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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

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3 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

Of course she hates her job.  Do you KNOW how many times she's had to tell people their loved one is dead, only to have said person magically stroll back into the room?  Not to mention the number of bad DNA results she's had to give?  She's probably like, "What's even the point anymore?"  She's probably gotten to the point where she feels like she's at least safe diagnosing a sprained ankle (but should really tell the person to get a second opinion anyway because someone will do something to prove her wrong.)

Not to mention she's the only person on staff, so has to work everything from the ER to surgery to janitorial and administration.

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Dear Show,

Please stop giving characters monologues about events that you don't bother to film.

"This one time, Johnny was singing karaoke..."


"Ali helped this girl who fell off her..."


"That look right there...you had that exact same look when..."


Crazy idea: write scenes and storylines well enough that characters don't have to later augment them with added details to cover up how flimsy they were!

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Sorry, I just can't with Jake and Ava. The couple rarely had screen time and when they did, their story did not portray this big love story. I also had to laugh at the way dead Jake was presented. Abby was on a cold medal slab in the morgue while Jake was tucked into bed. Did Marci Miller run over someone's cat?

I like Brandon Barash, but I just don't like the characters (Stefan & Jake) Days have given him. In my opinion, Brandon should have come back as Alex Kiriakis not Robert Scott Wilson.

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18 hours ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Don't see why Jada was so shaken about shooting the robber when it was clearly a good shooting. 

She shot him in the back.

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1 hour ago, Ral80 said:

Sorry, I just can't with Jake and Ava. The couple rarely had screen time and when they did, their story did not portray this big love story. 

This!  And Ava can miss me with her boo-hooing at yet another man who's hurt her tender delicate heart.  She's vindictive and cold-hearted  and she deserves all the pain in the world.  Why couldn't the bad guy day player have done us a solid and shot her instead of Jake?  I did like Kate and Gabi's shocked reactions to finding out about his death though--well played.

I did love Chad's angry reaction to EJ's saying his losing Sami was the same as Chad's losing Abby and when EJ threw Abby's mental illness back at Chad?? DAMN!!  That was mean.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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I, too, like other posters do not understand this big "Love Story" between Jake & Ava.  They only dated a few weeks(Months, maybe), all of a sudden they are proclaiming "I Love You" & Jake feels compelled to buy Ava an engagement ring?!  I did not buy. I do not understand why Ava got to have a big, emotional, dramatic scene proclaiming her Love & being so heart-broken.   I did enjoy the funny scene of Allie & Johnny smashing pies in each other's faces :)

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I watch Days once in a blue moon… in other words I rarely do it. I do admire those who are ride or die on this longtime soap. If you’re a loyal viewer… you have my respect. So here’s my question to the true DOOL fans… What I should follow like storylines or romances or any crazy rivalries etc? 

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5 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Dear Show,

Please stop giving characters monologues about events that you don't bother to film.

"This one time, Johnny was singing karaoke..."


"Ali helped this girl who fell off her..."


"That look right there...you had that exact same look when..."


Crazy idea: write scenes and storylines well enough that characters don't have to later augment them with added details to cover up how flimsy they were!

Co-signed. It's the old adage:  show, don't tell. Yet DOOL thinks they can get away with all this "telling" instead of "showing" and it's doubly bad for DOOL because tv is a well...you know...VISUAL medium!  

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4 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

Co-signed. It's the old adage:  show, don't tell. Yet DOOL thinks they can get away with all this "telling" instead of "showing" and it's doubly bad for DOOL because tv is a well...you know...VISUAL medium!  

Considering how much the show loves to keep showing flashbacks to things that happened the day before, why not just filmed these small scenes and have a character flashback to that moment when they bring it up.

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22 hours ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Robert's never been bad at the physical part of acting.  He actually does that part quite well.  It's always the verbal deliveries and facial expressions at which he seems to be hit or miss.  Though he already seems to be doing better at both as Alex than he did as Ben.

I mean, he's a model. The guy is very aware of his body and how to move and I think he's pretty good at that. The way he kind of just languidly put his leg up felt pretty anti-Ben, and I bought that he wasn't Ben.

The verbal stuff is pretty true- it was especially bad when they tried having Ben play out Shakespeare. 

17 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

The only reference to Ben will likely be their universal out-of-nowhere adoration for "Alex".

Because RSW is the greatest 🤢

I mean, at least Ben is gone, right? Take your small victories where you can.

We've got Frat Boy Alex instead now. 

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1 hour ago, Lucas Rowan said:

I don't agree.  I don't care about seeing it.  As long as I believe in the delivery of the one giving the monologue, I can buy and believe it.  And I fully believed Raven's deliveries of Chanel's monologues today.

Ugh I hated the monologues al la Chanel as well as the cherry/peach pie contest 🙄 

Also thought the Brady Chloe Kristen scene was very high school and not as hilarious as Ron thought it was 🤣 but I did kinda like the morning coffee with Kristen Ava and Jake 

RIP Jake methinks we haven't seen the last of you. Where is Dr Rolf? 

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I was quite surprised to hear adult terms on sexuality today. It was a bit refreshing to not hear nick names and that two adults could talk like adults and have no shame. I give Paulina credit for having rather open conversations with her daughter. The pros and cons list was pretty stupid though. Listen to your heart and see what it wants - one, the other, neither.

Allie and Johnny and the pie throwing was stupid. The bakery needs the revenue from the pies. Not their faces.

The Jake Ghost and Ava was nice. A farewell.

I enjoyed Kate and Paulina drinking together.

EJ, the Salem Inn is probably booked. Where do you expect Chad to go? Bunk in with Sonny at the K mansion? Give him a month to get out. Plus get his shares.

Gabi, it was pretty cold to ask about Jake's shares and putting yourself first. How do you expect Ava to marry a dead guy?

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11 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

EJ, the Salem Inn is probably booked. Where do you expect Chad to go? Bunk in with Sonny at the K mansion? Give him a month to get out. Plus get his shares.

Chad is not broke and could afford to buy his own place but even in the mean time, he could go stay at the Horton House. He and the kids have lived there before and he might feel closer to Abby over there.

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11 hours ago, Ral80 said:

Sorry, I just can't with Jake and Ava. The couple rarely had screen time and when they did, their story did not portray this big love story. I also had to laugh at the way dead Jake was presented. Abby was on a cold medal slab in the morgue while Jake was tucked into bed. Did Marci Miller run over someone's cat?

I like Brandon Barash, but I just don't like the characters (Stefan & Jake) Days have given him. In my opinion, Brandon should have come back as Alex Kiriakis not Robert Scott Wilson.

I love this entire post. Of course, I'd take Duke as Alex over RSW ....sooo....

16 hours ago, brisbydog said:

RSW does nothing for me no matter who he plays, and half naked and greased up is just repellant.


10 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

And Ava can miss me with her boo-hooing at yet another man who's hurt her tender delicate heart.  She's vindictive and cold-hearted  and she deserves all the pain in the world.  Why couldn't the bad guy day player have done us a solid and shot her instead of Jake?

Word. At least Jake can repair a car. Ava's vile and useless. BTW, how's that catering company going? 🙄

10 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I did love Chad's angry reaction to EJ's saying his losing Sami was the same as Chad's losing Abby and when EJ threw Abby's mental illness back at Chad?? DAMN!!  That was mean.

Terrifically intense reactions for sure. I thought EJ was also throwing his affair with Abs at Chad. Or did that come to mind only because they didn't acknowledge it...? One of the two. Honestly I was a little lost. Why is Chad getting kicked out? Cause he knew Lucas was Sami's kidnapper?

8 hours ago, DeafAngelboy23 said:

I watch Days once in a blue moon… in other words I rarely do it. I do admire those who are ride or die on this longtime soap. If you’re a loyal viewer… you have my respect. So here’s my question to the true DOOL fans… What I should follow like storylines or romances or any crazy rivalries etc? 

Welcome! The pickings are slim. The show has become a campy cartoon and very jumpy. Low budget too. You missed some good years in the 90s and 20teens. A cheat sheet of things maybe worth following:

-the show's 1st bisexual love triangle between Chanel and twins Ali and Johnny.

-Eric and Nicole. 1st loves. Formerly married. Tortured romance where they keep missing each other. We call him Eeyore here.

-the 1001 skintight dresses of Gabi Hernandez

-Hurricane Sami Brady, who pops in, causes choas, and then leaves for months at a time.

-Victor, who likely won't be around much longer, but who has a quick wit regarding the nincompoops around him.

-Steve and Kayla's surprisingly red-hot-into-their-60s romance.

-Kate. She's the reigning diva of Salem. Never gets good storylines though.

-Sami and Belle will soon be fighting over creepo EJ. That's...something to watch I guess? Belle has broken off her marriage to Shawn before so...it's getting sad now.

-Xander is the show's most likable reformed villain.

They're also bringing in/back a bunch of characters so now is a good time to jump back on board.

I don't watch regularly either. It's too frustrating. Good luck!

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6 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Why is Chad getting kicked out? Cause he knew Lucas was Sami's kidnapper?

Chad did more than just know about Lucas being Sami's kidnapper. He actually found Lucas going into the Dimera accounts (using Kate's access) to plant evidence that EJ was behind the kidnapping. Because Chad still had some lingering jealousy over Abby sleeping with EJ in the past and because he didn't want to share the CEO-ship of Dimera Enterprises, Chad went to the police and show them the doctored evidence that EJ was guilty. He also show Sami the doctored evidence minutes after EJ convinced her that he was innocent but here comes his own brother with damning evidence that he was guilty. He then testified against EJ in court which helped EJ get convicted and sentenced to prison for 10 years.

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I could care less about Allie and Chanel, but I was enjoying the bromance vibes between Sonny and Chad. NuSonny really was an awesome recast. I've never particularly liked Old Sonny because he gives me Cult Leader vibes, but this Sonny is really good. I completely bought the vibe that these guys have been friends for a very long time.

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2 minutes ago, brisbydog said:

Yeah. Their scenes are so bad. And I'm not anti lesbian by any means, I just find Allie so dull and void of personality.

I think Lindsay Arnold is the best actor out of the younger set, but yeah Allie is written pretty terribly most of the time, but I mean they all are. They haven't even settled on a personality for Johnny yet. This whole triangle was one of the worst I've ever seen.

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1 minute ago, ihavenoidea said:

I think Lindsay Arnold is the best actor out of the younger set, but yeah Allie is written pretty terribly most of the time, but I mean they all are. They haven't even settled on a personality for Johnny yet. This whole triangle was one of the worst I've ever seen.

Oh I think Chanel is by far the best actor of the 3, or at least has some charisma. Allie sucks energy out of every scene. And I don't care for Johnny either. I quite liked Chanel with Tripp

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35 minutes ago, brisbydog said:

Oh I think Chanel is by far the best actor of the 3, or at least has some charisma. Allie sucks energy out of every scene. And I don't care for Johnny either. I quite liked Chanel with Tripp

Raven has lots of charisma, I like her a lot and adore Chanel, but she's awful at crying. Allie is written as such a drip I don't think Lindsay has much to work with, but when she was the devil I thought she played it very well, completely different from Allie. Whereas I thought Johnny was about the same as usual when he was the devil. I actually do like Tripp too and think it's a shame he's only ever used as a device to keep couples apart.

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I watched again today, and honestly was rather bored. 

I really don't care about the Chanel/Johnny/Allie triangle, but am glad it's hopefully over, as the bickering between the twins was annoying.

Enjoyed Paulina and Kate., and to a lesser degree Abe and Roman. I do like that Abe and Paulina are married, and I'd be ok with Roman forgiving Kate, as I think they make a good pair. 

So Abe's gonna run for governor? Guessing he won't win, but if he did, wonder who'd become major.

Gabi and Ava, and the marriage plan seems doomed to fail, but I suppose Gabi can bribe someone at city hall to get the paperwork.  But so tired of Dimera shares and the power struggle, and really don't care who wins, just make it stop already.

Like others, I like nu-Sonny. He fits the role well. Back when I first started re-watching in 2013, Chad and Sonny had the little bar/coffee shop, and I liked their friendship then, so like that they remember they're friends all these years later.  

I'd read that Dr. Rolf was going to be back, and that it was going to be a different actor, so I wondered how that would work, so was pleasantly surprised that nu-Rolf was close enough to original(?)-Rolf that the recast wasn't glaring.

Edited by buffynut
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Paulina/Kate being friends is far less contrived than Kate's other friendships on this show. I hope they keep it. 

I thought the EJ/Rolf exchange was amusing.

Wait there was Abe giving us an update on Eli and the twins which was nice. 

Those are probably the only nice things I can say about this episode tbh.

Edited by CanaryFan98
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So Paulina is going to be the newest Julie and get herself involved and give her opinion in every storyline now? She and Kate as friends makes me laugh - they both will lie and cheat to get what they want and neither can be trusted (although they always have a "good" reason for doing what they do). And why would Paulina tell Johnny that she was rooting for him - like that isn't going to come out at some point?

Gabi is just going to fabricate a wedding certificate? Oh that's right - this is Salem.

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1 hour ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Paulina/Kate being friends is far less contrived than Kate's other friendships on this show. I hope they keep it. 

I thought the EJ/Rolf exchange was amusing.

Wait there was Abe giving us an update on Eli and the twins which was nice. 

Those are probably the only nice things I can say about this episode tbh.

I’ll probably miss out on little things like the Elani/twins update since I have been hitting the FF button a ton, or skipping episodes altogether lately.  Might even take a hiatus. 

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2 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

I’ll probably miss out on little things like the Elani/twins update since I have been hitting the FF button a ton, or skipping episodes altogether lately.  Might even take a hiatus. 

You aren't missing much just that Abe said Eli found an apartment in DC and Valerie is helping out with the twins.

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What is the plan, Dr. Rolf? Surely someone will notice that Jake's body is missing from the morgue. Time to create a Jake mask?

Gabi, you are going to have to pay off a lot of people to get a fake marriage license, fake certficate, fake JP, etc. The shares better be worth it.

Paulina and Kate are an odd pair of promising friends.

Yeah, Roman, be on your high horse.

If Chad moved him and the kids to the Horton home that has only 3 bedrooms, where will they all fit?

I did enjoy EJ's blustering around.

Chanel, Allie will slowly suck the life out of you. Unless you are able to get some energy out of the milquetoast.

Edited by Frozendiva
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Chad better take Sonny up on his offer and get his kids out of the Horton House ASAP, or Julie will have Charlotte in flowing caftans, screeching "Darling" at the top of her lungs and talking about "Darling Nick" and "that murderess, Gabi HerNANdez" before she's finished teething.

Speaking of Gabi, if she got any colder she could pass as a freezer pack.

So I guess Dr. Rolf's basement suite in the DiMera tunnels is better hidden than the wine cellar, since nobody has accidentally locked themselves in his lab.  

With Kristen, Dr. Rolf and EJ being the only inhabitants of the Dimera Manse, it's going to be a lot harder convincing anyone that 


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I swear, this show.   With a mad Dr. living in the tunnel and bringing people back from the dead it won't be long until Barnabas Collins sets up his coffin in the tunnel next to him.

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9 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

If Chad moved him and the kids to the Horton home that has only 3 bedrooms, where will they all fit?

Isn't it just Doug/Julie living there? So, Doug/Julie share a room, Chad has 1, and Thomas/Charlotte share. Easy peasy lol.

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13 hours ago, boes said:

Speaking of Gabi, if she got any colder she could pass as a freezer pack.

Totally ridiculous that she cared more about the stupid shares than the fact that Jake, her former love, was dead. 🙄

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13 minutes ago, buffynut said:

Totally ridiculous that she cared more about the stupid shares than the fact that Jake, her former love, was dead. 🙄

Well, not just that, but at one point, show tried to sell us on some Grand Love between Gabi and Jake, given:

1) how Gabi tried to make Jake fall for her while he was still proving his Jake (I’m not Stefan) identity and while he was in a relationship with Kate; and 

2) I can’t recall the details but Gabi chose Jake over something (deed to DiMera mansion?)….anyway, it was something significant that proved Gabi truly cared for Jake 

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On 7/29/2022 at 1:49 AM, DisneyBoy said:

Kate. She's the reigning diva of Salem. Never gets good storylines though.

Yes! They have matured Kate well. I still feel her best pairing was with Stefano. She has some interesting relationships, but then always does something to blow them up.

As I think about it, she is actually good with anyone they put her with. Until. Wish they would actually give her a real story line. 

Speaking of which, does any of the Demiera/Kiriakis clan actually work, or are they all only jockeying for position? And, what about Philip?😄

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On 7/30/2022 at 8:15 AM, sas616 said:

I swear, this show.   With a mad Dr. living in the tunnel and bringing people back from the dead it won't be long until Barnabas Collins sets up his coffin in the tunnel next to him.

That would probably be more interesting than the boring drivel they've been airing.  Would rather see EJ and Chad fighting over who gets to be a vampire and who gets to be a werewolf than who's CEO of Dimera. 

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3 hours ago, Sidney said:

Ron truly just don't know what to do with the Gabi character. She has become one-note.

I'm surprised she's not leaving town like so many others.. I mean the show has so many characters they don't write for or aren't interested in.

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On 7/30/2022 at 8:15 AM, sas616 said:

I swear, this show.   With a mad Dr. living in the tunnel and bringing people back from the dead it won't be long until Barnabas Collins sets up his coffin in the tunnel next to him.

Oh God, does this mean he'll eventually kidnap Allie and try to gaslight her into thinking she's his long-lost love Aliphilia? (Who she just happens to look exactly like.) By the way we're joking but there was a vampire storyline on GH during Ron's tenure. If we can have the Devil do we really need to stretch to have a vampire?

Edited by methodwriter85
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11 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

If he hasn't by now, then he probably wasn't with her for a significant part of that night.

Maybe she still partially lives at the Kiriakis place? Or he was in the shower all night. 

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On a shallow note(well, this show IS Shallow), Why were Orpheus, John & Steve all wearing black leather jackets today?  Here in the Midwest, we are in the "Dog Days of Summer" & it is Hot & Humid!  Seeing them in those leather jackets was making me sweat! :)

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1 minute ago, Lucas Rowan said:

I don't know about Orpheus, but for John and Steve, the black leather jackets have kind of become their trademarks.  They mostly seem to wear them for Black Patch business, though.

If Sarah's worried about what she did the night of Abigail's murder, then there's an easy solution.  Just ask if the security tapes in and around the Salem Inn can be checked and see if she was seen leaving any time that night.  Easy as pie.

But then we don't get the dumb hypnosis scenes with Marlena. Again 

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Today was hot and humid in the Canadian west, along with major storms and hail and a few tornado warnings. August 1 and all that leather was making me hot. I was dripping when I did the lawn. The Pub must have good ceiling fans or a/c.

I understood Thomas missing his mom and that the Horton House is not home.

Gwen's Salem Brain cell picked up on Leo's access to cash. So his steak knife was probably the murder weapon.

Marlena, of course you don't have time to help Evan/Christian but you can hypnotize Sarah.

Kayla works fast to get the paternity results within an hour.

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If I was Marlena I wouldn’t help Evan either. I’m still pissed she agreed to help Jan!

I liked that Chad didn’t go off on Sarah. They had a reasonable conversation. On the other hand, poor Thomas getting yelled at by his daddy! It was sad when Chad got the tablet and realized Thomas was looking at pictures of Abby. 

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6 hours ago, brisbydog said:

But then we don't get the dumb hypnosis scenes with Marlena. Again 

I don't know why Show keeps insisting those are hypnosis scenes, anyway.  I think it's just as likely being around Marlena for that length of times puts pretty much everyone to sleep and gives them creepy dreams.  

Edited by boes
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