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Shameless Fame Whores: Sister Wives in the Media

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From the  Bloomington CC in St. George website: The banquet hall (Clubhouse?), accommodates up to 220 people. It was closed all day Dec. 17 for a private event. 

The wedding was apparently outside, but they must have used the Clubhouse for their buffet. I wonder how they managed all 400 guests in a space that holds about half that number. Please don't anyone say the parking lot. . . 

2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Right? Janelle posted a link to the People article, nothing from Christine, Robyn or Kody.

I guess this is how they all regard weddings when the lowest tier of children marry.  Mykelti's mother and father can't even bother to spend the 45-seconds to post a Tweet to support their daughter!  Christine's last tweet was about Maddie's wedding episode.  For years they claimed that all wives and children were treated equally. It's bullshit.

I hope she's treated well by Tony's family because her parents suck. 

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2 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

From the  Bloomington CC in St. George website: The banquet hall (Clubhouse?), accommodates up to 220 people. It was closed all day Dec. 17 for a private event. 

The wedding was apparently outside, but they must have used the Clubhouse for their buffet. I wonder how they managed all 400 guests in a space that holds about half that number. Please don't anyone say the parking lot. . . 

They probably went inside to eat in shifts.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, ThinkerBell said:

Since discussions about eyebrows figure so prominently in the Brown family, I can only say that it might have been better if Mykelti had dipped into that honeymoon money and had a professional touch up her brows.

I very rarely even notice anyones eyebrows.  When Mariah decided to call out Meri on the way she kept or drew on her eyebrows I can remembering pausing the video to look closely.  I didn't notice anything at all.  But...Mykeltis eyebrows didn't just stand out...but they were huge.  Closer to when Meri/Janelle tried to pick on Mariah in Hawaii and drew on large Groucho Marx eyebrows or something to be "funny"...they were just bad.  They take away from her whole look because they just stand out way too much.

As to having her wedding outside. In Utah. In December weather.  All I can imagine is a Veruca Salt kind of scene. Hands on hips, stomping her foot and screaming...""I want my wedding outside!  I will HAVE my wedding outside! I don't C A R E what anyone else thinks!  I want it, I want it N O W!!""

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, Rabbittron said:

They probably went inside to eat in shifts.

Maybe they got a round of golf while waiting. 

Brad and Janet's Rules for Weddings (having attended hundreds of them):

Do not invite more guests than you have space for.

Do not make guests stand outside on a cold day. 

Do not make guests eat outside on a cold day.

Do not make guests eat drippy food while balancing a plate and cup.

  • Love 8

Now I can't stop noticing eyebrows. Meri's are now drawn on pretty thick and go down the sides of her face way too far. Janelle had brows drawn on for Maddie's wedding too - why do they DO that? Mykelti is probably naturally blonde like they all are. I find her dark hair very harsh and unflattering. Same with Mariah's dark hair, and Maddie's terrible dye job. That girl had orangish roots on her weird curly, greasy hair. Why not just stay blonde? Look how pretty Aspyn is. Except for Robyn's first set of kids, they were all tow heads. 

My guess is that the family hates Tony but gave the wedding a shot anyway. I don't think Mykelti was being dissed as a lower level kid, they just can't stand the guy or the quicky relationship. Was I the only one thinking of a Dateline episode when the two of them were hiking? Tony was pushing for some risky climbing shit there. Anyway, Maddie married well (in their opinion) because this guy had close family ties. FT came out of nowhere and is just creepy. When a guy is creepy to the BROWNS - that's saying something. 

  • Love 8

With regard to the venue, as mentioned before their banquet hall only accommodates around 200 people,  so perhaps the guest list was pared down? Or maybe they had tents with heaters set up outside? I can not understand people who insist on outdoor weddings when the weather is not suitable. Why? What if it rains or has a freak wind storm, etc.--there should always be an indoor option, imo.

As for the timing of Mykelti's wedding, I can see how people may think she's doing it for attention, but perhaps it is because she is young and in love and wants to have "permitted" sex. When I got married 10 months after my sister, and my SIL got married  only 6 weeks after me, none of us thought of it as stealing attention. That year and a half period was also the time of a few friends' weddings as well--it was just that time in our lives I guess. 

  • Love 4

Koduche and Christine look like they are dressed very appropriately in the silver and gray. Next to them FT looked like a greenskeeper from the golf course. I mean really! Get a freaking haircut Tony. Isn't this the most important day in your life so far?

I assumed the tiny frisbies represented all the space ships that will be landing on Koduche's planet. Kind of like a homage to Daddy-O.

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, Galloway Cave said:

I WIN! I Said that Tony giving Mykelti his coat would be seen as "protecting" her! Where is my prize?

Gawd, Tony's hair.

Your prize is to stand on a golf course in the cold eating a buffet burrito and a small piece of a random-colored cake. 

You brought a nice gift, didn't you?

  • Love 12
Just now, BradandJanet said:

Your prize is to stand on a golf course in the cold eating a buffet burrito and a small piece of a random-colored cake. 

You brought a nice gift, didn't you?

Nope. I escaped Southern Utah for a reason.

My gift? The name of a good attorney so Mykelti doesn't loose her TLC $ to Slimy Tony.

  • Love 4

I think it's really appropriate that this particular wedding conversation is on the famewhore thread.  I realize that the media part is driving the choice,

The happy couple just ooze famewhore and there are no words for the groom.  I think we will be back in a couple of years on the same thread discussing the divorce.   

At least she can grab the spotlight as the first Brown spawn to get a divorce.  Maybe people will cover that too.

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Man I feel gross just having watched those clips... re: M&T clip - I feel like I just walked through one of the Hoarding Buried Alive homes and feel little critters crawling on me. Ew. Ew.  Man I can't get the shower water hot enough to scrub clean!!!!! So Kody couldn't have bothered to at the very least trim his god awful hair. And it seems Tony is trying to copy the Ko-douche hairstyle. Really?!? Really!?!  [When I saw the little side pic of the clip in the link, I thought it was his mother standing next to My-Celtic-knee]

p.s. Has Christine been watching the Duggars show?  She's doing the "loving look while my man talks cuz he knows all" look.  'Scuse me while I go toss some cookies instead of wedding disks.

p.p.s. I've saved tons cutting cable from my budget... but I thank you all for the awesomeness of chat on here!  Worth ten times more than actually seeing these shows!  You all deserve Oscars for your writing!!!

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, CofCinci said:

I guess this is how they all regard weddings when the lowest tier of children marry.  Mykelti's mother and father can't even bother to spend the 45-seconds to post a Tweet to support their daughter!  Christine's last tweet was about Maddie's wedding episode.  For years they claimed that all wives and children were treated equally. It's bullshit.

I hope she's treated well by Tony's family because her parents suck. 

I'd guess that they have an agreement with TLC and People magazine that they can't reveal much to the public prior to the (inevitable) episode airing, so they are probably prohibited from posting much of anything. The videos on TLC are tagged as "digital exclusive".

4 hours ago, EmeraldGirl said:

Now I can't stop noticing eyebrows. Meri's are now drawn on pretty thick and go down the sides of her face way too far. Janelle had brows drawn on for Maddie's wedding too - why do they DO that? Mykelti is probably naturally blonde like they all are. I find her dark hair very harsh and unflattering. Same with Mariah's dark hair, and Maddie's terrible dye job. That girl had orangish roots on her weird curly, greasy hair. Why not just stay blonde? Look how pretty Aspyn is. Except for Robyn's first set of kids, they were all tow heads. 

My guess is that the family hates Tony but gave the wedding a shot anyway. I don't think Mykelti was being dissed as a lower level kid, they just can't stand the guy or the quicky relationship. Was I the only one thinking of a Dateline episode when the two of them were hiking? Tony was pushing for some risky climbing shit there. Anyway, Maddie married well (in their opinion) because this guy had close family ties. FT came out of nowhere and is just creepy. When a guy is creepy to the BROWNS - that's saying something. 

If you look closely at their faces Aspyn and Mykelti actually look quite a bit a like, but Aspyn looks so much prettier. As you said, I think it has a lot to do with how they style themselves. Aspyn always has light, but not overwhelming makeup and her naturally blonde hair matches her skin tone. Between her awful hair color, the think penciled eyebrows, and generally unflattering makeup and clothes, Mykelti doesn't do herself any favors. 

Edited by absolutelyido
  • Love 3

These people cannot be real!  When asked what are you most excited about marriage at the pre-bridal shower interview, Tony replied "tacos, shhhh, shhhh". What?!?!?! Mykelti's response was the scripted "to spend my life with you" to which his face was like 'whateverrrr'

I've gotta sign up for Twitter and find these folks, this can not be for reals!!!!!

I wonder if they are scoping out Seattle as a possible home. I just remembered Kody saying they talked Mykelti out of moving there before. I grew up in Seattle and love the PNW, but it strikes me as a weird winter honeymoon destination unless you are into winter sports. It did warm up, though, and today we have rain instead of an Arctic blast. 

  • Love 1
20 hours ago, b2H said:


Well, to her defense, she wanted an August wedding and this was exactly why.  She complained at the time it would be too cold and it was.


She could have waited until NEXT August. No one made her get married in December, but to plan a wedding only 2 months after another would be the height of stress-inducing. No thanks. 


I REALLY need to see a video of this throwing of the frisbees thing. Because....I just can't....how...why????

  • Love 5

I just about died laughing when the announcer was like, "The Brown family just got a little LARGER!" and then they cut to that picture of the happy couple, with Tony practically bursting out of his wedding pants.  I see what you did there, TLC.  I mean, I'm no slim goodbody, so I can't really throw stones, but I like to think that I'd wear pants that fit on my wedding day, ESPECIALLY if pictures of me in said pants were going to be released to the media. C'mon, dude, get it together!

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

She could have waited until NEXT August. No one made her get married in December, but to plan a wedding only 2 months after another would be the height of stress-inducing. No thanks. 

They couldn't wait because that would have required an additional year of abstinence which they obviously weren't able to handle. 1 Corinthians 7 pretty much spells out at least one of the many probable reasons they were pushing for a fast wedding

What troubles me most is how many times Mykelti said Tony made her feel "safe". And she used that word "safe" over and over again.

Of course we can only guess what she needs protection from. 

Edited by trose
  • Love 1
47 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I am not convinced M and T waited to marry before having sex.  Mattie and Caleb either. Why? Because their parents think they should?  Oh please. 

My brain will not conjure up any imagery about Tony and sex (thank God), but am sure that M&C didn't wait. When she talked about how they sat on "the bed" and talked for hours, it just sounded comfy and domestic and like they were living together. I hope all the kids ARE making their own well-considered decisions and plans. And making their own mistakes. That is how we grow. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, wings707 said:

Safe just means being taken care of, these days.  Another on the growing list of overly used words with changing definitions. 

Exactly! So her citing that T makes her feel safe over and over again causes me to wonder why she didn't feel safe/taken care of before. Also, he's 22 and seemingly not in good physical health. How well is he going to be able to take care of her--especially in the long run? Plus they keep going on and on about being "best friends" (so do Caleb and Mattie) and you'd think that with a family that big, finding a best friend wouldn't be so big an issue that they keep citing it as a "reason" to marry. 

Edited by trose
  • Love 2

Oh yeah! I forgot about the "sitting on the bed til 2 in the morning" comment. Yeah. They did something all right. Look. I didn't grow up in any kind of fundamentalist upbringing either, but my mom and dad hoped I'd be keeping my legs closed too, but I didn't necessarily do that...

yeah. Caleb seems nice enough, but I think I'm with the posters who are squicked out by the age difference. 

  • Love 4

"It's awesome to have a daughter that's married," Christine says. That's the best she could come up with in this fake ass rehearsed clip. 

Hey guys, Christine's favorite part was when Tony took his jacket off and gave it to Mykelti. Because safety. Way to go, FT. You impressed your simpleton mother-in-law by doing something that literally everybody in the world would do under the same circumstances. You're not special. 

Just so you know, Christine "had seen the dress before" because she "went to the dress fitting". Uh...okay. And the point is....??

Btw, Mykelti was radiant and glowing in case you missed it when they said the same thing about Maddie. Just so we're all clear, Mykelti was also radiant and glowing. Ok? She was radiant. And also glowing. I wonder if she was the prettiest bride Kody had ever seen though. 

I mean really. Christine is a terrible actress. It reminds me of the profuse apology she gave to Robyn on the couch. Fake fake fake. Sickeningly fake. I can't stand Christine. 

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1 hour ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

My brain will not conjure up any imagery about Tony and sex (thank God), but am sure that M&C didn't wait. When she talked about how they sat on "the bed" and talked for hours, it just sounded comfy and domestic and like they were living together. I hope all the kids ARE making their own well-considered decisions and plans. And making their own mistakes. That is how we grow. 

That was my thought when she said they sat on the bed. THe way they are with each other says they have been intimate for awhile now. They radiate the comfort of a happily married couple who know each other very well. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, trose said:

Exactly! So her citing that T makes her feel safe over and over again causes me to wonder why she didn't feel safe/taken care of before. Also, he's 22 and seemingly not in good physical health. How well is he going to be able to take care of her--especially in the long run? Plus they keep going on and on about being "best friends" (so do Caleb and Mattie) and you'd think that with a family that big, finding a best friend wouldn't be so big an issue that they keep citing it as a "reason" to marry. 

I think she totally knows the "safe" thing will be what her family wants.  That girl is smart about manipulating her family.  

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