formerlyfreedom November 4, 2014 Share November 4, 2014 Amber hopes to prove herself as a future mother when she agrees to babysit Max and Nora, but the results are disastrous. Sarah comes to Amber's side for support. Joel and Julia make strides toward a final decision on their relationship. Hank has a heart-to-heart with Sandy, who is surprised and moved by how Hank has grown. Meanwhile, Drew is guilted into hanging out with Zeek, and an unexpected adventure draws Drew away from his studies. Link to comment
BC Mama November 4, 2014 Share November 4, 2014 I really hope that Sandy, Hank and Sarah do not become another love triangle! 2 Link to comment
ElectricBoogaloo November 5, 2014 Share November 5, 2014 Amber hopes to prove herself as a future mother when she agrees to babysit Max and Nora, but the results are disastrous. So Amber, who has been shown babysitting her other cousins in the past, including Max, is now unable to handle babysitting two kids? What is with this stupid retcon? 20 Link to comment
BC Mama November 5, 2014 Share November 5, 2014 So Amber, who has been shown babysitting her other cousins in the past, including Max, is now unable to handle babysitting two kids? What is with this stupid retcon? Good point! I remember her always being a pretty successful babysitter! She even could handle the monstrous Sydney! 4 Link to comment
Literata November 6, 2014 Share November 6, 2014 monstrous Sydney! I cannot take that kid. Seriously. Her behavioral issues could easily land her a spot at Snowflake Academy. I really hope that Sandy, Hank and Sarah do not become another love triangle! I can see Sandy falling for her again, and I can see Hank being flattered by that -- and because he's Hank, I can see him getting all befuddled and confused and unable to express his feelings to Sarah. So they'll break up again, paving the way for Mark Cyr to come back. Does anyone know -- is Jason Ritter back for just one episode, or for episodes 9-13? Can't find anything online to support that he's back for anything except episode 9. 1 Link to comment
Spencer Hastings November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 My gosh, five minutes in and I was already a mess. Erika and Sam played those dividing up the stuff and elevator scenes so perfectly. Then they talked about the house and how it was the first safe place their son spent the my heart out. I thought I got off easy when Kristina's cancer went away but all of Joel's scenes just produced an endless amount of unexpected tears. Zeek is pushy, but I know that they want us to think this is his last piece of fatherly advice to Joel. So I totally bought into it. I thought we were done with the tears, Parenthood. Drew bothered me a little in this episode, but I think he reacted like a 20 year old boy would to Zeek's demands. I've always liked their relationship. 4 Link to comment
aw86 November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 Max continues to be the worst 7 Link to comment
jester November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 Max Burkholder is a wonderful young actor and it's a real shame how this show has wasted that talent the last few seasons. It's really a disservice to a wonderful character they started with and ran off the rails just to use as a point of conflict or a prop to Hank's issues. I really feel the show has short changed viewers with what they have done to that kid. Sam Jeager, please enjoy this Emmy I made out of an old baseball trophy. You earned the real thing tonight but I fear you will have to settle for my "most spirited" award from middle school. (Go Cubs!) Just really powerful performance tonight. His scene with Craig T Nelson was much like his last one. Very little dialogue from Joel but so much emotion expressed by Jeager with just his face. I liked also that they wrote Julia's new "friend from the office" a stand up guy in the face of everything. 13 Link to comment
JasminePhyllisia November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 So Amber, who has been shown babysitting her other cousins in the past, including Max, is now unable to handle babysitting two kids? What is with this stupid retcon? To be fair, Amber was good with Max when he was younger, but we haven't seen her spending much time with him recently. I think he's getting harder to handle as he gets older. 1 Link to comment
MrWhyt November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 To be fair, Amber was good with Max when he was younger, but we haven't seen her spending much time with him recently. I think he's getting harder to handle as he gets older. And Nora is at the age where is she too young to do anything on her own, but old enough to get into lots of trouble (see her running into the street for example). Plus Amber wasn't very pregnant in the past. Link to comment
EdnasEdibles November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 Did they mention why she was babysitting for an extended time? I thought they were poor with failing/new businesses? Where did they go? I absolutely was on Drew's side. I thought his terrible girlfriend and grandfather were being assholes. I know we are supposed to find it delightful that Bravermans never take no for an answer but it is really annoying. 9 Link to comment
Literata November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 Everyone seemed to be missing from this episode. Aside from the Julia/Joel arc, it was clearly just filler to get us to the next thing. Link to comment
Aliconehead November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 Did they mention why she was babysitting for an extended time? I thought they were poor with failing/new businesses? Where did they go? I absolutely was on Drew's side. I thought his terrible girlfriend and grandfather were being assholes. I know we are supposed to find it delightful that Bravermans never take no for an answer but it is really annoying. Kristinr and Adam were in Sacramento trying to get money for the school. That's what I think Max said 1 Link to comment
CMH1981 November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 (edited) Cue Hank's ex becoming a thorn in the Hank/Sarah relationship leading an opening for Mark Cyr to make his reappearance in 3..2..1. I knew this would happen once she found out the reason for his behavior during their marriage, to be honest I thought he already had told her to be honest. It really irks me that they could have at least asked Sarah to join them, even if she didn't want Sarah to come along. That just shows me that the ex already has the idea of getting her family back together now that she knows what she is dealing with in regards to Hank. I've said this before, and i'll say it again but Ray Roman really deserves an Emmy for his portrayal of Hank. I was upset that he joined in Max's pacing of panic, I really hoped he was going to calm Max down after he saw how upset Amber and Max were. In what world would Adam and Kristina leave the two kids alone for a few days w/Amber who is barely mobile at this stage of her pregnancy? That didn't add up to me, even though we know Amber has babysat for the grandkids previously. Julia and Joel...both were great in their scenes together. I couldn't figure out Julia's face after Joel's declaration at the house. She looked surprised and kind of pissed, but she knows Joel has been wanting to fight for her now for awhile, so it's not like it's that far out of the blue for her. Where were the kids in all of this? I understand the actual reason for the kids not being on screen budget wise and all, but whatever I guess. Joel's scene with Zeke was great. I think the writers have all but told us at that is point that Zeke is going to die at this point. Poignant scene w/grandkids starting w/the oldest and moving down the line, check. Saved Julia and Joel's marriage, check. Who is next on Zeke Braverman bucket list...tune in next week. Edited November 7, 2014 by CMH1981 2 Link to comment
izabella November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 I felt terrible for Amber - what a handful! I was glad to see that Max, even in the midst of his scheduling stress at the car, noticed and told Amber that Nora was walking into the street! Link to comment
backformore November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 Amber babysitting would be easier if it was just a normal couple of days, not a trip on the ferry to Alcatraz. That was a stupid plan. Why not stay close to home? 2 Link to comment
wanderwoman November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 They're playing Max's character so awfully that I'm not sure I can watch this show anymore. 4 Link to comment
LotusFlower November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 Re: Zeke telling Joel to fight for his marriage, shouldn't he be on Julia's side? Maybe she wants the divorce, and he should find that out first? Hank's family excluding Sarah like that (for the froyo run) was ridiculous. Of the three of them - no one thought to invite Sarah? 3 Link to comment
LotusFlower November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 ^^ Ah, I see. I haven't watched from the beginning, so I didn't know this dynamic was that strong. I'm not really on Team Joel, either, but hey, I'm not Julia's father, so that kinda bothered me. Link to comment
LakeLover November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 Max is so far out of the range of kids I work with who have Asperger's that I stifle the need to throw things at my television. Good lord. We're dealing with a pre-teen at work now (granted, he has autism), who is becoming out of control as his hormones are creeping into his sweet little body - getting aggressive, more frustrated, etc. I usually tell parents of kids on the spectrum, "One day he's going to be 16 years old and 160 pounds, so you need to get the behavior under control while you can still pick him up to discipline him." The most amusing part of the episode was Amber holding on to her belly, lest her baby fall out of her - what? Vagina? Belly button? Cracked me up, especially since someone mentioned it on another thread last week. If I were Drew, I'd dump Grandpa and Girlfriend. "Who cares that you're paying good money for your schooling and you have important exams? For God's sake, Drew, blow it off - G-pa might croak tomorrow! Go shooting! You'll have no good memories of him if you DON'T DO THIS!" I always root for Joel and Julia, my favorite two and the least bizarre of all the family members, and I'm really glad boyfriend left before Joel got there. It would have broken my heart if he went back to declare his love to Julia, only to have her open the door with post-sex hair. And what's with her hair still looking like crap one season later? 8 Link to comment
stafford November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 I always hate the way most pregnancies are written on TV. All of a sudden women are so hormonal they cry, rant and scream, they hold their stomach (I mean really, walk around a mall and see if pregnant women really do that...they don't). I think it's just lazy writing. The only time I touched my stomach was to try and push my baby from pressing on my bladder. I really don't understand why people like Zeke. I don't know any grandparent that would drag their grandchild away from studying to go shooting. He is so selfish and narsasistic and yet he's the "sage" of the Braverman's? No wonder the family is so screwed up. My brother divorced his wife--a very nice person and I was sad about the divorce but I would never get in the middle of that situation and try and fix it. He's my brother and for whatever his reasons were for the divorce he deserved my loyalty. The only person Zeke should talk to is Julia. Given the way Max has been written I don't believe for a second he would warn Amber about the kid running into the street although I do believe he would totally freak out after missing the trip to Alcatraz. Gawd, you could drive a truck through the way Hank has been written or re-written to show his Asberger's characteristics. The writers have moved him from highly functioning to being a complete clueless asshole. When he was first introduced to the story there were at least some moments of charm but now he is completely unlikeable. I'm kind of sad about it. So it seems like he will go back to his first wife and Sarah will be set up to run back to Mark or whatever the hell his name is. I'll be glad when this show finally ends. So much promise squandered by going for the over the top portrayal of each and every characters flaws. Katim's focus on Max's storyline could have been really good to educate people about the trials of raising an autistic child but his portrayal of over indulgent parents with no boundaries or consequences set the education of the viewers understanding and compassion for Autism back (IMO). 11 Link to comment
ElectricBoogaloo November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 Max had the audacity to reprimand Nora for interrupting when he never lets his parents finish a sentence? STFU! He is such an asshole. He sees his sister heading into the street and all he does is tell Amber that she's walking into the street. How about keeping her from walking into the street while Amber is getting the carseat? Gawd. The overtalking is SO annoying (which I am sure he learned from Adam and Kristina because duh, he's a Braverman). Amber needs to grow a backbone if she's going to keep this baby and raise it. You can't let a kid like Max just plow right over you like that. When a kid is berating you and telling you what a horrible mom you're going to be, that's when you say, "That's it. No trip. Get back in the house." She seemed fine supervising him at the Luncheonette after The Traumatizing Field Trip so it just seems like a retcon than suddenly she has no idea what to do with him. Max is so disrespectful to everyone he encounters. As for yelling that getting the carseat is not on his list of responsibilities, ugh. Apparently answering the door or replying when Sarah asks him five different questions is also not on his list of responsibilities. Man, I miss Gabby and her magical stickers of obedience. Sacramento is two hours away. I don't understand why this required an overnight trip for Adam and Kristina. They were gone at least three nights since Amber was there when Nora woke her up at 6am and Max said they were going to Alcatraz the following day and she was still there the night of the aborted Alcatraz trip. Zeek = front seat driver. STFU! Ugh, and his "no strings attached" emotional blackmail about the car was ridiculous. You gave Drew a car. That doesn't mean you get to make him pick you up for field trips every day. He isn't your personal chauffeur and he isn't your accomplice in disobeying the doctor's instructions about what you aren't supposed to eat after heart surgery. Blaming Camille for his diet is just ridiculous. If he wants to spend time with his grandson, he needs to be a little more considerate and remember that just because he's retired and has all day to do stuff doesn't mean that everyone else has the same wide open schedule. Call ahead and schedule time after his exams or on the weekend but don't just call and say, "Come pick me up so we can do something that I'm not going to tell you about but will last about six hours." I know we are supposed to understand that all of the Bravermans are rude but give me a break. Drew's lame girlfriend can also STFU. Yeah, sorry if you can't understand why studying for an econ exam and figuring out the math is difficult, you art history major who doesn't need to know any math! As for saying that he should have humored Zeke, see above. You can humor your relatives and spend time with them without rearranging your schedule because they're bored or excited about something. Going to a drive thru for a burger is not an urgent matter. It can wait until the weekend or after midterms. You can create all these memorise ON THE WEEKEND. On a nitpicky note, she mentioned going to Olive Garden. The closest one to Cal is at Stonestown in San Francisco which is about a half hour drive over the Bay Bridge. The closest ones in the East Bay are out in Hayward or Vallejo (they're each about 20 miles from campus). I am so sick of Ruby's histrionics and temper tantrums. Is she even capable of entering a room without storming in and shrieking about something? Her mom can also STFU. Fast Times at Ridgemont High is not porn or anything. Ruby is 15 and it's 2014. You can see worse stuff on the internet. Please make the wardrobe people stop putting Julia in short sleeved mock turtlenecks like it's still 1992. As much as this show drives me crazy, scenes like Joel and Julia in the elevator are why I keep watching. They were able to convey the love and sadness about their marriage ending without a word. It makes me wish that these actors weren't saddled with some of these lame storylines because they are so capable but stuck with lame stories about Snowflake Academy. Zeek can STFU again. How dare Joel respect Julia's choice to divorce him? Obviously if Camille told him she wanted a divorce, it would result in a Costanza situation: In all seriousness, who is Zeek to tell Joel to fight for Julia? You can love your wife and love your kids and realize that you are just hurting each other by continuing to stay together and fight about the same crap over and over. They tried to work it out. They went to counseling. She said she wants a divorce. Joel isn't giving up. All he is doing is NOT being an aggressive asshole but of course Zeek sees that as giving up. Once you're married, you stay married, damn it! You don't let the little woman tell you it's over! 4 Link to comment
Latverian Diplomat November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 (edited) I really don't understand why people like Zeke. I don't know any grandparent that would drag their grandchild away from studying to go shooting. He is so selfish and narsasistic and yet he's the "sage" of the Braverman's? Well, neither the sage nor the bright young student figured out that things are a lot less messy if you shoot at empty cans, or empty cans refilled with water. Drew is an adult with his own life; he's too old for all day surprise excursions. If Zeek wants to do something with Drew, he should talk to Drew in advance and make a plan together that works for both of them. His game-playing is completely disrespectful. Never mind the sermon out of nowhere on grand-parental bonding from Natalie. Edited November 7, 2014 by Latverian Diplomat 4 Link to comment
Maximona November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 I thought the Alcatraz trip was chaos was well done. It's entirely in keeping with Amber's personality to make Big Plans that she can't possibly come through on. And I held my stomach when I was as pregnant as Amber. And, no, it wasn't to keep the baby from falling out. It was because the baby was moving. Its a rather odd sensation to feel a baby moving inside you. I tried to curtail this behavior when I was at the mall or other public places because, you know. Other people get squeamish. I was totally on Drew's side in the thing with Zeke. I totally get why Drew feels the need to major in something that he doesn't have the slightest aptitude for. I was an economics major at UCB, too, (although my natural inclination would have been to be an English literature major), and you know what? Economics is fascinating, and you can learn it, but there is a steep learning curve, and yes, you need to put in long hours hitting the books. Are Zeke and Camille bankrolling Drew through college? Because if not, he's going deeply into debt for the experience, so yes, he really needs to maximize it. Zeke is being very, very selfish not to realize that. But Zeke, of course, although lovable, has always been supremely selfish. Also no kid in his early 20s is going to relate to making memories for his old age. No kid in his early 20s believe he's ever going to get old. Zeke and Joel were entirely believable. There were many times during my first marriage and eventual divorce that I suspected my family vastly preferred my X to me. But you know, we're modern, we lived in Berkeley, there are times when we all still show up at family events -- he with his new wife and kids; me with my new husband and kid. Marriage in many ways is more like an adoption process than a romantic relationship. Sandy is a total rude bitch. The rule to making those blended present and X-families mix, is never to leave anyone out. 3 Link to comment
txhorns79 November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 Re: Zeke telling Joel to fight for his marriage, shouldn't he be on Julia's side? Maybe she wants the divorce, and he should find that out first? I would say Zeke doesn't have to be on Julia's side. I think he can tell her he disagrees with what she is doing and thinks it is a bad decision, but will support her overall in whatever she ends up choosing. Having said that, I think Zeke interfering the way he did with his advice to Joel was very inappropriate. As you note, if his daughter wants to be divorced, that is her choice and Zeke has no business interfering. Link to comment
ElectricBoogaloo November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 I wonder who planned the Alcatraz trip. I could see it going one of two ways: (1) Kristina/Adam planned this trip but had to go to Sacramento. Knowing that he would freak out if he couldn't go on the specified date, they asked Amber if she would mind taking the kids. (2) Amber thought it would be a good way to make a whole day of spending time with the kids. The first scenario seems more likely to me for several reasons. First Amber mentioned more than once that she has a fear of boats (who is she, Frankie from the Real World San Diego?) which makes me think that she wouldn't have suggested this trip on her own. Secondly, it is really hard to get last minute tickets to Alcatraz. You usually have to buy tickets online at least a few weeks in advance. There is an amazing art exhibit by Ai Weiwei on Alcatraz right now (it just opened a few weeks ago and runs through April - if you have a chance to check it out, you should definitely go!) so tickets are even more difficult to get. You can still get tickets without a problem, just not at the last minute. This is the end of nice weather in the Bay Area too, so people want to go to Alcatraz before it starts getting cold and raining. 2 Link to comment
alexvillage November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 And I held my stomach when I was as pregnant as Amber. And, no, it wasn't to keep the baby from falling out The problem is not the holding on. The problem is the acting. I assume the actress does not have a biological child, so she doe snot have the experience. But the producers/directors could have given her a coach, some tips because it is just awful the way she is doing. It does look like she is afraid of something falling, and she is doing it all the time. Walking, cleaning, turning, stopping, all the time. 2 Link to comment
Shermie November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 I always find the "pregnant woman holds her abdomen" trope so silly. I never see pregnant women do that, I never did it. I have no issue with Amber babysitting while pregnant; a few people commented how it was crazy to ask her when she was so big. Well, pregnant moms take care of their other kids all the time, it's not like pregnancy (and she's only 7 months?) renders you incapable of doing everyday things. The trip to Alcatraz was a bit much. Max is such a pill, he would have been annoying no matter what Amber did, though. This show has always done a good job with the secondary relationships, whether you agree with what is said or not: grandparent/grandchild, parent with in-law kids, cousins. It makes for a true family dynamic. Too bad that none of the Bravermans have friends, none of them, what's up with that? Doesn't Zeek have some gun-loving cronies he can go out with? Doesn't Julia have a girlfriend to talk to? Weird. And who shoots cans of food? Wasteful and messy. 5 Link to comment
CheersEnthusiast November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 Never mind the sermon out of nowhere on grand-parental bonding from Natalie. THIS. Does she even know Drew? The last word I would use to describe Drew--an incredibly conscientious character--is "selfish". Perhaps she just doesn't like it when Drew shows a backbone? 6 Link to comment
Literata November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 Sandy is a total rude bitch. It's so clear she and Hank will get back together, after Hank has a conversation with Sarah in which he credits her for helping him get his family back. Good riddance, horrible Ruby. 4 Link to comment
CMH1981 November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 The Alcatraz trip had to be something Adam and Kristina planned in advance which I feel like was crap to throw on Amber like that considering she gets seasick, not a fear of boats. I can't imagine a pregnant woman w/regular sickness compounded w/someone who gets seasick....that all equals a bad trip for all involved. I felt bad for Amber b/c we are all at a point with Max where he is older and stronger and could potentially hurt someone that tries to tell him no and stand up to him, as the promos for next week showed us when he gets into the fight at school over the girl. If she had yelled at Max to shut up and start helping her out in that moment of crisis outside he could have hit her or shoved her down. So did they add the scene w/Zeke and Joel talking about the recent World Series, b/c they couldn't have just been clever dubbing. Interesting point w/Zeke siding w/Joel and not his own daughter in regards to the divorce. I didn't think about it like that b/c I guess I want Julia and Joel to get back together, but you are right that Zeke shouldn't be pushing Joel to fight when Julia might not be interested in working on it now. I can see not choosing sides, but I understand not putting ideas out there when you don't know both sides of the story. 1 Link to comment
Latverian Diplomat November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 I liked also that they wrote Julia's new "friend from the office" a stand up guy in the face of everything. I get what you're saying, but he made a play ("Oh, this wine, it's so intoxicating") and handled getting turned down with a modicum of grace. That's a pretty low bar. 2 Link to comment
Primetimer November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 While Joel decides to be the hero of his divorce mediation and give Julia the house free and clear, Sarah and Sandy clash over Ruby again, and Amber sucks as a temp mom. Read the story Link to comment
Portia November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 (edited) I mentioned this on the characters thread . . . please, go see the movie Nightcrawler and tell me it is not a terrifying vision of Max Braverman in 15 years if we don't do something to stop him. Lou Bloom (the protagonist of the film) is highly intelligent and has no regard for others. He creepily memorizes facts about a woman he wants to get with. He has a preternatural aptitude for photography. And . . . well, it doesn't end well. My take-away? The Bravermans owe it to humanity to stop letting Max be the ruler of all he surveys. The bad belly-holding thing was illustrated perfectly when Amber was walking down the front steps of Adam and Kristina's house. A pregnant belly isn't going to bounce like a braless woman's breasts--pregnant women can go running*, for goodness' sake! But pregnancy can affect your sense of balance, so it would have made a lot more sense for Amber to grab a railing or use both of her arms for balance when descending the stairs. (*Pregnant women: consult your physician before starting a running regimen!) Edited November 7, 2014 by Portia 4 Link to comment
Cattitude November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 I love Joel. Joel is just the best he always does the right things and Julia is an idot for letting him go when she clearly still loves him. I thought their scenes were well done and it is clear College guy has put himself in a bad situation. I don't really feel bad for him as while he seems a nice guy has been kind of pushy knowing where Julia is he is bringing a lot of pain on himself. While I loathe Julia I know Joel does love her and I really like seeing her face what she is giving up by letting Joel go. I like that Joel is willing to apologize and he seems guinune in his sorrow, but where they are is as much Julia's fault and irks me to no end that somehow she doesn't have to make amends too. ugh! I think Zeek DOES know Julia and he knows she loves Joel. Zeek is very old fashioned and also he has been married a long time. I thought his talk with Joel was excellent. I always sympathize with Drew poor kid, Natalie is the worst girlfriend ever. I also understand Zeeks point of view. I think Drew could have compromised and told his grandfather after I take my big test in 3 days then this weekend we can go do something together. That would have been better advice for Natalie to give Drew if she truely cared about him. It is important for his own well being to not have guilt later if Zeek dies but he also doesn't have to be bullied by emotional blackmail either. I liked the Amber stuff and thought it was realistic enough and I give Sarah credit for being a decent mom at the end. Though I don't feel bad for Sarah regarding Hank b/c she always chooses to put herself in the worst love relationship possible. 2 Link to comment
ShadowFacts November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 This show has always done a good job with the secondary relationships, whether you agree with what is said or not: grandparent/grandchild, parent with in-law kids, cousins. It makes for a true family dynamic. Too bad that none of the Bravermans have friends, none of them, what's up with that? Doesn't Zeek have some gun-loving cronies he can go out with? Doesn't Julia have a girlfriend to talk to? Weird. I'm guessing Zeek does have gun pals, didn't we see him with friends/fellow Vietnam vets when Ryan was first introduced? Probably they just want us to see Zeek's moments with his family before he departs. It sure is looking that way to me. Of course he was being loutish and coercive with Drew (who I love more and more by the episode), but that is Zeek. If only they could make him have some sort of major impact or breakthrough with Max but I don't think that's even possible. They've made that kid just too extreme, and his parents too ineffectual. I may be in the minority (Cattitude, I see you're with me) but I didn't have a problem with what he said to Joel. It's very much in character, he doesn't filter his opinions, he loves Joel and Julia, Julia is perfectly free and able to shut Joel down once and for all, it just doesn't strike me as a terrible thing to do. Either it prompts a reconciliation or it doesn't, I suppose he figures nothing ventured, nothing gained. 3 Link to comment
backformore November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 The bad belly-holding thing was illustrated perfectly when Amber was walking down the front steps of Adam and Kristina's house. A pregnant belly isn't going to bounce like a braless woman's breasts--pregnant women can go running*, for goodness' sake! But pregnancy can affect your sense of balance, so it would have made a lot more sense for Amber to grab a railing or use both of her arms for balance when descending the stairs. ) Right. What I recall was that she was carrying a purse, diaper bag, another bag, and the using one hand to hold her belly. Yes, pregnant women sometimes have their hands on their belly. But not when walking and carrying stuff! it's much more helpful to distribute the weight between two hands, or use a hand to balance. She was holding her belly like it was one more thing she had to put in the car. At her stage of pregnancy, the trip to Alcatraz was a really bad idea. Nora would be better off with a trip to a park. And Max was going to be difficult no matter what. You don't want to take him somewhere that you can't make a quick getaway if he blows up. Imagine him having a meltdown and having to get back on the ferry to return home! The scene where Max was eating on the sofa and watching Chuckie on tv was taken right out of the movie Home Alone. I wanted MAX to say "I'm eating crap and watching rubbish!" 1 Link to comment
jester November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 I get what you're saying, but he made a play ("Oh, this wine, it's so intoxicating") and handled getting turned down with a modicum of grace. That's a pretty low bar. I didn't really see it that way. He put the ball in Julia's court the whole way. He offered to go home right when he got there if she needed to be alone. He was willing to talk about what she was dealing with instead of just trying to be Mr Fun guy and distract her from it. He again put things in her hands as to how she wanted the night to progress by saying "if I drink the rest of this glass I won't be able to drive home" which I think was a much better way of addressing staying or not then just making the decision himself, and totally seemed understanding when she said she was tired and should get some rest. I didn't see the wine line as a "play" but more of a feeler on if she wanted him to stay (she may have not wanted to be alone) or not. YMMV though. 6 Link to comment
callmebetty November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 I actually found Max somewhat tolerable this episode, despite that fact that he did have a meltdown, it was not the epic meltdown I thought he could have had or has had in the past on somethings. I think he dials it up when he is with his parents. I loved the fact that he was eating crap and watching Chuckie movies. I love Joel, but why did they have to pull this last minute brink of divorce now it's time for a reconcilation. Ugghh. I did find it rich that Hank's ex is admonishing Sarah for allowing Ruby, and by proxy Amber,to watch Fast times Ridgemont High at age 15. Sarah's look was like: Yeah cause your parenting style is working so well with your monster kid. Drew should have told Zeke listen I have finals we'll do something this weekend. 1 Link to comment
BusyOctober November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 Aside from all the other focus on Max-not-Nora stuff, anyone notice the lack of a stroller for the little one? Was Amber planning on carrying a 2-3 yr old the entire boat ride and during the tour of Alcatraz? Yes the toddler is walking, but she sure as Hell doesn't have the stamina for that kind of outing. And while on the topic of baby gear...Amber is this far along and hasn't thought once about how her death trap of a vehicle won't accommodate a car seat? Or that said vehicle is completely unreliable (per Amber). How is she going to get to/from day care or doctor appointments ( I purposefully omit "work" because, you know...Braverman World). Not that I missed Sydney, but where were Julia's kids the night office BF came over? It looked like Joel was wandering around his Sad Dad Pad alone, so maybe the kids were off in the black hole Nora and Camille usually occupy? Natalie is the most condescending I'm-so-above-you girlfriend in the world. Drives me nuts how she pontificates to her boyfriend about he should act or feel according to her opinion. She acts as if she some wise sage, bestowing her wisdom upon her ignorant underlings. Sparkle down, Sunshine. You're a twenty year old sophomore, not a font of knowledge. Never been to a gun club or shooting range, but would one of those places allow a customer to place cans of food on their range? After the cans are shot and the food is splattered all over the field, who's job is it to clean that shit up before it smells and attracts vermin? But again, Braverman World, so it's for someone else to care about I guess. 3 Link to comment
Latverian Diplomat November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 I didn't see the wine line as a "play" but more of a feeler on if she wanted him to stay (she may have not wanted to be alone) or not. YMMV though. We're not that far apart in our perceptions. I do think the wine thing was more about "are we sleeping together tonight" than just "do you want to be alone" but I'm not judging that aspect. Julia knew what was up, she wasn't offended, and politely turned him down, he was cool about it. I just don't think that expecting someone who's interested in a romantic relationship with Julia to be caring and supportive and letting her set the agenda when she's having a tough time should be seen as remarkable. It's pretty basic "I wanna be your boyfriend" stuff. 2 Link to comment
jester November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 We're not that far apart in our perceptions. I do think the wine thing was more about "are we sleeping together tonight" than just "do you want to be alone" but I'm not judging that aspect. Julia knew what was up, she wasn't offended, and politely turned him down, he was cool about it. I just don't think that expecting someone who's interested in a romantic relationship with Julia to be caring and supportive and letting her set the agenda when she's having a tough time should be seen as remarkable. It's pretty basic "I wanna be your boyfriend" stuff. No no, I totally agree. My original point was that I found it remarkable the WRITERS chose to present him that way. 2 Link to comment
Latverian Diplomat November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 No no, I totally agree. My original point was that I found it remarkable the WRITERS chose to present him that way. Ah, I get it. Yes, that aspect is refreshing. Link to comment
BC Mama November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 In what world would Adam and Kristina leave the two kids alone for a few days w/Amber who is barely mobile at this stage of her pregnancy? That didn't add up to me, even though we know Amber has babysat for the grandkids previously. I agree. As far we know, Amber is not used to all of the lifting that a toddler requires, and having to pick up Nora all of the time when her body is not used to it is not a great idea! Plus, it should not have been news to her that Nora gets up at 6! What type of parent leaves town without telling the caregiver the child's routine? I always hate the way most pregnancies are written on TV. All of a sudden women are so hormonal they cry, rant and scream, they hold their stomach (I mean really, walk around a mall and see if pregnant women really do that...they don't). I think it's just lazy writing. The only time I touched my stomach was to try and push my baby from pressing on my bladder. Holding the tummy is ridiculous, but I have no problem with touching. I am 34+ weeks pregnant with my second, and touch my belly a lot, either to feel movement or to try and coax my little one from digging her feet into my ribcage! Ouch! I would say Zeke doesn't have to be on Julia's side. I think he can tell her he disagrees with what she is doing and thinks it is a bad decision, but will support her overall in whatever she ends up choosing. Having said that, I think Zeke interfering the way he did with his advice to Joel was very inappropriate. As you note, if his daughter wants to be divorced, that is her choice and Zeke has no business interfering. To me, Zeke was interfering, but I am going to forgive him, because he may just be trying to keep the parents of his grandchildren together. Link to comment
Lovecat November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 (edited) So did they add the scene w/Zeke and Joel talking about the recent World Series, b/c they couldn't have just been clever dubbing. I'm pretty sure the player they referred to as facing off against the Royals was Scott Kazmir, who plays for the Oakland A's. I don't follow the A's--I googled the name to see if it was a Giant I wasn't familiar with--so I don't know what game they were referencing. Aside from all the other focus on Max-not-Nora stuff, anyone notice the lack of a stroller for the little one? Was Amber planning on carrying a 2-3 yr old the entire boat ride and during the tour of Alcatraz? Yes the toddler is walking, but she sure as Hell doesn't have the stamina for that kind of outing. Not to mention that the walk to the cellblock is about a quarter mile up a HUGE HILL. Sure as shit Max wasn't going to help with the toddler-transport, if he couldn't be assed to pull her back from the street in their own driveway. Edited November 7, 2014 by Lovecat 1 Link to comment
MelineB13 November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 What drove me nuts about the Amber being frazzled and can't get to Alcatraz scene was the lack of car keys. Soooo do they just leave the car unlocked? And have they figured out a way to over ride the factory settings to lock the doors after a certain amount of inactivity? Because if so, I'd like to find out how after the number of times I've unlocked the doors, gotten held up wrangling my bag, diaper bag, baby, keys, coat, etc only to find myself standing next to a locked door and having to find my keys. And then are the car keys and house keys separate? Or was Amber just planning on leaving the Bravermann's front door unlocked? They could have had her forget just about anything else. But the keys? After they were IN the car? I halfway expected the battery to be dead when she got in and couldn't start it. THAT would have been more realistic to me. 3 Link to comment
Beezella November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 (edited) Nora took the car keys. She packed them into a little suitcase with play food or something. About 13 minutes into the show. Cutest TV kid I've seen since Hope on Raising Hope. Drew should ditch that girlfriend. I remember liking her a couple seasons ago when she first appeared on the program, but she has become horrible. Drew however, has matured into the single most sensible person on the show, with the exception maybe of allowing himself to be bamboozled by grampa Zeke. Every time anyone gets into a car I am waiting for the car accident. Speaking of cars, it looked like Zeke and Drew were actually driving a car instead of the fake cars they usually use to film? Was I fooled? Maybe Amber is holding onto her pregnancy prosthesis because she is afraid it will slip. Just kidding, it looks like a bad acting choice. I'm still hoping for a reconciliation between Julia and Joel, in spite of Joel being a complete ass last season. I wish the show would somehow explain that. Sam Jaeger does indeed deserve an Emmy. I was right there feeling it with him. Edited November 7, 2014 by Beezella 3 Link to comment
Maximona November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 I love Joel, of course -- I mean, what's not to love? But I thought the New Boyfriend's kiss on the forehead and graceful retreat was a class act all the way. Plus he and Julia have some history, and he gets her work. I'd like them to stay together. 1 Link to comment
Ohgeez November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 When Drew and his girlfriend were in the car and she saw the cans of corn I was convinced the guns were still in there and they were going to get pulled over and arrested. Thank goodness they didn't. I had my rage for Zeke at the ready. 2 Link to comment
alexvillage November 7, 2014 Share November 7, 2014 I have complained enough about how autism is portrayed in the show and how they completely missed the point with Max. This episode shows the two sides Max talking like a robot. Autistic people are not robot. They don't talk like robots and sometimes they sound monotone because they script some. In some situations, to make interaction easier, they might script and that gives us the impression of a voice without in flexion. Autistics are not that inflexible either. Even the ones who need a very strict schedule can adapt, maybe go through a mini melt down, but that goes away too. The direction the actor got for talking about his trip was bad. Perseverating is ok, almost yelling about the trip is a bit much. On the other hand, the meltdown was pretty well played. Walking it off while talking to himself (was he talking to himself?) I have seen this exact thing happen. After a while things calm down. And why, oh why did they planned to take Nora to Alcatraz? Do these people think? There is nothing for a toddler there, unless she wants to look at birds, which she can do at the park? Or maybe she is a genius who will put on the headphones and learn about the history of the prison. 4 Link to comment
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