs, except for this weird idea that I cannot shake. It would be live action bookending the beginning and end of every episode. The middle section would be animation of what the dogs do when the humans aren't around. It would be a little Muppet Babies/Secret Life of Pets.

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15 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

There's not a single part of me that believes that LVP would have remained a fan favourite for so long if these women would have bothered to bring receipts for the accusations they throw. 


IMO it has nothing to do with their receipts. LVP will always have her fans, and no matter what the women do, or expose, they won't be able to turn those fans against LVP. LVP will lose some fans or have fans be more steadfastly in her corner, but it will always even out. 

The real issue is that the rest of the women are so myopically focused on bringing LVP down that Dorit gets a pass on being an asshole. 

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57 minutes ago, MatildaMoody said:

IMO it has nothing to do with their receipts. LVP will always have her fans, and no matter what the women do, or expose, they won't be able to turn those fans against LVP. LVP will lose some fans or have fans be more steadfastly in her corner, but it will always even out. 

The real issue is that the rest of the women are so myopically focused on bringing LVP down that Dorit gets a pass on being an asshole. 

Oh for sure, she, like all of the housewives, they all have a segment of loyal fans and no matter what they do, those fans will remain unfazed. The longer you're on the show, the bigger that loyal fanbase becomes. You can't get a better example of Phaedra Parks who said the vilest shit I've ever heard on show of this franchise and she's still got 2.4 million followers strong on IG today. But I don't think there would be such a stark difference in fan support if the women could actually back up what they say. It would cause some sort of ripple but because they have nothing of substance, I think on some level it galvanizes a lot of fans to be so 'spirited' online in support of LVP.

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6 hours ago, SoCal4Us said:

Found it - they went to Craig's yesterday.  Here's a video of them leaving...

Thanks for the link, SoCal (Kyle, whining as usual: "Don't leave me alone before I get my car!") 

@dosodog -  that's good advice for Teddi  (she should take it, instead of using her kids as props in a self-serving instagram photo). 

Keeping it klassy as always: Rinna describes LVP as “a really bad example of women in the workplace" because LVP didn't want to film with these assholes (all in between saying "I truly love Lisa!")  

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Ugh, I love Lucy and I’m glad she was rescued yet again. Poor baby. Dorito and pukeK are vile and I’m glad she got away from them. Desperate times call for desperate measures, even for a pup.

But, I’ve had enough of doggy gate and I don’t want to see, hear, or read anymore about it.

I’m also sick of Erika G or J or whatever her persona is now. That goes double for her ridiculous “glam “ squad. How pretentious. I, little old 62 year old me, have a glam girl for events and she makes me look incredible while giving me confidence before I have to go to special events. I’m not rich, so it just shows how stupid Erika, whoever she is today, is to say that people that don’t have have a “glam squad” are cheap. She is insecure and phony. 

I totally enjoy LVP and if she leaves the show I’ll be out...one foot is out the door already though.

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6 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Are we not mentioning that Erika's short wig TH's were reminicent of a Carol Channing drag queen?  

YES..   Mikey should be fired!  Poor guy has one look, Drag Queen.   As a stylist he goes only by designer name not what looks good on his client.

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You left off the ever classic "Maloof Hoof" line of shoes by Adrienne. 

Which is hilarious said in private, but not so much on camera when your friend is launching her new product.....

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2 minutes ago, dosodog said:

You left off the ever classic "Maloof Hoof" line of shoes by Adrienne. 

Which is hilarious said in private, but not so much on camera when your friend is launching her new product.....

Yes!  But I didn't really find it offensive as I call shoes hooves  I tell my little grand kids to put their hooves on before they go outside, and the older ones to take their hooves off when they come in.  Ha HA  I find those platform shoes to be laughable.  Used to call them hooker shoes.  I know the gals wear them now to look taller and the height of the heel makes your calves look better.    Ruining their feet.

P.S  I am an old farmers wife.

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I’ve mentioned this before in a thread long forgotten, but a few years ago I was invited to a luncheon with about a dozen so called “affluent ladies” in the OC, where I live. The food was prepared fresh and absolutely delightful, but the lady sitting next to me ( I had never met her before) was taking pictures of her plate and explained she was sending them to her trainer. I thought she was freaking nuts, but now I guess that is normal. 🤦‍♀️ She wasn’t even overweight! 

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11 hours ago, AntAnn said:

I’ve mentioned this before in a thread long forgotten, but a few years ago I was invited to a luncheon with about a dozen so called “affluent ladies” in the OC, where I live. The food was prepared fresh and absolutely delightful, but the lady sitting next to me ( I had never met her before) was taking pictures of her plate and explained she was sending them to her trainer. I thought she was freaking nuts, but now I guess that is normal. 🤦‍♀️ She wasn’t even overweight! 

Maybe her ongoing work with her trainer is WHY she wasn't overweight? I don't take it to the extreme of the whole food accountability thing, but I lost a lot (+150) pounds almost 20 years ago and have kept 120 of it off (stupid aging and metabolism slow-down), primarily because I work with a trainer once a week. It keeps you motivated to work out, it changes up your workout so your muscles are constantly in flux, and it does help with accountability for what you are doing. Even though I don't go the whole route of food pictures with my trainer, we do talk about food and what/how I've eaten that week.

I think what Teddy does as a service is a bit much as its own business entity  -- as I understand it she is only food accountability, no exercise/physical training and definitely geared toward those with too much disposable income and no desire to do the (not-that-difficult) work of tracking their own food -- but there are many physical/exercise trainers who incorporate food tracking/counseling as part of their services.

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All the women on the Real Housewives franchise use the show as a platform to promote their brands and products, but, if LVP secretly stirred the pot on the doggygate issue to promote a possible spinoff- then I can’t really blame her cast mates for feeling used and angry. LVP said she had something big up her sleeve when questioned whether she was leaving the show. 

If LVP wanted to secure a spinoff about Vanderpump Dogs then she could have been honest about it with the cast- aside from Dorit, they are all animal lovers and probably would have been happy to help. 

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55 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

All the women on the Real Housewives franchise use the show as a platform to promote their brands and products, but, if LVP secretly stirred the pot on the doggygate issue to promote a possible spinoff- then I can’t really blame her cast mates for feeling used and angry. LVP said she had something big up her sleeve when questioned whether she was leaving the show. 

If LVP wanted to secure a spinoff about Vanderpump Dogs then she could have been honest about it with the cast- aside from Dorit, they are all animal lovers and probably would have been happy to help. 

Your hypothesis is nice...if we were talking about normal people, but we're not. We're talking about vacuous, self absorbed, nitwits whose main concern appears to be one-upping each other on the regular. So I don't think LVP would have been met with 'atta girls' over a potential VanderPups Rule spin off. I'm quite sure that the others would congrats her to her face and then immediately bitch behind her back with a chorus of "what about MY spin off?" "I DESERVE a spin off more than she does and besides, she already has a spin off, it's not fair!" blah blah blah fishcakes...

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1 hour ago, Juliegirlj said:

All the women on the Real Housewives franchise use the show as a platform to promote their brands and products, but, if LVP secretly stirred the pot on the doggygate issue to promote a possible spinoff- then I can’t really blame her cast mates for feeling used and angry. LVP said she had something big up her sleeve when questioned whether she was leaving the show. 

If LVP wanted to secure a spinoff about Vanderpump Dogs then she could have been honest about it with the cast- aside from Dorit, they are all animal lovers and probably would have been happy to help. 

That's true, but, I wonder if Lisa V would need their kind of help.  It would be sort of fitting though.  i mean, since LIsa V is so manipulating, maybe, she could convince her colleagues from RHOBH to come clean the doggie crates!  lol They would get full credit of course and even be on camera.  

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They all supported LVP with the Yulin documentary/ protest, which was the early stages of Vanderpump Dogs. 

In fact, all the ladies seem to be fairly supportive of each other’s ventures- including Dorit’s Beverly Beach line 💩

Apparently Erika just got a large billboard in NYC promoting her shoe line- her ego is going to be out of control....

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3 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

All the women on the Real Housewives franchise use the show as a platform to promote their brands and products, but, if LVP secretly stirred the pot on the doggygate issue to promote a possible spinoff- then I can’t really blame her cast mates for feeling used and angry. LVP said she had something big up her sleeve when questioned whether she was leaving the show. 

If LVP wanted to secure a spinoff about Vanderpump Dogs then she could have been honest about it with the cast- aside from Dorit, they are all animal lovers and probably would have been happy to help. 

True - nobody likes to be used or manipulated, and LVP’s tendency to see her castmates as things to be played with is what keeps getting her in trouble with them.

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On 3/1/2019 at 9:51 PM, MatildaMoody said:

IMO it has nothing to do with their receipts. LVP will always have her fans, and no matter what the women do, or expose, they won't be able to turn those fans against LVP. LVP will lose some fans or have fans be more steadfastly in her corner, but it will always even out. 

I guess I could be counted as an LVP fan, but here's why:  of all of them, she's the only legitimate business person in the bunch.  She's had an entire career in the hospitality industry with multiple bars and restaurants both here in the US and in England.

What have the others done, honestly?  Married into money, mostly.  I know it's a housewives show, but LVP is one of the few that has any business sense whatsoever (and I wouldn't include Erika Jane in that at all, but she's probably the next closest).

On 3/2/2019 at 12:09 AM, film noire said:

Thanks for the link, SoCal (Kyle, whining as usual: "Don't leave me alone before I get my car!") 

@dosodog -  that's good advice for Teddi  (she should take it, instead of using her kids as props in a self-serving instagram photo). 

Keeping it klassy as always: Rinna describes LVP as “a really bad example of women in the workplace" because LVP didn't want to film with these assholes (all in between saying "I truly love Lisa!")  

Rinna had best be careful - Andy feels about as strongly for LVP as he does Bethenny on NYC.  Rinna will be the one to feel the different treatment.

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3 minutes ago, b2H said:

I guess I could be counted as an LVP fan, but here's why:  of all of them, she's the only legitimate business person in the bunch.  She's had an entire career in the hospitality industry with multiple bars and restaurants both here in the US and in England.

What have the others done, honestly?  Married into money, mostly.  I know it's a housewives show, but LVP is one of the few that has any business sense whatsoever (and I wouldn't include Erika Jane in that at all, but she's probably the next closest).

Rinna had best be careful - Andy feels about as strongly for LVP as he does Bethenny on NYC.  Rinna will be the one to feel the different treatment.

Rinna has a career too.

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11 minutes ago, b2H said:

Rinna had best be careful - Andy feels about as strongly for LVP as he does Bethenny on NYC.  Rinna will be the one to feel the different treatment.

Is that true?  I always thought Kyle was the one that was most favourite of Andy?

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7 minutes ago, Diane Mars said:

Rinna has a career too.

Selling on QVC is not quite the same as running multiple restaurants.  LVP is hands on with her businesses (e.g., watch the design and set up of Tom Tom on Vanderpump Rules).  I don't see Rinna nearly as involved.

Just now, TVFANNO1 said:

Is that true?  I always thought Kyle was the one that was most favourite of Andy?

I can't imagine that Andy would do anything to tick off LVP.  After all, while Kyle may be a 'favorite', I don't see him giving her multiple shows, especially ones that display a whole other life than with the housewives.  

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5 hours ago, gingerella said:

Your hypothesis is nice...if we were talking about normal people, but we're not. We're talking about vacuous, self absorbed, nitwits whose main concern appears to be one-upping each other on the regular. So I don't think LVP would have been met with 'atta girls' over a potential VanderPups Rule spin off. I'm quite sure that the others would congrats her to her face and then immediately bitch behind her back with a chorus of "what about MY spin off?" "I DESERVE a spin off more than she does and besides, she already has a spin off, it's not fair!" blah blah blah fishcakes...

Rinna's head would have spun and been the first one wanting to know why her family isn't showcased.

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