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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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9 hours ago, Sidney said:

Am I hearing Eric right? Nicole is the one he blames for keeping the secret, and not poor Sarah? SMH. Why won't Nicole tell Eric and Brady both to go kick rocks. Both have done nothing but made her life miserable.

Eh Nicole isn't faultless she's hurt them too that being said I would prefer Nicole with someone else entirely. Brady/Nicole work better as BFFs

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, SueB said:

Good post, as always, @boes but THIS

stopped me in my tracks.


How did I not know this?  



Onto the other side of town.

I need to find the support group for people who woobify the bad guys.  Because that's me.  I'm a sucker for the 'I just want to be loved' bad guy, especially when they are repentant (see embarrassing list below).  So Xander, who I used to loathe, is my latest 'cause'.  I love that he's running around town in a panic looking for donors.  He honestly loves that child.  He will most likely be reviled and hated by everyone for what he did later but I feel for the guy.  So it's bittersweet to see him momentarily get the girl who he adores.  First, he really HAS changed.  His 'I don't need the details!' kicked puppy as he was legitimately walking out the door to leave was both kinda funny and telling.  Old Xander would NOT have accepted the situation.  Better Xander actually respected that Sarah had chosen Eric and was leaving.  Growth!  (Why yes, I'll be defending this hill for a little while).   

And then there's Eric.  When did HE turn into the 'fall in bed easy' guy?  

And then Kristen looks sympathetic!  Again! Did we enter an Alternate Universe?  Although I do like Nicole retaining her claws a bit while still being in love with Eric.  They need to have her retain that 'bite' and have Eric accept that.  I think she suppresses that too much with Eric. 

Brady is SOOOO going right back to bed with Kristen BTW.  No spoilers, just... obvious.  Moth to flame.  Moth to flame.  I don't get it and yet I do.  I THINK it's better than alcoholism.  Maybe. 


For the curious...
List of characters I have no business being sweet on (feel free to judge me - I deserve it):


I think Eric has been the fall in bed easy guy for years now. I mean, if you can sleep with your brother's girlfriend/fiancé or whatever it was Nicole was to Brady at the time, you've kinda laid down all strong morals you used to have. 

I knew Kristen had to be around Brady when he was young, but I don't remember specifics. They are so gross. It's not the age difference. It's the fact that she tried to cause so much havoc to your family, Brady ! Man up, son. Seriously.

I actually liked Kristen in that moment of offering to help. And of course, my guess is, she'll be the match, the one who "saves" the baby. 

You are not alone in your protection and love of Xander. And, I think he loves that baby more than anyone. He's the one really trying to DO SOMETHING. Of course he's doing it because he knows the truth, but still. He'll be treated just like, or worse, than Victor when all is said and done, while he loves that child to death and Victor doesn't give a CRAP. 

My list of characters I have no business being sweet on is lengthy. Loki from Marvel is not only on it, he's the only reason I can stand that franchise anymore. Pretty much all the Three Musketeers, which, if you've ever read the book, you know that they were really more anti heroes than heroes. And many more. I have a thing for damaged, complicated characters. Without them, the fictional world would be really, REALLY dull.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

I have to join you in the "Xander love" group 🙂  I like the actor & think that  Paul & Lindsay have great chemistry.  He still has that 'bad boy persona" but he is So in love with Sarah & little Mickey...he's going to the ends of the earth to find a way to save Mickey.   I know we, the fans, are supposed to 'hand wave away" the sins of Xander & Ben, but I have an easier time of it with Xander because I like the actor & it seems more plausible with him.

I think there's also the fact that Ben has actual victims that are, as far as we know, "dead', dead, and Xander doesn't.  Or does he ? I honestly don't know, but I don't think he does ? And, he doesn't have the convenient excuse of mental disease. I think there is a lot more hand waving going on with Ben. He was abused/disturbed or whatever, so we are supposed to accept it.

I think if you like the character, you can accept it. I think the actor who plays  Ben still plays him as if that darkness is still there, just waiting to come out. Which is fine if you're treated by everyone as if you are still that person. You know, kind of like how most of the town treats Xander ? (some of them with good reason, but still).

But they crossed the line with the Ben propping for me. No one is allowed to hate him, and if they do, we are supposed to see them as wrong or bad or unfair. It's ridiculous.

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, QueenSerena said:

Oh, it happened. I remember seeing a picture of Kristen (back in the 90s) bouncing baby/toddler Brady on her knee. I can't find that picture right now, but you get the idea. Just like EJ and Will used to have play dates back in the 90s, because EJ was born after Will on screen, and we all know how that one turned out! 🥴

I also remember Brady asking John if Kristen was going to be his new mommy during the time that Marlena was kidnapped once again and little Brady who had bonded with Marlena as his mom was confused about Marlena not being around and Kristen mothering him in her place..

Edited by Pearson80
  • Love 3

The justice system sure moves fast for prisoner executions in the Salem area. Most tend to sit on Death Row for years. Not three weeks! Maybe the whole prison story will be over soon. Will, care about yourself and not poor Maggie. She is a big girl and Victor can hire very good lawyers. You should not be sitting in prison thinking about having some actual facts that you may be innocent. The police investigation seems a bit off, especially if the car that swung was black and not grey. There may be skid marks on the road and all sorts of evidence to prove that you are not guilty.

Sonny, you have moved on quickly. Surely as a Kiriakis, you could run your own background check on this Evan dude.

Wonder what was in the letter that Evan scrunched up. Also wonder if Rafe will get an emailed copy sent to his work address. Unless I got my mail from the Superbox myself, I would not trust my nanny.

Nicole, before reuniting with Eric, set some boundaries of how he is to treat you - with honesty, respect, and mutuality. He seems to find a simple fault with you, bounce out of your life, call you names, and then bounce back. You can stop this - cause he will be back at it again at some point.

Xander and Sarah were cute.  I liked her calling him a big oaf.

  • Love 9

Count me in with the Xander liking group.  I doubt it will last once the truth comes out, and the truth of his caring about Sarah and the baby won't be able to withstand the damage the baby switch has done, but till then, he and Sarah are, for me, the most sympathetic of those couples.  I very much enjoyed their scenes today.  The actors play well together.

Oh joy, Eric forgives Nicole.  Prayers have been answered.  Will Nicole be crawling through broken glass now or is Eric going to save that penance for when he deigns to sleep with her?  I wonder if Nicole will have to light a candle to seal her forgiveness, and if so, can she plant it firmly up his ass?  I only say this with the best intentions, to honor the holiness that is Eric.

Jezuz, Nicole, get yourself a blow up doll and be done with it.  Eric is a smug, sadistic prick and it won't be long before his need to get a spiritual boner by chastising you overcomes any "love" he professes to feel.

And then there's Kristen.......nah, I just can't with her today.


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1 hour ago, boes said:


Oh joy, Eric forgives Nicole.  Prayers have been answered.  Will Nicole be crawling through broken glass now or is Eric going to save that penance for when he deigns to sleep with her?  I wonder if Nicole will have to light a candle to seal her forgiveness, and if so, can she plant it firmly up his ass?  I only say this with the best intentions, to honor the holiness that is Eric.




I've always felt Eric and Nicole thrive on the drama and only truly want each other when there's someone or something else in the way. If they both wanted to be together and have their HEA, they could have had it years ago and no one would have cared as long as they weren't sneaking around to do it.  I think they both buy into this tragic lovers kept apart vision of themselves, when in truth, the two biggest people who have kept them apart, IS themselves. 
I'm well and truly over them as characters and as a couple. I just don't care. I can tolerate each of them only in scenes with others.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, IWantCandy71 said:

I've always felt Eric and Nicole thrive on the drama and only truly want each other when there's someone or something else in the way. If they both wanted to be together and have their HEA, they could have had it years ago and no one would have cared as long as they weren't sneaking around to do it.  I think they both buy into this tragic lovers kept apart vision of themselves, when in truth, the two biggest people who have kept them apart, IS themselves. 
I'm well and truly over them as characters and as a couple. I just don't care. I can tolerate each of them only in scenes with others.

Eric/Nicole were never the love of each other's lives. I do think that at one point they did love each other over 20 years ago.  They were never like Stayla and Jack/Jennifer. Too much has happened during the time they were apart. Plus, Nicole loved Brady and EJ much more than Eric. Eric is so underdeveloped and he is the son of Roman and Marlena who was raised by John. He should be more dynamic and interesting. 

I wish they had made it that Eric's distrust of women stems from his mother's affair, it would have been a great obstacle for Eric to overcome in his journey as a character and in how that shapes his relationships with women.  The show used to be good at that, giving characters an internal struggle/flaw that made them sympathetic to the audience.  I may be alone in this but I hated that they made Eric a priest, they neutered him and it was unnecessary.

Edited by Pearson80
  • Love 8
43 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

Eric/Nicole were never the love of each other's lives. I do think that at one point they did love each other over 20 years ago.  They were never like Stayla and Jack/Jennifer. Too much has happened during the time they were apart. Plus, Nicole loved Brady and EJ much more than Eric. Eric is so underdeveloped and he is the son of Roman and Marlena who was raised by John. He should be more dynamic and interesting. 

I wish they had made it that Eric's distrust of women stems from his mother's affair, it would have been a great obstacle for Eric to overcome in his journey as a character and in how that shapes his relationships with women.  The show used to be good at that, giving characters an internal struggle/flaw that made them sympathetic to the audience.  I may be alone in this but I hated that they made Eric a priest, they neutered him and it was unnecessary.

Amen!!!! Eric/Nicole were each other's first love, but I agree that they weren't the love of each other's lives. Or I should say that Eric wasn't the love of Nicole's life. 

Now Eric who we haven't seen in a significant relationship outside of Jennifer and Greta 20 + years ago. Nicole may in fact be his greatest love by default. 

  • Love 6

I think Nicole IS the love of Eric's life but the reverse can't be said.  However I think Eric brings Nicole back to who SHE believes is her authentic self.  It was her fear of being poor that took her down a bad path and away from Eric all those many years ago.  Nicole hasn't worried about money for years.  She works, but even when she was working at the parish office, she didn't have the same life focus. And now that she has Holly, a big hole in her heart has been filled.  And Eric is just the kind of Dad she wants for Holly and Nicole does love him.  

Eric just needs to accept Nicole is going to be a normal human being, not a nun with benefits. He HAS to stop the immature judgmental attitude.  I don't know if it was meant to be 'truth' or a throw away line, but at least yesterday he acknowledged his own stupidity almost lost him Nicole.  And I'm glad he confessed kissing Sarah.  He needed Nicole to know that happened because secrets are BAD.  And she clearly has had insecurity regarding Sarah. 

Speaking of Sarah, I loved her little speech to Xander.  His choice of cologne is HORRIBLE.  That's just -- priceless.  She should go ahead and fix that.  They were really cute together.  When the baby drama plays out, however, I think that's a bridge too far for her.  And Xander's days of being the 'good guy' in her eyes are numbered I think. Not if she loses Mickey from her arms.  I hope I'm wrong but I kinda doubt it.

Victor, OTOH, will get off scot-free.  Oh they'll be condemnation and curmudgeonry but he won't be ostracized like Xander. 

Tuesday felt like the 'happy before the storm'.  All the couples are re-established (Xarah, Ericole, Bristen).  Just waiting for that DNA-grenade to go off.


  • Love 10
10 hours ago, boes said:

And then there's Kristen.......nah, I just can't with her today.

Or, you know, ever.

I'm sorry, but Crazy McMurder-Chore has no call to be doling out self-righteous slaps to anyone, under any circumstances. I mean, who does she think she is? Abigail?

And Brady … seems to like it, in the end. There really is something wrong with that boy.

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

I wish they had made it that Eric's distrust of women stems from his mother's affair, it would have been a great obstacle for Eric to overcome in his journey as a character and in how that shapes his relationships with women.  The show used to be good at that, giving characters an internal struggle/flaw that made them sympathetic to the audience.  I may be alone in this but I hated that they made Eric a priest, they neutered him and it was unnecessary.

I so agree.  The character, when he's acting all judgy is carrying that burden as well.  Show tries to have it both ways, Eric as a sexual being with flaws and Eric as the all holy one and that just grates on my nerves.

For me, too, my dislike of Eric has a lot to do with how Greg Vaughn plays him,   GV has, IMO, this unfortunate default expression of looking at whoever has disappointed/made him mad, THIS time, as if they just farted, big time, and then he whisper yells at them.  Maybe with a different actor, or if GV acted out his feelings differently, I wouldn't dislike the character quite as much as I do.

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, SueB said:

Speaking of Sarah, I loved her little speech to Xander.  His choice of cologne is HORRIBLE.  That's just -- priceless.  She should go ahead and fix that.  They were really cute together.  When the baby drama plays out, however, I think that's a bridge too far for her.  And Xander's days of being the 'good guy' in her eyes are numbered I think. Not if she loses Mickey from her arms.  I hope I'm wrong but I kinda doubt it.


I agree, Sarah bonded with a baby that is not hers and she was not able to mourn her own baby. How can she look at Xander the same again.  However painful losing the real Mickey would have been for Sarah, losing this Mickey is going to be just as hard, if not worst in a way. She has bonded with Rachel as her Mickey.  This is going to be a gut punch for Sara.

Edited by Pearson80
  • Love 6
11 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Eric/Nicole were never the love of each other's lives. I do think that at one point they did love each other over 20 years ago.  They were never like Stayla and Jack/Jennifer. Too much has happened during the time they were apart. Plus, Nicole loved Brady and EJ much more than Eric. Eric is so underdeveloped and he is the son of Roman and Marlena who was raised by John. He should be more dynamic and interesting. 

I wish they had made it that Eric's distrust of women stems from his mother's affair, it would have been a great obstacle for Eric to overcome in his journey as a character and in how that shapes his relationships with women.  The show used to be good at that, giving characters an internal struggle/flaw that made them sympathetic to the audience.  I may be alone in this but I hated that they made Eric a priest, they neutered him and it was unnecessary.

Eric honestly needs a total revamp because his flaws far outweigh whatever good qualities he has. I don't know if it's too late or not. He's been whiney and self righteous his whole adult life. Maybe his sole purpose should just be to stand there and look pretty.


  • LOL 4
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10 hours ago, SueB said:

Speaking of Sarah, I loved her little speech to Xander.  His choice of cologne is HORRIBLE.  That's just -- priceless.  She should go ahead and fix that.  They were really cute together.  When the baby drama plays out, however, I think that's a bridge too far for her.  And Xander's days of being the 'good guy' in her eyes are numbered I think. Not if she loses Mickey from her arms.  I hope I'm wrong but I kinda doubt it.

A lesser reason as to why I quit watching. It's great that Sarah loves Xander, and he her, but this baby shit is going to ruin it, and so...what's the point? They were the only bright spot on the current hot mess. So with nothing good coming, I peaced out.

Maybe if Steve ever remembers he IS Steve and ends the blah that is Justin/Kayla...or Jack/Jennifer get some meat. (But then they'd be ruined, too. No winning.)

  • Love 8

Am I supposed to like you, Lani, or otherwise root for you? You lost Eli because you did not tell him the truth about some stupid App that can apparently control his grandmother's pacemaker. Eli can choose whoever he wants. You dumped him and now you are mad that you did not get your own way. If you do get him back, your marriage will be doomed.

JJ, please get a job out of town.

Gabi, do not play your cards so openly. Lani knows what you did. Keep the whole pacemaker thing quiet.

At least Xander and Sarah and Eric and Nicole got some romance, of sorts. Xander will come crashing down soon enough, especially if Victor throws him under the bus.

The show seems to be setting up Brady and Kristen for a reunion. Wonder if Maggie is starting to get memories of the night of the accident.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

The show seems to be setting up Brady and Kristen for a reunion. Wonder if Maggie is starting to get memories of the night of the accident.

This is where the year's time jump was REALLY a bad idea.  Before the time jump, we had no reason to like Kristen and basically a lot of us thought Brady was being really stupid by being involved with her.  Flash forward, Kristen has pretty much been a bitch the entire time we've seen her and suddenly (I guess because we saw a few scenes where she lost a baby) I think we're supposed to be rooting for her and Brady?   Even if you feel sympathy for her, that doesn't necessarily make Brady NOT an idiot for getting involved with her again.  We didn't see ANY scenes over the last year that showed Kristen genuinely trying to do anything nice for anyone so as far as we know, she's still a despicable person who had something bad happen to her.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, DaphneCat said:

This is where the year's time jump was REALLY a bad idea.  Before the time jump, we had no reason to like Kristen and basically a lot of us thought Brady was being really stupid by being involved with her.  Flash forward, Kristen has pretty much been a bitch the entire time we've seen her and suddenly (I guess because we saw a few scenes where she lost a baby) I think we're supposed to be rooting for her and Brady?   Even if you feel sympathy for her, that doesn't necessarily make Brady NOT an idiot for getting involved with her again.  We didn't see ANY scenes over the last year that showed Kristen genuinely trying to do anything nice for anyone so as far as we know, she's still a despicable person who had something bad happen to her.

No way does this psycho killer deserve a baby or a loving reunion with Brady. Sarah gets the shaft for this witch. Ron really is a hack.

  • Love 10

What I don't get is why Victor decided to swap Real Mickey with Brady's kid? There were three baby girls born that night, why not take the one with no ties to his family? Of course I am fully expecting that anonymous baby is the actual one that died and was swapped with Real Mickey to show up 5 years down the road as an angry 18 year old

  • Love 5

How'd you all enjoy that Lani/Kristen combo of lovefest and shitstorm yesterday?   

Lani is such a sweet one, isn't she?  I especially love how she disses JJ - you know, Lani, the guy who is letting you hide out in his apartment and trying to help you disable Gabi's revenge plan while you sit on your ass and harrass your brother over the phone?  Because, for some reason, he feels the need to help you and you feel the need to talk crap about him behind his back with Kristen.

And then there's Kristen, just SO indignant about how Gabi "hurt" the twuuu lub of Lani and Eli - because, I guess, Kristen is just a sucka for love.  And now she's just the best bud an almost nun like Lani could ever have!  

I never had much feeling about Lani one way or the other but that sniping, unpleasant pain in the ass who returned can leave again any time - and I have zero interest in seeing her happy.  I would be happy, though, if she left.

Her best buddy Kristen just gets more vacuous, more vicious and more bizarre with every scene.  And apparently, she's JUST what Brady needs to complete him.  He really is Victor's idiot grandson.

Edited by boes
  • Love 12
19 minutes ago, boes said:

How'd you all enjoy that Lani/Kristen combo of lovefest and shitstorm yesterday?   

Lani is such a sweet one, isn't she?  I especially love how she disses JJ - you know, Lani, the guy who is letting you hide out in your apartment and trying to help you disable Gabi's revenge plan while you sit on your ass and harrass your brother over the phone?  Because, for some reason, he feels the need to help you and you feel the need to talk crap about him behind his back with Kristen.

And then there's Kristen, just SO indignant about how Gabi "hurt" the twuuu lub of Lani and Eli - because, I guess, Kristen is just a sucka for love.  And now she's just the best bud an almost nun like Lani could ever have!  

I never had much feeling about Lani one way or the other but that sniping, unpleasant pain in the ass who returned can leave again any time - and I have zero interest in seeing her happy.  I would be happy, though, if she left.

And her best buddy Kristen just gets more vacuous, more vicious and more bizarre with every scene.  And she's JUST what Brady needs to complete him.  He really is Victor's idiot grandson.

You just put your finger on it Boes.  Lani isn't treating JJ and Theo like two people who are going out of their way to do her a favor.  She is treating both of them like rather incompetent employees who are not living up to her expectations.  How DARE JJ not spit at Gabi every time he walks by her.

At this point (even though I know it won't happen) I want Gabi to find out what's happening, and change the app to do something totally unrelated.  When Lani publicly accuses her of having it, she can show all of Salem that Lani is completely crazy.  The app doesn't control Julie's heart - it's a fancy, less obvious, Life Alert system DiMeara is testing (and NOT on Julie, it's actually connected to a necklace Gabi is wearing.)

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

The app doesn't control Julie's heart - it's a fancy, less obvious, Life Alert system DiMeara is testing (and NOT on Julie, it's actually connected to a necklace Gabi is wearing.)

Maybe what Salem needs is a Love Alert system, for when you're about to make a fatally stupid decision in your romantic life ("Help -- I've fallen in love with Bonehead Black, and I can't get up (mostly because I've lost the will to live...")).

Gabi's new Dimera personal tech division would make a mint.


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Three babies were born that night? Was the third just a throwaway comment by Kayla or Haley or did we learn any more about that? 

Totally with you on Lani, @boes. I never took to her (the actress or the character, not sure which if not both), and while she's not responsible for the plot's stupidity, she's been the least sympathetic character on the canvas. And that includes Kristen. 

  • Love 8

There are active Salem brain cells today!

Kayla, your bangs are too long and that hairstyle gives you flat head.

Ciara, Justin, and Kayla are doing some decent detective work. Now to just find Jordan's baby daddy and maybe talk to him about a few things.

Surely Ben's last meal would be more than catfish.

John, drink the water from the bottle Hope was using. Neither him nor 'Doc' could break the window?

Tony and Anna were good for some exposition and seeing a very different side of Steve Johnson. Not exactly brainwashed to be Stefano but close. Prague is a very touristy place these days and they meet at the same café? At least everyone is on the same page with the whole Princess Gina stuff.

Doc seemed more upset with Stefano than with her darling John being possibly dead. Kinda gross for Stevano to move on in to comfort her. And drugged John seeing Marlena in Hope's face. Such romance, such uck.

  • Love 5

Did we just listen to HopeGina tell drugged John, "Take me, Juuuan, take me"?  Somebody in the writers room was able to actually write that down without collapsing into hysterical laughter?

Indeed, Juuuan, take her.  Take her anywhere you want - another cellar, a well, a tower, a dumpster, an outhouse, anywhere that has a lock.  And then throw away the key.

Unless that water was laced with viagra - and lots of it - and HopeGina has some sort of mattress that will shield her bony shoulders from crunching into bits when Juuuuan "takes" her, both of them are going to be begging for some extra strength Advil and a heating pad by the time it takes to achieve that particular goal.  

Good Grief, Show, exactly how much fantasy to expect us to swallow?

I love Kayla, I do, but sometimes I'd like to smack her over the head.  So she has "mixed" feelings about Ben but she so admires how Ciara stands by him, is in awe of her lub for that big lunk of a serial killer.

This from the same woman who barely gave Theresa the time of day and was even worse to Sami, but kissed the ground Abigail lurched over and now, apparently, thinks Ciara is also the best thing since sliced bread.  Or is mentioning sliced bread in reference to Ciara's killer boyfriend in poor taste on my part?

One last thing - so Ciara just CAN'T eat, apparently refuses to EVER eat until she proves that Ben is innocent.  Ain't that romantic?  Especially since it appears her hunger strike just began tonight, at Kayla's, since Ciara doesn't look underfed to me.  Maybe that was just her excuse to avoid whatever it was Kayla was cooking.  

A little serving of humble pie would come in handy for Ciara the next time she IS hungry.

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@boes I honestly found a bit of pathos in Kristen's "You're my best friend. You're my ONLY friend." 

Wednesday: Nookie Nookie everywhere.  Baby Mackenzie is adorbs.  SUCH a good baby.  And the actor are very comfortable with her.  Xarah and Mickey.  Sigh.  Happy times while it lasts.  And Xander feels it.  Ericole gets the romantic music montage for reunion sex.  Kudos to Arianna Z for wearing just fancy underwear on the TV screen. Takes courage over 40. (Note: JLo setting that bar petty damn high for age 50).  

I liked Brady and Maggie.  I can see why Victor thinks she wont survive finding out she killed her own grandchild.  She won't IMO.  The only way she stays sober is in jail. 

- I'm seeing more "Hattie" in the Marlena performance now.  And really, Stevano - "Here's a grisly fake picture of your dead husband!' THAT's gonna help?
- John & Hope/Gina/thinks-it's-Doc -- you know, Deidra Hall looks awesome for 72.  But no way she does the deed on a warehouse floor.  
- I'm happier with Ciara's new idea (go after Evan --- the baby Daddy).

  • Love 7

I got out of work early, so decided to check out he last 10 minutes of the show even though I haven't seen it since some time before the time jump.  Anyway, is it wrong that I was laughing hysterically during the John/Gina scenes/  They were ridiculously overly dramatic. And then when Marlena burst in?  

Then I have a question.  Why doesn't Steve have a patch?  Did his eye get fixed when they gave him Stefano's brain, or did that get fixed earlier and I missed it?  And, boy, does Stefano/Steve have some nerve getting mad that someone is not who they appear to be. Talk about a hypocrite.

And, then I felt like Rafe was like, oh, Steve and Hope are Stefano and Gina.  Ok.  That makes sense.  But, I guess in Salem it does.  I apparently haven't been missing much by not watching.  At least not anything good.

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4 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Finding the baby daddy should have been a priority after Jordan was killed. Wouldn’t he be curious or want custody?

At least Justin listened to both Ciara and Ben. The conviction was too tidy. Hope and Rafe and possibly Eli should also have reached that conclusion.

There was no Hope at that time.

1 hour ago, Katy M said:

Then I have a question.  Why doesn't Steve have a patch?  Did his eye get fixed when they gave him Stefano's brain, or did that get fixed earlier and I missed it? 

His eye got fixed, he's wearing a patch as part of pretending he's Steve.

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

Are the Ozarks some sort of mystical hiding place where a person can disappear and never be seen again? Asking for a friend.

Is Hope left handed, or is it just Princess Gina who's left handed?


Kristian Alfonso is left-handed, according to the internet, so I imagine Hope is also.

  • Love 3
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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