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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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Yes, I watched it. I found it interesting how Leah thought the teachings were bizzaro but she stayed because she always was close to acheiving the next stage. Total pyramid scheme. I couldn't believe all the books she had to buy just to be awarded with a small plaque.I'm still SMH on that one.

I've always been fascinated by cults and how they not only draw people in but keep them in the cult. That's probably why I started watching the Duggars just to quill my curiousity.

I watched it too. It was interesting that her mother got her in, her husband jumped on board to get with her, and when she said she was out, they both said "fine, we're out too". Like they were waiting for someone to pull the plug.

  • Love 6

What an amazing weekend I've had! I'm just feeling all sorts comfort tonight. Last night, we made a fire in the back yard and just sat around talking and enjoying each other. (The hubs and my 2 special cousins who live nearby. These guys are our peeps. We have a regular standing scheduled "peep night" every single Friday.) We fried some of the fish we caught at Tybee and I made special fixins to go along with because we were celebrating the birthday of my best pal (the cousin I mentioned the other day). He's just "one of those people" (and I strongly suspect it's the genetic connection, but who could prove that?). My husband knows (and encourages) our bond because the cuz offers everything my husband doesn't want to be bothered with. The cuz listens to my stories, has a big toothy gut laugh, hears me when I am so burdened I could puke, makes me laugh, shares with me, is patient, gentle and kind. He is a great companion. Hubs is a great man, I love him from the bottom of my heart. He has his own attributes, but doesn't WANT to be close with anybody (as it turns out, even me), so he's happy I have someone to fill that space. He's not a talker, a horrible listener, doesn't converse unless it's an information discussion. I cried and mourned for many of our years together, wishing he could be a real companion to me, but he just doesn't want that. He and the cuz are great friends as well. They play golf together every Sunday. I know it seems weird, but it works. So the fire and relaxing all together - that was nice.

Tonight, my youngest son and wife called and wanted to come over. Sure! No problem. Shortly, my oldest and his wife, children, and a good friend came in. There ended up being takeout pizza, beer and so much laughter I actually HURT a little. Both my boys are funny, and they play off each other. Keep the rest of us rolling. (The hubster went in the mancave to watch the game, and went sound asleep with all that hysterical cackling happening. This too, is weird, but we've all adjusted to him, and it works. If he joined us, he'd be welcome - and he can be funny as well - but if he doesn't, we don't skip a beat).

RedHead77, hang tight. Don't be afraid to develop friendships and take the advice others have given. Get up, get out and enjoy yourself. If I suddenly found myself alone, I'd be floundering. I'm so used to being inundated with my family and friends. I can't imagine what I'd do, but I know me well enough to know I'd have to find some peeps. I crave interaction with other people. I neeeeed it, and I think you do too. Go find it! (And pm SomePity if you didn't already).

JC, I immediately saw the hidden Mickey and a whole lot more. Ick!!! Thank you, sweet baby Jaysus for not making those belly/body hugger shirts and dresses be in style when I was preggers, right?? My DIL (who is pg, as you KNOW...) wears tshirts stretched around the baby all the time. Tonight, she had on a bright blue shirt with a Minnion Stretched to infinity... But she does own one floppy certified maternity top. She looks like she's carrying Dumbo when she wears that shirt. Did all those maternity tops I was so proud of look like parachutes??

And so this day ends, with great satisfaction and happiness in my heart. I just want you guys to see the real me, that I really DO appreciate a really good day when I get one. Hugs!!! ;)

  • Love 8

What an amazing weekend I've had!

And so this day ends, with great satisfaction and happiness in my heart. I just want you guys to see the real me, that I really DO appreciate a really good day when I get one. Hugs!!! ;)

So happy for you, HAPPYFATCHICK. What a perfect day.

And yes, I think we did all look like we were wearing parachutes when we were pregnant.

  • Love 2

Another thing I noticed in the Leah interview is that Tom Cruise is truly nuts. I think he has some serious mental issues that he has "prayed" away or he let himself be brainwashed into his "religion." I can't even with them calling it a religion since when do you believe that an alien (Xenu) lives in you? WTFy funk is that about?


Back to Tom Cruise he and David Miscavige sure do have an over inflated sense of self. I think it's all about power with their "beliefs." Both are messed up and I doubt they live in reality. So that begs me to ask "Why do they stay?"

  • Love 8

Another thing I noticed in the Leah interview is that Tom Cruise is truly nuts. I think he has some serious mental issues that he has "prayed" away or he let himself be brainwashed into his "religion." I can't even with them calling it a religion since when do you believe that an alien (Xenu) lives in you? WTFy funk is that about?


Back to Tom Cruise he and David Miscavige sure do have an over inflated sense of self. I think it's all about power with their "beliefs." Both are messed up and I doubt they live in reality. So that begs me to ask "Why do they stay?"

A "religion" made up by a Sci-Fi writer ... hmmm.


After TC's rant on the Today show, where I think he showed he true colors, I won't watch anything starring him. 

  • Love 6

Bolding mine

Another thing I noticed in the Leah interview is that Tom Cruise is truly nuts. I think he has some serious mental issues that he has "prayed" away or he let himself be brainwashed into his "religion." I can't even with them calling it a religion since when do you believe that an alien (Xenu) lives in you? WTFy funk is that about?

Back to Tom Cruise he and David Miscavige sure do have an over inflated sense of self. I think it's all about power with their "beliefs." Both are messed up and I doubt they live in reality. So that begs me to ask "Why do they stay?"

A member of this cult undergoes fairly regular "auditing" which is akin to confession. All of their sins/crimes are noted down and saved. It is thought by many that some scienos stay because they don't want their auditing sessions made public. And that is just one control tool they use.

And by the time they get to the level where they are told all about xenu etc. they are so deep into it (it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to get to that level, OT8?) and/or so brainwashed they stay.

Right with you on the Tom-jump. Matter of fact I stay away from any project involving any scienos.

Good for Leah! Hope she's got protection. I'm one who thinks ShellyM is dead, or maybe in the hole. But mainly dead.

Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 7

Scientologists went through a battle of epic proportions to get their organization declared a church and therefore tax exempt. I don't recall who all they paid off and influenced to do this thing.  Cruise has an ego bigger than many galaxies and is the golden boy for whom everything is provided by Scientology.  Lower level peonsms have put blood sweat and tears into making his life great.  He thanks no one.  He would not have been a priest.  Diametrically opposed

Edited by Micks Picks
  • Love 3

The "religion" has so much dirt on Tom he can't even think about leaving. Same with with the other one with the ever migrating hair line. I don't support their movies because mostly they can't act, but I don't want to support the crazy.


Can I say I just LOVE when the clocks go back. Makes no sense but I love having an extra hour. To do nothing.

Edited by Chicklet
  • Love 8

Scientologists went through a battle of epic proportions to get their organization declared a church and therefore tax exempt. I don't recall who all they paid off and influenced to do this thing.  Cruise has an ego bigger than many galaxies and is the golden boy for whom everything is provided by Scientology.  Lower level peonsms have put blood sweat and tears into making his life great.  He thanks no one.  He would not have been a priest.  Diametrically opposed

According to Lawrence Wright's Going Clear the scienos out-lawyered the IRS! Offered to settle for a fraction of what they owed in exchange for tax-exempt status as a religion.


I hate when daylight savings time starts and love when it ends. It was light when I got up this morning! Yay!

  • Love 4

Hope everyone had a great Halloween.  We had a great time.  I think my boys enjoy handing out candy more than trick or treating.  


I saw a bunch of pictures of kids and babies in costumes on my FB thread for the past two days.  I couldn't help but think about the Duggar kids.  This would be the perfect holiday for them.  They would get to dress up (I'm sure Jessa or Jill would love to share pictures of their babies in costumes on social media) and with all of those kids, they'd get a boatload of candy from trick or treating.  The grifters they are, this holiday was made for them.

  • Love 3

My praymate costume was quite a hit last night.  I handed out bible verses regarding harlots, whoredom or from Song of Solomon.  I explained to people how I was a wanton woman – I am willing to hold hands with men without being engaged; I offer side hugs but occasionally slip a little toward a frontal hug; I wore a Henley style shirt with snaps on it, leaving the possibility for it to open farther and potentially defrauding people by having them consider my chest rather than my countenance. 


After the patty we went to a local club.  The costume made it easy to talk to people since I handed out the bible verses and we had some very interesting discussions.  There were a few people who did not want to engage with me so I just moved on.  No one was offended since I was representing a rather extremist view.  Any Christians at a bar on Halloween would not be adhering to Duggar level beliefs. 


I probably should have jumped in the shower when I got home.  Instead I went right to bed.  Didn’t even really wash my face.  So I woke up with a smeared clown face and my hair looking like a bird’s nest.

  • Love 7

My praymate costume was quite a hit last night.  I handed out bible verses regarding harlots, whoredom or from Song of Solomon.  I explained to people how I was a wanton woman – I am willing to hold hands with men without being engaged; I offer side hugs but occasionally slip a little toward a frontal hug; I wore a Henley style shirt with snaps on it, leaving the possibility for it to open farther and potentially defrauding people by having them consider my chest rather than my countenance. 


After the patty we went to a local club.  The costume made it easy to talk to people since I handed out the bible verses and we had some very interesting discussions.  There were a few people who did not want to engage with me so I just moved on.  No one was offended since I was representing a rather extremist view.  Any Christians at a bar on Halloween would not be adhering to Duggar level beliefs. 


I probably should have jumped in the shower when I got home.  Instead I went right to bed.  Didn’t even really wash my face.  So I woke up with a smeared clown face and my hair looking like a bird’s nest.

I'm glad you had fun with your costume. I meant to mention it when you first posted that handing out the verses was a good idea. Years ago I dressed as a Blond Joke. Mainly because I was tired of being the brunt of them. I typed up jokes and pined them all over me. Partyers in attempts to read me spun me all night. I ended up getting pretty manhandled and groped all night. I should have thought that costume out better...

  • Love 8

Hope everyone had a great Halloween.  We had a great time.  I think my boys enjoy handing out candy more than trick or treating.  


I saw a bunch of pictures of kids and babies in costumes on my FB thread for the past two days.  I couldn't help but think about the Duggar kids.  This would be the perfect holiday for them.  They would get to dress up (I'm sure Jessa or Jill would love to share pictures of their babies in costumes on social media) and with all of those kids, they'd get a boatload of candy from trick or treating.  The grifters they are, this holiday was made for them.

They grift enough and take MORE than enough pictures already.

I agree it is sad they don't enjoy Halloween, but the list of things they can't enjoy is very long. 

I watched it too. It was interesting that her mother got her in, her husband jumped on board to get with her, and when she said she was out, they both said "fine, we're out too". Like they were waiting for someone to pull the plug.

At the risk of being the biggest cynic on the Small Talk thread ;-), I turned to DH when that statement was made and said, "She's making all the money in that household. They're not risking their meal ticket."


I bought Going Clear yesterday as well; we saw the documentary but I'm going to read the book as well. And I wondered if the Scientologists would rather back away from Leah Remini as a result of her getting on TV and saying she's not perfect, or if they're going to double down and think some of their accusations might stick.


According to Lawrence Wright's Going Clear the scienos out-lawyered the IRS! Offered to settle for a fraction of what they owed in exchange for tax-exempt status as a religion.





Someday I'm going to learn how to delete the quote that I screwed up on... :eyeroll:


The above should scare the living daylights out of any American, IMHO. In other words, Scientology (and their leadership) are more powerful than the US government.

  • Love 4

Why don't certain over-controlling family members realize that Thanksgiving takes place on the correct Thursday, no matter what is most convenient for them?  And when their niece has spent $550 bucks to come home for Thanksgiving (because of lots of emotional things) that you can't just arbitrarily try to move it to Friday?  And because you are so freaking controlling that you'd try to do such a thing, nobody really cares if you're around for what the rest of the family plans, even if it's inconvenient for you? /rant

  • Love 6

At the risk of being the biggest cynic on the Small Talk thread ;-), I turned to DH when that statement was made and said, "She's making all the money in that household. They're not risking their meal ticket."


I bought Going Clear yesterday as well; we saw the documentary but I'm going to read the book as well. And I wondered if the Scientologists would rather back away from Leah Remini as a result of her getting on TV and saying she's not perfect, or if they're going to double down and think some of their accusations might stick.

Someday I'm going to learn how to delete the quote that I screwed up on... :eyeroll:


The above should scare the living daylights out of any American, IMHO. In other words, Scientology (and their leadership) are more powerful than the US government.

At first I read this as; scared the daylight savings time out of any American.

  • Love 5

Off the wall, somewhat personal question; does anyone else feel sometimes that taking a shower is a monumental chore?

I don't find showering to be a chore, possibly because I feel very at peace under the running water, but I sometimes feel that about getting dressed. I will sit around in a towel for ages afterward, and eventually have to force myself to start putting on clothes, which seems like a huge effort.

  • Love 7

Off the wall, somewhat personal question; does anyone else feel sometimes that taking a shower is a monumental chore?

Oh, jeez - YES ! I always feel so much better after a shower, and even more so after one of my monumental 3-hour bathathons. It makes no sense to me - I have a great bathroom, a big tub, and enough chichi products in there (current count is 41 and I'm not kidding here !) that I can luxuriate like a princess, but sometimes the effort to just haul my bones to the tub is just... too much ? 


I know that can be a sign of depression, which I'm, unfortunately, very familiar with, so I tell myself to just DO IT and I'm so relieved when I'm done. Please don't think I'm a big, stinky slob here - it's not like I go days or anything, but it's almost 7:00 here and I still haven't hopped in today. I'm going to purpose to take one as soon as I can, and certainly before The Walking Dead comes on ! 

  • Love 11

Why don't certain over-controlling family members realize that Thanksgiving takes place on the correct Thursday, no matter what is most convenient for them? And when their niece has spent $550 bucks to come home for Thanksgiving (because of lots of emotional things) that you can't just arbitrarily try to move it to Friday? And because you are so freaking controlling that you'd try to do such a thing, nobody really cares if you're around for what the rest of the family plans, even if it's inconvenient for you? /rant

Of course it has to be on that Thursday. And, for me, it involves morning mimosas, the Macy's parade, the National Dog Show, getting a start on the Christmas decorations and overeating throughout. Small gathering these days but special.

Chicklet, all you have left are the Whoppers? I hope you aren't complaining.... (I love Whoppers)

Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 5

When I am sick and miserable, I have a hard time getting the energy to take a bath or a shower. Once I get in the bathtub, I feel better.The last couple of days my allergies have been acting up so I am glad I am getting up because I really want to crawl back into bed and pull the covers over my head until my allergies go away. I also can become very cranky, very quickly when I am sick. My dear husband has told me I am cranky more than once.

Off the wall, somewhat personal question; does anyone else feel sometimes that taking a shower is a monumental chore?

I hate being wet, so yes. I hate having dirty hair even more though, so that's my motivation.

You could not pay me enough to take a bath. That's just......no.

Chicklet, Whoppers are good in brownies.

Edited by MargeGunderson
  • Love 5

I'm not saying I hate Whoppers, but I have an unnatural love for peanut butter cups and those kids ate all of them. Or peanut M&Ms or KitKats.


I have to start eating right tomorrow.


For Boss's day I made these chocolate cup cakes with peanut butter cups in them, and peanut butter frosting. They were aaaamazing and contained enough fat for the month. That should have satisfied me but I think it set me on the road to ruin for the month.

Edited by Chicklet
  • Love 2

Hoping everyone had a Happy Halloween!  It really is my favorite holiday.  I dressed as a witch (Samantha Stephens style) and loved passing out candy.


I live in an historic district and don't get as many people as you would in a subdivision, but I have to make a few notes this year.


Children have become lazy!  Parents drive them door to door.  We have sidewalks.  What happened to walking?  


Parents stop their car in the street (two lane street), leave the car parked and walk to the front porch with the children.  (We sit on the  porch passing out candy.)  Many times, children are not even taught to say "Trick or Treat".  What is up?  We always start by saying "Happy Halloween".   Most children are not even taught to say "thank you".


Am I weird or is it a new thing that parents come around with bags and expect candy as well?  Let me say that they are not even dressed up.  I'm sorry but you need to dress up for candy.


My most unimpressed moment of the night was when a girl got out of a car in an expensive princess costume with an attitude.  She looked pissed.  She did not say a word to us- only held out her pail.  I whispered to my husband that he better not give her more than one candy.  Sorry, but this was one of my favorite holidays and I will dare children become divas and expect candy for having an attitude. 


Did anyone else experience the new Halloween tradition or was it just me? 


We did have some absolute cuties that made our night!  ;)

  • Love 7

Don't know whether this will work or not...I just got a kick out of my son's Halloween costume. He has grown a beard over the past few weeks, so wanted to incorporate it in whatever he chose to dress up as. His current job does require that any costume be fairly restrained and tasteful, so he went as the "Dos Equis" guy (aka "the most interesting man in the world"). I think he nailed it especially considering he's only 24.



Last year ( at a different job), he wore essentially the same thing (with no beard), but a pink sweatband, pink hand weights and some random cuts & bruises and went as the "mayhem" guy from the insurance commercials. He does manage to get a lot of mileage out of some pretty minimalist costumes :) https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/559573_10154856491005595_5247630590259376435_n.jpg?oh=ed43d5aff3ccbf9cb3ae9c70ef82f728&oe=56C017CC

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
  • Love 15

Yesterday, on Halloween, my (Marine) son posted a picture of his three kids each holding a pumpkin, with his wife beside them holding a pumpkin in her lap.

We all oohed and aahed and said what a cute picture it was, of course.

My son then commented, "yeah, We thought we'd be different this year and that we'd get all the kids each their own pumpkin.

My other son said " wait a minute! You guys bought FOUR pumpkins.....is this what I think it is? If so, congrats!" He was right! I'm going to be a grammie again in June!

This is my youngest child, and he and his wife have always wanted four kids (and are shutting down the baby factory after this one.) My other kids finished up having kids years ago, so this will be my last grandbaby...lucky #13!

Edited by ChiCricket
  • Love 22

There are some kids that get driven, but I live in the 'burbs, so it's easy enough to park and wander in the neighborhoods. Daughter (9) changed her mind days before Halloween and decided against Athena and wanted Hermione instead. Ooookaaay. Took a while and a burn or two to curl her hair to make it bushy. Son (13) whose voice is quite deep and a bit of mustache fuzz went trick or treating as Homer Simpson. Most kids said Trick or Treat, but I was usually at the door distributing before they had the chance. All the kids were lovely, though I'm sure some forgot to say thank you. I was saying Happy Halloween as I was giving the candy so I may not have heard. The only family that annoyed me was a young couple with their infant, not more than 3 months. Baby's first Halloween, they said. WTF? Really? That's...so not cool. If it's in a group and there are other kids, I don't mind that. But it was just two adults and a baby in a sling. That irked me but otherwise it was a fun night.


Daughter went trick or treating in a different neighborhood with a friend and got, I kid not, Jesus Harvest Seeds or as everyone else calls them, candy corn. She was a bit perplexed. I will admit I immediately thought of this forum. She also got a can of soda, which...WTF? And one of those small, individual boxes of cereal. Oooookaaay. I will be tossing that candy by Easter. 

  • Love 4

We live in a neighborhood in the suburbs with about 800 houses.  I noticed a lot more cars parked on the street than usual.  I think a lot of people park and trick or treat in our neighborhood because there are so many houses.  We didn't get any religious items in his bucket. I noticed that more and more people are handing out the "good" candy instead of the cheap stuff.  I'm guessing it helps that Target, Walmart, and every other store sells giant bags of Hershey, Nestle, and other name brand candies and less of the cheaper candies (I remember getting tons of Mary Janes in my bucket each year).  


I'm sitting here watching Where the Heart Is.  It stars Natalie Portman as a pregnant woman who ends up living inside a Walmart for about a month.  One of the characters, played by Stockard Channing, reminds me of Michelle Duggar in appearance.  The character was very religious, but every day would pray for God's forgiveness for fornicating with a man who was not her husband (and mentioned the kitchen table once).

  • Love 4

I'm not saying I hate Whoppers, but I have an unnatural love for peanut butter cups and those kids ate all of them. Or peanut M&Ms or KitKats.


I have to start eating right tomorrow.


For Boss's day I made these chocolate cup cakes with peanut butter cups in them, and peanut butter frosting. They were aaaamazing and contained enough fat for the month. That should have satisfied me but I think it set me on the road to ruin for the month.

Shit, there was a recent Bosses Day? Hope my boss didn't know,

  • Love 3

I don't take baths, only showers, usually short.  Washed my hair in the sink this morning.  Want to get in the shower soon.  Have cement on my eyelids.  World Series isn't over.  


I had a nice assortment of candy to give out, never know how many to expect.  Long driveway so I usually stand out by the gate until I get bored, which happened before I got rid of all the candy so have a lot left.  The neighbor says he stopped at 8:30.  I looked for the dog and found him inside on my bed I guess spooked by some cherry bombs which are meant for every occasion now, I guess.  I can't be bothered to stay out for more than 45 min or an hour.  Come and get it or forget it.  I got ballgames and Halloween movies to tend to.

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I figured since Halloween was on a Saturday this year, I'd better get a lot of candy.

So I bought bags and bags of chocolate, and we got a grand total of TEN trick-or-treaters.

It was cold and raining here in Illinois, but that never would have stopped my two younger sisters and me (I?) from going for free candy on Halloween.

Rain,snow,sleet, we still went for hours and hours.

We carried old pillowcases for the takings, and they got SO heavy...but did we quit? No way!

Looking back now, I can't believe I was the one taking my younger sisters all over town.

I was EIGHT, my sisters were six and four!

Yesterday I wouldn't let my 13 year old granddaughter go out alone to her mom's car in the dark to get something..I had to go out with her. Because now we know too much about too many creeps!

I just heard Jared Fogle's phone recordings on Dr. Phil...and it's sick bastards like that make me paranoid about my grands going anywhere and doing anything! Ugh

  • Love 7

RE: Daylight Saving Time.  A friend sent me this quote with a picture of a wise old Native American man.  He says,"Only the government could think that cutting a foot off the top of a blanket and sewing it on to the bottom of the blanket would make the blanket longer."  I love it!

Edited by Ilovemylabs
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Was talking to Mr. lookeyloo about how Halloween has changed.  When we were kids back in the day, no one changed the time.  We went out in any kind of weather.  It didn't usually rain where we lived but sometimes it did.  It could get cold though.  We carried a pillowcase.  We got unwrapped candy or cookies and ate it and nothing happened.  No one checked our bag.  No one rationed out our candy for health reasons.  No one worried about us.  Nothing bad ever happened.  We weren't scared and neither were our parents.  We lived is a suburban area.  Now here, the day for trick or treating was changed to the day before because there was rain forecast.  True enough it poured Sat. night.  But even on Friday, when it was still light out, in our suburban neighborhood now, we had zero trick or treaters in the neighborhood.  I looked outside to see no one.  When we first moved here, there were a lot of little kids and their parents would bring them, all cute, etc.  Then as they got older they stopped coming.  Then we had a year or two of big kids, no costumes, driving up in cars.  That's when I stopped handing out candy.  Just keep the house dark.  And it has faded off since then.  I think people are scared of crime.  I think I read some place that the incidents of crime such as child abduction haven't changed statistically, just that we know about them faster and more often.  Makes it seem like it is happening all the time.  We should still be careful of course, but, try not to live in fear.  Anyway, whew, thanks for the outlet!!

  • Love 5

I just heard Jared Fogle's phone recordings on Dr. Phil...and it's sick bastards like that make me paranoid about my grands going anywhere and doing anything! Ugh

I was wondering if anyone had seen that Dr. Phil. I recorded and watched both episodes and I was getting physically SICK listening to that sick bastard (great description). It's a shame he pled out to get lesser jail time. He should never be around people of any kind again. He may get his come-uppance in prison, even hardened convicts despise his kind. It was a very eye opening reveal into the sick mind of someone who only sees the vulnerable as something to use for their own instant gratification. Just so, so disgusting.
  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

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