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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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I ordered the stuff to make those summer rolls I mentioned with the watermelon and jicama. I blame this forum. 🙂 I'll report back.

In other news, my sister, living alone on day 8 of COVID-19 is finally feeling better after a truly harrowing week. She does not have enough breath to talk on the phone so my dad with dementia has been calling me every day for an update and if I am busy and do not pick up he simply calls over, and over. and over. and over. I get it, I do, but I am not enjoying being a repository for his anxiety. But my sister is feeling better today, is the takeaway.

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1 hour ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Happy Fourth to all my American friends.   I am at the beach with my sister and her family enjoying all of the illegal fireworks displays.  I am very impressed with the selection.

July 4th is the one day of the year my husband and I are semi anarchists!  We only shoot off fountains, though they often have imbeded firecrackers, and we are done by 945.  Best we have felt in months!  Seriously.

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The rain stopped, so the assholes started doing fireworks. My Chihuahua, weirdly enough, is impervious to them. They just make him give magnificent side-eye, like they're interfering with his plans and he's over it. (Pro tip: Naming your dog after a Roman emperor gives him some significant attitude. LOL) He was a little sick to his stomach earlier today, and I'm not sure why. But he seems to be feeling more like his self this evening, and I'm glad.

1 hour ago, jcbrown said:

I ordered the stuff to make those summer rolls I mentioned with the watermelon and jicama. I blame this forum. 🙂 I'll report back.

In other news, my sister, living alone on day 8 of COVID-19 is finally feeling better after a truly harrowing week. She does not have enough breath to talk on the phone so my dad with dementia has been calling me every day for an update and if I am busy and do not pick up he simply calls over, and over. and over. and over. I get it, I do, but I am not enjoying being a repository for his anxiety. But my sister is feeling better today, is the takeaway.

I am so glad to hear this! 🙂 

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Did anyone else watch Hamilton today? I really liked it but need to watch its again. I didn’t find the closed captions until the second half, and the lyrics are  rapped/sung so fast the first half, I missed a lot. But it’s so inventive and original and I learned a lot. Several ear worms are with me now! I recommend it!

On another topic, fireworks are illegal where I live in Southern California, and all public displays were cancelled. Nevertheless, we have had weeks of illegal, noisy fireworks every night. But tonight, there have been non-stop, three hours (so far) of LOUD, professional sounding explosions from every direction in our neighborhood. I’ve never heard anything like it. I feel so sorry for the sensitive children, pets, or people with PTSD.

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11 hours ago, galaxychaser said:

Fireworks started I’m outside enjoying myself and even got a beer. 

Started unsolved mysteries on Netflix. 

I have this saved for tonight after my boys go to sleep. 🙂

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We had a constant barrage of illegal fireworks in my neighborhood until at least 2am. It is so annoying. I'm hoping it quiets down now that a lot of people have to go back to work tomorrow. 

One city north of us had their usual fireworks display and live streamed it. It cut off abruptly right before the end when they shoot off a ton of fireworks to end the show. Turns out something or someone screwed up and the fireworks shot off to the side instead of up and they set a neighboring farm on fire. That seems on par for 2020.

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7 hours ago, Love2dance said:

Did anyone else watch Hamilton today? I really liked it but need to watch its again. I didn’t find the closed captions until the second half, and the lyrics are  rapped/sung so fast the first half, I missed a lot. But it’s so inventive and original and I learned a lot. Several ear worms are with me now! I recommend it!

On another topic, fireworks are illegal where I live in Southern California, and all public displays were cancelled. Nevertheless, we have had weeks of illegal, noisy fireworks every night. But tonight, there have been non-stop, three hours (so far) of LOUD, professional sounding explosions from every direction in our neighborhood. I’ve never heard anything like it. I feel so sorry for the sensitive children, pets, or people with PTSD.

I've watched Hamilton a couple times and it is brilliant.  Of course, I am a Hamilton geek and have seen it live about 5 times.  I also have the soundtrack and listen to it frequently.  You really do want to know the lyrics. they are genius and the story itself is completely fascinating.  What a life!  The biography of Hamilton written by Ron Chernow which was Lin Manuel Miranda's inspiration for the show is also a great read.  If Alexander Hamilton's life was a novel, people who think it unbelievable.  The guy packed a lot into 47 years, the show just barely touches on the high points.  Nonetheless, it is truly an American success story and LMM brings it to life ingeniusly.

BTW, Hamilton's wife, Eliza, led an equally remarkable life.  Ben Franklin taught her how to play backgammon as a girl!  She knew all the founding fathers personally and lived well into her 90's, having met every single US President and her life spanned Colonial times through the Revolution up to the time just before the Civil War.  She also was a prolific letter writer and kept detailed diaries and singlehandedly promoted her late husband's legacy as well as recording the personal stories of nearly every soldier who fought with her husband in the Revolution.  Well into her 80's, she was climbing the neighbor's fence and hiking a mile or so back home from the train station rather than paying for a cab.  In case you didn't realize, I know way too much about these people.

Fireworks are illegal here, too, and most local suburbs cancelled theirs.  Someone a couple blocks away had a virtual pyrotechnic extravanganza last night.  It lasted about 20 minutes and was practically a professional level show.  Luckily, my current dogs don't seem to care about fireworks.  I had a mutt who used to shake and shiver and hide in the bathtub every year.  I got her a Thundershirt, which helped somewhat.


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11 hours ago, Love2dance said:

Did anyone else watch Hamilton today? I really liked it but need to watch its again. I didn’t find the closed captions until the second half, and the lyrics are  rapped/sung so fast the first half, I missed a lot. But it’s so inventive and original and I learned a lot. Several ear worms are with me now! I recommend it!

On another topic, fireworks are illegal where I live in Southern California, and all public displays were cancelled. Nevertheless, we have had weeks of illegal, noisy fireworks every night. But tonight, there have been non-stop, three hours (so far) of LOUD, professional sounding explosions from every direction in our neighborhood. I’ve never heard anything like it. I feel so sorry for the sensitive children, pets, or people with PTSD.

I joined Disney+ for the specific purpose of watching Hamilton - which I intend to do this afternoon. 

The illegal fireworks kept first responders busy all around our metro area last night. As in responding to FIRES. It's effing DRY around here and there's plenty of fire danger without numbnutz people playing with explosives. Even a professional, permitted, fireworks event sparked a fire up in Windsor; at least that was contained but did burn a field and corral. When I'm in my condo with the windows closed and the a/c running I don't hear a lot of noise from outdoors, but last night at bedtime I kept hearing booms which meant something way bigger and badder than firecrackers. Jerks.

Edited by Jeeves
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Well, last night was a nightmare until past two a.m. Apparently the new way to show how big your junk is is to buy massive fireworks and set them off all night long. We live on three acres surrounded by other large semi-rural lots, but the noise was still ridiculous. 

At one point there were three continual wang waving contests going at once. The smoke was so thick the air quality alert was activated and you could smell it inside with all the windows closed. Why they couldn’t stick with the traditional 4th activities of driving huge diesel trucks up and down the main road and fisting Budweiser by the case I do not know.

We have decided...we’re moving.


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37 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

Well, last night was a nightmare until past two a.m. Apparently the new way to show how big your junk is is to buy massive fireworks and set them off all night long. We live on three acres surrounded by other large semi-rural lots, but the noise was still ridiculous. 

At one point there were three continual wang waving contests going at once. The smoke was so thick the air quality alert was activated and you could smell it inside with all the windows closed. Why they couldn’t stick with the traditional 4th activities of driving huge diesel trucks up and down the main road and fisting Budweiser by the case I do not know.

We have decided...we’re moving.


I was really surprised how many personal fireworks shows were going on in my neighborhood. And they're not even legal here! Really disappointed in people here. Many people had asked on a town facebook page that they had nervous pets or were veterans with PTSD. Madness.

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We had massive fireworks going off in every direction from our house from around 9 until midnight last night. It was crazy. I heard a short burst of them around 1:30 as well. There were actually notices about air quality issued today. 

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@realityfan26, it's the same here. The big fireworks display was put on at the high school as normal, and even though people were not allowed to sit on the football field and watch this year, you can see them from almost any yard in the valley. So I don't know why so many people around me thought it necessary to shoot off fireworks until 3 am or why there didn't seem to be any enforcement of the fireworks law. It sounded like a war zone from my bedroom, even with the windows closed and the air conditioner on. I feel bad for any vets with PTSD and people with nervous pets.

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Fireworks are legal here - not the huge ones, but we've been getting to hear explosions that startle me and make me jump.  Actually this year has not been as bad as some, but still hearing some for the last month and last night it was continuous from the middle of the afternoon to after midnight.  We have an air quality alert today with a smoky haze this morning. 

I lost my Siberian Husky last year; she was terrified of the fireworks.  My little Australian Shepard isn't bothered at all; my kittens and older cat are a bit skittish but were mostly alright.

The big question I always have is what is fun or pleasurable about a loud explosion?  What is patriotic about it?

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28 minutes ago, Suzn said:

The big question I always have is what is fun or pleasurable about a loud explosion?  What is patriotic about it?

I get the fireworks that make pretty light displays, but I'm with you about the ones that just make noise. What does that have to do anything?

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I was actually surprised how "calm" it was last night.  There were fireworks going off for about 3 hours, but they sounded professional, and weren't too loud. I'm not sure if my city had their display this year, but that would have been at the waterfront and not too loud here. My cats didn't move a whisker.  There were a (very) few big booms, but not nearly what I expected.  We'll see if everyone is done tonight!

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It's dark and there hasn't been any fireworks, yet. That surprises me because a lot of the fireworks stands on the reservation next to our town sell them for half-price on the 5th.

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Although I hate all the fireworks that go bang, I do like light displays.  I wanted to get some sparklers and found I would have to be at risk to get them.  People were jam packed in the fireworks stand and lots without masks so I expect another spike in the numbers.

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Normally, we have a few fireworks going off in the neighborhood, but, this year hardly anything at all, which was so nice. I enjoy professional ones like at parks, but, at home versions make me nervous as they are often handled by those who have no business with anything like that.  Only the lower end ones are legal in this state (NC), but, that doesn't stop anyone who wants to use the illegal kind. They just get them from SC.  

GREAT news!  My cousin's covid test is negative!  She's feeling better now.  What a relief. 


Edited by SunnyBeBe
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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

GREAT news!  My cousin's covid test is negative!  She's feeling better now.  What a relief. 

That is awesome news!

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29 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

I hope you’re outside? Take care of yourself!!!

Oh yeah I waited outside for my uber after I dropped the car off at the tire center. 

The tech called me and asked “why did you bring the car in?”- and I KNOW everyone is grumpy right now but I thought “because the tire is flat why else would I bring the car to the tire center???”


Im back home- going to finish off my workday and then go back to Costco to pick it up. My BFF might drop me off so I won’t have to uber back. 

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4 minutes ago, emma675 said:

My parent's Covid tests came back negative. I'm still not going to feel totally comfortable until the end of the month and they've had no symptoms. 

I am glad their tests are negative. Are they going to be quarantining just in case?

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6 minutes ago, emma675 said:

My parent's Covid tests came back negative. I'm still not going to feel totally comfortable until the end of the month and they've had no symptoms. 

That's excellent news! I'm really glad their tests were negative! I totally understand not feeling entirely comfortable till there past the time where symptoms may appear though. 

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1 minute ago, Scarlett45 said:

I am glad their tests are negative. Are they going to be quarantining just in case?

Yes for 7 more days (they were exposed on June 28). They are also sleeping in different rooms, just in case.

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About watermelon--does anyone else like to cut off the round end and eat it with a spoon like it's a bowl? I like salt on it, too--but I like salt on everything.

I love Hamilton.  I'm an usher at a major theatre (3000+ seats), and we had it for a three week run so I got to see it six times. LMM is a genius.  I especially love all his references to other famous shows and musicals in the lyrics of the songs.  I listen to the soundtrack at night when I can't sleep. It doesn't help me sleep, but I feel better about being awake! We're supposed to get it back at the theatre next Christmas (2021).

Welcome @Sweeneyswt!  I don't even watch the show, but I got sucked into this forum during the first scandal. 

Hoping for a quiet night with no fireworks tonight--the neighbor across the street had ones so loud it sounded like a literal train wreck.


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14 minutes ago, magpye29 said:


Welcome @Sweeneyswt!  I don't even watch the show, but I got sucked into this forum during the first scandal. 



naaahhh....you got sucked into this forum because we are all super friendly and funny and welcoming!!!  😉

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The fireworks were insane here on Saturday night and every last one of them is illegal. I called the police non-emergency number three times when there were some down our immediate street but got disconnected each time. I suspect the line was overwhelmed, as the mayor was publicizing that people should report fireworks. There are now five fires burning in the Bay Area, at least some of which have been linked to fireworks. People are stupid.

My sister is still waiting on test results (tested eight days ago) and still sleeping tons and coughing a lot with chest pain but she was feeling well enough to talk on the phone briefly last night so that was good.

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2 hours ago, emma675 said:

My parent's Covid tests came back negative. I'm still not going to feel totally comfortable until the end of the month and they've had no symptoms. 

I'm glad the tests are negative. I really hope it was a positive negative and Covid-19 stays far, far away from them.

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Has anyone been in contact with @jjane (Janet)?  Her last post was around June 10th or so.  She was still dealing with the court regarding her niece.  Hopefully, all is well.

@sweeneyswt-welcome!  So glad you found us.  I will just echo what others have said.  This is one place that is full of sweet, caring, and meaningful people.  We all come from different walks of life with different views, but it's always been a respectful community.  If you need someone to laugh with, cry with, complain to, this is it!!

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1 hour ago, magpye29 said:

About watermelon--does anyone else like to cut off the round end and eat it with a spoon like it's a bowl? I like salt on it, too--but I like salt on everything.

If I buy a mini seedless watermelon I'll cut it in half and eat it with a spoon that way. I don't like to salt mine, which is weird b/c I love salt.

Actually, since I've gone through menopause I'm not as salt crazy b/c things taste different. I like spices I never liked before and I dislike hot peppers and cayenne pepper in my casseroles which I used to love. Growing old is weird.

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2 hours ago, Nysha said:

If I buy a mini seedless watermelon I'll cut it in half and eat it with a spoon that way. I don't like to salt mine, which is weird b/c I love salt.

Actually, since I've gone through menopause I'm not as salt crazy b/c things taste different. I like spices I never liked before and I dislike hot peppers and cayenne pepper in my casseroles which I used to love. Growing old is weird.

So true. I've been a saltoholic from childhood, then in perimenopause, through menopause I started liking chocolate and surprisingly used less salt. I also used to love super spicy-hot foods and now can only tolerate spicy hot-ish. Oh and I'm back to using more salt. And I still like chocolate. Growing old is weird.

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32 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I can barely believe it, but, tonight someone nearby is shooting fireworks. Didn’t do it on the 4th! They must have gotten them on sale! They have no shame.

We had about 30 minutes of them tonight too. Started in late June and still going apparently. Cops in our town don't do anything even if you call in a complaint so I don't bother. 

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I’m really annoyed. Still going on. It’s not close enough for me to even know where they are coming from.  Some people have too much time on their hands and no consideration of others.  Makes you wonder who taught them as they were growing up. 

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It's finally quiet tonight. Not that it was ever that bad. As I noted before, I'm on top of a hill and can hear fireworks from as far as 10 miles away. What we've had here have been the distant variety. Everyone around here has pets and, thankfully, some sense.

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I think the neighborhood fireworks, not wearing masks and hanging in crowds, reflects the entitled attitude of so many. It's like all these folks have their full-on defiant brat on display.

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4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I think the neighborhood fireworks, not wearing masks and hanging in crowds, reflects the entitled attitude of so many. It's like all these folks have their full-on defiant brat on display.

I feel like our society is being tested and is failing in many ways.

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The fireworks in my area finally calmed down last night, although they haven't totally stopped. Thank goodness my dog isn't scared of them or it would have been a bad few weeks. I just don't get people not only setting them off constantly but seemingly spending so much money on them. If I'm going to piss my money away, it's not going to be on something that explodes in a few seconds and leaves me nothing tangible to enjoy once it's done. Instead, I've been shopping my feelings away at Home Depot (my local one has curbside pick up of everything in the store, it's awesome). My house will look great once quarantine ends, lol.

Edited by emma675d
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