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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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Barb23, I love Nancy Thayer books.  So I'd also like Elin Hilderbrand?


Hang in, HFC

Yes, I'm sure you would like Hilderbrand. They have similar writing styles. The one thing I like is that the books don't have to be read in order they were written. Different characters in each story & deal with similar issues to Thayer's. (Weddings, health issues, kids, divorce, etc)

  • Love 1

OK, so, this one is a story that made me sniffy in a good way. The kid in Texas who was arrested because his teacher thought the digital clock he built was a bomb has been invited to the White House, facebook headquarters, space camp, a science show in Canada with Chris Hadfield (that link is to a feel-good video too), and one of the astronauts from the International Space Station is giving him a NASA t-shirt he wore in space.


I know that's kind of random, but it cheered me up.

  • Love 16

HFC from a non involved outsider that post reads to me as "ok I know I don't have a pot to piss in and this is a hair brained scheme but don't judge me because Jesus" are you reading something ominous into it? Do you feel it's some kind of message?

. I think he's an idiot, so mostly I read something into EVERYTHING he says and find a reason to hate it.

We reached them, or they reached me (more accurately). Before I posted on here, I had texted every device I thought they had access to, and messaged Idiot on FB. So my daughter sent me a message saying they were at the house and have to climb the hill behind them for a signal. I texted back that if she has to climb the tree at the top of that hill and hang sideways while whistling Dixie!, If she doesn't want Navy Seals showing up to rescue them, she needs to DO THAT every damn day. Later, she got all the kids on top of the hill and facetimed so I could count heads. Everything is so choppy and we always get cut off. There's no sure fire way to communicate.

Thanks for the support, peeps.

But. Doesn't he sound JUST LIKE a cult leader?????

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 10

OK, so, this one is a story that made me sniffy in a good way. The kid in Texas who was arrested because his teacher thought the digital clock he built was a bomb has been invited to the White House, facebook headquarters, space camp, a science show in Canada with Chris Hadfield (that link is to a feel-good video too), and one of the astronauts from the International Space Station is giving him a NASA t-shirt he wore in space.

I know that's kind of random, but it cheered me up.

My first thought was, "Why would this even reach the level of arresting a child before someone in the school could identify it correctly?" Then I saw his name...

I'm glad this kid has gotten some positive attention since, but I CANNOT F*CKING BELIEVE they perp-walked him out of the school like that. *headdesk*

Edited by JenCarroll
  • Love 14

My first thought was, "Why would this even reach the level of arresting a child before someone in the school could identify it correctly?" Then I saw his name...

I'm glad this kid has gotten some positive attention since, but I CANNOT F*CKING BELIEVE they perp-walked him out of the school like that. *headdesk*

Yes, this is totally crazy and a case of racial profiling! However they did show a picture of the clock he made & it does not look like a typical clock, even to the point that the first teacher he showed suggested he not show any other teachers. But still, take a minute to ask a few questions before you call in the frickin SWAT team. Obama has also invited him to the White House.

  • Love 1

My first thought was, "Why would this even reach the level of arresting a child before someone in the school could identify it correctly?" Then I saw his name...

I'm glad this kid has gotten some positive attention since, but I CANNOT F*CKING BELIEVE they perp-walked him out of the school like that. *headdesk*


Oh, it's a disgusting story - I really hope the teacher who called the cops and the cop who arrested him and handcuffed him are forced to find other lines of work where they aren't asked to interact with humans - but it made me feel good that just this once the outcome was something meaningful for the kid and viral public humiliation for the people who screwed him over.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 8

Yes, this is totally crazy and a case of racial profiling! However they did show a picture of the clock he made & it does not look like a typical clock, even to the point that the first teacher he showed suggested he not show any other teachers. But still, take a minute to ask a few questions before you call in the frickin SWAT team. Obama has also invited him to the White House.

I'm sure it didn't look like a clock to the English teacher. It's actually not hard to deduce for anyone with experience with electronics. I just would have thought that the complete absence of any explosive material would be the biggest clue for "not a bomb." But that's me...

Oh, it's a disgusting story - I really hope the teacher who called the cops and the cop who arrested him and handcuffed him are forced to find other lines of work where they aren't asked to interact with humans - but it made me feel good that just this once the outcome was something meaningful for the kid and viral public humiliation for the people who screwed him over.

No, you're right, it is a happy ending and I should work on focusing on that. Thanks.

  • Love 2

I'm sure it didn't look like a clock to the English teacher. It's actually not hard to deduce for anyone with experience with electronics. I just would have thought that the complete absence of any explosive material would be the biggest clue for "not a bomb." But that's me...


Yeah, that's where I lost all sympathy. Because the kid apparently tried really hard to get them to believe him that it was a clock, and when it turned out to actually be a clock, some combination of the teacher and the cops got together and tried to cover themselves by arresting him for claiming it was a bomb. And then they became an international archetype of bigoted stupidity. I love it when a plan comes together...

Edited by Julia
  • Love 10

I think as we get older we become more in tune with our sense of mortality. So it sticks more in our heads when we hear about the death of someone so young who hadn't even had a chance to live yet. Especially when the death is so violent or horrible.

I'm also at that point in my life where a lot of my friends' parents are dying and it makes me terrified about losing my own.

this! Last week a four year boy went missing in the local bay. He was found the next morning, he drowned. When I read it I fell to my knees (the ottoman caught me) and I sobbed for a good five minutes. Mr Readalot were talking not too long ago about how I don't lke thrill rides or any activity I consider dangerous. I used to love thrill rides, traveling out of state, flying. Now, not so much. I attributed it to being a mom and he said he thought it was because as we age we know whatever the "thrill" is can actually come true. The fear isn't a thrill, it could be reality.
  • Love 4

Am I the lone Taurus in here? I guess I'll just have to be stubborn enough for all of us! Tauri (?) have very few good qualities according to astrology. All I remember is we're stubborn and decadent.

Going back to Amber alerts and whatnot, I think as we age, we have a better grasp of exactly how high stakes life can be. I also think becoming a parent can change your reaction to even minor things. I remember being at a college football game with my husband shortly after my first daughter was born. A player on the opposing team got injured and was laying on the field for quite a while. Some fans around us were booing and claiming he was faking and screaming super macho things like "get up, you pansy" and the like. I turned to my husband and said "somewhere that boy's parents are frantic, worrying that their son is seriously hurt." It was like even though I logically knew everyone is somebody's child, it never really hit me until I was a parent myself.

  • Love 4

The rest of the "board" for this ridiculous organization that they created had a meeting at my daughter's house tonight, and I CRASHED it!!! I did!! The FACES when I walked in...PRICELESS. And then I pulled out a chair and sat down. [What is she DOING HERE????] Just a precious, timeless moment in my life.

It was very low key, a little emotional, very passionate. I apologized for interrupting, and told them that these people that they've known and loved for a few years...these are MY people. That this little slip of a girl with the soft voice and loving attitude came from ME. They love her and the grands, I LOVE them. I wanted them to know that: I felt that since they have been made aware of my opposition from the beginning, they need to know why. That I'm not opposed to missionaries or missionary work - and that I'm not even opposed to my daughter feeling that God called her to BE one. But that I have a history with Josh (didn't go into it) and my terror is from that history. They promised to be open with me about what's going on, not to hide anything. They answered every question openly. I made them all put my number in their phones, and made them promise to call me immediately if they ever had news that the family should be aware of. (Of which the family should be aware - I know the rules, I just don't follow all the time!)

I'm going to get a verbal whipping for that episode from that little slip of a girl with the soft voice. And you know what? IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!

  • Love 20

The rest of the "board" for this ridiculous organization that they created had a meeting at my daughter's house tonight, and I CRASHED it!!! I did!! The FACES when I walked in...PRICELESS. And then I pulled out a chair and sat down. [What is she DOING HERE????] Just a precious, timeless moment in my life.

It was very low key, a little emotional, very passionate. I apologized for interrupting, and told them that these people that they've known and loved for a few years...these are MY people. That this little slip of a girl with the soft voice and loving attitude came from ME. They love her and the grands, I LOVE them. I wanted them to know that: I felt that since they have been made aware of my opposition from the beginning, they need to know why. That I'm not opposed to missionaries or missionary work - and that I'm not even opposed to my daughter feeling that God called her to BE one. But that I have a history with Josh (didn't go into it) and my terror is from that history. They promised to be open with me about what's going on, not to hide anything. They answered every question openly. I made them all put my number in their phones, and made them promise to call me immediately if they ever had news that the family should be aware of. (Of which the family should be aware - I know the rules, I just don't follow all the time!)

I'm going to get a verbal whipping for that episode from that little slip of a girl with the soft voice. And you know what? IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!

. HFC, bravo! Pay yourself on the back. I'm proud of you. I hope the Board realizes your history with Josh and your intentions about keeping your family safe should be taken seriously. XOXO
  • Love 4

The rest of the "board" for this ridiculous organization that they created had a meeting at my daughter's house tonight, and I CRASHED it!!! I did!! The FACES when I walked in...PRICELESS. And then I pulled out a chair and sat down. [What is she DOING HERE????] Just a precious, timeless moment in my life.

What a great idea Happyfatchick! I really hope you will get more communication now that you have reached out to the board. (Am I the only one who thinks it strange that they would have a meeting at your daughter's house when she and her family are not there?) Anyway, good for you for being so proactive. Sure hope it works!

  • Love 4

Yes it is strange the board meets at the house.  The board seemed to appear to you to be reasonable people.  I hope that's the case.  I don't get the ins and outs of how stuff works.  You decide to do some missionary stuff, select the place, the people, and then make up your own organization and appoint people you know to the board.   I don't know what power they would have.  It seems like none.  Were they just there to try to strong-arm somebody out of money for a car for them?  I don't see this lasting any amount of time unless he works, and that ain't gonna happen.  Perhaps he can use his CIA, SEAL blah blah experience to rig up a communications device for them.  He's got to feed these sex slaves, right?  Well, just color me good and confused.

  • Love 3

I know, right, Micks? That was my whole POINT!!! It is ALLLLLLLLL so confusing. One of the things I said last night was this (and said the same exact thing to my daughter):

If you're going to Nica to do MISSION work, then you MUST have funding in hand. Otherwise, it doesn't pan out to be a missionary because all of your energy has to go into survival. And if you're just there because you want to live in Nica, it's no longer a mission trip and you have no right to ask for funding.

Also, I asked the board last night...Just out of curiosity, was there a board "vote" about whether they should leave last week with no money? [because I was going to stress that THEY are each partially responsible for that family's wellbeing if THEY agreed it was time to go ([last week]. They were dumbfounded. Like I'd thrown a snake on the table. Uh. Um. Well. Um... Finally someone said that was Josh's and Rachel's decisions - that they had to go on a gut feeling from GOD, and none of the board felt like it was their place to speak for God. No, there was no vote. I lowered my voice and very quietly said, "doesn't it seem there WOULD have been a vote? Doesn't it seem the board would have gotten together for the opportunity to agree or dissent to this idea that they should move to Nicaragua virtually penniless? I submitted that yes, in fact, they WERE to be the voice of God if they are serving on this board. If there was no need for alternate opinions, or any dissension at all, there's no need for a board. They pondered this for a second, talked briefly among themselves, and grudgingly accepted that yes, there should have been a vote. [i said all that with the hope that they would realize how much of this dream is Josh and Rachel, and not necessarily God - that if they blindly follow Josh's wishes because Josh wishes something - they may be viewing the "board" in the wrong context. Not sure they were willing to make that leap, but at least I got it said.

One thing I did learn was that funding has been turned over to the board. J/R are totally dependent on the finance guy on the board to watch their funding. He said when the time comes that there is no money to sustain them, our next message to them is: you have to come home. I don't know if I accomplished anything, but I feel better.

ETA: YESSSSSSSSSSS, it was so WEIRD for them to have a meeting in the empty house. So so weird!!! Last Saturday, my DIL saw activity and walked over early in the morning. There were a group of young women gathered around the kitchen table having bible study (that my daughter had been conducting for many years). In the empty (and at that time still nasty) house. They said, "we've always met here, we didn't know where else to go". Ummmm, oooooooookay. Huh.

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 7

I know, right, Micks? That was my whole POINT!!! It is ALLLLLLLLL so confusing. One of the things I said last night was this (and said the same exact thing to my daughter):

If you're going to Nica to do MISSION work, then you MUST have funding in hand. Otherwise, it doesn't pan out to be a missionary because all of your energy has to go into survival. And if you're just there because you want to live in Nica, it's no longer a mission trip and you have no right to ask for funding.

Also, I asked the board last night...Just out of curiosity, was there a board "vote" about whether they should leave last week with no money? [because I was going to stress that THEY are each partially responsible for that family's wellbeing if THEY agreed it was time to go ([last week]. They were dumbfounded. Like I'd thrown a snake on the table. Uh. Um. Well. Um... Finally someone said that was Josh's and Rachel's decisions - that they had to go on a gut feeling from GOD, and none of the board felt like it was their place to speak for God. No, there was no vote. I lowered my voice and very quietly said, "doesn't it seem there WOULD have been a vote? Doesn't it seem the board would have gotten together for the opportunity to agree or dissent to this idea that they should move to Nicaragua virtually penniless? I submitted that yes, in fact, they WERE to be the voice of God if they are serving on this board. If there was no need for alternate opinions, or any dissension at all, there's no need for a board. They pondered this for a second, talked briefly among themselves, and grudgingly accepted that yes, there should have been a vote. [i said all that with the hope that they would realize how much of this dream is Josh and Rachel, and not necessarily God - that if they blindly follow Josh's wishes because Josh wishes something - they may be viewing the "board" in the wrong context. Not sure they were willing to make that leap, but at least I got it said.

One thing I did learn was that funding has been turned over to the board. J/R are totally dependent on the finance guy on the board to watch their funding. He said when the time comes that there is no money to sustain them, our next message to them is: you have to come home. I don't know if I accomplished anything, but I feel better.

ETA: YESSSSSSSSSSS, it was so WEIRD for them to have a meeting in the empty house. So so weird!!! Last Saturday, my DIL saw activity and walked over early in the morning. There were a group of young women gathered around the kitchen table having bible study (that my daughter had been conducting for many years). In the empty (and at that time still nasty) house. They said, "we've always met here, we didn't know where else to go". Ummmm, oooooooookay. Huh.

. They didn't know where else to go? Hello? No critical thinkers in the group? No regular thinkers in the group? Wow.
  • Love 5

. They didn't know where else to go? Hello? No critical thinkers in the group? No regular thinkers in the group? Wow.


I soooo, soooo hope someone said, "What, are you all freaking homeless or something?  You've never heard of Dunkin Donuts?  Or Denny's?" 


Sweet Galloping Jesus.  If it was I, I'd do your daughter a favor and go buy some lock sets at Home Depot and change those suckers out.  

  • Love 6

My username is initials & height- 4'9.5.

I haven't been lurking much as I've been busy but I was just informed that i'm officially permanent at my job & it comes with a 15 THOUSAND $ pay increase. The director asked me if that was ok because apparently they couldn't find what my old salary was. I was previously working for the same employer UPenn, in a different sept before being laid off due to grant funding. The HR dept at the that job stunk & now I couldn't be happier that they didn't have their stuff together :)

The only bad news is I still cannot afford a nice apt (nice = updated kitchen, w/d in unit & central air) unless I have a cosigner :( I hate how inflated prices are around the universities! A standard updated nice 1 bdrm can cost anywhere between 1600-1800!

  • Love 8

My username is initials & height- 4'9.5.

I haven't been lurking much as I've been busy but I was just informed that i'm officially permanent at my job & it comes with a 15 THOUSAND $ pay increase. The director asked me if that was ok because apparently they couldn't find what my old salary was. I was previously working for the same employer UPenn, in a different sept before being laid off due to grant funding. The HR dept at the that job stunk & now I couldn't be happier that they didn't have their stuff together :)

The only bad news is I still cannot afford a nice apt (nice = updated kitchen, w/d in unit & central air) unless I have a cosigner :( I hate how inflated prices are around the universities! A standard updated nice 1 bdrm can cost anywhere between 1600-1800!


One, congrats!


Two, consider looking out in Montgomery County.  University City is killer, almost North Jersey/NYC pricing but not quite.  

  • Love 3

I don't have a car so I have to stay close(ish) to the campus/main hospital. Right now I live about 1.5 miles away into West Philly but it's a nice walk through mostly campus to get to the main hospital. I could potentially live on the completely other side of Philly, past Old City (historic district) into Fishtown but if i can be blunt. I fear I'm too "cute, white girl" for that area. Plus my dog is a fluffy goldendoodle who lets anyone pet him so I'm not sure he'd stop someone from coming after us HAHA. And after Baltimore, Philly has very high police/people standoffs/riots etc. 


I live in an older converted house now & may move to one of their "newer" converted houses where the apartments are a bit nicer, better layouts etc, but they still don't have w/d in the unit, just tried and true coin operated in the basement. With the bump in salary, it'll probably be worth staying in something affordable though (slightly over 1k is still considered afforable in Philly :( )

Fishtown?  I thought the hipsters had gentrified that after they got done with the Northern Libs?  


Seriously though, check out some of the old commuter towns off of the regional rail lines.  I grew up in Glenside, a half mile from the train station and both my brother and sister took SEPTA into town when they were working there/going to school there.  Great little town, everything is walk-able, and the type of money you're talking you could rent a three bedroom house. 

Edited by Lemur

My unsolicited advice is get the nicer kitchen and tough out the coin-operated laundry - although if you have room you could get one of those portable washers that hooks up and drains back to your kitchen sink.  The kitchen is daily useful, while the w/d is more of a very-nice-to-have.  But a year or so of not needing a car will save lots of expenses.

HFC, do you know who and how many people have keys to your daughter's house? That is weird and a little scary. And what were these grown women thinking, going into a house that they knew people didn't live in anymore, to have a bible study group? I would never do that.


As a matter of fact, I believe the police would consider it squatting. "What's this? You don't own this property? You don't rent it? You don't live here? Essentially you have zero legal or financial involvement with it at all? And you say the people who do live here are out of the country at the moment? OK, that's it kids. Everybody out - now!"

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 5

I got a nasty-gram from my SIL this morning about crashing the meeting last night. I knew I would. I've been grinning from ear to ear all day. Best thing I ever did for myself in my whole life, I believe. Seriously, I probably didn't even put a dent in that new-country smell - but I SAID WHAT I NEEDED TO, and I feel better. ;-D

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 17

My unsolicited advice is get the nicer kitchen and tough out the coin-operated laundry - although if you have room you could get one of those portable washers that hooks up and drains back to your kitchen sink.  The kitchen is daily useful, while the w/d is more of a very-nice-to-have.  But a year or so of not needing a car will save lots of expenses.

Yeah, I may "upgrade" to the slightly nicer apt. It even has a cute, small backyard which would be great for the pup when it's raining and/or dark. I don't mind the coin op laundry, I've lived with it for the past 3 years, it's just getting old, along with living with "younger" right out of college professionals-I'm way more than a few years out. 


I've actually never had a car-college town I didn't need one or used friends & in Philly aside from public transit  if I want to go to South NJ (not serviced by PATCO) I use family who live there & give gas/take you out to lunch money. 


It would just be nice not to be strapped if I lived in one of those nice apt highrises with amenities. Someday, someday, maybe I guess!

  • Love 1

Scorpio here.  Texas, but I've always WANTED to go Massachusetts.  Really.  In the fall preferably.  (Of course, as a fan of Wings I'd like to visit Nantucket and run into Joe, Brian, Helen and the rest of the gang! I like to believe they exist in the world.)


Loved Wings - a real favorite of mine, especially Lowell and Roy. And the same great kind of writing they had on Cheers. PS - it's available on Netflix.

  • Love 2

I got a nasty-gram from my SIL this morning about crashing the meeting last night. I knew I would. I've been grinning from ear to ear all day. Best thing I ever did for myself in my whole life, I believe. Seriously, I probably didn't even put a dent in that new-country smell - but I SAID WHAT I NEEDED TO, and I feel better. ;-D

Good for you, Happyfatchick. And hopefully some of the board members really heard what you said and will communicate with your SIL and daughter more positively about your concerns. But maybe I am just being a Pollyanna.

  • Love 1

Am I the lone Taurus in here? I guess I'll just have to be stubborn enough for all of us! Tauri (?) have very few good qualities according to astrology. All I remember is we're stubborn and decadent.

Going back to Amber alerts and whatnot, I think as we age, we have a better grasp of exactly how high stakes life can be. I also think becoming a parent can change your reaction to even minor things. I remember being at a college football game with my husband shortly after my first daughter was born. A player on the opposing team got injured and was laying on the field for quite a while. Some fans around us were booing and claiming he was faking and screaming super macho things like "get up, you pansy" and the like. I turned to my husband and said "somewhere that boy's parents are frantic, worrying that their son is seriously hurt." It was like even though I logically knew everyone is somebody's child, it never really hit me until I was a parent myself.


Horse hockey! ALL signs have different wonderful, and not-so-wonderful qualities. Every positive trait has a negative application [and vice versa]. Some are innate, some are "nurtured" into us. We all have qualities to learn, and qualities to teach. I think it's this natural balance, give-and-take aspect of astrology that's most appealing to me. 


From my Taurus journal:

Positive. Reliable, practical, honest. Dependable, conservative, cautious, content. In a very large part, happy with things as they are. Solidly-connected to life and home, a real family person. Needs security, complacent, practical, steadfast, stable, determined. An island of calm. Quiet, affectionate. Taurus people are those to whom others turn. Good advice-givers. Seeks harmony with environment. Creative, artistic, enjoys creating a comfortable, beautiful home. Negative. Dogmatic, preachy, stubborn and resistant to change. Sometimes so lazy or caught up in earthly possessions, life can pass them by.

  • Love 1

I got a nasty-gram from my SIL this morning about crashing the meeting last night. I knew I would. I've been grinning from ear to ear all day. Best thing I ever did for myself in my whole life, I believe. Seriously, I probably didn't even put a dent in that new-country smell - but I SAID WHAT I NEEDED TO, and I feel better. ;-D


I'll bet you did. Because you just took plausible deniability away from the meeting, and made it clear to them that they have their initials on whatever happens. I really doubt if things go south (as it were) anyone's going to want to hear "But, God" as a reason for an oversight board not exercising oversight.

  • Love 3

And HFC, you have as much right to believe that God moved you to go to that meeting as SIL has to believe God moved him to Nic. At least I believe that is what happened. 


+1. I'm going to say that people who handle this sort of thing professionally don't respond well to "We're counting on you for funding, but God doesn't trust you with the details of the plan."

  • Love 5

One thing I did learn was that funding has been turned over to the board. J/R are totally dependent on the finance guy on the board to watch their funding. He said when the time comes that there is no money to sustain them, our next message to them is: you have to come home. I don't know if I accomplished anything, but I feel better.

This would make me feel better.  At least someone other than your SIL is reviewing their finances.  He shouldn't be trusted with the proceeds from a bake sale, let alone budgeting for a family in a foreign country.  I applaud your going to this meeting and confronting them.  They need to know that someone outside of their group is watching what is happening.  Way to go HFC

  • Love 6

Responding to 3girlsforus:


I read a little about them and checked out their FB page. Holy WOW. They appeared in court today, this is the summary.


 HARDINSBURG, KY. — A custody case highlighting the controversy over "off-grid" families continues to work its way through the courts.

Attorney Rick Hardin, who represents Joe and Nicole Naugler, said a hearing on Thursday in Breckinridge County did not resolve the case. He said a disposition hearing was set for early November.

Child protection workers removed the couple's 10 children from the family's tumbledown shack in May after an anonymous complaint. The state returned the children in July but retains legal custody.

The Nauglers say they haven't neglected their children, but are loving parents who choose to raise them in an "off-grid" lifestyle without public electricity, running water or a flushable toilet.

Meanwhile, Hardin said a menacing charge against Joe Naugler has been resolved with an Alford plea, which means he maintains his innocence while conceding there is sufficient evidence for a conviction.

Responding to 3girlsforus:


I read a little about them and checked out their FB page. Holy WOW. They appeared in court today, this is the summary.


 HARDINSBURG, KY. — A custody case highlighting the controversy over "off-grid" families continues to work its way through the courts.

Attorney Rick Hardin, who represents Joe and Nicole Naugler, said a hearing on Thursday in Breckinridge County did not resolve the case. He said a disposition hearing was set for early November.

Child protection workers removed the couple's 10 children from the family's tumbledown shack in May after an anonymous complaint. The state returned the children in July but retains legal custody.

The Nauglers say they haven't neglected their children, but are loving parents who choose to raise them in an "off-grid" lifestyle without public electricity, running water or a flushable toilet.

Meanwhile, Hardin said a menacing charge against Joe Naugler has been resolved with an Alford plea, which means he maintains his innocence while conceding there is sufficient evidence for a conviction.


GeeGolly... you would not believe how much worse it really is. About 2 months into the whole thing finally someone, I'm assuming her attorney got through to Nicole and got her to start removing some of the worst stuff she'd posted over the years. Some of the pictures were just terrifying. I've seen pictures of 3rd world countries with people living better than those kids do. They had one queen size mattress that would have been considered disgusting even in a trash heap and that was the only bed for all 12 of them so the kids slept on the dirt. Sometime in the year before they lost the kids someone donated them beds for all the kids. They sold them. Some of the kids don't even have birth records. I could on for hours about the horrors. I originally found out about them because they were claiming the kids were taken away because they homeschool. So it came up on a homeschool forum I chat on. But after about 30 seconds it because obviously to everyone with any kind of brain that the CPS couldn't care less about the homeschooling in comparison with some of this other stuff. If you really want to be appalled google for the video of Nicole reaming a police officer for pulling them over about their kid not being in a car seat/seat belt. She screams at him at the top of her lungs about her Constitutional rights and taunts him to assault her. And get this - Nicole and Joe are the ones who took and posted the video.  They thought it showed how the US is a police state and police brutality. All it showed is that she's an unhinged nut job.... and goody - she's pregnant and due in a couple of months. 

  • Love 2

Actually I agree.  My daughter has TONS of baby clothes that were gently worn or even new.  Some still had the tags.  Those we happily donate to the Salvation Army or Catholic Charities or the Family Services in our area.  They are always gratefully received.  But we would never donate a stained or ripped garment.   I wouldn't donate something I wouldn't want to use myself.

Actually I agree.  My daughter has TONS of baby clothes that were gently worn or even new.  Some still had the tags.  Those we happily donate to the Salvation Army or Catholic Charities or the Family Services in our area.  They are always gratefully received.  But we would never donate a stained or ripped garment.   I wouldn't donate something I wouldn't want to use myself.

Here in the Seattle are, Goodwill and Value Village are telling us that now we can also donate ripped, stained, worn-out clothes and towels and sheets. They sell them to rug companies to be used in carpet backing.

  • Love 3

Y'all... I had a dream (nightmare?) with the Duggar's last night... Now I may never sleep again.

I should have written this, this morning when it was still fresh, but I just remembered. I was in some sort of bible study class/group and Jill and Ben were the teachers, Ben gave some sort of assignment and as we were leaving Jill was upset and mumbling under her breath that we were going to have to do 5 before the end (I guess dream Ben is not as regimented as jilly muffin would like). Then my house caught on fire and we were rescuing all sorts of cars and dogs (I'm not real sure what that's about, but in real life we do currently have a zoo, I live with my sister she has 2 dogs, I have 2 cats, and then we had to take in our moms 2 dogs when she passed away a few months ago) but anyway, the whole thing was pretty relaxed, we were just going in grabbing a few things and coming back out, nobody called the fire dept originally... So then I was walking around what seems like my college campus (go Texas state!) and I walked by Jill and told her my house burned down and she was sympathetic and sad for me but kept going, then I saw Michelle and she just smiled like a psychopath. Then I either don't remember anymore or I woke up... Who knows.

I wish I knew what dreams meant, why did I pair up Jill and Ben?

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