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Eileen Davidson: Queen Eileen, Bold and Beautiful

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From the little I've seen of it, I love Eileen and Vince's home.  Probably my favorite of the bunch.  I'll look at any and all interior design, but I'm not into contemporary or minimalist -- I'm a Victorian and anything older, kind of girl, and really anything up to and including the 1940s.  Hardwoods, rich colors, antiques, and lots of interesting, personal pieces are what make me love a home.  Hope if she comes back next season, we can see more of it.  I also love the Mediterranean style of her house.  I don't remember too much of the outside though that people say needs landscaping.  lol  

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Eileen has probably been my favorite this season. I'm not sure why, but I expected her to a bitch coming into this season but she's the complete opposite. She's not a troublemaker but she isn't afraid of confrontation and will happily address it too. I'm not sure they will ask her back but I'm not sure she even wants to come back. I personally hope she stays though.

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Eileen might be my favorite housewife ever and in my opinion she embodies everything the other women in this franchise probably want to be-- classy, sane, intelligent, grounded, real, effortlessly stylish and naturally pretty, you name it.  I didn't find her boring in the least.


Let me just give your post a big old WORD.


If I could like this a thousand times, I would.  You summed up perfectly my thoughts.  I didn't think I would care for Eileen when she was announced as the new housewife but she became my favorite.  She's very real to me and I didn't think she was acting - -not even the "How DARE you."  I think she's classy and she has the Beverly Hills lifestyle, along with the industry connections, that I'd like to see.

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Eileen is growing on me but I haven't seen the First Look of Part 2 yet. 


To me, ripping someone apart does not equal sophisticated nor calm by any stretch of my imagination.  Even if it's Brandi.  I hope Eileen doesn't start rolling around with the others because that's one of the things I've started to like about her.  Telling someone to 'shut the fuck up' is the opposite of sophistication.   I have to see that with my own eyes.

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Use of the f word has nothing to do with my distaste for others and could never bring down my Eileen love. Tone and intent matter much more. Brandi lobbies words to hurt people and defame their families, most of the other ladies do it to express frustration and anger at her vicious attacks and lies. Eileen is no exception.

I've been watching Eileen on Days since I was a child. She's still a stunner and I love her even more after seeing her on this show. I'm dying to see her on the Days set and behind the scenes.

Her house is awesome, her husband is awesome, and her kids are awesome. I think she's just what this show needs. Oh and she has an Emmy. Discernible talent!

I really enjoyed how her honesty and sophistication unmasked the comparatively low-class and downright shitty behavior of some of the other housewives. Team Eileen forever. I hope she doesn't pull a one and done deal, though I couldn't blame her if she chose never to return.

Edited by thesupremediva1
  • Love 18

Eileen is growing on me but I haven't seen the First Look of Part 2 yet. 


To me, ripping someone apart does not equal sophisticated nor calm by any stretch of my imagination.  Even if it's Brandi.  I hope Eileen doesn't start rolling around with the others because that's one of the things I've started to like about her.  Telling someone to 'shut the fuck up' is the opposite of sophistication.   I have to see that with my own eyes.

Eileen definitely showed a side we hadn't seen - who knows what future seasons will bring!

Eileen is growing on me but I haven't seen the First Look of Part 2 yet. 


To me, ripping someone apart does not equal sophisticated nor calm by any stretch of my imagination.  Even if it's Brandi.  I hope Eileen doesn't start rolling around with the others because that's one of the things I've started to like about her.  Telling someone to 'shut the fuck up' is the opposite of sophistication.   I have to see that with my own eyes.


Even sophisticated people curse and have limits to what they are willing to put up with in terms of being treated like shit.  And Eileen has clearly reached her limit with Brandi!  lol  It sounds nice to be able to "rise above" all unpleasant things and people but that's not possible all of the time or always reasonable.  Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself and what's more sophisticated than doing so with witty, pointed words that make a statement rather than using your fist? 


Also sometimes getting through to someone means having to speak at their level because logic, reason and more "sophisticated" language goes right over their head.  When or if you watch the First Look Part 2 of the reunion, you'll see that Eileen doesn't just curse at Brandi, she stands up for herself and her family by not allowing Brandi to get away with her bullshit.  I give much more respect to people like Eileen, who lay it all out on the table and stand up for others,  than to people like Yolanda who cater to Brandi's childish tantrums in the name of "rising above" while staying silent as others are treated badly.  IMO, of course.  ; - )

Edited by SwordQueen
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I didn't like her at first but that has changed.  As for her house, no, not for me but that doesn't matter.  She is smart, cool and collected and I think she will remain that way and emerge as the shining star.  LisaVP is right there with her.  The take the high road.  


BUT what would this show be without conflict?  It has to be.  Let's have NEW conflict though!  Brandi and Kim have exhausted their repertoire.  It is a one note for both of them.  Done.  I think Bravo knows that, too. 

  • Love 2

Even sophisticated people curse and have limits to what they are willing to put up with in terms of being treated like shit. And Eileen has clearly reached her limit with Brandi! lol It sounds nice to be able to "rise above" all unpleasant things and people but that's not possible all of the time or always reasonable. Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself and what's more sophisticated than doing so with witty, pointed words that make a statement rather than using your fist?

Also sometimes getting through to someone means having to speak at their level because logic, reason and more "sophisticated" language goes right over their head. When or if you watch the First Look Part 2 of the reunion, you'll see that Eileen doesn't just curse at Brandi, she stands up for herself and her family by not allowing Brandi to get away with her bullshit. I give much more respect to people like Eileen, who lay it all out on the table and stand up for others, than to people like Yolanda who cater to Brandi's childish tantrums in the name of "rising above" while staying silent as others are treated badly. IMO, of course. ; - )

100% totally agree!

I think most have their limit, clearly Eileen has reached hers with nasty mouthed Brandi.

All the ladies sat very quietly being oh so classy and sophisticated as trashy Brandi was vile towards Joyce last season.

Not one of them called her on her bullshit behavior. I wish someone like Eileen was around. Joyce held her own, but it would have been nice if one of the ladies would have told Brandi to STFU!

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 7

The F Bomb is the only thing BG understands.  She's like CoCo the gorilla.   Limited vocabulary.     The women have tried, on so many occasions, to be specific, elaborate on why what BG says is wrong.  It just doesn't penetrate that brain.  So, if they throw in a few FU's - it at least catches her attention.  

  • Love 10

100% totally agree!

I think most have their limit, clearly Eileen has reached hers with nasty mouthed Brandi.

All the ladies sat very quietly being oh so classy and sophisticated as trashy Brandi was vile towards Joyce last season.

Not one of them called her on her bullshit behavior. I wish someone like Eileen was around. Joyce held her own, but it would have been nice if one of the ladies would have told Brandi to STFU!


I'm at loss as to what is expected of the other women.  It's OK for Brandi and Kim to curse, threaten, touch, spread lies, rumors and secrets about the other women because, what, they're just poor little ill poodles who act out because it's not their fault and it's not fair?  But for anyone to react to them in any way other than ignoring them is an offense somehow unforgivable and unjustifiable? 


I get trying not to engage and walk away when it's not worth your time or energy, or because having to pick your battles or if you are too emotional to be able to withstand the abuse that is going to rain down on you.  I'm often saying how I wish LVP, Lisa R and Kyle would disengage with those two for their own sakes because it's mostly not worth it.  And when I say not worth it, I mean it's not worth trying to speak to either Kim or Brandi like adults who have the capacity for understanding and reason or a desire for compromise,  growth and change. 


But how can one even walk away when someone is blocking them and holding them back, or they are forced to be in a room with someone or trapped in a car with someone?   People have the right to defend themselves and stand up for themselves and sometimes enough is just enough and they need to be the ones to put an end to it.  IMO.  I try hard not to start fights and I have never thrown the first (real or verbal) punch and I hope I never will, but you better believe that I'm going to be throwing the last one.   

  • Love 8

All the ladies sat very quietly being oh so classy and sophisticated as trashy Brandi was vile towards Joyce last season.

Not one of them called her on her bullshit behavior. I wish someone like Eileen was around. Joyce held her own, but it would have been nice if one of the ladies would have told Brandi to STFU!

Applause! Especially since some of them are so big about others "having their back". Even newbies need support.

  • Love 6

Because for a housewife show, she was boring.  You can be a lot of things, but boring just doesn't cut it.

Well, boring is pretty subjective. She earned her pay because she hosted and attended and engaged throughout the season. That's what she was paid to do. For me she was a refreshing counterpoint to the cyclic behaviors of some of the other housewives. 

  • Love 11

Me too!  Anybody remember The Edge of Night? I remember when Nicole Drake had that little dress shop and that woman employee was terrifying her …. I had nightmares.


ANYHOW, I've been reading that soaps are back on the upswing!  People are tiring of the BORING STORYLINES on REALITY shows. At least the soaps have more than 3 story lines (cosmetic surgery, fake fights, products they are hawking) AND better acting!  

Hope this isn't too O/T but watched EON when I was a teenager -- loved the interwoven story lines with always a murder upcoming followed by sleuthing and trial. That is what we need, a good old-fashioned murder, perhaps in a dress shop. 

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Well, boring is pretty subjective. She earned her pay because she hosted and attended and engaged throughout the season. That's what she was paid to do. For me she was a refreshing counterpoint to the cyclic behaviors of some of the other housewives.


Agreed. I didn't find Eileen boring at all. Of course, I don't happen to believe bringing conflict is all that interesting. The truth of the matter is, anyone can just bring conflict for the sake of conflict - that's easy. Furthermore, Eileen is currently employed by Sony and working 2 soaps. I think it's much better for her professionally to remain a grown up rather than stumbling around drunk.

  • Love 10




Well, boring is pretty subjective. She earned her pay because she hosted and attended and engaged throughout the season. That's what she was paid to do. For me she was a refreshing counterpoint to the cyclic behaviors of some of the other housewives.

Agreed. I didn't find Eileen boring at all. Of course, I don't happen to believe bringing conflict is all that interesting. The truth of the matter is, anyone can just bring conflict for the sake of conflict - that's easy. Furthermore, Eileen is currently employed by Sony and working 2 soaps. I think it's much better for her professionally to remain a grown up rather than stumbling around drunk.


I agree, hypnotoad.  These fake fights where someone tries to outshout the other person are just so … silly.  Real fights … like Jill and Bethenny … are mesmerizing. We've all had those disputes with family and friends but I have NEVER thrown a drink in someone's face or slapped someone. Those are just producer-driven and everyone knows it.  


And Eileen had some of the funniest lines this entire season.  Her comments like "What are we supposed to do?  Hose them off?" were hilarious. She totally is Bethenny's equal in the hilarious TH segments.

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If the people who cast and program this show have some foresight, they will do whatever it takes to get Eileen back. Whether Brandi says Eileen brings nothing to the table or not, the fact is I and many of my friends watched this show regularly this year for Eileen. She is unlike anyone we have ever seen in any franchise of any show . Her way with insane screeching harpies could be taught at University.

  • Love 11

She is not promoting anything and she is back on the soap.

Hopefully, she stays out.

Rina said herself that she needs to work.

Although, NEED is quite subjective.



Actors need to keep themselves current by creating buzz in the media about themselves.   You see this on DWTS and Celebrity Apprentice, too.  They want face time!  

  • Love 1

I just came here to post that Dick Van Patten had died. I had hoped to see him on the show some time. I do believe he was a very good person. 

He and his wife had a long and happy marriage and their three sons and their families remained close throughout his lifetime.  A measure of a great father and grandfather.  RIP.


Eileen expresses her thanks for condolences:  http://www.inquisitr.com/2197521/rhobh-eileen-davidson-thanks-fans-for-condolences-regarding-father-in-law/

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 4

This page is my very favorite page on the entire RHOBH thread.  First, it's all about my favorite HW, Eileen.  Secondly, the page is filled with beautiful comments from some lovely people who apparently feel the same way I do!  How often does that happen?!   Eileen is classy and funny and glamorous and down-to-earth and beautiful in a way that doesn't rely on makeup.  She has exquisite manners, yet she's straightforward and diplomatic.  One of her best traits, to me, is that she doesn't feel the need to talk all the time; she listens.  I think my heart would break if Eileen left this show.  I think she's the best addition that Bravo could have found.  I just love Eileen!

Edited by Lura
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Since Brandi is gone, can we change the name of Eileen's thread? Or do we want to still have remnants of Brandi? It doesn't really matter, I just wish Brandi wasn't the influence for the Eileen thread. I feel a need to purge her from the show now.

Please mods do this very soon.  No more Brandi tainting the other RH.

  • Love 4

So I ventured over to Vince and Eileen's Twitter--just so classy their words and photos about Dick Van Patten.   It is very interesting to see how well connected and beloved Dick was.  What an excellent idea to bring this family on the show.  TO the contrary, of Brandi's, "she brings nothing."  There may be some opportunities this year to see folks having fun and dinner parties that are silly fun instead of caustic.

  • Love 4

Since Brandi is gone, can we change the name of Eileen's thread? Or do we want to still have remnants of Brandi? It doesn't really matter, I just wish Brandi wasn't the influence for the Eileen thread. I feel a need to purge her from the show now.

You read my mind. I really hate that thread title. It is connected to something Brandi did, and it was horrible and disgusting. How about a quote by Eileen? Or, how about something relating to Vince and his looking out the garage door window? That will never get old for me. That shit was funny.

  • Love 2

You read my mind. I really hate that thread title. It is connected to something Brandi did, and it was horrible and disgusting. How about a quote by Eileen? Or, how about something relating to Vince and his looking out the garage door window? That will never get old for me. That shit was funny.


Not to belittle Eileen's season, but Vince looking through the garage door window at the kerfuffle outside was the best use of a Real Housewives Husband ever.  It makes me laugh just to think about it. 


I don't know Eileen from the soaps so she may always be the Queen of the Burbank Film Festival to me.


How Dare You!  Indeed.

  • Love 2

Not to belittle Eileen's season, but Vince looking through the garage door window at the kerfuffle outside was the best use of a Real Housewives Husband ever.  It makes me laugh just to think about it. 


I don't know Eileen from the soaps so she may always be the Queen of the Burbank Film Festival to me.


How Dare You!  Indeed.

I laugh thinking about it, too. The guy had no words, just a look of bewilderment. Brilliant scene.


Queen of the Burbank Festival and Queen of putting Brandi in her place!

  • Love 1

Just plain Queen Eileen does it for me.  Says it all (for me) for a thread title.  Nobody else seems to be that regal, that open and that natural. 


Those pics of Eileen are stunning, especially the first one.  Blue is Eileen's color -- or one of them.  She certainly treats the camera like a friend, and she seems so natural in that shot.  Her looks are one of her greatest assets.  She can dress down and look plain or dress up and look beautiful.


I love Eileen's thought process.  She zeroed in on Brandi with that "moral compass" question.  It was so perfect!  lol  She showed indignation when Brandi tossed wine in her face. She seems to have razor sharp instincts and reactions.  Yet, I sense that she is as comfortable to be with as a pair of old shoes.  If we were neighbors, I can see her borrowing a cup of sugar -- or lending one -- so easily.  I don't put her on a pedestal and doubt that she would want to be there.  I just think she's very, very special.

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