Tara Ariano October 31, 2014 Share October 31, 2014 Finn discovers a potentially devastating piece of evidence against Cary that could impact Alicia and Peter. Meanwhile, Eli becomes wary when a new prospective candidate emerges in the race for State's Attorney. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/
lynny November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 What is the story of that judge on Cary's case? I mean why is he such an asshole all the time. He's constantly yelling and pissed off. I know that most of the judges on this show have some kind of quirk, and I usually like them or at least don't mind them. But this guy is just angry all the time and it's getting very annoying to watch. I'm about one or two scenes away from fast forwarding him. He's horrible. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-528491
stonehaven November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 I am so over Alicia and her high morality and yet willingness to step over anyone to get elected..Although the scenes with Eli and other guy(whos name I can't recall) were great... I swear the Kings must detest the Cary character as it's getting almost laughable the kind ofcrap that kid has to go through..and Kalinda tempting him with the 30 foot rule? You love your friend, you stay the hell away from him..I wouldn't be surprised if she is setting Cary up somewhow... This episode was much better than some of the others as of late but all I will say is I hope NotNiles crushes Castro and Alicia... Again, Diane is given little to do now...and no one still has mentioned her running for State's attorney? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-528587
lunastartron November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 So, in Alicia's perverted moral schema, directing your kids to lie in the interest of your electoral prospects: totally copacetic. But leaking writings that a potential opponent composed as a legal adult: gasp-worthy. Despite the continuity in her insufferable sanctimony, I thought the characterization of her in this episode reflected the general narrative sloppiness that has defined this season. Alicia delivered a televised interview during Peter's gubernatorial run that was met with adulation and "with her, he's a Kennedy" hyperbole. Now, she is suddenly unfamiliar with simple concepts like staying on message to the point that she has to scribble notes on a legal pad during debate prep? Also: it's supposed to be completely comprehensible that she was compelled to run by Castro slandering the memory of a boyfriend with whom she was barely on speaking terms at the time of his death, but outrageously preposterous that DHP might have been on the fence about a candidacy until he experienced aggressive campaigning first-hand? Why did Finn act surprised by his boss's total dearth of ethics? Wasn't this the same guy who tried to pin the courtroom shootup on him, betraying a decades-long friendship for the sake of professional interests? I enjoyed Connie Nielsen's scenes, but why is this show adding more marquee names when it can't manage to juggle the veteran talent it already boasts like CB, Jess Weixler, and Matthew Goode? 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-528650
Morbs November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 They've historically never had a game plan for any of their name guest stars, like how the Matthew Perry and Parker Posey characters never really went anywhere. I liked how Alicia can't even explain why she wants to be States Attorney or what she intends to do when she gets the job. And no, she wasn't joking when she said she was going home to get drunk, Eli. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-528710
spiritof76 November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 What's going on with this Cary case? I do not like the way things are unfolding. Tonight it was almost like they were toying with Cary fans. And I'm growing to dislike Alicia more and more each day. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-528764
mrsdalgliesh November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 Wow. Things are a mess. I thought the characterization of her in this episode reflected the general narrative sloppiness that has defined this season. Agreed. So Connie Nielson's character is just an anvil for Alicia's evolution? Gadzooks. I had a first tonight: I saw the previews and thought, "No, I don't want to watch any more of either of those stories." (Cary being railroaded and Alicia being a terrible candidate.) I may have to take a break, DVR and FF later, when I see how things shake out. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-528804
Janimo November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 Oh, crap. Does this mean that Kalinda will have to really watch her back now??? I know AP is leaving the show....but still....I don't want her knocked off by Bishop, or anyone else for that matter. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-528808
MBJ November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 (edited) The joy and/or excitement I used to experience watching this show has been sucked out. This episode filled me with dread. I do agree that the actor that plays Alicia's campaign advisor is good. And I'm a fan of Connie Nielsen, so I'll take it. Other than that... I know AP is leaving the show....but still....I don't want her knocked off by Bishop, or anyone else for that matter. I was waiting for that to happen this episode. If the writers do that, it will be completely unforgivable, and I have no problem being done with this show at that point. I really no longer look forward to next week's episode the way I once did. Will was killed, Elsbeth was ruined, this is the next logical step by these writers, after that, Eli will be destroyed somehow... Edited November 3, 2014 by Ms Blue Jay 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-528860
Irlandesa November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 Oh David Hyde Pierce, how I have missed you on TV. I found it hilarious how self righteous Alicia got towards his character/Frank when he proclaimed that he hadn't decided to officially run until he learned that her team had leaked his student work to Castro since he described the exact same scenario that led her to get into the race. "I wasn't going to run until you pissed me off personally." "The polls being conducted on my behalf are being done in spite of me and not because of me...etc." So immediately after Kalinda discovered the lab tech was being paid off by Bishop and found the lost witness...both died? I think there has to be a mole somewhere. I love Cary. I love that he's getting screen time. But I need this story to wrap up soon. Is Finn going to join the defense team? 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-528931
jjj November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 I love the judge in the Cary case -- he is just trying to keep order in the court, unlike so many of the quirky judges we have seen on this show. Yes, he is irascible, but he seems to do that instead of banging a gavel. He is almost always correct in his process! And he let Cary be out of jail with an ankle monitor when other judges would have just put him behind bars until trial. If I were Cary I would be much more cautious about even text-flirting with Kalinda. He is inches away from being back inside. And she should know better. Completely agree there is something fishy about the witness and cousin dying in a car accident. There is a snitch or a wiretap somewhere. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-528987
jb1183 November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 Alicia has become such a colossal bitch. I'm stunned by how much I've grown to dislike the character and her hypocritical and self absorbed ways. I still love Diane, Cary, Kalinda, and Eli, and miss the hell out of Will, but I cannot stand Alicia anymore. I hope Prady wipes the floor with her and Castro. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-529013
spiritof76 November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 I also thought it was very telling that when Diane came into Alicia's office and said, "I assume you've heard." Alicia thought Diane was talking about the leak of the Frank Purdy papers and it's affect on her campaign, when she was talking about the witness that could have cleared Cary dying in a car accident. Diane just looked at her like, "What?" I wanted Diane to say, "I have no idea what you are talking about. What campaign?" Anyway it just illustrated where Alicia's head is right now. It was admirable (if stupid) of Cary to try an cover for Peter on the drug evidence issue. I suspect he did that somewhat out of loyalty to Alicia. He has been shown to have her back a number of times. Something in this episode, however gave me the feeling that when push comes to shove, and things get a little too hot Alicia might not return the loyalty. She is now, I'll admit, but they are showing her to be more and more ruthless and willing to do anything to win. And while I'm glad Kalinda was the one to stand up for Karen and tell Diane the truth about who Cary was covering for, she made me nervous with her flouting of the 30 feet rule. She may think she's being cute and sexy, but Linda Lavin, does not play that! 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-529038
NutMeg November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 This show has ceased to be good some time ago and I am no longer hoping for any improvement. This campaign story is isolating Alicia from the other lawyers and clients, and Flynn/Flint (?) is not a good replacement for her drink buddies of the past. One thing that makes sense in the story is that both Alicia and Cary are increasingly showing gaunt faces - Alicia has noticeably aged this season and I was struck in this episode how Cary now looks very gloomy and has been for a while. It makes sense with all the stress he is under in the story, I just hope it doesn't reflect the actor's disappointment with the show too :-) Thankfully, there was this one smile when he saw Kalinda, so i know the long face has not become permanent and can be reversed in an instant! Who knew you could find so many genius lawyers in suburbia. A twelve year gap seems to work wonders, especially now that the previously great have considerably declined :-( Must be something in the water... 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-529081
vibeology November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 I enjoyed Connie Nielsen's scenes, but why is this show adding more marquee names when it can't manage to juggle the veteran talent it already boasts like CB, Jess Weixler, and Matthew Goode? Is Jess Weixler even on the show at this point? Robin has been MIA since Kalinda joined FA and it doesn't make sense. Now that Kalinda can't be near Cary, why not have Robin working the case with Kalinda? At least she can go into court without sending Cary back to jail. So immediately after Kalinda discovered the lab tech was being paid off by Bishop and found the lost witness...both died? I think there has to be a mole somewhere. I love Cary. I love that he's getting screen time. But I need this story to wrap up soon. I'm so glad that we, as an audience, got confirmation that Cary didn't do anything illegal and that the CI did manipulate the tape and situation to set Cary up. Now that I have that confirmation, I'm ready for things to move on. Clear Cary, take down Castro (who has to be straight up corrupt the way things have been playing out) and let Cary get back to doing his actual job. I miss Cary acting as a lawyer. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-529161
pasdetrois November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 My DVR was overloaded last night and this episode got the ax to make room for other shows. I'm just not enjoying the show any more. Alicia's character is so smug and self-righteous; she's written as a special snowflake living a charmed life and is no longer interesting. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-529164
readster November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 I really think we are going to see the end of both Bishop and Kalinda before this season is over. He is clearly not afraid of her but at the same time, he is getting closer and closer to screwing up. As for Finn doing the shock that Castro is so corrupt and will do anything to get his way. It was a big: "Well, duh, you moron!" Of course, Bishop knows he can't just kill Castro because then he will be done. Of course, the death of two people right after the discovery. Yes, Bishop has someone on the inside. I agree with what is said about the bail judge. He is always mad, its very one note. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-529316
jester November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 Count me in as one that loves this judge. I was over all the other judges and their silly quirks which "in my opinion" were a waste of time. This judge just comes off as one who has seen a ton a B.S. and knows how to cut through it and reduce the whole lawyers bickering over top of each other. Yeah, both key witnesses die in a car crash. How convenient. By convenient I mean for the writers that seem to want to extend this case for the whole season without making it interesting at all. Alicia not believing that polls were put out on Prady without his consent when the SAME THING was done to her by Eli is just laughable. My only hope is that he wins and she has some kind of realization as to what a tool she has become in her persecution complex and quest to win. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-529410
beeble November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 Not sure how I feel about a politically savvy Alicia, other than to say "It's about damn time." What kind of a ninny do you have to be to have your very talented politician husband schmoozing all over the state while you sit and play tennis with your friends? Good political spouses also know the game, but Alicia's all, "What? you hired someone because you are friends with her mother? How is that even ethical?" This woman was the worst kind of suburban mom: sheltered and naive. Sheesh. And she went to Georgetown? Graduated near the top of her class? in D.C.? I like her character arc during these six seasons only by suspending belief that she was such a damn fool at season one. Finn can't discuss the case against Cary, now that he has resigned, but can he tell Diane that the attack against Cary was an attack against Alicia and was entirely motivated by politics? Apparently Connie Nielsen didn't spend her 12 years away from the office sipping wine and playing tennis. She was clearly studying the law which is why her daughter was so neglected and became such a pathetic attention whore of an intern. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-529468
shrewd.buddha November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 I am a bit disgusted with Alicia's flirty/coy behavior with Finn, the guy who is undeniably trying to railroad her partner, Cary. Is "Let's be professional about this" equivalent to "Let's be hypocritical backstabbers"? The same goes with Dianne and Kalinda - all three women of this show seem to flip-flop to wherever the money and power is blowing. What happened between Lockhart+Gardner versus Florrick+Agos should have resulted in a years long blood feud, not some cross, double-cross, triple-cross merger. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-529483
izabella November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 Oh, crap. Does this mean that Kalinda will have to really watch her back now??? I know AP is leaving the show....but still....I don't want her knocked off by Bishop, or anyone else for that matter. I haven't loved Kalinda in a long time, but I don't want her bumped off! That would make Cary very, very sad, and she's the only one bringing a smile to his face these days. He would also probably feel responsible. Cary never gets a break on this show. That partner meeting at the loooong conference table was ridiculous. Whose firm is it again? 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-529537
buckboard November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 (edited) If the bail judge is "always angry," it could be because the attorneys keep speaking out of turn and talking over each other and the judge, time after time. He has had to tell them numerous times not to do that and he's just tired with their behavior. It's like the one judge whose quirk is that the attorneys have to add "In my opinion" to everything they say. It's ridiculous, but they do it. So with the bail judge, they should shut up and not annoy the judge. Edited November 3, 2014 by buckboard 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-529629
Aethera November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 Obviously rooting for DHP to win State's Attorney, so he can be on the show permanently. Let's hope he doesn't turn out to be a slimeball. Otherwise, bygones on this whole episode. Poor Cary. I'll go watch him as Logan instead. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-529685
Black Knight November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 Yes, I appreciate the bail judge. The way the lawyers talk over each other on this show has always really annoyed me because it seems highly unrealistic. The few times I've witnessed trial proceedings, the lawyers didn't do that - they would take their turns and state their argument, not try to just shout over each other as if whoever shouts loudest will win. I was over TGW's way of adding drama in this fashion a long, long time ago. So I take the bail judge's irritation as the Kings' nod to fans saying the lawyers' behavior on this show is ridiculous. In any case, he speaks for me. Even though I haven't liked Alicia for a while, some of the stuff they're playing with her now is ridiculous. For multiple seasons we were told she was a critical part of her husband's campaigning, she did very well in every interview we saw despite having to tread some incredibly tricky ground, and now suddenly she's never heard of basic concepts like message discipline. Please. Most of this episode was a yawn for me. It's a shame, the season started off so well. But these past three episodes have been a nosedive. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-529686
Maximona November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 Agree about the nosedive. Honestly? I think some network honcho held a gun to the showrunner's head and said, "Make TGW more like Scandal!!!!!" Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-529779
paramitch November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 (edited) I liked the episode and like the season, overall, thus far. I think it's interesting to watch Alicia wade into actual political waters -- it may end up actually providing her with a little more insight into her husband, for instance, and how politics can corrupt. It's another nice counterbalance to the ways in which the profession of law can corrupt, intensified -- good doesn't always win, right doesn't always conquer all. My gut says that -- as we saw in this episode -- Alicia's going to eventually find that she is not a politician at heart, and that she's not willing to do what it takes to win. I liked seeing her answer so bluntly here, and then struggle with DHP's softball questions, as both were sides of the same coin. I love Alicia, and she is actually at her best when she's fighting for what she believes in. She was so ready to go into a dragon's den with a sword that she was utterly inept at being met with a kind face and a basket of cookies (and DHP's questions were so charming, too -- like, I kept willing Alicia just to relax and answer them because they would have been genuinely interesting insights into the Florrick home that we haven't always seen thus far -- and JM is actually very funny when Alicia's at her most awkward). One of the things I really like about this show is that, to me, the writers' portrait of Alicia is always complex and layered. She's not a saint. Her profession, life, and choices have made her cynical. But I loved the final scene because she truly was 100% willing to be supportive and comforting to DHP, thinking he was there to give her his support, when instead, HE was the "Alicia" of the scene -- he had been so enraged and hurt by the dirty pool that was now willing to jump into the ring just to right a wrong. I cringed for Alicia at her anger at him because I felt we could see, quite clearly, that he was right and she was wrong. I really think Alicia will find that at some point soon, all of this just won't be worth it. I kind of hope so, anyway. I want to see her back in court, navigating this new era of her life without Peter (although part of me will always love the guy a little -- he's just so much more interesting and likable than he should be, thanks to the writing and Noth). I want to see her build a firm with Cary and Diane, continue to have cocktails with Matthew Goode (I'm sorry, but I find them adorable together in a kind of soft fluffy way that is very different from her palpable chemistry with Josh Charles), and I really want to see that charming handsome psycho Lemond Bishop put away behind bars where he belongs. I hope Robin comes back one of these days, and that Kalinda survives the season. Meanwhile, I liked Connie Nielsen's character, and appreciate that she's a reflection in some ways of Alicia, and they made me root for her within a single episode (even when poor Cary's freedom was on the line). I also hope DHP sticks around -- he was a truly nuanced and interesting character, and it was a different role than I've seen him play before. It was great seeing him play this kind of polished media guy who nevertheless had managed to stay pretty decent and caring. I like that the show is willing to confront the ways in which people become cynical to the idea of acceptable loss, to the small ways in which they can become corrupt. I think the writers are very much aware that Alicia is not always successful in holding onto her ideals, which makes me appreciate the little moments when (nicely played by JM), you can see her simply say, "Nope. Can't do it." Edited November 3, 2014 by paramitch 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-529908
Medicine Crow November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 So, in Alicia's perverted moral schema, directing your kids to lie in the interest of your electoral prospects: totally copacetic. But leaking writings that a potential opponent composed as a legal adult: gasp-worthy. Despite the continuity in her insufferable sanctimony, I thought the characterization of her in this episode reflected the general narrative sloppiness that has defined this season. Alicia delivered a televised interview during Peter's gubernatorial run that was met with adulation and "with her, he's a Kennedy" hyperbole. Now, she is suddenly unfamiliar with simple concepts like staying on message to the point that she has to scribble notes on a legal pad during debate prep? Also: it's supposed to be completely comprehensible that she was compelled to run by Castro slandering the memory of a boyfriend with whom she was barely on speaking terms at the time of his death, but outrageously preposterous that DHP might have been on the fence about a candidacy until he experienced aggressive campaigning first-hand? Why did Finn act surprised by his boss's total dearth of ethics? Wasn't this the same guy who tried to pin the courtroom shootup on him, betraying a decades-long friendship for the sake of professional interests? I enjoyed Connie Nielsen's scenes, but why is this show adding more marquee names when it can't manage to juggle the veteran talent it already boasts like CB, Jess Weixler, and Matthew Goode? Just when I was about to tune out, along comes Connie Nielson & I'm pulled in again!!! I sure hope she has a BIG part in what's to come because I'm getting sick of this stupid drivel!!! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-529947
milkyaqua November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 I'm also liking the judge. I don't get angry from him at all rather frustrated/annoyed that two lawyers are trying to talk over each other. It's his court, they need to abide by his rules. It's not the first time they've gone before him. I don't know about Finn. He can't be that naive about his former boss although I guess he didn't think he'd be willing to let go of Bishop to go after Cary which does seem ridiculous on his part. He's more worried about getting re-elected than taking a big crime boss down. Yes, maybe it was time for Finn to jump ship. I can't decide how I feel about Alicia. She isn't consistent. I know I more often than not don't care for her but she hasn't totally lost me yet but her flip flopping back and forth or rather TPTB doing that to her character is frustrating. She truly does seem to be putting her election ahead of her business. Also, I agree that at some point she will probably disavow Cary especially since her campaign staff have already tried to push her in that direction. I too hope that Prady beats both she and Castro. I loved seeing DHP again. I said in another thread that I didn't think Kalinda would survive past Feb sweeps but I'm wondering if they'll try something during this month's sweeps. In either case, I don't necessarily see Kalinda making it to May. When the witness and his sister died, yeah, not a good sign. There's a mole somewhere, probably in Castro's office. And yes, where is Robin? We know AP is leaving but why can't there be two investigators especially since the two firms have merged? What are the TPTB thinking here? Are they going to have Robin turn up after Kalinda is gone or are they getting another investigator period? I'm liking Connie Neilsen thus far but I have a feeling TPTB are going to have her be a point of conflict between the dysfunction that is Peter and Alicia. As soon as Peter said she was a family friend and needed a job, I wondered doesn't Peter have any male friends? More than Cary's dilemmna, I'm ready for this election to be over. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-529973
Primetimer November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 Alicia learns that Castro may not be the only windbag she needs to worry about. Read the story 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-530017
milkyaqua November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 Also, it was good to see Geneva again and did anyone pick up on the little call back to Frasier when Prady says his dad was a cop who only talked about sports? 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-530057
Julie23 November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 I am so sick of all the election crap and Cary being railroaded, for the love of Pete, PLEASE go back to the case of the week! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-530120
rubyred November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 The last few episodes have shaken my faith in the show, they seemed kind of meandering with little payoff, when they didn't downright ruin a character (*cough*Elsbeth). Last night was kind of the same, but having thought about it it seemed to me that DHP as a potential State's Attorney candidate was a kind of get out of jail free card for the show. Alicia should not be SA. Castro should definitely not be SA. But until now we haven't seen someone who apparently would smoke both of them, and be better at the job without being a sneaky snake like Wendy Scott-Carr (remember her? she made my blood boil). DHP was so good at establishing who Prady is in a single episode. I think either Prady will win or Alicia will have a come-to-Jesus moment and withdraw from the race. She really iced over during interview prep when Johnny brought up the "rumors" of Peter screwing around with an intern. It was like she was realizing for the first time how much of her candidacy was going to be about Peter, not her. (Which, duh). But Alicia has always been really adept at shielding herself from grim realities until absolutely necessary. I liked CN's character but was distracted by her midwestern tan. I've been thinking about getting an HD TV but what stops me is how distracted I can get by the makeup I can see on a regular TV. What is up with all these false eyelashes? (Not on TGW but many other shows, it seems). Sorry, OT. I was also a little disoriented by the return to LG offices. Those are not the offices of a scrappy little startup. I didn't realize I missed the industrial effect until they went back to that relentless golden light of the corporate offices. Subliminal hint that this is a bad fit for FA? 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-530191
Crisopera November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 I'm not exactly sure how they could work it, but if they could get Michael Cerveris and Stephen Pasquale to do a duet (maybe some Sondheim?), I would be happy forever. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-530383
Sandman November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 (edited) They've historically never had a game plan for any of their name guest stars, like how the Matthew Perry and Parker Posey characters never really went anywhere. And, personally, I thank my lucky stars that the Parker Posey character zeroed out fast. Cannot stand Posey. At all. Ever. In anything. (Not really loving the Stephen Pasquale character, either, to be frank. But I think the level of smarm is quite intentional.) I'm assuming that Bishop has had a tail on Kalinda for a while and he used her to find and eliminate Trey Wagner and Crime Lab Lady. Edited November 3, 2014 by Sandman 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-530415
Driad November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 Have they said how soon the election is? I could understand some points better if I knew that. Surely it's not tomorrow, and a year seems too long. What month or season is it in TGW universe? Had the same problem when Peter ran for governor. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-530679
CMSupergirl November 3, 2014 Share November 3, 2014 This was the first ep I actively disliked Alicia. I think this season is really struggling so far and all of the story telling is quite disjointed. When they were tracking back Cary's connection to the missing cocaine I kept thinking it will be Kalinda behind it, not Peter. I could see Cary doing this and other questionable favors for Kalinda. He would cover her for it too. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-530887
crgirl412 November 4, 2014 Share November 4, 2014 And, personally, I thank my lucky stars that the Parker Posey character zeroed out fast. Cannot stand Posey. At all. Ever. In anything. Not even in Best in Show??? If you haven't seen it, you must! Even if you still hate her, you'll think everyone is really funny!! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-531446
Sandman November 4, 2014 Share November 4, 2014 I loved Best In Show, but the most I can say for Parker Posey is that I forgot that she was in it. (Which I guess amounts to a rave review?) 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-531464
izabella November 4, 2014 Share November 4, 2014 I don't know about Finn. He can't be that naive about his former boss although I guess he didn't think he'd be willing to let go of Bishop to go after Cary which does seem ridiculous on his part. He's more worried about getting re-elected than taking a big crime boss down. Yes, maybe it was time for Finn to jump ship. I think Finn didn't realize how much of a dirtbag his boss really is. Not only was Castro willing to let Bishop go in order to nail Cary, Finn also knew from Trey Williams that Cary was totally innocent and Castro didn't give a damn about that either. Castro was itching to convict even an innocent man to further his career. He's not just being political; he's actively being a bad guy. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-531832
CleoCaesar November 4, 2014 Share November 4, 2014 It was admirable (if stupid) of Cary to try an cover for Peter on the drug evidence issue. I suspect he did that somewhat out of loyalty to Alicia. He has been shown to have her back a number of times. Something in this episode, however gave me the feeling that when push comes to shove, and things get a little too hot Alicia might not return the loyalty. I am completely expecting that exact thing to happen. Alicia simply does NOT have Cary’s back. She might like him, might have fond memories of working together, might even look at him like a younger brother, but I don’t think she regards him as an equal at all. She is reshaping the firm that he had envisioned. She vetoes all his votes. She is BFF with Finn. If push comes to shove, I think she will straight-up throw him under the bus. I’d actually be really, really into Alicia turning full-blown Walter White and becoming the “villain” of the show. But I just don’t want to see Cary get screwed over yet again. David Hyde Pierce will always be Niles to me. He’s one of those actors who embodied his character so well and/or was so memorable that every time I see him as another character, I can’t let go of the original part he played. (Same thing goes for the guy who played Carlton on “Fresh Prince” or the guy who played Minkus on “Boy Meets World”.) Apparently Connie Nielsen didn't spend her 12 years away from the office sipping wine and playing tennis. She was clearly studying the law which is why her daughter was so neglected and became such a pathetic attention whore of an intern. And Alicia’s daughter became a dull-witted Christian fundamentalist. You can’t win either way, it seems. Honestly? I think some network honcho held a gun to the showrunner's head and said, "Make TGW more like Scandal!!!!!" That is a truly vicious comparison. *shudders* 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-531848
Texasmom1970 November 4, 2014 Share November 4, 2014 Well look who just caught up, yeah I am looking at you Finn. It took him that long to realize Castro is a dick who is trying to screw Alicia but going after Cary. Oh and writers, or whoever, this relentless pursuit of Cary is ridiculous, drop it and move on already! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-531933
CMH1981 November 4, 2014 Share November 4, 2014 (edited) So either there is a mole (Geneva?) in the SA office or Kalinda is being tailed. I really don't think Kalinda will make it to the end of the season, perhaps the end of the year at this point. She has to be on Bishops short list of people that know too much and need to go. If they go w/the mole route, they better not have it be a nobody that pops up at the last minute like they did on the Closer. I did like how when Cary texted that he missed Kalinda, she didn't reply back. He had to know that she looked sick like she was in too deep in this relationship. Good ol' Kalinda, likes to play along till they get attached and they let their feelings be known and then she backtracks. I hate Alicia now, and I hope not-Niles does sweep the race for SA. I can't stand the smugness of Alicia any more, do the creators/writers know how much nobody is a fan of their lead character now? When Diane came in w/the bad news and Alicia didn't have any idea what she was talking about, just ugh. I believe Alicia honestly doesn't give a damn if Cary goes to prison or not, she sure as hell doesn't care about his case. I said this before, and i'll say it again, Alicia will totally get the partners to vote out Cary as a partner at his own firm once he is sent back to jail for messing up his probation again. It's coming, I just know it. She will justify it b/c her polling numbers are down. They need lawyers, yet Alicia tells Finn to just rent out space on the 27th floor instead of asking him to join the firm? I do know if he joins the firm he can't give evidence/info on Cary's case. So I guess the identity of who is behind Alicia's PAC is just known and Eli doesn't have a problem with it being Lemond Freaking Bishop?! Seriously? The fact that Bishop basically told Alica he owns her campaign now? Really show? Edited November 4, 2014 by CMH1981 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-531965
lunastartron November 4, 2014 Share November 4, 2014 I think Finn didn't realize how much of a dirtbag his boss really is. Not only was Castro willing to let Bishop go in order to nail Cary, Finn also knew from Trey Williams that Cary was totally innocent and Castro didn't give a damn about that either. Castro was itching to convict even an innocent man to further his career. He's not just being political; he's actively being a bad guy. One of my chief problems with this episode is that Finn's incredulity over Castro's evilness makes zero sense. Just a couple of months ago, Castro straight up attempted to paint him as the cause for the shooting spree that took Will's life. It's the whole reason Finn entered the SA race in the first place. Just when I was about to tune out, along comes Connie Nielson & I'm pulled in again!!! I sure hope she has a BIG part in what's to come because I'm getting sick of this stupid drivel!!! Can the show just reboot entirely with a new Good Wife/midlife career renaissance featuring Connie in the lead? 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-532060
Jackal November 4, 2014 Share November 4, 2014 I've also grown tired of the Cary case. Enjoying the election storyline, though. Steven Pasquale is excellent as Alicia's campaign manager. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-532285
coloradoqt November 4, 2014 Share November 4, 2014 So I guess the identity of who is behind Alicia's PAC is just known and Eli doesn't have a problem with it being Lemond Freaking Bishop?! Seriously? The fact that Bishop basically told Alica he owns her campaign now? Really show?Edited by CMH1981, Today. 8:15 pm. I don't believe Eli knows where this PAC money is coming from. he refers to it as " a grassroot effort" which is how he explained the funds to Alicia. So now Finn knows Cary is innocent, but can't tell Alicia what he knows, so he is willing to let Cary, Alicia's partner go to prison . Alicia ask him to rent space from Diane a partner who is defending THEIR Partner from the SA's, trumped up charges,regarding Lemond Bishop, the same Lemond Bishop who now owns Alicia .The ASA who was trying to prosecute a partner of the law firm has now resigned and leased space from the partners he was trying to prosecute. Yeah, this is definitely a TV show.. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-532405
needschocolate November 4, 2014 Share November 4, 2014 Since they Will die last season, I don't think that they will go there again with Kalinde (the writing seems lazy lately, but not that lazy). I predict that Kalinda will feel threatened by Bishop and will go into hiding or leave the country. So immediately after Kalinda discovered the lab tech was being paid off by Bishop and found the lost witness...both died? I think there has to be a mole somewhere. I love Cary. I love that he's getting screen time. But I need this story to wrap up soon. My guess is that Castro is the mole - that Castro is closely allied with Bishop. He's going after Cary for political gain, but I don't think he wants to go after Bishop. I will admit that, if my theory is correct, it creates many inconsistencies - like why should Bishop set up the PAC for Alicia if he already owns Castro - but the way this show has been going lately, they would easily overlook/disregard those inconsistencies. If I were Cary I would be much more cautious about even text-flirting with Kalinda. He is inches away from being back inside. And she should know better. Totally agree. I think the same cautiousness warning applies to Alicia and Finn. They keep bringing up that photo of Finn leaving Alicia's apartment, yet she keeps meeting him in bars and having drinks together (whatever happened to he sobriety test video scandal of the week?). This was poor judgement on Finn's part too - he is prosecuting her business partner - he shouldn't been seen talking to her either. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-532493
las68 November 4, 2014 Share November 4, 2014 There is something new this season that I never noticed in previous seasons and I tried to find out why on my own but had no luck at all. I feel like an idiot, but I have to ask because it's driving me (and a few other viewers I know) crazy. In the courtroom scenes almost everyone in the background is either standing up, walking around, talking to others, talking on their phones, etc. Since when is this legal in a courtroom? As a viewer, I find it rather loud & distracting and assume it would be same for the judges, lawyers, etc. I admit I only recall seeing this during Cary's bail hearings, so maybe that has something to do with it. Can anyone please explain? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-532855
ktwo November 4, 2014 Share November 4, 2014 Otherwise, bygones on this whole episode. Poor Cary. I'll go watch him as Logan instead. Heh. I would say the same about Peter! This afternoon on WGN and WeTV. Steven Pasquale is the only thing keeping me from throwing in the towel in the whole election storyline. As for the election timeline, they haven't said as much, but I am assuming since it is Cook County that this is a primary and they're all Democrats. That would make a May sweeps election realistic as well as very convenient. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-532982
Sandman November 4, 2014 Share November 4, 2014 At first I thought maybe Geneva Pine had it out for Cary (still), but I don't think that makes a lot of sense. Then again, speaking of things that don't make much sense, I don't buy that Alicia is so new to "playing politics" that she completely lost her mind in the interview with Un-Niles. It's not like Alicia's unused to thinking on her feet or articulating nuanced ideas easily, or offering persuasive counter-arguments on the spot. She's a trial attorney! This is what she does for a living. I can't imagine that she's never appeared at a press conference or had any media training other than lessons in smarm from Eli and Johnny-Come-Lately. If this plot-derived stupidity is supposed to make Alicia's ill-considered foray into politics more compelling, or, worse, calculated to make the Johnny character seem relevant, it isn't working. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-533032
Aethera November 4, 2014 Share November 4, 2014 Heh. I would say the same about Peter! This afternoon on WGN and WeTV. Steven Pasquale is the only thing keeping me from throwing in the towel in the whole election storyline. As for the election timeline, they haven't said as much, but I am assuming since it is Cook County that this is a primary and they're all Democrats. That would make a May sweeps election realistic as well as very convenient. Ha, that is awesome. I do love me some Chris/Jerry L&O. Stephen is great, but I do also still love Eli. I was hoping his daughter would be around all the time now. Also, it was good to see Geneva again and did anyone pick up on the little call back to Frasier when Prady says his dad was a cop who only talked about sports? Oh man, I heard it but was so absorbed by Alicia's awkwardness I didn't put it together. That's adorable! 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/17399-s06e07-message-discipline/#findComment-533156
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