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S01.E01: The National Anthem

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As Netflix just added this to streaming, I watched this episode last night.  I can honestly say it was one of the most disturbing things I have watched in a very long time.  I just sat on my couch, stunned, for a while after it was over.  Very well made and I can't wait to dig into the rest of the series - but this isn't a series I can see myself bingewatching!

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I totally agree they`d be able to tell that the finger was a male finger- also, he was also older and an artist - he`d have different wear/tear on his hands than a royal/socialite type who is about 20 years younger. 


And maybe other people don't think this and it worked , but I found the idea that everyone would be glued to their tv/ computer screens watching this for hours- making London a ghost town, nobody seeing the princess on the Millenium Bridge before the pig thing started- to be a bit of a stretch. Most "shocking" videos are short, people watch it, cringe and yell "OMG!!" and then send it to their friends. Talking about it might be hours, but the actual watching of it is usually minutes.


When those beheading videos are released- some watch it, some just read the details  and some hear about it's existence and just go for a long bike ride or something. There is no doubt there are things that unite a mass of people in front of a screen- but there are also people who just opt out. I get it's a satire and that it's making comments about our consumption of media, our insatiable desire to be shocked, but it just felt a little too much of a stretch. I'm also not so sure everyone would just be ok with the PM going back to his job. I mean, he fucked a pig on tv. 


It was really well done, though. And it's also pretty funny. “Sea Of Tranquility" etc. 

  • Love 14

Pogojoko, I think you're right, except for a couple of details. For one, I think the people watching tuned in because they were treating the whole thing like a big joke, like no one really realized what a horrendous and damaging thing this was going to be - they were making lewd comments about it online and snickering and treating it like a crazy spectacle, rather than a psychological attack, and the element of "Is he really going to do it?!" was strong enough to draw people to their televisions, but once it started, and they saw the truth of what this act really entailed, they were horrified, and were continuing to watch not because they were interested or captivated, but because they were in solidarity with the PM. Where they had tuned in to potentially mock him, they stayed to share his suffering and extend him some understanding and sympathy. It went on for "almost an hour," according to that hospital staffer. Since it was a major event in the history of the nation, inconceivable that it was actually happening, people felt the need to see it through. And since the princess was supposedly released BEFORE the broadcast even began, it is totally reasonable that she would have been found while it was underway and most people were still watching. And as for the ghost town effect, even if people weren't watching, this would have represented a huge blow to the nation, that people would have been reeling from and in shock, understandable that they would be at home processing it. Still, yeah, for all of London's streets to be deserted, it was a bit of a stretch.


The finger, though, was a huge stretch. Even if he put her genuine ring on his finger, it still should have been immediately apparent that it wasn't hers.

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I just found out about Black Mirror from the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly.  Usually I find a couple of books I want to read when I read their book section, this might have been the first TV show.  It was described as a Twilight Zone-type anthology.  TZ is one of, it not my favorite shows, so I'll give anything a try that might be in that vain.


I thought The National Anthem was a fascinating but ****ed up episode.  Well-acted and they do make the situation compelling.  There's definitely plenty of stuff I didn't buy in it.  A lone, nutty artist being able to pull this off is one of them.  Evidently, the Princess's security is trained by the same people who handle training for law enforcement in the worlds of 24 and The Following.  The streets being deserted is another thing and of course, no matter how beloved the hostage was, no leader would have done this.  That might be willing to do this if a family member was in danger but they still wouldn't have been allowed to do it by the people around them.  But as I said earlier, they managed to craft a compelling story around it.  Always liked to see Donald Sumpter, who was fantastic on Game of Thrones.


I'll definitely check out the remaining episodes on Netflix.


Just wanted to add, I was SO glad when that stupid, annoying reporter got shot and even happier when the SWAT captain shot her phone afterwards.  That was awesome.

Edited by benteen
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That pig squeal still haunts me. 

I just watched this episode last night.  There was a squeal?  All I could think when I was watching that disturbing scene was "well, at least the pig didn't squeal."  I'm glad I didn't hear it, would have made it all the more disturbing.  In fact, I had to watch some Frasier right after in order to get into a different mind set.  That being said, I'll continue to watch the series, a review I read said that if you could get through the disturbing pilot it will be worth it.

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I never noticed this first time around, but I've just been told that during one of the early news segments, there is a very quick mention of a show at the Tate Gallery being shut down early for obscenity. They mention the artist by name. Turns out that he was the kidnapper (also mentioned by name in the post-credit news report). So the "performance" was to illustrate the hypocrisy of the British public - who were unwilling to tolerate his "obscene" show, but we're willing en masse to watch the PM fornicating with a pig.

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Just saw this pilot, and my tiny brain is in smithereens.  I was confused at first: was this going to be a tense show, like 24?  Was it farce?  Was it cringe tv?  Somehow, it transcended all of it.  Quite a hat trick.  I was fascinated by how many digs it got in without stating any of them overtly.


The actor who played the PM was great, but my favorite parts were the reaction shots.  (I wonder what they were really given to watch.)


Without having seen more episodes, I really, really wish this was the pilot of an ongoing storyline.  I'd be interested in watching the fall out from this event happen in many dimensions.  

Edited by ToxicUnicorn
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Decided to watch this because I have a (very healthy, non-stalkery, a-ok) "thing" for Rory Kinnear.  Don't judge:  I just binged "Penny Dreadful" and thought his Caliban was the best performance by a long shot.

As this episode wore on, I realized it was mainly about rape and bestiality.  Neither thing can I tolerate -- if it is not the very topic of the horror.  No one ever mentioned that the PM was, essentially, being raped in public and no one (that I heard) ever mentioned bestiality.

So, I stopped watching.  However, I did go on to watch other episodes which, strangely, I found wearisome.  (I watched the one with Christmas and that truly bad American actor, and then I watched one or two more.)  I had tried to watch the second one several months ago with the weird gymnasium scenes?  That look like a dark arcade? And was bored by that, too.

So, I guess I can watch Hannibal and American Horror Story but Black Mirror bores me out of my mind, mostly, or it offends me so deeply that I simply turn it off.  

Edited by Captanne
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On 10/28/2016 at 3:31 PM, Captanne said:

Decided to watch this because I have a (very healthy, non-stalkery, a-ok) "thing" for Rory Kinnear.  Don't judge:  I just binged "Penny Dreadful" and thought his Caliban was the best performance by a long shot.

As this episode wore on, I realized it was mainly about rape and bestiality.  Neither thing can I tolerate -- if it is not the very topic of the horror.  No one ever mentioned that the PM was, essentially, being raped in public and no one (that I heard) ever mentioned bestiality.

So, I stopped watching.  However, I did go on to watch other episodes which, strangely, I found wearisome.  (I watched the one with Christmas and that truly bad American actor, and then I watched one or two more.)  I had tried to watch the second one several months ago with the weird gymnasium scenes?  That look like a dark arcade? And was bored by that, too.

So, I guess I can watch Hannibal and American Horror Story but Black Mirror bores me out of my mind, mostly, or it offends me so deeply that I simply turn it off.  

After reading a synopsis in a review, I skipped National Anthem the first time I watched Season 1 (a couple years ago) due to the subject matter.   Then I saw the episode referenced in an article about the Presidential debates: how the public gets all worked up about a hyped political spectacle, but the event itself is so disgusting that it leaves everyone disheartened and depressed.   So I watched it.   Distasteful, if I may make an understatement.   But the point of the episode was dead on.   A black mirror indeed, because our society casts a dark reflection. 

Despite the ugliness, Black Mirror is worth a thousand American Horror Stories.  I watched the first episode of AHS Hotel.   Violent rape, torture, murder, gore galore, and not a shred of story -- not a shred of anything to justify the existence of the series for any reason other than sadism.  

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Fair points all, Millennium.  I think the only reason I can abide AHS is because it's so campy and cartoonish.  There is absolutely no attempt to make it realistic or believable on just about any level.

The conceit of Black Mirror is that it's just a hair shy of depicting our present reality but with a soupçon of "through the looking glass".  

The PM's very public rape being found fascinating, even entertaining, by the ordinary viewer was too ghastly and the narrative technique was too realistic for me.

Edited by Captanne
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But I think that's the point of it. This series doesn't work if it is not real because it is social commentary. And the subject matter needed to be this viscerally ugly to be able to ensure all in the audience were bought in, and that only the PM's consent was necessary.


and of course it's brilliant because that is also what that artist guy was trying to drive. 

Edited by romantic idiot
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18 hours ago, knaankos said:

One thing I still don't understand about this episode is the very end. Why was the PM's wife giving him the cold shoulder? and for a full year?

I believe it was to demonstrate the lasting effect the "act" the PM performed had on his marriage and his life. The country thinks he's a hero, but his wife can't look at him anymore because of what was done to him. Not that it was his fault or she blames him, but there's a lot of trauma to go around when something like this happens, and my impression was that she couldn't be intimate with him anymore, couldn't be a participant in the marriage anymore, because of the trauma of seeing him do what he did, and having their sex life made a laughingstock by the public. I also think he was pulling back from her due to his own trauma, even while he was putting on a happy face for the cameras... the whole situation drove a rift between them that couldn't be repaired.

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On ‎10‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 0:31 PM, Captanne said:

Decided to watch this because I have a (very healthy, non-stalkery, a-ok) "thing" for Rory Kinnear.  Don't judge:  I just binged "Penny Dreadful" and thought his Caliban was the best performance by a long shot. 

I was a fan of Penny Dreadful too, sad that show came to a premature end.  I also think that Caliban was easily the best character and performance on that show. 

This episode was hard to watch, the premise was so revolting.  This was the second episode of Black Mirror I watched, following the much more comically satirical Nosedive.  I find it odd that they led off the series with this episode, I might have slotted it a couple of episodes in.  Still, it was a pretty relevant look at the dark side of news and social media, and how no matter how repulsed we are, we still can't turn away from that train wreck.  A world of gawkers.

Many years ago I ordered Thai food "extra hot".  It was so hot it was inedible.  In.  edible.

That's not amusing, it's not a "challenge", it's not funny at all.  It's a waste of my God-damned money and it pissed me off royally.

That's how I felt about this episode -- it was so revolting (bestiality) that I was annoyed I'd wasted my valuable time watching it.

As for the rest of the series?  I find it excruciatingly boring and stopped an episode or two in.  I watched the snow one because someone asked me to and -- bored yet again.

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2 hours ago, Dobian said:

I find it odd that they led off the series with this episode, I might have slotted it a couple of episodes in.  Still, it was a pretty relevant look at the dark side of news and social media, and how no matter how repulsed we are, we still can't turn away from that train wreck.  A world of gawkers.

They're all pretty dark in Season 1, but I think the special appeal of that premiere is that it's the most plausible for present day. They're willing to lose audiences who aren't ready for a punch in the gut, but didn't want to lose people who find the premises too abstract.

Also Thai food isn't hot enough until it makes you hiccup, imho.

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I love spicy food but I also don't appreciate wasting my money.  I was so angry.  (It was take away so I couldn't get a refund.)  Imagine ordering food delivered "extra salty" and you receive nothing but a pile of halite.

Growing up on Twilight Zone and Outer Limits, reading nothing but Science Fiction for my entire childhood, and teething on Ray Bradbury and Patricia Highsmith (ouch!  LOL), I'm used to dark and thought-provoking.

This show either bores the shit out of me or, like the premier, over-offends.

On 10/28/2016 at 2:31 PM, Captanne said:

Decided to watch this because I have a (very healthy, non-stalkery, a-ok) "thing" for Rory Kinnear.  Don't judge:  I just binged "Penny Dreadful" and thought his Caliban was the best performance by a long shot.

As this episode wore on, I realized it was mainly about rape and bestiality.  Neither thing can I tolerate -- if it is not the very topic of the horror.  No one ever mentioned that the PM was, essentially, being raped in public and no one (that I heard) ever mentioned bestiality.

So, I stopped watching.  However, I did go on to watch other episodes which, strangely, I found wearisome.  (I watched the one with Christmas and that truly bad American actor, and then I watched one or two more.)  I had tried to watch the second one several months ago with the weird gymnasium scenes?  That look like a dark arcade? And was bored by that, too.

So, I guess I can watch Hannibal and American Horror Story but Black Mirror bores me out of my mind, mostly, or it offends me so deeply that I simply turn it off.  

I've "enjoyed" some of the other episodes but I felt the same way as you did about this one.  It was very rape-y for the PM and animal abuse for the pig and just all around so distasteful yet that aspect wasn't addressed that I could tell.  I guess in a way it was, but not one character in the show (even his wife) really cared at all about the psychological effects on the PM.  I found it hard to concentrate on anything but how awful and disgusting that was and how not one character said, "Don't make him do this."  As they led him to the room with the pig, it was like they were taking a prisoner to his punishment or something.  I just didn't like it and I hope if this were a real situation that the PM's advisors wouldn't be like these in the show.  Even at the beginning, before all the other efforts to save the princess failed and there were still other options, you could tell the advisors thought he should do it if their other efforts failed.

What was the point of the annoying reporter sneaking into the building they thought the princess was being held in and getting shot?  It was kind of satisfying but I didn't get the point.

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I felt like this episode really would have gone there if instead of bestiality, the PM had been forced to commit incest with a child of his. That really would have been even darker, and there's just no way a marriage could have recovered from that.

I really thought the whole thing was a set up by the Royal Family to take the Prime Minister down a peg or two so I was kind of surprised the kidnapping really was real. The Duchess Kate stand-in was so horrible in the blackmail video that I figured that acting had to be intentionally bad.

Edited by methodwriter85
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On 9/5/2017 at 4:35 PM, gryphon said:

I heard so many good reviews of this show and then I watched the first episode.  So disgusted.  Tried the second one.  Couldn't do it either.   I regret wasting the time and need a genuine palate cleanser. 

If the reviews didn't tell you it was stomach-churningly dark, they did you a major disservice. If you want to give the most optimistic of the episodes a try, look up San Junipero from season 3. But Black Mirror is not happy and fun and will leave you punched in the gut more often than not.

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Why is everyone saying the PM was "raped"?  Wasn't he the one raping the pig?  I thought it was well done despite it not really being her finger (should have made it such, otherwise would be obvious if it were a man's or from an older long-dead cadaver) and also that no one would spot the princess.

Also, didn't the PM have to be completely nude and also make love bareback (without a condom)?  And wasn't there instruction that he had to pull out and finish on camera (or on the pig) so it could be picked up on camera?  They didn't show all that but I think they did mention it.

If this happened in real life (real kidnapping, real finger) would the PM let the princess die (Kate, for example) or go thru with it?  I mean if they could be sure her life would be saved?

Edited by SWLinPHX
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4 hours ago, benteen said:

In real life, the Princess would be a goner.  You couldn't let the leader of a country do something like this, under any circumstances.

I agree, however the show is taking the point of view that having anyone, much less a national or beloved figure, killed which is tragic and permanent is so much worse than temporarily having sex, which may be an emotional embarrassment but doesn't do any physical harm in the long run (and some men even enjoy it).

Edited by SWLinPHX
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JUST saw this series. I tried about a year ago but the pig thing was SOOOO disgusting. Then I thought it was a series where in episode 2 we get more of the "pig fallout" story but NOOOOO it's frickin Twilight Zone! And i could not have been happier. Binge watched all 3 seasons in 2 days. My house is a mess but I had a ball. 

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On 10/28/2016 at 2:31 PM, Captanne said:

As this episode wore on, I realized it was mainly about rape and bestiality.  Neither thing can I tolerate -- if it is not the very topic of the horror.  No one ever mentioned that the PM was, essentially, being raped in public and no one (that I heard) ever mentioned bestiality.

This. I've been hearing for so long how amazing this show is and how it shines a creepy and disturbing light on how technology has affected our society. But honestly, while I got what they were going for with this notion that as a world we eventually become so desensitized to human pain and suffering thanks to social media and the internet, I found the whole thing a bit far fetched and trying too hard to be shocking and disturbing. I wasn't even so much disturbed as just turned off. Turned off by the whole over the top-ness of the whole thing. So this was not the best idea for a first episode because my desire is to not watch another minute. 

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On 9/24/2017 at 8:13 AM, SWLinPHX said:

Why is everyone saying the PM was "raped"?  Wasn't he the one raping the pig?  I thought it was well done despite it not really being her finger (should have made it such, otherwise would be obvious if it were a man's or from an older long-dead cadaver) and also that no one would spot the princess.


PM was forced to have sex against his will. Regardless of who was penetrating whom, most people would probably consider that rape. The poor pig was also raped. 

The PM actor was fantastic. Will have to look for him in other, hopefully more cheerful, stuff.

On 8/22/2017 at 1:45 AM, methodwriter85 said:

I felt like this episode really would have gone there if instead of bestiality, the PM had been forced to commit incest with a child of his. That really would have been even darker, and there's just no way a marriage could have recovered from that.

I really thought the whole thing was a set up by the Royal Family to take the Prime Minister down a peg or two so I was kind of surprised the kidnapping really was real. The Duchess Kate stand-in was so horrible in the blackmail video that I figured that acting had to be intentionally bad.

I don’t think anyone would have wanted him to commit pedophilia, regardless of the outcome for Susannah. The price would be too high.  Unfortunately for the pig, animals are valued less than humans so people were fine with that tradeoff. Now, incest with a sibling or an adult child might have been considered in the middle but I am glad that they didn’t go there.


 I also assumed that there was a political motivation behind the incident.

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On 8/22/2017 at 1:45 AM, methodwriter85 said:

I felt like this episode really would have gone there if instead of bestiality, the PM had been forced to commit incest with a child of his. That really would have been even darker, and there's just no way a marriage could have recovered from that.

There was another what-if that intrigued me. What if the PM was a woman and had to do manual/oral things to a semi-sedated animal? I don't even think this show makes it to air if that is the actual plot.

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On 12/2/2016 at 7:53 PM, knaankos said:

One thing I still don't understand about this episode is the very end. Why was the PM's wife giving him the cold shoulder? and for a full year?

I thought it was because during an after a totally traumatic event he completely shut her out. He told her the bullshit story about how they were going to find the guy then refused to take her call before and after it happened.

On 10/4/2017 at 8:21 AM, benteen said:

In real life, the Princess would be a goner.  You couldn't let the leader of a country do something like this, under any circumstances.

Yea of all the plot holes (how an artist beats royal family security, the finger/ring thing) that bugged me the most, since not one of the PM's people said that maybe they shouldn't give into demands because it will just tell other kidnappers that the government will do whatever they ask.

On 10/4/2017 at 1:14 PM, SWLinPHX said:

I agree, however the show is taking the point of view that having anyone, much less a national or beloved figure, killed which is tragic and permanent is so much worse than temporarily having sex, which may be an emotional embarrassment but doesn't do any physical harm in the long run (and some men even enjoy it).

But like I said above no one was thinking long term. I mean if they give into these demands what will the next person who kidnaps someone ask for?

Overall I liked the show, which I decided to check out after seeing the parody on The Joel Mchale show. Even with the plot holes it has a lot that I like, interesting characters and strong performances especially. For some reason netflix on my roku showed episode 3 first and I didn't pay attention to the numbers. I thought that one was more interesting.

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Not sure why there's a thought that the episode didn't address the fact that the PM and the beast were being raped. I thought that's where the horror came from - not from doing a heinous act, but from being forced to do it, and being watched while doing it. 

The fact that the pig had to be sedated also shows that the writers were being clear about how horrific the act was that everyone was rubber necking about. 

  • Love 3

After watching the newest 3 episodes and feeling unsatisfied, I went back to watch this episode (and a couple others again). It’s still brilliant.

I notice that when people are trying to sound smarter than everyone else, they say they are “bored.” If you were revolted, sickened, horrified, turned off, whatever, I get it. If the psychological terror, rape of a famous man in public and “will he do it” dimension of this bores you, I think you are a liar.

Some plot holes exist. I don’t believe his handlers let him do this... “giving in to terrorists” and all. I’d expect a national announcement that succumbing to this would invite more kidnappings. Maybe it’s different with UK, who seem more easily intimidated; I’d expect most US people to react with, “Uh, I don’t think so.”

I was surprised at the key moment, the UK handlers bullied the PM into doing the deed with the threat that his physical safety would not be guaranteed. US handlers would have told our President, “sorry Sir, we cannot allow you to do this.”

The finger was obviously not hers. It was obviously not cut off on camera. They would have shown it if they did. That was a major plot problem for me. It leads me to believe the Princess was in on it from the start, participating in some spoiled girl obnoxious act with spoiled obnoxious rich friends. And yes, that actress was terrible.

I thought the female advisor was excellent though, even though she hung him at the end. The option to try to pull off the fake video was a good shot, one that I’d hope someone would try for me. You can argue it helped turn public sentiment against refusal, but this might have  happened anyway.

The person I disliked the most was his wife. It was awful for her, but freezing him out a year later because he didn’t take her calls while he was busy being terrorized and raped?  “Hey, yknow what honey. I understand you are have a very bad day, but I’m busy being beastialty raped on national TV right now.” I understand their relationship being shattered, but she’s a flaming jerk.

The episode was pure brilliance anyway, with the intersection of psychological terror and social media. Wish the TV Reporter was shot to death though. The time frame put such a pressure on the entire thing adding another level of tension. I was sickened, worn out, a little sad and incredibly uncomfortable after this show, something that is the ultimate accomplishment for a TV experience. Probably my second favorite episode and the series is among the best TV ever.

Edited by SG11
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1 hour ago, topanga said:

Your entire post was great. What’s your first favorite episode?

Thanks. I liked the Entire History of You the best.

As time goes on and we see more Easter eggs in Black Mirror with the use of the eye recording/re-do playback function or whatever the correct terminology is, it makes this episode a little more dated. However, when I saw this episode for the first time it was tremendous, and it encapsulates everything that is Black Mirror: incredible but believable tech in the near future, people en masse accepting it without question and the mind boggling loss of humanity it can deliver. Just more versions of how people have become so much less human with social media, iPhones, texting and the general rejection of human interaction.

Everything about that episode is what’s great about this series.

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On 12/15/2014 at 5:41 PM, benteen said:

I just found out about Black Mirror from the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly.  Usually I find a couple of books I want to read when I read their book section, this might have been the first TV show.  It was described as a Twilight Zone-type anthology.  TZ is one of, it not my favorite shows, so I'll give anything a try that might be in that vain.

I thought The National Anthem was a fascinating but ****ed up episode.  Well-acted and they do make the situation compelling.  There's definitely plenty of stuff I didn't buy in it.  A lone, nutty artist being able to pull this off is one of them.  Evidently, the Princess's security is trained by the same people who handle training for law enforcement in the worlds of 24 and The Following.  The streets being deserted is another thing and of course, no matter how beloved the hostage was, no leader would have done this.  That might be willing to do this if a family member was in danger but they still wouldn't have been allowed to do it by the people around them.  But as I said earlier, they managed to craft a compelling story around it.  Always liked to see Donald Sumpter, who was fantastic on Game of Thrones.

I'll definitely check out the remaining episodes on Netflix.

Just wanted to add, I was SO glad when that stupid, annoying reporter got shot and even happier when the SWAT captain shot her phone afterwards.  That was awesome.

I was pretty glad too. I didn't get her. What was up with the nude pictures? 

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