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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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Readalot, my nephew, 15 had to work through a casual friend taking her ice and it was just awful. He would be just sitting, laughing, and talking to me and he would tear up. My heart just broke for him.

I can't believe I fell hard for the story. It's unbelievable how smart people on this site are to figure this out. I remember thinking it odd that WW said Maisie was on oxygen. Because my premie baby cousin had a monitoring system, that was NOT oxygen. I can remember holding her, forgetting and standing. I would get the leads twisted and that sent off an alarm that sent anyone in the house running to us. The same for SIL' s and a distant cousins premies. I guess I figured a premie could be on oxygen even though all the ones I knew out of the hospital had monitors and not just oxygen. Just a little thing I didn't question.

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My MIL takes a Zumba class at the Senior Center & loves it even tho she said it's more of a social hour.

I'll add my crazy insurance story to the pot. Took a few weeks for my ins to look into why they didn't cover a bill for $300 from May. They finally notified me claim will be paid & money released same day. I called the Drs office since I'm still getting delinquent statements. I told her ins co paid the claim/released the money & she told me not to worry about it- it can take 3 weeks to get to my account. In this day & age of computers, I can't believe it can take that long from money to get from Point A to Point B.

My son has the wildest dreams. The other night he dreamed I was an ice skater (that's funny in itself, with my RA, I get around with wheelchair, walker or cane.) We were on a plane & I was giving my meds to other skaters in hopes of them taking them & failing the drug tests.

I love a good mystery and all the WW, GEML & other disappearing posters has me intrigued. I love reading everyone's theories & find it better than any Duggar news.

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Barb23, your son's dream is hilarious! You are diabolical in his subconscious.

My excellent hubby just brought me some coffee to enjoy while I lie here in bed*, following links to RaZing Ruth, et al. The names Burlsa mentioned upthread - jhawksgirl1 and pennmommy seem familiar - maybe from TWOP?

* yeah, yeah. Zumba can wait. LOL.

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I used to be a competitive cross country/track runner through undergrad, but now with how crazy grad school is I barely have time for it (in the grand scheme of things when you're stressed and have a lot of schoolwork, exercise tends to be the first thing kicked to the curb, even though it tends to help the most with my stress and productivity). I've always wanted to run a marathon, so I decided that I would finally set a date to run one to keep myself motivated (set for this upcoming summer). I've been slowly but surely running more, but this Zombie Run app may be exactly what I need to really get motivated (especially with the colder weather coming in now)! Thanks for the suggestion!

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I changed the password on my credit card account to be stronger. Now I can never remember it without searching for that little piece of paper to remind me. Oh, the irony.


My last word on this. If WW tries a variation of this con again somewhere on the Internet, he/she will be discovered and called on it. Repeat offenders make mistakes; they get caught. Good-hearted people are not stupid, isolated, or lazy. 

  • Love 11

Has anyone done Billy Blanks Taebo? I had a PE teacher in high school who loved it and we would do the fitness tape every few weeks. It was a good workout, but whenever he would yell "doubletime" I would go "noooooooo."

I'm not the most coordinated person and forget dance steps and step aerobics moves the second after I'm taught. I've tried Zumba at home, that's a no go.

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but nothing! I DID swear when I read all of this. I exclaimed "holy *CARP*!!" (I have 3 of my grands sleeping over, and that is one of the only "swears" I use when they are around.) My 7-yo granddaughter asked me one time what 'holy carp' meant, and I told her it was a type of Angel Fish. (So,yeah, add lying to my 'sins'.) But again, HOLY CARP!.


I work in an agency helping folks with disabilities - One job coach indicates he became very religious working here. He would exclaim

"Oh My God", "Jesus", ."Oh Jesus Lord" and more- to avoid using 4 letter words!

Edited by springtime
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Has anyone done Billy Blanks Taebo? I had a PE teacher in high school who loved it and we would do the fitness tape every few weeks. It was a good workout, but whenever he would yell "doubletime" I would go "noooooooo."

I'm not the most coordinated person and forget dance steps and step aerobics moves the second after I'm taught. I've tried Zumba at home, that's a no go.

I had a PE teacher who loved Billy Blanks as well.

Right now, I'm into Jessica Smith. She does free workout videos from her home. She also does several workout dvds. She's relateable and not overly perky.

I like Slim in 6. I bought the workout DVDs but I can't make it through the first DVD yet without falling short of breath. It even comes with a meal plan, workout bands and measuring tape.

  • Love 2

I changed the password on my credit card account to be stronger. Now I can never remember it without searching for that little piece of paper to remind me. Oh, the irony.


My last word on this. If WW tries a variation of this con again somewhere on the Internet, he/she will be discovered and called on it. Repeat offenders make mistakes; they get caught. Good-hearted people are not stupid, isolated, or lazy. 

Last week I went to a talk by an FBI agent who specializes in cyber crimes and he said a long password is better than a shorter complicated one.  He recommends a long phrase that one will remember, or if not, writing it down is still good - chances are slim that someone would break in and steal the computer AND the papers with the passwords written down.  He said of course not to tape them to the computer!!  Of course, there are websites that limit the number of characters so the long phrase wouldn't work

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I can't believe I fell hard for the story. It's unbelievable how smart people on this site are to figure this out. I remember thinking it odd that WW said Maisie was on oxygen. Because my premie baby cousin had a monitoring system, that was NOT oxygen. I can remember holding her, forgetting and standing. I would get the leads twisted and that sent off an alarm that sent anyone in the house running to us. The same for SIL' s and a distant cousins premies. I guess I figured a premie could be on oxygen even though all the ones I knew out of the hospital had monitors and not just oxygen. Just a little thing I didn't question.

I think that she used Josie Duggar's story for legitimacy. Wasn't Josie on oxygen for months after she returned home? That was the reason why I thought it made sense and actually thought it's just like Josie. I know absolutely nothing about preemies, but remember Michelle carrying Josie in her stroller with an oxygen tank down the stairs of the rental home.

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Hope everything works out for your daughter's friend.

. Thank you! I found this one and the National Suicide line and three others. I'm so proud of my daughters. Background - when he came out to his parents first they were in shock and then they told him not to tell anyone. He came out to his friends about a month before the parents but his friends knew for years, no one was surprised, ALL were very supportive but it was not a big deal to them. Last night - the kids webt over. The boy didn't wabt to talk to anyone but both the mom and my daughter knew he really did. So my daughter just charged in and he broke down and hugged her and released a lot of sadness crying and talking. He then webt to talk to the rest of the group of friends. So the mom was talking to my daughter alone, I think she was really clueless what was going on. My daughter (who is very respectful of her elders and non confrontational) bravely told the mom the boy told my daughter "about the don't tell anyone" msg and she told the mom how upset it made him, that he felt his parents were ashamed and didn't love him. And how he tried to commit suicide twice in middle school (she just recently found that out). Mom was shocked. (In a text I just told her I thought he needed professional help) She did tell my daughter I offered to help her find a dr but she didn't say anything else. I'm sure it was a lot for her to process. I hope they realized they need to be more accepting of their son. It broke my heart when I heard how he was feeling. So the kids go home and my daughter is telling me what went on. She said "MOM WE WERE TALKING AND WE THINK HE NEEDS TO SEE A DR. We are not sure his parents are going to help him in this way (they are very private and their son is one of the most accomplished kids at the high school and community) X told us she sees the school psychologist and that she knows the boy will be helped. So first thing on Monday morning we are all going to the school psychologist and tell him want happened and that he needs to talk to the boy ASAP". She said she feels that the boy will hate them for doing this but they feel he really is suicidal and they are thinking intervention might save his life. I really am proud of these groups of kids for taking the initiative to do this. In the short term I'm going to text the mom shortly and see how things are going. Of course I would like to hear he is with medical professionals today but sadly I don't think will be the case. Another accimplished kid committed suicide at the end of last year at their school so I'm really concerned. Hopefully we can get to tomorrow so the school can help him. Last night my daughter was feeling like if she was a better friend he would not be feeling this way. So we talked through it, we will talk further today. Thank you all for your support and concern.

This should be handled by professionals. His parent needs to call the local Crisis number and have him evaluated. Suicidal ideation is not something that can be "cured" in one night by a bunch of hugs by friends.

yes thank you by the latest tomorrow he will be seeing a dr at school.

Indeed. May require a short stay somewhere for his own safety whilst getting him hooked into support services and a good therapy group.

I am praying this is the outcome!
  • Love 9

. Thank you! I found this one and the National Suicide line and three others. I'm so proud of my daughters. Background - when he came out to his parents first they were in shock and then they told him not to tell anyone. He came out to his friends about a month before the parents but his friends knew for years, no one was surprised, ALL were very supportive but it was not a big deal to them. Last night - the kids webt over. The boy didn't wabt to talk to anyone but both the mom and my daughter knew he really did. So my daughter just charged in and he broke down and hugged her and released a lot of sadness crying and talking. He then webt to talk to the rest of the group of friends. So the mom was talking to my daughter alone, I think she was really clueless what was going on. My daughter (who is very respectful of her elders and non confrontational) bravely told the mom the boy told my daughter "about the don't tell anyone" msg and she told the mom how upset it made him, that he felt his parents were ashamed and didn't love him. And how he tried to commit suicide twice in middle school (she just recently found that out). Mom was shocked. (In a text I just told her I thought he needed professional help) She did tell my daughter I offered to help her find a dr but she didn't say anything else. I'm sure it was a lot for her to process. I hope they realized they need to be more accepting of their son. It broke my heart when I heard how he was feeling. So the kids go home and my daughter is telling me what went on. She said "MOM WE WERE TALKING AND WE THINK HE NEEDS TO SEE A DR. We are not sure his parents are going to help him in this way (they are very private and their son is one of the most accomplished kids at the high school and community) X told us she sees the school psychologist and that she knows the boy will be helped. So first thing on Monday morning we are all going to the school psychologist and tell him want happened and that he needs to talk to the boy ASAP". She said she feels that the boy will hate them for doing this but they feel he really is suicidal and they are thinking intervention might save his life. I really am proud of these groups of kids for taking the initiative to do this. In the short term I'm going to text the mom shortly and see how things are going. Of course I would like to hear he is with medical professionals today but sadly I don't think will be the case. Another accimplished kid committed suicide at the end of last year at their school so I'm really concerned. Hopefully we can get to tomorrow so the school can help him. Last night my daughter was feeling like if she was a better friend he would not be feeling this way. So we talked through it, we will talk further today. Thank you all for your support and concern.

yes thank you by the latest tomorrow he will be seeing a dr at school.

I am praying this is the outcome!

Why is no one calling the local Crisis number?!

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I have missed all of you here is the latest. I was hit by a car in the parking lot at work been out of work but work and comp is paying me. The Same day my oldest got stung by a wasp and was in the hospital for a week. My youngest is at a 3rd grade level and they wanted to skip him and I said no. The oldest is at a 4th grade level this is what homefooling does to kids doesand he is being tutored and also goes to Saturday school for extra help. They also love Boy Scouts. The also enjoy school and all the activities they have there.

Edited by Seashell Lover

Thanksgiving is coming up. What is your favorite part of the meal? Mine is the turkey leg and the mashed potatoes and gravy. I am not a big fan of turkey, but I do love leftover turkey for sandwiches or a piece of bread with turkey and hot gravy over it.


My grandmother's stuffing and gravy.  She's gone, but we have her recipe cards. ♥

  • Love 6

Thanksgiving is coming up. What is your favorite part of the meal? Mine is the turkey leg and the mashed potatoes and gravy. I am not a big fan of turkey, but I do love leftover turkey for sandwiches or a piece of bread with turkey and hot gravy over it.

Mmmmm. Love all the starches - mashed potatoes, yeast rolls, dressing. I am OK with turkey but my favorite part is the skin. A few years ago I started serving a roasted Brussels sprouts dish I found via The Splendid Table and it has been a hit with all, even those who normally don't like sprouts. The magic ingredient, of course, is bacon.

I also like the wine...

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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Thanksgiving is coming up. What is your favorite part of the meal? Mine is the turkey leg and the mashed potatoes and gravy. I am not a big fan of turkey, but I do love leftover turkey for sandwiches or a piece of bread with turkey and hot gravy over it.

Winter squash, mashed potatoes and stuffing. Not big on turkey either but I will eat a white meat sandwich w/cranberry sauce.

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Thanksgiving is coming up. What is your favorite part of the meal? Mine is the turkey leg and the mashed potatoes and gravy. I am not a big fan of turkey, but I do love leftover turkey for sandwiches or a piece of bread with turkey and hot gravy over it.

I'm curious. Movies and tv have told me that all Americans (like Steve Martin characters) just absolutely must get home for Thanksgiving. How important and serious is Thanksgiving?
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Thanksgiving is coming up. What is your favorite part of the meal? Mine is the turkey leg and the mashed potatoes and gravy. I am not a big fan of turkey, but I do love leftover turkey for sandwiches or a piece of bread with turkey and hot gravy over it.

Ditto on the next-day sandwiches. Stuffing is my favorite dish, preferably with some nice crunchy bits on top. And homemade rolls, because I rarely make them. I make a pretty good turkey and sweet potato gumbo the day after too.

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A few years ago I started serving a roasted Brussels sprouts dish I found via The Splendid Table and it has been a hit with all, even those who normally don't like sprouts. The magic ingredient, of course, is bacon.


There is a delicious Martha Stewart one as well, bacon included, but sauteed with balsamic vinegar and onions.  


eta: oh wait, my naughty sister put the bacon in for extra temptation, lol.

Edited by NextIteration
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I'm curious. Movies and tv have told me that all Americans (like Steve Martin characters) just absolutely must get home for Thanksgiving. How important and serious is Thanksgiving?

Traditionally Thanksgiving is THE time to return home to spend time with family. So much so that many school reunions are done at this time too, because so many folks are already home.  It is always on a Thursday so folks need only to take one day off for a 4 day weekend.

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There is a delicious Martha Stewart one as well, bacon included, but sauteed with balsamic vinegar and onions.  


OK, talk to me about this, because my mother is pretty much the worst cook on earth, and she used to serve us frozen brussel sprouts boiled until they were grey. I love  mustardy/cabbagey vegetables specifically, so I should love brussels sprouts, but I just experience them as mushy sulfur bombs. What am I doing wrong?

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When I was in college a group of us went to the health center to get help for another friend who was depressed and had made comments about suicide. They were so angry and never spoke to us again. However, they're still alive and while it hurt at the time I knew it was the right thing to do. At least they were alive to hate us. I hope now they're grateful for what we did, but even if they're not it was still the right thing.


I'm trying to get over finding out my supervisor, who is amazing, is leaving. That just ruined my weekend and I'm so depressed about it. It's going to add more work for me and another coworker, but I don't care about that. I just want one of the best supervisors I've ever had to stay!


My favorite Thanksgiving dish is stuffing. The kind from the box, not even homemade. I love that stuffing with some turkey gravy on it.

Thanksgiving is coming up. What is your favorite part of the meal? Mine is the turkey leg and the mashed potatoes and gravy. I am not a big fan of turkey, but I do love leftover turkey for sandwiches or a piece of bread with turkey and hot gravy over it.

Good news about Thanksgiving this year, my SIL that can't cook isn't having it back to MIL's house which is so much closer.


Since I'm a super picky eater I hate chicken and will tolerate a tiny portion of turkey if it doesn't have a smell to it, otherwise I will just eat the veggie sides and call it a day.

I have a hard time believing this 'crisis' in WW's wake, but that's just me.

Something smells bad. Just might be a burning sock.....

  • Love 7

Thanksgiving is coming up. What is your favorite part of the meal? Mine is the turkey leg and the mashed potatoes and gravy. I am not a big fan of turkey, but I do love leftover turkey for sandwiches or a piece of bread with turkey and hot gravy over it.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because in our family all it is about is food and company.  And there are no gifts to contend with.  My favorite is the turkey (which I make) and the mashed potatoes (which I make) and all the desserts my daughter in law makes from scratch which are all amazing.  There are many more "sides" which I also taste, and are great.  Oh can't forget, our family favorite, cranberry sauce from the can, slid out in a log!!

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My grandmother's stuffing and gravy.  She's gone, but we have her recipe cards. ♥


Stuffing and gravy for me too, although in our family stuffing = dressing. And I love sandwiches made the next day with turkey, dressing and a little cranberry sauce. If you want a hot sandwich, you drizzle leftover gravy on it. If you want a cold sandwich, you dab on a teaspoon or two of cranberry sauce and a little mayo. Yum. Actually any of the leftovers are awesome the next few days. The only things that never get a chance to become "leftover" are the pies - both apple and pumpkin disappear completely on T day.

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Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because in our family all it is about is food and company.  And there are no gifts to contend with.  My favorite is the turkey (which I make) and the mashed potatoes (which I make) and all the desserts my daughter in law makes from scratch which are all amazing.  There are many more "sides" which I also taste, and are great.  Oh can't forget, our family favorite, cranberry sauce from the can, slid out in a log!!

The cranberry sauce, with the can ridges still on it. :)

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What am I doing wrong?


I linked the recipe in my eta - but just google Martha Stewart and Brussels sprouts and all kinds of yummy things come up.  I hated them so much when I was a kid it was one of the very few vegetables I got away with not eating (well there were two the other was beets).  Now I love them.  Roasting them in the oven brushed with olive oil, sea salt and garlic sprinkled with a little Parmesan is delicious as well.


Ooh, I forgot to mention the whipped cream from scratch that my sister makes for the from scratch pumpkin pie that is so full of rum you could get drunk off the stuff!  Great in the coffee as well. 


My daughter is coming home from college this year instead of hanging with friend's families, I'm already excited!

Edited by NextIteration
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I linked the recipe in my eta - but just google Martha Stewart and Brussels sprouts and all kinds of yummy things come up.  I hated them so bad when I was a kid it was one of the very few vegetables I got away with not eating as a kid.  Now I love them.  Roasting them in the oven brushed with olive oil, sea salt and garlic sprinkled with a little Parmesan is delicious as well.


OK, I would totally eat a bowl of the vinegared red onions. I just ended up buying a few jars of malt pickled onions from an english vendor because I can't find them here.


Thanks, I'll give it a try.

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The food talk is making me hungry. I think the men in the family are cooking tonight, so that's an occasion. A new seafood carryout place has opened in driving distance, and the fried clams with bellies are excellent. I ate a whole order by myself last week and then suffered from fried food overconsumption for two days. I guess I'm in training for a Thanksgiving dinner mega meal.

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Was anyone else's mother a big aficionado of that strawberry jello/whole cranberry sauce bunt pan mold? My mother made some sort of jello salad mold deal every Thanksgiving and Christmas. She also did the liver pate mound with cream cheese and black olives. Mom never quite made it out of the 60s and 70s in terms of her culinary repertoire, lol.

  • Love 4
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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