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Shameless Fame Whores: Sister Wives in the Media

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On 4/25/2016 at 6:54 PM, leighroda said:

This is related to the book so I'm putting it here...

So I was watching a rerun this morning, where they go on vacation with the dargers and they go into (for the mazillionth time) the whole abusive kitchen thing... And I was thinking... I know they allegedly go into more detail in the book, but what exactly was so "abusive"? I don't doubt it was at all unpleasent, or offensive, but I highly doubt "abuse" is the right word for the situation... And I found myself just getting angry that they kept pushing "abusive"... But I was wondering if anyone who braved reading the book had some insight.

I read the book, and their issues seemed bigger and more complicated than just "dishes soaking and/or being put in the wrong cupboard." Janelle and Meri were sisters in-law.  After her divorce, Janelle approached Kody and Meri and told them that she felt she belonged with them.  Meri said that even though she knew there would be other wives, she wasn't expecting anyone so close to home.  She admitted to feeling resentful and seemed to believe that Janelle had her eyes on her husband since the moment they met. The thing is, Meri would have the world believe that she is okay with her husband having other wives, but I don't believe that to be the case. 

  • Love 8

Funny story. I tried to click on the link someone posted in Janelles forum for the twitter pic of them all.

I'm blocked on Twitter by Janelle AND Kody! Yet i can see Sobbyn and Christine's accounts...hilarious.

Off to see if Meri blocked me.

Edited by MarysWetBar
Stoopid autocorrect on android.
  • Love 7

Funny thing is, and I cannot even believe I am saying this - I am looking forward to this season of SW just to watch them dance around the whole catfish subject, even though I already know how it will play out...Meri will cry lots and lots of orange-streaked tears, stumbling repeatedly over her words as she tries to explain all of her "fillings...so many different fillings."  Robyn will wipe sympathetic eye-boogers in her typical pathetic attempt to seem empathetic, but as soon as the cameras call "CUT," she'll dance around the cuddle-sac, celebrating Meri's fall from grace.  Janelle will sit on the couch, unblinking, like a stone statue, unable to figure out what all the fuss is about.  Christine will wonder, using her little-girl whisper-voice, how catfishers can be such bastards,  Kody will glare at the camera with his beady black eyes and become stupendously befuddled when the conversation comes around to how he could possibly be at fault regarding any of Meri's online shenanigans.  Lather, rinse, repeat for the next 10 episodes.

Yet, I kinda can't wait.

  • Love 12
On April 26, 2016 at 10:15 PM, AZChristian said:

Here's where I think the abuse came in:


Meri:  "It's my night to be with you, but Janelle left dishes soaking in the sink.  I can't possibly be intimate with you while there are dishes in the sink.  Either she has to wash, dry and put them in the right place RIGHT NOW, or you're not getting any sugar tonight."

Does withholding sex even work in a polygamous relationship? It seems like the man would have the upper hand here. "Well if you won't give it to me I've got three others who will!"

  • Love 1

Last year (or longer) I was blocked by Sobbyn and Kody.  It was the night of her endless Twitter war when she blocked hundreds of truth-speakers.  Just for fun, I checked on Twitter today and I am no longer blocked by the loving couple...but I am blocked by Mariah!  I guess they need the big numbers, and Princess doesn't.

  • Love 2
On 12/05/2016 at 3:51 PM, Jenilane6 said:

Last year (or longer) I was blocked by Sobbyn and Kody.  It was the night of her endless Twitter war when she blocked hundreds of truth-speakers.  Just for fun, I checked on Twitter today and I am no longer blocked by the loving couple...but I am blocked by Mariah!  I guess they need the big numbers, and Princess doesn't.

That's the funny part!  I have only ragged on Kody and Sobbyn. After the episode last year when he gave one of the kids shit  for disciplining King Sol I told him if he got off of Robyn long enough to fucking make that little brat mind, his older spawn wouldn't have to. Lol

I tend to lose interest in these nuts once the shows go on hiatus so didn't even notice till last week!

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I hope it's not just more of Meri whining about how she didn't get to run away with her millionaire lover was the victim of a horrible catfish.  Because I have heard enough.  She's let this person drag her name through the mud or let this go on for the publicity (I'm not sure which), and I've lost any respect or sympathy for her and her experiences that I originally had.  

If she and Nev are going to do a real expose' that would be awesome.  But no more ugly crying, please. No more empty exclamations about how s/he "messed with the wrong person."  Because s/he didn't mess with the wrong person.  S/he picked an ideal target who fell for the biggest load of crap I have ever heard of anyone falling for, and who, when she realized the truth, only allowed herself to be further victimized and refused to do one damn thing to stand up for herself and the family she claims she was suffering to protect.  Enough already.

I will tell you what I want to see .... I want a full background report on Jackie and all her scams.  Her mother, too.  I want Nev to do a live report from in front of her house and a helicopter to follow Jackie across Oklahoma as she busts through the gate and makes a run for it.   I want Jackie's car overturned in a gully and bloodhounds trailing her as she flees on foot.  I want a SWAT team to swarm the barn she seeks refuge in, and I want to see Jackie dragged out in handcuffs and thrown in the back of a squad car.  I want this guy from the band who pictures she stole to rush into the shot and try to force open the car door so he can whoop her ass.  I want to see Jackie cower in fear and be hauled straight to jail, where she stays for a long long long time.

Anything less is going to be a disappointment. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 20

I love Nev, but I think he is too nice a lot of the time (on catfish)... His sidekick Max is usually the one who lays the smack down, so I hope Max is on the special too. If you are watching to see Nev call out Meri, you probably won't get it. For non catfish watchers Nev is probably one of the most diplomatic individual ever, there is an occasional call out moment, but I really doubt it in this case.

"Catching the Catfisher."  Really, tlc?  Reminded me of the special on sexual abuse they threw on the air after Josh Duggar's history was exposed.  Calculated moves to attempt to whitewash tlc stars' transgressions.

Meri Brown has made an embarrassing situation much, much worse.  Instead of admitting her anger, loss and grief over the breakdown of her marriage, which then led to an online love connection she hoped would end in a RL relationship, she's spun the episode as a Catfish story, with Meri as innocent, unwilling victim.

Tonight she did a TH about how the laws don't protect catfish victims and how unfortunate that is.  She has no shame, imo, in continuing her fairy tale.  It's a continuation of the Browns' spin on their persecution under anti-polygamy laws.

Perpetual victimhood will kill your soul eventually.  Merit should step commenting on the big bad catfish now, and figure out her own life.  Concentrate on finding legit fulfillment.

  • Love 5

Perpetual victimhood will kill your soul eventually.  Merit should step commenting on the big bad catfish now, and figure out her own life.  Concentrate on finding legit fulfillment.

First of all, she's a Sheep Wife so that precludes having a soul or any type of awareness.  She has been brainwashed and is thus incapable of independent thought.  She will never have a life or fulfillment because the Lord High Priest dictates her thoughts and feelings.  Her one attempt at a change was a disaster so she will live out her life under his thumb.

And this is the Portrait of Polygamy.  Nice job trying to sell it, Brown Clowns.

  • Love 1
On ‎5‎/‎19‎/‎2016 at 4:36 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

I hope it's not just more of Meri whining about how she didn't get to run away with her millionaire lover was the victim of a horrible catfish.  Because I have heard enough.  She's let this person drag her name through the mud or let this go on for the publicity (I'm not sure which), and I've lost any respect or sympathy for her and her experiences that I originally had.  

If she and Nev are going to do a real expose' that would be awesome.  But no more ugly crying, please. No more empty exclamations about how s/he "messed with the wrong person."  Because s/he didn't mess with the wrong person.  S/he picked an ideal target who fell for the biggest load of crap I have ever heard of anyone falling for, and who, when she realized the truth, only allowed herself to be further victimized and refused to do one damn thing to stand up for herself and the family she claims she was suffering to protect.  Enough already.

I will tell you what I want to see .... I want a full background report on Jackie and all her scams.  Her mother, too.  I want Nev to do a live report from in front of her house and a helicopter to follow Jackie across Oklahoma as she busts through the gate and makes a run for it.   I want Jackie's car overturned in a gully and bloodhounds trailing her as she flees on foot.  I want a SWAT team to swarm the barn she seeks refuge in, and I want to see Jackie dragged out in handcuffs and thrown in the back of a squad car.  I want this guy from the band who pictures she stole to rush into the shot and try to force open the car door so he can whoop her ass.  I want to see Jackie cower in fear and be hauled straight to jail, where she stays for a long long long time.

Anything less is going to be a disappointment. 

Well, I didn't watch, but based on what I've read on the Interwebs, sadly Celia's prediction not only didn't come true, but it was pretty much what I expected.  Just a bunch of filler interspersed around Meri giving the same answers she's been giving about "Sam".  Also, it sounds like Nev and Meri were never even in the same room or the same state for that matter - someone who actually watched can fill me in, but it sounds like Nev was just limited to prerecorded sound bites discussing catfishing in general?  Zzzz. 

Of course, Meri was in on the scam as she insinuated that she and Nev were going to be discussing this topic together as in "Join Nev and I as we explore..." or words to that effect.

I didn't miss much.  As usual.

  • Love 2

The only interesting thing about the Catfish special was the Catfish's reaction to it.  Of course our fishy friend claims to not have watched, leaving that ugly task to the six lawyers who are on retainer to handle the defamation case our Catfish is chomping at the bit to file.  They were all glued to their TV's on the lookout for slander, with the Catfish swearing he would sue  Meri and TLC for 100 million dollars if she even speaks his or Lindsey's or Jackie's name.  Yeah, Jackie, lol.  I guess they are friends now.  In mouth-foaming anticipation of filing suit, they already had the paperwork for the case prepared before the program even aired and they were watching and taking notes, ready to make any necessary changes in the paperwork based on what was said on the show.  Because that is how lawyers and lawsuits operate.  In somebody's fevered imagination, lol.

I am guessing we won't get to see the suit filed though, since I don't think Meri actually called anyone by name.  The host mentioned Sam and Lindsey, though (and showed Sam's picture).  I would think that would be slander-y enough to warrant filing suit, but I have the feeling our Catfish will wriggle off the hook, claiming Meri herself didn't say his name or something, and that is some kind of reason to not sue TLC.  Which would be funny, since TLC is the actual deep pocket in the case and could possibly pay a 100 million judgment.  Meri couldn't pay a 100 dollar judgment, lol.  

Anyway, set your DVR's for the big interview Sam and Lindsey did with Fox.  We are finally going to get to see them on TV!   If Sam would only say what Fox station interviewed him.  Or what reporter he spoke with.  Or when the interview is going to air, lol.  But I am sure if we all miss it, Sammy will tell us how handsome he looked and that the interview is available on the world's biggest video sharing site, if only we were smart enough to find it.  Just like he did with his last TV interview that no one has ever seen.

  • Love 8
On 5/20/2016 at 7:36 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

I will tell you what I want to see .... I want a full background report on Jackie and all her scams.  Her mother, too.  I want Nev to do a live report from in front of her house and a helicopter to follow Jackie across Oklahoma as she busts through the gate and makes a run for it.   I want Jackie's car overturned in a gully and bloodhounds trailing her as she flees on foot.  I want a SWAT team to swarm the barn she seeks refuge in, and I want to see Jackie dragged out in handcuffs and thrown in the back of a squad car.  I want this guy from the band who pictures she stole to rush into the shot and try to force open the car door so he can whoop her ass.  I want to see Jackie cower in fear and be hauled straight to jail, where she stays for a long long long time.

I want to pose as an online almost billionaire model, contact this post,flirt, catfish but never facetime or skpe with and then propose to this post! Killa imagery!! 

Against my better judgment after initially refusing to watch, I broke down and finally did. Biggest waste of time ever. Just another episode of Meri on the cross.

The part that made me the most hopping mad was her trying to weasel out of the mountain of evidence with the messages of love left and photos sent to Sam. Just like on Sister Wives she basically lied and said that she was pressured into all that by Lindsey. I just don't in a million years buy that. 

I'm also a bit flummoxed over the catfish timeline and the Alaskan trip. I'm curious as to whether Meri's weird cryptic conversation with Kody and her sister wives at that restaurant in Alaska about suddenly being gone one day coincides with thinking she was running away to be with Sam or her being 'threatened' by Jackie Overton. 

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

I'm also a bit flummoxed over the catfish timeline and the Alaskan trip. I'm curious as to whether Meri's weird cryptic conversation with Kody and her sister wives at that restaurant in Alaska about suddenly being gone one day coincides with thinking she was running away to be with Sam or her being 'threatened' by Jackie Overton. 

Based on Meri's smug demeanor in Alaska, I don't believe she knew she was being catfished.  She thought Sam was real, so she was all set to blow that popsicle stand.

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Based on Meri's smug demeanor in Alaska, I don't believe she knew she was being catfished.  She thought Sam was real, so she was all set to blow that popsicle stand.

Yes. She thought she bagged a rich, handsome man who was completely in love with her and was saying goodbye to her life with the Browns. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, auntl said:

Meri didn't sound scared in any of the voice mails. I think she made the "threatened" story up after the relationship ended.

Wait, are you saying a member of the Brown family rearranged the facts as we know them to fit the storyline that they have crafted inside of their own brain, despite the fact that us viewers all know the real story?  That almost NEVER happens! ;)

You're right, Meri didn't sound scared in her voicemails.  She sounded like a woman in love who was ready to jet.  And I hate that I know that because I listened to them.

I would swear, in the Catfish special, she still didn't sound like she'd been scared by the catfisher, she almost sounded like she wasn't still quite 100% convinced that Sam wasn't real, and was waiting at his private helicopter pad to come and pick her up.

In the catfish special, it was almost like she was saying "OK, I got catfished by this woman. But see, all you handsome millionaires out there? I'M STILL AVAILABLE TO FLY THE COOP! See how cute I am? I can laugh off this horrible situation! I understand what went wrong! I learned my lesson! Come and get ME!" Without the Brown Klown Krew around her, it was like a chance to shine on her own, a solo audition.

  • Love 3

The whole timeline with those episodes about the catfish last season was sketchy. It was obvious they threw together something when it went public toward the end of the season. But it does make me wonder what the planned storyline might have been with that "I might just disappear" conversation at the restaurant in Alaska. 

Edited by Lsk02
On 4/28/2016 at 9:40 AM, ghoulina said:


My kindle is picking it's own quotes today.

My goodness.  They are one prosecuted and put upon group.  They had to flee utah because of all the mean people.  They had to declare bankruptcy because people expected them to pay for the stuff they bought.  Robyn's ex-husband stole her purity.  

The "investors" expected them to present a presentation that included a cohesive business plan.  They had to speak and everything!  They had to put it together by a deadline too!!

The Brown's need those four mcmansions because it's inhumane to expect them to share a kitchen.  The mean old lenders stressed them out.  It's not their fault their credit is shitty.  Robyn couldn't find pjs that fit except at Victoria secret.  So it's not her fault that she had a $4000 vs bill.  How she supposed to pay that, being a single mother and all.

And now meri is a victim of that catfisher!  She was forced to go to Disneyland for a booty call.  She didn't leave a love sick voicemails and post gross banana pictures because she wanted to.  She was forced into it protect the family.

And to top it off, kody has 4 WIVES!!  His schedule would make a monogamous man's head spin!!

Whew.  How do they get up every morning and face the day?  How could they possibly hold a job when they have tin cans to paint and lights to hang?

Edited by toodles
  • Love 13
23 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

IThe part that made me the most hopping mad was her trying to weasel out of the mountain of evidence with the messages of love left and photos sent to Sam. Just like on Sister Wives she basically lied and said that she was pressured into all that by Lindsey. I just don't in a million years buy that. 

Meri is the most transparent liar ever.   The way she peeks around when she performs her Catfish narrative to see if people are buying her story is so obvious.  She seems to be counting on people not knowing too much about the content of her communications with the Catfish and just accepting what she says.  But if you do know, it's almost impossible to believe she left all those messages and sent those pictures because she was afraid of "Lindsey."  

I don't doubt the Catfish would pose as Lindsey to encourage her to contacting "Sam," but "Lindsey" didn't bully Meri into sending all those "I love you" texts.  Meri sent those because she WANTED to send them.  She refuses to acknowledge that she was totally in love with this fictitious person and was contemplating sneaking away in the dark of night with her lover.  I mean, I understand it's humiliating and probably still painful for her.  But it's THE TRUTH.

But it's like when she lied about moving the tables as Thanksgiving, it's just easier for her if she is dishonest. 

Look for Meri's trademark head dip/peeking up move on the next episode when she is asking Robyn to take Solomon to St. Louis.  She always does it when she is being sneaky or dishonest.  It creeps me out to see her do it during an attempt to "borrow" one of the small children.  It makes me feel like she just wants to use Sol for a storyline/some screen time or something.  I'm glad it appears Robyn turns her down.  I do believe Meri really loves Sol and everything.  I guess. She posts pics of him a lot.  But Meri has just been shown to be so sneaky and dishonest and manipulative lately, I find myself suspecting everything she does at every turn lately.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 8

I'm sceptical  that Kody would actually go for a 5th wife at this stage (although who knows the bloom seems to be off rose with Robyn a little), but I can see it being milked as a "will he won't he" situation for ratings. Then again maybe he would *actually* marry someone else if it got them another couple of seasons.

MSWC has been hacked and goes to a porn site, that would also make a good episode as Robyn sobs about her pride and joy business going to hell.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, lightbeam said:

The fam is on the cover of Life & Style this week. I skimmed the article real quick while I was in line at the drug store. Basically it said that Kody wants Robyn's niece (?) to be his 5th wife and that all the wives want to leave him.

If this were true, I'd be freaking glued to my television every Sunday to watch it all play out...but I won't hold my breath.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

Not sure where to put this, but I just saw that Mykelti is engaged...or is this old news?

I hadn't heard about it--googled it and found she's engaged to Antonio Padron, a 22-year old banker. No wedding date set yet but they want a winter wedding. So...if this season has Maddie's wedding, maybe a winder Mykelti wedding will garner another season of SW.

  • Love 2
21 minutes ago, kimaken said:

So...if this season has Maddie's wedding, maybe a winder Mykelti wedding will garner another season of SW.

I don't think there is any way TLC can make an entire season out of just a wedding. So far, Maddie's wedding has been just a few minutes in each episode and the rest has been previously seen clips and a birthing dragged out over an hour. I'm with everyone else on this one, the only way this show is coming back is if Kodouche takes a 5th wifey.

  • Love 1

With wedding fever in the air with 2 of the girls, and the possibility of maybe Logan and his girl getting engaged before much longer--I can see Kody's pea-brain pondering this idea. I'd tune in to see if this happened, just to see the reactions of Meri, Janelle, and Christine. Of course, if it keeps the TLC money rolling in, there probably wouldn't be any strong reactions. But...would she get her own house in the cul-de-sac or have to move in with Meri, since her big house has the most room available?


Maybe they could plunk her down in a trailer right in the middle of the cul-de-sac.  Kody could just stand on top of her single wide when he needs to string his stupid lights together. 

Seriously though, a 5th wife is out of the question.  Kody is spread too thin as it is, and they can't afford to start another brood. But what they could do is have a 5th courtship.  And have it blow up in Kody's face!  We would get all the fun and drama of seeing a new woman navigate the herd, watch the others sniff her and bristle, all the fun of dress shopping and cake testing (yawn) and then BAM! Kody gets stood up at the altar.  It would be so sweet to see him get dumped.  Watch him enjoy a little taste of what his wives feel all the damn time.  I'd be down for that.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
because "alter" and "altar" are not the same thing
  • Love 22
18 hours ago, lightbeam said:

The fam is on the cover of Life & Style this week. I skimmed the article real quick while I was in line at the drug store. Basically it said that Kody wants Robyn's niece (?) to be his 5th wife and that all the wives want to leave him.

I wouldn't be surprised if Kody ends up sleeping with that niece. 

  • Love 6

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