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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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I'm a little confused. Did the doctors imply that the accident was caused by Eric's unknown heart condition and not the drunk driving?

Yes. They said he already had an infection prior that could happen in healthy individuals. Then they mentioned he could have Lyme Disease. But the collapsed lung happened in the crash.

  • Love 3
The scene with the phone calls was pretty heavy.  So many lives changed in that one moment.


Production-wise, I loved those scenes. They were just perfect with the silent scenes going from one family to the next, until finally Nicole said "hello".  Bravo to all involved.


I just can't with this Sophie's Choice setup. How the hell can Eric AND Brady AND Dan, all of whom were in the same damn accident, be perfect heart matches??? I could maybe buy 2 of them being a match, but all 3? You really need to do better than this, Days.


But it's so campy, soapy good.  And instead of acknowledging the ridiculousness of the chances that could happen, the actors played it straight.


And though I ended up hating Daniel with a passion and will not miss him,  I did feel for Maggie and Nicole. They both made me cry.

  • Love 12

Production-wise, I loved those scenes. They were just perfect with the silent scenes going from one family to the next, until finally Nicole said "hello".  Bravo to all involved.



But it's so campy, soapy good.  And instead of acknowledging the ridiculousness of the chances that could happen, the actors played it straight.


And though I ended up hating Daniel with a passion and will not miss him,  I did feel for Maggie and Nicole. They both made me cry.

I cried today too. The phone calls, the hospital scenes with all involved, all very well done.

  • Love 7


Any bets that neither Eric nor Brady will come out of this with a scar?

I was thinking the exact same thing.  As much as we see Brady without a shirt on (and I'm not complaining, he is fine!), we are not going to see a scar on that finely sculpted chest,.  Maybe for a scene or two but not long-term.  Same would be said for Eric no doubt.


Was Kayla on-call or something?  One minute she is dressed up and in the park with Steve, the next she is in scrubs and a lab coat working in the hospital.  It wasn't that much later either because Nicole was still at the party.  

  • Love 2

What I really liked about today was that Daniel's brain death was revealed pretty quickly. I was like, "Damn....", just the matter of fact way the news was delivered. Not that new not particularly hot doc or Kayla were being insensitive or anything, they weren't, there was just this kind of no going back, no second chance to say goodbye. Then, of course, AZ knocks that shit on out of the park with her shock and immediate devastation.

It made me sad, even though I'm a spoiler whore and knew this was coming.

Also, although I like Billy as Chad, he's not good enough to pull off this ridiculous brainwashing bull. I cringe at these scenes.

I would like to see JJ and Gabi in scenes that last more than 10 seconds.

Edited by Rowan
  • Love 3

She said she was on call which is why she was only drinking water. But before they went to the fashion show, she was drinking a beer on the couch watching football. Continuity matters, people.

I liked today's show. It was soapy and dramatic.

I didn't even mind seeing Abigail because it meant I got to see Chad toss her out of his room. I did notice that in every scene they showed him flashbacking on, she had the exact same expression on her face. Montages are not her friend.

Edited by serenitynow
  • Love 3


She said she was on call which is why she was only drinking water. But before they went to the fashion show, she was drinking a beer on the couch watching football. Continuity matters, people.

Ah, thanks.  I had missed that little scene so I wasn't sure how she had gotten to work so quick after celebrating.  Haha about the beer...I guess that one didn't count...?!


I really liked today's show (minus the Chabby stuff), but a couple things stuck out to me in the inconsistency dept:


It was noted that it was about 1:00am on New Year's eve/day and there were all sorts of people shopping, hanging out, dining, drinking coffee at the Salem Place.  Isn't it a Mall?  I even checked back and one of the shop doors was opened in a scene, to like a jewelry place.  People were toting coffee cups around.  families were ordering dinner.  I could see maybe a restaurant staying open for drinks after midnight on New Year's, but not in mall.  These were older people odering off a menu at 1:00am.  The hell?


Also, I know that Kayla and Fynn (that spelling bugs me) were trying to find out about a donor, but weren't they divulging a bit much to Maggie and Victor.  Sure, Victor is Brady's grandfather, I can see that one more but Eric isn't related to either of them.  Only Kayla, but as a doctor don't she and Fynn have to abide by HIPPA laws despite who these people are?  I could see them saying that there are two viable patients in need and letting them figure out from there, but Kayla spilled all their medical info to them.  I still think it was cruel to make grieving Maggie make a choice like that too.  Only on a soap...


My other thing was that whole Abby scene with Chad.  If it was 1:00am on New Year's, why couldn't she bug him in the morning, say 8:00 or 9:00 am?  Did she have to leave her child  at the hospital at that time?  She could have easily called him too, if it were so dire.  Jennifer mentioned that Thomas was doing OK when she left to get him things at home (a responsible parental thing), but Abby left to pester Chad yet again.  And all the yelling at his room and outside his door at that hour?  I would have called the cops on them anyway.  Then she makes a stop by Salem Place to look at stuff instead of going to the hospital or going home to rest up for her child.  Priorities... This baby is merely a plot point and nothing more.  Too bad he was named after Tom Horton...

  • Love 5

Was Kayla on-call or something?  One minute she is dressed up and in the park with Steve, the next she is in scrubs and a lab coat working in the hospital.  It wasn't that much later either because Nicole was still at the party.

I assumed she was on call since she specifically made the comment as a reason she couldn't drink alcohol when she was at the party. Same thing with Fynn. They were both anvilicious moments.



Also, although I like Billy as Chad, he's not good enough to pull off this ridiculous brainwashing bull. I cringe at these scenes.

I would like to see JJ and Gabi in scenes that last more than 10 seconds.

This is exactly what I meant in my earlier post re: the acting on today's episode. It seems like the more ridiculous the story, the greater the likelihood of less-than-stellar acting from those who normally do fairly well. Not everyone had problems but quite a few really struggled.

And ditto on wanting more JJ/Gabi--specifically, I'd much rather watch JJ scenes than Abby scenes. CM's chemistry with CB is also pretty great.

  • Love 3

My other thing was that whole Abby scene with Chad.  If it was 1:00am on New Year's, why couldn't she bug him in the morning, say 8:00 or 9:00 am?  Did she have to leave her child  at the hospital at that time?  She could have easily called him too, if it were so dire.  Jennifer mentioned that Thomas was doing OK when she left to get him things at home (a responsible parental thing), but Abby left to pester Chad yet again.  And all the yelling at his room and outside his door at that hour?  I would have called the cops on them anyway.  Then she makes a stop by Salem Place to look at stuff instead of going to the hospital or going home to rest up for her child.  Priorities... This baby is merely a plot point and nothing more.  Too bad he was named after Tom Horton...


I'm really confused about what the writers are going for with Abifail. I'm sure we're supposed to be rooting for her and think she's a loving caring mother who only has Plot Point Baby's best interests at heart, but the writing doesn't show any of that. KM is an awful actress but the blame can't be laid totally at her feet. Characters constantly treat Abifail like she's a young woman trying to navigate this crazy thing called life and occasionally makes some mistakes, but is ultimately a good person at heart - but the writing contradicts that at every turn. Abifail is gross. Are the writers trolling or are they just that incompetent? 


Did Chad have any flashbacks of Abifail assaulting him and telling him what a worthless piece of shit Dimera he is?

  • Love 8

Jo murdered the man she thought murdered Steve. Abby and JJ have scary genes.

Was this fact ever mentioned when Steve turned up alive, or did they want to ignore it because of the death retcon and Joy Garrett's death (not able to use flashbacks)?

I think I must be an awful person because when Kayla was asking Marlena about Eric's medical history and Marlena later spoke about Eric's history with Fauxman, my only though was, "Shouldn't you be asking John and Marlena's parents, I mean they are the people who raised him, not mother of the year and fake father number 2."

Today should serve as a reminder to Maggie bashers that SR can bring it big time if she is given the chance to be anything other than a meddlesome shrew. At last, being saddled with Taniel as her progeny has paid off for SR in terms of screen time and writing.

Back to my awfulness. Eric's name should not even be mentioned as a potential organ recipient (do Kayla and the annoying Aussie know the facts of what happened, because I have a problem if they do and offered Eric as a recipient sans full disclosure). He caused the accident and destroyed people's lives, he should not get to profit from living off the organs of the man he killed. Any and all organs should go to the other innocent injured party, Brady, and let the chips fall where they may for Eric (and I say this as someone who actually likes the character and hates his plot point destruction, again, RECAST, don't destroy).

I do hate the continuity issues, I know it's minor but still. Nicole, et al are still on scene at the fashion show of the damned, Jennifer and the others just got to the hospital, Abby and Chad essentially picked up where they left off Thursday. Kayla was last in the park with Steve, but now she is in full medical mode. Again, minor, but seeing the call to her would have connected things more cohesively.

  • Love 8

Did Chad have any flashbacks of Abifail assaulting him and telling him what a worthless piece of shit Dimera he is?


Someone needs to send Abby back to kindergarten where she can learn that it is wrong to hit people. She has to hold the record for number of slaps and number of different people slapped. I'm not even watching and I've seen her slap Chad twice in two weeks. 


Do the writers think this is a way to show she's feisty?

  • Love 9

Today was so sad.  AZ and SR really knocked it out of the park.  JL was also wonderful with her heartfelt plea to Brady that she and Tate needed him.  But man, when Nicole cried that Dr. Tan's hand was still warm, and Maggie pressed herself up against the wall and started crying, I also teared up.  AZ always gets me, and SR's disbelief and grief did, too.  Well done by everyone involved in those scenes.  I think the episode would've had even more impact if only Brady needed a transplant, though, because now it's too far into soap trope land.  But whatever. 


I also really liked the scenes with Jennifer and JJ.  Casey Moss and Missy Reeves have a nice mother and son vibe, and he makes me believe that he loves his mom more than anything.  The same can not be said for Abigail, who continues to show that she only cares about herself.  Damn she was pathetic today.  If she absolutely had to tell Chad right that instant that he was Plot Point's daddy, she could have called or texted, or asked Jennifer or JJ to find Chad, or asked Rafe or Lani, or hell, sent a letter from the baby's doctor via a courier company.  Stupid.


Overall this was a good but depressing episode.  I'm looking forward to Kate, Nicole and Theresa comforting one another and becoming a kick ass threesome.  Kate admitting today that she was driven by a fear of failure made total sense.  While it does not excuse her heinousness, it took a lot for Kate to confess what she perceives to be a weakness, and that's something.  LK was awesome, as usual. 


I didn't even mind seeing Abigail because it meant I got to see Chad toss her out of his room. I did notice that in every scene they showed him flashbacking on, she had the exact same expression on her face. Montages are not her friend.


Oh, that's KM's duh face ... otherwise known as her regular face.

  • Love 9

Today was good.  Very good.  Any time Show gets me blinking rapidly and feeling an unfamilar wetness around the eyes, it's a good day.  Rare, maybe, but good.


Everyone involved in the crash storyline, from the emergency crew to the hospital staff, the family and friends, everyone brought their A game.  Now, in some cases - such as DH - his A game is everyone else's C - but still, it was a series of impressive, heartfelt performances.  And I was grateful that at least today, Victor kept his trap shut around Theresa.  Not today, Victor, not today.


I will not miss Daniel Jonas and that's putting it mildly and for me, his finest moments onscreen are happening right now with him hooked up to a ventilator and unable to talk.  It's the reactions to it all that gets to me, from Suzanne Rogers to Arianne Zucker to Jen Lilley, etc.  Only Doctor "Kiss Me I'm Pretty" left me mostly unmoved, but then again, today is the first time Show gave him anything of substance to do.


Today should serve as a reminder to Maggie bashers that SR can bring it big time if she is given the chance to be anything other than a meddlesome shrew. At last, being saddled with Taniel as her progeny has paid off for SR in terms of screen time and writing.


Count me among the Maggie bashers who loved her today.  Finally she was given something to do, to react to, that brought out her strengths, let us see the skill she's honed for the last 50 years.  And funny, it was around a storyline about the character that ruined her, her egg baby, Dan the Tan Man.   She's a good cryer, always has been, and I'm sure that will be on display for some time to come.  But come ON, Show, give her more to do than that.  Ignoring a talented actress with years and years of history with the show is a criminal waste of talent.

If that happens, I'll dial back my bashing to simmer.


Oh!  Best surprise of the day to me was Casey Moss.  He was excellent in every scene, hit every note perfectly in my opinion.  He was saddled for so long with the Paige mess I'd almost forgotten how much promise I thought he had.  Guy has been building on his talent, that was evident to me today in his Gabi and Jenn scenes.  

And he cleans up really well, doesn't he?


Did Chad have any flashbacks of Abifail assaulting him and telling him what a worthless piece of shit Dimera he is?


I don't know about him but I have flashbacks. And who needs flashbacks when she turns into a raving lunatic at the drop of a hat?  And there go the fists again.  


Of course Chad remembers having sex with her in the garden, so why she thought she had to remind him was silly.  All he has to do is go see that part of the lawn, dead and yellowing, where nothing will grow - ever again.  Poor guy will never be able to look at a grass stain the same way again.

Switching from the hospital to scenes of her was absolutely jarring.  Hence, Jar Jar.  


Too bad that genetic testing didn't reveal that Abigail isn't Jen's daughter, that she took home a baby kangaroo by mistake.  

  • Love 15
Too bad that genetic testing didn't reveal that Abigail isn't Jen's daughter, that she took home a baby kangaroo by mistake.  


That would be awesome!  I'd love it if there was some baby switch that happened when Abigail was an infant.  I've long wanted her to be killed off and for a long-lost daughter of Jack (or Jennifer) to be brought on to take her place.  This would be a great way to make that happen without making sullying Jack and Jennifer in the process.

  • Love 4

Of course Chad remembers having sex with her in the garden, so why she thought she had to remind him was silly. All he has to do is go see that part of the lawn, dead and yellowing, where nothing will grow - ever again. Poor guy will never be able to look at a grass stain the same way again.

Switching from the hospital to scenes of her was absolutely jarring. Hence, Jar Jar.


The shade. The shade!

Boes you need to write the humor for Days, you get it.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 2

Another fucking brain problem... Daniel is braindead.



Wasn't Daniel always braindead, along with Brady and Eric?


I wish I could celebrate Daniel's death since I never liked him, but there are so many other characters that are gone who should still be on the show, that even Daniel's death doesn't cheer me up.


The show will never be fixed so long as Ken Corday has a say.  He is the biggest problem.


Theresa and Kim's relationship will never be fixed, and Theresa will continue to be insulted by Victor because she is not one of the favored characters.


Somehow Nicole mourning Daniel will end up being bad because again Nicole is not one of the favored characters.


At some point, Sami will be blamed for what Eric did, or Salemites will be saying Eric is just like Sami because Ken Corday and the idiot writers didn't beat that dead horse enough with Will, and also see above about not being a favored character.


Sami and Lucas both made mistakes, and did terrible things to each other, but once they became a couple, they stopped trying to ruin each other's lives.  I don't like the writers rewriting history though, and putting all the blame on Sami.  Lucas and Kate played their part to.

Edited by TigerLynx
  • Love 6

I thought it was funny how all the guys came in shirtless. Did they lose their shirts in the accident. Overall, it was a well done sad episode. Too bad the Aussie guy was there to ruin it. Would someone send him back where he came from. I can hardly wait to see Brady recover from his heart transplant in time for summer in his bathing suit. Even if Greg Vaughn was he recipient of the heart transplant his hairy chest couldn't cover up a scar. LOL!!!

It's too bad they are getting rid of both Christian & Vaigh. Especially, right after the departure of Cosgrove & Freddie Smith. Salem is going to be very light on the mid 30 year old studs.

Edited by stacey
  • Love 3

I don't know about him but I have flashbacks. And who needs flashbacks when she turns into a raving lunatic at the drop of a hat? And there go the fists again.

Of course Chad remembers having sex with her in the garden, so why she thought she had to remind him was silly. All he has to do is go see that part of the lawn, dead and yellowing, where nothing will grow - ever again. Poor guy will never be able to look at a grass stain the same way again.

Switching from the hospital to scenes of her was absolutely jarring. Hence, Jar Jar.

Too bad that genetic testing didn't reveal that Abigail isn't Jen's daughter, that she took home a baby kangaroo by mistake.

Call the coroner, I'm dead.

  • Love 5

Oh that was a very sad episode yesterday. I cried again, mostly along with Nicole and Maggie. When Maggie slumped on the side of the wall -- ugh. Unfortunately, a lot of the traumatic brain injury stuff reminded me of my soon-to-be-son-in-law's diagnosis with that last summer after a motorcycle accident. I remember when my daughter slumped in my arms like Maggie did at one point -- oy. But happy to say, he's made a full, and miraculous, recovery. 


I loved some of the choices they made yesterday -- as others pointed out, that rolling scene with the phones ringing was riveting. They even sprung for a new ER set! 

  • Love 7

I haven't watched this show regularly in over a year. I tuned in to see Bo return and caught a few clips along the way. These two episodes (Friday and Monday) were almost a fresh start for me. This car crash story is bread and butter soap. It's easy to do it well. Random thoughts:


It was jarring to see Nicole & Daniel together and in love. Where did that come from? Why did the writers ditch Ericole? Oh, right, they suck. I could make a joke about how Nicole and Daniel have worked their way through the entire town so naturally they'd end up together but I like Nicole and I never liked Daniel. And after months and months of the twuest wuv that evah wuv'd that was Dannifer I'm amazed the show finally gave up on that. It was also hilarious to hear Daniel declare his undying love to yet another woman. 


AZ and SR broke my heart in their scenes. They were amazing.


Victor referring to Daniel as being "like a son to me" was also hilarious. Especially since he said it to John, who used to be "like a son to me" during the Isabella days. Bwah!


The silent scenes of everyone finding out were good. It was nice to see Marlena and John and Roman be, you know, parents. It would be even nicer if Roman's face could visible register emotion. Also, Mar and John are back together. I prefer Marlena away from John but whatever.


Brady and Theresa are together. Wow. Considering how this show trashed Theresa beyond repair I'm amazed but pleased. I like JL and I like her with EM's Brady. I guess she had a brain chip, huh? JL did a nice job with her bedside scenes. Also, neither John nor Victor called her a whore for, like, five whole minutes. Which reminds me, did Victor call Nicole a whore when he found out Daniel was marrying her? For old time's sake and all.


Chad and Belle were hot. They need to happen. nuPhillip looks like he needs to hang out with the teen scene. 


There I was, thoroughly enjoying Chad telling Abby to get lost and then Chad started having flashbacks. Did the director tell Billy Flynn to imagine he was trying to remember if he turned off the Nespresso machine before he left his apartment? Because that's what it looked like to me. BF does not give good flash back face. And seeing the Chad / Abby story condense in 3 minutes was frigging painful. 


All in all, two good episodes. Unfortunately, they were as good as the Nick is murdered episodes. These are the stories that are easy to tell, the ones where the emotions are built in, where even the weakest actors can bring it, where the audience has their tear ducts primed and ready to go. I didn't see anything that made me want to watch another episode. Unless they're offering more half-naked GV. T

  • Love 2

I'd mentally prepared myself to complain about Nicole, and to a lesser extent, Theresa, not having anyone to turn to with all of this. Then I watched the episode and there was John with his arm around Theresa, and there's Maggie, hugging Nicole (more than once, even!).And yes, Victor even kept his misogynist mouth shut. Nicely done, Show.

  • Love 9

I couldn't resist a hate-watch today. Abigail is abhorrent as usual but what made me bust out laughing at my desk was hearing Maggie say she was going to pray about what to do but realized she'd get better advice from Daniel. If you're keeping score, God 0 Daniel 1


As excellent as SR is--the woman is selling her pain like nobody's business--I did laugh at that line as well.  Seriously, we know Maggie loves her son, but to make him God-like is a little too much.


Abs scenes with Chad today felt very manipulative, like making him come into Thomas hospital room and look at the sick baby, and her facial expressions weren't ones of hope or longing but calculation.  I can't believe the show wants us to believe this chick is a heroine.  


AZ and JL were once again bringing it in their scenes as well--I believe their grief and I just want to reach into the TV to give them a hug.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 4

While these are great scenes, Maggie had this much love for embryo boy. LOL.

Now here is Abifail with plot point baby, trying to convince Chad. Chad is being real Maury with it right now. "Thats not my baby" Dont break Chad, loving you about now while it last

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

The teen scenes felt so out of place. I guess the writers were trying to prevent the episode from being 100% depressing, but still. The scenes felt awkward.


I love Chad being so dismissive of that girl. He should demand the paternity test be done at a different hospital. You know, one where it isn't super easy to alter the results or pay someone else to do it. 


I find it hard to believe that someone like Victor wouldn't be able to acquire a black market heart.

  • Love 3

God, even the scene with JJ telling Jennifer about what happened had me a total mess. Then I realized today we haven't even got to the inevitable Parker scenes :( Damn this show for making me getting emotional over Daniel.

And then we had Joey saying he's in love with someone "old" and I gagged. This can't end well.

  • Love 2

The teen scenes were so out of place that's for sure. The bad acting from that bunch was even more obvious after seeing the vets on this show shine through with their great acting. I just couldn't listen or watch so I muted them. Then we have John, the worse actor of the vets, proclaiming he wants to donate his heart to his son. From good to bad, from bad to good, from good to bad ...

  • Love 3

Im surprised they remembered Chase/Ciara "grew up" together or was it that easy...

Henry, who the hell is this One Direction wannabe. Why should we fucking care about this guy??

Chad and TJ have the same blood disorder. Hence, he's the daddy.

Marlena looks really great.

The best shes looked in awhile.

When Victor isn't being a douche he can be a good man with wisdom and a good husband to Maggie.

  • Love 4

I haven't watched this show regularly in over a year. I tuned in to see Bo return and caught a few clips along the way. These two episodes (Friday and Monday) were almost a fresh start for me. This car crash story is bread and butter soap. It's easy to do it well. Random thoughts:

It was jarring to see Nicole & Daniel together and in love. Where did that come from? Why did the writers ditch Ericole? Oh, right, they suck. I could make a joke about how Nicole and Daniel have worked their way through the entire town so naturally they'd end up together but I like Nicole and I never liked Daniel. And after months and months of the twuest wuv that evah wuv'd that was Dannifer I'm amazed the show finally gave up on that. It was also hilarious to hear Daniel declare his undying love to yet another woman.

AZ and SR broke my heart in their scenes. They were amazing.

Victor referring to Daniel as being "like a son to me" was also hilarious. Especially since he said it to John, who used to be "like a son to me" during the Isabella days. Bwah!

The silent scenes of everyone finding out were good. It was nice to see Marlena and John and Roman be, you know, parents. It would be even nicer if Roman's face could visible register emotion. Also, Mar and John are back together. I prefer Marlena away from John but whatever.

Brady and Theresa are together. Wow. Considering how this show trashed Theresa beyond repair I'm amazed but pleased. I like JL and I like her with EM's Brady. I guess she had a brain chip, huh? JL did a nice job with her bedside scenes. Also, neither John nor Victor called her a whore for, like, five whole minutes. Which reminds me, did Victor call Nicole a whore when he found out Daniel was marrying her? For old time's sake and all.

Chad and Belle were hot. They need to happen. nuPhillip looks like he needs to hang out with the teen scene.

There I was, thoroughly enjoying Chad telling Abby to get lost and then Chad started having flashbacks. Did the director tell Billy Flynn to imagine he was trying to remember if he turned off the Nespresso machine before he left his apartment? Because that's what it looked like to me. BF does not give good flash back face. And seeing the Chad / Abby story condense in 3 minutes was frigging painful.

All in all, two good episodes. Unfortunately, they were as good as the Nick is murdered episodes. These are the stories that are easy to tell, the ones where the emotions are built in, where even the weakest actors can bring it, where the audience has their tear ducts primed and ready to go. I didn't see anything that made me want to watch another episode. Unless they're offering more half-naked GV. T

Great comments. I'm similarly baffled by Nicole marrying both Victor and Daniel - father and son, almost - considering how badly they typically treat her. But it was such a relief this fall seeing someone happy amidst all the murders that I forgave Nicole for debasing herself with Taniel. I will be happy to see her in better SLs in the coming weeks. They better not have her chase Eric around to have arguments again because that will cause me to scream myself hoarse.

I had no interest in Janiel as a couple, but the way the writers just abandoned them made me appreciate Jennifer's grief over his passing today. Missy was stellar in her scenes learning the truth about the boys. Frankly, I don't think she got over Daniel, and it was a huge waste on the show's part to give Janiel no coda right before this SL. If this is how they wrap up the arc of a couple they forced down our throats...why should we get excited about any couple?

Theresa being somewhat redeemed has been good. JL is an asset to this show. I'm sorry I missed John comforting her. I would have liked to see it, even if my jaw would be hanging open.

The Maggie/Victor scenes were excellent today. Really excellent. They explored all the angles of Maggie's impossible decision and it felt like a classic soap situation in the best way. I felt for a second like I was watching a scene from Another World...!

But as you rightly pointed out, these big deaths/accidents are basic storytelling. That's why I think we've seen so much of them since this new regime took over. Big deaths = instant drama. I'm majorly tired of the crying.

I don't know why I didn't believe you guys when you said Chad's flashbacks included random images. They do!!! Why the heck were there lions running around and a giant spider close-up?! Hilarious.

I remain stunned that Eric - with his model looks and great physique - was not used as eye-candy following the end of his priest shtick. The guy is barely ever shirtless, and his one big love scene in three years was being raped?

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 6

I've loved John since he was "The Pawn", but offering to donate his heart to Brady really stupid.  This isn't Once Upon a Time, where a heart actually can be split between 2 people, right.  I will say, DH really had a pained expression on his face, and he was believable as a father desperate to save his son.


Which brings me to Daniel and Nicole.  Although AZ is acting her heart out (no pun intended) because Nicole and Daniel were backburnered for so long, I still remember them fighting more than being in love, so the scenes aren't as moving to me as if they'd been recently shown planning their wedding and being madly in love.  That said, I was happy not to have Daniel on my tv screen, so I can't really complain.


I didn't hate the teen scene.  It did break up the sadness, but why the new teen boy, when we still only have 2 teen girls?


And Abigail, Abigail, Abigail...  I know you don't write your scenes, but why, why, why haven't you at least taken a second to pop in to see your mother.  She is in the same hospital, you know.

  • Love 6
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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