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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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28 minutes ago, Sandman said:

First of all, and most importantly, I agree that posters here are a remarkably reasonable and level-headed bunch. But I have to say I find the idea that anyone feels BOllie and Ciara are an appealing couple, let alone anything amazing, well -- let's go with "startling."

I mean, I believe you. I just don't wanna meet those people.  

I don’t like any couple attached at the hip. At least John and Marlena, for example, have separate careers and friends, and get individual scenes as well as scenes together. Ben/Ciara and Will/Sonny are in every scene together, working together, etc. If I was a fan of either couple I’d be bored out of my mind.

  • Love 3

Gabi, you did well with Kristen. Stefan could have done better. Yes, knock her out but then tie her to something *before* you go to Gabi's rescue.  So she can't also clonk you on the head.

Sarah, you are choosing whiny Eric over the well-meaning Rex. You two kinda deserve each other.

Brady, you should not be with Nicole just yet. Maybe put a few brain cells together to figure out who she really is and why she is really wanting you. You had a couple of clues or thoughts - what happened to them?

Why can't Mr. Shin run DiMera for a while until a proper qualified person can be hired?

Will and Sonny got very lucky. I know I have to have a password to access my banking info. A little too easy and convenient.

Nice to see Victor walking around and not sitting somewhere.

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, PowerIsPower508 said:

I could not possibly love this post any more. Firstly, I definitely hear you on the parts about how other places seem to just tow the line and love certain characters and couples that personally make me sick to my stomach. I know that people are entitled to their opinions, but some of the things I read or hear just baffle me beyond belief. This forum seems to have the most level-headed, rational posters and points of view and when friendly debates arise, they manage to stay just that - friendly. For example, I feel like I'd get stoned or burned at the stake for not agreeing just how AMAAAZZZINGGGG ♥️♥️❤️❤️❤️ Ben and Ciara are as a couple. Maybe if Ciara had kept any of the edge (might not be the right word choice, but I think you know what I mean) she had before they foolishly SORASed her into this perfect little flower, I could get onboard with it. But instead, I think both characters are being done a huge disservice, both have been watered down and it frankly sickens me enough that I mostly end up reaching right for the fast forward button on my remote. Same thing with Chad and Abigail. I liked the first Chad, the second (and current?) one has just never done it for me. Abigail? Nope. Never. 🤮 John and Marlena, too, while I'm at it. (Sorry, I tend to drift into tangents. But long story medium, the maturity and realism of this forum is what drew me to it.) 

ANNNYWAY... back to the Kristen stuff. I love that someone else remembers the layers they gave Eileen to play upon her first return. If I recall correctly, did or didn't her first stint in the nineties end with Kristen being switched out by Susan (with the help of Edmund) and sold into some sort of human slavery situation with a sultan? (Typing that sentence kinda reminds me why I love soaps so much lol). Or am I as nutty as our most recent version? And did they ever explain just how she got out of that situation alive? I thought it was going to actually be addressed during one Bristen scene where they'd either just finished having sex or were about to and she had a semi-breakdown about the things she went through, but never got specific and Brady just held her or the writers just got lazy... or something. 

It aggravates me to no end that Marlena drones on and on (and has from the start) about how EEEEVILLLL Kristen is. From the minute Kristen got pregnant in the nineties and didn't give John Marlena's sappy profession of love, Marlena was ALL OVER her. And John just let her be. Kristen was instantly vilified and went from a loving, sweet and I believe church-going woman (with friends!!) to a pariah. Backed into a corner and forced to do unspeakable things all in attempt after attempt to hold onto the life she'd been TRYING to build with John that Marlena was so hell-bent on ripping apart. If anything, I've always seen Marlena as a self-righteous, sanctimonious bully who's behavior only served as the most negative type of reinforcement to the plots and schemes Kristen was pulling. Nobody saw Kristen as the increasingly mentally unstable person she was becoming. As a therapist, one would think Marlena might have attempted to help instead of hurt her. But I guess her undying and perfect love for John and (okay, justified) hatred of all things Stefano made her professional perspective become obliterated by her personal bias. Kristen had the deck stacked against her from the minute she lost her baby and was she ever truly allowed to grieve that loss? It's sad to see what she devolved into back then, though back then it was also entertaining as hell (for me, at least). Especially when adding Vivian and Ivan into the mix. 😂 

But there is a definite line that the show crossed and I don't think there's ever any coming back. Kristen should have just stayed dead and/or gone for good. I made my peace with that about the 17th time "Kristen" held Marlena at gunpoint. The writing has officially destroyed what used to be a layered, complex character. I just pray it never happens to my Kate (although at times, that hasn't been for lack of trying). 🙄🙄🙄

You are correct!!!! Kristen was tricked and sold into slavery with a sultan.  Susan and Edmund double crossed her and she, not Susan was the one sold. 

When Kristen returned in 2011, she recounted how Stefano was the one to get her out of that situation, she immediately went into intensive therapy to deal what happened to her.  Because of it she felt that she owed Stefano which is why she came back to Salem.

During the Alice Horton death storyline, we found out that Stefano realized that it was Susan and Edmund who escaped with baby EJ and not Kristen as originally planned.  That is when he set out looking for Kristen. 

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Yes only because this is really the first time we've seen him.

I might be misremembering but I think he was there at the meeting where Chad pretended he was going to help Kate takes company away from Stefano, but then he backstabbed her and gave the company back to his father. I think this was in 2012...

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

I might be misremembering but I think he was there at the meeting where Chad pretended he was going to help Kate takes company away from Stefano, but then he backstabbed her and gave the company back to his father. I think this was in 2012...

From daysofourlives.fandom.com :


Wei Shin, commonly referred to as Mr. Shin, was played by Donald Li on August 14, 2014, he is currently being played by Michael Hagiwara. He will be played Michael Hagiwara on August 1, 2019. Shin is a member of the board of directors at DiMera Enterprises, and an executive from Hong Kong.

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8 hours ago, TenaciousWarrior said:

Eric pisses me off. I don’t know why any woman would want this self righteous sourpuss. Does he ever smile or laugh? At least Brady is good looking AND has a personality.

Both Brady & Eric are quite handsome. 


Why are Will and Sonny wearing long sleeved flannel shirts in mid summer?  

Most of Will's wardrobe is flannel. It's like he got a good deal at Costco.  

  • LOL 3
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11 hours ago, PowerIsPower508 said:

I could not possibly love this post any more. Firstly, I definitely hear you on the parts about how other places seem to just tow the line and love certain characters and couples that personally make me sick to my stomach. I know that people are entitled to their opinions, but some of the things I read or hear just baffle me beyond belief. This forum seems to have the most level-headed, rational posters and points of view and when friendly debates arise, they manage to stay just that - friendly. For example, I feel like I'd get stoned or burned at the stake for not agreeing just how AMAAAZZZINGGGG ♥️♥️❤️❤️❤️ Ben and Ciara are as a couple. Maybe if Ciara had kept any of the edge (might not be the right word choice, but I think you know what I mean) she had before they foolishly SORASed her into this perfect little flower, I could get onboard with it. But instead, I think both characters are being done a huge disservice, both have been watered down and it frankly sickens me enough that I mostly end up reaching right for the fast forward button on my remote. Same thing with Chad and Abigail. I liked the first Chad, the second (and current?) one has just never done it for me. Abigail? Nope. Never. 🤮

ANNNYWAY... back to the Kristen stuff. I love that someone else remembers the layers they gave Eileen to play upon her first return. If I recall correctly, did or didn't her first stint in the nineties end with Kristen being switched out by Susan (with the help of Edmund) and sold into some sort of human slavery situation with a sultan? (Typing that sentence kinda reminds me why I love soaps so much lol). Or am I as nutty as our most recent version? And did they ever explain just how she got out of that situation alive? I thought it was going to actually be addressed during one Bristen scene where they'd either just finished having sex or were about to and she had a semi-breakdown about the things she went through, but never got specific and Brady just held her or the writers just got lazy... or something. 

It aggravates me to no end that Marlena drones on and on (and has from the start) about how EEEEVILLLL Kristen is. From the minute Kristen got pregnant in the nineties and didn't give John Marlena's sappy profession of love, Marlena was ALL OVER her. And John just let her be. Kristen was instantly vilified and went from a loving, sweet and I believe church-going woman (with friends!!) to a pariah. Backed into a corner and forced to do unspeakable things all in attempt after attempt to hold onto the life she'd been TRYING to build with John that Marlena was so hell-bent on ripping apart. If anything, I've always seen Marlena as a self-righteous, sanctimonious bully who's behavior only served as the most negative type of reinforcement to the plots and schemes Kristen was pulling. Nobody saw Kristen as the increasingly mentally unstable person she was becoming. As a therapist, one would think Marlena might have attempted to help instead of hurt her. But I guess her undying and perfect love for John and (okay, justified) hatred of all things Stefano made her professional perspective become obliterated by her personal bias. Kristen had the deck stacked against her from the minute she lost her baby and was she ever truly allowed to grieve that loss? It's sad to see what she devolved into back then, though back then it was also entertaining as hell (for me, at least). Especially when adding Vivian and Ivan into the mix. 😂 

But there is a definite line that the show crossed and I don't think there's ever any coming back. Kristen should have just stayed dead and/or gone for good. I made my peace with that about the 17th time "Kristen" held Marlena at gunpoint. The writing has officially destroyed what used to be a layered, complex character. I just pray it never happens to my Kate (although at times, that hasn't been for lack of trying). 🙄🙄🙄

Okay - you and me are going to be very good friends here 🙂

Abigail is revolting to me. Most here agree on that one. Ciara and Ben were exactly the couple I was thinking of when I started writing about how I don't understand other people's opinions of the show, but I know some people on these boards actually like them so I didn't want to dogpile on them again. I've said my piece in the past. Don't want to be a broken record. But yeah. Not a Cin fan.

If it helps you any, try not to think about how awesome little Lauren was when she played Ciara just a few short years ago. The character was so good then. Forget! Forget!

As for Kristen....I literally started the thread on these message boards devoted to her. Kristen was Days of Our Lives to me. She was the reason I tuned in in the mid-90s and the reason I turned back in in 2012. Nothing matters more to me than the Integrity of her character, and seeing her twisted into this ridiculous cartoon villain is so sad. The only thing that makes it a little easier to swallow is the fact that Eileen isn't touching any of this garbage with a ten-foot pole. The truth is, if it was some other character that I didn't have such love and respect for, I probably would be fine. Soaps are full of weird villains who do crazy things and smile gleefully and cackle and all that jazz. I can get into that. But this is Kristen. You rooted for her to do crazy things and get away with them because you believed in her perspective.

And and let's be honest - no shade intended to the great Deidre Hall, but Eileen Davidson is a superstar. Back in the 90s and still to this day, she was a stunner in the looks department and was also a natural at acting. She can handle comedy, she can handle drama, she can handle romance...she can handle it all. I'm amazed she didn't get a break into movies or prime time. I think because the show knew that viewers wanted to see John and Marlena together again, they had to break him and Kristen up. But ultimately in a way they turned Marlena into the villain of the story, and I think that served Eileen very well at the end of the day. She was definitely the more interesting character of the two. How could you not sympathize with a woman whose scarred, mentally unbalanced mother returned from the dead only to get blown up again saving her daughter's life? How could you not care that Kristen had lost her baby and knew her darling fiance would dump her in a second if she wasn't pregnant? How could you not cheer her on as she swapped places with a country bumpkin who hardly seemed capable of counting to 10, least of all maintaining the charade that she's this classy elegant babe? (In fairness, when Susan debuted she was much more normal and only gradually became batty, but I digress....)

And as you quite rightly pointed out, the entire time it went on, there was Marlena inserting herself into the situation. Her stern glares, her leading questions, her moving into the DiMansion, her taking Kristen to doctor's visits...it all went way beyond the pale, even before she knew Kristen was purposely trying to keep John away from her. Her psychiatric training should have absolutely clued her into what Kristen was going through. There was no reason she couldn't have still ended up with John all the while helping Kristen, who was clearly unraveling. But all Marlena ever focused on was how despicable and bad Kristen was. She happily fueled the rivalry between them, and even taunted Kristen well after she knew she was deranged and unstable. The good doctor of Salem, everybody!

I know, I know....this was all done for the sake of story and making Marlena an active participant with a goal to accomplish and likes to expose, but at the end of the day, I stopped watching Days once Kristen left. Marlena may be the centerpiece of the show, and I respect her as such, but she's never been interesting to me. I don't know how a psychiatrist with such a great reputation and everyone's respect manages to have such a dysfunctional group of kids, or such an insane love life. But it's a soap. I think this is why Days is often criticized as putting more focus on their villains. However, I don't think most of those foes are half as interesting as Kristen is to me. And I think she stands a real chance of being a likeable person overall, except when the show is writing her as they are now. And so much of that has to do with what Eileen brought to the role. I'm still gobsmacked they dared to recast character(s).

What the show is doing now with Ben is kind of a reverse Kristen...but that doesn't make any sense. Making someone a serial killer and then trying to make them sympathetic and likeable is a much more difficult narrative route.

Hey, I'm just happy to talk about Kristen with someone else who also noticed the nuance with which the character used to be written. So many people here are understandably fed up with the character, so I feel like I'm always going on and on about her in detail that's of interest to no one but me LOL.

Your memory is excellent. It helps that I've rewatched that entire storyline more than five times in the intervening years, yes, I admit it, not ashamed either, thank you very much, but yes: Kristen tried to lure Susan back to Salem and have her sold into slavery overseas disguised as Kristen. That way, she would get to raise baby EJ as her own and no one would ever hear from the real Susan again. But everything got messed up because Penelope Kent, Susan's long lost sister, ended up at the Blake house instead, face down in the pool and dead...and everyone believed she was Kristen. Susan, sold into slavery abroad, gradually managed to escape the sex slavery thing, which the show somehow managed to play for laughs (!!!) and got to Salem just in time to stop Kristen from running away with Edmund and the baby while disguised as Susan. Rather than kill her or turn her over to the police, Susan managed to get Kristen in the hands of the creeps who'd kept her prisoner on the island. They took her to the island, dragged Kristen to a dark cell and she raged that Marlena had finally won.

We didn't hear much about how long she was trapped on the island however. In 2013, Brady got into an argument with Kristen when he felt she was lying about her reasons for wanting them to move into the DiMansion. She claimed it had to do with Stefano's health and that he wanted his daughter to live with him, but then Brady grew suspicious and cornered her on the subject. Kristen explained that when she was held prisoner on the island, Stefano found her and saved her but that there was a condition involved. She made it sound that after her years in Europe, getting therapy and healing, Stefano called in the favor and was forcing her to reunite the family (a half truth) and live in the house and that she wasn't super keen on it (a lie) but that she owed him big time. They were purposefully very vague about the details regarding her time on the island. I thought they would come back to that subject but they never did. I guess a show that uses rape as a plot point as often as Days does occasionally has moments of clarity where they realize it's not that palatable to viewers. In any event, that was all that was ever said on the subject. But yes, Kristen did cry a little about the "terrible things" she went through there.

And now, after what I'm sure is at least 500 words of off topic rambling, I wholeheartedly invite you to the "Mean, Mean, Mean Kristen DiMera" thread should you care to further discuss this awesome character with me LOL.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

The only thing that makes it a little easier to swallow is the fact that Eileen isn't touching any of this garbage with a ten-foot pole

Do we think she didn’t come back by choice or because show didn’t ask? The reason I mention this is she’s not cheap. When she was on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills she was paid a million dollars a season for maybe 22 episodes and 3 months filming because they had to match her union scale. 

  • Love 2

All I remember reading is that she wouldn't be back and they recast the role. I feel like Ron may have said in an interview somewhere that he approached Eileen first and she declined, but maybe that's just something they agreed to say to cover for the fact that they couldn't accommodate her salary....?

I'm sure Ron would have wanted her back. She did return for the Will Is Alive story, although that only ran for a few weeks and I'm not sure how much she was paid for it. Something tells me they also managed to convince her to come back by agreeing to let her reprise some of the other characters. I get the sense that Eileen really likes playing Susan and Sister Mary Moira. And yet for some reason, she didn't get to play either of them in 2012 or 2013. But that was a different writing regime with a different agenda. And maybe Eileen was more excited about playing Kristen straight and nuanced so as to get an Emmy nod.

I found it especially odd that they had her play an alternate version of Susan for those two days where Kristen went into a detective's office to destroy the evidence of her having raped Eric. It's like the show didn't want to put the real Susan back into the mix. Maybe Ken Corday has issues with the character, or had reservations at the time? I don't know...

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:

Why are Will and Sonny wearing long sleeved flannel shirts in mid summer?

Uggghhhhhh, don't even get me started. Will is my absolute favorite, and plaid is actually in at the moment, but good gawd he doesn't need long sleeves during the summer or to wear plaid every. single. day. Today's episode would have been filmed back in January, and their wardrobe guy has admitted that he doesn't even try to match seasons anymore, so I'm guessing that's how it happened. I'm just glad the guys are both in suits for the party later this week, that at least makes sense and is appropriate for the occasion regardless of season. 🤦‍♀️

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Eileen Davidson is a superstar. Back in the 90s and still to this day, she was a stunner in the looks department and was also a natural at acting. She can handle comedy, she can handle drama, she can handle romance...she can handle it all. I'm amazed she didn't get a break into movies or prime time.

Agree with your love for ED...and miss her very much. However, she DID do prime time as one of the "real housewives" of Beverly Hills. Not quite a movie role, but prime time nonetheless.

  • Love 3
56 minutes ago, MsTree said:

Agree with your love for ED...and miss her very much. However, she DID do prime time as one of the "real housewives" of Beverly Hills. Not quite a movie role, but prime time nonetheless.

She did have a prime time acting credit. Briefly. In the 1980s. A show called Broken Badges that aired on TV for a nanosecond. How do I know? I own this set of short-lived and/or excerpts of popular crime shows (a couple of episodes of Hunter and Silk Stalkings as examples) of the era, all from the late Stephen J. Cannell.

Been ages since I watched it, but I believe the entire series of Broken Badges is on it, so if you like '80s crime shows or want to see short-lived shows that failed in the '80s but concepts that made it later under other folks (Unsub, which failed and seemed like a prototype of Criminal Minds, which would - of course - be a hit!), check it out. I believe Broken Badges is why ED left Y&R the first time in the '80s.

Fellow former soap star Marcy Walker's short-lived SJC show, Palace Guard from 1991, is also included here. (Ironically, ED would play MW's younger sister, Kelly, on Santa Barbara after MW left the soap for that show.)

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Sonny thought the lock picking kit was a family heirloom.   Made me wonder what kind of heirlooms Sami Brady has to hand down to her kids ?  

The kit was really Paul’s who has been mentioned a few times lately.  

Flannel is in style here for guys along with quirky shirts which Will would look adorable in.  

Victor was actually sweet for a minute with his wife.  It was the only time I have believed them as a real couple.  

Brady and Eric scenes were good. I do feel bad for Brady.  Hope Maggie is there for him when Nicole’s plan is unmasked.  

Also just rambling. Brady in the scene with Eric really reminded me of John.  Something about his mannerisms.  Eric’s apartment I like they kept his pictures from Africa.  I love Eric but he is acting like an idiot right now.   

  • Love 2

It's hard to believe that there isn't a blood connection between Brady and Eric, since both of them have such PROMINENT boneheads. 

Brady shows up to taunt Eric, letting him know that NotNicole likes her ham overbaked and hairless like himself, and then Eric collapses into another terrible two tantrum, practically stomping his feet and screaming like a demented toddler.  All that was missing was Brady mocking Eric with "Neener neener nah nah".

They're both such tools.

Then Sarah makes her heroic speech, castigating Brady about viewing women as property - which he pretty much always does - until Brady shuts her down by asking Eric why it matters so much, since he's now with Sarah.  That shut Eric up, and Sarah looked at him like he'd just had a poopy pants.  And Hambone Brady then strutted out, telling them he'd only stopped over to let them know about John and Marlena's party.  The scene reminded me of what "Mean Girls" might have looked like if it had been written by a team of monkeys.

The I.Q. shot up by double digits when we got to see Kate and Mr. Shinn in conversation.  I did love how she played with him like a cat with a mouse.  She's going to get every single thing she wants to take over Dimera, every single thing.

Otherwise, we had the Bobbsey Twins aka Sonny and Will On the Trail of the Krazy Kidnapper, while over at Meerkat Manor, Scream Queen Kristen did an interpretive dance on Gabi and Stefan's heads. 

Delightful day.  (Actually, it was more fun than usual).

Oh yeah, Victor apologized to Maggie for the 854rd time and she bought it. 

  • LOL 15
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14 hours ago, Sandman said:

But I have to say I find the idea that anyone feels BOllie and Ciara are an appealing couple, let alone anything amazing, well -- let's go with "startling.

I mentioned a while back about how a friend of mine went to the DOOL City walk event last year and she ended up having to endure waiting on line with these rabid CIN fans all because they were seated for the signing with Bill and Susan Hayes. Her Instagram stories were freaking hysterical documenting how frightening these fans were. I will say I know some longtime fans that do like them and I can respect that but its the fanatics who I give a big side eye to..like the ones who put them on the level of THE great Days supercouples.

  • Love 4

I was damn near rolling my eyes out of my head when JJ told Haley how strong she was for you know, going to school and getting a job, while manfully pretending that she is in fact weak and constantly needs to be rescued--has she ever actually tried to help herself in any concrete way?  JJ deserves so much better then this drip.

I liked Gabi and Stefan's conversations and Stefan's baffled "Kristen's wearing a Nicole mask"?--yeah that's how we all feel.  And I enjoy Will when he's in investigative reporter mode--he just seems a little more cut-throat when he;s asking pointed questions about the kidnapping/ Xander and Kristen's involvement.

  • LOL 2
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26 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

I mentioned a while back about how a friend of mine went to the DOOL City walk event last year and she ended up having to endure waiting on line with these rabid CIN fans all because they were seated for the signing with Bill and Susan Hayes. Her Instagram stories were freaking hysterical documenting how frightening these fans were. I will say I know some longtime fans that do like them and I can respect that but its the fanatics who I give a big side eye to..like the ones who put them on the level of THE great Days supercouples.

I'm a firm believer in liking what you like, but I've seen some of those fans (and I'm guessing they very well may have been featured in those Instagram stories) express that they like the pairing so much because Ben is a serial killer. At that point, well.........................


  • LOL 11
2 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I was damn near rolling my eyes out of my head when JJ told Haley how strong she was for you know, going to school and getting a job, while manfully pretending that she is in fact weak and constantly needs to be rescued--has she ever actually tried to help herself in any concrete way?  JJ deserves so much better then this drip.

I've always HATED that trope where someone tells someone else they are the strongest person they know.  People are all strong in different ways so saying that is completely meaningless.  I've told Mr. Cat that if he ever attempts to say something that stupid to me I'll show him how strong I am when I hit him with a shovel.  (JK - Mr. Cat would never be that stupid.😹)

  • LOL 7

"Oh, my god, this is starting to get old!"  Was that one of the script writers giving a wink to the audience?  

It amused me that Brandon Barash was playing some of his scenes like someone who'd just been bashed over the head with metal globe, while Camila Banus was pretty much acting like nothing had happened.  

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I was damn near rolling my eyes out of my head when JJ told Haley how strong she was for you know, going to school and getting a job, while manfully pretending that she is in fact weak and constantly needs to be rescued--has she ever actually tried to help herself in any concrete way?  JJ deserves so much better then this drip.

I liked Gabi and Stefan's conversations and Stefan's baffled "Kristen's wearing a Nicole mask"?--yeah that's how we all feel.  And I enjoy Will when he's in investigative reporter mode--he just seems a little more cut-throat when he;s asking pointed questions about the kidnapping/ Xander and Kristen's involvement.

This show always pairs JJ with chicks I don't care for. The only chick he got with I didn't fill me with rage was Eve(although I didn't mind him and Gabi at the time but really they just didn't know what to do with either character at that point in time). I would've gone for a revisit of them while she was married to Jack a nice soapy story of a JJ/Eve/Jack triangle it would be Jennifer's worst nightmare come true the story writes itself instead we got.. this.

Would it have been so hard for the show to have brought back Bev or Roxanne? Chicks he had chem with and I liked plus we already knew them and in Roxanne's case she already knew Jack/Jennifer/Eve so she would've added something more.

3 hours ago, toomuchtv47 said:

OMG. Ben is Glory.

Happy that this is finally going to be revealed. Seems like it's been a long story line.

By golly I think you're right.  (I legit ROFLMAO over this comment... I needed a good laugh-cry today... this comments section in general is on fire today). #Buffy4Ever

I really am enjoying Stabi.  I'm hoping we have a scene where we come back to Stefan saying "so.... wait... Dr Rolf's a genius at brainwashing, resurrection, nanotechnology, and mission impossible masks?"  where it's apparent Gabi has spent the time in the wine cellar explaining the history of Stefano & Rolf's Crimes Against Humanity.  I also completely expect hot sex in that wine celler in the next three episodes.

Marlena and John are so 'honest' with each other they can come up with completely different topics they've been withholding instead of the party?

I know many dislike Haley but girl's hair was ON POINT today.

It sure seems like AZ's time as Kristin is nearly over.  I gotta say it's been fun to watch.  More fun than when SH is Kristin. 

Brady, Brady, Brady ... how can you run Titan if you are currently sleeping with your formerly dead ex-lover of your brother who is actually the formerly dead ex-rapist of that same brother. Therapy dude.  Therapy.

ITA, Wilson is interesting when they are investigating.

Seriously, after ALL that has happened in Salem, seems to me "Kristin Dimera" should be the first suspect in every murder - even if she's theoretically dead.   

Finally, JJ -- you're instincts about Tripp are right -- he's pining for your girl.  But you are an ass to blame him for helping her out.  That's treaing Haley like property.  Haley and Haley alone owns the mess she got into.  Tripp owes Haley an apology for enabling her bad decisions (at best).  Tripp owes nothing to JJ.  And you need to see Haley a bit more clearly - I'm glad you pushed the 'why didn't you tell me' issue but I don't think this is resolved yet.  

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Unfortunately nobody is allowed to blame Haley for anything on this show even if she's at fault. Like I said nice guy doormat. She does have great hair though. 

If this show let Haley have flaws and didn't start JJ/Haley off in the most depressing way ever I could've found them cute but no they didn't give me a chance for that. 

Edited by CanaryFan98
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, tribeca said:

How long is Ari’s camp going to wait for this bathing suit?

I know, the poor thing wants to go swimming 🙂 

2 hours ago, enchantingmonkey said:

It amused me that Brandon Barash was playing some of his scenes like someone who'd just been bashed over the head with metal globe, while Camila Banus was pretty much acting like nothing had happened.  

Camila did do that "I'm so groggy"thing when she first regained consciousness, but then she had to do so much exposition, her headache disappeared 🙂

3 hours ago, tribeca said:

How long is Ari’s camp going to wait for this bathing suit?

I know, the poor thing wants to go swimming 🙂 

2 hours ago, enchantingmonkey said:

It amused me that Brandon Barash was playing some of his scenes like someone who'd just been bashed over the head with metal globe, while Camila Banus was pretty much acting like nothing had happened.  

Camila did do that "I'm so groggy"thing when she first regained consciousness, but then she had to do so much exposition, her headache disappeared 🙂

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I would have hoped that Melinda Trask's daughter would be much more feisty and smart and self-reliant than the drip of Haley. No one, including JJ, should be regularly rescuing her from whatever. She needs to learn how to rescue herself and get herself out of her own holes. It was stupid of Tripp to get her some anti anxiety meds or whatever. JJ deserves a woman who is a lot better than her.

Gabi telling Stefan about pulling off Nicole's hair to reveal Kristen was hilarious.

Why would Marlena invite Susan Banks to her party especially if she lives in Nashville? Is she paying her airfare and accommodation?

Brady, you may have a working brain cell in putting two and one together regarding Kristen and maybe Maggie wasn't delusional or seeing things. Will and Sonny do well in investigation mode and seem to have more to offer each other when they are doing something.

Kristen's mask must have some good glue power. All that ripping off of it should make it less adhesive to a face. You'd think there'd be some skin chafing by now. And I too wonder how she was able to lug both Gabi and Stefan to the wine cellar without breaking a sweat.

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I got a real kick out of Will giving Brady a hard time about Susan today.  Will was really funny in how he was teasing Brady, and Brady responded in kind.  I know the intent of the scene is to put more evidence into play about Kristen's deception, but it's a real pleasure to see the actors enjoying themselves in scenes like this.

Ditto Gabi and Stefan locked in the wine cellar.  Gabi filling Stefan in on how she accidentally exposed Kristen, and then him giving her the stink eye with a smile about how she screwed him over, both of them delivering the scenes with humor and talent, and, seemingly, enjoying themselves while doing it.  I appreciate the lightness from all of them.

It's hard to remember that there was a time I thought Tripp might have a chance to evolve into a decent character, after his disastrous invention and introduction to Salem.  Now, he's such a doofus I'm surprised he doesn't walk into walls.  JJ is completely wasted in this storyline and Haley, for me, has all the appeal of a root canal.  So she's the strongest person you know, huh, JJ?  Then you're walking into walls, right along with Tripp.  If I didn't start ff'ding their scenes, I'd probably have walked into a wall or two myself.  

I'm more than over Kristen as Nicole and over both AZ and SH as well.  This whole storyline and both actors in it are like nails on chalkboard to me now.  Too bad, because I was originally really looking forward to Nicole returning.  Now I'm looking forward to her returning to wherever the hell she was before she came back to town.

I'm assuming that both John and Marlena are going to dress up for their night out at Doug's Place?  Will she wear a bullet proof vest, I wonder, considering how badly her celebrations generally go?  And will they be wearing ear plugs, since if they're going to Doug's Place, there's a good chance that otherwise they'll be deafened either by Julie's squawking or Doug's ukelele.

Good times, folks, good times.

One other thing - With all the SORASing, dates get so completely confused that nothing makes sense if you look at it too closely, but when John said they were celebrating their anniversary from their first wedding in 1986, and Belle was born after that, going by that timeline, she and Shawn Douglas must have combined her 1st Communion with their wedding and he must have had somebody from his Cub Scout troop stand up for him as Best Man.  By that timeline, she gave birth to Claire when she was about 10......

Maybe it's best if Show doesn't EVER mention an exact year for anniversaries or births ever again....

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20 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

JJ said Haley should be applauded since she worked her way through nursing school all on her own, but Show had her say 20x she was grateful to Melinda for paying her college tuition and letting her live w her 🤔 

This is also another reason why Haley was doomed to fail they change her backstory every few episodes.

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2 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

JJ said Haley should be applauded since she worked her way through nursing school all on her own, but Show had her say 20x she was grateful to Melinda for paying her college tuition and letting her live w her 🤔 

I took "on her own" to mean without any real emotional support. Even if she was living with Melinda, other than monetarily, her mother is hardly the supportive type.

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, MsTree said:

I took "on her own" to mean without any real emotional support. Even if she was living with Melinda, other than monetarily, her mother is hardly the supportive type.

THIS.  Don't get me wrong, the helplessness of Haley is HORRIFIC! (Very proud of my alliteration there).  But think about it... Melinda Trask as your support system.  And then to find out she was your mother and like that?  Making you feel guilty for everything she did for you?  I get that Trask (seriously, she's a last-name kinda gal) is coming around but YIKES.  

JJ & Haley NEED to leave the loft.  It was a backwards step for them.  Both are working professionals.  With paychecks.  The loft is for the waiter-types living paycheck to paycheck.  And while I terribly enjoyed crazy cakes Claire hallucination appearances, JJ & Haley should be in a proper apartment (not a 1 bedroom like JJ had before),

I assumed Kristen's mask had some cool nano-tech gel thing to adhere the mask and make it appear so real.  When it's off it sure looks like dime-store Halloween.  They should have used a throw-away line on that kind of an explanation.

Edited by SueB
4 duplicate posts seems excessive, don't you think?
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30 minutes ago, tribeca said:

Has Hailey ever lived on her own ?

that might help her be a little more self sufficient. 

That is a very good idea.  

And may I suggest she consider a cabin in the Yukon, or maybe even a yurt in any remote location of her choice?  Perhaps they need a nurse on the International Space Station?

I'm only trying to help.......

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Chloe is such a busy body. 

Sarahs neck tattoo is very distracting.   She really worked hard on her marriage?   Only Nicolas Cage had a shorter marriage   

Tony looked like a leprechaun in that suit.  

I hope Marlena and John remembered to invite their daughters to this party.  

Who has a party on a Thursday anyway? 

Edited by tribeca
  • LOL 7

"(Eric) wanted to talk about his feelings for the zillionth time". Ha!

I get a kick out of seeing Stefan knocked in the head and locked in his own stupid dungeon.

When I even think back to the previous actor's tenure as Stefan, and all the horrible things he did, I want to throw up a little in my mouth that Gabi is on the verge of confessing she loves him. I've never been so grateful for a recast ever. BB is actually a saving grace here.

Anna buying herself a ring is cute. I hope they play up the comedy more because the actress can absolutely handle it.

Ron, that dungeon room is not a 'wine cellar'. The Wine Cellar was the one in the 90s, and in 2013 they established that Stefano had long since renovated it so there was no more Secret Room - just a storage room. This room is part of the Secret Tunnels. Keep the terminology straight!

Anyone else sick and tired of the wardrobe department dressing Susan like she's Carrie Bradshaw's colour blind cousin? Sure, Susan occasionally dressed up in unexpected ways, but day-to-day she usually just wore a big sweater with horizontal stripes or something simple like that. When she returned in 2014, she looked quite nice. Heck, when Eileen reprised the role in 2017, she also looked fine. Frumpy but fine.

Why the pink furry bolero with the crazy sundress on top of a camisole? I'm still trying to forget the kimono nightmare she wore when John and Marlena finally said their vows last year in the Town Square.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Camilla Banus & Brandon Barash have chemistry, they are selling the storyline to me.  Brandon is much better than TC who did not sell any chemistry during his 'love" for FauxGabi.  I like Gabi's white outfit, very sexy.  Anna is a hoot, I am enjoying her...lol at her buying herself a ring. 


Camilla Banus & Brandon Barash have chemistry, they are selling the storyline to me.  Brandon is much better than TC who did not sell any chemistry during his 'love" for FauxGabi.  I like Gabi's white outfit, very sexy.  Anna is a hoot, I am enjoying her...lol at her buying herself a ring. 

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Today had some great lines. Chloe's, "Didn't you leave your husband for him like a second ago," or whatever was the best but there were several good ones. I can't even remember them all.

I always feel uncomfortable when BB does shirtless scenes because he sucks his stomach in so much and I feel bad for him. Anyway, I'm into Gabi/Stefan again lol.

Sarah's hairdo is a travesty. Why does makeup/wardrobe hate her so much? Also, I love that LG apparently has no idea how to properly sit on a couch. Every time she does it's a new, convoluted way of sitting. I feel like she thinks it makes it look more natural but it really, really doesn't.

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4 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Camilla Banus & Brandon Barash have chemistry, they are selling the storyline to me.  Brandon is much better than TC who did not sell any chemistry during his 'love" for FauxGabi.  I like Gabi's white outfit, very sexy.  Anna is a hoot, I am enjoying her...lol at her buying herself a ring. 

Camilla Banus & Brandon Barash have chemistry, they are selling the storyline to me.  Brandon is much better than TC who did not sell any chemistry during his 'love" for FauxGabi.  I like Gabi's white outfit, very sexy.  Anna is a hoot, I am enjoying her...lol at her buying herself a ring. 

Well, maybe the chemistry can make up for the horrible dialogue between them. They act like two teenagers.lol.

I don't see anything charismatic about BB. He's cute but that's it.

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3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Sarah's hairdo is a travesty. Why does makeup/wardrobe hate her so much? Also, I love that LG apparently has no idea how to properly sit on a couch. Every time she does it's a new, convoluted way of sitting. I feel like she thinks it makes it look more natural but it really, really doesn't.

LG is a very strange actress, her big wooby eyes whenever she declares her love for Eric are embarrassing and just cringe worthy.

I do like Gabi and Stefan's scenes because the characters feel genuinely passionate about each other and I hope they find some kind of happiness,, for as long as that lasts in Salem 🙂

  • Love 6

Tribeca, maybe having the party on a Thursday is to keep it short, so guests don't stay late - they have to go to work the next day. Less money. Or that most of the guests took the Friday off.

Eric, why do you keep going to see 'Nicole'? Ugh.

Sarah Horton, you sure did work hard on your marriage - all of five minutes. You should have been honest with Rex and said 'no'. Not marry him because of obligation or you felt you had to or you thought Eric or whoever you will fancy next didn't want you. At least you and Rex don't have property or assets to divide. And please cover your tattoo at the back of your neck.

Nice that Kristen has no plans about what to do with Stefan and Gabi. Surely someone will find them. Again, that room must stink if there aren't any bathroom facilities. At least Stefan and Gabi can be alone.

Susan Banks looked like her outfit exploded.

My nose turned up at the freezer burned wedding cake.

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23 hours ago, boes said:

I got a real kick out of Will giving Brady a hard time about Susan today.  Will was really funny in how he was teasing Brady, and Brady responded in kind.  I know the intent of the scene is to put more evidence into play about Kristen's deception, but it's a real pleasure to see the actors enjoying themselves in scenes like this.

I almost hollered when Brady stuck out his teeth and said "Mean, Mean, Mean" in the voice of Susan.  That was so unexpected and funny as hell.  😄

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