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S04.E03: Rocky Road

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I had a bunch of thoughts and then I saw that promo.


Anyway, Dairy Queen (ha!) is very very intriguing. I wonder if it was Anna's mother who put her in the urn and that's where that story came from.


Archie, way to not help Snow with the stroller at all. One of these days, I'd like to see no one believe Leroy when he starts another witch hunt and have it turn out that he was correct for once. It would serve him right.


"You seem like a decent person. You probably wouldn't shoot me in the back." "No one thought to check and see if it was empty?" "Dangerous urn, keep away." The sass was strong tonight. We can keep Will and Kristoff. I approve.


Oh Hans, if only there was somebody who loved you.

  • Love 20

I loved this episode.



* Snow Queen. She stole the show.

* Elsa/Kristoff. They're so great together.

* Will Scarlet! Yay! The Knave is back.

* Hans got... frozen.... over.

* Archie and Snow scene. Love how he brought Emma up.

* Dairy Queen.

* Rumple's scene with Snow Queen at the end. Loved it.

* Graham mention!
* Hook with the cellphone.

* Emma's magic was actually useful.

* Hans was spot-on.

* So many new mysteries!



* "Regina let me!" It's like sticking a knife in my ear.

* Maiden Thief is officially no more.

* Marian's frozen... let the Outlaw Queen angst begin.
* Henry and Regina... meh.

* Operation Mongoose.

* Mayor Snow stuff. Whiny townsfolk.


This episode really kicked the season up a notch. I'm so freaking excited about Snow Queen. Her connection to Emma must be fascinating. 

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 8

Kristoff amuses me. A lot.


Actually, there were a lot of good one-liners tonight. Emma's "Dairy Queen" and Hook's "I don't know, I just hit the Emma button" while trying to explain what a cell phone was and Elsa's "You were human and they were, y'know, rocks."


And ooh, the Snow Queen's "Emma?" intrigued me. Foster mother at some point?


If this is how it's going to be for the rest of 4A? I'm going to be thrilled to pieces. :D

  • Love 14

Nothing like a declaration of love over a frozen body.  Robin is a total ass.  Even Regina showed more restrain.


Henry approving of the whole book thing?  Bad.

Snow/Archie scene?  Good

Hook with a cell phone "explaining" to Elsa how it worked in this version of the blind leading the blind?  funny

Emma/David?  Good

Emma using her magic with some very serious confidence?  Awesomeness times a million.

Snow Queen sounded almost upset when she said Emma's name.


There's a lot more, they threw tons of stuff in this one.

  • Love 6

That kiss was not long enough! Also loved that Emma used her magic to save people she cared about. And it wasn't just Hook -- it was her father too. I'm really liking the developments this season between David and Emma -- she's really becoming a daddy's girl in the best sense.

Something is up with that Snow Queen and Emma.

And yea, Regina and Robin. I'm just going to fluff over that.

  • Love 3

I'm still laughing at Hook an the cell phone.


"What is that thing?"

"I don't know, it's a talking device. I just press the Emma button and she answers ..usually"


Then his frustration at what's the point of it if she doesn't answer. Too funny.


These episodes just fly by, loved it all. Hook side eyeing Rumple when he suggested Belle use the dagger, Knave, Regina & Robin, Operation Mongoose, Elsa's flashbacks, Hook and Elsa tag teaming. Emma pulling her powers out to save her loved ones.


Really interested in how all the memories of the Snow Queen are missing. Snow Queen and Elsa's and Snow Queen and Emma's. 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 4
Guest Accused Dingo

Seriously people you are supposed to be the good guys. Stop with the angry mobs.

When Henry is with Regina he is less annoying.

Can we keep Elizabeth Mitchel? She is a breath of fresh cold air. Plus i am enjoying the FroZen storyline.

Mary Margaret really shouldnt be in charge of anything. Everyone forgets Regina was the one ruling her kingdom. Snow White has soent the majority of her adult life on the run or fighting Regina for her kingdom. She really doesn't have the experience, plus everyone in town is useless.

Edited by Accused Dingo
  • Love 4

Well, hello Hans.  Goodbye, Hans.  Also, hello to Hans' much hotter brothers.  And, also, goodbye to Hans' much hotter brothers.


More Kristoff!  Yay!  And a Sven  cameo!


Oh, Elizabeth Mitchell is very pretty in that dress.  And the evil Ice Queen is Elsa's aunt.  And also related, somehow, to Emma.  Of course she is.  Because everybody is related to everybody else on this show.


Hook and Elsa make a nice couple, I think.  And Robin Hood still loves Regina.  Lovely.  She's still going through with her "I gonna force the author to give a happy ending" shit plan, though.


Snow's the new mayor; I don't care.  And we saw Will Scarlet for a few minutes.  Of course, we'll be seeing more of him.  Maybe he went to Granny's.


Speaking of Granny, are she, Grumpy, and the angry village people still going around trying to catch Elsa?

Why does Elsa’s hair change, but never her dress?  Huh?  Why never that rhinestoned monstrosity?  And that one little braided hairpiece that was a completely different color than the rest of her hair? 


“I was written as a villain.”  That Henry/Regina scene was repulsive.  Out and out repulsive.  It’s one thing to claim that Regina has changed, it’s a whole ‘nother thing to claim she wasn’t one.  You kill villages, abuse children, and rape people, you’re not being “written” as a villain.  You were one.   Then, sending Henry “you’re not a villain” to the vault, where he could retrieve your magic box, from where it was surrounded by, well, the fruits of your villainy?  Yeah. 


“That’s a very dangerous insinuation.”  Hook insinuated nothing.  He came right out and said it.  Gold would be smarter than this.  Gold would know what that word actually meant.  Whoever wrote this episode?  Apparently not so much.  But, then, the same person evidently wrote the Henry/Regina scene, and doesn’t actually know the definition of “villain”, so what do I expect?


Okay, so, me expecting them to have a reason for Will Scarlett being there was apparently wrong, wrong, wrong.  Why was someone firmly ensconced in Wonderland randomly robbing homes in Storybrooke during a blackout?

I’d also like to point out that during this episode we had Emma and Snow both dealing with trauma caused by Regina, while at the same time learning that Regina isn’t evil, she’s just drawn that way.  Barf.  I’d really like to aggressively question (just question.  Sheesh) A&E now about a few things, just to see if they squirm.


I did truly love Hook’s cellphone scene, though.  And Hans made me laugh.  He can come back.


The Snow Queen sounded . . . in pain . . . when she saw Emma.  That’s interesting.  Those who ventured the Snow Queen was Elsa’s aunt called it.

Edited by Mari
  • Love 10

"Regina lets me." Oh Christ, give me strength.


"There's no problem that can't be solved with a bit of ice cream." It really is magical, like whiskey.


"I think you're bitter and you're taking it out on the wrong person." Regina's life summed up in 13 words.


Regina's plan to make the author of the book give her a happy ending is classic I-don't-want-to-work-for-my-redemption-Regina, but it really irritates me that Henry is going along with this. Way to teach your son a crappy lesson. Mother of the Year right here for sure.


Thanks for giving Snow a free session Archie, but how 'bout you fold up the stroller for her?


The Regina/Robin/Marian love triangle: worst triangle ever. Get yourself thawed out and run far away from Robin, Marian, and take Roland with you.


Holy shit, a Graham mention! Now does anyone remember that Regina killed him?


Will and Kristoff really bring the sass. I approve. Can we keep them and dump Regina?


I loved all the Frozen stuff, Captain Swan (damn, hot kiss), Charming and Emma continuing to team up, the Hook and Rumpel scene, the Snow Queen AKA Dairy Queen, Hook and technology, and the sass of Will and Kristoff. Keep Regina away from the main action, and I just may really like 4A.

  • Love 13

Another really enjoyable, solid episode...IF you can overlook the total intelligence FAILS that every.single.character had tonight. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it enough to overlook them. This is the most engaging and fun the show has been since S1. I'm really loving this season so far.


First, however, let me list the logic fails. Elsa: "The urn is the only thing in the world that can defeat me!...so I must be one of the two people to go to destroy it, naturally." (Though I did like the genre-savvy reversal, whereby I was totally expecting Elsa to be urned and instead it let out the Snow Queen.) Also, the blocking of that scene was awful--the entire time I was yelling at Kristoff to just dive forward or drop and escape Hans (and also for Elsa to take Hans out while she was standing around while Kristoff sword-fought.) Charming and Emma: "Let's both go look in the back and assume the totally trustworthy thief will hang out in the front!" Hook: "I have no clue what we're up against, but let's go, just you and me, Elsa! This can't go badly at all!" Stop acting like a petulant child, Hook. And, while it's not exactly a logic fail like the others, I don't believe that Rumpel wouldn't just wipe Hook's memory or whatever about the dagger. No. Way. would Rumpel let him out and about with that secret. No. Way.


But with that said...


I'm already loving the Snow Queen and her creepy-as-fuck affect--definitely the best villain since Cora. Mitchell's just BRINGING it in the role, and I really, really want to know more about her and her history and her and Elsa and her and Emma (since obviously there's a story there) and generally have her around all the time to be creepy and menacing and flat. Adore her already. That last scene with Rumpel was awesome (and I'm glad he's back to being an out-and-out Plotting Magnificent Bastard, because that's where the character shines). And her dress is so pretty. Elsa and Kristoff are surprisingly sweet together (although they have perhaps a touch more chemistry than they should). Everything about the Frozen characters continues to be awesome. And that reindeer continues to kick ass!


Daddy and Daughter Sheriffs were awesome tonight. Love how Emma's opening up to David, and that he knows when to let her be and when to push. Also, his pride in his little girl is just so cute (and bwah! his face when he was all "...you do?" about the lock tumblers). The show continues to do really, really well by that relationship. Just give me more, show! Also, Will is so fun--I'm still skeptical about him being a full-on regular, but for two minutes of snark and bringing attitude? Totally down with him in that role. He gave the show such a different feel when he was on-screen tonight.


I got a lump in my throat when Archie had his little chat with Snow. Just her face when he walked away. Also, I rarely say this, but Grumpy needs to go DIAF.


Reason #960368456 Robin and Marian should stay together: they had more chemistry tonight than Regina and Robin have generated in over half a season now (and they actually look like they make each other happy, not just horny). I actually thought all that stuff was handled decently...until Robin's barf-worthy "I'm in love with someone else but can't leave Marian" confession. Just get a divorce if you have to be with your wife's murderer that bad, dude. Sigh. (Also, this is so shallow, but: I get that Regina is no longer mayor and also wallowing, but what she had on tonight was very meh. She should never be out of her awesome power suits! And I was distracted by the fact that Robin's neck was fire-engine red by his face was oddly pale. wtf?)


Regina and Henry was terrible. Regina trying to manipulate her kid for information instead of just asking? Gross. Henry saying the book misrepresents Regina or doesn't understand her or whatever? AWFUL. In the Enchanted Forest she was a mass murderer, rapist, and destroyer/enslaver of an entire civilization. The book got her exactly right. Also, the idea of "rewriting" the book or whatever is still stupid as shit. And Regina sending Henry to get stuff from her Vault of Horrors? THE WORST.


Overall, another strong episode. Please let the show keep it going instead of going into its annual "episodes 4-9 suckfest." Please.

Edited by stealinghome
  • Love 14

I feel like the past season and a half they've been trying to balance out the lack of Emma/Charming scenes in the first two seasons. I love it, but I miss Mary Margaret/Emma bonding. They used to be best buddies and now they're not! 


I love protective Emma. Her speech to Hook is exactly what I posted in another thread awhile back. I love their budding romance. Hook's had the best character development of all the villains.


It just occurred to me: Where the hell is Kristoff? Is he back in Arendelle? It seems no one else came from that country in the curse, or they would have figured out the ice wall faster. Anna and Kristoff being separated is just tragic. I wish someone else would care.


I like that Henry is old enough to get sent to Regina's vault alone. He was in on the "what do we do next?" discussion without being dismissed or seeming like his childish overeager old self. Maybe that's a good sign.


ETA: I also loved seeing Regina in casual wear for the first time. Lana looked pretty.

Edited by bettername2come
  • Love 4

It feels like the show is going to run out of different ice/snow-related images for the title card....



Nothing like a declaration of love over a frozen body.  Robin is a total ass.  Even Regina showed more restrain.

And you just know that she heard everything and it's going to bite them all later.


Thanks for giving Snow a free session Archie, but how 'bout you fold up the stroller for her?

Dude! You still left her with stroller on the ground! Come on.

Edited by Trini
  • Love 3
"I think you're bitter and you're taking it out on the wrong person." Regina's life summed up in 13 words.

YES! I loved that FINALLY someone got to call Regina out! Honestly, if you take out the Regina/Outlaw Queen stuff, this season is an A+. That stuff is just bringing the show down.


Does Snow White ever put that baby down?  Is she still going to be carrying it when it's 16?

To be fair, that was Archie's point.

  • Love 12

If this show consisted of just Charming, Emma, Elsa, and Hook being teammates and talking to each other about their problems, I would be one happy camper. That must be why I've enjoyed the last two episodes so much. Also, did this episode confirm that Emma and Charming are both Sheriff? Speaking of Charming, that scruff tonight was really, really working for him.


I kind of laughed at Dairy Queen's idea that the town would be upset about Hook's passing. Not sure if it's supposed to show that DQ is an outsider or possible newcomer and thus has no idea about the workings of the local gang or that Hook has really grown on the town. If it's the latter, I love Hook, but I don't think that angry mob would really care if something bad happened to him, and that's saying something, since they seem to get riled up so easily. Emma, however, would go ballistic on anyone who harmed a hair on his head as evidenced by the strength of her magical blast tonight.

But, is there some rule that ice-magic-wielding women must wear sparkly dresses?  Can we please get Elsa in normal clothes already?!

I don't know, but Dairy Queen is definitely upholding the OUaT Evil Cleavage tradition.

  • Love 6

Henry's still an idiot. It's nice to know there are things we can depend on. The book only reported what HAPPENED, not what some third party told it, yet Henry says it's all wrong about Regina and she implies it's wrong to present her as a villain. Oh, and no comment on how Regina still has all those hearts in her vault. He should really be BFF with Belle since they never ask Regina and Rumpel to return the stolen items to their rightful owners.

I like the call back to the movie with Regina (and everyone else since they didn't contradict) assuming that An Act of True Love=True Love's Kiss. Methinks Elsa forgot the fine print while in the urn.

Hook and the cell phone. Love it. We need more of that.

Snow was proving her genetic connection to Henry this episode. Not knowing what a fireside chat is, not opening with the ice wall, placing it at 4 on her list, not putting Snowflake in his car seat and then dealing with the stroller, and not asking Archie for help (hewas stupid too, for not offering to help, so it went both ways). Hopefully her fear at letting him out of her sight will pay off in a better relationship with Emma.

Robin and Regina deserve each other. I wonder how long she'll wait to force Marian to do her bidding when the ice is lifted. She won't be able to stop herself.

Also liked Hook having Rumpel's number on the dagger, both men brought the sinister well. Still would like one of the heroes to pick up on it but I can't have everything I want.

I'm now convinced that Emma really is wearing her red jacket but the cinematographers are feeling rebellious and that's why it looks brown.


They used to be best buddies and now they're not

I wish they would tell me whhhyyyyyyy!

Hee, couldn't resist.

  • Love 6

Everyone always has to be related in this show lol


I've never understood the love for Mr. Gold. He's one of my least favorites, if you're eveil BE evil, if you're reformed BE reformed. I don't like that he's always playing everyone.


I loved the Dairy Queen line by Emma. Other things that I really liked this episode was that the Snow Queen seems to be some sort of social justice warrior for magical creatures, very X-Men. I've always got Emma Frost vibes from her haha. Also I liked how Emma highlighted the fact that Elsa was brought by accident but it seems to have been a purposeful accident.

Edited by Bluerang1
  • Love 5

I kind of laughed at Dairy Queen's idea that the town would be upset about Hook's passing.


The women would care!


Emma, however, would go ballistic on anyone who harmed a hair on his head as evidenced by the strength of her magical blast tonight.

I thought it was interesting that we've seen Emma concentrate for the longest time when wanting to use her magic and that today it was just one blast to the Snow Queen and then blasting both Hook and David out of harm's way.  That was a really interesting turnabout.

  • Love 5

Can't Roland just kiss Marian? Parent/child love is one of true love's forms. Emma and Henry, speak up!



Oh, and I thought the obvious solution would be to have Roland kiss his mother; but I guess they love ripping hearts out too much to do that.

I don't think it would work.  Roland barely remembers his mother;  she was killed by Regina (and then timeforwarded) when he was too little to remember her.  She most likely loves him enough, but he wouldn't reciprocate enough at this point.

  • Love 5

Loved everything about the episode!


Outlaw Queen-  Well, Marian's officially on ice, or is ice?  Way to wait until the last possible second, Regina.  Why did Henry have to fetch a box?  Regina's own heart was carried around in a bag last season.  I kinda thought Marian would thaw once her heart was removed.  Why does the Snow Queen have it out for Marian anyway?  It seemed random.


Snow, just PUT.THE.BABY.DOWN!  Has Charming even gotten to hold him yet?  I wonder what David was thinking when Emma showed off her thief skills, perhaps, "Great, I just named my kid after a guy who taught my daughter breaking and entering.!?"


Will Scarlet--I didn't watch Wonderland, so I'm not terribly impressed so far.  He seems kind of funny?  I'm guessing he's meant to just distract us for now? IDK


Elsa and Kristoff-  Awesome in laws.  I'm not quite sure why Elsa didn't freeze Hans before he pulled the sword on Kristoff, but oh well.  Poor innocent Elsa clearly doesn't see that SQ is evil.


Snow Queen--I haven't really watched Elizabeth Mitchell in anything else, but she seems awesome.  She has a sweet way about her which should keep people confused for a while.


Hook--  This is the second episode this season where we've heard what a good survivor he is.  I suppose we should be glad he doesn't eat ice cream?  It sure looks like Rumple and the Ice Queen are after him.  "I hope Miss Swan is worth it"  wouldn't Rumple know?  He can see into the future, right?  I'm worried for Hook, but on the other hand, he is a survivor.  I also enjoyed Elsa telling him what's really going  on with Emma, because normally he's quite perceptive, except in this case.


Emma-  Awesome use of magic, it's nice to see that her magic is incredibly powerful when she gets to use it.  By the way, Emma's superpower failed again.  Maybe it's because Hook was in the room?  Or, maybe it only works on Hook?


Captain Swan--  What a kiss!  What honesty!  I love that she told him she was afraid of losing him.  I thought it was pretty evident in the mayor's office when she saw what happened to Marian.  She was immediately afraid that could happen to Hook.   Keep going you two crazy kids!

Edited by scenicbyway
  • Love 6

I see a lot of Archie hate, but I think he didn't help because he was trying to prove his point. Snow doesn't have to hold onto the baby 24-7, for fear of losing him like she lost Emma. Most mothers would put the baby in the car seat first, then put the stroller away. Might have been harsh, but I think Archie was just letting Snow struggle so she would see that she can't do everything on her own.

I never watched Wonderland, but I'm liking Will so far, especially his sass and accent. Can't wait for him and Hook to meet! I also loved Emma's confession to Hook, and the way Hook said "my love". It was completely different from how he calls a lot of women Love. And of course I loved the kiss! It was strong, and passionate, but controlled. And although the zooming out was a cool shot, I wish they would have stayed with a tight shot. And it could have been a little longer. :)

I also don't really mind that Robin's true love kiss didn't work. He thought she was dead and he moved on with his life. It's like someone staying in an abusive relationship because they made a vow. However, Robin's choice of love interest and him not being truthful to Marian is a different story. But his overall feelings, or lack thereof, for Marian I don't hate him for.

  • Love 4

It was another fun, quick-paced episode!



*Snow's bird painting

*Regina's reaction to the above

*Everything Emma/David/Hook/Elsa-- they're fun!

*The Knave/Will Scarlet--cute, funny, unrepentant scoundrel

*Snow vs. The Stroller--strollers are a minor evil, but evil nonetheless




*One of Hans' brothers looked like past heartthrob Peter Barton (but it couldn't be, right?)

*Urn background and "Didn't anybody check to see if it was empty?"

*Rumple and Snow Queen being all vague in the woods at night

*Emma being straight about her fears with Hook



*Granny and Grumpy on an unfounded "witch hunt"; Just two seasons back, King George had everyone hunting a framed Ruby, so very disappointed in Granny.

Plus the dwarf's name is Grumpy, writers, not Mindless Hater, so find something else for Grumpy to do.

*Robin's theory on why True Love's Kiss was a no-go; you don't know if she can hear you or not, so way to be sensitive. Also? Assy. 

*Henry being Regina's nuSidney

*Snow not allowing Charming to hold Snowflake during the frakkin' Fireside Chat. Doesn't make you less of a mom or mayor.

*Belle making faces about using The Dagger.  That's why you have it Belle, as a check on The Dark One. Yes, overuse is not good, but using it isn't a hardship for you. You know you married The Dark One. He's rightfully not trusted.

*Regina letting Henry join her for AuthorQuest '14



*In case you weren't sure, ABC/Disney has rights to Marvel Comics stuff! See! SHIELD and Thor comics, hee! 


This season has gotten off to such a great start! So excited for next week!

  • Love 4
The book only reported what HAPPENED, not what some third party told it


Yeah, I don't get Regina's logic. The only reason Emma and Hook ended up in the book was because they went to the past. How will talking to the writer change what has already happened?




--I haven't really watched Elizabeth Mitchell in anything else, but she seems awesome.

I just re-watched The Santa Clause 2&3, because she plays Mrs. Claus.

Edited by Writing Wrongs
  • Love 5

I'm honestly loving this season so far.  Everything about Frozen is paralleling to Emma.  The writers seem to be trying hard to mix in character motivations with plot...plot...plot.  They may not be quite hitting all the right notes but they are trying and are more aware than I thought they were.  I appreciate the effort.


At this point I think Snow Queen came to our world separate from the curse and found her way to Storybrooke only recently.  I'm going with a foster mother of Emma's or involved with Rumpel in acquiring Henry.

Did anyone else think Snow Queen was basically Anita from Child of the Moon, only having magic instead of having werewolf powers? She seemed the same way - being wary of outsiders who didn't have magic/werewolf.

If this means we can actually reform the Snow Queen and keep her around long-term? YES PLEASE.


The writers seem to be trying hard to mix in character motivations with plot...plot...plot.  They may not be quite hitting all the right notes but they are trying and are more aware than I thought they were.  I appreciate the effort.

Agreed. 4x01 was too much "running around like chickens with their heads cut off" for me, but even 4x01 seemed to be trying hard to mix in character moments with the plot. And then the last two episodes have struck that balance much, much better. I just hope it lasts!!!

  • Love 6

I really like this episode the Snow Queen is the best thing on the show.

Really interesting and the way Mitchell plays her we see there emotion in ulterior motive.

Maybe she is a kind a Foster mother for the magical being because she felt like a monster. She wants to protect them in some magical castle where she could run the world. That's why she refuses to make a deal with Rumple and try to prove to Elsa that everyone will turn on her even Anna.

Elsa or Emma must accept willingly to follow the SNOW Queen .

Just so much possibilities to play ! Me loving it

  • Love 5

Henry's still an idiot. It's nice to know there are things we can depend on. The book only reported what HAPPENED, not what some third party told it, yet Henry says it's all wrong about Regina and she implies it's wrong to present her as a villain. Oh, and no comment on how Regina still has all those hearts in her vault. He should really be BFF with Belle since they never ask Regina and Rumpel to return the stolen items to their rightful owners.

Yup.  That whole scene was gross.  I mean, they even named the new mission "Mongoose", because Mongoose (geese?  gooses?) kill cobras.   Are we seriously supposed to take away from that scene that Regina wasn't actually wrong to curse everyone? Or kill and kill and kill and rape?  Because, what?


I could buy that she'd changed, but to pretend like she wasn't evil at one point--that Evil was just a misunderstanding, and propaganda written by some mysterious author? 


I want to spit.  And flip tables. 

  • Love 12

Really loved this episode! Everyone brought their A-Game. Well... almost everyone. 


The writers took "Women in Refrigerators" to a whole new level with Marian. She'll only be thawed when the Snow Queen is defeated. Robin disgusts me. Even Regina showed some grace. I intensely dislike the Henry/Regina arc, especially as Henry is keeping it a secret from his other mother.  


I loved all the Emma, Daddy!Charming, Hook/Emma, Esla/Kristoff, Hook/Elsa, Hook/Rumple stuff. Please let the writers keep writing more for Emma and Charming--it was so so good.


I can't even with the way Rumple is manipulating/using Belle. 


The Snow/Mayor stuff was boring, and I seriously want Grumpy to shut the eff up!!


That Emma and Hook scene at the end was beautiful. Finally a reason why Emma was pulling away, and it wasn't something contrived, for once (pun intended!). And that kiss... Hook initiated for the first time. He knows that she is not pulling away because she doesn't trust him.


Nice Will Scarlet intro. Interested to see why he's in Storybrooke.


Elizabeth Mitchell was fantastic! And of course, Rumple knew her. She sounded almost affectionate when she said "Emma!". I too think she was one of Emma's foster mothers or something like that. 

  • Love 10

Another great episode.  This season has been really good, so far.  My only issues with the episodes are that they are going by so quickly.  It seems like the episode had just started when it is over.


The Frozen stuff was good, as were the Snow Queen scenes in Storybrooke and the town meeting and Snow/Archie scenes.  I liked Will Scarlet and I'm hoping we will find out the reason for the fallout between Robin and Will.

  • Love 1

Hell yeah!  Will "Knave" Scarlet has finally entered the building!  He and Michael Socha were one of the best things about the Wonderland spin-off, so I'm glad he's here (although, I"m bummed that his "true love" has apparently disappeared.)  Loved all his scenes with Emma and Charming, and I can't wait to see more of him with the rest.  Will and Hook especially should be a barrel of laughs.


Wow, so did Robin just declare that he loves Regina, right in front of his wife's frozen body?  They really are meant to be; both of them are just so selfish and pig-headed.  And, why am I not surprised that Henry is down with helping Regina find the book writers.  Does he really think Regina is just going to "talk" with him, and ask him to change the story?  There is being naive, and then there is being Henry.


Seriously, this show is actually making me curious about Frozen now.  I'm already almost in love with Elsa, but Kristoff was just cracking me up in this episode.  Those two together were entertaining as hell.  And that Hans guy was the perfect stereotypical "Disney" bad guy.  I am truly aboard the Frozen Train for this season.  I can't believe they've pulled this off.  And, wow, was Elizabeth Mitchell like, 100 times better here then her entire stint on Revolution.  I just hope they don't give The Snow Queen a stupid-ass back-story, and make her a different kind of villain.


Cracked up when Emma was mention how all of her relationships have gone to shit so far, and she including Walsh.  Yeah, don't you just hate it when you fiancee ends up being a flying monkey?  I know I do!  Really, Hook could her most stable relationship yet, which is just hilarious (well, poor Graham never had a chance.  Hmm, who was it that killed him, again?  Heh).  Go for it, Emma!


All of the stuff with Snow was just throwaway again.  I get why they have to limit Ginnifer's screen time, but I'm just bored with her adventures as the mayor.


Good to be reminded that the Storybrooke townsfolk continue to be dicks.  Should have known that Grumpy would already lead a lynch mob on poor Elsa, before they get any real evidence.  I would have thought they would have learned after that time Ruby/Red (remember her?!) was set-up and they went after her, but I guess not.  Well, at least Archie tried to stop it, but he was never going to be able to stop it.


Of course, Rumple knows who The Snow Queen is.  He's pretty much connected to every bad guy on this show.  That guy is never going to change.  Lucky for him that Belle is so dim.


Another good episode.  Emma, Charming, Hook, Will, and the Frozen crew, are easily countering Regina, Robin, and Henry so far.  I hope this stays that way.

Edited by thuganomics85
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