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S05.E02: Strangers

Tara Ariano
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Questions I have about Shish-Ka-Bob: How did they keep him from bleeding out after cutting his leg off? And why didn't he immediately have intense pain in his leg when he first woke up? And why can't they just eat squirrels like everyone else?

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So Father Gabriel was holding a pic of himself and a blonde woman. His lover who turned into a Walker, maybe? Maybe he has Beth tied up in the basement with those huge, out-dated glasses on, and in an outfit that the woman wore, and he's playing house with her.  I mean, Beth's gotta be there, right?


I though the woman in the photo was his girlfriend and was the nasty zombie that freaked him out at the food drive. That one was a woman and had glasses, too.

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So Father Gabriel was holding a pic of himself and a blonde woman. His lover who turned into a Walker, maybe? Maybe he has Beth tied up in the basement with those huge, out-dated glasses on, and in an outfit that the woman wore, and he's playing house with her.  I mean, Beth's gotta be there, right?

She might have just been the church secretary/organist/ whatever. She looked kind of dorky/ crazy cat lady - not like his girlfriend/mrs.

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No - not Bob.  I love the actor.  I need to do a Wire shout out.  D a/k/a Bob you know better than to work with the Police a/k/a Sgt. Carver a/k/a Preacher.


That was the most disturbing thing I have ever seen on tv.

Edited by Macbeth
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Questions I have about Shish-Ka-Bob: How did they keep him from bleeding out after cutting his leg off? And why didn't he immediately have intense pain in his leg when he first woke up? And why can't they just eat squirrels like everyone else?

Was wondering the same thing! Bob didn't really seem to be in any pain. Maybe they have a stockpile of painkillers?!

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Questions I have about Shish-Ka-Bob: How did they keep him from bleeding out after cutting his leg off? And why didn't he immediately have intense pain in his leg when he first woke up? And why can't they just eat squirrels like everyone else?

I am guessing they drugged him, but who knows with what. Could have even been alcohol, I suppose. Not sure about the cauterization in the woods. But I am guessing they have done this "in the field" before, and know how to prevent someone from dying if they want to.

Edited by fliptopbox
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Questions I have about Shish-Ka-Bob: How did they keep him from bleeding out after cutting his leg off?


They had a fire, so maybe they cauterized it right away. I have no idea why he wasn't writhing in agony, though. Shock?

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No - not Bob.  I love the actor.  I need to do a Wire shout out.  D a/k/a Bob you know better than to work with the Police a/k/a Sgt. Carver a/k/a Preacher.


That was the most disturbing thing I have ever seen on tv.

Is it bad that all I'm hoping for is someone to say "Where's Bob? Where's Bob?? WHERE'S BOB, STRING?!?"

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Questions I have about Shish-Ka-Bob: How did they keep him from bleeding out after cutting his leg off? And why didn't he immediately have intense pain in his leg when he first woke up? And why can't they just eat squirrels like everyone else?


Because they LIKE to eat people. All of that nonsense that Gareth told Bob was bullshit. They like it. They are sadistic and evil now.

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I think what's bothering Carol is that it is the first time she can't be straight with Daryl about something...and she can tell he wants to talk about it, he really needs to hear her explain it, and she could either lie to him---which he would detect immediately, or refuse to let him into her confidence which would close down their bond.

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I knew once that new black guy showed up we'd have to lose either Bob or Tyreese. I kid - but only sorta. 


Actually, Bob has lasted far longer than I thought he would. I hope all those Termite mofos are eating tainted meat. 



Bwah!  I was thinking the same about the replacement black guy. When Morgan joins them, Tyrese will likely be the one to go. I had a really bad feeling when we saw that Bob and Sacha were so happy. Never a good sign on this show.

Me and my mother used to joke that black people were like Highlanders in the ZA. There could be only one. Then we had to put the joke on hiatus when all the black people stopped dying as soon as a new one showed up. LOL. 


I am shocked that Bob stuck around so long. I had him pegged as an immediate redshirt as soon as he was introduced. But I did grow to like him. Which sucked, because as soon as I saw Morgan at the end of the last ep I said to my mom "aw damn, Bob is a dead man walking". And I LOVE Morgan! But the writing was on the wall! Add to that all of the Bob/Sasha cuteness during the ep tonight? Subtle, show, subtle. LOL!

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I'm fine with this being a slower episode.  They had all the necessary conversations that everyone was screaming last week about needing to happen although I'm sure some people still won't be happy with it.  Most of them seemed to be at a decent place of understanding that they really do have bigger fish to fry at this point like food and shelter and figuring out where they go from here.


You knew the moment Bob started gushing about how life and everyone could go back to how it was before (Really Bob?  All the corpses and ruin are just going to go away too, along with all the survivors turned nuts?) that it wasn't going to end well for him.


Either Gabriel is a complete fraud and psychopath like nearly everyone else they've met along the way or there's no way he should have survived this long into the zombie apocalypse.  If you can't even kill walkers you're pretty much useless to yourself and anyone else.

Edited by nodorothyparker
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Questions I have about Shish-Ka-Bob: How did they keep him from bleeding out after cutting his leg off? And why didn't he immediately have intense pain in his leg when he first woke up? And why can't they just eat squirrels like everyone else?

Peanut allergy.

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I am guessing they drugged him, but who knows with what. Could have even been alcohol, I suppose. Not sure about the cauterization in the woods. But I am guessing they have done this "in the field" before, and know how to prevent someone from dying if they want to.

Well, I'm not that knowledgeable about that sort of thing, but I thought there was a large artery in the leg that was quite difficult to close up. But then, they've had plenty of practice chopping people up, so maybe they know how to tie it off as well as a surgeon at this point. (And by that I meant maybe you're right about them having done this in the field before).

Edited by TexasChic
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I thought I saw that lady with glasses wandering around in the basement water as a zombie.

 We did see her.


I though the woman in the photo was his girlfriend and was the nasty zombie that freaked him out at the food drive. That one was a woman and had glasses, too.


Yep, we did see her, and the woman probably WAS his girlfriend....when she was alive. The think is, she's NOT alive any more, and we know that Beth was taken by a hearse? last season, and we saw that hearse in the area. Perhaps whoever was driving it brought Beth back to the church and they are holding her captive there?  The camera lingered on the photo and Father Gabriel peering at it sadly, and for a significant amount of time. 

She might have just been the church secretary/organist/ whatever. She looked kind of dorky/ crazy cat lady - not like his girlfriend/mrs.


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Plus, I just really want to see some strong female friendships on this show. I feel like we really only got that with Andrea and Michonne, and I freaking hated Andrea. I liked the connection between Maggie and Tara tonight and would like to see more of it.


I know. That's one of the reasons I always liked the bond between Andrea and Michonne, even though it was more tell than show. There have been so few friendships between women. Even Carol and Lori was mostly glimpsed.

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What was Gareth talking about when he explained they specifically singled out Bob? Bob couldn't have been part of the Terminus rapist invaders, could he? He's a relatively new character, but I can't see the show doing THAT to one of the good guys. Even if they just let bad guys eat his leg.

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Well, I'm not that knowledgeable about that sort of thing, but I thought there was a large artery in the leg that was quite difficult to close up. But then, they've had plenty of practice chopping people up, so maybe they know how to tie it off as well as a surgeon at this point.

That and we really don't know any of their backgrounds. One of their crew could have been a nurse or doctor before the ZA, or they encountered one at some point who taught them. Also, like stated, they've had tons of practice by now.

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I really resent that this stupid Karen/David killing storyline has bled over to this season.  I accept that they needed someone outside of Terminus for the season premiere and Carol served that role just fine, but the whole murder thing was supid, out of character writing.  Like Carol, I'd rather forget that it ever happened than deal with some ham-fisted fallout from it - no matter how wonderful Melissa McBride is at selling it.


I was happy to see Daryl reaching out to her, but it's weak sauce compared to how much I hated that plot.  And what the hell was up with him dropping the water?  Was that supposed to be funny?  I found it awkward as hell.

Edited by Gin and Tonic
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I would never ever get into waist-high water full of zombies. There could have been a kid zombie under there who isn't tall enough to see above water, chomping on ankles. No thank you.

Not to mention walkers that can't stand, or fractional walkers. Or hell, splintered wood that's been soaking in zombie soup for months. I'd have been eating kudzu before diving into that for a few boxes of cans.

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Goddamit this show! What a fantastic episode. To those who dubbed Gabriel --> Faux-ther Gabriel /Saint Suspicious - you are brilliant.


I hope Bob was bit on the leg and they saved his life by eating it ... can I get mustard on my corn-bob?


Good point. I thought for sure that when Bob was pulled under the water, he was somehow nicked/bit. This comment - you are correct, it might just save his life!!




Always doubletap. These idiots need to watch Zombieland and write down the rules. Even a geeky nerd like Columbus knows better than half of the WD crew.


I think Gabriel's deal is that he locked out his flock, leaving them to die.


Yes, YES. I think so too, now that you mention it. Which is why he appears so weak with Walkers. One cannot survive two+ years (I don't know the timeline) without encountering chomping walkers and evil humans.


Questions I have about Shish-Ka-Bob: How did they keep him from bleeding out after cutting his leg off? And why didn't he immediately have intense pain in his leg when he first woke up?


I thought that too - but apparently nerve /phantom limb could have "convinced" Bob all was good, along with shock. But truly, it seems not quite right. Poor Bob. I freaked when I saw that. Oh, and Tyresse?? YOU sir are a bloody idiot. Never trust the weak. *grumble*


What was up with Carol? I was worried that she was going to just take off and leave the rest of the group behind. <snip>

I think Carol wanted to leave because she doesn't feel like she deserves forgiveness, she hasn't forgiven herself so she would rather go.


I think that Carol thinks that "you've already kicked me out once - I don't trust you to do it again." Even though she accepted the forgiveness of the others, she KNOWS that they cannot fully understand her decisions. Alternately, maybe she is worried that she will have to resort to doing the same things that she did to Karen and co, and is disturbed by it. I stand by point 1.

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Kudzu (sp?) is a pretty renewable resource, no? I'm surprised it isn't shown/used more in the series.

If that doesnt summon Doom, I dont know what will! I'm glad we're finally getting to The Hunters proper

but I can not wait to see Bob start cackling and yelling TAINTED MEAT! TAINTED MEAT!! Because you know he got bit in that water hole full of zombies!

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I was happy to see Daryl reaching out to her, but it's weak sauce compared to how much I hated that plot.  And what the hell was up with him dropping the water?  Was that supposed to be funny?  I found it awkward as hell.


I wouldn't be shocked if that was a blooper they kept in.


I think that Carol thinks that "you've already kicked me out once - I don't trust you to do it again." Even though she accepted the forgiveness of the others, she KNOWS that they cannot fully understand her decisions. Alternately, maybe she is worried that she will have to resort to doing the same things that she did to Karen and co, and is disturbed by it. I stand by point 1.


I think she likely also just feels out of place. She shut down to survive. How do you come back from that? Does she have the same ties to them that she once had? I think that her immediate acceptance back in also threw her, as it means she had more time to fight her own demons.

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The three comic musketeers and their mullet can march right off my TV at any time.  They just don't fit and probably never will and their mission still sounds ridiculous.  Bonus points if they find Beth and take her with them so I don't have to spend half a season watching Daryl and Carol hunt for her only to find her in a barn somewhere.  I'm willing to watch them do almost anything but this is already promising to be tedious.

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I was happy to see Daryl reaching out to her, but it's weak sauce compared to how much I hated that plot.  And what the hell was up with him dropping the water?  Was that supposed to be funny?  I found it awkward as hell.

I thought it was supposed to be his awkward attempt at flirting.

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I really resent that this stupid Karen/David killing storyline has bled over to this season.  I accept that they needed someone outside of Terminus for the season premiere and Carol served that role just fine, but the whole murder thing was supid, out of character writing.  Like Carol, I'd rather forget that it ever happened than deal with some ham-fisted fallout from it - no matter how wonderful Melissa McBride is at selling it.


I was happy to see Daryl reaching out to her, but its weak sauce compared to how much I hated that plot.  And what the hell was up with him dropping the water?  Was that supposed to be funny?  I found it awkward as hell.


I also want to forget that plot. Augh. It just highlights everyone's hypocrisy to me. Everyone in the group has done questionable things because they thought they had to. Even freaking Carl shot and killed a dude. Rick has just come back from gunning down people and letting zombies eat them alive.


Yes, Carol killed two people at the prison. People who were already dying and were going to have a nasty death. It's not like she did it for fun. She thought it was what she had to do (even though the logic she used was flawed), and, I repeat, they were going to die anyway. Maybe it's because I gave no fucks about Karen and David (I don't even remember who David was, that was a straight up redshirt, wasn't it?), but I didn't think she did something so horrible as to warrant of all this. Tyrese was the only one who could judge her because Karen was his gf and because coming from him it wouldn't be hypocritical (he couldn't even kill cabin guy!), and he forgave her. So I wish they would just fucking move on.  I'm fine with Carol dealing with who she has become, but I wish the group would let it go, specially Rick.


I thought dropping the water was supposed to show that they were awkward around each other and that Daryl was nervous.

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Dammit Bob don't you know the cliche horror movie rules? Don't go outside alone, especially when it's dark, and certainky not in the woods. And never wander alone when you are a person of color or a big breasted blonde - they always get killed first!

I cannot wait for a Gareth to be gone. I hope he has Michonnes sword and she fillets his hipster wannabe philosopher ass!

Edited by Texasmom1970
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The writing was so-so this episode, but I liked the episode overall.


Re: Carol leaving the group -- I'm thinking Carol's guilt is more about Lizzie and Mika than the K&D thing

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I think she likely also just feels out of place. She shut down to survive. How do you come back from that? Does she have the same ties to them that she once had? I think that her immediate acceptance back in also threw her, as it means she had more time to fight her own demons.


I think she could not deal with their forgiveness because she has not truly forgiven herself for it all, specially after Lizzy and Mika. So it felt wrong to be there.

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I thought it was supposed to be his awkward attempt at flirting.

Ok, tumblr has informed me that before he dropped his water jug at her feet, he offered to carry one of hers.  So he was trying to be nice and it was a bag of awkward because that is essentially what Daryl Dixon is when he isn't killing things.  I missed that because, much as love Norman Reedus and Daryl, he's more than a little mush mouthed at times.


Also, while I too am suspicious of Father Gabriel, I love Seth Gilliam a ton so I don't really care what he's up to.

Edited by Gin and Tonic
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I also want to forget that plot. Augh. It just highlights everyone's hypocrisy to me. Everyone in the group has done questionable things because they thought they had to. Even freaking Carl shot and killed a dude. Rick has just come back from gunning down people and letting zombies eat them alive.


Yes, Carol killed two people at the prison. People who were already dying and were going to have a nasty death. It's not like she did it for fun. She thought it was what she had to do (even though the logic she used was flawed), and, I repeat, they were going to die anyway. Maybe it's because I gave no fucks about Karen and David (I don't even remember who David was, that was a straight up redshirt, wasn't it?), but I didn't think she did something so horrible as to warrant of all this. Tyrese was the only one who could judge her because Karen was his gf and because coming from him it wouldn't be hypocritical (he couldn't even kill cabin guy!), and he forgave her. So I wish they would just fucking move on.  I'm fine with Carol dealing with who she has become, but I wish the group would let it go, specially Rick.


I thought dropping the water was supposed to show that they were awkward around each other and that Daryl was nervous.


I think the group (the few that knew) were trying to let it go. I don't think it's as easy for Carol to move past, because it's hanging in the air, and that's not something which, psychologically, is easy to get past for her. She has to integrate all the different version of herself and it's not easy either.

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I miss Michonne's Catana sword.


I forgot to mention, so do I. I mean, yeah, I get that she sees it as a connection to her past inhumane behaviour, but really - it was the most efficient and effective weapon in the Apocalypse. Guns run out of bullets. Katana's do not. AND they put the sword-wielder far away from their aggressive target.


From Michonne's little speech to Rick though - the katana isn't coming back. *sad*

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Also, what was with Carol parroting Tyrese's line about "I just need to forget it"? Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it seemed odd to me that she repeated his words.


I took that to mean she has no idea what to say or how to feel about what happened, so she was taking what he told her.

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Another good episode. I also think Bob was crying because he was bit, but how could the termites not notice it? He also looked too awake for having lost his leg. I think Father Gabriel is somehow related to the hearse that took Beth, but not sure how. Times like this I am glad I didn't read the comics, so I can be surprised each week (I know the show is not following exactly).


Loved seeing Judith looking so adorable with Rick, but when the group is walking you can tell she is not there with them. I didn't think Carol was leaving, just that she is turned into some kind of loner now and likes to do her own thing. Of course, none of them should ever be alone in the woods. Daryl dropping the water was just odd.

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I forgot to mention, so do I. I mean, yeah, I get that she sees it as a connection to her past inhumane behaviour, but really - it was the most efficient and effective weapon in the Apocalypse. Guns run out of bullets. Katana's do not. AND they put the sword-wielder far away from their aggressive target.


From Michonne's little speech to Rick though - the katana isn't coming back. *sad*


I'm hoping we'll see it again. We got such a blatant reminder tonight (when she reached for it). It's like Daryl and that crossbow. It's iconic. 


I saw someone talking about how her katana is used to chop people in her group. Did they use it to cut off Bob's leg? Or is that just fancruft?

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Kudzu . . . DOOM??!!! Are you out there??

Ahem. I (thankfully) missed the very end -- from the comments I know what happened to poor, sweet Bob. Sigh. I wish he'd lasted longer. Anyway, can anyone tell me what Gareth had to say?

Also, Rick was right, the Termites needed to be killed on site. They're extremely dangerous, had been forced out of their home, and had a huge reason to bear a grudge. Might have been too risky to go after them during the big break, given that everyone was weak and traumatized, but now the Termites have had a chance to regroup and go on the offense. Sigh.

Why are these guys incapable of posting a decent watch? And why in the world are they buying what Eugene is selling? He sounds ridiculously full of it.

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It's like Daryl and that crossbow. It's iconic. 


I saw someone talking about how her katana is used to chop people in her group. Did they use it to cut off Bob's leg? Or is that just fancruft?


I don't want to live in a Walking Dead world where Daryl doesn't have his crossbow and Michonne doesn't have her katana. I hope the Termites have it and she gets it back when they all get horribly slaughtered. 

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I will never buy the rationalizing of Carol murdering Karen and David. Brutally murdering two sick people is indefensible. Rick and everyone in that group gets to judge the actions of the other members including Carol. People get to decide who what behavior they can accept and what they will not. My only issue with Rick banishing Carol is that I think that he should have let the group make the decision. 

Edited by SimoneS
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Dammit Bob don't you know the cliche horror movie rules? Don't go outside alone, especially when it's dark, and certainky not in the woods. And never wander alone when you are a person of color or a big breastfed blonde

Excellent typo!

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I think the katana will be back. For one thing, it's pretty iconic.

For another thing, she either needs to use a katana or switch her outfit over to a chainmail bikini to compensate ratings-wise, because there are a lot of nerds out there watching the show for extremely shallow reasons.

And the one thing that  a lot of them love even more than scantily clad women is katanas.

Plus, it's like a magical plus-five katana that can slice through ten bodies in a single one-handed swing.

It's probably how they cut off Bob's leg so cleanly.

ETA: Damn! Beaten to that last guess!

Edited by CletusMusashi
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I'm thinking Daryl's water drop was a blooper as well that just sort of worked because the actors just went with it. Kind of like in "It's A Wonderful Life" when a crew member dropped some heavy equipment and Thomas Mitchell as a slightly inebriated Uncle Billy just pretended to walk into something and ad-libbed "I'm all right" so that the scene would not have to be reshot. This is a show that needs light moments. Also, the characters in this show must often wish they had never been born.

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So people carved 'you'll burn for this' on the church but no one busted out any of the windows? Weird.

I think it is a trap, I wouldn't be surprised if this whole church scenario is a huge setup. Father Gabriel may not even be a priest. People trust priests, and if he had an arrangement with the Termites it'd be easy to believe he sent many a wayward survivor off to their death in exchange for protection. Gareth already stated they had a lot of scouts in the area, so I am sure they were aware of that church and Gabriel. Or one of his former parishoners did it before being eaten.


As far as Bob being bit, I don't think it really matters because they've deduced everyone is infected. It just takes dying to turn. So I am not sure that the Termites eating Bob alive will make any difference.

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Okay, I need help with the kudzu/doom thing? I just remember from a vacation in FL( I live in New England) this vine that grew a mile a minute could be used for food....Sooo, I'm not getting the doom reference, Help please, TIA.

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