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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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I grew up in the LA area which Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker was loose. I was working a summer job at Weinersnitzel and it was hot as heck! Us employees would always think we saw him at our window. It seemed like everyone knew someone who knew someone that was a victim. Our family and everyone we knew slept with every window shut that summer with no air. We would literally drench our sheets every night with sweat. My grandma made me sleep with her when my grandpa was out of town. It was a summer of anxiety and no sleep. When we heard he was caught it was the best news ever! Everybody's phone was ringing to spread the news and/or glued to the TV. I think we ordered pizza (a treat) to celebrate. And last but not least I am praying that Hurricane Patricia fizzles out and that its not as bad as predicted. If you know anyone in the path I hope they are able to escape the storm's wrath.

I was just a kid but I remember spending the night at a friends house (slumber party style). We were on the 2nd floor and convinced he was trying to break in. Nope, friends bratty brother being a brat.

This reminded me of the horror movies we'd watch at slumber parties (late 80s, early 90s). Hellraiser, Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Faces of [freeking] death (that may or may not be real)! What did you all watch?

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So Cal here too..  Many micro climates here.  I'm in one fairly close to the beach, can go 5-10 miles and be 10 degrees warmer.  Go 15 miles and e 20 degrees warmer.  Go a few miles in 3 directions and be in the water.  I don't go anyplace.  Still it is warm and humid here.  Time for another walk soon, tho.  I'm glad somebody mentioned the 20-20 episode tonight.   Wont be on for a couple of hours but I was shocked when new came out.  Give the girls to a child molester, great move.


I've blocked my feed from showing most of the people I know.  Some for showing themselves breastfeeding all the time, and then being outraged when out in public someone notices them (duh).  Others because they post, I'm not kidding, 20 pieces of shared garbage a day.  So you can never find what some reasonable person you know posts.  I call them ditzy, the share everything posters, and that's about all I know apparently.  One more lost pet 3 cities away (always a tan chihuahua) and food post after food post and decorating shit tips, OMG, no thanks.  I didn't unfriend them, and pop on to their site once in a great while to say hi, that's about it.  


I was close to the Night Stalker cases, everybody was.  Guy really got around.  Vicious.  Mean.  Nasty.  And knew one of the guys who had the upholstery shop in Glendate, the cousins, who did killing.  Then we had guys when I was young who drove women around in a van and ripped their nipples off and kept recordings of their screams.  Been on death row for over 30 years I imagine.  At least they don't get to post interviews and feed on fame.  Somebody married that Stalker.  He had swooning females during his trial, where he had a pentagram on his palm.  What is wrong with women.  They want their eyes yanked out too?


I'd go to the amusement park and go on rides with those who wanted the same rides as me.  Groups never manage to stick together anyway.  Nor should they.  Not everybody likes the same stuff and shouldn't have to stand around not having fun when they could split for a couple of hours and amuse themselves.  Oh well.  I hope to go to another bigger dog event at the SPCA tomorrow.  Dog and I like to hang together.  He will have agility equipment to play on, and lots of trick or treating with real dog treats.  Sounds pretty darn cool.

  • Love 3

I didn't have Teh Kidz. We have two cats and a dog. And I could never deal with the Mommy Wars, because I would have been channeling Helen Mirren. (She recently said her chief regret in life was not using the words "fuck off" more often.) I know someone who had a hellacious pregnancy followed by a delivery even worse than Jilly Muffin's. (Shorter version: She and the baby almost died, with the best medical care possible. Many, MANY months of recovery afterwards.) Some of the bitches on wheels in our small rural town decided to go after her at the park one day because her "poor daughter" had a delivery that "wasn't natural" and she wasn't breastfeeding. Oh, the humanity.

Let's face it, the woman in question can be a pill at times, but no mother deserves that. Ever. I was so angry on her behalf I thought about hangin' at the park until those bitches showed up. Then again, there was nothing I could say that would make an impact. They're so convinced of their own superiority in life that they don't give a shit how their bullshit opinions and theories damage other human beings who are doing the best they can.

I wasn't equal to being a mommy. I think they should all get some kind of national award and a pedicure from Chris Hemsworth or something. Well, except for J-Chelle. And the bitches from our hometown.

I don't think I've ever posted this on social media but I gave birth natural, and I breastfed the best I could, but that's my business and my kids dads, I don't need every Tom dick and Harry knowing about my private areas. I see post like this on Feb sometimes and it takes all I have to not fire back at people. I'm a rough 26 year old who was raised in the south so yeah it takes a lot when I see my friends being bullied for not being natural or some other crap. I don't see where it should be any of their concern. Sorry to rant this just makes me mad be I was pressured into having a natural birth with all 4 that's right 4 kids and it was so hard on me, and then breastfeeding feeding for me was a nightmare but again I fell to the pressure and that shouldn't be put on anyone. I'm sorry again rant over
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So much to say, so little time...

I love true crime. I become obsessed with certain cases and have to read every.single.thing about them. I love reading about serial killers. Jeffrey Dahmer, BTK and Ted Bundy. I am obsessed with the Jonbenet Ramsey case. Natalee Holloway, the Black Dahlia. You name it, I've read it.

As for social media, I've had to unfollow a friend who is really into Beach Body and she posts more about her workouts than her kids. She's a great mom, but I swear Beach Body is a cult. She's all about Shakeology too. So annoying. "I got to work out with Shaun T, what did YOU do today?"

Halloween is right around the corner...anyone have any good ghost stories/paranormal experiences?

Oh gosh I'm a beach body coach and those post are a rule! Do we really sound that bad?? I'm not the best coach... well let's just say I haven't signed anyone up yet so maybe it's be I don't post like the other coaches. I may post 1 time a week and they may be about my shop not beach body

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Oh gosh I'm a beach body coach and those post are a rule! Do we really sound that bad?? I'm not the best coach... well let's just say I haven't signed anyone up yet so maybe it's be I don't post like the other coaches. I may post 1 time a week and they may be about my shop not beach body

This friend posts multiple times a day. Pictures of her working out, pics of Shakeology, pics of her workout dvds etc. When her kids wake up in the middle of her 5am workouts, she'll post: 'What do you do when your daughter wakes up in the middle of your workout? Have her videotape you!' This friend rescheduled her son's birthday party so she could hop on a plane and fly to TN and workout with Shaun T in the streets of Nashville with hundreds of other Beachbody coaches.

I had to unfollow her because it was all too much.

  • Love 4

Oh gosh I'm a beach body coach and those post are a rule! Do we really sound that bad?? I'm not the best coach... well let's just say I haven't signed anyone up yet so maybe it's be I don't post like the other coaches. I may post 1 time a week and they may be about my shop not beach body

Since you asked... yea, you do sound that bad. It's obnoxious (not you, personally), frankly. I have someone in my feed that I had to unfollow. She's a perfectly nice person but on FB it's Beach Body this, Shakeology that, clean eating this, 21fix that with a wall of hashtags. I love hear dearly but she has not changed physically one bit since she started this regiment close to a year ago. I know it makes me sound like a royal bitch but if you're pimping out a product that's supposed to give you a slender, toned, beach body there should be some noticeable change after a year.  In the same year I've lost 25lbs (and kept it off) with the eat whatever I want / track the calories combined with the occasional gym spurt for some cardio and not posted one iota about it on Facebook.

Weightloss is a very personal journey and everyone should do what works best to get the body they love. Beach Body takes advantage of the "everything must be shared, I must live this carefully crafted image online" culture we live in.

So  yea, Beach Body, not a fan.

Edited by theredhead77
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So Cal here too..  Many micro climates here.  I'm in one fairly close to the beach, can go 5-10 miles and be 10 degrees warmer.  Go 15 miles and e 20 degrees warmer.  Go a few miles in 3 directions and be in the water.  I don't go anyplace.  Still it is warm and humid here.  Time for another walk soon.

Hmmmmm. We might be neighbors. :)

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So neighbors, the SPCA off Spring St. in Long Beach is where I'll be Saturday with a min australian shepherd, blue merle, blue eyes.  Be there, and we'll meet.

Yea, we're neighbors. I won't be anywhere near the SPCA though. I literally just can't even. Maybe Love2Dance will show :)

But I need a good mechanic in the area. Any suggestions?

  • Love 1

So neighbors, the SPCA off Spring St. in Long Beach is where I'll be Saturday with a min australian shepherd, blue merle, blue eyes. Be there, and we'll meet.

Yup! Neighbor's!

Family obligations will keep me from your great cause, but have a wonderful day. Unfortunately, it will be near 90 degrees. Ugh!

ETA..Sorry, not much help on the mechanic front.

Edited by Love2dance

The red head (me too) I've noticed guys don't know a damned thing about cars anymore.  They used to have good tips but no more.  I just get screwed at the dealer or pep boys or tire place.  But I noticed a lot of car places on Alameda and in east LA look great unless you have a car loaded with computerized equipment in which case your screwing will be at the dealers as well.

I know, Love2Dance, near 90 so the solution is to get wet in the bobbing for apples or whatever.  They should have plenty of pools for pets or hoses as well.  Note to self, wear a dress.

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Beachbody has a rule about posting? Huh. I've hidden MULTIPLE people for selling their stuff/posting about its awesomeness multiple times a day. Kinda defeats the point of advertising.

A friend I know sells supplements of some kind, and it kinda killed the friendship in real life too. We were part of the same moms group, had a lot in common, had been to each other's homes once or twice, etc. She started selling the stuff and I thought it was annoying in my feed but whatever. When my second was a few days old, she messaged me about coming to see him and I thought, oh, that's sweet. She asked if I was tired (yes.... because, newborn) and said she had something to help, that we could chat about it when I saw her. Her visit was to be a SALES CALL! Um, no. I never really looked at her the same, and we didn't talk much anymore after that. It made me feel like she befriended me as a way to generate revenue.

I'm leery of anyone that sells things now. Everyone says, "But this one's not a pyramid scheme!" and the vast majority are. JMHO.

Edited by Pixie Chicken
  • Love 14

ILU. My kid knew swathes of dialogue from The Women and The Philadelphia Story and Singing in the Rain by the time she was three. We actually shut off cable when she was four because we weren't happy about her being influenced by the kind of role models they were putting on tv, and we used a fraction of the money we would have spent on cable to buy classic hollywood DVDs.


We own a _lot_ of DVDs. But my kid knows more about Audrey Hepburn than she does about Kim Kardashian.


If anyone else is on that train, the thread for Turner Classic Movies is remarkably smart and funny and progressive and agreeable.


I'm in your camp, Julia. I keep a list of favorite movies and have 202 titles on it so far. Ninety of them were made before before 1960. I will have to check out the TCM thread. I'm a HUGE fan of Robert O, plus I especially like "The Essentials." Every single co-host that's ever done that program along with Robert has been great. Rob Reiner, Alec Baldwin, now Sally Field. Each time one left I thought, they'll never get another host that good again for this. But somehow they do. Drew Barrymore was terrific - and very interesting. She really knows her movies. Whooda thunk it?


PS - my 22-year old niece/godchild is a MAJOR Audrey Hepburn fan now too. She's going to study next year at the Fashion Institute of Tech in NYC and tells me she's going to single-handedly bring back "Audrey's look." 

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 3

My college roommate had a baby last year and has become the most obnoxious person on social media. She did a FB post yesterday about how she's SO happy she makes her own baby food and she doesn't understand how any parent would possibly feed their child the jarred stuff. Especially any mother who BREASTFED! She's had to make so many sacrifices but it's worth it to know her precious angel isn't ingesting POISON!

I'm seriously at the point of unfriending her. I have nothing against homemade baby food, but there's a way to share your opinions without coming off as a sanctimonious jack ass.

LOL!  When I was a young woman (not yet a mom), I visited with some high school friends who just had babies.  One was pretty cool about everything but the other mentioned every name brand item she had for her new baby. I think Perego was a big name back then.   I knew that we were getting a hand-me-down crib and stroller but I kept mum because she was so intent on impressing me.  At Christmas she sent out a letter that detailed every single thing her child did in the last year...and I mean everything...every step in that child's development. I think she went month by month.   It must have been 2 pages long.  We, on the other hand, had been through several years of fertility treatments and finally went through an exhausting adoption process. I didn't need to share all those details.  I wanted to do right by my baby, but I don't think bragging on possessions, or lecturing others was something I wanted to do.  Let's face it, all moms want the best for their child and do what they feel comfortable with.  I couldn't breast feed (although I actually looked into it) but my baby thrived anyway.  I did make some home made food, but I bought jars as well.  Maybe you could gently let her know that there are many right ways to raise a child.  Her way is right for her.  Others may do it differently, but still be right.

  • Love 18

LOL!  When I was a young woman (not yet a mom), I visited with some high school friends who just had babies.  One was pretty cool about everything but the other mentioned every name brand item she had for her new baby. I think Perego was a big name back then.   I knew that we were getting a hand-me-down crib and stroller but I kept mum because she was so intent on impressing me.  At Christmas she sent out a letter that detailed every single thing her child did in the last year...and I mean everything...every step in that child's development. I think she went month by month.   It must have been 2 pages long.  We, on the other hand, had been through several years of fertility treatments and finally went through an exhausting adoption process. I didn't need to share all those details.  I wanted to do right by my baby, but I don't think bragging on possessions, or lecturing others was something I wanted to do.  Let's face it, all moms want the best for their child and do what they feel comfortable with.  I couldn't breast feed (although I actually looked into it) but my baby thrived anyway.  I did make some home made food, but I bought jars as well.  Maybe you could gently let her know that there are many right ways to raise a child.  Her way is right for her.  Others may do it differently, but still be right.


I'm in your camp, Julia. I keep a list of favorite movies and have 202 titles on it so far. Ninety of them were made before before 1960. I will have to check out the TCM thread. I'm a HUGE fan of Robert O, plus I especially like "The Essentials." Every single co-host that's ever done that program along with Robert has been great. Rob Reiner, Alec Baldwin, now Sally Field. Each time one left I thought, they'll never get another host that good again for this. But somehow they do. Drew Barrymore was terrific - and very interesting. She really knows her movies. Whooda thunk it?


PS - my 22-year old niece/godchild is a MAJOR Audrey Hepburn fan now too. She's going to study next year at the Fashion Institute of Tech in NYC and tells me she's going to single-handedly bring back "Audrey's look." 

I liked Drew Barrymore but her constant 'Valley Girl' use of the word 'like' is off-putting to me.  She ought to know a lot about films, considering her background.

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I owe Michelle Duggar an apology. While I still disapprove of the spectacle they made of Jubilee's passing, and I still question her changing 'miscarriage' to 'stillborn' to make it somehow feel more grand, I apologize for ever making comments that minimized her suffering.


We were told this week that it is unlikely my baby will be born alive, and if he is, it is very possible he will only live a few moments, or possibly longer but not make it home. If the Duggars felt even a fraction of the pain I have felt these past few days, then I am truly sorry for making flippant comments about how they dealt with their loss.

  • Love 20

I owe Michelle Duggar an apology. While I still disapprove of the spectacle they made of Jubilee's passing, and I still question her changing 'miscarriage' to 'stillborn' to make it somehow feel more grand, I apologize for ever making comments that minimized her suffering.


We were told this week that it is unlikely my baby will be born alive, and if he is, it is very possible he will only live a few moments, or possibly longer but not make it home. If the Duggars felt even a fraction of the pain I have felt these past few days, then I am truly sorry for making flippant comments about how they dealt with their loss.

I truly am so sorry ((((((((((((HUGS) to you and yours

  • Love 7

Thanks y'all.  I'll keep you updated if we hear any better news.  The first genetic tests (Trisomy 13, 18, and 21) came back negative. Trisomy 18 was what the doctor thought it would be, and that is incompatible with life; so now we are in a position of not knowing what the heck is going on.  Not having T13/T18 gives him a little better shot, so I am very hopeful he makes it to birth, but there are some issues that suggest if he does survive he will be profoundly disabled. After Wednesdays appointment I felt all hope was lost; after yesterdays phone call I felt maybe there was a little there; so I'm holding onto the small hope that is present.  I get more genetic results in 2 weeks.

  • Love 10

Thanks y'all.  I'll keep you updated if we hear any better news.  The first genetic tests (Trisomy 13, 18, and 21) came back negative. Trisomy 18 was what the doctor thought it would be, and that is incompatible with life; so now we are in a position of not knowing what the heck is going on.  Not having T13/T18 gives him a little better shot, so I am very hopeful he makes it to birth, but there are some issues that suggest if he does survive he will be profoundly disabled. After Wednesdays appointment I felt all hope was lost; after yesterdays phone call I felt maybe there was a little there; so I'm holding onto the small hope that is present.  I get more genetic results in 2 weeks.

Oh gosh - I am so sorry to hear. I do know personally of 3 babies who were doomed while in the womb but they are healthy children. Will hope of a good outcome for you and your family.

  • Love 7

Thanks y'all.  I'll keep you updated if we hear any better news.  The first genetic tests (Trisomy 13, 18, and 21) came back negative. Trisomy 18 was what the doctor thought it would be, and that is incompatible with life; so now we are in a position of not knowing what the heck is going on.  Not having T13/T18 gives him a little better shot, so I am very hopeful he makes it to birth, but there are some issues that suggest if he does survive he will be profoundly disabled. After Wednesdays appointment I felt all hope was lost; after yesterdays phone call I felt maybe there was a little there; so I'm holding onto the small hope that is present.  I get more genetic results in 2 weeks.

My prayers are with you during this difficult time.

  • Love 4


I have someone in my feed that I had to unfollow. She's a perfectly nice person but on FB it's Beach Body this, Shakeology that, clean eating this, 21fix that

For a minute I thought you must be referring to my next door neighbor; she's been doing this since July I think, but has really toned up and lost about 20 pounds; she looks terrific!

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We were told this week that it is unlikely my baby will be born alive, and if he is, it is very possible he will only live a few moments, or possibly longer but not make it home. If the Duggars felt even a fraction of the pain I have felt these past few days, then I am truly sorry for making flippant comments about how they dealt with their loss.

Oh, dear, I am so sorry. I can not imagine how awful that must be.  Sending cyberhugs.  I had a friend who had a similar experience and wrote about about it called "Loving Samuel." As I recall the child was born on New Year's Day and died the next day. 

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I went about 3-4 years or so without a Facebook and it was so great. I initially missed it (moreso because the Facebook games... judge me, it's okay!), but after awhile I absolutely loved not having Facebook. I only reactivated it recently because I was in a wedding this past summer that basically required the bridesmaids to be on Facebook to stay updated (I'm so glad that wedding is over with!). I've kept it up since her wedding, but one of the thing that bothers me the most about Facebook now is people trying to sell stuff - from itworks, younique, jamberry (?), thirty one, etc. My "friends" will add me to their private Facebook page where they just constantly pimp themselves and their products out to everyone. My sister-in-law has made a career out of it since having her daughter two years ago. She has the perfect personality for it so has been pretty successful. She started out with thirty-one, then Allasta, and she just recently joined some shampoo company. The thing is, she just added me to her shampoo group so now I get 10 notifications a day about her hair and buying the shampoo. I don't know, maybe it's my personality, but I kind of feel like it's just rude to be so abrasive about selling things! You don't see me creating Facebook groups to recruit my friends for all my research projects/ideas! I think I'm probably just really cynical, though. 

  • Love 11

Thanks y'all.  I'll keep you updated if we hear any better news.  The first genetic tests (Trisomy 13, 18, and 21) came back negative. Trisomy 18 was what the doctor thought it would be, and that is incompatible with life; so now we are in a position of not knowing what the heck is going on.  Not having T13/T18 gives him a little better shot, so I am very hopeful he makes it to birth, but there are some issues that suggest if he does survive he will be profoundly disabled. After Wednesdays appointment I felt all hope was lost; after yesterdays phone call I felt maybe there was a little there; so I'm holding onto the small hope that is present.  I get more genetic results in 2 weeks.

I am so sorry, Skittl1321. I am thinking of you and your family and hoping for the best.

  • Love 2

Thanks y'all.  I'll keep you updated if we hear any better news.  The first genetic tests (Trisomy 13, 18, and 21) came back negative. Trisomy 18 was what the doctor thought it would be, and that is incompatible with life; so now we are in a position of not knowing what the heck is going on.  Not having T13/T18 gives him a little better shot, so I am very hopeful he makes it to birth, but there are some issues that suggest if he does survive he will be profoundly disabled. After Wednesdays appointment I felt all hope was lost; after yesterdays phone call I felt maybe there was a little there; so I'm holding onto the small hope that is present.  I get more genetic results in 2 weeks.

Warm & fuzzy thoughts for you Skittl1321.

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My FB feed is suddenly filled with posts about Rodan and Fields products thanks to a friend who started selling it. No kidding, I went from none to at least 10-12 a day. I think it's facial stuff, but these women are so overwhelmingly positive and bubbly and rah rah about the products that it turns me off. Every product results in a least a dozen posts about how it's "the best" and "I couldn't live without it". It's exhausting.


Skittl1321, I'm so very sorry.

  • Love 3

My feeling about all of this miracle products that you can get online or via late night only - First of all, if they truly worked they would be in the drugstore and super market and they would be flying off the shelves! They are easily obtained through a website or phone call and they arrive at your door. Most who order do not use as directed. Let's face it, if they were disciplined enough to,follow a skin/hair care/diet/excersize program they wouldn't be looking for a miracle fix in the first place. Of course there is a money back guarantee but it requires mailing the products back and following up. Again, most who order don't have the wherewithal to accomplish this so, sale! Second, the reason for the aggressive posturing about the wonder of the product by those "selling" said product is due to the fact that the only profit they see is when they recruit others to try to sell it as well. Most likely there is a one time fee to become a salesperson. Classic pyramid scheme. If they only knew. If your face is breaking out, wash it. Twice a day. If your hair is not what you hoped? Get a good cut and wash and condition regularly. If you are overweight, eat a healthy, well balanced diet. If you feel flabby, walk! There are no miracle cures. It makes me crazy to see otherwise intelligent people get taken by this scams!

  • Love 13

My feeling about all of this miracle products that you can get online or via late night only - First of all, if they truly worked they would be in the drugstore and super market and they would be flying off the shelves! They are easily obtained through a website or phone call and they arrive at your door. Most who order do not use as directed. Let's face it, if they were disciplined enough to,follow a skin/hair care/diet/excersize program they wouldn't be looking for a miracle fix in the first place. Of course there is a money back guarantee but it requires mailing the products back and following up. Again, most who order don't have the wherewithal to accomplish this so, sale! Second, the reason for the aggressive posturing about the wonder of the product by those "selling" said product is due to the fact that the only profit they see is when they recruit others to try to sell it as well. Most likely there is a one time fee to become a salesperson. Classic pyramid scheme. If they only knew. If your face is breaking out, wash it. Twice a day. If your hair is not what you hoped? Get a good cut and wash and condition regularly. If you are overweight, eat a healthy, well balanced diet. If you feel flabby, walk! There are no miracle cures. It makes me crazy to see otherwise intelligent people get taken by this scams!

Well said. Double like.

  • Love 5

My feeling about all of this miracle products that you can get online or via late night only - First of all, if they truly worked they would be in the drugstore and super market and they would be flying off the shelves! They are easily obtained through a website or phone call and they arrive at your door. Most who order do not use as directed. Let's face it, if they were disciplined enough to,follow a skin/hair care/diet/excersize program they wouldn't be looking for a miracle fix in the first place. Of course there is a money back guarantee but it requires mailing the products back and following up. Again, most who order don't have the wherewithal to accomplish this so, sale! Second, the reason for the aggressive posturing about the wonder of the product by those "selling" said product is due to the fact that the only profit they see is when they recruit others to try to sell it as well. Most likely there is a one time fee to become a salesperson. Classic pyramid scheme. If they only knew. If your face is breaking out, wash it. Twice a day. If your hair is not what you hoped? Get a good cut and wash and condition regularly. If you are overweight, eat a healthy, well balanced diet. If you feel flabby, walk! There are no miracle cures. It makes me crazy to see otherwise intelligent people get taken by this scams!

Unfortunately my boyfriend is a total sucker for this stuff ! Not through Facebook, but the late-night TV stuff - we have a cabinet in the kitchen filled to capacity with all sorts of potions and powders and "Miracle" this-and-thats and it drives me BONKERS ! 


I don't, and have never, had a Facebook account, and when I see things about people pushing stuff on it I don't regret my decision one bit ! Back in "my day" (cue the cranky middle-aged lady rant) I had to put up with people hawking Avon, Mary Kay, those hella-expensive candles, and, of course, the so tacky it HURTS Home Interiors ! That was all right up in your face, though, and harder to say no to. Thank God I liked Avon's Skin So Soft as it was great bug repellant when camping !


Now that I think of it, it seems like the entire Duggar house is decorated like one giant Home Interiors showroom ! How many fake plants in a basket does one family need ?!

  • Love 4
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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