psychoticstate October 15, 2014 Share October 15, 2014 That was both random and stupid. I never got the sense that she still loved him. He shot her up AND THEY JUST PUT HIS SECOND WIFE IN THE GROUND. Like, this is not a position to (re)aspire to. Jesus. Out of everything in this episode - - because random pointless killing is just another day for SAMCRO and Gemma will clearly outlive freaking anything - - this is what pissed me off most about this episode. Other than the first season, Wendy never struck me as stupid. So no way in hell would she EVER still love Jax in any way, shape or form outside of some benign "love" because he's Abel's father. Seriously? First Tara and now Wendy? Does Jax have an amazing technicolor penis to go with his White Sneakers of Truth ? Because I don't get it. Wendy should just take Thomas and the candidate for Future Serial Killers of America and get the hell outta Dodge. Not like Jax would even notice - - he's too busy shuffling all over Stockton and shooting people for kicks. Speaking of - - the guy with the Impala who took out some of the Grim Bastards . . . how long has that car been parked out on that street? It took THAT long to find it? Shaggy and Scooby could have sniffed it out faster. 5 Link to comment
Dusty October 15, 2014 Share October 15, 2014 I kind of feel like Tyra Banks with Wendy right now. "I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU! WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU!" 7 Link to comment
PiggyRod October 15, 2014 Share October 15, 2014 I can't help but think that the title of this episode was a direct reference to Jax's smoking. He lighted up a cig on every single scene! As useless as Juice is I am still holding out hope that he doesn't die, or at the very least that he doesn't die without saying what he knows. it would certainly take more than his word to get to Jax but Nero is getting there as well so that should help. 2 Link to comment
jrlr October 15, 2014 Share October 15, 2014 Me for Nero being the first to realize that Gemma was the killer; I don't think Unser is too far behind him, but Wendy? I get the impression that she purposely ignores a lot of what goes on and won't let herself think much about it. Anybody notice how (qualified) pretty Wendy looked last night? Softer hair and makeup, nicer clothes? Now the only question is will it be Jax or Nero she hooks up with? I'd vote for Nero if he survives, well, if anyone manages to survive. I'd love to see Unser as the last man standing, since everyone's been expecting him to die at any moment from the cancer for seven seasons! 2 Link to comment
look2thecookie October 15, 2014 Share October 15, 2014 Other than the first season, Wendy never struck me as stupid. So no way in hell would she EVER still love Jax in any way, shape or form outside of some benign "love" because he's Abel's father. Seriously? First Tara and now Wendy? Does Jax have an amazing technicolor penis to go with his White Sneakers of Truth ? Because I don't get it. This completely; however, for six seasons viewers wondered similar things about why on earth Tara would stick around with such a low-life criminal. Jax's got the Kavorka. I honestly still can't decide whether this 90 minute (!) episode with almost no new plot developments was completely brilliant or kind of terrible. I am a loyal viewer to the end, but at times the episode was so slow that I found myself mainly interested in contemplating Jax's lustrous head of hair and picturing him standing in front of the mirror every morning hitting it with his arsenal of styling products. Let's hope things pick up a little bit next week. 4 Link to comment
Gudzilla October 15, 2014 Share October 15, 2014 I hope before this is over someone points out that murderin' bastard Clay was the better president. 8 Link to comment
Stratego October 15, 2014 Share October 15, 2014 Events would proceed faster and more realistically if FX had kept SOA to a 1-hour show. An overrun of a minute or two?--sure, OK. But to inflate the show to get more commercials bogs things down and requires pointless plot and scenes. 4 Link to comment
TigerLynx October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 What do I have to do for Juice, Gemma, and Unser to die? Al Bundy needs to come to Charming, kill Peg, and beat the crap out of Juice and Unser for not killing her. What is the point of Chibbs and Cop Lady meeting if they never actually exchange information? If Nero doesn't realize Gemma killed Tara, take his son and get as far away from these people as possible, there is no hope for him. What was the point of Bobby and Wendy's conversation? To establish how freaking stupid they all are? Tig, Happy, Chibbs, and Venus need to form their own club. 5 Link to comment
Fallacy October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 Wendy said she didn't still love Jax in season 5; now all of the sudden she does? Bullshit. I hate Wendy, always have and always will, so I hated her conversation with Bobby. Plus she only talked about enjoying her time with Abel, no mention of Thomas. Every time I see Wendy with either kid, I want to punch her and Jax and most especially Gemma for killing their mother. This show just doesn't work as well without Tara. I did love Chib's line though. And Jax is still smoking hot so there's that. 2 Link to comment
missy jo October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 My "yell at the TV" moment this episode was, "Just say something, Juice!" Speaking of ... couldn't Juice just *drive* into Mexico? I know there's an APB out (good job not checking the motels, Charming PD), but it seems like there might have been a less-risky way to hitch a ride with someone. 3 Link to comment
Maria October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 Juice did not go to SoCal to talk to the Mayans. The Mayans are based in Oakland and Stockton, ergo the partnerships with SAMCRO and Nero. It would be impossible for the Sons to be in Charming, and Stockton, and Oakland, and "SoCal" meeting with the Mayans, in the course of one day. 1 Link to comment
Ohwell October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 I wonder if that poor guy in the convenience store died that Juice clocked upside the head. It didn't look too good for him lying on the floor with blood all around. Juice was just so brutal and matter-of-fact about it, for that reason alone, I want him to die a slow, painful death. I think he is even more of a monster that the rest of the crew because with those sad, puppy dog eyes, he looks like he can garner pity and sympathy from someone--and then he kills them. 3 Link to comment
Kris117 October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 TaraS1 – I was thinking the same thing! Perhaps Sutter could give us a short update at the beginning of the last episode of everything we don’t really need to see “hordes of people were killed in brilliant actions by Jax, the MC continued to follow him, they killed/did not kill Juice for XX reasons, Gemma is XX…” And now the ending. They could use An Amazing Line like The Amazing Race does. Use the line to show where they go during the episodes, and use stick figures to show how many were killed. Other than the first season, Wendy never struck me as stupid. So no way in hell would she EVER still love Jax in any way, shape or form outside of some benign "love" because he's Abel's father. Seriously? Same here. In love with the idea of being a mother to Abel and Tommy, yes. Looking back on their romance with some nostalgia, yes. Still in love with the dumb cluck? No way, no how. As useless as Juice is I am still holding out hope that he doesn't die, or at the very least that he doesn't die without saying what he knows. it would certainly take more than his word to get to Jax but Nero is getting there as well so that should help. Yes, the show ending without Jax learning and believing that Gemma killed Tara would make it the worst series ending possible for me. I wonder if that poor guy in the convenience store died that Juice clocked upside the head. It didn't look too good for him lying on the floor with blood all around. No, he didn't look good at all. And unless Sutter is writing Gemma to have a mental breakdown (possible since she’s talking in public to a dead woman), Gemma will NEVER admit it. I'm not sure she'd admit even then. However, I could see the series ending with Gemma entirely divorced from reality. They could close out the last episode with a scene of Gemma in a hospital, talking to her four dolls: Jax, Tommy, Abel, and Tara. Link to comment
MrsRafaelBarba October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 Watching this season, makes me feel like Charlie Brown in the Halloween special. Notably when he goes trick or treating. The other kids get candy, but poor chuck gets a rock at each stop. I tune in each week, Sutter throws a rock through the TV and clunks me on the head. 7 Link to comment
Sir RaiderDuck OMS October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 I hope before this is over someone points out that murderin' bastard Clay was the better president.THIS. For all of the heinous shit Clay did, he never killed anyone unless he thought they represented a direct threat to the club. I believe every episode this season has had Jax kill people who were no threat to him at all. He just killed them because it was easier than not killing them. Juice may be the single dumbest character in the history of television. Yes, come back to the small town ruled by a biker gang that wants you dead and try to make a deal with someone you've never trusted. Great plan, spud. Did anybody else catch when the waitress mentioned Gemma was talking to herself about love and she said "My son." BIG pause, then 'His wife died a short time ago." What's the name for a reverse Oedipus complex? Speaking of the waitress, they should have got Naya Rivera if they wanted someone from Glee. She could have made a witty inside joke or two about her family liking football (her brother Mychal Rivera plays for the Oakland Raiders) and kept the entire sequence from being a snoozefest. Interesting that a couple of scenes were shot at TM, yet we never saw the burned-out clubhouse (which nobody's bothered to rebuild). Maybe it was taken away by the same folks who disposed of Unser's cancer? Finally, Jax's big plan to integrate SAMCRO may not go over so well with some of the other chapters. Did he check with anyone about this, or does he just assume they'll go along with his awesomeness and stuff? 4 Link to comment
Artsda October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 Wendy may love Jax, but she knows better. As she said during the conversation with the babysitter in love with Rat episodes ago. Link to comment
Madding crowd October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 There was no reason for Lea Michelle to be in this episode. I get it that people think its cool to guest star, but it has to make sense. Along those lines I don't buy Marilyn Manson as a Nazi either-he just doesn't have the look. And if Sutter is still trying to push the Hamlet/Queen Gertrude stuff on us, less is more Kurt. I used to really like Juice, but he has become a killing machine like Jax. I just want him to rat out Gemma then he can die. I still hate and don't trust Unser and every time I see him in the cop's hospital room I think he is going to kill her. 1 Link to comment
Insomnia October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 I just had a horrid thought: All of this has been in Gemma's head from the start. She really is Gertie, a woman who was once a poor waitress and saw this glamorous biker life and started daydreaming. But she's crazy too, so she's in the loony bin. And she's telling the story to her nurse, who is really Jax, and she thinks he's hot, and that's why there is all the creepy incest vibes. And Uncer is really her husband, and not dying of cancer but she's just so sad and dreary that she feels it's romanticizing. Nero is her doctor and Tara is just some woman she saw visiting someone else, whom she hates because she had boobs and attention "Gemma" wasn't getting. Actually, it was all a dream might actually work for this show. All the over the top violence no one cares about, Gemma being the centre of everything, Unser's not so fatal cancer, the crayola motorcycles. (And yes, I do still like this show, but there is only so much disbelief you can suspend.) 6 Link to comment
Everleigh October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 (edited) The body count this season is utterly ridiculous. And of course no one ever sees or hears these shoot-outs the MC loves getting involved in. I can't keep up with which gangs are buddies and which are enemies and why anymore. All these clubs/gangs just seem to meet up at random times to either shoot at each other or to join together to shoot at a mutual enemy. Wendy loves Jax? Please. I could buy that she cares about him because he's the father of her kid, but love him in the way Bobby was implying? Nope. I'm not buying that Wendy loves the man who kept her from her son all that time and then shot her up with drugs after she had worked hard to get herself cleaned up. Also, didn't she say she's into women after she resurfaced? What happened to that? There was no reason for Lea Michelle to be in this episode. I get it that people think its cool to guest star, but it has to make sense. Along those lines I don't buy Marilyn Manson as a Nazi either-he just doesn't have the look. And if Sutter is still trying to push the Hamlet/Queen Gertrude stuff on us, less is more Kurt. Her character was meant to serve as a reminder of Gemma's past-the young mother who lives for her son. You know Sutter loves his symbolism. Plus, Sutter wanted Lea Michele to guest star for a while now, so while I'm a fan of hers, I'm glad the part was relatively understated and that they didn't go too big with it just to give her something to do. So while the part didn't really call for a "special guest star", at least she was good in it and the part wasn't too distracting. And whoever picked up on the Gertie/Queen Gertrude thing, good catch. Because all I could think of when she revealed her name was how ridiculous a name Gertie is for a young woman and completely missed the Hamlet reference. Gemma's face when Nero told her that Juice was with the Sons was priceless. Katey Sagal was great in that scene, you could literally see the moment Gemma realizes her kingdom of lies is unraveling and that she's royally screwed. Edited October 16, 2014 by Everleigh 3 Link to comment
Bama October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 What's the name for a reverse Oedipus complex? Gross? 14 Link to comment
MrsRafaelBarba October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 Amen to the poster that screamed for Juice to tell Nero the truth about Tara's death. Took me back, to season three of The Sopranos. When Tony asked Dr. Melfi what was wrong, not knowing she had been raped. So frustrating. 1 Link to comment
ToniG October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 (edited) Certainly he’s figuring out that Gemma protected Juice, since Juice had her car (when she was supposed to be going to help out her father). How that gets to Tara I don’t know. Juice asked him if Gemma knew about the "Chinese killed Tara" story. I think Nero may put things together, since he knows that Gemma will do anything to protect the club. For her to protect a "traitor" to the club, means that there's something BIG juice has on her. Edited October 16, 2014 by ToniG 3 Link to comment
sugarbaker design October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 Gemma has graduated to having complete conversations with invisible people while in public. Not people, Tara. Gemma's been having a conversation with Tara, albeit one-sided. Link to comment
Ottis October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 the show even mentioned purple the other day! Who the hell is purple supposed to be? I think that's the color of one of the black gangs, like orange was the color of the gang featured this week. Shorthand for that crew. Not people, Tara. Gemma's been having a conversation with Tara, albeit one-sided. I'm not sure about that. I can't always tell what Gemma is saying, but it sounded at one point like she was talking about Jax in a way she would if she were talking to someone who didn't know him, not Tara. Like "my son." Then again, this show is sloppy with details like that. Link to comment
Sir RaiderDuck OMS October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 Then again, this show is sloppy with details like that.This show is sloppy with continuity itself. Notice how characters (CIA agent Danny Trejo, District Attorney CCH Pounder) and plotlines (SAMCRO's clubhouse being gutted by a bomb, Wayne Unser's cancer) are introduced, get major airtime, then are suddenly forgotten about and never mentioned again. See also Wendy being a major player in Season 1 then falling off the face of the earth for seasons on end. 2 Link to comment
Madding crowd October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 Her character was meant to serve as a reminder of Gemma's past-the young mother who lives for her son. You know Sutter loves his symbolism. Plus, Sutter wanted Lea Michele to guest star for a while now, so while I'm a fan of hers, I'm glad the part was relatively understated and that they didn't go too big with it just to give her something to do. So while the part didn't really call for a "special guest star", at least she was good in it and the part wasn't too distracting. Yes, but this show already has a huge cast and I feel that guest stars have to make sense to the overall story. We already know Gemma's backstory and her feelings for Jax, and they also revisited that story when Tara became the new "old lady to the king", so nothing new there. It was just Sutter trying to be clever with the "Gert" name. I'm not sure she was even good in the part, I never see actual waitresses get that involved with new patrons to their diners, so it was just a distraction to me. Link to comment
Gudzilla October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 Yes, the show ending without Jax learning and believing that Gemma killed Tara would make it the worst series ending possible for me. If it ends this way it will even top the Dexter finale for suckiness. Unser got what he deserved for his Gemma blindness,being thrown out as soon as he displeases her. I'll also be upset if Unser doesn't figure out that he played a huge part in Tara's death. 3 Link to comment
spaceytraci1208 October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 Juice: "I'm a coward." Realest shit said the entire episode 8 Link to comment
Puddy October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 Does anyone think Unser is going to make sure the lady cop never makes it out of the hospital alive? 2 Link to comment
Kel Varnsen October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 Of all the mystifying things this series throws at me, of all the non sequitars, of all the dumb shit that goes down, the one thing that completely astounds me is the fact that apparently there is not one single surveillance camera in all of Central or Northern California. Not one. Ever. Also, no one is ever just on the street and witnesses anything. Ever. They could have a police surveillance team, or a drone or a damn spy satellite follow Jax around and it would be easy to justify based on the amount of crime it stops. I mean every time anyone goes to the Charming sheriff office there always seem to be a ton of cops just milling around. Put them on the street keeping tabs on SAMCRO. I mean is there any other crime in Charming not related to the club? 1 Link to comment
La Tortuga October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 Everyone (including me) wants Jax to FINALLY find out that his mom killed Tara so he can just kill Gemma already. And while that would be infinitely satisfying, it does leave us with another problem. Gemma pinned the murder on the Chinese and thus started a gang war that has now resulted in radically shifting alliances and renegotiation of who controls which illegal trade. Once Jax finds out that the war he started was all based on a lie, what is his next political move going to be? Killing Gemma doesn't un-kill all the Triads, or the guys from Indian Hills, or any of the other bodies taking up space in the Unofficial SAMCRO Burial Ground. I think all Jax can do to protect himself and his club would be to continue to maintain Gemma's lie. Without that, the whole juggling act Jax has going right now will fail spectacularly; the DA will have to drop the murder charges against Lin and let him go free, the new sherriff won't cooperate with the Sons anymore because they're giving her false info, the Mayans will have grounds to call bullshit on everything Jax has done in Tara's name and break their truce (& possibly offer support to the Triads), Indian Hills will know Redwood can't handle their shit, and every gang who does business with Jax will have no reason to believe him anymore. To say nothing of the internal strife this will cause within Jax's inner circle as everyone collectively realizes that they've been blindly following Charming's biggest idiot mama's boy. 4 Link to comment
WatchrTina October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 Once Jax finds out that the war he started was all based on a lie, what is his next political move going to be? I predict Jax will tell Lin what Gemma did and then he will kill Gemma in front of Lin, Lin's crew and the SOA crew as the price of restoring peace. Or he'll bring Lin her head in a bag. Whatever. And then Jury will cap Jax and go down himself in a hail of bullets. Bobby & Chibbs run the club from then on -- what's left of it. Unser dies of cancer (finally), social services seizes Abel and Thomas, and Wendy gets high and forgets about them. Nero grabs his kid and gets the fuck out of town. Tig and Venus live happily ever after. Rat Boy makes his old lady official. Happy is happy too. The end. 3 Link to comment
panthergirl13 October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 This completely; however, for six seasons viewers wondered similar things about why on earth Tara would stick around with such a low-life criminal. Jax's got the Kavorka. Pffffft!!!!! Link to comment
Duke2801 October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 Grrrrr WHY hasn't Comcast put this one up On Demand yet?? We were on vacation and I missed it. I thought they normally put the new episodes up the very next day! Link to comment
eurekagirl mOo October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 Out of everything in this episode - - because random pointless killing is just another day for SAMCRO and Gemma will clearly outlive freaking anything - - this is what pissed me off most about this episode. Other than the first season, Wendy never struck me as stupid. So no way in hell would she EVER still love Jax in any way, shape or form outside of some benign "love" because he's Abel's father. Seriously? First Tara and now Wendy? Does Jax have an amazing technicolor penis to go with his White Sneakers of Truth ? Because I don't get it. Wendy should just take Thomas and the candidate for Future Serial Killers of America and get the hell outta Dodge. Not like Jax would even notice - - he's too busy shuffling all over Stockton and shooting people for kicks. Speaking of - - the guy with the Impala who took out some of the Grim Bastards . . . how long has that car been parked out on that street? It took THAT long to find it? Shaggy and Scooby could have sniffed it out faster. Do NOT make me LOL at work. You win the interweb today! 1 Link to comment
eurekagirl mOo October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 I just had a horrid thought: All of this has been in Gemma's head from the start. She really is Gertie, a woman who was once a poor waitress and saw this glamorous biker life and started daydreaming. But she's crazy too, so she's in the loony bin. And she's telling the story to her nurse, who is really Jax, and she thinks he's hot, and that's why there is all the creepy incest vibes. And Uncer is really her husband, and not dying of cancer but she's just so sad and dreary that she feels it's romanticizing. Nero is her doctor and Tara is just some woman she saw visiting someone else, whom she hates because she had boobs and attention "Gemma" wasn't getting. Actually, it was all a dream might actually work for this show. All the over the top violence no one cares about, Gemma being the centre of everything, Unser's not so fatal cancer, the crayola motorcycles. (And yes, I do still like this show, but there is only so much disbelief you can suspend.) This This This Please with a cherry on top (or a AK47) What the holy hell was the point of Leah M.? She looked like shit--Why do all waitresses we see have no make up or dirty pulled back hair? I've been a server for 45 years and I always wear makeup and do my hair. Anyway.....I lost track of the plot a few years ago. Such a relief to find out other people are as confused as I am with all these gangs--Especially the new circus/Halloween gang--Nothing like a hot orange bike to say terror... 3 Link to comment
leisawoo October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 I just wanted to say that you all are on FIRE! This board makes the frustration and indigestion the show gives me worthwhile. DIE Unser, DIE Juice, SUFFER Gemma! I mean who's a viewer gotta well, you know.... 7 Link to comment
Puddy October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 Once again, it would have been great to have the camera pan across the booth to Tara with a fork in her head. (First time should have been when Gemma was talking to Tara while driving.) 9 Link to comment
Ohwell October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 If I were on this show, I would fuck Bobby if it meant that Jax, Juice, Gemma and Unser would die. 5 Link to comment
leisawoo October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 I wish Tara would have shown up in the backseat and in the booth behind Gemma with the damn fork in her head! 2 Link to comment
MrsRafaelBarba October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 The poster that thinks Witness Cop is in danger, I agree. I can see her face making friends with a pillow next week. Courtesy of Unser. 4 Link to comment
spaceytraci1208 October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 If I were on this show, I would fuck Bobby if it meant that Jax, Juice, Gemma and Unser would die. Talk about taking one for the team! Bobby doesn't look like he's bathed since 1997 :/ 6 Link to comment
BetyBee October 17, 2014 Share October 17, 2014 I believe Gemma commented to Gertie, "You're a good girl." I think Gertie represents the life Gemma would have had if she had been a "good girl," but she's not. She's a horrible, evil, murderous, miserable excuse for a human being. She's poison. 3 Link to comment
FavFable October 18, 2014 Share October 18, 2014 Who do you think will figure out that Gemma offed Tara first? I think Nero knows and Unser is not too far behind. I think Wendy will get there, eventually. Unser is a wild card for me. If he figures out what happened, he is also going to realize he gave Gemma the wrong info that led to her freaking out and killing Tara. Unser seems forever loyal to Gemma, if he learned the truth would he turn Gemma in to Jax? 1 Link to comment
Puddy October 18, 2014 Share October 18, 2014 Unser spoke about "doing the right thing" in the diner. It just depends on what he thinks the right thing is. Link to comment
FavFable October 18, 2014 Share October 18, 2014 I think your right. The right thing for Unser's life expectancy would be to keep quiet. The right thing for Tara, Jax and their children would be to go to Jax and the police.. I think. 1 Link to comment
ToniG October 18, 2014 Share October 18, 2014 I think Unser knows what Gemma did to Tara-after he told her that Tara ratted, she took off. And didn't Unser drive by the house afterwards, and find out that Tara and Roosevelt were killed? He knows, but I think he can't face what he set in motion. 2 Link to comment
leisawoo October 18, 2014 Share October 18, 2014 I hope when he does, it kills him, right then and there. Only if Jax or maybe Chibbs or Bobby find out the truth about Tara. You know, it might be interesting if Bobby/Chibbs finds out. Maybe, Nero! Sorry for musing out loud but...wouldn't it be some kind of poetic justice for NERO to tell Jax? After all, they both know and are aware the other knows about Jax giving the order for his son's mother to be killed. 1 Link to comment
Madding crowd October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 (edited) Jax will never kill his mother. At the most, he will leave or banish her from the club. Sadly, I'm convinced Jax will die at the end leaving Gemma in charge of both the club (with Nero as her puppet) and the boys. Sutter will insist on some kind of spectacular end for his wife. The only other thing that might happen is for her to kill herself with remorse in the last episode. I really hope Unser dies too, but unlike you braver posters, the only one I'm willing to have sex with is Nero. Edited October 19, 2014 by Madding crowd 1 Link to comment
Puddy October 19, 2014 Share October 19, 2014 (edited) Great point! You just know Nero is piecing this together. When he spotted Gemma's SUV, that did it for me. I am hoping he dumps Gemma. Re: The Deed with Bobby I would do him because he is sweet. I would have to hose him down in the yard first though. Edited October 19, 2014 by Puddy 8 Link to comment
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