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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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There was no water running in my building for the past 2 days, and i got to tall to a sweet old woman in blue jeans. She had some choice, ungodly words for management, and she even managed to insult the Duggars in her rant.

Dill, I read it twice, but fail to see how no running water made you find the sweet old woman. Are YOU hoarding the water? If so, stop it immediately, that's just WRONG. :)

  • Love 2

Dill, I read it twice, but fail to see how no running water made you find the sweet old woman. Are YOU hoarding the water? If so, stop it immediately, that's just WRONG. :)

I'm sorry, my SOTDRT education failed me, as i failed to mention where i met the kindly old woman.

I purposed to collect water from the fire hydrant that someone had bursted open (praise god), when this kindly old woman started to talk to me.

We congregated at the hydrant with the other tenants and formed a complaint circle.

  • Love 13

Oh, no, Wanderwoman. I also hope you heal fast. How do you wrangle an infant with a broken wrist? Have you been able to get any help?

Quick catch up. I'm having to do everything left handed.

The wrist is very painful. The dog was just doing his job, protecting the porch from squirrels and lost hikers. I had just bent over and took Maisie from her swing, put her on my hip and was going down our steps to greet the hiker- he didn't look healthy, so my fear was i would have to greet him, grab a radio, and then put Maisie in with the therapist while I dealt with the guy. But, the dog bolted from under the stairs by going between the tread of steps 3 and 4. That dog has never done that! I saw it happening in slow motion, as did the hiker. I stuck my right arm out to catch the rail and sort of curled around Maizie and rolled. She was fine. Not a tear. The hiker was fine, too. He was just out of potable water. But, my hand was openly broken. I've had surgery this morning. Two pins. Worse, DH is out with another crew on a wildfire, so I only have the therapist. He's going to Whig out when he sees my bill. Our insurance covered the drags and casting, but not surgery or the air ambulance to Reno.

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Thank you everyone for the prayers, thoughts and good wishes. I guess it went well but I was rattled by seeing the box go into the hole, not something I am used to dealing with... plus my shock at seeing dirt go over her box. I don't know what I was expecting but a shovel felt painful.

I feel no better afterwards. My EX's family came my house over afterwards and did not say a word to me. Well, they did hug me bye. I sat with my landlord and my daughter's childhood friends.

wanderwoman! what? you may have a need for calcium or something from all your time in the hospital with Maisie!

They seem to think I had a small tumor that made the bone brittle. We are waiting on results.

Quick catch up. I'm having to do everything left handed.

The wrist is very painful. The dog was just doing his job, protecting the porch from squirrels and lost hikers. I had just bent over and took Maisie from her swing, put her on my hip and was going down our steps to greet the hiker- he didn't look healthy, so my fear was i would have to greet him, grab a radio, and then put Maisie in with the therapist while I dealt with the guy. But, the dog bolted from under the stairs by going between the tread of steps 3 and 4. That dog has never done that! I saw it happening in slow motion, as did the hiker. I stuck my right arm out to catch the rail and sort of curled around Maizie and rolled. She was fine. Not a tear. The hiker was fine, too. He was just out of potable water. But, my hand was openly broken. I've had surgery this morning. Two pins. Worse, DH is out with another crew on a wildfire, so I only have the therapist. He's going to Whig out when he sees my bill. Our insurance covered the drags and casting, but not surgery or the air ambulance to Reno.

Hope you can adjust to left handed life it is challening even to those  who are born left handed. Your hubsband will not be mad over the bills.  He will be happy to see his wife and Our Masie.  I do agree with the other poster you really are a  wonder women

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You might consider an insurance appeal.  They should cover the surgery. 


I hope you feel better soon.  Life will settle, but it seems it's taking awhile.


+1. They turn down things they should pay as a matter of course, because most people don't argue. You should definitely appeal, and if they're really resistant get the HR department of whosever job has the insurance tied to it involved.

Edited by Julia
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+1. They turn down things they should pay as a matter of course, because most people don't argue. You should definitely appeal, and if they're really resistant get the HR department of whosever job has the insurance tied to it involved.

Julia is exactly right, WW. Insurance companies have people (millions of them!) sitting around at desks looking for loopholes and trying to figure out how NOT to pay claims. You have to be just as diligent to argue the point, and eventually they will pay it. They just say no because that's the first answer - not because it was the correct one. {{HUGS}}.

p.s. Your life has been such a major - er - cluster - since FOREVER - omg, it makes me have chest pain even thinking about your little family just trying your best to be a good little family with all the roadblocks you've endured. But... It makes me want to hold onto your coat tails and ride happily on into old age because SURELY this has got to straighten out eventually, and you should get a smooth sail forever more. Thinking about you often: hoping the pain is "tolerable", the good moments are really good, that sleep is restful, Maisie is still moving forward and your husband gets to come home soon. Plus I hope you have some really good chocolate. It truly just sucks.

Edited by Happyfatchick
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broke my wrist a few days ago.



So sorry to hear this. I broke mine back in February, and it still gives me trouble.  It also gives me an excuse to use play-doh and squeeze nerf balls--not something I really wanted to do in middle age. Last week I was so excited to be able to make a closed fist, but I don't have the strength to sock anyone yet (not that I go around socking people). I can't lift anything that weighs more than a pound, and twisting things like door knobs or bottle caps can still cause twinges.  And good luck sleeping with the cast.  I had both a broken wrist and leg, and I nearly managed to knock out my husband the first night until he decided to sleep in the guest room.  Also after being in a cast for three weeks, my thumb was messed up and felt sprung.  Sorry to be so encouraging ;--)


And hugs to Seashell over the furbaby. And hugs to whoever else has had unhappy events recently.


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Regarding the insurance companies - it's a sad thing when I've become happy over having enough health problems that I've covered my deductible & out of pocket expenses limit for this year & both have high amounts. "Happy" might not be the best word to use but you know where I'm coming from.

Barbed Wire - you are so right about so many needing hugs but remember that we only give Full frontal hugs, no side hugs for us!!

Dill pickles - maybe you could get your new "friend" on the forum with us. It's interesting to see how new posters view the Duggars. I'm still laughing over her Michelle rant.


I'm just so so sorry about your kitty Seashell Lover.  That is really hard.  We have four of the critters here, and two are elderly kitties.  Squirrel is 15 now with Ringo at 12, Tarzan Charlie is 5 this year and Oliver oh Oliver the Ollie-fur will be 2 around Halloween.  Squirrel is peeing in some inappropriate places but it's Charlie being a bastard to her.  


Wanderwoman - I feel your pain.  Charlie (the aforementioned bastard) is a bull of a black beauty, came to us at three months old looking like a month younger, and severely malnourished and reeking of cigarette smoke.  We had to bathe him twice before I could get the smoke smell off of him.  We took him in because we thought Ringo needed a friend, which was a good idea because he did.  Charlie has become a loving but spoiled beast, who likes to get his way.  Last 4th of July weekend he did his bull in the china shop act and charged at me when I was coming in the back screen door, thinking he'd escape and have a go at the backyard birds.  He hit me so hard I fell on my side, jarred my whole body up good.  Worse, I got my toes jammed hard hard hard when the back screen slammed on them,  Probably broke about half of the piggies but didn't go to the doc, which was stupid of me.  I just limped and gimped around the house for weeks turning ever more lovely shades of purple and yellow and blue.  I wish I had gone now, they do ache like the dickens at times.


I guess I shouldn't tell anybody here I have worked in the insurance (medical/dental) for 20 odd years, should I?

Edited by CherryMalotte
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 I guess I shouldn't tell anybody here I have worked in the insurance (medical/dental) for 20 odd years, should I?

Ummmm, probably not. Hehe!!! I have a tendency to forget I could be talking to anybody on the planet when I post, I focus on the PERSON and it never occurs to me I could be mortally offensive. Sorry if I stepped on your already sore toes CherryM. Its all right if you come from the insurance world. Scrape that junk off your feet before you settle down.

Anyway, SOMEBODY has to do the dirty work, huh?

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MrsMommy, speaking strictly as someone who's from the south (but has several friends and relatives in Indiana...), I'd cry for months and even years too, if I had to move from SC to IN. Just an observation that probably belongs in the prayer closet. Probably my brain is baked from the HEAT.

Bringing this over from another thread.

After 3 years of moving it is still very hard, not only missing my family but the culture, the weather (I hate that about indiana) I have no friends here really, it's just very sad some days. I remember wondering why people kept ordering coneys and chili came on the coney, I called my mom after my first day of working bugged out telling her the people here don't call hotdogs hotdogs and they put noodles in their chili.

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Culture shock! I have friends (many!) in Indiana who are on the Fort Wayne/Goshen side and THEY all say hot dogs. One of my best friends is in IN now, after growing up in Hawaii. She calls them hot dogs all the time, but she'd rather have SPAM. She thinks spam is the best thing since the dawn of time. Eats it with EVERYTHING. My niece visited Hawaii last year, and was astonished to see SPAM on the menu at McDonalds. (Another useless bit of info). I think it would be SO hard for me to adjust to any other part of the country - you know, the parts where you need to be "efficient" with a customer, but not necessarily need to discuss where her Mama went to high school or what she had for dinner last night.

Standard questions in the south: Howsyer momanem? And j'eat yet?

Edited by Happyfatchick
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I still have my southern lingo although I can hear it changing slowly, whenever I go down south my husband makes fun of me because my southern tongue comes back. My aunt lives in Fort Wayne she has changed the way she speaks as well. Hotdogs here is without chili coneys have chili, in the south a hot dog had chili and a coney is the foot long hotdogs you get from sonics.

Spam at McDonalds?? What!?!? That would shock me to! I've never been a fan of spam but my grandma loves her a spam sandwich, she would even put it on her mater (tomato) and mayo sandwich

The best advice I can give anybody with their insurance is know your plan.  Know what your copays are, know what deductible you have, know what your coinsurance is.  Every plan has services they don't cover.  If you have to have a procedure done and it's non-emergent call your plan and ask.  I'd rather have that kind of call than somebody screaming at me two months after they had XYZ surgery done and it's not payable.  There are some surprises you can live without.  

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Culture shock! I have friends (many!) in Indiana who are on the Fort Wayne/Goshen side and THEY all say hot dogs. One of my best friends is in IN now, after growing up in Hawaii. She calls them hot dogs all the time, but she'd rather have SPAM. She thinks spam is the best thing since the dawn of time. Eats it with EVERYTHING. My niece visited Hawaii last year, and was astonished to see SPAM on the menu at McDonalds. (Another useless bit of info). I think it would be SO hard for me to adjust to any other part of the country - you know, the parts where you need to be "efficient" with a customer, but not necessarily need to discuss where her Mama went to high school or what she had for dinner last night.

Standard questions in the south: Howsyer momanem? And j'eat yet?

Hoosier born and bred, always call them hot dogs. In my experience we put spaghetti in our chili, not unlike Skyline Chili from Cincinnati. Noodles are pretty popular in Indiana though with our heavy German culture in the south and Amish-German tradition in the north. 

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Now, do you know the difference between a Northern fairy tale and a Southern fairy tale?


I've never heard that - HILARIOUS!!! - and I am sooooooooo using it!!! 


We have a million stupid things said on a regular basis - "y'all believe that?"  (pronounced "y'all beleedat?") and "bless your heart" (literally translated:  That's the dumbest thing I ever heard in my life".)   Seriously - in the south if you are listening to a sad story (usually caused or at least moved forward by the "teller" - and are TRULY moved, we NEVER say "bless your heart."  It's a generalization, I know, but mostly if we are moved by someone's story, we're ACTION FIGURES.  Can I cook your dinner?  Can I pray for you?  Can I help with the kids?  If we actually SAY the words "bless your heart"... we are eye rolling on the inside.  [this is insider information, you guys should be paying me for it}.


My husband (man of a few words) has a favorite saying that he would insert instead of your punchline.  He says "Y'all check this out!"  (said like this:  Y'all check-iSS-out".)  Yup.


OH the NOODLE thing!!!  I have Amish relatives, and I thought it was all an Amish/German thing.  I can count on one hand the meals I've eaten up there (Ohio) that DID NOT have noodles involved somewhere.  In fact, we used to joke all the time about the time we sat to dinner at my Aunt's house.  On the table:  mashed potatoes, 2 types of corn, noodles, bread and butter (some type of meat, I forget).  My mom (southerner) looks at the table and smirks (teasingly), "what, no potato chips?".  My Aunt bolts from the table and says, "Oh!  Sorry, I forgot!!!"  and runs to get the chips.


p.s.  Mrsmommy - my one friend in IN puts hominy in her chili.  My 'nuther friend in IN won't eat that chili.  (Me either!)

Edited by Happyfatchick
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Seashell Lover - many sympathies about the kitty. We have loved and lost furry friends and it is not easy. We console ourselves by telling ourselves that we gave them really good lives.

Wanderwoman - I concur about appealing the denial. Also there are times you can call a hospital or doctor business office and negotiate a better rate. I have done this myself. Son used to work to help hospitals collect what was due but many times they wrote off some or all of bills.

MrsMommy- no fun. Seriously. I can appreciate the culture shock. I hear it is hard to connect in the Midwest.

Happyfatchick - we are in Atlanta to close on our house tomorrow. Won't be moving for a few months - house needs work. Mr lookeyloo needs to retire and we have to get current house ready to sell. Can you tell I'm here? Does the force field feel different?

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Good grief you guys are on a roll tonight!  I'm enjoying myself immensely.  HFC has to apologize to almost everybody here for everything, and the talk of the foods is downright upchucking to me.  I have the stomach/digestion issues and don't eat much.  I like spaghetti but long ago became aware that when I ate it, or those nice wide noodles in chicken soup, those didn't didn't go anywhere and were bound to return by mouth within a day, looking the same as when eaten.  So I haven't eaten stuff like that in ages.  I'm a plain old food, if any, person.  When I go visit my relatives in the east and south I am always put off in amazement at least once a trip.  "I'll have a grilled cheese"  "With or without?"  "with or whiteout what"  "mayo and mustard"   "forget it, just give me some fries"  "with or without"  "forget it I'll have a plain ice tea, no lemon and sugar"     Then in Canada, on one of my alone trips, I ask a person in a kiosk for a local restaurant.  She says "licensed or not?"  I say "licensed"  She tells me.  Then I say, What did you mean licensed or not?  The gal started laughing uproariously and said I must have thought she meant with or w/o cockroaches (which I did) and she said it meant with or w/o liquor license.    I am used to being the ignorant one when I go someplace.  It doesn't bother me.  HeeHaw

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Sad news I woke up this morning and found that one of the cats crossed over the rainbow bridge and she was only 8 yrs. old.

Seashell Lover I am so sorry for your loss. We had to say goodbye to one kitty four days short of her 15th birthday in March and to her sister in May six weeks after her 16th birthday and now have one 15+ year old sister left who is dealing admirably well with the 8 week-old dervish kitten we took in 3 weeks ago. It is never easy saying goodbye to fur kids but I hope it was better for your that she passed at home instead of having to have her put down. I am truly sorry.


And Wanderwoman, geez, the world owes you a break, no? Just because the universe knows you are strong enough to handle it, does not mean it should throw it all at you! Hang in there.


ETA: I was raised in Southern Indiana by Northern Indiana (Ft Wayne area) parents and we always know that hot dogs were called hot dogs. Lived in the Midwest 28 years and have been in Northern California 22+ years now without culture shock.

Edited by jcbrown
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I had to laugh reading about Indiana and the south...I'm from Virginia...the Hampton Roads area. I lived in SW Indiana for 7 years. I'm used to saying things like "hey....ya wanna coke?" "yeah, whatcha got?" "we got sprite, dr. pepper 'n' dew". Indiana was TOTAL culture shock. I live in Nevada now and I'm STILL trying to adjust to folks who just don't get how southerners speak! 


Being a retired Navy wife, I offer this to y'all...what's the difference between a fairy tale and a sea story?

A fairy tale starts with "Once upon a time...". A sea story starts with "No shit, this really happened..."


One last thing...you know how a redneck knows to call the ambulance? When someone says "Hey y'all, watch this..."

Edited by RedPonyDriver
  • Love 7

Culture shock! I have friends (many!) in Indiana who are on the Fort Wayne/Goshen side and THEY all say hot dogs. One of my best friends is in IN now, after growing up in Hawaii. She calls them hot dogs all the time, but she'd rather have SPAM. She thinks spam is the best thing since the dawn of time. Eats it with EVERYTHING. My niece visited Hawaii last year, and was astonished to see SPAM on the menu at McDonalds. (Another useless bit of info). I think it would be SO hard for me to adjust to any other part of the country - you know, the parts where you need to be "efficient" with a customer, but not necessarily need to discuss where her Mama went to high school or what she had for dinner last night.

Standard questions in the south: Howsyer momanem? And j'eat yet?

My favorite breakfast from McD's is the Local Deluxe Breakfast.  Spam, portuguese sausage, eggs and rice.  I'm betting your friend likes spam musubi and I'm sure she can name the many different ways we prepare spam!  =).


I still have my southern lingo although I can hear it changing slowly, whenever I go down south my husband makes fun of me because my southern tongue comes back. My aunt lives in Fort Wayne she has changed the way she speaks as well. Hotdogs here is without chili coneys have chili, in the south a hot dog had chili and a coney is the foot long hotdogs you get from sonics.

Spam at McDonalds?? What!?!? That would shock me to! I've never been a fan of spam but my grandma loves her a spam sandwich, she would even put it on her mater (tomato) and mayo sandwich

Hehe, I love fried spam and egg sandwiches!


Seashell Lover I'm very sorry for your loss. 

Wanderwoman I wish you a speedy recovery and

Jellybeans, may you have found comfort and peace.

Edited by abseedee
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The culture shock I remember from when I moved to Florida from Illinois..was everyone calling what I called 'pop' soda. I got teased at my job because I said pop. Then after nine HOT humid years we moved back to Illinois and I had to relearn calling it pop again. I still get it mixed up sometimes.

In my neck of the woods, in the heart of Dixie, if it fizzes, it's a Coke. No pop, no soda. It's exactly as Red Pony said: "you wanna Coke?" Is followed by "what kind?" Even in restaurants where they serve Pepsi products, generally the server doesn't even correct you to Pepsi items. You order a "Coke"; you're getting a Pepsi.

Also in my neck, if you order tea and don't specify, you're getting cold tea with ice and sugar in it. If you want a cup of tea, you're going to confuse the server. We would usually specify "sweet tea" [pronounced "sweet-Tay"], but we wouldn't have to; sweet tea is the norm, unsweetened is a specialty.

When my friend is with my (from IN), I am more aware of my accent. I said to her once when I heard a southern accent on TV (pronounced TEEvee), "I HATE that affected accent they give southerners on TV." In a few seconds, she says carefully, "you know... You really sound Just Like That." I looked at her and said indignantly "I most certainly do NOT." She says, "what did she say just then, on that commercial?" I said, "Suuthuhn Friiied Homiciiide, only own Discuuuvry." She turned back to the show without comment.

I REALLY hate when I speak on the phone to someone in a different part of the country, and they don't know me AT ALL... And after I identify myself, I get, "Laaaw, Mizz Scahlett, where you'all frooohm???" I know they're teasing me, see, because we never say "you all".

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p.s.: the hard "G" that the Duggars do (especially Jill and Jana) "talkinG, walkinG, singinG" is a help to most southerners; we've completely lost our "g"s. Talkin', walkin' singin'. I can SAY it in the middle of a word (reGular), but not on the end.

The Duggars found our lost "g"s, and WE found all the lost "r"s of Boston. Long time ago, my husbands aunts and great aunts were passing around a Friendship Quilt to be "embrawdried" with the names. Until I SAW that quilt with my own eyes, I believed Aunt Elma's name was actually Elmer. Like Fudd. He had an Aint Elmer, Aint Evar, and an Aint Emmer.

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 4

Sad news I woke up this morning and found that one of the cats crossed over the rainbow bridge and she was only 8 yrs. old.

I'm so sorry. We just had to put our beloved pit bull Bossy to sleep due to a heart condition. He just turned six in May. We had him on meds, supplements and special food for five months but he took a turn for the worse this week and we couldn't let him suffer any more. He's been with us since he was nine weeks old and we're devastated. It sucks losing a best friend:(

  • Love 3

I'm so sorry. We just had to put our beloved pit bull Bossy to sleep due to a heart condition. He just turned six in May. We had him on meds, supplements and special food for five months but he took a turn for the worse this week and we couldn't let him suffer any more. He's been with us since he was nine weeks old and we're devastated. It sucks losing a best friend:(

Sorry, BitterApple. It is so hard to lose a pet. But it does help us remember what a blessing our furbabies  are for our families. 

  • Love 6

p.s.: the hard "G" that the Duggars do (especially Jill and Jana) "talkinG, walkinG, singinG" is a help to most southerners; we've completely lost our "g"s. Talkin', walkin' singin'. I can SAY it in the middle of a word (reGular), but not on the end.


Is this a regional thing or a religious thing?  It seems like it ought to be regional, but I find it so weird that the shows I notice the hard G on are this one and that Preachers Daughters show (if it's still on, not sure).  Most of the girls on that show had it too, especially when they were whining to their parents about "but we're just hanginG out!"

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I'm so sorry. We just had to put our beloved pit bull Bossy to sleep due to a heart condition. He just turned six in May. We had him on meds, supplements and special food for five months but he took a turn for the worse this week and we couldn't let him suffer any more. He's been with us since he was nine weeks old and we're devastated. It sucks losing a best friend:(

((((((((((((((((Hugss))))))))))))))))))))))) i am so sorry 

  • Love 6

I'm so sorry. We just had to put our beloved pit bull Bossy to sleep due to a heart condition. He just turned six in May. We had him on meds, supplements and special food for five months but he took a turn for the worse this week and we couldn't let him suffer any more. He's been with us since he was nine weeks old and we're devastated. It sucks losing a best friend:(


Much sympathy, Bitter. Grief is the price we pay for be able to love our furbabies but I hope you'll soon be able to remember Bossy with no tears - nothing but smiles!

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My favorite breakfast from McD's is the Local Deluxe Breakfast.  Spam, portuguese sausage, eggs and rice.  I'm betting your friend likes spam musubi and I'm sure she can name the many different ways we prepare spam!  =).


Hehe, I love fried spam and egg sandwiches!


Seashell Lover I'm very sorry for your loss. 

Wanderwoman I wish you a speedy recovery and

Jellybeans, may you have found comfort and peace.


I'm ashamed to say it but I love those Hawaiian plates that are everywhere in the Islands. Some kind of meat entree - Spam even - with 3 mounds on the plate: one of white rice, one of potato salad and one of macaroni salad. And usually a luscious gravy. Anthony Bourdain was having one the other day on TV and my mouth was literally watering. And Portuguese sausage is the bomb.

Edited by Wellfleet
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I'm so sorry. We just had to put our beloved pit bull Bossy to sleep due to a heart condition. He just turned six in May. We had him on meds, supplements and special food for five months but he took a turn for the worse this week and we couldn't let him suffer any more. He's been with us since he was nine weeks old and we're devastated. It sucks losing a best friend:(

So sorry for your loss.

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I'm ashamed to say it but I love those Hawaiian plates that are everywhere in the Islands. Some kind of meat entree - Spam even - with 3 mounds on the plate: one of white rice, one of potato salad and one of macaroni salad. And usually a luscious gravy. Anthony Bourdain was having one the other day on TV and my mouth was literally watering. And Portuguese sausage is the bomb.

Could it have been a hamburger steak plate? 

Main staples for a plate lunch, rice and mac or potato salad.......but then again, pretty much everything in a plate lunch needs all that starch!


eta:  had a fried spam and egg sandwich for breakfast  I had to have it after I mentioned in an earlier post.

Edited by abseedee
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I'm a sweetea or dew kinda girl. (for y'all who don't know what "dew" is, that's Mountain Dew). Although, since my husband is now diabetic, I don't drink nearly as much sweetea as I used to...long story, short version, he had Chronic Pancreatitis and had a total pancreatectomy a couple of years ago. The auto-islet transplant failed so he's a brittle type 1 diabetic. That sucks, but not nearly as bad as the pancreatitis did. When he had the surgery the docs found precancerous cells in the biopsies they took. Fortunately, since they were able to get rid of those cells and removed a bunch of abdominal lymph nodes too. We have been fortunate as his recovery has TOTALLY been without complications and he hasn't been hospitalized since then. 

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Cherry Coke of course.


Oh BitterApple, I am sorry.  If I was to ever have a dog it would be a mutt or a pit bull.  Every pit bull I have ever known has been a big loving gentle beastie.  I will mourn my furry four footed family members longer and harder over any of the two legged variety in most cases.  The heart of a furry friend beats true.


I'm very delicately having ramen noodles right now - had to have a tooth out this morning and I'm sore as hell, though the pills are great.  Making me nice and fuzzy feeling.  It took a big step for me to see a new dentist - I love my other guy, he's known my teeth since I had teeth but he'll be retiring soon and frankly the new guy who I like charged me less than half of what my old guy would for the same work.  Sometimes you have to pull up your panties and move on.  I'm milking this tooth thing for all I can with the family for a couple of days fer shure!  Not exactly helpless, but they can run some errands for me - I see a nice chocolate M&M blitz in my future...         

  • Love 7

I'm ashamed to say it but I love those Hawaiian plates that are everywhere in the Islands. Some kind of meat entree - Spam even - with 3 mounds on the plate: one of white rice, one of potato salad and one of macaroni salad. And usually a luscious gravy. Anthony Bourdain was having one the other day on TV and my mouth was literally watering. And Portuguese sausage is the bomb.

I agree!  OMG.  I believe my best meal I ever remember in Hawaii was on Kauai.  I consisted of hapa rice, macaroni salad and this bit of heaven called chili pepper chicken.  It was a total local spot hidden in the back of a small shopping center.  Oh yea- took home haupia (young coconut) pie. (OMG- amazing!)  I don't typically eat sausage- but you can't resist Portuguese sausage when in Hawaii.  The rice for breakfast thing grew on me.  I now do it most times that I make a special breakfast.


Oh boy - I am sending good thoughts to all of you going through it right now.  


Wanderwoman- you poor thing.  I hope you heal quickly.

Seashell lover- so sorry.

Bitterapple- I feel your pain.

Jellybeans- big hugs to you.


I'm also sending some cool weather vibes to everyone.  I'm in Florida and baking!  I despise this heat and humidity with a passion and am really jealous of Geml being in Ireland right now.  

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