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Season 3: Get Your Spoons!


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Ceviche is blah to me. It tastes good but just that satisfying, to me.   Fish requires butter or aloli/mayo if cold in my world.  I love Mexican food but it is something I cooked often for my kids and still do for myself.  

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I would have slapped Ludo the first second he got in my face and touched me - no one needs to behave that way, drama or not.  If the producers are pushing his manhandling of Jen (which he just did again right now while I'm watching) - they need to get their shit together and knock it off.  It's revolting they think this is okay.


AB does none of that - and I haven't seen Marcus do that though he seems overhyped and nearly hysterical at times; AB's attitude is the most "zen" for lack of a better word (which is not a word I would really ever had thought I'd attach to AB.


Poor Nigella - she's a mediocre cook at best and a terrible mentor and, let's face it, she wouldn't be on this thing if the male producers were not in charge of casting.  She sadly really adds nothing and never has with respect to food - it has always been a focus on her looks.  

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Nigella's dress tonight - wow - she's a brave woman.  And I see Marcus in his test pattern shirt in some talking heads. What is Ludo's problem?  He is a total jackass the way he yells at his team.  They aren't his employees (or slaves, for that matter).


Regarding the topknot contestant - last week I was a little grossed by his v-neck displaying chest hair.  That chest hair was so much closer to the food when he bent over than his head hair.


Time to flip channels and watch Project Runway.  I'll be back during commercials.

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Too bad Nigella couldn't compete in Latin Night.

She had a perfect theme planned for the team challenge: "Chicken Enchiladas Made Using My Personal Recipe On Page 32."

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Speaking of wardrobe, Zanna on Project Runway is even braver than Nigella.  She is wearing a puffy white blouse with large red polka dots (at least golf ball sized) and a black and beige horizontally striped skirt. And the stripes are not narrow.


Holy cow  - wardrobe horror tonight!

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Mr chichi and I both think Nigella looks beautiful and sexy. Guess it is in the eye of the beholder... I do agree that she should abdicate her mentor role. Perhaps she should be the producer/host next season. Does this show get good ratings? None of my friends that watch all other food competition shows watch this.

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I thought it was obvious that Dan and Tom were going home tonight.  They made a point of showing both in little clips about their life.  The only reason to me was that they were going home.  Took away any surprise.

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she wouldn't be on this thing if the male producers were not in charge of casting

Three of the five executive producers of the show are women, Nigella being one and Tony being one of the two male producers.

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During the "blind" tasting, Marcus was discussing the bite and said something about the way Tariq made it.  So much for blind tasting.  I always thought they knew whose food they were eating.  I'm thinking Tristan is gonna win this, since the obvious (Gabe) never does.

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I'm a big AB fan, but not so much tonight. I missed most of it, but the last half hour I felt pretty bad for Tom. Bourdain's comments to the camera just kept hammering home the point that Tom was his weakest cook and he was using Erik (his best) to throw the weak one under the bus and get rid of him. Strategy-wise, it made sense, but did he really have to say it over and over How would Tom feel when he watches this? Plus, I thought it came across kind of personal,i like AB really just didn't like him. I can't remember any other mentor taking that tone before (of course most won't have competing teammates.) Still, not what I expected.


It is more relaxing not to have to watch Nigella's coaching, though. Too bad the women left in the competition are not that strong .

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It was nice not to have to watch Nigella & her explicit cooking instructions this week, but WTF is wrong with Ludo? Who loses their mind like that over cooking? He needs to take some valium before the show next time.

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Tom may not have been the best cook, but I was rooting for him to survive this episode. Firstly, because I hated that Bourdain so obviously played favorites, secondly because I felt Eric needed to be taken down a peg, and thirdly because I can't stand Vanessa with her neck tattoo, rosary necklace, and stalker-like devotion to Bourdain, and I wanted her to be in the cook-off. Tom seems like a fun guy who loves food and doesn't take himself too seriously, and I enjoyed watching him a lot more than either Eric or Vanessa.


Ludo is so out of control he needs to be taken off the show. Manhandling Jennifer against her explicitly stated wish last episode, kicking a trash can across the kitchen in this episode then walking out and leaving his team in the lurch during the mentoring round - that's beyond unprofessional, I don't care how talented he is or how many awards he's won.


I'm thinking Tristan is gonna win this, since the obvious (Gabe) never does.



I hope the edit is misleading this year and Gabe wins anyway. He seems relatively ego-free and his dishes always look good. He's also very easy on the eyes.

Edited by chocolatine
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So tired of Ludo tonight period.  I don't care if every single French chef in that country yells like that. It's really unacceptable here, despite what the producers may be saying or not saying.  I did like that he made himself walk away and seemed genuine in his apologies to his team. Still, he needs to quit getting in people's faces and yelling. This truly isn't life or death. I know, a blaspheme in the Church of the TV Chef, but the cheftestants get enough of that in their regular life, no matter their job. That the person who promised to help them is doing anything but? That's a broken promise. 


Also, Ludo whining about losing to Marcus: Dude, Nigella's sitting right there, without a team at all! STFU!


Ben and Gabe can go now. They may make good tasting food, but they are tiresome to listen to as they talk about how worried they were that what they made wasn't going to be good enough. Please.  I will say that Ben's hug of Jennifer looked like it could have been a bit protective of his teammate. It could also be that he totally out-of-the-blue bearhugged Jen, hence her look of surprise.  Gabe is self-assured, which is generally a good thing, but there is something toolish seeming about him, imo.  This week, I think it was all the having Chef Plascencia taste everything, then being all 'yeah, I nailed it!'  Meanwhile, Marcus keeps putting Gabe over Tristan when there has to be a decision. 


Speaking of decisions? Loved Jen's  refusal to throw folks under the proverbial bus. Asking the team to turn on itself isn't cool, Mentor-Guy. It just made Team Tony's breakdown uglier in contrast.


I am now praying for Team Tony to lose the team Challenge next week so pouty, Big Eyes, dig-my-boot toe-into-the- dirt Vanessa can go home! Just w.t.f.? Eric nailed it with his spot on "Vanessa" imitation as to why she's still around.  That she is usually better than Tom has been has helped, but tonight we saw her level of toughness. I so want Jennifer to last longer than this delicate flower. Jennifer has a screaming maniac with a thick accent for a mentor and two Cook-Off survivals under her belt. Vanessa didn't salt enough on a dish and Bourdain noticed and agreed, which brought tears to her eyes and self-flagellation for great chunks of the rest of the episode and THs.  Just do better. Jen may not earn a Michelin star, but she has plated for all of the judges since that incident.


Hopes go to: Jennifer, Tristan, Tarik, and Eric for F4. 


Tex-Mex, Mexican, and Brazilian churrascaria restaurants are all over my area. While I do not watch Mexico One Plate at a Time, if I was in a cooking competition, I'd try to bone up on what some of the major components of a given cuisine before jetting off. So many of the folks left were " I don't know the cuisine", which I find hard to believe. I may be spoiled, living in Texas; we have lots of local/ not chain places that serve a variety of the many styles contained in "Latin". I haven't tried them all, but I have checked out  web sites to see what they served. 


  It felt very same-y again during the individual taste.  No goat/cabrito was used. Neither was yucca or cactus. Or pepitas/ pumpkin seeds.  I did like the octopus and squid being used, as that was at least not a "regular" protein they could have used.  No fruit salsa was attempted either, for a mix of tangy spice with some sweetness and then the protein being a bit crispy in some way possibly.  (Yucca/cactus, to us in the States, may be like poi supposedly tastes--strange, so maybe that is why it wasn't attempted, even by those who knew something about the cuisine?)


Out of curiosity: could the chorizo have been made into a Latin-esque version of a meatloaf? Or would the actual baking of the loaf taken more than the 40 minutes allotted?


PS: I would have loved it if someone had gone for guinea pig; Andrew Zimmern and/ or Bourdain have tried it on their shows. I think it would squick the average ABC viewer though. Still...

Edited by Actionmage
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Bourdain is one of my favorite people in the world. I totally can relate to Vanessa's crush on him.

That said, I HATED him last night with a burning passion. If he had done to me what he did to Tom, or Eric for that matter, I would've just told him to go home and gone off set. Because that was awful to watch.

That quote from Eric said it all, about him not wanting to be Tom's executioner. Tom's got so much more patience and kindness than I have.

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During the "blind" tasting, Marcus was discussing the bite and said something about the way Tariq made it.


I thought that's what Marcus said but I thought I was just hearing wrong.


Anthony Bourdain was such a jerk this episode.  I get Tom wasn't his best chef but really you need to berate him like that when you're talking to you team.  And if it wasn't bad enough you make it very clear you wanted Eric to crush Tom in the taste off.  I was really, really hoping Tom would have knocked Eric off.  I did like it when Tom called it that Vanessa wouldn't be going into to the taste off.  I think Anthony was worried Tom just might knock of his biggest fan.  Here's to hoping her and Jennifer go next week. 

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I see Bourdain's Tom bashing and no longer wonder why Tom was okay with going.

Vanessa has creepy stalker eyes.

Granted I live in Tucson but- tacos? Seriously? Bite sized arepas with pabellon criollo or something. Not tacos.

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I had mad respect for Bourdain tonight.  I loved the way he stayed out of their way in the cook off round and allowed them to create their own dish.    I think his was what production intended when they created this round.  I don't expect to see it next season and if we do, the mentor will not be allowed to instruct them..  Ludo, I am talking to you.  


This is a game show.  I don't fault Tony at all for doing what he could to win.  Tom was his weakest cook and it makes sense he wanted him gone.  Winning is the entire point of this show!   What he did was smart.  Vanessa is frantic and has a crush, sure, but she has produced good food and Tom has not.  He could not risk losing her to Tom because she is not the one getting red stars, Tom is.   He asked Eric and he was up for the challenge.   Good playing all around.  Kudos.  


This show would be lacking without Ludo.  He is pure entertainment; assholes are good at that on reality TV. :>)


I agree with Mr and Miss chichi, Nigella is beautiful.  A real stunner.  

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I get the need for winning with Anthony for the show.  But this episode was edited that it seemed so personal for Anthony.  It was overkill on how Tom was the weakest link, Tom overthought his dishes, Tom didn't pull back, Tom didn't do this, Tom didn't do that etc.  This was the first time a mentor went after their own team member to bury them.  I cannot see any other mentor doing to a member of their own team what Anthony did to Tom.  I do not believe Ludo (however crazy he is) nor Marcus would do that if they had two members battling it out.  And I don't think Anthony would have been rooting for Tom even if he was going against Marcus or Ludo's team.  I think he wanted him gone. Whether it was editing or just Anthony being a jerk (I think him being a jerk), it came across as disgusting - for me at least.

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I covet Marcus' TH shirt.


Ludo needs to keep his fucking hands to himself.  SO not OK to touch a contestant like that.  His temper tantrums are getting old.


Tom's food seems unremarkable to me, and it was time for him to go.  That creepy Vanessa chick is next.


I am craving ceviche for breakfast.  :-)

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I get the need for winning with Anthony for the show.  But this episode was edited that it seemed so personal for Anthony.  It was overkill on how Tom was the weakest link, Tom overthought his dishes, Tom didn't pull back, Tom didn't do this, Tom didn't do that etc.  This was the first time a mentor went after their own team member to bury them.  I cannot see any other mentor doing to a member of their own team what Anthony did to Tom.  I do not believe Ludo (however crazy he is) nor Marcus would do that if they had two members battling it out.  And I don't think Anthony would have been rooting for Tom even if he was going against Marcus or Ludo's team.  I think he wanted him gone. Whether it was editing or just Anthony being a jerk (I think him being a jerk), it came across as disgusting - for me at least.



I really think that any of the chefs would have an agenda to win if they were in the same position.  Tony was being honest and keeping viewers informed of what he thought and his logic for the choices he made.  Tom was not offended.  Tony told him as the show progressed where his weaknesses were.  


One thing I appreciate is when people play to win in any competition.  Feelings have to be put aside and thick skin is required. 

Edited by wings707
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 Tony was being honest and keeping viewers informed of what he thought and his logic for the choices he made.  Tom was not offended.  Tony told him as the show progressed where his weaknesses were.  


One thing I appreciate is when people play to win in any competition.  Feelings have to be put aside and thick skin is required. 


We just have to agree to disagree.  Being honest doesn't mean you have to be an ass.  Tony being honest didn't mean he needed to be an ass.  He didn't need to do what he did for competition cuz I don't think anyone else would have done that.  He was an ass to Tom because Tony was being an ass.  It was shown that it didn't matter what he did.  If Marcus knew Tarik's dish, you don't think it was known what was Tom's dish?  But that didn't matter.   Tony hit home again, and again and again (not to mention in the team group too) that he didn't want Tom.  I'm all for competition but he wasn't looking at competition, Tony was looking for a kill on his own team.  If you don't see that, that's fine but I do. 


How else would Tom react (I would have said FU with the final taste off with Tony being so Pro Eric.  Tom was a pro going in knowing he was the one to be gone.  He called it and he called Vanessa being safe.  Nothing Tom was doing was saving him.  And Tony's fake speech at the end....lol.  Tom is much more of a sport than me.  I would have shook everyone but his after this episode.  Tony was an ass- for me at least.

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Tony was looking for a kill on his own team.  If you don't see that, that's fine but I do.



Yes, I saw that.  He was definitely looking for a "kill."  He wanted Tom gone so he could continue with his better cooks.  Smart move and it worked.  


I never mind disagreeing with anyone.  It would be impossible and very dull if everyone on this large board shared the same take.  :>)

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I'm thinking Tristan is gonna win this, since the obvious (Gabe) never does.



As a Tristan, I feel its my duty to point out that this show doesn't have a Tristan. 

The show has a TristEn.  And so, he will not win, because even his name is wrong.




I agree with Mr and Miss chichi, Nigella is beautiful.  A real stunner.



Amen, squared.  Not to creep on the Countess of Creme Anglaise, but the print on that dress was highlighting all the right places. 




He was definitely looking for a "kill."  He wanted Tom gone so he could continue with his better cooks.



Definitely agree with this, and I don't think Anthony was trying to hide his desire to cut Tom out.  From the beginning of the episode and his Keep It Simple Stupid lecture to Tom, I thought to myself "Anthony will be happy if they lose the team challenge and he can axe Tom."




That quote from Eric said it all, about him not wanting to be Tom's executioner.


I think he said he didn't want to be the butcher, which I found offensive.  Like Tom was an animal. 


Eric can go too, for all I care.  "Anthony wants tripe, so I'll make skirt steak, then cry in the corner about not getting chosen." 


Here's a novel idea, Eric: During the team challenge, where the mentor of the losing team selects who's going home/who's pissed them off the most recently, don't disobey direct orders.


You want to create your own dishes, save it for the elimination challenge, or better yet - open a restaurant.  All cooking shows have constraints/rules and nobody gives a shit about how brilliant you think you are. 

Edited by Drogo
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I have been doing a rewatch of seasons one and two so things are fairly fresh.

The issue with Tom and Tony is, Tom chose Tony to be his mentor...the mentor that should be helping him with the competition to do everything he can. It especially made a stark contrast with Ludo's team earlier, where Ludo could hardly even look at his team to send one home. I have no doubt that if put in that situation, he would have been helping both of them as much as he could, even if he had a clear winner.

Actually there was one time similar to this, Nigella picking a dish from Jacquelyn has year instead of Crystal. But that was because Crystal refused to follow Nigella's theme and was rude when talked to. Plus, Nigella didn't run around saying "I hope our team loses so I can send Crystal home!" Tom is extremely classy based on what we saw and absolutely not deserving of going home. Plus there's this nagging thought in my mind that going in, the judges knew which was his and deliberately picked Eric's.

The whole thing just put a bad taste in my mouth, but the class from Team Ludo and Tom last night was incredible. I loved that Jen refused to say who should go home and then they both followed through and I love that Ludo respected that.

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Tom's best revenge is being able to go back to his highly successful restaurant and cook how he wants.


I can't remember back to the start of the season, but I'm thinking Eric is one of those chefs everyone thinks is so good because he keeps saying how good he is.  Has he won any gold stars yet? 


I was wishing Eric had lost, just to see the steam come out of his ears, and Anthony being abashed.  But then I thought how Anthony would take that out on Tom, so I'm glad he's spared further putdowns from his supposed mentor.


They really need to stop saying how this show is all about the taste, when things like the cook-off mean it's not.

Edited by backgroundnoise
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I can't remember back to the start of the season, but I'm thinking Eric is one of those chefs everyone thinks is so good because he keeps saying how good he is.  Has he won any gold stars yet? 


I agree. Eric hasn't been impressive. Painting the sauce on the plate was a waste & Nigella was spot on for pointing that out. I predict that Vanessa will beat him out for the last chef standing on Tony's team. I'm not crazy about Vanessa acting like a school girl, but she wants to learn.  


I'd like to see Jen and Vanessa in a taste off. That would be fun to watch. 

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Eric's arrogant, but I'm glad he called out Vanessa's claim of having more passion. It always bugs me when some reality TV competitor says they want it more, or have sacrificed more, or have more passion than others. 

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I get the need for winning with Anthony for the show.  But this episode was edited that it seemed so personal for Anthony.  It was overkill on how Tom was the weakest link, Tom overthought his dishes, Tom didn't pull back, Tom didn't do this, Tom didn't do that etc.  This was the first time a mentor went after their own team member to bury them.  I cannot see any other mentor doing to a member of their own team what Anthony did to Tom.  I do not believe Ludo (however crazy he is) nor Marcus would do that if they had two members battling it out.  And I don't think Anthony would have been rooting for Tom even if he was going against Marcus or Ludo's team.  I think he wanted him gone. Whether it was editing or just Anthony being a jerk (I think him being a jerk), it came across as disgusting - for me at least.

Yes, that's it. And I normally love Bourdain, too, love the way he supports his team and gives them independence, but that was brutal. And imo unnecessary. I've never seen anyone act like that to someone on his own team (and nothing I could see from Tom, except for being a supposedly weaker cook, warranted what AB was throwing at him.) I've seen a lot of his shows and while he can be snarky, I've never seen that side, so personally mean to someone. How would Tom feel seeing all that disdain for him? They could have showed it once...but no, it was over and over. And AB's an exec producer so if he ever said, "Hey guys, edit most of that out", they would have. Really bad moment for him, imo. (It did make me like Eric more, so that's something. He didn't like the role, and at least had some nice things to say about Tom--even if Anthony didn't.)

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Vanessa is flaky, her crush on Tony is annoying and she is maudlin.  That clouds her skill to the observer. She has produced many good dishes and  Anthony has said a number of times how impressed he is with the way she can put flavors together, never having done a certain profile before.  She has an innate skill that he appreciates.  She has never cooked with tripe either and he chose her spoon and it came in second.  The judge thought long and hard about that, too.  


She and Eric both have one red star and no gold.  Vanessa is not one to be dismissed and Tony sees that.  I think he is counting on her to pull it out.  Though Eric is arrogant there is some hope he can win, as well. 


We saw Ludo's underbelly this episode.  His temper is something that he cannot control and this bothers him deeply.  He was flipped out at himself for losing his shit in the kitchen.  Really and truly horrified himself.  I have been wondering how much is an act and now I see none of it is.  


ETA.  We have never before seen how another chef would act if both of their team members were in the final cook off.  Criticizing Tony by saying no one else would do that makes no sense.  We don't know.  Tony was honest and respectful the whole way and Tom saw that. He knew he was the weak link.  He had 3 red stars.  He was not bothered by that.  He has a family and business and will return richer for this experience.  This is just a TV show.  

Edited by wings707
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What I briefly enjoyed was AB realizing that maybe he was going to lose his supposed ace-in-the-hole due to such single-minded hubris, aka " I want Tom gone. Eric's the best in my opinion and will win walking away. ::dusts hands:: No problem. Then I'll be able to continue crushing this season."  He forgot that while Tom may not be learning as fast as the competition demands one to learn, he wasn't a slouch in the kitchen to begin with or he wouldn't have made it past the audition stage, right? 


I think he said he didn't want to be the butcher, which I found offensive.  Like Tom was an animal.


But that was exactly what AB used Eric for, the butchering. To cut off the excess (Tom) and leave the team lean and ready to continue to whup up on the other two teams. Or maybe AB thought Eric was Jason Bourne and ended up with a very reluctant Sam the Butcher.


That was got me so upset that Ludo sent Dan home. It was so very King Solomon splitting the baby. After all three stood pat on not turning on each other, Ludo is still trying to figure out who he can lose. Dan offers himself up to end to agony, no doubt. Knowing he, Dan, is okay with either decision. Yet, Ludo keeps the one person who did not initiate a classy act. That was Jen, for not playing Under The Bus and Dan for showing he was willing to sacrifice for his mentor/team. (We don't knowhow long in real time Ludo debated with himself. It could have been as shown or it could have been a handful of minutes. If it was the latter, it had to feel like hours to Jen, Ben and  Dan.)


But the show is called The Taste, not the Nicest Cooks In America, Actionmage, I hear you type. I get that. Yet, the show's mission statement has as much meaning for this season as a roll of glittery heart stickers. We're supposed to see mentors discover great cooks. I have seen mentors hectoring and micromanaging and actively torpedoing their own team.  So when they want to actually do the mentoring and focus on the cheftestant's take on cooking, then I'll focus on that. When the focus is so squarely on the mentors and their thoughts, even the guest mentors are featured more than the ones in the actual contest, I can't take the show seriously as what they claim.

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I would have eliminated Jen for making something as basic as huervos ranchos for a guest judge who specialized in Hispanic cooking, but I guess her tortillas saved her -- barely. Ludo would have lost what is left of his mind if Jen went to the cook-off for the third time a row. That dude needs to seriously to get a grip.


Ludo's team showed a lot of class -- especially Dan -- instead of throwing each other under the bus.


I laughed at Anthony going all Donald Trump (ala "The Apprentice") on Tom. Tom would have been a dismal failure on Nigella's team and she would have thrown him out at the first opportunity.


Since Nigella is no longer in the competition, does she just stand there the entire time? I actually loved her dress and thought she looked great.  I thought Marcus had dialed it back until I saw him from below chest level and saw the camouflage pants. Interesting choice.

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I was glad to see Javier Plascencia as the guest mentor. I’ve been to his restaurant, Romesco, here in San Diego and actually had beef check tacos – they were amazing. He also serves tripe tacos, which a friend of mine has had and loved. His albondigas (meatballs that are usually served in some kind of sauce - Javier makes his in bacon chipotle cream sauce) are another favorite of mine and I’m kind of surprised no one tried to make them for this challenge – I think they would have been more interesting than an empanada or huevos rancheros, especially as they're pretty versatile.


Vanessa made huevos rancheros – really? She couldn’t be any more creative than that? Again with the “if Anthony likes my flavors, that’s all I care about.” Unless she plans on becoming his personal chef (which in her obsessive, stalkery mind she might think is a real possibility), she’s not going to be able to be really successful in the culinary world just cooking for one person’s palate. This week again she was all torn up when he made one small criticism – the girl needs to get a grip. I agree that her whole little rant about how she had more passion than her other team members was a bit ridiculous, especially when she threw in the stuff about not having a home or a job to go back to. A lot of the contestants on this show quit their jobs in order to do the show so using that as proof that she has more passion than the others really doesn’t sit well. The only thing she’s more passionate about than others seems to be Anthony.


I like Tristen more and more and I would love to see him win the whole thing. He’s come so far in his career already and he’s still pretty young. At a minimum I hope the exposure on this show will open up some doors for him and he can have his pick as to what he wants to be the next step in his career.

Edited by Rapunzel
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During the "blind" tasting, Marcus was discussing the bite and said something about the way Tariq made it.  So much for blind tasting.  I always thought they knew whose food they were eating.  I'm thinking Tristan is gonna win this, since the obvious (Gabe) never does.

I went back and watched this, and although it did sound like Tarik, per the closed captioning he said "it took guts to dare to do that."  And I definitely heard him say "it took guts to", not "for," so I think the CC is correct.

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I went back and watched this, and although it did sound like Tarik, per the closed captioning he said "it took guts to dare to do that."  And I definitely heard him say "it took guts to", not "for," so I think the CC is correct.


Oh good then he didn't mention Tarik (I could have sworn he said his name) so it's nice to see what closed captioning says.

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Tom may not have been the best cook, but I was rooting for him to survive this episode. Firstly, because I hated that Bourdain so obviously played favorites, secondly because I felt Eric needed to be taken down a peg, and thirdly because I can't stand Vanessa with her neck tattoo, rosary necklace, and stalker-like devotion to Bourdain, and I wanted her to be in the cook-off. Tom seems like a fun guy who loves food and doesn't take himself too seriously, and I enjoyed watching him a lot more than either Eric or Vanessa.


Every bit of that is exactly what I was going to say.  Eric may be a good chef but his ego and excuses are really off-putting.  I've disliked Vanessa all along so I was annoyed that Tony saved her instead of Tom.



I went back and watched this, and although it did sound like Tarik, per the closed captioning he said "it took guts to dare to do that."


Thanks for that.  I heard "Tarik" also and wondered why the producers left it in.  That didn't make sense so I'm glad it didn't happen.


I don't understand why Jen gets so much attention and air time.  It's almost like she's going to end up winning which I fervently hope is not the case.  I'm rooting for Gabe and Tristen.

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On the subject of recognizing your own cooks, I felt a little bell go off when Jen was talking about "using techniques I've learned here from Ludo" in her spoon last week. She specifically mentioned brown butter (and lobster? can't quite remember) and maybe also the hash...something. It seemed a strategy that many would use (and its not against any rules)--incorporate something your mentor has demonstrated into your dish in the hope he will recognize it (or, like some do with AB, anticipate the flavor profile and ingredients that you know speak to him.) I'm not saying a mentor would automatically give a gold star if they recognized "My Team" from the technique, but someone as competitive as Ludo might do that (he really does seem all about winning to me, not about finding the best cook).

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 I don't understand why Jen gets so much attention and air time.  It's almost like she's going to end up winning which I fervently hope is not the case.  I'm rooting for Gabe and Tristen.

Same here. Jen was less irritating this episode, but I really hope she doesn't make it to the final four much less win the whole thing. She always has to rely on having someone else help her (Ludo even had to tell her what piece of cookware to use during the Scream Offs) and I don't think she's made anything particularly original, interesting or that really "wowed" everyone else. I just don't think she has the right level of skill to be in this competition and I really hope either she or Vanessa goes next with the other one right behind.

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I dunno. It just seems to me that when the mentors press their buttons for best/worst and first see that person's name come scrolling onto the marquee, they never seem all that surprised.

Edited by lordonia
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Though as noted above Anthony did say you couldn't go wrong with either of the dishes before they actually brought out the dishes.

When did he say that? I forgot that had been brought up here, and it would have been harder to pick out when rewinding anyway.

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I know this should be about cooking, but I thought Nigella's dress was horrific.


And I was disappointed that Tony made such a production over getting rid of Tom.  That was harsh and unnecessary.  It's not like he couldn't telegraph the 'winner' of the cook-off to the other judges.  Although maybe he was afraid that Ludo or Nigella would keep Tom just to spite him.

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I for one enjoy the cook-offs and hope they leave it in for next season. The only change (I would want to see) would be for the mentors to provide general guidance only with more creative leeway for the cooks. But overall love the cook-offs... find them exciting. I enjoy Ludo as well. He's intense and over the top but that is exactly what I like about him. 


And yes... Nigella lounging on the settee like a femme fatale is getting pretty old now and seems forced. I think she is an attractive lady and don't mind her dresses at all. If Marcus can get away with wearing the things that he does then so can Nigella. Rock on Nigella!

Edited by Bandolero
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The only way I can get behind the cookoffs is if they make it a true cookoff between losing chefs, meaning those tied with the same number of red stars.  If one chef has the most, they should be automatically out.  Take the politics out and really make it about the Taste, as they keep saying it is.

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If you think about it, Nigella is the soul of consistency. Her last chef went out for the same reasons as every other--Nigella's over-management (again, standing literally inches in back of her contestant the whole time and trying to dictate every step).

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ETA.  We have never before seen how another chef would act if both of their team members were in the final cook off.  Criticizing Tony by saying no one else would do that makes no sense.  We don't know.  Tony was honest and respectful the whole way and Tom saw that. He knew he was the weak link.  He had 3 red stars.  He was not bothered by that.  He has a family and business and will return richer for this experience.  This is just a TV show.  



Tony was honest about what other people might hem and haw about.  I have no problem with him strategizing to get Tom out--it was pretty up front and without bullshit false platitudes.  He was clear about his issues with Tom. and clear about why he saved Vanessa in favor of Eric. It was in fact all FAR more above board than I'm used to on a reality show.

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Tony was honest about what other people might hem and haw about.  I have no problem with him strategizing


I don't have a problem with the strategizing either.  In Tony's place, I might do the same thing.  BUT..........  Tony did not need to do his thinking out loud and disparage Tom over and over when he knew full well that people would see it all on TV when the show aired.  Tom seemed like a nice, decent guy and I don't think he deserved to be belittled publicly like that.

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