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15 hours ago, ABay said:

The cat birds and orioles only go to the orange and jelly feeder which is in the only place I could put one of the larger cage feeders.

Could you hang a smaller feeder from the bottom of a larger feeder?  Or would that create other problems?

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I don't normally compare my cats to kids, because they are cats but.... they have been so extra needy and clingly and meowy lately it's getting on my nerves. And today I was playing with the cat-cat with a fishing toy, looked away for a moment and he ate two of the strings on the tail. Each about 2 inches. Now I get to spend all day keeping an eye on him and the litter box.

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Update:  The bowls are working out well; Shadow hasn’t been able to tip them, although I occasionally hear some rattling.  I also bought cat litter and a plastic container for same from Chewy.  Between all the boxes and the packing material, my living room looked like Christmas morning.  And, yes, someone was happy. 

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7 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

@theredhead77, how it cat-cat doing?

Thanks for checking in (and sorry I didn't update). There was barfed up string on the bedroom floor yesterday morning that matches one of the missing sections. I'm 90% sure he ate both pieces but I haven't seen any other barfed string but I did go squish all the kitty litter (and poops) in their litter genie bag and I think the other string was in there. Sorry if that was TMI. I'm keeping a close eye on him and will bring him into the vet if needed but he seems to be fine.

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Monday through Friday, when I wake up around 8:15 and start working around 8:30: 

  • 8:30: Dogs want to go outside to pee.
  • 9:30: Dogs want breakfast.
  • 9:45: Dogs want to go outside again to poop.
  • Rest of day: Dogs sleep in various places, with occasional short trips outside for bio breaks, and play with each other unsupervised.

Saturday and Sunday, when I could in theory sleep late:

  • 7:00: Dogs want to go outside to pee.
  • 7:30: Dogs decide it's time to play on my bed for the next hour or two.
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On 6/9/2020 at 12:10 AM, pinkandsparkly13 said:

Me and my boyfriend got these babies in the past couple weeks. My mom found the cat Toby in the street by work and asked if we would take him to my boyfriend's house. There are a lot of stray cats over there that we feed. He was so little and friendly that we decided to just keep him, and not release him with the others. Lol although he did interact with them one time, and they were all nice to each other. And he didn't take long to eat dry food and use a litter box. We got Wilma from some friends. She's sweet, but can be a handful. We're trying to get her potty trained and got a kennel on Saturday. She's done okay with it so far. They like playing with each other and with us. It's been a long time since I've had new pets, and I love them. Ha




They are adorable- separately and together!  Congrats

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Little Girl has been a complete brat since the move. She's a very happy, silly and playful girl, as always. Both her and her mother act like they are starving to death (don't all cats?) because they now eat roughly every six hours instead of the four they used to eat when I was home/not working. I'm working from home now, but my boyfriend's and my hours are 4am--his waking time for work--to 9 or 9:30pm, when we go to bed. (I don't usually actually fall sleep at that time, but I go to bed.) The girls used to go overnight without eating for 10 or so hours. When I didn't have to get up for work, I SLEPT!

So the girls are now eating (only wet food, no dry; I don't feed dry) at about 4am, 10ish, 5pm-ish and 9:30ish. They sleep most of the day. Some nights, Little Girl wakes up at about 2-3am and starts slapping the bedroom window blinds. Because of her doing this, I have the blinds pulled up more than halfway. We have room-darkening curtains (my old curtains from my old balcony doors), so it's not an issue. She still slaps at the blinds some nights; I guess she stands on her back feet? Last night, she started doing it, so I kicked her out of the bedroom and shut the door. Then I heard her messing with the dishes in the sink from where we hadn't emptied and reloaded the dishwasher. Then she whined and scratched at the bedroom door. Ugh!

When she acts up like that and it's right before time for my boyfriend to get up for work, I tell him not to feed the girls immediately because they'll (she'll) see it as a reward/getting what she wants for her behavior. That hasn't stopped the behavior.

She's always been a dramatic thespian, but hasn't quite been this bad until we moved in with my boyfriend and her whole world changed. She was pretty fearless about it all, though, as is her nature. Little Mama is basically the opposite of her. She's very calm and reserved, and takes a little while to get used to new things. She'll be five next month, but is only nine months older than Little Girl. She loves my boyfriend!

I know we should probably wear them out before bed with getting them to chase toys, etc. After the worst night we had with them both acting up, I kept them awake the whole next day. It was like a second job, because as you may know, cats sleep pretty easily. Ha!

I need to get them some new toys (like they don't have any) that they will go nuts for, I guess. Other than that, I don't know. I've had cats for almost 35 years and never had one act quite this bratty.

Oh, and she licks the blinds and the walls, but only when she thinks it's time to eat. It's so weird and highly annoying.

I didn't set out for this to be a novel.

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8 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

After the worst night we had with them both acting up, I kept them awake the whole next day. It was like a second job, because as you may know, cats sleep pretty easily. Ha!

Did that work? 

I feed mine only twice a day with the occasional treat during the day. They love eating wheat grass too, so they nibble on that during the day. Maybe your little one is still testing the waters and rules of the new place and might calm down in a while. At least I hope that for you and your uninterrupted sleep. 

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4 hours ago, bilgistic said:

After the worst night we had with them both acting up, I kept them awake the whole next day. It was like a second job, because as you may know, cats sleep pretty easily. Ha!

When I was a kid, the first time we took one of our cats camping with us, she spent the first night running up and down the motorhome annoying everyone.  So the next day my dad kept physically interrupting her naps while saying "Stop that sleeping" so she'd sleep that night.  She didn't particularly like him to begin with (he was out of town when I brought her home, and got home right after she'd settled in; I think she viewed him as an interloper), and that really did not endear him to her.

But it did work, so there's that.

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It worked for that one night, but I had to wake them up literally every half hour or more often all day! Maybe I need to find a bird program on Prime that will keep them enthralled all day. The neighborhood cats in the back yard don't seem to have interested them.

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22 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

bird program on Prime that will keep them enthralled all day.

There are tons of youtube videos, hours and hours. My cats loved them but now they've come to realize that they're not real and they will never be able eat them. But for a few weeks, it kept them entertained.

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I am beyond excited today! Our puppy was born! We lost our Jack Russell 2 years ago at the age of 15. A month prior we lost our kitty also aged 15. The following months I also lost my grandpa and my husbands grandma passed away. Shortly after we got a new kitty who ended up passing away a month or so later due to some rare disease. My sons hamster also died so we put the breaks on getting any animals for a while. 

We’ve now been successful for over a year with owning a kitty cat and I still cry everyday over our dog that we had to put to sleep. Never thought I’d be able to love a dog again. Ive been following a reputable Jack Russell breeder online since we lost our first one and I think I’m ready to do it! I believe ours will be the one with the single black spot on his back. He was born today and we get to meet him in 8 weeks! We are so excited and I hope this is what finally helps heal my broken heart!


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47 minutes ago, Mountainair said:

I am beyond excited today! Our puppy was born! We lost our Jack Russell 2 years ago at the age of 15. A month prior we lost our kitty also aged 15. The following months I also lost my grandpa and my husbands grandma passed away. Shortly after we got a new kitty who ended up passing away a month or so later due to some rare disease. My sons hamster also died so we put the breaks on getting any animals for a while. 

We’ve now been successful for over a year with owning a kitty cat and I still cry everyday over our dog that we had to put to sleep. Never thought I’d be able to love a dog again. Ive been following a reputable Jack Russell breeder online since we lost our first one and I think I’m ready to do it! I believe ours will be the one with the single black spot on his back. He was born today and we get to meet him in 8 weeks! We are so excited and I hope this is what finally helps heal my broken heart!


As I’ve said before pets are so perfect that they have to have the one imperfection of mortality for us to be worthy of them.

I wish you all of the happiness with your new beginning.

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6 hours ago, bilgistic said:

Oh, and she licks the blinds and the walls, but only when she thinks it's time to eat. It's so weird and highly annoying.

I am cracking up at this image. Just...what XD? God, cats are so freaking weird

My sister was going to be out of town for a weekend once and so we took her cat in for that time, and the first night, that poor little thing did not handle it well. She meowed pretty much the entire night and kept looking out the window, the way a little kid does to see when their mommy's coming home. I felt so bad for her, I know it can be scary for animals to be in a new place that they're not familiar with. 

She also scared the crap out of us the next morning because we couldn't find her at first and we were terrified she'd somehow slipped out of the house or something during the night. Nope, turned out she found some little shelf in my mom's room and hid way in the back of it :p.

As the weekend went on, though, thankfully she started to calm down a little. 

@Mountainair, hooray for your new puppy! It is tough trying to move on, yeah, I don't blame you for being resistant to getting a new dog for the longest time. My family's felt that way in the past, too. I'm glad you were able to find a new dog, though, and I hope this puppy will bring you much joy and happiness :). And hopefully it'll get on well with your kitty, too :D. 

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On 6/30/2020 at 10:35 AM, Mindthinkr said:


@AgentRXS Coming here to wish you a 🎉 Happy Birthday 🎉 

Big Boy (pictured) and Squeaky send you their loudest purrs. 

beautiful cat! love the bow tie, I have a Squeaky also he's a all black kitty.

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