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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


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I'm sorry that you are having to go through this Jenniferbug.  It isn't selfish to decide to induce, you made a logical and well thought out decision and there is nothing wrong with considering your own needs in labor - anxiety, etc.  I seriously doubt that there would be anything you could have done to change this situation at all, you couldn't have known about the cord or made the birth go any faster. Please don't blame yourself, you haven't done anything wrong.  

I hope that you and your darling baby get the absolute best medical care.  Hopefully the NICU stay is just a precaution.  Remember to take care of yourself, this is traumatizing for both of you and you need TLC too.  

  • Love 8

Jenniferbug, how scary. I'm so sorry. And I'm not meaning to invalidate your feelings, but there are a few things you may be not considering in your current (thoroughly understandable) freak out. 


From everything I've read and heard, pitocin labor isn't the soft answer to anything, even if your pain meds are working (seriously, _ow_).


Insurance costs being what they are, no way your OB goes with an induction unless they think it's the option with the least risk for the baby.


The onset of labor seriously limits the mobility of the baby, so if the cord was around her neck after labor started, there's a good chance it was around her neck before. Which means if you had done it differently, you could have ended up giving birth to an unresponsive baby on the interstate far from the hospital without a full NICU crew standing by to revive her. 


And last but really, really not least, the fact that you felt relief at the prospect that discomfort, uncertainty and fear were coming to an end does not invalidate your perfectly good reasons for having an induction (sometimes I really want to dig up the puritans and slap them. I thought Queen Victoria put an end to that nonsense, but we still use it to beat ourselves up). 


I know it sounds glib, but probably the best thing you can possibly do for both of you right now is take a nap while you still can. Be well.

  • Love 10

Jenniferbug, I lived through that very scenario with my son and his wife during the birth of their last child. She spent a couple weeks in NICU, and is the most HAPPY, normal child you've ever seen in your life. It's heart wrenching and scary, and yes - it will make you second guess yourself for YEARS... Every milestone she is 1/2 hour "late" for, you'll go back and beat yourself up for. (I can tell that's your MO). She's going to be fine, and you really did the best thing. That cord could have been catastrophic apart from hands at the hospital. She's in the right place.

Please have them check her for NEC. It's very common, although more so in premies. (Can be easily overlooked or shrugged off unintentionally because they are concentrating on other issues). It can happen to any baby though, and is devastating. It's an intestinal defect. I'm sure she is NOT presenting with this, but I'd have them just do an ultrasound of her abdomin and be assured. If you think for ONE SECOND she isn't taking nourishment properly, ask for the ultrasound. Won't hurt.

I also had a baby with the cord around his neck (twice). And I STILL have a phobia of things near baby's necks. I didn't dress him in anything with strings at the neck for years after his birth.

Also, there's something grossly unfair about being body slammed emotionally when you already feel like A train wreck victim. Get the rest you can, ban people who annoy you, pick fights with medical staff when you need to, and be well.

But you DID THE RIGHT THING!!! Thank GOD you went in to be induced. Go you!!!!! My prayers are wrapped all around you, along with {{{ffhugs}}}. this will pass, and will turn out WONDERFUL!!!

  • Love 8

Also, there's something grossly unfair about being body slammed emotionally when you already feel like A train wreck victim. Get the rest you can, ban people who annoy you, pick fights with medical staff when you need to, and be well.

But you DID THE RIGHT THING!!! Thank GOD you went in to be induced. Go you!!!!! My prayers are wrapped all around you, along with {{{ffhugs}}}. this will pass, and will turn out WONDERFUL!!!

. ^THIS! My story is for another time too, but please please rest as much as you can, I KNOW this will be helpful in regaining your emotional strength, please trust me on this. And I hope you can find a sympathetic nurse or doctor with a listening ear, I was lucky and I was saved by one. More prayers and rays of sunshine for you and the little one from CA.
  • Love 4

jenniferbug, I've never had kids (and don't plan on having them myself, adoption for me!), but from what it sounds like, you did absolutely the right thing and it was the right decision to have her induced at the hospital. She has the medical care she needs right there and immediately after birth, which wouldn't have happened any other way. Take care of yourself and that sweet baby.

  • Love 4

Oh Jenniferbug, I wish I could hug you.  I echo all the good and wise advice given above and add my voice to the chorus that rightly says: You did everything right. And your baby will be perfectly OK.


My first was also in the NICU for a couple of days (meconium) and I know how painful it is when you want to hold your baby and can't. But they are taking good care of her - and I know she still knows that you are there and that you love her.  She will be in your arms sooner than you know as all this craziness is forgotten. 


Once again, just so you don't forget: You did what was right. And it will all be OK. Truly it will. How could it not with everyone here sending you and your little one all our warm and best thoughts? Try to get some sleep so you will have the energy to enjoy being a brand new momma again --

  • Love 4

As many as one third of babies have the cord around the neck at delivery, and the baby and mother are designed to not constrict air flow. It's actually more likely there was a placenta problem for instance. The oxygen level could have come about even if you'd had a C-section, and if you had not been induced a little early, could have turned into a very dire issue.

You did great, and your daughter is here with us.

  • Love 8

Oh Jenniferbug, you poor kid. You've just been through labor and childbirth, something an OB friend of mine equates physically to the running of TWO marathons, one immediately after the other. You're completely drained of energy, and we won't even get started on the perfect storm of hormones that are surging through you right now. IMO, you did everything exactly right. You were in a hospital with qualified medical professionals when you needed to be, and your daughter is where she needs to be too, especially if she needs help with anything. Don't be shy about asking for what you need, and don't listen to ANYONE who second-guesses or criticizes you about this. A - it's none of their business and B - it's none of their business. PS - congratulations on your beautiful new little pudder - what's her name? Sending you my usual baby girl present, virtual this time - a huge bouquet of sweet peas and violets. And a hardcover copy of Goodnight Moon. God bless...

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 16

Jenniferbug, I'm stealing Wellfleet's idea and sending you and your new little one another virtual gift: my favorite, The Runaway Bunny. And to be really indulgent, I'm including a bunny hand puppet (yes, I really found one!), complete with a moving mouth so you can entertain your daughter with silly rabbit voices.

Edited by HundFan
  • Love 8

Jenneferbug I was thinking of you all day yesterday.  That's what cyber friends are for.  I feel more comfortable with my cyber friends than I do with flesh and blood ones.  I'm so glad you were in the hospital, and you did nothing wrong.  You are where medical care can be obtained, and your friends and family's opinions of what you should or should not do, or how the baby should be treated, and all that blah blah that induces guilt and fear are bad things for you.  Tell them not to talk or to go away.  Bottle fed, breast fed, in the end you do what you do and it doesn't matter, and it is nobody else's business.  Get rid of negatives and know that we and I really care and wish for the best and send our blessings, hope, prayers, and nonjudgmental love to you.  Jennifer, you rock!

  • Love 7

Happy - post back sometime with a list of "your movies" if you ever have enough time - would love to see that..

I just saw the trailer for Goosebumps, and I did that one. I've done a couple of the Insurgent movies, Last Vegas (DeNiro, Kilne, M Douglas and Freeman). It's hard to think back sometimes. I just did 3 at once (nearly killed me). Those are still in production, so I can't tell those - but one belongs to the Avengers set of characters. Prisoners, The Good Lie, No Good Deed. Killing Season (DeNiro and Travolta, didn't release except DVD in America). Not many TV shows but a few. I've done maybe 25-30 movies, and I'm drawing a blank. I get to go on set sometimes, and once I went to a wrap party. Technically, I'm a nobody on the extreme periphery, but you would be AMAZED at the angst that goes into designing a seat back. Holy cow. The last few years, the actors have been taking their seat backs with them at the end for souvenirs, and that made the embroidery business a LOT sweeter. Now there's big competition for who's embroiderer does the best job. The Properties (props) guys all think of me as their very own slave. They all believe I'm not working unless I'm working for them. It's a fun living, and I work out of home. Plus the grands think I'm a superstar when I work on something cool. I took my grandson on set with me for Goosebumps and increased my standing by at least 100 points.

Not long ago, I was on the Internet and an ad popped up on the right side of my screen. I glanced at it, did another look...thought: hmmm that looks vaguely familiar. It was Powers (some sort of interactive game I think?) and yep, I did that.

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 7

OHHHHHHHHHHH....Goodnight Moon........a standard here! Someone bought me a copy of it at my baby shower for #1 (and only) daughter. I kept it for all three of my kids and gave #1 daughter that very copy when she was pregnant with her first. I bought another copy when the next kid had a kid. It's my go-to baby gift for everyone along with a nice "necessary pack" of diapers, wipes, butt cream, the practical stuff!


Again, Jenniferbug...you and baby girl are in my prayers. Don't sweat her birth, the induction, whatever...you did what you felt you needed to do. Anybody gives you stuff, let us know here...we'll handle 'em :)


You named her Caroline??? OH WOW!!! That's my IRL first name...Many gentle hugs and cuddles to sweet baby Caroline!

Edited by RedPonyDriver
  • Love 5

Jenniferbug, that's truly WONDERFUL news! Pulling out her own IV - what a spunky, healthy little girl your daughter is! Hoping she comes home sooner rather than later, so you can get back to the normalcy you both deserve. Note to Caroline: Tell your mom not to worry 'cause you know - and she'll soon see - you're both gonna be just fine. ;)))

  • Love 7

I just saw the trailer for Goosebumps, and I did that one. I've done a couple of the Insurgent movies, Last Vegas (DeNiro, Kilne, M Douglas and Freeman). It's hard to think back sometimes. I just did 3 at once (nearly killed me). Those are still in production, so I can't tell those - but one belongs to the Avengers set of characters. Prisoners, The Good Lie, No Good Deed. Killing Season (DeNiro and Travolta, didn't release except DVD in America). Not many TV shows but a few. I've done maybe 25-30 movies, and I'm drawing a blank. I get to go on set sometimes, and once I went to a wrap party. Technically, I'm a nobody on the extreme periphery, but you would be AMAZED at the angst that goes into designing a seat back. Holy cow. The last few years, the actors have been taking their seat backs with them at the end for souvenirs, and that made the embroidery business a LOT sweeter. Now there's big competition for who's embroiderer does the best job. The Properties (props) guys all think of me as their very own slave. They all believe I'm not working unless I'm working for them. It's a fun living, and I work out of home. Plus the grands think I'm a superstar when I work on something cool. I took my grandson on set with me for Goosebumps and increased my standing by at least 100 points.

Not long ago, I was on the Internet and an ad popped up on the right side of my screen. I glanced at it, did another look...thought: hmmm that looks vaguely familiar. It was Powers (some sort of interactive game I think?) and yep, I did that.


Cool. I think we should ALL have seat backs at our jobs. Wouldn't that be fun? And just think, Happy! Like Forrest Gump and the shrimping business, you'd be out in front of things, one of the few making them for a while, so you'd be likely to clean up $$-wise - big time! At least for a while. 

  • Love 2

I just saw the trailer for Goosebumps, and I did that one. I've done a couple of the Insurgent movies, Last Vegas (DeNiro, Kilne, M Douglas and Freeman). It's hard to think back sometimes. I just did 3 at once (nearly killed me). Those are still in production, so I can't tell those - but one belongs to the Avengers set of characters. Prisoners, The Good Lie, No Good Deed. Killing Season (DeNiro and Travolta, didn't release except DVD in America). Not many TV shows but a few. I've done maybe 25-30 movies, and I'm drawing a blank. I get to go on set sometimes, and once I went to a wrap party. Technically, I'm a nobody on the extreme periphery, but you would be AMAZED at the angst that goes into designing a seat back. Holy cow. The last few years, the actors have been taking their seat backs with them at the end for souvenirs, and that made the embroidery business a LOT sweeter. Now there's big competition for who's embroiderer does the best job. The Properties (props) guys all think of me as their very own slave. They all believe I'm not working unless I'm working for them. It's a fun living, and I work out of home. Plus the grands think I'm a superstar when I work on something cool. I took my grandson on set with me for Goosebumps and increased my standing by at least 100 points.

Not long ago, I was on the Internet and an ad popped up on the right side of my screen. I glanced at it, did another look...thought: hmmm that looks vaguely familiar. It was Powers (some sort of interactive game I think?) and yep, I did that.

When you say seat backs are you talking about the canvas folding chairs the actors sit on to the side of the set? Edited by Kokapetl

jenniferbug, Caroline is such a beautiful name! And she already sounds like a strong, sassy girl.

Happy, do you embroider the canvas seat backs in the chairs that the actors sit in on set?

I LOVE the name Caroline!!!

Yes, exactly that, with the actor name on one side and the movie logo on the other.

ETA: depending on the movie budget, and how much hype they think they'll get, not only actor names. The producer, the director, the sound guy, the producers best friend, the script guys mistress, the janitor, the maintenance manager, the producers mother, the prop managers kids, etc. I've done as many as 75 seats for one movie, and as few as 25. Everybody but ME gets a seat...but...what they don't know won't kill them, right?

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 7

I find myself smiling and singing along to "Sweet Caroline", which has started running through my head while reading the last few posts. :) Congratulations. I'll echo what everyone else has said. You did everything right, and it sounds as though you have a strong and sassy baby on your hands. Hope you get to go home with her soon! 

  • Love 10

I LOVE the name Caroline!!!

Yes, exactly that, with the actor name on one side and the movie logo on the other.

ETA: depending on the movie budget, and how much hype they think they'll get, not only actor names. The producer, the director, the sound guy, the producers best friend, the script guys mistress, the janitor, the maintenance manager, the producers mother, the prop managers kids, etc. I've done as many as 75 seats for one movie, and as few as 25. Everybody but ME gets a seat...but...what they don't know won't kill them, right?

Okay I am AMAZED at this. The sets are painted plywood, but they spare no expense on canvas embroidery on not really comfortable anyway wooden seats??

  • Love 1

Okay I am AMAZED at this. The sets are painted plywood, but they spare no expense on canvas embroidery on not really comfortable anyway wooden seats??

I haven't been on every set for which I've done seats, but the ones I have been to mostly haven't been painted plywood. The "set" for goosebumps was about a block's worth of properties (homes that people lived in). They pay enormous amounts to get people out of their homes to use them for filming. They do it all the time. Prisoners had a H.U.G.E. warehouse with different sets being built all over back to back - and yes, they were plywood! On the "inside" (open) area, they looked like rooms; real rooms. I've done several movies that were never released, and Some of them had awesome sets. In particular, I remember the set for Killing Season was a warehouse that has been used for movies several times over. Enormous warehouse - with a full sized log cabin built right inside for that movie. Just did seats for another movie, same warehouse, and everything was completely different. Recently, The Walking Dead shot for a few days right here in my little town during regular business days, and the town SHUT DOWN!!! They had to pay the police to monitor all the streets, and pay the businesses for lost revenue.

Lol, you're right, the seats are miserable for any length of time, and I'm happy about the amount of money they spend on them. (although along with the increased popularity of the deco-seats has come better (more comfortable) seat backs.)

The whole industry is just ridiculous beyond belief. I can't believe I'm talking about this on here. Let's talk baby Caroline!!!

Keep us posted Jenniferbug! How much does she weigh? Does she look like baby #1? Does she want to be passed around a virtual circle of cyber friends? I want to go first!! Pick me, pick me!!! (Oh wait, I have to hand Maisie off to someone else....Wellfleet, here you go!)

  • Love 6

JENNIFERBUG, I have been on a plane and was SO hoping when I landed there would be good news about you and your baby, and there WAS! So glad you got to hold her and that you will hopefully go home soon. Just echoing everyone else, you did all the right things, especially making sure you would be close to the hospital if help was needed, and it was! Many hugs to you, and thanks for taking the time to give us an update.

  • Love 3

Jennifurbug, what a beautiful name. :)


Thank you for the update!  One practical piece of knowledge for you, because Caroline has been on an IV, she'll drop weight even more than the normal newborn and don't let a pediatrician try to give you a hard time about it at her first checkup!  Tell said pediatrician if it happens to please contact your neonatologist and don't back down.  More stories for later. ;)


Goodnight Moon and Runaway Bunny = LOVE

  • Love 6

Also keep in mind that a baby can sue those who delivered her and the hospital until she's 21, so they are often too neurotic about tests and documenting the care to prove they did everything they could. What it doesn't mean is that there is anything wrong with your baby, even if she "fails" a test.

Caroline joins Maisie as our official babies! I'm looking forward to more! This the best thread in the string!

  • Love 9

Another NICU mama here --which ought to tell you something, just the sheer number of us -- and you've gotten some great advice here. They'll likely be overly cautious and adhere to policies that may not seem to make sense, but when you take your baby home, you'll know she's really ready! Mine was in for 10 days for something that wasn't terribly serious, but once they go in, they tend to stay. I worried that we were losing precious bonding time, but if anything, that's the kid who is TOO attached to me!

So happy for the great update!

HFC, how did you get into such a weird little niche career? Fascinating!

  • Love 6

Jenniferbug - Congratulations !!!!  Hope, prayers, and good thoughts coming your way to both you and your little Carolinebug  :)


I'm childless by choice, but occasionally play the "If I'd had a baby what would I have named it...?" and I SWEAR I was talking to my boyfriend about it just last night and my favorite name for a girl was Caroline Elizabeth !!! Any chance that's her middle name... ? 


Oh, please don't forget The Pokey Little Puppy for Caroline's library - that one makes me smile to this very day  :)

  • Love 5

Jenniferbug - Congratulations !!!!  Hope, prayers, and good thoughts coming your way to both you and your little Carolinebug  :)


I'm childless by choice, but occasionally play the "If I'd had a baby what would I have named it...?" and I SWEAR I was talking to my boyfriend about it just last night and my favorite name for a girl was Caroline Elizabeth !!! Any chance that's her middle name... ? 


Oh, please don't forget The Pokey Little Puppy for Caroline's library - that one makes me smile to this very day  :)


Oh boy...feeling a little nekkid here....My IRL first and middle IS Caroline Elizabeth. (can provide scan of birth certificate if you don't believe me)! 

  • Love 3

Oh boy...feeling a little nekkid here....My IRL first and middle IS Caroline Elizabeth. (can provide scan of birth certificate if you don't believe me)! 

No, no...I believe you ! And it's SUCH a beautiful name ! You're a lucky woman ! It sounds so...regal  :)


I also like anything with Elaine, Eileen, Maureen, or Rebecca. And I actually like my own name - rare but not "weird" or anything for a late 60s baby. 


I wonder if the Duggar kids actually like their own names...? They range from desperately old-fashioned (Jeremiah and Jedidiah - Howdy from the OK Corral !) to pop-culture, hipster (Josie BROOKLYN) and don't even get me started on the spelling of Jinger ! Ever time I see it in print I hear it in my head as rhyming with ringer. Jessa Lauren is by far my favorite name of the bunch, but Xanax Stare has turned her name, for me, into MeMeMechelle.

  • Love 1

Happy - If you haven't seen it, check out the movie Still Alice. Julianne Moore won the Oscar for it this Spring and it's all about an early-onset Alzheimer's patient. Highly recommend it.

. Aw, WellF, I read this book when it first came out and recommended it to everyone I knew. I thought the book was FABULOUSLY written. (If I'm not mistaken, it was Genova's first real work, was it not?). It's a whole different perspective on Alzheimer's. However, by the time the movie came out... I just can't. It's WAAAAY too close to home now.

We've had family in (some Amish/Mennonites) since last Friday, and have enjoyed them immensely, but it's been a busy buzz and my poor Mama can't wrap her head around the activity, even though they didn't stay at her house or even all visit there at once. (We've become really protective of her "zone"). She just knew that something was off, something in her world was tilted. Today, we brought her to my son's for lunch, where we'd all congregated to say our good byes. We kept Mama in the house and everybody instinctively knew to guard her space - but still, there was activity that she was just not able to "capture". Today, for the first time EVER, she wasn't able to identify my son. I was heartbroken. That kid has made her light up like Christmas for 35 years; she ADORES him. But couldn't tell me who he was today. I am SO SO SOOOOO torn up about this development. (And so was he). It's like she's just slowly walking into the distance - a shadow.

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 5

Happy, is it by chance the new Captain America movie that's filming in Atlanta? If one of your seats held Chris Evans' butt, I will be so jealous!

. I am not able to answer any questions about the Captain America movie that I may or may not have done seats for recently. I may or may not know, for example that Chris Evans' seat doesn't say Chris Evans on it. I might have... knowledge.... that the character seats have the "street name" on them. Like ummm... Peter Parker, for example. The sound guys' mistress, however, has her real name. Hehe!!
  • Love 3

No, no...I believe you ! And it's SUCH a beautiful name ! You're a lucky woman ! It sounds so...regal  :)


I also like anything with Elaine, Eileen, Maureen, or Rebecca. And I actually like my own name - rare but not "weird" or anything for a late 60s baby. 


I wonder if the Duggar kids actually like their own names...? They range from desperately old-fashioned (Jeremiah and Jedidiah - Howdy from the OK Corral !) to pop-culture, hipster (Josie BROOKLYN) and don't even get me started on the spelling of Jinger ! Ever time I see it in print I hear it in my head as rhyming with ringer. Jessa Lauren is by far my favorite name of the bunch, but Xanax Stare has turned her name, for me, into MeMeMechelle.

Thanks for the complement! I've always hated my name...too long and NOBODY can spell it right. My maiden name is long and ethnic...I joke that my birth certificate took 2 pages! But now...I'll be putting a smile on my face when someone says my name. 

  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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