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S29.E09: Gettin' To Crunch Time

Tara Ariano

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I DID like Reed, but his rummaging through Keith's bag with such glee just blew that.  He sucks.  And I don't care that Jeremy's gone.


I honestly don't like a single one of these people.   


I think after tonight, I'm just going to read the recap, and watch something else more entertaining.  Like The Weather Channel.

  • Love 14

Holy crap...and all of a sudden the season got interesting. So much for that big Jeremy vs. Josh battle. They followed each other right into Ponderosa. Could it be? Could Reed be hiding some game play after all? Except the editing certainly made it look like Jon and Jaclyn's vote was purely based on their realizing Jeremy knew Jon had the idol. Josh's reaction was hilarious. 


That said, as fun as it was because it broke up the monotony of things, I definitely think that move was done way too soon and Jon likely shot himself in the foot. I would not be the least bit surprised to see him voted out next week, unless he plays the idol. And I imagine they'll just split the vote with him and Jaclyn. Because with that move he's shown people that he can't be trusted but that he has too much power and is a huge threat.  That's dangerous. I have to say, I'm ready for him and Jaclyn to be split because their constant PDA is driving me nuts. Also, while I was sort of on her side last week, Jaclyn's still whinging about no one talking to her was really getting on my nerves. Like let it go woman.


I understood what Wes was saying - he had never spoken to her ever so chances are he's probably just not comfortable with her. .And sure maybe he should have made the effort to secure their vote but he believed Jon when he said they were with them. And once they proved they weren't, I imagine Wes just figured "what's the point since we're down in the numbers so we're clearly being voted off anyway." Sure that's no way to play the game but I didn't see it as some huge disrespect to Jaclyn. I felt like Jaclyn's Ms. Pageant self was coming out and she was a little too entitled there. 


Speaking of idols, man gutsy move on Keith's part not playing that idol when he knew someone had gone through his bag and that the others likely strongly suspected he had it and hell Jaclyn pretty much called it out at Tribal Council. And judging by the votes, it's clear he, Wes and Alec had no clue about the plan to vote out Jeremy. I also understood why Reed was bummed about losing the challenge because it did seem like something he would have been really good at, although he almost won. At this point, much as some may not like it, I think Missy and Baylor may worm their way to that end. 


Because again I see people turning on Jon as he's a threat, Jaclyn might go next except she could join with Baylor, Missy and Natalie to go after Reed, Wes, Alec and Keith but then that's a tie. Again, wow, the season actually became interesting where I now really am not sure what will happen.


I DID like Reed, but his rummaging through Keith's bag with such glee just blew that.  He sucks.  And I don't care that Jeremy's gone.



Well he did own up to it being a horrible thing to do and even said while watching at home he was one of those who judged people who did it to other contestants. So some self-awareness on his part at least. But yeah that is a shitty thing to do. I still hate how Lisa went through Malcolm's bag, even if it was to do his laundry, found his idol and then blabbed that he had one at Tribal Council. 


eta: Anyone else really looking forward to the Ponderosa videos of Jeremy joining Josh. That should make for fun times. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 4

Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.


My favourite player gone.  But at least the show is interesting.


I really want Jon and Jacklyn gone.


It's honestly funny how Jacquelyn makes it totally clear she's used to everyone kissing her ass and that she's shocked if and when someone doesn't.  Two episodes in a row of her being like "But why didn't you kiss my ass?!  But why didn't you kiss my ass?!  But why didn't you kiss my ass!?"  Shut up!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 17

I understood the ass kissing with Jon and Jac, I thought it was stupid though. I'll bet Jeremy feels stupid for giving up his part in the reward. They send him to Exile Island and then he gets voted out. I was surprised. I thought for sure they were going to vote out Keith.

I think they should make some kind of Survivor rule that you can't go thru peoples personal possessions. I think that is the lowest thing you can do, (Reed).

I have Dish TV. they might remove CBS. If that happens I hope I can watch the rest of the season online somewhere. Maybe the CBS website? Anybody know?

  • Love 1
I really want Jon and Jacklyn gone. I don't know why, maybe it's their entitled attitude. They look at each other, and the rest, as if they are already the annoited finalists.


I liked Jaclyn until tribal council.  We picked the right side because the others wouldn't have given up reward for us? That shouldn't be the basis for picking an alliance it is all about getting further in the game.  I think it's started to go to their heads.


I was not expecting Jeremy to actually get voted out.  Things just got interesting.  John seems to be the new power player.  Voting out Jeremy because he thinks he'll tell people he has an idol?  That's kind of evil-genius-y.

  • Love 2
I think Keith is just an idiot.  Wes says outright he never wants to be "hashtag blindsides" and then Keith says he hopes the others got the subtle hint Wes was giving.



I think he's an idiot on a personal level, but I don't think that was bad gameplay.  HII's are valuable, and any extra info you can get from other players to help you decide when to play one is useful.



I think they should make some kind of Survivor rule that you can't go thru peoples personal possessions. I think that is the lowest thing you can do, (Reed).



Yeah, that bugs me.  Does anyone remember offhand whether Keith was one of the people enjoying the food Julie had hidden away in her bag?

Edited by ElleryAnne
  • Love 1

WTF Missy??


Whoa! Did not see that coming.


Keith, Wes and Alec (Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest) turn on Reed, while nasty Missy, Bitchylar and "Power Couple" JJ turn on Jeremy and BOOM  - gone.


Yet no idols are flushed.  


Huge geo-political shift.  I really dislike Missy and Baylor, but they may have thrown away any chance of winning.  The 3 D's outnumber them now.

  • Love 1

I'm really waiting for the day when Jon and Jaclyn are eliminated. Can't stand them, they're flip floppers and Jaclyn keeps acting like people have to keep approaching her and calling out Wes & Keith for not talking to her. Not everyone has to talk to to you so STFU. Don't know why people keep coming to this couple to be a tie breaker. Break that damn couple up.


Missy forever a dumbass in the beginning when she said to Keith that he went over to Wes. Well duh you moron that's his son and who he came with, just like her siding with Baylor, so STFU too.


Didn't like Reed going through Keith's things, if he's playing the game come up with something else or start a rumor or something but don't go through someone's bag. I agree with Keith right there on that one, but I can't remember if he went through Julie's stuff or not, mostly seen Baylor and Alec do that.


Jeremy's gone, good riddance won't miss him, he goes at it again with the "protecting" his wife. FYI women are not fragile Jeremy, goodness and his wife Val looks like she's more than capable of taking care of herself and needs little protection.

  • Love 8

Missy, not only what the fuck, but also, shut the fuck with your squawking at Baylor during the IC. It drove me batshit when Tina did it last year and since I like you even less than Tina, it drives me more batshit when you do it.

Now that was a blindside. Jeff, take note.

I'm beyond over Jon and Jaclyn so here's hoping for another blindside and soon. I hope Natalie can get in with whoever is going to come out in the majority.

No matter what happens, I will always love this show. They can't drive me away that easily. I made it through Jenna, I can make it through this.

The CBS Survivor Facebook page said the IC was in honor of a former contestant and something is niggling at the back of my brain who it would be, but it's just not coming to me. Anyone know?

  • Love 6

That would totally have been my challenge.


"This is not something you typically practice at home."


Au contraire mon Peachy frère. I routinely walk around picking things up with my feet. Just 'cause. I can pick up a quarter with my toes. The toughest part would have been the core. Like doing Pilates the whole time.


Survivor with dinner? Not with Spittin' Keith around. Ugh, GROSS.


And with tonight's vote, Survivor has gone from watch in real time, to weekend DVR clean-up status. I'm now officially rooting for Jon and Jaclyn to get booted before Keith, Wes and Reed. Followed by Baylor before Missy (but only so Missy will cry when she leaves.) I was half-expecting that vote, too much time spent on Jeremy and too many anvils. Nice to make it worse with your loyalty speech, Jaclyn. The least you asses could have done was wait a vote until your meals digested.


Stupid move, too soon. And hated the gloaty-face on Reed. Dumbasses, y'all.

  • Love 11
The CBS Survivor Facebook page said the IC was in honor of a former contestant and something is niggling at the back of my brain who it would be, but it's just not coming to me. Anyone know?


I was just thinking about how unfair it would have been if they did this the season they had the girl with an artificial leg.  I doubt that's who they meant though.

That would totally have been my challenge.

"This is not something you typically practice at home."


Mine, too.  I would have said anyone with really young kids would be good at this challenge, from playing at building things with toys we pick up with our feet.  My four-year-old would have aced that challenge.


The RC, though, would make me nervous.  I kept expecting someone to take a sharp blow to the head on the boards as they fell.  

Edited by ElleryAnne

Indeed. That was more of a Hashtag Blindside (groan) than many of the other clearly telegraphed episodes of recent past. Jeremy was dumbfounded.


Was it a good move for Jon? Probably. But I don't know why Missy and Baylor saw this as a good move. Missy, especially, was in position for F4 with Jeremy and Natalie. Instead, Reed has new life, and Missy possibly loses Natalie's support at some point.


Reed smirking back and forth with Josh on the jury was just as annoying as the continued PDA between Jon and Jaclyn.


Missed the first 10 minutes, anything of note happened there?

  • Love 2
why didn't Jeremy say that there was no idol on EI, so...someone....Jon....must have found it?



Well he didn't say it but that's kind of what got him voted out because Jon took a pre-emptive strike anticipating that that's exactly what Jeremy would do. That he would convince others to turn on Jon by telling them that since he didn't get the idol, Jon had to have found it and clearly didn't tell them so Jon couldn't be trusted. So Jon got him before he could get him.

  • Love 1

I am really upset that I still can't find somebody to root for!!  Seriously, this is the first season that this has happened.  I'm very sad.


I did not like Reed going through Keith's bag. 


It was not the biggest blindside ever, producers.


I still hate Missy and Baylor, Jon and Jaclyn.  Keith's got balls of steel not to play that idol but I'm amazed.

  • Love 4

I would just like to express my love for Reed Kelly, his general awesomeness, and the fact that he hails from Minnesota. Damn, that was good!


I'm sure Jeremy is a nice guy, but I don't think we saw much of that. The time that sticks out was when he was laughing with the other rewardees at the taco bar. I wish we had seen more of that Jeremy than crabby TH Jeremy. That's on the editors.


I'm going to love having Josh on the jury this whole time. He cracks me up.


Outside of some reaction shots at TC, Alec was a no-show on this episode.

Edited by Dust Bunny
  • Love 2

These people are not playing smart, that's their problem this season. They're all playing rather stupidly. Missy especially why break the alliance she has with Natalie and Jeremy, got Baylor on your side and convince Keith, Reed, and Wes to vote out Jaclyn or Jon. I leave Alec out because Alec is mostly an idiot for the most part so he's the perfect goat to drag til the end.


I was surprised that Keith didn't play the idol, he must have known that something was up. Would be a good surprise if there was some hidden alliance that we were unaware of, cause if I was Keith I would have played it during that TC. I'm thinking Keith might end up giving the idol to Wes.


Wes is either a low key player or just not that worried, he knows the end could be near but he's not scrambling or trying to make side deals with anyone.

Jon really is a dim bulb and I'd hate to see him rewarded for it. He really didn't think the single step ahead with regard to Jeremy going to Exile and discovering the idol was gone.

That it worked out for him this week and provided an excuse to get Jeremy gone (what he was so worried about last week when Jacqueline admonished him for thinking too far head) it will hopefully end up biting him (and horrible Missy & Baylor) in the ass.

I'm sort of excited about the prospect of watching a bunch of horrible people turn on each other but worry too that somehow this bunch will make even that boring.

Edited by escatefromny
  • Love 10
If he had mentioned Jon and the idol....he may have been saved if people who thought Jon was being honest with them might have doubted him. That's how TC works, throw out your best dart and hope it hits the bullseye.



Yeah but Jon had already told Missy he had the idol. He told her the same time he told her he thought they needed to get Jeremy out. So Jeremy outing the possibility of Jon's having the idol would not have been news to anyone but Natalie and the three guys who had no clue of the plan to get him out. Once Jon told Missy, you know she told Baylor and Reed wouldn't care because getting rid of Jeremy meant his staying in the game and eliminating a strong threat. On top of that, I think the fact is that Jeremy clearly did not see that vote coming at all. This truly was a blindside. So he didn't make any counter moves because he really did not anticipate the need to.


I was surprised that Keith didn't play the idol, he must have known that something was up. Would be a good surprise if there was some hidden alliance that we were unaware of, cause if I was Keith I would have played it during that TC. I'm thinking Keith might end up giving the idol to Wes.



I agree with another poster that Keith may have wisely concluded that they were going to split the votes between him and Reed to flush out the idol and it's clear with the vote reveal that he, Wes and Alec all decided to vote for Reed. So his plan was probably that in the end, splitting the votes would not matter because with their three votes for Reed, that would be enough to get him voted out. Because if you imagine Jon, Jaclyn and Natalie vote for Keith and then Missy, Baylor and Jeremy vote for Reed, that's a tie. Now throw in Keith's, Wes' and Alec's vote and that's 6 votes for Reed, which would have been more than enough to get him out. I don't think Keith is any huge Survivor mastermind, but I don't think he's a complete idiot either.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 8

And to think last week I was worried as to if Jeremy and Natalie would do the honorable thing and not turn on John and Jaclyn. Man what a bunch of scrum bags Jeremy's alliance turned out to be. I font even care so much for Jeremy's game b e ing over...I care about this blows Natalies game out of the water. I was rooting for her to get to the finals but now that is unlikely. She has been amazing especially in light of the knee jerk reactions people were posting about her based on TAR.Without her sister she proved herself worthy of her spot and now she could leave even before Alex!

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 7

Did Missy turn on Jeremy too early? Not sure, time will tell. But it seems to me that season after season you have one player who appears to be charge and yet nobody votes him out and he cruises to the end and wins and everyone calls the other people in his alliance stupid for not getting him out when they had the chance. This season Jeremy looked like he was going to cruise to the end and win and I for one applaud the other players for taking him out now.

  • Love 3
The CBS Survivor Facebook page said the IC was in honor of a former contestant and something is niggling at the back of my brain who it would be, but it's just not coming to me. Anyone know?



IDK.  Maybe Caleb?  Were they filming this season when he died?



Outside of some reaction shots at TC, Alec was a no-show on this episode.



That was the best thing about the episode.



Baylor kind of grew on me this episode.  It was really surprising.  It probably helps that it seems like she (much like myself) is not a fan of her mother.



Sometimes I get the feeling she has some serious anger issues with her mother. 

Edited by ElleryAnne
  • Love 3

Did Missy turn on Jeremy too early? Not sure, time will tell. But it seems to me that season after season you have one player who appears to be charge and yet nobody votes him out and he cruises to the end and wins and everyone calls the other people in his alliance stupid for not getting him out when they had the chance. This season Jeremy looked like he was going to cruise to the end and win and I for one applaud the other players for taking him out now.

I certainly hope so.  She and Baylor bug the crap out of me.  

  • Love 2

I would just like to express my love for Reed Kelly, his general awesomeness, and the fact that he hails from Minnesota. Damn, that was good!

I'm sure Jeremy is a nice guy, but I don't think we saw much of that. The time that sticks out was when he was laughing with the other rewardees at the taco bar. I wish we had seen more of that Jeremy than crabby TH Jeremy. That's on the editors.

I'm going to love having Josh on the jury this whole time. He cracks me up.

Outside of some reaction shots at TC, Alec was a no-show on this episode.

Glad I'm not the only one feeling the Reed (and Josh) love! I thought they were kind of adorable during TC. I'm never a fan of anyone going through anyone else's stuff, but not a one of those people spoke up or turned down trail mix when Julie's bag was ransacked. And Reed had nothing to lose at that point. And his beautiful blue eyes hypnotize me.

I'm rooting for Reed and Natalie at this point, and I never imagined I'd be hoping for a twinnie winnie!

  • Love 6

I DID like Reed, but his rummaging through Keith's bag with such glee just blew that.  He sucks.  And I don't care that Jeremy's gone.


I DID like him until his dramatic TH.  "I'm furious that Josh is gone.  Our game together has now officially come to an end".  Whining, bitching, and presenting it as a soliloquy from a Shakespearean tragedy.  Yes Reed, your loved one was sent home.  Just as you've sent others' loved ones home.  It's a game not a Broadway play.


I really want Jon and Jacklyn gone. I don't know why, maybe it's their entitled attitude. They look at each other, and the rest, as if they are already the annoited finalists.


I've never liked Jon, but I supported Jaclyn and felt she had the right to be angry at being treated as her boyfriend's appendage.  I'm done with them.  They are snakes and I hope they're the next two to go.  That's saying a lot when you consider how much I despise Alec.


I liked Jaclyn until tribal council.  We picked the right side because the others wouldn't have given up reward for us? That shouldn't be the basis for picking an alliance it is all about getting further in the game.  I think it's started to go to their heads.


I was not expecting Jeremy to actually get voted out.  Things just got interesting.  John seems to be the new power player.  Voting out Jeremy because he thinks he'll tell people he has an idol?  That's kind of evil-genius-y.


I don't know, I think it was pretty stupid.  They've shown they have absolutely no loyalty, and it looks like they're going to have a reversal of fortune.  They also needlessly took swipes at Wes and Keith.  Stupid move.  I also thought it was a poor decision to build up how wonderful they were treated by Natalie and Jeremy, right before stabbing them in the back.  I'm not sure they could get Natalie back.


Yet no idols are flushed.  


Surely the stupidest part of the whole plan.  J and J shut Wes and Keith out of the decision making, attacked them at tribal, yet made no attempt to flush the idol.  Wes and Keith were clueless, which implies no one even tried to flush the idol.  Were these people recruited?

  • Love 10
I don't know, I think it was pretty stupid.  They've shown they have absolutely no loyalty, and it looks like they're going to have a reversal of fortune.


With all the emphasize on them being the "power couple" it seems definite that they will eventually be on the flip side of that.  The person in the middle always does, so I don't see either of them winning. This particular move may or may not work, but it was definitely a big move, and I think the game needs people who take risks like that.  

  • Love 1


Stupid move, too soon. And hated the gloaty-face on Reed. Dumbasses, y'all.


I agree 100% with both statements.  It was at least one vote too soon to turn on the alliance of 6.  They needed to take out more people on the other side so that they could keep the numbers.  Now, the tribe split is 5-4.  That leaves them dangerously vulnerable to an idol.  It also leaves them vulnerable to a defection, which is very possible because Natalie just lost her #1 ally and may flip simply out of spite.  I wouldn't blame her.


I have been very impressed with Natalie's game play lately.  She was the one who asked Jeff if they could trade the reward with another player, which was a smart move to make.  It wasn't enough to keep John and Jaclyn loyal, but it was still a clever move to make.  She's also the one who volunteered to go to exile with Baylor, which scored her major points with Missy.  Natalie is playing a strong social game.  I didn't like her on the Amazing Race, but at this point she's my favorite out of those remaining here on Survivor.


Oh and Reed's dumb, smug face was rage-inducing IMO.  Based on the episode we saw, Reed had NOTHING to do with what went down at that tribal council.  He just got insanely lucky that John and Jaclyn jumped the gun in flipping to get Jeremy out.  (Don't get me wrong, by the way... I am not mad at John and Jaclyn for flipping.  I think they were right to see Jeremy as a threat and that they would eventually have had to get him out before it was too late.  IMO, however, they flipped a little too soon, which could backfire on them spectacularly in the weeks ahead).

Edited by me5671
  • Love 9

Surely the stupidest part of the whole plan. J and J shut Wes and Keith out of the decision making, attacked them at tribal, yet made no attempt to flush the idol. Wes and Keith were clueless, which implies no one even tried to flush the idol. Were these people recruited?

I actually do think they were hoping and assumed Keith would play the idol because they likely knew he realized everyone knew he had the idol. So they likely hoped he would play it but it would be for nothing because they were voting for Jeremy. That's probably why only Reed knew of the plan to vote out Jeremy. It's clear Keith, Wes and Alec were as clueless as Natalie.

Thing is, like I noted above, Keith proved to not be completely clueless and assumed the votes would be split between him and Reed and realized that he, Wes and Alec just needed to vote for Reed too and he'd be fine.

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