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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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Thanks one and all for your well wishes, prayers, and words of encouragement. They mean so much to me. <3


I agree that my sister was both trying to protect us, but also trying to protect herself. Her form of cancer (a brain tumor called glioblastoma) is very aggressive and nearly impossible to treat, even with surgery. Chemo doesn't do well, because it can't pass certain barriers. Five year life expectancy, even with surgery, is very low. With no treatment, average expectancy is only 7 months. She never let on how long she'd known before she told us, but as it stands, she only lived about 9 1/2 months after she gave us the diagnosis. I forgot to mention, she also didn't want any kind of memorial. It's weird, but I would have liked a life celebration to give me some kind of closure. 

So sorry, sew sumi. And sorry about the memorial. The memorial is for the living, but the person who is dying kind of doesn't realize. I pray for your healing. 

Edited by mbutterfly
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A reading program called SRA. You individually read little stories on cards & answered questions. You worked your way up thru different colors. We had SRA day once a week & loved it.

Barb23, this still exists!  In my previous life (pre-kids) I was a teacher, and we used the SRA boxes with older kids.  It was a remedial thing for high schoolers reading way below grade level.  We used them almost daily, though, at the start of class.

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SewSumi, I'm so sorry for your loss.  My stepfather passed away from this very same cancer a little over a year ago.  My heart goes out to you. (Big cyber hug to you.)

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SewSumi, I'm so sorry for the passing of your sister. Losing your sibling without being prepared for it and not having closure really sucks on both ends -- that's a lot to go through and process. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs to you.

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SewSumi - Please accept my deepest sympathy to you and your family on the passing of your sister. Hugs and prayers to you and your family. God Bless. An animal shelter is a beautiful way to honor/remember your sister.

Edited by NEGirl
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Sew Sumi, I am so sorry for your loss.  The memorials are for the living.  When my husband died, I decided I just couldn't do it then.  I was there for him in life and it was very hard, his last few years.  I didn't have any more gas in my tank right then.  I didn't even tell his family, although they learned indirectly from a gal who was a daughter in law to one of his sisters.  Liked the daughter in law, and she was long divorced from the butthead who was his nephew. I'm sorry your sister didn't accept your support.  My sister doesn't support me at all.  I'm not going to leave her all my money, although she thinks it will all come to her because she is my only relative.  If I can arrange a way to help animals or, more importantly for me, arrange a way to funnel money to people for vet bills for their animals when there is true need, and great people, that's where the money will go.  I need a couple of vets who understand and will take reduced price, a manager, and an attorney.  She will get a percent of my estate to take care of my dog, the one thing she would do well, and if the dog is gone she will get only a really nominal insulting amount.  Say, a thousand or less.  That's if the dog is gone and she can submit a bill for throwing away my stuff.  In your sister's case, brain cancer, they often just don't want to talk.  Maybe it's the only way she could get through it.  If it brought strength not to talk, ok then.  I'm looking for excuses here!  But it is you I care about now.  Be comforted.

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Well my boys just got home from their first day of school and they loved it. I have so much paperwork to sign. Some of the boys they went to the ranch with are in their classes. I can see why they needed the Ipad and laptop as the class size is 15 kids in each class and you work at your own pace so you never feel like you are holding the class back or being bored because you are ahead of the class. Which I feel is a great way to learn. Each class is made up by the type of abuse that someone did to you so a Fundie would never be in the same class as a physically abused person. They are doing their homework now so when we eat dinner they will tell me more and I will let all of you know.

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Well my boys just got home from their first day of school and they loved it. I have so much paperwork to sign. Some of the boys they went to the ranch with are in their classes. I can see why they needed the Ipad and laptop as the class size is 15 kids in each class and you work at your own pace so you never feel like you are holding the class back or being bored because you are ahead of the class. Which I feel is a great way to learn. Each class is made up by the type of abuse that someone did to you so a Fundie would never be in the same class as a physically abused person. They are doing their homework now so when we eat dinner they will tell me more and I will let all of you know.

15 kids per class is amazing.
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SEASHELL LOVER, It is amazing and remarkable to find out that there is such a school for the students who need this kind of support. I bet your grandsons will thrive there! They are so lucky that you are their grandma.

Edited by Love2dance
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Yes, that's not me! LOL


Seashell, I'm so happy that the boys took to school like ducks to water. I hope this is the positive springboard that they need to make learning lifelong.  As an English teacher/tutor, such stories warm my cockles. Sending my love. <3

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Oh dear. Thank you, MICKS PICKS for alerting me about my mixup of their names. And so sorry, SEASHELL LOVER and SEW SUMI for mixing you up.  I have edited and corrected the names in my post.  Sigh!

Edited by Love2dance
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So sorry for your loss, Sew Sumi. It's very hard to loose a family member.


We used SRA! The teacher used to let us move ahead when we finished our work. I had finished the box before the year ended.


I remember our local kids shows: Captain Chesapeake and Ranger Hal. Captain Tug would mainly have Popeye cartoons and sometimes crafts. He was the main contact when they used to have Carnivals for Muscular Dystrophy.   Ranger Hal had puppets: Oswald (or Ossie) the Rabbit, Dr. Fox, and Eager Beaver. Sometimes they showed cartoons, but I loved Oswald rabbit.  They had a popular bit around Christmas time when Ranger Hal would read "A VIsit From Saint Nick" and Oswald would throw in comments.

Edited by Catlyn
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The boys told me how the classrooms were set up. The different teachers they have. What classes they have on each day. Also they want to join the Boy Scouts and they have a Cub and Boy scout troop in the school so I know they will not get bullied from the other kids in the scouts so I am letting them join it. The school is extended day and school year. They go from 7:30-3:30 and the last day of school is June 10th. I think they will really enjoy the experience. The also have group counseling 1 hour a week. 

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Kids' TV back in the day was done on a budget of $1.12 per season.  We had "Johnny Jellybean", which was not unlike "Peewee's Playhouse" in terms of manic energy.  And every Christmas time, we had Santa Claus, reading kids' letters and Ho-ho-ho-ing ad nauseum.  Being Jewish, I wasn't allowed to write to Santa, but I watched anyway.  He had an elf named Poinsettia, but I didn't associate the name with the Christmas-y plant because, Jewish.  So I thought the elf was named a word that I did know from reading my mom's childbirth book.  Yes, I thought the elf was named "Placenta". I was five.  Go do me something.

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On another thread, there was a plaintive suggestion that TLC go back to their roots. I'm not much of a TV watcher, haven't tried to catch anything regularly since Mork and Mindy, I'm afraid but... It made me stop and think. What WOULD I watch? What could a show have to offer that would make me try to catch it on a regular basis?

I know I'm drawn to "hero" stories. What if there was a show about real life people who are true heroes? Not scripted, just people who are passionate about something - maybe people who don't have anything because they give themselves away every single day? Or maybe about people who are at the top successful and what they do every day. Or stage people (Dolly Parton comes to mind) without a wig? Or maybe just REAL people. "A day in the life". They could follow people for one day who have contact with a bunch of different people - a NY cabby or a home health caregiver or a nurse in the NICU (with rabbit chases about the people the interact with).

I love Ellen. I'm not nearly disciplined enough to catch it every day, but I loooove Ellen. She is so funny off the cuff, and she ALWAYS finds interesting people for her show. What if Ellen produced a "what happened then?" kind of show? Like for the people she helps get on their feet, or go to school. What happened to those people later? They could start the show with a clip from the Ellen Show where she helps them - and do follow ups. I'd watch that. Well, OK, I'd maybe remember to set the recorder and watch it later. Still.

Is this already being done? Am I (as usual) late? What would you watch?

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Any suggestions please? My dog likes to do his business at the property line, which is just a wrought iron fence. It's at the top of a rocky hill not easy to get at. The neighbors behind us that we share this fence with have complained the breeze blows their way and it's not pleasant Inbetween pickups. Anyone know if there is anything natural we can put along the property that will discourage our dog from going there? It's a Rocky terrain so we really can't plant anything there. TIA

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Lime helps kill the smell, maybe you could sprinkle some up there occasionally? Additionally, he may not poop on the lime because it would be different, not sure. You can buy it in big bags in box home stores. It's odd that your baby likes to poop on rocks. My dogs think they have to have grass.

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I don't post here often, but I read & y'all make me laugh & think & I say prayers for those hurting. However I have to share something I thought y'all would appreciate. I have a family member getting married soon. Not close family or I might be too ashamed to admit this, but close enough we're expected at the wedding. My family member comes from money & both parties have been living on their own for awhile. Their registries? They'd put the Duggars to shame. Every household thing you can imagine & some you haven't, massive amounts of tools, outdoor furniture, decorative items & camping equipment. It's ridiculous, but the best one is the honeymoon fund. Yes, they registersed on the new honeymoon fund site to finance their honeymoon. It's like Kickstarter, but not. I'm truly disgusted. They have access to money. That part of the family is too vocal about it not to know. Unfortunately it seems they don't have access to class. I'm embarrassed via shared bloodlines.

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Any suggestions please? My dog likes to do his business at the property line, which is just a wrought iron fence. It's at the top of a rocky hill not easy to get at. The neighbors behind us that we share this fence with have complained the breeze blows their way and it's not pleasant Inbetween pickups. Anyone know if there is anything natural we can put along the property that will discourage our dog from going there? It's a Rocky terrain so we really can't plant anything there. TIA


All the stuff I could think of smells almost as bad or worse than the original smell they're complaining about, so I did a quick Google search and found these ideas: https://www.puppydogweb.com/articles/naturaldogrepellent.htm. Some of them reek, but not all, and they make a good point about testing for a possible allergic reaction first.


Good luck!  I know there are some commercial products out there too, but I didn't see stellar reviews for any of them. These ideas are probably a lot cheaper and as effective.

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A friend of mine gets married in October, and her invitations specified "your presence is the only present we need."

But because I've known her for 17 years, and she's like a sister, I gave her money toward a videographer.

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Any suggestions please? My dog likes to do his business at the property line, which is just a wrought iron fence. It's at the top of a rocky hill not easy to get at. The neighbors behind us that we share this fence with have complained the breeze blows their way and it's not pleasant Inbetween pickups. Anyone know if there is anything natural we can put along the property that will discourage our dog from going there? It's a Rocky terrain so we really can't plant anything there. TIA

I have to ask. How big is your dog?

How close are your neighbors?

Seems almost a stretch for odor to be that big of an issue!

I might only provide a home for one cat but I have had neighbors with biiiig dogs that used my yard. Odor was never really a problem but the poop-piles were.

Hope you find a solution. One thought is to put something on the piles that the dog hates to smell and s/he remembers not to sniff and poop there again. People used to use cayenne pepper but I think that can be cruel. Maybe there's something else?

Wiki has some ideas but right up top are peppers. And I doubt you want to spread horse manure around! lol

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If you pick up daily, I would think the problem is with the neighbors.  Some people are chronic complainers.  I've known people who go into barfing mode, not realizing that the smoker they were going to be in the presence of, quit 2 years ago.  My patience and pity factors with people are way down.  We have to learn to live together, or isolate ourselves.  

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If you pick up daily, I would think the problem is with the neighbors. Some people are chronic complainers. I've known people who go into barfing mode, not realizing that the smoker they were going to be in the presence of, quit 2 years ago. My patience and pity factors with people are way down. We have to learn to live together, or isolate ourselves.

That reminds me of an episode of House Hunters I watched which featured the whiniest, most entitled wife I've ever seen. She was fawning over this house that met her ridiculous criteria until they stepped into the laundry room and noticed a litter box. Then she did nothing but complain that the house smelled like cats. Mind you the laundry room was the last stop on the tour.

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My goodness everyone! It's actually taken me three days to catch up with this thread and to conclude that I'm just not capable of responding to all your individual posts -- but I want all of you to know that I'm here with you in spirit, rejoicing in your joys and sharing in your sorrows.

For me it's been a complicated time, facing a lot of the same issues as everyone else (aging pets, aging parents, complicated family stuff, health insurance woes, emergency household repairs, etc.) along with a difficult situation with my health. That's a long-term, chronic issue (actually multiple issues, because I'm an over-achiever). It's a relapsing and remitting situation and this summer has been bad. I don't want anyone worrying -- my life isn't threatened, and things are likely to get better again eventually -- I just wanted to explain why I've been kind of absent and may be sporadic going forward. There are times when I just need to pull the covers over my head and burrow in.

So while I'm in and out of this space, you folks are never out of my thoughts. Just being part of the virtual support group/coffee klatch that's sprung up on this thread has been a great boost to my spirits.

Sending out loving thoughts to all...

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a placenta tear or something.  I had never heard of it, but it could have been dangerous.  So God  bless that new little family.

Do not read if squeamish I had the placenta tear away from my uterus  with my 3rd child and I was bleeding out from it. I lost all my blood and as fast as they replaced the blood I lost what they replaced.

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Glad you're okay, SSL. :)


However, with Erin's clotting issues, that could be super serious. 


I hope WW checks in soon, but I understand if she doesn't. She has so much on her plate; I know I would be beyond pulling my hair out with it all. :(

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Do not read if squeamish I had the placenta tear away from my uterus  with my 3rd child and I was bleeding out from it. I lost all my blood and as fast as they replaced the blood I lost what they replaced.

Dear Lord!  So glad you are okay.  They mentioned that this was a rather rare event.

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