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Freak Show Speculation And Spoilers

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Prostitution seemed to be one theme.

Broadway? maybe? (because of the show at the end.)

The TV show Life on Mars, was about a man who travelled back in time, somehow.

Something to do with NASA, and/or space?


I'm awful at this, as well. I didn't see the preview for next week.

Didn't the candy striper say something like "it was either this or reform school",, that kind of stuck with me for some reason, could next season take place at a reform school or some teen prison?

That might be too similar to asylum though..


And how about one of my favorite actresses Sigourney Weaver to replace Lange. I think she would be incredible.

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I think Ryan Murphy is denying Space or the Future like he denied Circus. Technically, it's a Freak Show, but all the speculations were very close.


Also http://www.hngn.com/articles/45989/20141015/american-horror-story-season-4-spoilers-ll-never-guess-who.htm  Dandy is covered in blood for a split second near the end.

It seems like next season would have to be something 'outer space'-related, even if it's set on Earth.  Isn't Freak Show supposed to be a prequel (of sorts) to Asylum?  We already know there was a bit of an alien element to that season (though it always seemed out of place to me, and made very little sense), so Season 5 could easily be a story that explains all of that, and delves into what those zany aliens were up to pre-Asylum (it could be called American Horror Story: Invasion or American Horror Story: The Visitors or some such thing)



Edited by Sherry67

It seems like next season would have to be something 'outer space'-related, even if it's set on Earth.  Isn't Freak Show supposed to be a prequel (of sorts) to Asylum?  We already know there was a bit of an alien element to that season (though it always seemed out of place to me, and made very little sense), so Season 5 could easily be a story that explains all of that, and delves into what those zany aliens were up to pre-Asylum (it could be called American Horror Story: Invasion or American Horror Story: The Visitors or some such thing)



Personally I hope not, I hate alien and scifi stuff, it just bores me , however it would make the inclusion of Sigourney Weaver, the originally alien ass kicker make a ton of sense to me.

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That RM wimped out on Kit's story in Asylum makes me think that he doesn't necessarily know what he would do with an extra terrestrial, space related story. 


I do agree though that his denials might very well be bullshit. He says that it's not going to be space related because it's an "American" horror story but obviously there are plenty of American stories that he could incorporate into a story where space is one of the main themes. He's making it seem like people were speculating that it would take place in space and I don't think that's what most people were thinking. 

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I must be slow on the uptake or not paying close attention ("Coven", for the most part bored me); because does anybody know what the clues were in Season 3 pointing to the Freak Show premise?

When they burn Myrtle the camera zooms out and looks like a clown face, and one of the girls calls Nan "mumbles the clown" because she can't understand her. That's all I remember. Oh, and Zoe and Frankenboy run away to Orlando for a minute.


I also remember RM saying this season would either be in New mexico or new orleans..........and it's in FLORIDA.

Not really. The aliens weren't delved into at all and there was no explanation for anything that Kit, Alma, and Grace went through at the hands of the aliens or what the deal was with the pregnancies and why the aliens wanted to make sure that the kids survived. Also, did Alma snap just because or was it to do with the aliens? Why did they take Kit at the end and not Grace or Alma?

I wonder if next season will take place in a concentration camp of sorts.A few examples of what make me feel this way are: Elsas accent, setting up "camp" in a new town, imprisonment, the snuff film from Germany, also the freakshow deals with the idea that people who look different or act different are not right or deserve to be kept out of town, out of everyday society. That was very much the attitude when Hitler was in power. Ryan seems to have taken this turn after season one where the show is focused on how society deals with those that aren't "perfect" or those that have social issues. Having it take place in a concentration camp makes sense to me because that was a time where fears of those that were "different" were really out of control.


ETA:Elsa wants to be a star. Could that be a Star of David reference?

Edited by Dancingjaneway
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I wonder if next season will take place in a concentration camp of sorts.A few examples of what make me feel this way are: Elsas accent, setting up "camp" in a new town, imprisonment, the snuff film from Germany, also the freakshow deals with the idea that people who look different or act different are not right or deserve to be kept out of town, out of everyday society. That was very much the attitude when Hitler was in power. Ryan seems to have taken this turn after season one where the show is focused on how society deals with those that aren't "perfect" or those that have social issues. Having it take place in a concentration camp makes sense to me because that was a time where fears of those that were "different" were really out of control.


ETA:Elsa wants to be a star. Could that be a Star of David reference?

This is american horror story. white people have never been in concentration camps in america, so he would have to start entirely from scratch with a reason why it happened here.  That's a lot of ret-conning none of the other storylines had.

I wonder if next season will take place in a concentration camp of sorts.A few examples of what make me feel this way are: Elsas accent, setting up "camp" in a new town, imprisonment, the snuff film from Germany, also the freakshow deals with the idea that people who look different or act different are not right or deserve to be kept out of town, out of everyday society. That was very much the attitude when Hitler was in power. Ryan seems to have taken this turn after season one where the show is focused on how society deals with those that aren't "perfect" or those that have social issues. Having it take place in a concentration camp makes sense to me because that was a time where fears of those that were "different" were really out of control.


ETA:Elsa wants to be a star. Could that be a Star of David reference?


I don't think all that leads to concentration camps for next season, but are just general  things about a German character of that era. Ryan Murphy missed a HUGE crossover opportunity by not having the Nazi doc from Asylum be the one who removed her legs.

This is american horror story. white people have never been in concentration camps in america, so he would have to start entirely from scratch with a reason why it happened here.  That's a lot of ret-conning none of the other storylines had.

American WW2 internment camps were primarily for Japanese, but a few Italians and Germans were interred. Japanese were just easier to pick out of a crown, so racism, etc. One of my co-worker's mothers was actually a WW2 nurse at a German POW camp in Virginia or West Virginia. They shipped them over here and had a decent camp in the middle of the woods. As unjust as the Japanese citizens were treated, their treatment and conditions were NOTHING as severe as the German concentration/extermination camps.

The top hat:

a symbol of the businessman

associated with magicians

worn by the "Worshipful Master" in freemasonry

became popular in the 1800s

was worn by "dandies" (and we have a character in this season named "Dandy")

was made from beaver skin and wiped out much of the beaver population in America

Marlene Dietrich wore them in the 1930s (which connects to this season)

closely associated with Abraham Lincoln

a piece in the Monopoly game


So perhaps next season will deal with the business world?  The Stock Market Crash?  (That surely would be an American horror but not in the way we think of it on this show.)


Is this another thing in favor of those who think next season may deal with American cults?


1800s/Abraham Lincoln - Will it deal with slavery on a deeper level than last season?  That is *the* American Horror Story, in my opinion.  Our "peculiar institution".  The season could be about that and the Civil War.


Any other ideas?

  • Love 1

The top hat:

a symbol of the businessman

associated with magicians

worn by the "Worshipful Master" in freemasonry

became popular in the 1800s

was worn by "dandies" (and we have a character in this season named "Dandy")

was made from beaver skin and wiped out much of the beaver population in America

Marlene Dietrich wore them in the 1930s (which connects to this season)

closely associated with Abraham Lincoln

a piece in the Monopoly game


So perhaps next season will deal with the business world?  The Stock Market Crash?  (That surely would be an American horror but not in the way we think of it on this show.)


Is this another thing in favor of those who think next season may deal with American cults?


1800s/Abraham Lincoln - Will it deal with slavery on a deeper level than last season?  That is *the* American Horror Story, in my opinion.  Our "peculiar institution".  The season could be about that and the Civil War.


Any other ideas?

I like where you're going with this. I especially like the cult thing... since the hat has an association with freemasonry, maybe next season deals with secret societies? That could be very interesting.

  • Love 4

Not to dwell on the Native American idea if everyone thinks it's a bad idea, but Native Americans, like Chief American Horse, were often given a top hat in the late 1800s when they visited DC.



Lincoln could also be part of the story though he was only alive to 1865.

Also, there was The Improved Order of the Red Men. They dressed like Native Americans but actual Native Americans weren't allowed.

The KKK could also be brought up in regard to them. http://ncpedia.org/history/20th-Century/lumbee-face-klan

Edited by Betweenyouandme

So, people keep juxtaposing Ma Petite's being treated like an infant to the actress's expressed revulsion to being carried around like a baby. Maybe they are giving her a chance to address this in her story arch. In short, I wonder if she's set to bump Elsa off in some gruesome manner. That would be cool, actually.:D

  • Love 5

Just realized that if anyone would be happy to help Dot get that separation surgery, it would be Elsa. Under Mengele, the Nazis frequently experimented on twins and showed special interest in conjoined (or rather surgically conjoining - jfc) twins. The seeds have been sown for Elsa to possibly have connections to some secret, specialized doctor who would love to lend a hand - for free! And it's not like there isn't already such a character in AHS history. If the twins return to the troupe since Dandy's through with them, then getting rid of Dot and Bette of their own volition would be a good plan for Elsa. Dot would remain silent about her selling them off out of gratitude, and even if one or both lived, they wouldn't be freakish enough to upstage her anymore.


If I were Elsa, I'd be making some phone calls in furtive German to old associates when the sisters come back around.


1800s/Abraham Lincoln - Will it deal with slavery on a deeper level than last season?  That is *the* American Horror Story, in my opinion.  Our "peculiar institution".  The season could be about that and the Civil War.


Any other ideas?


I remember reading that Abraham Lincoln had some involvement with the Occult.

  • Love 1

Just realized that if anyone would be happy to help Dot get that separation surgery, it would be Elsa. Under Mengele, the Nazis frequently experimented on twins and showed special interest in conjoined (or rather surgically conjoining - jfc) twins. The seeds have been sown for Elsa to possibly have connections to some secret, specialized doctor who would love to lend a hand - for free! And it's not like there isn't already such a character in AHS history. If the twins return to the troupe since Dandy's through with them, then getting rid of Dot and Bette of their own volition would be a good plan for Elsa. Dot would remain silent about her selling them off out of gratitude, and even if one or both lived, they wouldn't be freakish enough to upstage her anymore.


If I were Elsa, I'd be making some phone calls in furtive German to old associates when the sisters come back around.

Couldn't be too hard for her to find the doctor from Asylum. He was a Nazi.

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I'm hoping some old western, steampunk, sin city type shit.



This! Truly, I'm eager for the show to go 19th century or earlier if they're willing. Even though it's less original, maybe Victorian America and something to do with spiritualism, but with some interesting twist I've yet to think up (wouldn't mind getting back to ghosts, since S1 is still my favorite).  I'm intrigued with Operation Top Hat or a 70s cult theme, but I really don't trust this show to deal with Japanese interment camps or Native Americans in ways that won't piss me off. Truly, though, they are great ideas and I'd love to see on either Japanese American or Native American actors mixed in with the regular players.

Edited by Beezel
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There were lots of dragonflies in "Bullseye": Dandy's tie, Maggie's earrings, a pillow…


Edited to speculate: has Celia Weston been added to the cast (as Lillian Hemmings, who runs the American Morbidity Museum) to test her suitability to become the "dame" of AHS when Jessica Lange leaves?

Edited by editorgrrl

That does seem like a lot of dragonflies! I was curious so I tried to investigate this lead. 


Keeping the Native American thing in mind, one site I found mentioned: 


In the Hopi and Pueblo tribes, the dragonfly was considered a medicine animal, associated with healing and transformation, whose spirit was often called upon by medicine men and women



The transformation thing stuck out to me. Maybe shape shifting?  Though, the first thing that comes to mind when I think Native American shapeshifters is Twilight.



Also, Kathy Bates was in a film called Dragonfly with Kevin Costner which I've never seen, but is  described on imdb as: A grieving doctor is being contacted by his late wife through his patients near death experiences.So, maybe the next horror in store is:  Kevin Costner! Or maybe we are meant to think Kevin Costner= Dancing With Wolves. Which leads us back to Native Americans?

Edited by Beezel
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If the Dragonflies are a nod to next season then that means next season could be about the afterlife, or maybe spiritual enlightenment. I was doing a little reading about dragonflies and according to the Japanese and some Native Americans the dragonfly is seen as a soul revisiting their family/loved ones after death.  On the other side of the spectrum in Europe dragonflies are seen as being evil and sinister. 

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Is Sarah Paulson definitely on board to appear in AHS, Season 5?  She signed on to appear in Ryan Murphy's new miniseries, American Crime Story, on FX (the first season will be about the O.J. Simpson trial) -- which, I guess, is supposed to begin filming early in 2015.  I just wonder if she is going to be in both AHS and ACS?  She's playing Marcia Clark, so she'll have a pretty big role in ACS. 

And Emma Roberts is doing Scream Queens. Personally I wouldn't mind if some of the jumped onto these other shows. It's starting to feel more like "Let's see what weirdo things I can do to Paulson/Lange/Peters etcetera" than trying to make a really good, scary storyline worthy of 13 episodes. There are so many great actors Ryan Murphy can get onboard and I' love to see them. Or bring on some of his other shows stars, like Nip/Tuck players Joely Richardson, Roma Maffia and Jessalyn Gilsig. The only actors I really want returning are Conroy, Rabe, Wittrock and Jamie Brewer.

  • Love 2

Is Sarah Paulson definitely on board to appear in AHS, Season 5?  She signed on to appear in Ryan Murphy's new miniseries, American Crime Story, on FX (the first season will be about the O.J. Simpson trial) -- which, I guess, is supposed to begin filming early in 2015.  I just wonder if she is going to be in both AHS and ACS?  She's playing Marcia Clark, so she'll have a pretty big role in ACS. 

She wants to do both though she might not have as big a role as she has had in the past due to being the lead on ACS. ACS is supposely about to start shooting though so imagine they would be done by the time AHS starts up anyway. Same for Emma Roberts. And I'm willing to bet Ryan already plans to bring on more alums from his other shows to both these new projects. All that said, both these shows might not even get past the pilot stage. We'll see. Though I don't see ACS not making it to air. Scream Queens I'm skeptical about. 



There are so many great actors Ryan Murphy can get onboard and I' love to see them. Or bring on some of his other shows stars, like Nip/Tuck players Joely Richardson, Roma Maffia and Jessalyn Gilsig. The only actors I really want returning are Conroy, Rabe, Wittrock and Jamie Brewer.

Ryan likes to work with the same company of actors(usually depending on their schedules) but I don't see why we wouldn't see a few new faces too. We always do. He brought on Bassett, Bates, Roberts, Huston and Sidibe in S3. And we got a few new people this year as well. I have no doubt Finn Wittrock will return next season if he isn't booked up. I see he's already got two movies in post-production. I don't see Conroy not doing it next season since she has been in all previous seasons. I think the only reason Lily Rabe didn't have a bigger role this season is because of her schedule. She even had to pass on Mockingjay. Whether or not she returns to a bigger role next season will likely depend on whether or not her show The Whispers is a hit and/or if the network will let her do both shows at once. 

Edited by Turkish
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