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S19.E10: Week 8: Dynamic Duos

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Why did Derek and Bethany not get dinged for a lift by CarrieAnn?


Lifts are allowed in a Salsa. 


Excuse me, but Mark doesn't think Len likes to think "out of the box," and he (Mark) is not going to succumb to that. (Snort). I know you were referring to the concepts, and I agree with you, but Mark's defiant and insulting remarks about Len really bothered me. He's such a petulant and disresptful diva. In contrast, take Val. He didn't like one of Len's comments last week, and said so in a mildly written tweet, but always thanks the judges for their feedback. Class vs. ego.


I think you mean "surccumb." Honestly, Mark showed his ass several times over in the package last night. He's a twit and he did Sadie no favours with that behaviour. I remember more about his ego and bluster than I do their dance. Every time a pro gets all dramatic like that, it hurt the partnership and while I respect that the pros feel passionate about their work and want to defend their celebrity, there's a way to stay positive and not throw things.

  • Love 1
Not only wearing short shorts in practice, but having her black panties peek out.



I'm pretty sure those were short tights.


Mark's choreography had Sadie actually dancing, and it was a much more compelling piece - where was her perfect score?



Mark's apparently wondering the same thing. Apparently he was still bitching about Sadie's scores last night to some of the media. He didn't say flat out she deserved a perfect score but saying he believed she was underscored when she got a 38 for crying out loud, kind of spells that out. And I suspect it did have to do with Val and Janel getting a perfect score. Honestly, I do think Val and Janel were overscored and I enjoyed Sadie and Mark's contemporary more but Mark's whinging about scores is really getting annoying and not a good look.


Mark has been bitching about his scores since Week 3 with the Vienesse Waltz and he even bitched for the switch up with Bethany and thought she should have gotten higher. In fact, I think he was annoyed from Week 2 when the judges didn't love his country Jazz for Sadie. I do agree that Sadie has some natural talent and she has certainly sold everything Mark has given her from the first week but Mark seems to think, based on comments he made last night, that her not having any experience and being so young makes what she's doing even more special and I don't necessarily agree with that. Bottom line, Sadie is good and maybe some of her scores have not been as high as they could have been but Mark's whinging is just not a good look and it's frankly incredibly off putting.


Why did Derek and Bethany not get dinged for a lift by CarrieAnn?



If you're referring to when Bethany did the cartwheel thing, I'm pretty sure that's allowed in the salsa. 

  • Love 2

Oh they could have been black lollies too (gymnastic trunks) the point being though, they peeked out of her shorts.


The real point being its not necessary to discuss what a 17 year old girl is wearing under her shorts at all, religious or not. 


Mark's apparently wondering the same thing. Apparently he was still bitching about Sadie's scores last night to some of the media. He didn't say flat out she deserved a perfect score but saying he believed she was underscored when she got a 38 for crying out loud, kind of spells that out. And I suspect it did have to do with Val and Janel getting a perfect score. Honestly, I do think Val and Janel were overscored and I enjoyed Sadie and Mark's contemporary more but Mark's whinging about scores is really getting annoying and not a good look.


Mark has been bitching about his scores since Week 3 with the Vienesse Waltz and he even bitched for the switch up with Bethany and thought she should have gotten higher. In fact, I think he was annoyed from Week 2 when the judges didn't love his country Jazz for Sadie. I do agree that Sadie has some natural talent and she has certainly sold everything Mark has given her from the first week but Mark seems to think, based on comments he made last night, that her not having any experience and being so young makes what she's doing even more special and I don't necessarily agree with that. Bottom line, Sadie is good and maybe some of her scores have not been as high as they could have been but Mark's whinging is just not a good look and it's frankly incredibly off putting.


He continues to be a total prize. He needs a long break from this show if he thinks this sort of behaviour is helpful to him and to Sadie.

  • Love 4
Oh they could have been black lollies too (gymnastic trunks) the point being though, they peeked out of her shorts.



But that is the point of wearing those type of tights under shorts like those so if anything shows it's not exposing anything other than tights. Honestly, I thought that was pretty standard gym like attire. 


Going back to Mark, I forgot to mention that as much as I enjoyed Sadie's dance more than Janel's, I didn't think either was worthy of a perfect score so I definitely don't agree with him thinking a 38 was too low. But again I guess if he's comparing it to the fact that Janel got a perfect score, it sort of makes sense. Honestly, as much as Mark says that it's about Sadie and how that's what upsets him because she's working so hard and is so talented and not getting her "due", based on his, in my opinion totally out of line comments about Len, I think Mark's pissy attitude is more about feeling like the judges aren't appreciating his "genius" when it comes to choreography and I think that's ridiculous.


To say that Len doesn't appreciate creativity and passion simply because Len didn't think his zombie apocalypse Paso was the be all and end all was ridiculous. I do think Len made an error in saying that the problem with the dance was lack of content because I agreed with Julianne that there was content there, The problem really was that Sadie did not execute the content properly. And that for me was the bigger issue yet Mark's so busy on his victim perch, he's completely ignoring that Sadie's technique was not good at all for the Paso. Honestly, Mark is starting to reach Maks levels for me with regards to the judges and their scores and comments. And that was never a good look for Maks in my opinion and it got really old, really fast with him and Mark is on the same path right now in my opinion.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 2

Sadie's modesty seems a bit selective or inconsistent, or something. Discomfort with Mark touching her bum during a lift, yet during the routine she had her legs around him with her lady bits not that far from his face...would think that would rate worse and not be ok. Wearing revealing dance costumes isn't ok, yet wearing short shorts during a filmed rehearsal is fine (of which the aforementioned lift was done right into the camera--lots of leg showing, which isn't unusual for this show, but when you have these parameters I tend to notice it more, if that makes sense). I just find it curious, not a slam at all.

oh my, I was coming to post the same thing.  After she wrapped her legs around him; I went "oh, okay, I guess that is better than a hand on the bum that needs to be there for a lift" 


Glad that Michael finally left.  I have enjoyed Lea; but these last few dances she has just lost her spark.


Alfonso continues to amaze me with how calm and relaxed he is doing this show.  Yeah, they brought a ladder that was too short and then were holding me up by my feet; I know I lost some weight but not that much :)  Love him and love watching him dance, even though I do agree that last night he seemed a little subdued.

Of course Val and Janel were Romeo and Juliet and of course they were given contemporary and of course they were rated "perfect" even though they had just as many slip-ups as Bethany and Sadie and more than Alfonso.  Of course they had to "win" immunity so that the "random" dance pairs/styles were Bethany and Sadie, Lea and Alfonso, and Michael and Tommy.


I must be seeing something different than the judges because I thought that Alfonso and Witney were the best of the night AND they danced actual ballroom.


I thought Sadie's routine was chock full of content (and not just pretty lift after pretty lift with angst face).  I did like the fact that she was able to tell Mark what she is and is not comfortable doing/wearing - I thought her harping on the bible story was a bit much, but I understand her motivations.  This was my second favorite routine of the night.  


I really liked Bethany's routine and I am impressed with how much she's blossomed since she started the show.  I really enjoy her and her growth.  I thought the dance was full of content, fast. and a lot of fun.  It was a tie between her and Sadie for second/third but I gave a slight edge to Sadie because of the strength of her dance and the complexity of the routine.


Lea looked lovely and she performed her routine well, I think that Artem let her down with the choreography.


There were moments of Janel's dance that were very lovely but there were times when it looked frantic and sloppy.  There was moment where she completely stopped dancing so Val can get her into the lift and that totally took me out of the dance.


Bless Tommy - he is delightful and tries but he needs to go next.  I do like how Tommy is bringing out Peta's softer/compassionate side.  I really like this partnership because I like the people.


I'm not sad to see Michael go.

  • Love 1

I'm staying on the black peeking out of her shorts and the modesty issue.  98% of the population will not know what they are and will assume they were her panties, and that goes to the subject of the modesty thrown in our faces factor.  I'm not slamming Sadie, her's was my 2nd favorite dance of the night.  What I don't like is the silliness we get from Bristol, Candace and now Sadie (though I'm much more sensitive to Sadie's case because she is also only 17) based on some arbitrary fundamental "Christian" rules of modesty.  Look at how Mormon ballroom dancers dress and move, all the time.

  • Love 2
For me, it's just the opposite. Tommy amuses me, I find him fun, while Michael seems annoying and creepy. And of the two of them, for what it's worth, I think Tommy has the smoother moves. Even tonight, though definitely one of his better dances, Michael was walking and clomping around more than actually dancing.

I'm so relieved he's finally going home. At last, common sense has reigned!!


I totally agree.... for his age Tommy is bringing it, and actually trying.  Michael just feels to me like he puts no energy into any dance he does and he is 3 decades younger than Tommy.  Plus Tommy is much smoother as you stated.  It was a no brainer for me that he get more votes and points than Michael.  I think what doesn't help Michael (or Emma), is their inability to see how poorly he has been doing.  The jive last week should have made her be more real with him as he virtually did nothing in that dance.


Mark was actually not annoying me this season, until the last couple of weeks where his attitude has resurfaced.  I dislike him so much when he gets like that.  It ruins everything he does for me.  And Sadie will pay the price which kind of sucks because she has had a great attitude and has really worked hard this season.  I don't know why Derek doesn't try to get Mark to understand he has a good gig and to STFU.  Derek used to have his moments, but he has come a long way in this regard.  I mean, you get paid to dance on a national show--what is there to complain about????  And you don't get the contestants that Tony gets, so even better.


Lea--I have been rooting for her, but she is lacking something for sure, and I do think a lot of it does have to do with a lack of strength and power in her legs.  Everything seems so light when she moves.  So, I am not so much in her camp anymore...the other girls are definitely outperforming her.  

I don't know why Derek doesn't try to get Mark to understand he has a good gig and to STFU.  Derek used to have his moments, but he has come a long way in this regard.



Other than the embarrassing meltdown in his season with Shannon, I actually don't remember Derek ever getting too upset about the judges' comments and scores, particularly whenever Len got on him about his content. Honestly, in my opinion, Derek's biggest issue in earlier seasons was his very annoying and over the top mugging which he has calmed down considerably. But with regards to his and Mark's temperament, apparently Mark did say once that Derek is more zen-like, calmer spirit, all the light and universe stuff, which he, Mark, isn't. 

I lost the Cheeky Cha Cha, and got something very theatrical, step placement strong, more straight leg would have been good, but I missed  Cha Cha interaction. Witney should have been a character like Cat Woman instead of Robin we might have seen a more cheeky dance instead of a stone faced Batman and Robin. 


Lea and Artem had the same sort of wooden choreography that left me a little cold, even though I appreciated the exacting movement, it needed to injet more fun.  


Sadie and Bethany proved how rough dancing can look on teenagers. They really both needed a few more days of practice.  Sadie's movement is more Alice the goon than Eve, and Bethany didn't have a lot of choreography, since Derek was banging around eat up the time clock so it should have been cleaner.


If Janel and Val had a slight miss step- an arm up early? It could have been the musical timing, I'm not sure.  I've seen far more mistakes in contemporary dances on this show and others,  but these two went there and gave us fluidity and quality of movement, that was sorely lacking on the other contemporary.  Janel showed strength in her core, an emotional involvement from the audience, the lifts were effortless, and I saw the push to point the toe!  I believed their music and I believed them.  Great effort, best of the night by far. Definitely deserved the score.  I am in shock that Len went from a 7 to a 10 this week. Maybe he appreciated the beautiful lifts, because the young ones should have been capable of at least a few dance tricks, particularly when they are dancing with the wonder kids, and especially when they had the chance with their dance styles this week. Instead all they really showed  was their lack of versatility and did nothing special at all. 


Finally good bye Michael, your fanbase was enormous.  Tommy is a trouper and the bum leg got him a few extra votes.  

Edited by Andiethewestie
  • Love 2

Well, that was interesting.


First of all, Michael overstayed his welcome by several weeks.  Like, he should have been gone in Week 2.  While Tommy is definitely the weakest link left, there is something that undeniably charming about him.  He and Peta did a dance-off rumba that was touching, sweet, smooth and incredibly believable.  It was like a rumba that couple married for 50 years would dance.  Michael just flailed away while Emma danced in circles.


I wasn't wowed by the Janel and Val dance.  It was good, but not perfection.  But I say this as someone who views this so-called "dance" style as clomp, stomp and roll on the floor.  Comparing the contemporary, Sadie and Mark's was far more interesting.  All that "Imma christian, in case I've not told you eleventy billion times already" is getting old, though.


For the first time this season, Bethany actually moved her feet and did *gasp* a dance. Guess the golden boy needed to deviate from the weekly hand jive routines that he seems to specialize in with weak partners. But let any other couple dance mostly behind a solid counter and the clean-up crew would be on hand to mop up the bloodshed after the judgery got finished with them.


Alfonso is far and away the best.  I'd totally watch a season of the Alfonso and Witney Variety Hour.


The costuming from the dance-off was interesting.  Witney and Sadie looked amazing.  Lea looked ok - her costume was flattering but the color was drab. Peta was wearing more clothes than normal.  But Bethany...holy cow.  I'm not sure in the entire history of this show, including Marie Osmond as a demented doll, Bristol Palin in a gorilla suit and Michael Bolton in a dog house, has any contestant been put into a costume that was THAT unflattering.  She's a young girl with a nice figure and they made her look like Lola the showgirl sitting at the bar - 50 years after the show.  It was distractingly awful. 

  • Love 1
The dance off - Lea really did do a nice job, even if she got crushed by Alfonso.  Derek made a mistake in not forcing Sadie to do a Rumba.  Sadie had much more content and Bethany was understandably, a tad hesitant.  Tommy's smooth approach was better than Michael's clunky steps.



I got the impression that they were told to leave the rumba for Tommy and Michael.  


Speaking of which, either the stars made their choices in opponent and dance style backstage ahead of time or they were essentially told what they'd be picking, but either way, the choosing we saw on air was clearly done for show.  You could tell by how everyone was dressed. 

  • Love 6

I though it ws super rude and unnecessary for Carrie Ann to Bring up Leas shortcommings to prop up another contestant. I shouldn't be surprised though since Carrie Ann has shit for brains. Bethany and Dereks dance shouldn't have gotten close to a 9 for all the filler and BS that was in there. Janel and Vals dance was good but not perfect score worthy. Sadie to me had the better contemporary number. It wasn't just lifting and "acting" there was actual movement and story. Alfonso and Whitneys dance was fun and I loved that they got to dance to Prince's "Trust". I like Emma but Michael is just creepy and I didn't even bother to watch his dance since it always leaves me feeling either cold or creeped out. Tommy even with a bum leg still moves better than Michael but you can tell he is struggling to keep up. Didn't think Michael would go last night but I am super glad he did. I just wish I hadn't had to witness that creepy ass rumba he did with Emma. This season is just meh for me. I think it has to do with the personalities and the theme weeks. I really hope that Alfonso can take it in the end because to me he is the best thing to happen to this season.

Edited by Dancingjaneway
  • Love 1

The dance off was definitely all worked out ahead of time.


I really do need Mark to dial it back on the whining about scores.  Even if Mark has a point at times, it's still not a good look.  First, celebs generally take their cues from their pros.  So Mark whining about scores just reinforces to Sadie how important scores are in the first place and she's more likely to start whining about scores at some point.  Which I haven't heard Sadie do yet far, but again, celebs tend to take their cues from their pros.  Secondly, it's just going to wind up turning people off and costing Sadie votes, which is about the stupidest thing Mark could be doing down the homestretch of the competition.


Val may annoy me at times for other reasons, but Mark needs to take a cue there.  Despite Val's whining about Len last week, he rarely fixates on scores and I think as a result his partners don't wind up overly fixated on scores.  Mark has been at this long enough to know that scores don't matter that much and it's more about appealing to fans.


Also it wouldn't have mattered because even if Sadie got her perfect score, she still wouldn't have gotten immunity because Janel had a higher cumulative average.  So for the talk from some about how Sadie is being favored, that isn't overly true in the scores.  She has a lower cumulative average than Alfonso, Bethany and Janel at this point.


I'm not sure which contemporary I enjoyed more between Janel and Sadie as I think both have their flaws, but I will say that when you watch them side by side, Sadie was asked to do a lot more by Mark than Janel was by Val.  Sadie covered a lot more floor and did a lot more work on her own.  Mark didn't allow her to hide in that piece at all, which of course opens the door to more criticism from the judges.  Janel's was mostly a dramatic walk to and from the bench with a whole bunch of lifts in between.  The lifts were generally well executed, so it all looked very lovely and pretty, but I think Val has learned to minimize the amount of movement Janel has to do on her own in addition to trying to give her things to act.

Edited by spanana
  • Love 3

I agreed with the order of the scoring. I think Janel/Val had a lovely dance and deserved to be on top. It was my favorite of the night.


Alfonso/Witney were entertaining as always but I could barely take my eyes off Witney to see what Alfonso was doing. Their package was so cute. They are such a great partnership. I still think it's his to lose.


The scores have been so wildly inconsistent, I have no idea what should be a perfect score compared to 7s this season. I think Janel/Val were better tonight than in their West Side Story - Janel seemed much stronger in her movement to me - but I thought their Samba and Viennese Waltz showed much more technique even though the scores were so much lower. Relative to the rest of the dances, I think the score was right since everyone was scored higher this week.


I liked what Mark did with their dance but thought Sadie was off for most of it like she just wasn't connecting with it. At one point near the end, I thought Sadie almost fell over and had to catch herself when they were crouching on the ground. I thought their scores were somewhat to make up for last week, too.


Bethany/Derek was fun but there were a few odd transitions where Bethany stopped dancing to wait for what was next or something. I think their straight nines were appropriate relative to the rest of the scores.


I thought all the dance offs showed the celebs in the best possible light. I don't know how much the pros and celebs discuss things amongst themselves ahead of time, but I thought everyone came off the best they could. Tommy's rumba was so sweet and gave him/Peta a nice moment. I agree that the call between Bethany and Sadie was a coin flip.


Did Len (and everyone) take some happy pills before the show? I like the honesty - if something is wrong, call it out - but I like the honesty when it's constructive criticism instead of just grouchiness. They didn't really seem to critique this episode but at least it was a happier environment. The video packages were fun, and the celebrities and pros all seemed to be having a good time. No one had an awful dance. I thought it was enjoyable again after the past few weeks.

But Bethany...holy cow.  I'm not sure in the entire history of this show, including Marie Osmond as a demented doll, Bristol Palin in a gorilla suit and Michael Bolton in a dog house, has any contestant been put into a costume that was THAT unflattering.  She's a young girl with a nice figure and they made her look like Lola the showgirl sitting at the bar - 50 years after the show.  It was distractingly awful.

Bethany has had a few really bad costumes. The first time I tuned in for this season she was wearing something that honestly made her look like a 40 year old pregnant woman.


I stopped watching the show after season 11 because I just couldn't take the judges (or Derek) anymore and then I came back occasionally last season just for Meryl/Charlie. Anyway, this season has got to be the most scripted one I've ever witnessed. It's very embarrassing to watch, but at the same time sort of hilariously entertaining in how bad it is.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1
Janel- I guess giving the pair contemporary made it easier but them having contemporary doesn't make others miss steps. Less of an issue this week, but I find her facial expressions are distracting. It reminds me of a cheerleader- just way over the top to match what is going on with the rest of her body. She doesn't need to play to the back of the house when the camera is zoomed in on her.




Prediction for Finals:

Alfonso is the best by far. Derek will be in the finals no matter what. I think next week's show will be the game changer for Janel and Sadie. I'm leaning towards Sadie for the viewers, but Janel has scored higher consistently. I think next week, Janel will get a middle-of-the-pack score and Sadie will be top of the leader board so the judges can transition to fawning over her.


I agree that generally Janel's facial expression seems to overpower her body movement. Some may say that it's because she's been a stage performer and she's playing to the back of the audience-- but I actually feel that it shows how she's actually a somewhat limited stage performer or at least a stage performer that needs more "practice" at her art. I watched someone like Cate Blanchett perform live in a Streetcar Named Desire stage production a few years back and she utilized her entire body- face, body, arms, and legs as a seamless whole as she literally flowed and "danced" around that stage- even though there was no "dancing" in the role. Of course Cate Blanchett is an award winning actress ....  But my point is that for a former stage actress she actually doesn't use her entire body all that well and it's been a disappointment to me this season.


As for the finals, I think Alfonso, Sadie and then most likely Bethany and Janel. Janel in particular has been gifted into finals contention by the producers with the song and style choices she's received in these important last two weeks leading up to the finals. Those gifts are through no fault of her own and she and Val have done a good job for the most part stepping up to the bat. But because of all the machinations first from the producers in their packages and also their own personal promotional tactics I feel like I've never gotten to know who Janel is as a person, as an individual. I feel like all I get to see is the surface and then this contrived relationship with Val. Except for maybe her rumba week, I feel like I haven't seen anything real or true from her and I just can't connect.


I would have given Tommy a dark horse shot at making the finals (a la Bill Engval) but given his injury this week I'm afraid he may withdraw this week from competition. Though I really hope not! In contrast with say Janel, I have connected and fallen in love with him as a performer and his wonderful presence and character this season. And his connection with Peta and how she has really been drawn to tears each week after dancing with him because she cares so much for him just warms my heart. I think the difference for me between Tommy/Peta and Janel/Val is that I feel like Tommy and Peta's relationship just happened due to their natural interplay and through no social media promotion or manipulation while with Janel/Val whether they mean to or not all I hear is their supposed connection that they promote but yet when I watch packages or what not I just don't feel in any real authentic way.

  • Love 3

Was that spin where Sadie's legs were wrapped around Mark done correctly?  It looked like he was awkwardly clutching one of her thighs in front of him to hold her on.  I wondered if she maybe was supposed to have clasped her ankles behind him or something.  


I don't know how Mark even snags these cute singers.  I find him unattractive.  I used to think it was the harsh buzzcut but the shaggy hair is bad, too.  

I'm beginning to feel more & more meh about this show. I'm over Lea. She seems tired. Speaking of tired, watching Tommy makes me tired myself. The man needs to go home & rest. Janel bugs me & even a shirtless Val won't overcome that.

I like Alfonzo. He's made Witney tolerable for me & that's amazing. I enjoy Bethney, in spite of Derek, who I am so weary of seeing. I also like Sadie & Mark has been not as annoying with her. Well until his whiner kicked in recently about scoring. Shup up Mark.

Julianne is making me despise the judging more than usual. I do not like her on the panel. It's gone from sometimes frustrating, often eye roll worthy, to flat out aggravating most of the time. Please go back to struggling along as an "actress".

  • Love 2

Sadie is just a very awkward, ungainly dancer who doesn't connect with the content at all.  I found the choreography to be pedantic and clawing, just the type of contemporary I can't stand.  If this were a SYTYCD audition she'd never make it to Vegas.      


Considering Sadie is a non-dancer with a non dance background, of course I wouldn't expect her to make it through an audition round of a competition show where she would be competing solely against trained dancers.  Neither would Bethany, Janel or any other celeb here.

  • Love 11
I don't know how Mark even snags these cute singers.  I find him unattractive.  I used to think it was the harsh buzzcut but the shaggy hair is bad, too.



Mark, from the moment he came on the show has always reminded me strongly of the character Milhouse from The Simpsons. And his penchance for cheesy costumes does not help. 


Speaking of costumes, I really didn't find anything that atrocious about Bethany's Cha Cha costume. Seemed like a pretty standard Cha Cha costume to me. The only issue, if you want to call it that, was that she was wearing it with her "Lucy" hair still in tact and I think some of the clips and ribbons or whatever was going on in her hair, clashed a little with the colors of the costume. Speaking of hair, I'd say Bethany's hair has been the "wtf" this season. But kudos to the hair department with some of those creations (because those things weren't even plain hairstyles) they've come up with for her.

  • Love 2

Sadie has been growing on me the last couple of weeks, but I thought their contemporary looked really stupid. All it needed was some grunting and it could have been the Ringo Starr Caveman movie. And true, I haven't gone to church since 1970something, but has the Bible been rewritten so that Adam stops Eve from biting the apple and then Eve throws it away? Does this mean we're all going to heaven now? Yay!


Mark's hair looks like a little hat.


All along I've been thinking Michael is more awkward than creepy, but he really brought out the gross vibes during the rumba last night. The super intense staring made me fear for Emma. I feel sad for him that he was eliminated but glad for me, I guess.

  • Love 4

Sadie is just a very awkward, ungainly dancer who doesn't connect with the content at all.  I found the choreography to be pedantic and clawing, just the type of contemporary I can't stand.  If this were a SYTYCD audition she'd never make it to Vegas.      


I certainly hope not given that Sadie has not trained in dance for a decade and a half like most kids that audition for SYTYCD have.


You may not like Mark's choreography but I consider his piece more in keeping with Contemporary whereas Val's was more Lyrical, which generally is more balletic and follows the constructs of ballet, which include pretty pointed perfect feet.


Was the immunity for tonight's elimination (where Michael went home) or for next week's elimination? I ask because, if Lea had the lowest votes and then got a perfect score tonight, would she still have been eliminated?


Are people expected to vote for Janel and Val to keep them safe next week? I'm so confused.


It was for last night, which is why they weren't below for the elimination - I think it's going to confuse a lot of folks because it wasn't really thoroughly explained.

  • Love 2

The dance off was definitely all worked out ahead of time.


According to Derek and Beth in some aftershow interview - at dress rehearsal they were the ones awarded "immunity" and sat out the dance off so hadn't gotten the chance to run through exactly how it would go on the live show. (I guess that's why she looked so panicked before they danced?) Which I thought was interesting in that they apparently keep that dress rehearsal tight to time - so couldn't run the dance off with all 7 couples and had one sit out, and that they awarded a dress rehearsal "winner." 

Holy Filler, Batman! They are really struggling to stretch this thing out for two hours. The worst part was the little "dream" segment with Bethany and Derek, because the first part of their dance was essentially a repeat of the dream skit. I did sort of chuckle at Alfonso and Witney going up to random strangers and preventing them from jaywalking, etc., but again - just cut it down to 90 minutes, okay?



Derek's Latin choreography is so repetitive.


It's funny you should say that because I noticed he has certain signature moves that he puts into a lot of his routines. In particular, he likes to do this thing where he stands behind his partner and they do arm movements that make it look like one person with four arms, or one person with six arms if there's three of them, etc. He did the exact same thing in the group dance last week. He seems to have these gimmicks he keeps re-using because he knows they look neat but are deceptively simple to do. I also found it interesting that he choreographed that entire salsa on a small platform stage - another thing he does a lot of. They don't have to cover a lot of ground that way. That seems to be another of his favorite tricks.


Thank God Michael is finally gone, but honestly, this was one of the rare times I thought he was actually better than Tommy. I also thought Lea did better in the dance-off than Alfonso, amazingly, but her Jazz number as Bonnie was sort of stagey and posey so I'm fine with him getting the points.



  • Love 4

I thought it was interesting that, during the rehearsal footage, they showed the whole conversation between Mark and Sadie asking if she would be uncomfortable if he didn't wear a shirt.  She said yes.  


Fast forward to show time - he was shirtless......way to respect your celebrities opinion Mark!  Not saying her opinion is ALL that matters - but why bother asking if you don't really care?

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Which I thought was interesting in that they apparently keep that dress rehearsal tight to time - so couldn't run the dance off with all 7 couples and had one sit out, and that they awarded a dress rehearsal "winner."



As far as I know, yeah dress rehearsal basically includes them doing everything that'll be on the show to time down to the second. They also do fake elimination during dress rehearsal, so some couples will be told they're in jeopardy, they're in the bottom, etc. (I imagine that can mess with some, especially if they didn't have a good dance the previous week), Tom and Erin do "interviews" after the dance, etc. Last season at the finale when they had the video tribute thing for Erin, there were clips of her interviewing the couples in her casual clothes while they were dressed in costumes and after Tom said that some of those moments were from dress rehearsal. 


I thought it was interesting that, during the rehearsal footage, they showed the whole conversation between Mark and Sadie asking if she would be uncomfortable if he didn't wear a shirt.  She said yes. 

Fast forward to show time - he was shirtless......way to respect your celebrities opinion Mark!



Well maybe he meant completely shirtless and figured what he had on was a compromise because technically he wasn't completely shirtless. There was a strip of whatever the costume was made of, running across his chest and one shoulder.

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Fast forward to show time - he was shirtless......way to respect your celebrities opinion Mark!  Not saying her opinion is ALL that matters - but why bother asking if you don't really care?

I thought it was interesting that they specifically showed her mentioning two things she was uncomfortable with, and Mark not catering to either one (not that I think he had to in either case). I'm not sure what the point of that was. When juxtaposed with Mark's reaction to the scores last week, I wonder if it was a purposeful edit from the producers since he's been getting compliments on handling Sadie so well.


Mark seemed to have the bad edit package last night even though he gave them plenty to work with. I thought Janel's insisting that she could do 1 good pushup was cute, and Bethany seems to be having so much more fun.


I thought Janel's insisting that she could do 1 good pushup was cute


That part made me chuckle. It's interesting to me because it just goes to show that it doesn't matter how tiny/thin you are, that doesn't automatically equal "in better shape" or strength. It also goes to show how fantastically in shape those pro dancers can be and must be in order to do some of those lifts and challenging moves that involve your entire core.

Edited by sinkwriter
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I really didn't notice that Janel wasn't pointing her feet because 1) I was too busy looking for the flexed-foot riding a bike move that I hate in the contemporary dances; and 2) I don't really ever watch Janel because she's forgettable - I usually end up just watching Val.


First a table (Amy) and now a counter (Bethany). Maybe Derek should do a tie-in commercial for IKEA kitchens.

Bethany has really adorable dimples when she realizes the camera is on her, and some really unpleasant expressions on her face when she does not.


Thought it very telling that the costumes for the dance-off were exactly what they should have been for the dances each couple was given.

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According to Derek and Beth in some aftershow interview - at dress rehearsal they were the ones awarded "immunity" and sat out the dance off so hadn't gotten the chance to run through exactly how it would go on the live show. (I guess that's why she looked so panicked before they danced?) Which I thought was interesting in that they apparently keep that dress rehearsal tight to time - so couldn't run the dance off with all 7 couples and had one sit out, and that they awarded a dress rehearsal "winner." 

The second comment ("they apparently keep that dress rehearsal tight to time") makes the first ("at dress rehearsal they were the ones awarded "immunity" and sat out the dance off so hadn't gotten the chance to run through exactly how it would go on the live show") extremely dubious.  Coming from anyone else, I might believe it, but not Golden Boy.

I thought it was interesting that, during the rehearsal footage, they showed the whole conversation between Mark and Sadie asking if she would be uncomfortable if he didn't wear a shirt.  She said yes.  


Fast forward to show time - he was shirtless......way to respect your celebrities opinion Mark!  Not saying her opinion is ALL that matters - but why bother asking if you don't really care?


I think a lot of that is scripted to some extent. It seems that Sadie's family wants her to be on the record declaring her wholesomeness, but when it comes down to the actual performance, they're going to go along with what they think will get the most points/votes/publicity. A couple of weeks ago, Sadie's grandmother made a big deal about her raising her leg in a certain way and then got her mom on the phone to also say it wasn't okay, but it still stayed in the dance. Similarly last night, not only did not Mark not wear a shirt and put his hand on her butt, but as someone upthread pointed out, she had her legs wrapped around his neck with her crotch in his face. I don't think any of that is out-of-line given the context and I don't think it says anything negative about Sadie as a person that she's giving these performances. But all the pearl-clutching is a bit much, and, considering that it comes to nothing, fairly insulting to the audience who can see that the performances are not being altered and that the objections are evidently just for appearance's sake.


That part made me chuckle. It's interesting to me because it just goes to show that it doesn't matter how tiny/thin you are, that doesn't automatically equal "in better shape" or strength. It also goes to show how fantastically in shape those pro dancers can be and must be in order to do some of those lifts and challenging moves that involve your entire core.


A few seasons ago, they had a sports medicine person (I think) looking at slow-motion video of the dancers and describing what muscles were being used and how many pounds of pressure were impinging on the muscles and the like. It was really fascinating and there's no doubt that the pro dancers are working their bodies every bit as much as pro athletes are. There was this one move where Edyta was leaning back at about a 65 degree angle and jumping on one foot repeatedly; because I like TV to be interactive, I got up to try it and couldn't even lean half as far back as she was. Leaning and jumping was completely out of the question.

  • Love 7


That part made me chuckle. It's interesting to me because it just goes to show that it doesn't matter how tiny/thin you are, that doesn't automatically equal "in better shape" or strength. It also goes to show how fantastically in shape those pro dancers can be and must be in order to do some of those lifts and challenging moves that involve your entire core.


The classic example I always remember from this show dates back to when Alec Mazo was paired with Josie Maran.  In their first (and only) package Alec referred to her as "deceptively unfit".  Here is this skinny model who most people would assume is in good shape and yet she had no core strength whatsoever.

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I think a lot of that is scripted to some extent. It seems that Sadie's family wants her to be on the record declaring her wholesomeness, but when it comes down to the actual performance, they're going to go along with what they think will get the most points/votes/publicity. A couple of weeks ago, Sadie's grandmother made a big deal about her raising her leg in a certain way and then got her mom on the phone to also say it wasn't okay, but it still stayed in the dance. 


I think Sadie was more uncomfortable with the implications of the rumba than with any specific moves (I agree that part seemed scripted and ott and there to show us some more of her micro-managing family). It was one week of "ohhh, you're doing a sexy dance! how do you feel about it???" questions, and I know they're pretty hardcore Christians, but I've seen quite a bit of comments on her social media how sinful it is that she's touching a man (gasp! the horror!) and how wickedly she's behaving. So apparently there are people out there who perceive the Robertsons as way too permissive and liberal? And I'm sure that commentary was ramped up during rumba week. Hence her tears of relief once it was over and she had done pretty well.


There's an interesting interview with Sadie and Mark where they talk about Mark showing Sadie why the lift wouldn't be safe with him for example holding her thighs. So I guess she was okay with it once Mark explained why it had to be done that way.

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I also wondered about her being uncomfortable with the hand on her butt but apparently no problems with having her crotch in her face. But I'm wondering if it was just me or did anyone else feel an undercurrent of . . . exasperation maybe? . . . in Mark's voice when Sadie asked if his hand had to be on her butt during the lift? No one else has mentioned it, so maybe I'm just imagining it, but when Mark said yes it did, I just got a vibe like maybe he's getting tired of the micromanaging and the 'modesty' stuff and was kind of wishing she'd just shut up and do what needs to be done.

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