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Funny moments - what are your favorites?

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Lorelai finding out about Paris and Asher Fleming was pretty funny.


I love the scene where Paris is finally revealing her relationship to Rory. The faces that keep changing between horror and disgust Alexis Bledel makes the entire time are priceless.


PARIS: Professor just makes him sound old.

RORY: He IS old!

PARIS: He's sixty. Today's sixty is what fifty was twenty years ago and he's got the body of a forty year old.

RORY: I really don't want to talk about his body.

PARIS: I'm not denying that we've got a May-December romance going on here.

RORY: This is not May-December, this is May - Ming Dynasty.

PARIS: An age difference like this is very common. People dating people the same age are passe now.

RORY: My grandfather introduced you to him. Do you see how awkward this is for me?

PARIS: Well, hot men tend to run in packs.

RORY: Do not ever say anything like that again.

  • Love 5

On Kirk's first date with Lulu he gets up to talk to like because he's freaked out that she likes him. Luke tells him he thinks she likes him, and e goes "you take that back!" and starts shoving him like he wants to fight.

Another Kirk moment, when he and Lulu are making out at the movie theater (while he's working, no less) and they have to stop so he can serve popcorn...

One more, when Luke is fighting upstairs with Nicole then comes downstairs and just starts taking food orders. Miss Patty orders a salad and he asks if she wants crackers or a roll. Kirk whispers "get the crackers!" then Nicole comes down because their fight wasn't over yet. Miss Patty starts eating the jam on the table with a spoon, I don't really know why but it is one of the funniest scenes in the whole series for me.

  • Love 3

I saw another one recently that I never caught before. When Rory is sitting with the Puffs the first time Paris walks by with her tray...then slowly walks backwards to do a double take at Rory sitting at their table. I've seen that episode plenty of times but I have a habit of just listening while I do other things, so I actually SAW this bit of silent comedy and it cracked me up.

  • Love 4

A few recent ones:


Mrs Kim pushes Rory out of her house due to them having termites at her house, and calls her a "carrier".  


Michele running an extra hour for a secret CD dropoff for Lane--noone told him the time had changed by an hour.


Emily's reactions to Richard driving her crazy when he first quit his job (her conversations with Lorelai were so funny).

  • Love 3

I don't remember if I've brought this one up before, but I find this entire conversation absolutely hysterical....


EMILY: I’m in charge of the Society Matron’s League’s annual antique auction next Tuesday and I thought maybe you’d like to come.

LORELAI: Society Matron’s League? That’s quite a name.

EMILY: And what is wrong with that name, Lorelai?

LORELAI: Nothing, it just sounds so serious. Brings to mind a room full of old ladies wearing black dresses and cameos and pushing spoonfuls of cod liver oil on the kids.

EMILY: That’s a very flattering portrait of my friends you’re painting.

LORELAI: I didn’t mean your friends. I meant the other old ladies in the league, the ones who don’t like you and your friends ‘cause you guys are so young.

EMILY: Kindly wrap this up soon, Lorelai.

LORELAI: Consider it wrapped.

EMILY: Thank you. As I was saying, all the proceeds from the auction go to the children’s hospital, and we’re going to be offering some lovely pieces which I think would like very nice in that inn of yours.

LORELAI: What sort of pieces?

EMILY: Basically a lot canes and shawls, a couple of walkers. I believe we finally talked Old Lady Rollins into giving up her teeth.

  • Love 3

I'm rewatching Dead Uncles and Vegetables, and this is such a small moment, but this is the episode where the farmer's market is competing with Doose's Market, and at the town meeting everyone's waxing poetic about the farmer's market veggies and Babette's delivery of "Sexy. It's Sexy Squash" complete with hand gestures had me cracking up.


Also, this is the episode where I lose it every time Luke gets to the part of his casket rant where he calls his uncle King Tut.

Edited by damngoodcoffee
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Apropos of nothing, the Society Matrons League was another of the series' tip of the hat to I Love Lucy. That is the club that Ethel and Lucy were attempting to join when they were waylaid by a bet with the fellows concerning who could live more easily in more rugged, pioneer times. You may remember the large, rather Freudian loaf of bread.

I love the scene when Luke takes a sledgehammer to the wall (to make the apartment bigger), hands it to Jess and says, "Finish up. Afterward we'll hold hands and skip!" I also like when Luke teases Jess about working at Wal-Mart, mostly because it makes Jess so flustered that for once he doesn't have a snappy comeback.

Mrs. Kim pretty much always makes me laugh, as does Michel.

  • Love 3

MRS. KIM: Kim's Antiques.

RORY: Hello Mrs. Kim, this is Rory. May I please speak with Lane?

MRS. KIM: Lane is studying.

LANE: Wait, Mama. Mama, is that for me?

MRS. KIM: Why?

LANE: Well, I was just expecting a call from Rory and I thought. . .

MRS. KIM: You do your math?

LANE: Yes.

MRS. KIM: History?

LANE: Yes.

MRS. KIM: Biology?


MRS. KIM: Why?

LANE: Well, I'm not taking biology.

MRS. KIM: Why?

LANE: I took it last year.

MRS. KIM: And that's it? One year and you know all there is to know.

LANE: Well, I. . .

MRS. KIM: Tomorrow we look into private school.

  • Love 5

I just saw a scene in season 4 I forgot about that made me laugh. Richard and Emily are talking about going to the homeowners association to report their neighbors for handing out king size candy bars at Halloween.

Lorelai: "Two Halloweens ago someone painted the Dupree's chihuahua orange, and no one went to the homeowners association then."

Emily: "Well, everyone hated Taco."

Lol. I think it's Kelly Bishop's delivery that makes it so funny.

  • Love 3

One line that never fails to make me laugh comes from Paris, when she's showing Rory her 'operation finish line' board:


"You're the green marker. Green was a random choice, not a subtle comment about how inexperienced you are with real-life matters. Then again, maybe it was."


It's just so random, and Liza's delivery, as always, cracks me up.

  • Love 4

Two favorite Dave Rygalski moments:


MRS. KIM: Thank you. Come, sit here. This is Ho Kyung, she’ll sing with you.
MRS. KIM: Watch the high notes, she’s a runner.




DAVE: I stayed up all night. I read the entire bible cover to cover. I don't know what it means.
MRS. KIM: David.
DAVE: You have to tell me what it means. Is it yes, is it no? I can't feel my right elbow anymore. I don't even know why,
but I can't.
MRS. KIM: David.
DAVE: Please, just tell me. I'm so tired.
MRS. KIM: It's not from the bible.
DAVE: What?
MRS. KIM: It's Shakespeare, Henry VI. I like to goof off now and then, too, you know.
DAVE: Shakespeare.
MRS. KIM: That is a very difficult this to do, reading the bible in one night. I myself have only done it three times. You
need great determination and excellent light. I'm very impressed. All right.
DAVE: All right what?
MRS. KIM: You can go to the prom, but you cannot get married.
DAVE: That seems fair to me.
LANE: And me! The person who is going upstairs to think about what she's done.
MRS. KIM: Lane is grounded until the prom and for two months after. You may call her on the phone every other day for
ten minutes and that is all. Understand?
DAVE: Yes, ma'am. Thank you, Mrs. Kim.
[Mrs. Kim walks away. Lane and Dave smile at each other.

  • Love 3

I have always loved the scene in season 6 where Rory has to go to the therapist and has a meltdown -- I think of all the great moments of the show, this has to be my favorite. . . 




Even before she goes to the therapist she tells Lorelai about having to go -- Lorelei's closing comment is awesome:  : "Blame it all on grandma."


Then once she's at the appointment: 


Therapist: "Who's Dean?"

Rory: "My married ex-boyfriend who I lost my virginity to."

Therapist: "Wow."

Rory: "Yeah, I'm a treat." 


On not being able to handle running into Logan on campus, and at the coffee cart: 


"oh my god, I'm going to have to quit drinking coffee. and I LOVE coffee!" (breaks down in hysterics). "I really love coffee!" (with the handful of tissues to her face)


Then the ending scene where she's telling Lorelai about how the session went and Lorelai's comment: "I'm so sorry you're a nut." 

  • Love 1

Two of my faves that haven't been mentioned yet:

1. Lane takes some aptitude test and it tells her she should go into sales. She goes through a whole spiel about the whip-o-matic, then Dean walks up to her and Rory and asks how they are. Lane replies "only as good as my last sale, Dean" I laugh every time!

2. It's a dumb plot, but the Thanksgiving episode where Kirk adopts Cat Kirk makes me laugh too. Every time he gives the latest development in the story, I can't help but laugh.

  • Love 2

This moment never fails to ge a chuckle out of me.

Emily: All right. I'll come straight to the point, Christopher. Now, I have known you a long time. I watched you grow up. You were a charming boy. A weak, but charming boy. And to be completely honest, I never thought much of you. I still don't.

Christopher: Wow. That's great of you to come by and share that with me.

Chris's reaction is just so amusing to me, I'm not really sure why.

Edited by Gilmorefan
  • Love 2

So many favorite moments but my ultimate favorite moment was actually the entire opening sequence of Season 7, Episode 9, "Knit People Knit" in which:


- Emily plays Lorelai's message from the machine announcing she and Christopher are married whilst Emily and Richard snark on the call, Rory looks appropriately mortified, and Lorelai looks like she wants to disappear into thin air...

- Lorelai is so excited about opening the wedding gift from her parents, and Emily tells her she sounds "like a dolphin at feeding time"...

- The indescribably ghastly sketch that Richard and Emily chose to give Lorelai and Christopher to start their "art" collection (and the look on Rory's face when Lorelai turns the sketch around to show it to her) coupled with Lorelai's bemused look...  

- The way in which Emily and Richard replay Lorelai's voice machine recording announcing the marriage at the end of the sequence


This sequence is just everything about why I love this show, all in one short little opening sequence.  Everyone was so on-point perfect.  


Here's a clip of just part of it if anyone needs a refresher:


Edited by Persnickety1

When Headmaster Charleston dragged Rory and Paris into his office to mediate their feud/scold them for having the feud. 


Headmaster Charleston: (when Rory and Paris won't tell him why they're fighting) Oh, goody, I get to guess. Well, perhaps the two of you are arguing over the same boy?

Paris: Of course. We're girls, so we must be fighting over a boy. You sexist, white haired--

Headmaster Charleston: Are you muttering something, Paris?

Paris: No, Headmaster.


More Paris because I love her so:


Paris: (to Rory) Don't make that face at me!
Rory: What face? I'm wearing a mask.
Paris: The "I'm Rory, don't you want to pet me?" face.


Paris: (on asking Rory to run for Vice President) Because people think you're nice. You're quiet, you say excuse me, you look like little birds help you get dressed in the morning. People don't fear you.

Rory: Hey, I haven't been dressed by a bird since I was two.


I also really liked everything about Paris and Richard bonding in Back in the Saddle Again. Also in Ted Koppels Night Out, the different shades of moods between Richard and Paris being totally on the same front when it came to getting pumped over the upcoming Harvard-Yale game and Paris just being in awe of Richard's stories and Yale legacy and Richard delighting in eating with Rory and Paris- but then, capsized by Paris being all....Paris with Asher Fleming and bashing Charlie Rose. The scandalized expression on WASP king Richard's face to see ill-mannered Paris openly hustling is hilarious. There should have been more Richard/Paris, and IMO, Emily/Paris scenes could have been the absolute snarky, insane best.


PARIS: I'm a fan! I could've opened with that, couldn't I have?

RORY: Then you wouldn't be you.

Edited by Melancholy
  • Love 1

Also in Ted Koppels Night Out, the different shades of moods between Richard and Paris being totally on the same front when it came to getting pumped over the upcoming Harvard-Yale game and Paris just being in awe of Richard's stories and Yale legacy and Richard delighting in eating with Rory and Paris- but then, capsized by Paris being all....Paris with Asher Fleming and bashing Charlie Rose.


PARIS: I saw you on Charlie Rose. You were good.

ASHER: Thank you.

PARIS: Not too self-important, you made your point, and managed to look remotely interested when Charlie babbled on pretentiously about nothing.

ASHER: Well, Charlie Rose is a good friend of mine.

PARIS: Whatever. Listen, professor, I'd love to do a profile on you for the paper. Nothing puffy. Straight-up, hard-hitting, uncensored. Your views, no slant. Tomorrow work for you?

ASHER: Well, I'll, uh, have to check my schedule. I do teach, you know.

PARIS: Sure, you gotta pay the bills.




I love that scene so much I want to marry it.

  • Love 1

Another small but hilarious moment from "That'll Do, Pig".  Lorelai The First has just blown through the Stars Hollow house and Rory is the only one who now doesn't have to suffer through dinner with her at the Independence Inn.


Rory (sincerely): Have fun!


Emily: No one appreciates your sarcasm, young lady!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3

The kid who kept asking Lane if they could invite "Assistant Pastor Eric" was Rami Malek of Mr. Robot! Hee!


I love Sookie's line when Jackson is going crazy after finding out she's pregnant. He shouts that they need to give up her cleaver, and she hilariously and incredulously says, "You mean, what if Baby climbed up on the counter, opened the drawer and fell on the meat cleaver? ...It wouldn't be good!" Melissa McCarthy's delivery of that makes me giggle every time.

  • Love 6

Yes! That's exactly the kind of stuff I feel like shows sometimes overlook in an effort to be funny. Sookie and Jackson didn't really get too much development as a couple over the course of the series compared to the other leads, but moments like that made me feel as though the producers cared about them and that gave me the opportunity to care about them too.

  • Love 2

I have always loved the scene in season 6 where Rory has to go to the therapist and has a meltdown -- I think of all the great moments of the show, this has to be my favorite. . .


Even before she goes to the therapist she tells Lorelai about having to go -- Lorelei's closing comment is awesome: : "Blame it all on grandma."

Then once she's at the appointment:

Therapist: "Who's Dean?"

Rory: "My married ex-boyfriend who I lost my virginity to."

Therapist: "Wow."

Rory: "Yeah, I'm a treat."

On not being able to handle running into Logan on campus, and at the coffee cart:

"oh my god, I'm going to have to quit drinking coffee. and I LOVE coffee!" (breaks down in hysterics). "I really love coffee!" (with the handful of tissues to her face)

Then the ending scene where she's telling Lorelai about how the session went and Lorelai's comment: "I'm so sorry you're a nut."

I'm sorry, but this is one moment that I absolutely loathe. With a passion.

After 2 seasons of Rory gradually becoming completely irresponsible and disrespectful to those around her, she finally has to sit down and fess up to what her life has become and by extension what we had to witness uncomfortably over the previous seasons...and the entire scene is treated like a big joke? Really now?!

Was it a joke when Lorelai was crying in Rory's room over the feelings of loss and frustration that were overwhelming her? Was it a joke when Rory missed out on her original birthday plans which she and Lorelai had spent years looking forward to? Was it a joke when Luke couldn't even celebrate his engagement because his fiance and future daughter-in-law weren't speaking? Was it a joke when Lindsay had her heart broken and her personal business publicly discussed during her break up with Dean? Was it a joke when Rory was arrested and fingerprinted and had a mug shot made? Was it a joke when Emily and Richard betrayed Lorelai's trust by taking Rory in and allowing her to drop out of school?

... no, it was not. So making the pay off to all of that one scene in which Rory pretends to fess up to her problems while Alexis half-heartedly mugs her way through fake tears did not appeal to me at all. Lauren might have been able to make a comedic scene like that work, but it still would have felt like a slap in the face given the character progression (regression?) we'd witnessed.

I'm sure I sound a bit obsessed about it, but it really felt like Rory got a big pass for all of her mistakes at a time when the show really could have benefited by allowing her to be introspective and thoughtful.

Plus, this was the show's one opportunity to depict therapy as a positive process and instead they took the easy route and did what all shows do, which is depict it as a big joke.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 9

Thinking about Paris's wealth in the UO Thread, the ep where she realized that the Gellars were "skent" had hilarious Paris-scenes.


PARIS: My ATM refused me. I thought it was just that particular one. So I went to another, and it refused me, too. So I went to the bank and used a few choice expletives, and a bunch of guys in suits started closing in on me. So I started pacing and yelling, "Attica! Attica!", and then the manager hit a little red button under his desk, so I ran out of there and came right over here. I'm a pauper. I'll be playing a hurdy gurdy on street corners and selling pencils out of a tin cup.


Or, of course, she's the most competent expert in panic attacks because she's both brilliant and insane:


RORY: I'm having trouble...breathing.

PARIS: (walks over to Rory) You're having a panic attack.

RORY: I think so.

PARIS: Don't worry. I have these all the time.

RORY: What do I do?

PARIS: Well, it depends. There are different kinds. Does it feel like an elephant is sitting on your chest?


PARIS: Does your chest feel like an overinflated balloon with a slow leak?

RORY: Uum...Not really.

PARIS: Sharp needles, intermittently poking into your left ventricle?

RORY: I don't know from ventricles, but there is a needle thing.

PARIS: You need Diazepam. 50...no, 100 milligrams. I'll get my purse. (starts to leave)

RORY: No, wait. I don't want any Diazepam. (Paris stops and walks back up at Rory)

PARIS: Well, what do you want? Fluoxetine, Protriptyline? I have others floating around the bottom of my purse. I have no idea what they are, but just popping a few can't hurt. Pretty hot grab bag.


And Paris's boiling anger at the rich LITERALLY on her first day of being low-income and having to take a serving job. 


RORY: Nothing, nothing. He's just...They're just not the nicest people.

PARIS: Well, the rich never are, because they don't have to be. When you control the means of production, it reduces the incentive to humanize workers. The capitalist system...

RORY (cuts Paris off) You know, I haven't eaten all day. I...I think I should eat. That's my problem. (walks away)

PARIS: Sure, boss, go eat. There's probably somewhere else where you eat, right? Special room.


It's really tour de force. LOL. 


For probably UNINTENTIONALLY funny, AB's delivery here slays me:


RORY: You'll just have to do what everyone else who needs money has to do.

PARIS: What's that?

RORY: What people do.

PARIS: What am I, a mind reader?

RORY: Get a job.


I think AB was just trying to be cute, instead of clearly clueless. However there's this daffiness to how she delivers "what people do", like Rory is downright searching for how people who need money cope because it's not exactly springing to mind immediately in Rory's current extremely pampered mode. 

Edited by Melancholy
  • Love 1

Sookie's trauma over the deep fried turkey always leaves me howling.

As does her desperately trying to pantomime that her old friend thought they were going out on a real date while Lorelai was on the phone. And then shouting I'M A WHORE! as guests were walking by. >.<

I often wonder when watching that scene where Sookie has drowned her trauma in booze whether Lauren Graham is out of character just laughing at how hilarious Melissa is in that scene?? I wouldn't blame her if she is!

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