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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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My college roommate had a baby last year and has become the most obnoxious person on social media. She did a FB post yesterday about how she's SO happy she makes her own baby food and she doesn't understand how any parent would possibly feed their child the jarred stuff. Especially any mother who BREASTFED! She's had to make so many sacrifices but it's worth it to know her precious angel isn't ingesting POISON!

I'm seriously at the point of unfriending her. I have nothing against homemade baby food, but there's a way to share your opinions without coming off as a sanctimonious jack ass.

 Tell Her to preach it to the choir.  Your college roomate has now become Mother Nature.  My childhoold girlfriend became Mother Teresa  .

Edited by amitville
  • Love 7

My college roommate had a baby last year and has become the most obnoxious person on social media. She did a FB post yesterday about how she's SO happy she makes her own baby food and she doesn't understand how any parent would possibly feed their child the jarred stuff. Especially any mother who BREASTFED! She's had to make so many sacrifices but it's worth it to know her precious angel isn't ingesting POISON!

I'm seriously at the point of unfriending her. I have nothing against homemade baby food, but there's a way to share your opinions without coming off as a sanctimonious jack ass.

Just wait until she posts about making the baby food using only certified organic fruits and vegetables from Whole Foods and then ask "Wait, you mean you didn't grow it yourself !?"

  • Love 24

Nothing like a good old-fashioned first world mommy drive-by. JMO, have someone film you talking to women about their parenting choices at, say, a methadone clinic and I'll be impressed. Bullying the people on the social media accounts you have time to update for not taking the more expensive, time-consuming path? Not so much.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 5

My college roommate had a baby last year and has become the most obnoxious person on social media. She did a FB post yesterday about how she's SO happy she makes her own baby food and she doesn't understand how any parent would possibly feed their child the jarred stuff. Especially any mother who BREASTFED! She's had to make so many sacrifices but it's worth it to know her precious angel isn't ingesting POISON!

I'm seriously at the point of unfriending her. I have nothing against homemade baby food, but there's a way to share your opinions without coming off as a sanctimonious jack ass.

Hopefully in ten or twelve years, maybe less, her special snowflake will be an absolute horror, while other friends' tv watching, bottle fed, public schooled kids are a delight!  

  • Love 17

Call some of the bailers and do something else. I'm sure you aren't the only one disappointed.


That is looking very much like the plan.  That, or we may go to the park regardless and ignore him.


There's a much larger, tawdry, and convoluted tale regarding this particular friend.  He's my male platonic lifemate, or at least was for many years until he decided he needed to be in a relationship.  He decided to go out and find the younger, "non-Union, Mexican equivalent" of me, which is kinda flattering/creepy.  I'm not kidding or tooting my own horn - she has the exact same taste in everything I do from liquor to music to art to TV shows.  Except she's a total trainwreck.  It's gotten to the point where (our collective group of friends) refer to him as The Captain, as he's turned into Captain Save-A-Ho.  We have other names for her that are much less polite. 

  • Love 6

A few years ago I had a senior cat that had a really bad tooth infection.  We had to switch him to eating baby food.  I was at Target buying mass quantities of chicken and turkey baby food.  I did not have the time to create my own.  A woman looked at me, sneered and said, "Your baby needs to eat more than meat.  They need fruits and vegetables too."  I told her, "My 22 year old cat doesn't care for strained peas."  Stopped that conversation right there.  

LOL  I've had that conversation a couple of times. 

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Omg I have finally found my serial killer literary soul mates! Now if you will kindly get into my tan vw bug we will be on our way.

Do you know that there's a true crime thread in the book section? Come and join us on the dark side!


I finally read The Stranger Beside Me last month. It's the first Ann Rule book that I've read. Didn't really grab me, even the personal connect she had with him. In Cold Blood I can read over and over.


I'm going to check out Night Stalker. I need a good distraction this weekend. There were layoffs at work this week, including my manager (mixed feelings on that one). Now i have a new, unknown manager and we're all wandering around sort of shell-shocked.

Edited by MargeGunderson
  • Love 6

Do you know that there's a true crime thread in the book section? Come and join us on the dark side!

I didn't, but thanks for the heads-up! Just gave you a shout out in the "what are you currently reading" thread. I'm always looking for new/good reads, and my current book club doesn't set the bar too high (not that I'm a snob, but I enjoy a decently meaty read, I can and do read chick-lit and "brain candy" on my own time, lol!).
  • Love 3

Oh Night Stalker, loved it, but even more scarier-est was The Outer Limits. I used to spend the weekend with my newly married aunt and they would plop me in front of the tv to sleep (at 6) and then watch that show. I have nightmares to this day about some of those stories.


But I too have a fondness for murder mysteries as well as Snapped, which I watch obsessively.


And hey where is the book thread?

Edited by Chicklet
  • Love 5

I didn't, but thanks for the heads-up! Just gave you a shout out in the "what are you currently reading" thread. I'm always looking for new/good reads, and my current book club doesn't set the bar too high (not that I'm a snob, but I enjoy a decently meaty read, I can and do read chick-lit and "brain candy" on my own time, lol!).

I am always buying used books on amazon.  For a penny a bought On The Run by Henry Hill children great read .

Edited by amitville
  • Love 1

I finally read The Stranger Beside Me last month. It's the first Ann Rule book that I've read. Didn't really grab me, even the personal connect she had with him. In Cold Blood I can read over and over.


The Stranger Beside Me scared the liver out of me, probably because I lived in Seattle during "Ted's" reign of terror, and I was of the age and general appearance of most of his victims. When I read the book, I lived a few blocks from his old apartment in the U District and stayed up reading it in terror until daylight. EVEN THOUGH HE WAS ALREADY ON DEATH ROW IN FLORIDA AT THE TIME. I think it was all just too close to home, and we had all seen the news as victim after victim vanished.

  • Love 7

That is looking very much like the plan.  That, or we may go to the park regardless and ignore him..

LEMUR, I would absolutely NOT miss a good time at an amusement park. My vote is those of you without kids go have a ball and let them do the kiddy rides!

Another subject....am I the only one who isn't into scary shows/books? I don't find being scared entertaining. I'm a wimp.

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My college roommate had a baby last year and has become the most obnoxious person on social media. She did a FB post yesterday about how she's SO happy she makes her own baby food and she doesn't understand how any parent would possibly feed their child the jarred stuff. Especially any mother who BREASTFED! She's had to make so many sacrifices but it's worth it to know her precious angel isn't ingesting POISON!

I'm seriously at the point of unfriending her. I have nothing against homemade baby food, but there's a way to share your opinions without coming off as a sanctimonious jack ass.

People who post things like this make me twitchy.  I've had to "hide" more than a few people for things like this.... ironic, because I'm a stay-at-home mom who breastfeeds, I made 90% of my own baby food, and even *I'M* annoyed at those posts.  (For real, though, mostly I do it for the cost savings and because those little baby food jars are so friggin' hard to store neatly.)  I had to hide one person who was constantly posting pictures of her breast pump and freezer of milk and hashtagging it all -- #imamilkmachine and #mamasboobs and #babygottahaveboobs.  The Breastfeeding Brigade needs to take a seat.


That goes double for people who want a medal for "natural childbirth."  If they feel so inclined to use hypnosis or whatever, kudos.  I had glorious drugs for all of my deliveries, and I didn't need to hastag it with something cutesy or get my husband to brag about what a "rockstar" I am.  Being a parent is hard enough at times without having to be a martyr for the cause.  I've wondered about some of these people --- if it were 1990 and social media didn't yet exist, would they even bother? 

  • Love 19

The Stranger Beside Me scared the liver out of me, probably because I lived in Seattle during "Ted's" reign of terror, and I was of the age and general appearance of most of his victims. When I read the book, I lived a few blocks from his old apartment in the U District and stayed up reading it in terror until daylight. EVEN THOUGH HE WAS ALREADY ON DEATH ROW IN FLORIDA AT THE TIME. I think it was all just too close to home, and we had all seen the news as victim after victim vanished.

Oh, I'd be freaked out if I had a connection to the situation like that! It's different when its contemporary and geographically close.

  • Love 3

The Stranger Beside Me scared the liver out of me, probably because I lived in Seattle during "Ted's" reign of terror, and I was of the age and general appearance of most of his victims. When I read the book, I lived a few blocks from his old apartment in the U District and stayed up reading it in terror until daylight. EVEN THOUGH HE WAS ALREADY ON DEATH ROW IN FLORIDA AT THE TIME. I think it was all just too close to home, and we had all seen the news as victim after victim vanished.

When I was first married, we lived in Yonkers, as it turned out a couple of blocks from Son of Sam. I was his typical victim, too, young, long dark hair. But I didn't know until after it was over. My husband worked for Con Ed at the time and actually met him, bill collecting.

  • Love 7

When I was first married, we lived in Yonkers, as it turned out a couple of blocks from Son of Sam. I was his typical victim, too, young, long dark hair. But I didn't know until after it was over. My husband worked for Con Ed at the time and actually met him, bill collecting.


We looked at apartments in his building. I feel terrible for the people who bought there, because they actually changed the street address to get away from that reputation, and the NYT published a story about the address change.

  • Love 5

People who post things like this make me twitchy.  I've had to "hide" more than a few people for things like this.... ironic, because I'm a stay-at-home mom who breastfeeds, I made 90% of my own baby food, and even *I'M* annoyed at those posts.  (For real, though, mostly I do it for the cost savings and because those little baby food jars are so friggin' hard to store neatly.)  I had to hide one person who was constantly posting pictures of her breast pump and freezer of milk and hashtagging it all -- #imamilkmachine and #mamasboobs and #babygottahaveboobs.  The Breastfeeding Brigade needs to take a seat.


That goes double for people who want a medal for "natural childbirth."  If they feel so inclined to use hypnosis or whatever, kudos.  I had glorious drugs for all of my deliveries, and I didn't need to hastag it with something cutesy or get my husband to brag about what a "rockstar" I am.  Being a parent is hard enough at times without having to be a martyr for the cause.  I've wondered about some of these people --- if it were 1990 and social media didn't yet exist, would they even bother? 

I think I love you, Pixie Chicken ! A gal after my own heart - there is no nobility in pain to me ! I have no children, but I get pain meds after getting my teeth cleaned, so that's probably a good thing...


Your comment about social media is so spot on - I've gone months of my life without documenting a single thing except to have it as a memory, but nowadays people can't even eat an Egg McMuffin without media-blasting the entire world via Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. 


In a world where "pics or it didn't happen" is the new standard for social discourse I guess my life... didn't happen. 

  • Love 8

People who post things like this make me twitchy.  I've had to "hide" more than a few people for things like this.... ironic, because I'm a stay-at-home mom who breastfeeds, I made 90% of my own baby food, and even *I'M* annoyed at those posts.  (For real, though, mostly I do it for the cost savings and because those little baby food jars are so friggin' hard to store neatly.)  I had to hide one person who was constantly posting pictures of her breast pump and freezer of milk and hashtagging it all -- #imamilkmachine and #mamasboobs and #babygottahaveboobs.  The Breastfeeding Brigade needs to take a seat.


That goes double for people who want a medal for "natural childbirth."  If they feel so inclined to use hypnosis or whatever, kudos.  I had glorious drugs for all of my deliveries, and I didn't need to hastag it with something cutesy or get my husband to brag about what a "rockstar" I am.  Being a parent is hard enough at times without having to be a martyr for the cause.  I've wondered about some of these people --- if it were 1990 and social media didn't yet exist, would they even bother? 

Yup, that same breastfeeding, baby-food-making mommy might be sitting at home with a bottle fed, spaghetti-o fed kid if there was no social media to brag on.

  • Love 2

Yup, that same breastfeeding, baby-food-making mommy might be sitting at home with a bottle fed, spaghetti-o fed kid if there was no social media to brag on.

For all you know she really is. Every facebook 'rockstar' I know in real life is extremely average in real life. All of the fascinating people barely use socail media. It's called having a life (and not needing gratification).

  • Love 10

One of my closest friends is getting married today. In about 8 hours from now, in the outdoor function area of a golf club, she'll be walking down the aisle to Taylor Swift's Everything Has Changed. (She didn't want the traditional 'da dum du dum' wedding march.) After the ceremony, the reception is catered dinner in one of the function rooms, then the newlyweds are off to Tahiti for their honeymoon.

  • Love 4

One of my closest friends is getting married today. In about 8 hours from now, in the outdoor function area of a golf club, she'll be walking down the aisle to Taylor Swift's Everything Has Changed. (She didn't want the traditional 'da dum du dum' wedding march.) After the ceremony, the reception is catered dinner in one of the function rooms, then the newlyweds are off to Tahiti for their honeymoon.

Have fun! And where do you live? In 8 hours it will be 2:30 am where I am.

  • Love 2

Oh, I'd be freaked out if I had a connection to the situation like that! It's different when its contemporary and geographically close.

Oh, I'd be freaked out if I had a connection to the situation like that! It's different when its contemporary and geographically close.

when John Mohammed and Lee Malvo were sniping at people in Lowe's parking lots, bus stops, and gas stations, they killed a man at a gas station 3 miles from my parents' house and wounded a woman at in a Michael's parking lot. I was living out of state and was so freaked out for my folks...everyone was afraid to run any kind of errand and be out in the open for any length of time. When I'm home, I pass that gas station a lot and think of that poor guy every time.
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I didn't have Teh Kidz. We have two cats and a dog. And I could never deal with the Mommy Wars, because I would have been channeling Helen Mirren. (She recently said her chief regret in life was not using the words "fuck off" more often.) I know someone who had a hellacious pregnancy followed by a delivery even worse than Jilly Muffin's. (Shorter version: She and the baby almost died, with the best medical care possible. Many, MANY months of recovery afterwards.) Some of the bitches on wheels in our small rural town decided to go after her at the park one day because her "poor daughter" had a delivery that "wasn't natural" and she wasn't breastfeeding. Oh, the humanity.


Let's face it, the woman in question can be a pill at times, but no mother deserves that. Ever. I was so angry on her behalf I thought about hangin' at the park until those bitches showed up. Then again, there was nothing I could say that would make an impact. They're so convinced of their own superiority in life that they don't give a shit how their bullshit opinions and theories damage other human beings who are doing the best they can.


I wasn't equal to being a mommy. I think they should all get some kind of national award and a pedicure from Chris Hemsworth or something. Well, except for J-Chelle. And the bitches from our hometown.

Edited by Missy Vixen
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My college roommate had a baby last year and has become the most obnoxious person on social media. She did a FB post yesterday about how she's SO happy she makes her own baby food and she doesn't understand how any parent would possibly feed their child the jarred stuff. Especially any mother who BREASTFED! She's had to make so many sacrifices but it's worth it to know her precious angel isn't ingesting POISON!

I'm seriously at the point of unfriending her. I have nothing against homemade baby food, but there's a way to share your opinions without coming off as a sanctimonious jack ass.


Just wait until her child gets to elementary school and you will get to hear how gifted and talented she is.  And the star of the soccer team...and the best at everything she does blah blah blah!

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My bottle fed McNugget eating public school going pain in the ass female bratski knows who Jimmy Cagney, Edward G Robinson, and Boris Karloff are.  That's what I like to brag about.  And that I'm her mother.  Not her friend.  She has enough friends.


ILU. My kid knew swathes of dialogue from The Women and The Philadelphia Story and Singing in the Rain by the time she was three. We actually shut off cable when she was four because we weren't happy about her being influenced by the kind of role models they were putting on tv, and we used a fraction of the money we would have spent on cable to buy classic hollywood DVDs.


We own a _lot_ of DVDs. But my kid knows more about Audrey Hepburn than she does about Kim Kardashian.


If anyone else is on that train, the thread for Turner Classic Movies is remarkably smart and funny and progressive and agreeable.

Edited by Julia
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So much to say, so little time...

I love true crime. I become obsessed with certain cases and have to read every.single.thing about them. I love reading about serial killers. Jeffrey Dahmer, BTK and Ted Bundy. I am obsessed with the Jonbenet Ramsey case. Natalee Holloway, the Black Dahlia. You name it, I've read it.

As for social media, I've had to unfollow a friend who is really into Beach Body and she posts more about her workouts than her kids. She's a great mom, but I swear Beach Body is a cult. She's all about Shakeology too. So annoying. "I got to work out with Shaun T, what did YOU do today?"

Halloween is right around the corner...anyone have any good ghost stories/paranormal experiences?

Edited by Joe Jitsu913
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OMG this thread moves so fast but:


 and my friend and I read all the Clan of the Cavebear series


All the girls in my class read Clan of the Cave Bear in 5th grade, it was like a rite of passage and it gave me some seriously unrealistic expectations in certain areas I have to say, heh. A couple of years later I watched the movie at school, in history class, because it was apparently considered educational, though I don't actually remember anything about it except for that sex scene.


As many of you, I was also pretty much allowed to read whatever I wanted, except for this one series of historical saga/soft porn (Legend of the Ice People), which I wasn't deemed to be old enough to read until about 4th grade. After that everything was allowed. Cave Bears, Jackie Collins, Stephen King, Flowers in the Attic or whatever book took my fancy. I think me and most of my classmates had stopped reading kids' books by the time we were twelve. I wonder if kids these days are more "innocent" in their reading habits since Young Adult has become such a huge thing, or if they read adult books as well.

As for social media, I've had to unfollow a friend who is really into Beach Body and she posts more about her workouts than her kids. She's a great mom, but I swear Beach Body is a cult. She's all about Shakeology too. So annoying. "I got to work out with Shaun T, what did YOU do today?"

I'm always tempted to answer honestly. "Well, all the kids napped at once today, so I took that rare and treasured opportunity to eat ice cream and watch bad TV dramas with adult content!"

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I read that this is going to be a huge El Nino year and the west will get a lot of needed rain.  Too bad we can't engineer some kind of huge pipeline cross country to transport the flood waters sometimes seen in the east to where it is needed in the west.

Supposed to be a huge amount of rain (which will lead to mudslides and flooding since the ground will become over saturated) but what we need is snow in the Sierra mountains. The snow pack is where we get a lot of our water from and is at the lowest it's been in a very, very long time. There's also going to be huge hurricanes (see the current one off Mexico). it's still warm and humid out. I'm thankful I live about 5 miles from work and don't have to deal with the freeways. Seriously, the next time you hear it's raining in SoCal bring up Google Maps in the LA area, zoom out and it will be all red.

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I just told my very straight laced husband this story and he laughed for 10 minutes so I thought I would share it. My daughter and I were doing some shopping this afternoon as she was trying to make plans for the homecomg game tonight. Her bff was having a neighbor stay overnight so that was complicating things. She is on the phone w the bff and says " don't let her cock block me". My head spins around like Linda Blair and she gives me the hand sign to relax. She hangs up and says " that just means when a person gets in between two friends". I then explained what it really meant. After it sunk in her reaction was something like "HOLEY MOLEY IVE BEEN SAYING THAT FOR A YEAR!!" I'm still laughing.

  • Love 20

A bit of this and that....most importantly hugs to all those enduring medical conditions or taking care of those who are. Hope you get a break soon. On the subject of UTI's my dr wanted to try a different med so she put me on an antibiotic that starts with Nitro (I should know the name by heart). Antibiotics usually wipe me out but once with this one made me feel lethargic and slowed down my heart rate. I would feel this from hour 3-10 then I would start feeling better for a few hours and then it would start again (I took the pills twice a day). It took me about 4 pills to see the pattern. I then did research while waiting for my dr to call back and it turns out that a lot of people get the same reaction that I do. And that it's not recommended for elderly people because the side effects are more severe for that group. Just thought this could help someone. - I loved reading Nancy Drew, Agatha Christie, Sherlock Holmes growing up (Oh wait can't forget Encyclopdia Brown!) I love to try to figure out things and like the challenge. I did come across VC Andrews at a young age. I read them and looking back I don't think I fully understood what was going on lol and thank goodness. (I was raised a JW and interestedly enough my mom never questioned what I read. She said she trusted me (sorry mom!)). Later it was Stephen King, Alex Cross series, detective books, Silence of the Lambs(!) type of books. One time I was mentioning to my dr my vivid dreams and targeted anxiety and she asked what type of books I read! I told her and she told me to lay off them for awhile so I did and it helped a lot, no more crazy dreams or imagination. So it's been about a decade since I've read those of books regularly. I was jonesing for a good suspense so I broke down recently and bought "the girl on the train" but I figured it out and didn't finish it. Boo. - I grew up in the LA area which Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker was loose. I was working a summer job at Weinersnitzel and it was hot as heck! Us employees would always think we saw him at our window. It seemed like everyone knew someone who knew someone that was a victim. Our family and everyone we knew slept with every window shut that summer with no air. We would literally drench our sheets every night with sweat. My grandma made me sleep with her when my grandpa was out of town. It was a summer of anxiety and no sleep. When we heard he was caught it was the best news ever! Everybody's phone was ringing to spread the news and/or glued to the TV. I think we ordered pizza (a treat) to celebrate. And last but not least I am praying that Hurricane Patricia fizzles out and that its not as bad as predicted. If you know anyone in the path I hope they are able to escape the storm's wrath.

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(clipped)I grew up in the LA area which Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker was loose. I was working a summer job at Weinersnitzel and it was hot as heck! Us employees would always think we saw him at our window. It seemed like everyone knew someone who knew someone that was a victim. Our family and everyone we knew slept with every window shut that summer with no air. We would literally drench our sheets every night with sweat. My grandma made me sleep with her when my grandpa was out of town. It was a summer of anxiety and no sleep. When we heard he was caught it was the best news ever! Everybody's phone was ringing to spread the news and/or glued to the TV. I think we ordered pizza (a treat) to celebrate. And last but not least I am praying that Hurricane Patricia fizzles out and that its not as bad as predicted. If you know anyone in the path I hope they are able to escape the storm's wrath.

It really did seem like it was close and everyone had a story. The quicky 7 eleven type market on our corner had a sales girl go missing that turned out to be a victim. Scary times. Edited by Almost 3000
  • Love 4
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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