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Riley hates when I sneeze, which, I get it - it disturbs her.  Here she is using my body for a bed as is her natural right, and suddenly it jerks and emits a loud noise.

My late cat Maddie did as well, which I found rather funny, because she was quite prone to sneezing herself.  Of course, her sneezes were much more delicate.

I discovered the other night that Melrose, the cat I'm boarding for a neighbor, hates sneezing as well - she jumped down off the bar and gave me a dirty look.


But I've never had one do the there's a bird outside and I can't get to it through this damn window chatter at me in response.  That's amusing! 

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Ours will be fascinated by birds outside, but they don't often make noise at them. They'll just sit near the window and stare at them, all wide-eyed, and their heads will move back and forth as the birds fly by. 

The most interesting reaction one of our cats has ever had to another animal happened when we had our first cat. She was sitting in the window one night, looking outside, and then all of a sudden she crouched down, like she was trying to hide. My mom was curious what had caused her to react like that, so she looked out the window...

...and there was a (rather decent-sized) deer standing in our yard! Wasn't doing anything, just stood there grazing on some grass for a couple moments - my mom was mainly worried about it not getting anywhere near her car.

After a time, the deer moved to start walking away, and the very moment it moved, our cat flew out of the window and ran down the hall to my mom's room and stayed there for hours. She would not come out no matter how often we called her. I think she wanted to make sure that deer was really and truly gone before she felt safe coming out again (never mind that we live in a second floor apartment and were in no danger of any deer intruding on our home :p). 

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My late Baby Boo (a rescue) who was totally an indoor cat used to sit in various windows and watch the birds (which I fed as a form of "cat TV"). He didn't "chirp" it was more of a "kack kack kack" jaw clenching. I guess he was imagining eating up the birds?

Now that I have 6 feral cats living outside, I don't feed the birds any more. It feels cruel to me plus with the cat food for all these cats, I can't afford birdseed too.

I have found a home for one of the feral kitties, all I have to  do is corral it somehow!

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15 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

Okay, this is weird and I'd like to get other opinions.  Cat people, you know how some cats will make a chirpy noise at birds when they watch them from the window?  Well, I have one that does that, and since a couple of weeks ago, he's started to make that same noise at me when I sneeze.  He'll do it for the first couple of sneezes, but if there's more than that, he'll just give me a dirty look.  Fortunately my antihistamine keeps things pretty much under control.  We already knew he was weird, but I can't figure out what made him start doing this now.

My cat that I had that passed away 4 yrs ago Maggie used to do that all the time when I sneezed. She was the only cat that ever did it.

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It may only be me that did this, but, when my cats sneezed I would say "Bless you".  This resulted in one of them when I sneezed jumping up, putting his paws on my chest and getting right in my face and saying "Meow meow.  Meow meow."  I took at as he thought someone should say something when another being sneezed.  He even did it when I was on a conference call once. 

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6 minutes ago, tiftgirl said:

It may only be me that did this, but, when my cats sneezed I would say "Bless you".  This resulted in one of them when I sneezed jumping up, putting his paws on my chest and getting right in my face and saying "Meow meow.  Meow meow."  I took at as he thought someone should say something when another being sneezed.  He even did it when I was on a conference call once. 

This is the cutest thing, oh, my god :D. 

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Quirk chatters at birds.  Lily doesn't, and Snip didn't, and it took me ages to figure out what was making that noise.  But Quirk only does it at birds that are also making noise; she won't do it if there's one just sitting on the neighbor's roof.  If there's one on the neighbor's roof hollering its head off, she'll holler back at it.

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2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Luckily, I have plenty of perennials that produce food for seed loving birds ,as well as food for hummingbirds.  Still, I like to feed the birds, and can't wait for things to get back to normal so I can put my feeders and birdbath back out.

Every time I put food out for the birds its those bastard squirrels that steal the food🤬

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1 hour ago, Nicmar said:

Every time I put food out for the birds its those bastard squirrels that steal the food🤬

Same here. My husband kept putting out seeds and nuts on the deck railing, and not only did the squirrels (especially those horrible red ones) try to hog everything, but there were sharp little sunflower hulls all over the deck floor so I couldn't go out there barefoot. Plus, there was one psychopath squirrel who I was convinced was plotting to attack me. So I said this just doesn't fly. (Unintentional bird pun.)

My husband found a feeder pole with a spring-activated squirrel baffle that actually works! (We've had a bunch of different supposedly squirrel-proof feeders, but this one seems like the real deal.) It was ridiculously expensive, but it gave me back access to the deck and it lets him keep feeding the birds, so maybe it was worth it.

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22 hours ago, bosawks said:

I don’t know what he did yet but it doesn’t look good…..


We need an update!

On 8/12/2021 at 8:13 AM, Nicmar said:

Every time I put food out for the birds its those bastard squirrels that steal the food🤬

Try adding some cayenne pepper.  The birds don't care, but the squirrels do.

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15 minutes ago, bosawks said:

Let’s just say there were snacks on a table that have mysteriously disappeared….


10 minutes ago, ABay said:

Gnomes! It must have been gnomes. Not that sweet little dog who would never do anything naughty.

There were never snacks on the table.

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1 hour ago, ABay said:

Gnomes! It must have been gnomes. Not that sweet little dog who would never do anything naughty.

In my house it's the dust dinosaurs who are always to blame.

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6 minutes ago, supposebly said:

That is a valid question considering the condition of the chair. 😉 No offense.

My cat will only sleep in the official cat bed if it is also on the couch. If it's on the floor he'd rather sleep on the floor next to it.

My other cat won't sleep in the cat bed at all. He'll curl up on the couch next to it.

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That’s her chair now, for obvious reasons(I don’t use it anyway because without carpeting, I can’t sit in it without rolling back about six feet, and with my balance issues, that’s not a good thing).  

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3 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

My cat will only sleep in the official cat bed if it is also on the couch. If it's on the floor he'd rather sleep on the floor next to it.

My other cat won't sleep in the cat bed at all. He'll curl up on the couch next to it.

My cat got a bed on her first Christmas. She loved the paper it was wrapped in and would curl up in that, but she never used the bed. The only activity she would do with it for some time was taking the pillow out and throwing it about a meter away from the rest, then ignoring both parts. Now she just ignores it completely.

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Our cat Lily used to use a cat bed for a time, but she hasn't been in it for a while. And Mitsi's shown absolutely no interest in her own kitty bed, but in her case, I think that's 'cause she figures Lily would probably eventually just take it and claim it as hers in the end anyway, so why bother :p?

Lily does have a basket she loves to lay in, though, that we've made into a makeshift kitty bed of sorts. Mitsi just likes to relax on my mom's bed or the back of the couch much of the time. 


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Tuesday-Thursday the temp will be 90 and the dew point in the 70s. If the power goes out and I can't find an air conditioned place to stay, what's my best option for keeping a plumpish black cat as comfortable as possible? Is that kind of heat OK for a cat?

I do have the phone numbers of 3 pet-friendly hotels but since hundreds of emergency workers are coming in from out of state, I don't know if I'll be able to get a room. I can sit in a cold tub and I can go into work, but the cat would be home.

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Some suggestions here.

Good to make sure they drink enough and stay in the coolest part of the house.


They are desert animals, at least most kinds are, so it might not be too bad. I would keep the blinds closed to keep the sun out. Maybe cool the bathroom tiles with cold water and if it lasts, a cold shower of some kind? I petted my two black Panthers with wet hands. They don't quite enjoy it but it cools them down a bit too.

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I wrapped ice packs in kitchen towels and put them on my heat-hating cat. Just for a few minutes at a time, but she seemed to like it. I also wiped her down with a cool damp washcloth, but she was less fond of that. Other than that, I kept the shades/curtains closed and closed off the hotter rooms so she had to sit where it was cooler. Good luck!

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Before I installed triple pane windows and air conditioning, there were summer nights it "cooled down" to 98 degrees in the house.  I would wet the cats - and myself - down and then hang out under a ceiling fan, with a standing fan blowing at us, too.  Obviously, without power, the fans wouldn't be part of the equation, but just the wetting down should help.  We did that with one of our cats in the motorhome when a fire near the campground knocked out power.  (Wiping with a wet cloth was all we did for her, but my cats in the sweltering house I'd stick under the faucet because they were fine with it under the circumstances.)

My parents are out of town for a week, so I'm doing the 24 hours at my house with Riley/24 at their house with Bandit routine.  It's really sad to be there without Chester; I'd been over for dinner a couple of times since he died, but we had a special relationship when my parents were gone and I was taking care of the boys - for him to not be there under these circumstances hits a lot harder.  I find myself expecting to hear/see him for half a second, and it stings when I remember.

Bandit has seemed to, having been there when Chester was euthanized, understand the death, as he's never looked for him like he did when Bailey went to hospital and never came home.  But he's still upset like we all are, and, as a result, rather clingy (he was already a much-indulged attention hog with no inside voice, so he's lucky he's cute).

Last week, I took care of my group of nieces and nephews that includes the little bundle of mischief that is new kitten Trouble, and, oh my stars, he is entertaining.  He's into absolutely everything and he's also incredibly snuggly; he loves being carried around and sleeping on chests, which makes up for the fact he thinks toes are chew toys and wants to walk right in between legs rather than beside or in front of someone.

He's not only one of those cats who finds closed doors offensive, he's one who must climb inside anything revealed by the opening of a cabinet, even if it's a refrigerator:

Trouble Chillin.JPG

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2 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

I don't know why you call him Trouble! He looks like an angel!

When she first pondered the name, I thought - based on the sotries and pictures I was getting - she was calling "trouble" what is just being a kitten.  But, having taken care of him for five days, I see what she means.  (It's still not a name I'd have ever picked, but he's not my cat, and she means it with absolute affection and adoration.)  Holy cow.  I've only had two kittens, and both were decades ago, but I do not remember either of them being tiny bulldozers like he is.  Guaranteed, their Christmas tree is coming down at least once this year.

He's every bit as sweet as he is mischievous, and he's hilarious, so he's the best kind of trouble.  I was very cognizant of giving the other cats plenty of one-on-one time with Auntie Bastet, because Trouble is pretty much irresistible, and more sociable than they are (they don't like anyone outside the household other than me, and they don't even spend time with her husband like they do with me), so it's easy to get caught up in him, and I didn't want them feeling like the new guy gets all the attention.

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Cats are usually good about taking care of themselves in the heat.  They find the coolest spot they can to melt into a cat puddle and nap.  All of the suggestions about wetting them down are helpful; a wet washcloth or a spray bottle to mist water is good.  I think you only need to be concerned if they pant - then you really need to cool them down.  The best response depends on what the cat will tolerate, for instance,  it would be most effective if they can be put in a cool bath without being hysterical.  Of course, be sure to have plenty of fresh cool water for them to drink.

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16 hours ago, Bastet said:

he's one who must climb inside anything revealed by the opening of a cabinet, even if it's a refrigerator:

Shadow did that to me a couple months ago.  I still don’t know how she managed to get in there without me seeing her.  Fortunately, she yelled mightily after I closed the door. 😳

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My Onyx is perpetually intrigued by the cold box.  If she's in the vicinity when the door is opened, she simply must put her sniffer in hyper mode, sometimes raising up on the lowest shelf to further investigate.  Same fridge, same food stuffs, same cat, same game, 15 years+.

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11 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

My Onyx is perpetually intrigued by the cold box.  If she's in the vicinity when the door is opened, she simply must put her sniffer in hyper mode, sometimes raising up on the lowest shelf to further investigate.  Same fridge, same food stuffs, same cat, same game, 15 years+.

But if you keep opening it, something new might appear! At least that is what we all tell ourselves when we're in the mood for a snack but there is nothing to eat in the [recently restocked from the store] refrigerator.

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Thanks, everyone, for the advice about keeping the cat cool! Henri swerved east and although we've had rain all day, it seems like we are unlikely to lose power overnight. And even if we do, it shouldn't take long to fix it. My power company currently has 2 customers out, down from 16 earlier in the day.

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4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

If one of my cat's did that, I would be scrubbing the bottom of the fridge where his butt sat for days.  I'm a clean freak.


4 hours ago, Bastet said:

Unless you've trained your cats to only stand or lie down, never sit, you must be exhausted from following them around sanitizing everything their butts touch.


1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

Sitting in the refrigerator is a totally different level of gross.

I wouldn't worry.  I'm sure he licked everything clean before he sat down.

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