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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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Me three! One of the reasons I keep my Costco membership and shop there (though not on Black Friday), is that they actually *close* and give their employees the day off on several holidays: New Year's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. 


BTW, yesterday I read part of this article about Costco's deal with American Express (was at the hair salon and didn't finish before the hair dye did, lol). Which began by contrasting the corporate cultures, down-to-earth Costco vs. the highfalutin' Amex. Here's a favorite bit:


Joke's on Amex. Because, yeah, they are after all a vendor, and Costco's not renewing their contract. Turns out, Costco-branded cards are ten percent of all Amex cards issued. The article also says this:


Sheesh. People who are in business need to remember that however high flying they may be, they are, well, in business. The article's description of how the Amex people scouted and advanced every detail of every Costco visit of the Amex CEO, had me thinking "Dude, you run a credit card company. You're not the Pope, and you're in business, not the ministry."


Or, as grandma said, pride goeth before a fall.


Have a great day, everyone!

Yup. The asses you kick on the way up, are the same asses you'll be kissing on the way down.

  • Love 3

Me three! One of the reasons I keep my Costco membership and shop there (though not on Black Friday), is that they actually *close* and give their employees the day off on several holidays: New Year's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. 


BTW, yesterday I read part of this article about Costco's deal with American Express (was at the hair salon and didn't finish before the hair dye did, lol). Which began by contrasting the corporate cultures, down-to-earth Costco vs. the highfalutin' Amex. Here's a favorite bit:


Joke's on Amex. Because, yeah, they are after all a vendor, and Costco's not renewing their contract. Turns out, Costco-branded cards are ten percent of all Amex cards issued. The article also says this:


Sheesh. People who are in business need to remember that however high flying they may be, they are, well, in business. The article's description of how the Amex people scouted and advanced every detail of every Costco visit of the Amex CEO, had me thinking "Dude, you run a credit card company. You're not the Pope, and you're in business, not the ministry."


Or, as grandma said, pride goeth before a fall.


This makes me so sad.  My older sister was a long-time Amex employee (she moved with them from 2 World Trade to 7 World Trade and then worked disaster recovery after 9/11) but got laid off in '08 when they and just about every financial services firm shit the bed.  She'd worked her way up from being an Admin (granted, to a VP) to being a project manager for Bank Tech before they sold off the division to another bank (who sold it to another company who sold it to another company, who took it to India, who sold it to another company who brought it back to the US; such is the life in financial services).  My sister only had an Associates degree but her subject matter expertise was highly valued; she knew and worked with the CEO quite a bit and always found him a down to earth, nice guy, "regular" guy.  Granted, he had a solid gold Blackberry (it was '08), but he was the type of guy to ask you about your family and remember where your kids were going to college.  I know he'd been sick for a while, so maybe that's why.  I just can't picture Ken Chenault needing an advance man, but at the same time, I can so see some of his juniors doing something of that nature.  Also, it's a very different firm now, from what I understand of my friends who are still there.  Major culture change since '08, thinking like they're Goldman Sachs because they made it through the bubble that killed Lehman, so it's entirely possible.

Edited by Lemur
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Thanks for that perspective, Lemur. Good to remember that corporations employ people, and people suffer when things go wrong. The article credits Chenault with building up Amex, and I can totally believe his underlings did all that advance work on their own without his directing it. I also can believe they've had a corporate culture change lately, because the Costco-Amex relationship goes back a long way, and I think Costco wouldn't have hung in with them if Costco could have gotten a better deal with another card issuer. 


I can also see Costco wanted to get away from Amex in the wake of the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression simply for the fact that the amount of people in collections for Amex accounts was exceeding the number of people on the active rolls for a while there (and still does).  People who have credit cards now simply don't have Amex cards due to their repayment policies.  From the "new economy" perspective it doesn't make sense to limit yourself, not when so many people are still scraping and putting a Costco run on their WhateverBank MasterCard and paying it off over two months makes more sense then putting it on the Amex they don't have (anymore) or taking the hit to their debit card (and Lord knows no one carries cash anymore).  I think the deal they'd worked out to get a cut of the processing fees was no longer profitable (for Costco or for Amex), and all the rest was just further justification. 

Me three! One of the reasons I keep my Costco membership and shop there (though not on Black Friday), is that they actually *close* and give their employees the day off on several holidays: New Year's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

BTW, yesterday I read part of this article about Costco's deal with American Express (was at the hair salon and didn't finish before the hair dye did, lol). Which began by contrasting the corporate cultures, down-to-earth Costco vs. the highfalutin' Amex. Here's a favorite bit:

Joke's on Amex. Because, yeah, they are after all a vendor, and Costco's not renewing their contract. Turns out, Costco-branded cards are ten percent of all Amex cards issued. The article also says this:

Sheesh. People who are in business need to remember that however high flying they may be, they are, well, in business. The article's description of how the Amex people scouted and advanced every detail of every Costco visit of the Amex CEO, had me thinking "Dude, you run a credit card company. You're not the Pope, and you're in business, not the ministry."

Or, as grandma said, pride goeth before a fall.

Have a great day, everyone!

One of the many things I like abut Costco is that they are great to their employees, and so you do encounter executives who used to stock shelves.

I have had my Costco membership since just about the minute they sprang to life in beautiful Kirkland, Washington, where I was living at the time. When "Kirkland" became their house brand name it just tickled me, and I still can get the giggles over Kirkland Tequila, for example. It's just funny to me to see everything named after what used to be a sleepy little town outside Seattle. But especially giant bottles of booze.

Someday I'll have to calculate how much dough I've saved on cat litter and toilet paper over the last few decades. LOL.

  • Love 6

Going back a few pages to a cute story about a child's first research paper.  My kids did theirs in first grade, footnotes, bibliography, the real deal!  (I think this is an excellent idea by the way as it takes the intimidation factor right out of if, they are so young they don't notice it!)  Anyways, the paper had to be on an animal.  The problem was that my kids attended a Spanish Immersion school and every year they would run out of books about animals at the right reading level in Spanish both in the school library and also at the local public library that carried a lot more books at the elementary level in Spanish than most.


Some background, at the immersion school there was no English allowed starting in kindergarten, I knew that he was reading a little in English before kindergarten but since it was not measured at all at school I had no idea at what level at that point in time.  He wanted to do his paper on turtles, he couldn't find a book at school and we couldn't find a book at the local library, I desperately checked the wider library system and the major bookstores, nada.  Finally, he went to his teacher and begged to use a book in English, she explained to him that she was concerned that he couldn't read it properly to use it as material successfully, he told her that he was pretty sure that he could.  She asked him to show her, so he went off and grabbed a Dorling-Kindersley (4th grade level reading) book on turtles in English, brought it back to her and preceded to read it perfectly to her in English, she was floored!  She called me later that day to share the happy news.


He did such a good job, he got sent around the school to give presentations to various classes.  I was one proud momma!  The things your children learn when you're not paying attention...

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I don't normally wear make up because my skin is sensitive, but a year ago I started buying more high end make up at Sephora. I could easily spend every paycheck there.


I think my niece does. Lol. She loves their cosmetics. Too bad the Duggar girls don't go there- I'm sure wearing better makeup would help their skin issues.

You could always take some "lady pants" otherwise known as disposable underwear with built in pads.  That might be more discreet than puppy pads. :)

You guys make me crack up. I love the term "lady pants".
  • Love 4

  I think my niece does. Lol. She loves their cosmetics. Too bad the Duggar girls don't go there- I'm sure wearing better makeup would help their skin issues.

Has anyone seen the recent infomercial for cosmetics where the makeup creator removes her makeup to uncover her rosecea?

Her whole face is beet red! - I think the makeup might be making her case worse!

As a person with rosecea- I want a product that works on the issue not just covers it up.

I won't be buying from her!

Actually, I have a Costco-branded Amex card, and it's set up like a regular credit card. You can carry a balance - and pay interest - and as long as you make the minimum payment each month you're fine. Long ago I had a regular Amex card, which did require the full balance to be paid each month. I did carry a balance on my Costco Amex but got it paid off and now am zeroing it out each month.


The other day I asked a guy at my Costco warehouse customer service desk, about the transition next spring to the Citibank VISA (or whichever VISA is replacing Amex). He said I won't need to to anything. The new VISA card will be issued, it won't be reflected as a "hit" on my credit report (I think he meant it won't be reported as my having applied for a new loan), and things should just roll along as before. I assume Amex will try to get me to keep their card, but I'm not interested unless they waive an annual fee. And I'll keep it only as long as there is no annual fee. Which means I won't have an Amex card after next spring, I am sure. 


Edited to add: As I understand it, any outstanding balances on Costco Amex cards at the time of the changeover, will be transferred to the new VISA cards that are issued to replace them. It really is a total buyout/changeover, and although the article I cited, assumes people will need to reapply that's not what the Costco CSR told me the other day. He said that if you cancel your Costo Amex card now and later want the new Costco VISA card next year, you would need to apply, but not if you just keep the Amex card and wait for the changeover. Which gives me hope that Costco is indeed looking out for its customers/members. Costco's customer service has been, in my experience, phenomenal. 


They used to let you carry a balance on several of their cards, but not the traditional green or gold.  And don't get me started on the annual fees.  I swear it's to cover the cost of the roadside assistance cardholders are entitled to, as it costs about the same as AAA.

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Could someone please PM me and fill me in on what happened with the whole gofundme thing? Obviously there's tons of info been deleted.

Was distracted with a family death, and when I came back for an update, there's huge holes in the discussion.

And yes, this is my first post, but I've got hours and hours... and hours ..... of reading here behind me. I'm just more of a reader than a poster. (If not my first post, one of a very few.)

Edited by Delft
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I'm back from my annual beach vacation (I go in the fall with the snow birds, lol) and I'm kinda floored at everything that went down while I was gone for a few days. Wow.


So, on to other topics! I had to get a Costco membership when my dog started needing special anti seizure meds. It would cost me over $800 a month at Walgreens and it's less than $150 for a three month supply at Costco. That membership paid for itself in one shopping trip. I'm single and live alone so I really don't shop for too much else there. Plus, my house was built in 1941 and I just don't have the closet space for 1200 rolls of toilet paper or 3 pound blocks of cheese.

  • Love 4

Could someone please PM me and fill me in on what happened with the whole gofundme thing? Obviously there's tons of info been deleted.

Was distracted with a family death, and when I came back for an update, there's huge holes in the discussion.

And yes, this is my first post, but I've got hours and hours... and hours ..... of reading here behind me. I'm just more of a reader than a poster. (If not my first post, one of a very few.)

Me too!  I'm confused.......

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I can't think of anything I want badly enough to tackle shopping on Black Friday, or that entire weekend either.  No amount of free donut holes or coffee or bargains are worth it.  In my opinion that is.  


Completely agree, lookeyloo - and with frenchtoast as well. A - I really dislike shopping in crowds and B - I've never seen anything I want so badly as to risk being trampled flat. Although being old now, I have everything I need, and almost everything I want. So the issue is pretty much moot. In my 20s I would might have had a different perspective. Maybe. But I still can't see myself getting up at 3 am and standing in long cold lines to get an awesome deal on a LeCreuset Dutch oven or a Kitchen Aid stand mixer, which is what I wanted at that age. 

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pshaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww, THANKS!!!!! (Love my job!!!)


ETA:  Hey, Goosebumps is out (I think...) and I did that movie! 


Happy - I can't wait until you get another Meryl Streep movie. Or Clooney. I'd be loving that too. Even though it would be "a degree or two" of separation [for me], I'd love that. Ah, vicarious living! ⭐️

  • Love 3

The gofundme account that was set up has been deleted, along with all the links because after considering it carefully, the mods decided it wasn't such a good idea. They fully appreciate that we're a pretty tight group, and that we want to help people in here. I think they did the right thing - you know - err on the side of caution and all... And I personally think they are a great group of mods who go above and beyond to keep us in check, and to keep us from stepping on one another's toes. They have access to far more information than I do, I know that much. Sometimes, we just have to choose to trust them. But if it really bugs you, you can always pm one of them.

I went by Mama's yesterday, and she was having an especially absent day. She KNOWS she knows me, and that she loves me, and she's able to discern that I love her deeply - but can't quite stretch the brain cells to cover the distance to ME. we chatted a few minutes when I first came in (she told me how BUSY she'd been all day, and how these TRUCK DRIVERS kept coming through here this morning...?????). Then she says, "Good Lord, you look JUST LIKE ME! Are you related to me?" Ummmm, yes. We talked a little more and settled that issue, then she says, "you have hair EXACTLY like mine, you MUST be related to me". Ummmmm, yes.

I would like to clarify that her hair is white as snow, and I'm not there. Yet.

  • Love 15

I never go shopping on Black Friday and could never understand my cousin and her daughter gleefully planning for the day. Torture, I tell ya and just can't rap my head around anyone putting themselves through it let alone looking forward to it. A couple of years ago I was looking on line for a dog and found a couple of cuties at my local pound that would be available on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Great! I thought. The pound it is because who would go to the pound on the biggest shopping day of the year. As I drove up there were cars parked all down the block and the lot was full but I found a spot and hiked to the office. Once there I had to get in the end of a very long line. "WTH is going on", I asked the people around me. Half price Pet Adoption Day they told me. So for $65 you could adopt a dog that would be altered, chipped and licensed. What a deal. After much anxiety because several people were looking at the same dogs I was we all went home with our selections. Mine is a maybe Silky Terrier sleeping on the end of my bed as I type.

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So 1) I grew up dirt poor with rarely my own belongings. 2) I have more time than money 3) I love the thrill, therefore I love Black Friday! I first did it when my oldest (now 17) was a toddler as a way to stretch the Xmas budget. Then as things got better I loved finding the perfect gift for others. The hunt is so fun for me, the crowds don't bother me at all. And I liked getting all my shopping done at once. Some years I did it with friends and then we would hide the goods in our neighbors garages at 5 am. Fun times. In the last five years I've only gone twice because of finances (damn recession) but this past Black Ftiday was weird. I wasn't even going to go but my teen had three friends that had not experienced it. So at midnight off we went, I refused to go on Thanksgiving. But it was like a regular shopping evening. No lines no heavy crowds, just the bargains. Which was ok. Even my teen, who started going with me once she found out about Santa and loves BF like me, was eh about it and missed the crazy old days. But the girls had fun. We ended the trip at Sephora of course.

Thanks for this, HFC. Just to be clear, we were not the ones who deleted the GoFundMe account. We took down the links, and WanderWoman apparently closed the account herself.

Unfortunately, we received significant evidence that WanderWoman was perpetrating a fraud - the same long-term fraud that had been done on multiple other sites over the years. In fact, her posts here were almost verbatim from another scam done in 2008 (or thereabouts).

Most of us - maybe all of us - were taken in by WW's story, even the mods. So we'd like to thank the eagle-eyed posters who couldn't ignore the nagging doubts in their minds, investigated the situation, and brought it to our attention. We're sorry this happened, but now we know what to look for. We were particularly outraged, because this is a good group full of kind-hearted people, and we hate that anyone even attempted to take advantage of you like this.

If any of you ever suspect there's anything fishy going on, please PM us and we'll investigate. That goes for all of the PTV forums.

. Holy shit. This brought years to my eyes. I'm mad and sad at the same time. Ugh Good thing I work from home. Note to self - don't read Small Talk on your breaks. - thanks to all who were watching out for us.
  • Love 10

Holy shit. This brought years to my eyes. I'm mad and sad at the same time. Ugh Good thing I work from home. Note to self - don't read Small Talk on your breaks. - thanks to all who were watching out for us.



I have tears in my eyes too... It's funny how people can be so deceptive at times. And then you just never know who the next one is going to be...

  • Love 12

This brings me back to when my kids first starting to use the internet. I would tell them not to mention their schools, or team names, etc. My daughter's friend was there during one of the many cautions I was giving them, and she said "But why does it matter if they know our team name if they tell us the name of their team in Texas?" I replied "Because that 'girl on a team in Texas' could be a creepy man living on the next street."


I should heed my own advice.

  • Love 8

I have tears in my eyes too... It's funny how people can be so deceptive at times. And then you just never know who the next one is going to be...

That is one of the worst things, I think - the damage to our willingness to trust. Not that we should be blindly naive, but it is damage to our sense of humanity. I don't know, I can't find the right words. But the psychological hurt is bad, along with any monetary hit that anyone experienced.

  • Love 7

That is one of the worst things, I think - the damage to our willingness to trust. Not that we should be blindly naive, but it is damage to our sense of humanity. I don't know, I can't find the right words. But the psychological hurt is bad, along with any monetary hit that anyone experienced.

agree. (A million sad faces here) As far as gofundme we were all reimbursed.
  • Love 6

Holy shit!!! Ablosom was right when she warned us several months ago. Wow...just wow. But like Mr. Rodgers said when something bad happens just look at how many people are willing to help, that's what I'm going to focus on. I'm not gonna lie I reverse image search that photo of "Maise" because it didn't look real. Again...wow!

  • Love 20

Holy shit!!! Ablosom was right when she warned us several months ago. Wow...just wow. But like Mr. Rodgers said when something bad happens just look at how many people are willing to help, that's what I'm going to focus on. I'm not gonna lie I reverse image search that photo of "Maise" because it didn't look real. Again...wow!

I did a reverse image on the photo too. Nothing came up. But if this person has been scamming for that long I guess they 'know better'. And so true, there are more good people in the world then bad. With that said, I do wonder if Wander had any cohorts.

  • Love 7

Holy shit!!! Ablosom was right when she warned us several months ago. Wow...just wow. But like Mr. Rodgers said when something bad happens just look at how many people are willing to help, that's what I'm going to focus on. I'm not gonna lie I reverse image search that photo of "Maise" because it didn't look real. Again...wow!

Yikes. I remember that. I thought, Oh, I'm sure these sad stories are just venting, as long as no one is hinting for money. I never considered that someone would be setting up a long con. Absolom was sharper than I, for sure.

Did you find "Maisie's" pic?

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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I hope I don't offend anyone by saying this, but thank God the story wasn't true. She was in my prayers over the past year and was worried for her health and mental state. I'm sickened that someone would draw in and try to scam so many. 


I don't understand why someone would do this. For those of you who have gone through what "wanderwoman" was going through, I'm so sorry and I'm happy for those who've come out the other side. 

  • Love 9

And for those of you who shared your personal stories in response to wander we all benefitted from hearing those. You are all still an inspiration to me, she can't and wont take that away from us. Screw her....she really is a sick person just not in the way we thought. And tip of the hat to the mods for getting to the bottom of that!

  • Love 19

This brings me back to when my kids first starting to use the internet. I would tell them not to mention their schools, or team names, etc. My daughter's friend was there during one of the many cautions I was giving them, and she said "But why does it matter if they know our team name if they tell us the name of their team in Texas?" I replied "Because that 'girl on a team in Texas' could be a creepy man living on the next street."

I should heed my own advice.

right?! A month or so ago I was telling my family the latest on Wander and my hubby gve me the side eye. He asked if maybe we were being taken for a ride. Of course this was before the gofundme and I said Nope. - it will be an interesting conversation at dinner tonight. Not looking forward to the "I told you so's" from hubby and teen. But I'm making Chinese tonight, one of their favorites. Maybe they will be so busy eating they won't be actively listening to me lol. - I have to admit, I am an analyst by trade and so it's bugging the shit out of me that I missed this. Ok. I'm going to give myself a day to deal with this and then I'm moving on. Glad there is no Miss M that has to deal with hearing loss and an asshole of a dad.
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I admit that when I saw that photo of "Maisie" a warning bell went off for me, too.  It really did look like the Gerber baby!  And as someone had previously posted, a lot of us have been through things like a bad marriage, and her story resonated with us.  After I made my donation, I had vague feelings of doubt and felt bad when I was a little relieved that I was getting my money back.  And maybe it was a HE.  

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Hello to everyone. This is my first post anywhere on this site. I transferred over from Twop(never posted there much, more a reader). I have only watched 2 episodes of the Duggers, but know more than I need to about them..lol I have also read every page of the Twop thread and here too. I have read every page of the Small Talk as well.


I first must say that you ladies are a wonderful bunch and I have laughed and cried over many of your posts. After reading about WW,  I had to post. I remember reading when she said she lost one of her twins and I was just sick for her. As like many of us here, she had my heart on strings. That was until one of her final posts where she stated her "ex" came with his girlfriend and the girlfriend was talking so bitchy like and WW said she was pregnant. I kinda wondered if that was true. It wasn't up until that point that something didn't seem right. It was a bit much for me to believe. Like nc socialworker, the last picture of "Maisie" didn't look real.


I am disgusted that someone could make something so horrible up, how desperate are people for attention? I am so glad everyone got there money back from the gofundme donations. I am sorry for all of us that worried and worried about "her" and "Maisie".


A little about me, I have watched children for 30 years starting from my first babysitting gig at 16 and daycare job. Mr. Wisconsinite and I have no children of our own, our personal decision. I have recently retired from childcare as the last child I watched in my home went off to kindergarten in September. I still take her once in awhile for a girls fun day. She is the sweetest girl.


We live in Iowa but are born and raised Wisconsinites(hence the name..lol). We have been here 12 years for my husbands job. Never thought we would be here this long..lol


HFC some of your stories about your mom just make me chuckle as I watched my grandma go through dementia. She didn't remember us much at the end, but she could be a spitfire. She once asked my sister if she had a "sugardaddy" which if you knew my grandma, would NEVER EVER say that word or even know it..lol Another time when visiting her with my mom(was her mom), she asked what my husband and I were having for dinner. I told her we were going out that night and she said.."Well don't look at me for money, ask your mom for it." At the other end of it, I know the awfulness you feel on days as well. Your daughter's story breaks my heart. I can't even to begin to imagine dealing with all that.


I can't even begin to respond to everyone on this thread who have shared such personal stories. This is the first place I check each day to see what everyone is up to. A lot of times it was for my concern of WW and to see if she had checked in or not. Kudos for all the eyes out there watching and catching this.


Lastly, MODS you ROCK! Through all the Duggar drama as of late and this with WW,  you have kept this place running smoothly. Your time is truly appreciated.

Edited by Wisconsinite
  • Love 10

Holy cow! I consider myself a bit too cynical at times but I totally bought WW's story. Thanks to those who figured out what was really going on!

I bought it too until there was the break and she came back and even mentioned giving money to Mckmama who was a mommie blogger possible scammer. It was odd that a young first time mom would know about her and even donate to her. I'm always suspect of stories of people with seemingly busy complicated lives who have time for multiple posts in many threads. I'm glad its been addressed. Thank Mods and those who reported their concerns.

  • Love 7

I have to admit warning bells were ringing in my head for quite awhile while now - towards the end they were CLANGING!

The baby pic pretty much sealed it for me, but oh my, what a smooth explanation! Implant bothering her, my foot!!

I wanted to speak up more than once, but like I said, I read here a LOT, but keep to myself, so wasn't sure how seriously I would be taken. Besides, if I told you my story, it wouldn't be believed either!

We're all a little sadder and wiser now, so hopefully we can get back to some more "sweet fellowship".

I'll be over in the corner, reading.

  • Love 14

I missed the warning by Absolom earlier. Grrr.

I am sure my bank is slow but a credit has not hit my account yet. Not worried yet. Will give it another 24 hours.

My bank has not credited yet, either, JELLYBEANS. But, if it never is reversed, I will consider it a lesson well learned.

Thanks so much for trying to warn us, Absolum. And thank you Mods and those who were able to find out the true story and put an end to the so very sad soap opera.

  • Love 5

If it sounds too good to be true it probably is. If it sounds too bad to be true then it probably is, too...


This website will eat your brain and your time, but is a great place for research on the WW's and MckMama's of the world. Enjoy !!!




ETA: Note MckMama's kids names...

Edited by SomePity1066
  • Love 7

Wow...I feel really silly for believing for so long - but yeah that picture.  After I had commented on it I remember thinking later that it was really really perfect?  Does that make sense?  I have been wrapped up in my own family junk that I never got around to donating - hopefully none of you got ripped off 


In other news, which I can verify, my dad is on his way to rehab after the weekend.  Gotta get the ole grump up and walking before he can go home, which makes me happy since my mom will still have the house to herself for a little while longer.  She's really enjoying that!

Edited by CherryMalotte
  • Love 8
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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