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S05.E28: All Grown Up

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I'm not sure why Chelsea and her posse would want to do speed-dating FIVE HOURS from their home. Seemed like a silly producer driven idea, and those first two guys made me think Chelsea mistakenly wandered into a gay bar.

Leah has had other people driving her ass around so much lately, it makes me wonder if her license has been suspended for some reason.

All in all, this episode was a dud, considering its the season finale.

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It hasn't aired here on the west coast yet. But, Barb told dead eye Jenelle and Nipples they have a year to try to get their shit together before she'd consider letting Jace go live with them? Whew, that's a relief! We all know that within a year, several things will happen to make that offer null and void. Just a few of the possibilities.....


1. One or both of the gruesome twosome will be in jail. Or, at least get arrested for DV, DUI or drugs.

2. They'll break up and Nipples will take Kaiser Roll with him when he moves back in with his parents. Jenelle will stay in bed for at least 6 months straight.

3. They break up and Jenelle takes Kaiser Roll and moves in with Barb and Jace. Jenelle will lay in bed for 6 months at Barb's.

4. Jenelle's strung out again.

5. Nipples is drinking 7 days a week.

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Here's what I find ironic about Kail and her ignorant ass comment: Hispanic Jo grew up with both parents in a nice, big cushy house in the suburbs. Caucasian Kail had druggies/alcoholics for parents and bounced around from place to place before finally being kicked out at 16. If anyone has a trashy family and background it's Kail, not Jo. Unless Jo is dressing Isaac in t-shirts with marijuana leaves or "Money Over Bitches" printed on the front, she can STFU already. I also thought Isaac's haircut was adorable.


PlanetSassy, I thought the same thing about the speed dating. It wouldn't surprise if the two gay guys were classmates of Chelsea's at cosmetology school. The scenes just screamed "producer set-up."


I think Barb has legitimate concerns about handing custody of Jace back over to Jenelle. I can totally see Jenelle tiring of both kids two weeks after Jace moves in and begging Barb to take him back. She doesn't even bother with her newborn.


The atmosphere at Cory and Miranda's house is so much more serene than at Leah's. I don't know if it's because he has the whole log cabin/mountain retreat thing going on, but the girlses seem a lot happier there. It could be because Cory and Miranda actually play and interact with them versus Leah leaving them to their own devices so she can complain to Germy or her friends.


I thought it was adorable when Ali was so excited to see Dr. Tsao. He has a very pleasant way about him.

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Ugh, I can't even deal with the sorry racist pile of slop that is Kail. Jo has every right to confront her about the racist shit she's putting in his son's head. Her sorry ass didn't even have a pot to piss in when those "thugs" took her in and provided a place for her to lay her giant head. I guess maybe Jo thought with Javi there, Isaac would be shielded from that type of ignorance, but clearly, he's worthless.


Here's what I find ironic about Kail and her ignorant ass comment: Hispanic Jo grew up with both parents in a nice, big cushy house in the suburbs. Caucasian Kail had druggies/alcoholics for parents and bounced around from place to place before finally being kicked out at 16. If anyone has a trashy family and background it's Kail, not Jo. Unless Jo is dressing Isaac in t-shirts with marijuana leaves or "Money Over Bitches" printed on the front, she can STFU already. I also thought Isaac's haircut was adorable.


Thank you.  Obviously Kailyn's got a very short memory, and she's an ungrateful little grifter. 

Javi, if you're reading this, you're a dumbass.  You should have set her straight, but of course I don't blame if you fear you're gonna get your ass kicked again.  Tu sabes?

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"When Jo is dressing Isaac, I want him to consider me"

The episode hasn't aired here yet, did that bitch really say that?!

She didn't consider Jo when she moved his son to another fucking state!

She's a god damn piece of work isn't she? What an entitled asshole she is.

IKR? Corey downgrades Leah every time he doesn't stand!

I've seen you write this a few times and I have to ask, what does IKR mean?

These damn initials are getting crazy. Just when I think I have them figured out, there's a new one.

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Thank you.  Obviously Kailyn's got a very short memory, and she's an ungrateful little grifter. 


She really is. Both the Riveras and the Morroquins seem like nice people who have been very kind and welcoming to Kail. She can backtrack all she wants, but her statement was hurtful and offensive. 


I seriously wish someone would just call Kail out on what an unbearable bitch she is. Jo must get her approval for haircuts and clothing, but apparently Kail didn't need his approval to move Isaac out of state without telling him. She's such a hypocrite.

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Disappointed to see Corey let Gracie play in Ali's wheelchair, too :/


But, did you notice he talked about wanting his girls to be happy. He said it in a way that led me to believe the girls expressed they are not happy at their mom's. Hmm.


Wondering why the finale was not the usual 90 minutes...not enough material perhaps?

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Chelsea continues to impress me more and more each week.

I didn't find her segments boring at all. I thought they were refreshing. Her scenes are the only ones that don't make me want to smash my TV. I love her scenes.

I also think she's the best mom out of all 3 of these shows. Her saying she would be attracted to a man who is a great dad said a lot to me about how much she's grown and matured.

How many other moms from these shows have we heard say the words "I don't want a boyfriend because that would take time away from my kid"?


If the only things people can find to nitpick about her are her baby voice and her being boring, she's doing pretty damn good in my book.

Was I the only one who thought Leah looked like Miranda's mom when they were both at the Dr with Ali?

Edited by Maharincess
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Gah! Kail is insufferable. I wish Jo would tell her she needs to consider him when she dresses Isaac and needs to call him before she gets his haircut.


Watching Corey and Leah at the restaurant really makes me think he has the goods on her. She looked more defeated than pissed. Like she knows better than to rock the boat or he'll unload both barrels. 

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Personally I don't like to pick on idiots and BOTH of them fall deep into that category. As dumb as they are, both Corey and Leah seem to genuinely love their kids so I feel they should have 50/50 custody. The kids shouldn't be deprived of either parent barring abuse.

There's been a lot of speculation that Leah is abusing drugs (prescription meds) - the show even touched on it, but in a typically mild way, and that's the real reason Corey is asking for primary custody.

Also, I have to admit I don't know what a "non-white" haircut is. Is that weird? Do only non-whites (or "thugs" as Kail calls them) cut their hair really short?

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I haven't seen the full show yet. 3/4 way through, but where is Leah's hubby? I haven't seen him in two shows now. Boy, she is one messy looking young lady! Also, someone mentioned a week or so ago that maybe the reason Nathan and Janelle are so persistent all of a sudden about getting little Jace is because without him they are no longer really in the same category as the other MTV 'teen moms'. It seems to be more Natans persistence then that horrible , filthy, no good mom of that poor little boy. I just can not stomach that bitch! Her face alone sends me into such rage! Nathan does the same and I feel so bad for that baby! I really do think it has something to do with staying on the show though because they don't give a shit about nobody but themselves! They are just two of the most worthless evil people I have ever watched. And Kail? Ugly ,ugly , ugly! Inside and out!

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Wow, so proud of Corey for not falling for Leah's manipulations and BS. He's defiantly got some goods on Leah.

Love how she's blamed her 'whole life' not turning out the way she imagined on the girls, and how dare Corey try and change that. She might have to get a job, or go back to school, pay HIM child support, or stop being lazy. How dare he.

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Nipples is such a nasty, typical alcoholic/addict. The minute Barb voices her very valid concern about having Jace around a drunken, abusive pig, he tries to take the focus off him and accuses Barb of being a drunk. I loathe him. He and Jenelle are a perfect pair. Two peas in a selfish, ignorant pod. If Sad Panda Drew praises them for doing so 'good' and for managing to keep their asses out of jail for a few weeks and not locking little Kaiser Roll in a cage with their dogs, I might lose it and shoot my TV.


Run, Barb, run! As far away from them as you can! I have a spare room and you and Jace can hide here.

Edited by lovesnark
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The scene with Barb re: custody was odd. Janelle has been sober for 10 minutes, and a new mother for 5, not to mention living with an unstable, unemployed alcoholic who suffers from PTSD who just got out of jail. And she thinks now is the right time to start transitioning Jace over to Janelle for full-time custody? Is she just tired? I don't get it. She's not that dumb. I think it might be something else. Maybe even a totally contrived storyline for the season finale.

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Unless Jo is dressing Isaac in t-shirts with marijuana leaves or "Money Over Bitches" printed on the front, she can STFU already. I also thought Isaac's haircut was adorable.


Why did Jo pass up the chance of addressing the elephant in the room? Kail's totally high-class, not thuggish at all, tattooed sleeve, back, leg and god knows where else? She looks like that thing I did on Saturdays as a kid where you roll silly putty against a newspaper. Isaac's cute hair can grow out if he doesn't like a haircut -- and I'm not saying kids should have total control over their appearance because, um, just look at Leah-the-adult's hair choices -- but it's not a permanent stamp of idiocy all over his entire body that would show through, say, a wedding dress! I've learned to really dread the summer seasons just because I don't know what new horror will show up on her perfect canvas of a klassy white-person's body, ugh.

Edited by meisje
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The scene with Barb re: custody was odd. Janelle has been sober for 10 minutes, and a new mother for 5, not to mention living with an unstable, unemployed alcoholic who suffers from PTSD who just got out of jail. And she thinks now is the right time to start transitioning Jace over to Janelle for full-time custody? Is she just tired? I don't get it. She's not that dumb. I think it might be something else. Maybe even a totally contrived storyline for the season finale.

I really believe Barb wants to hope Jenelle is on the road to growing up. But, I don't think she's easily conned and her even talking about Jace living with Jenelle is, in a way, her way of encouraging Jenelle to keep trying to act like an adult. When push comes to shove, I don't believe for a minute that she's ready to let Jace go live with those two fucktards. 

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There's been a lot of speculation that Leah is abusing drugs (prescription meds) - the show even touched on it, but in a typically mild way, and that's the real reason Corey is asking for primary custody.

Also, I have to admit I don't know what a "non-white" haircut is. Is that weird? Do only non-whites (or "thugs" as Kail calls them) cut their hair really short?

I thought her main complaint was something to do with Isaac's shoes? They were untied? I have no clue what race has to do with that, but why would he be running around in untied shoes?

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The more I think about Nipples trying to turn the tables on Barb, the more angry I get. Barb works all day at her job (foreign concept for 'ol Nipples), stops to pick up his skanky, loser girlfriend's son on her way home, stops for groceries for dinner, gets Jace his bath while she cooks their meal and has some wine while she's winding down for the night. She doesn't drive around town, get DUI's and act like such an asshole the cops have to tase her in order to put handcuffs on her. Last time I checked, Barb's wine consumption hasn't resulted in her doing time in the county jail. So, shut the fuck up, Nipples.

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I thought her main complaint was something to do with Isaac's shoes? They were untied? I have no clue what race has to do with that, but why would he be running around in untied shoes?


From what I understand, that style comes from prison culture (similar to no belt/sagging pants). Strings and belts removed from prisoners to prevent suicide attempts, IIRC.

So worried they will give Jenelle custody when Jace is so obviously afraid of Nathan. This is one time I'm hoping someone (Barb) is pretending for the cameras.


And if I were Babs, a condition of getting custody back would be Jenelle taking responsibility for why Babs even has custody of Jace.


Chelsea might be boring to watch but I'll take that over nonstop drama with Adam. She seems happier and she's working without having gotten married, divorced, and having a second child before she turned 25.


I can't give Chelsea too much praise. She could easily have had a full sibling for Aubree by Adam -- remember her pregnancy scare? Plus, I think if it weren't for Randilicious butting in, Adam would still be in and out of her picture. Randy really made things "difficult" for Adam in holding him accountable for rent and the like.


BitterApple - spot on! Kail would be considered or called "trailer trash" or "White trash". Actually, that is how Leah has been referenced on many sites.


I loathe those terms. To me, they imply that anyone else is trash, but white people get the qualifier.


Edited by nikita
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Oh my, I am so upset at how Nipples (great nickname) mocked Barb. That burned me up. I actually got up off my chair and yelled at Jenelle on my screen when she told her friends all of those lies about how she wants Jace and how she was forced to sign over Jace. Someone please show her the tape!


Chelsea - boring segment, but I prefer it over everything else that MTV is throwing my way. I'd rather hear that god-awful baby voice and watch the speed-dating (set-up or not) than all of the other garbage that is being shown, particularly Nipples and Leah's manipulating. She must be scared for some reason. Her claim that the truth will come out during this episode, never happened.


They were untied? I have no clue what race has to do with that, but why would he be running around in untied shoes?

You know, no matter how many times I tied my kids' shoes when they were young, they almost always seemed to come untied. Thank goodness for Velcro shoes. LOL  I have a pair of tennis where one shoe always comes undone. I have no idea why. Stupid shoe. I think Kail is nitpicking on possibly one moment where Isaac's shoes came untied. She is such a control freak, she can't just let it be that her boy's shoes will come untied, he will get dirty, he will pick up sticks, and all the things that little kids do.


Over the seasons, I don't recall seeing Isaac baggy pants, looking "thuggish" or anything that would make me think he was being dressed as an adult. If anything, when I have seen the photos Jo has posted on Instagram, FB and other sources, Isaac has always been well-dressed. Always. Even with Kail, Isaac is clean-cut and dressed appropriately.  


Kail is not racist in my eyes, but she does make sweeping generalizations. It is ignorant considering she had two children with two Latino guys. She leaves no room for exceptions, it seems.  Kail's ignorance by making generalization about others, making  assumptions about them, she is likely to treat them according to the stereotypes she has built up in her mind. She possibly forms preferences about the kind of people with whom she wants to  associate. Her bias will only become negative and harmful if she allows it to interfere with treating other people fairly.


Javi was totally wrong to say the child is only four and won't know. Isaac will know if his mother is saying those ignorant comments out loud, and I don't doubt she is.


I can't give Chelsea too much praise. She could easily have had a full sibling for Aubree by Adam -- remember her pregnancy scare?

Could have, but she didn't. Leah could have had more sex with other guys outside of marriage. Kail could have had another baby this year.  Adam could have had another DUI. Oh, wait. Never mind that one. Chelsea's scare two seasons ago was just that, a scare. She didn't bring a baby into this world again, like Jenelle. Like Leah. Like Kail.  She has clearly moved on. If she was falling all over Adam, I'd agree, but that is not what is happening. I fail to see why Randy having a hand in Chelsea ending up where she is at, is such a bad thing. If only other parents would help out like Randy did. Chelsea won't have to worry about money because she has a career. Leah and Kail are still riding the money train while doing other things to make money off this show instead of establishing themselves in careers. If only Leah's step-dad, Lee, would get his fat head out of his fat ass and tell that daughter of his to get her flat-ass into gear and into school because, as he put it, tough times are coming.

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Oh, Leah. Sitting there crying to Corey that he is robbing you of your identity as a stay at home mom by trying to get custody of the twins? Have you forgotten you have another kid to care for? And shouldn't custody really be about what's best for the kids involved and not YOUR needs?


Likewise, Kail just makes me sputter with indignation. What a horrible, hypocritical control freak. She cannot stand the thought of Jo making a single parenting decision alone. She and Leah are straight-up narcissists. Completely unable to see beyond how THEY are affected by any given situation. Nice bigotry there too, Kail. A shaved head and untied shoes do not a "thug" make.


Jenelle and Nips: I can't even. Lord help Jace. 

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This was an interesting episode.  As for Kail, yes, she showed her bad side for sure.  That was just so unnecessary.  Jo has been very good to her despite her behavior, and it annoys me to see her do that kind of crap.


Leah and Corey--though Leah annoys me I was actually a little impressed with their conversation together.  It is amazing how much better she is without Jeremy egging her on.  They were honest with each other, able to communicate, and I think the both understood the difficulty for the other person.  I liked hearing that Corey really mainly wants more time with them.  And I liked hearing from Leah that being home with them means something to her....she doesn't always show it, but I do think she was really feeling how much a part of her life they are on a daily basis.


Chelsea...I am liking seeing her have some fun.  And Aubrey is so darn cute!


Janelle-- I can't stand Nathan, so I won't involve him in this commentary.  But even though I know Janelle is not trustworthy and has a lot of issues, I have appreciated that she has been thinking of her mom in the whole Jace thing.  Some of her comments reflect this, and even if she doesn't mean it, it is an improvement over how she was previously.  I also liked that Barbara stayed fairly calm, had good ideas of what needed to happen, and took the time to praise Janelle.  That is an improvement over previous discussions.  That said, Janelle has proven that she hasn't matured by the fact that she still can't thank her mom or admit she is/was a druggie, and it is her fault Jace hasn't been with her.  By now you would hope she would see her past behavior but the fact she doesn't speaks volumes to me.  


I liked see Barb show emotion at the thought of losing Jace, but I appreciated her understanding that this is how it was supposed to work out eventually.  It is just a sad story overall because we have no idea how soon Janelle will screw up again.  

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I really really wish there was a social worker or counselor involved in the Barb/Janelle/Jace saga. Even under the best of circumstances, if Janelle wasn't addict, if Nathan wasn't an addict with mental health issues, there should be a professional outside the situation helping them create and implement a transition plan. You don't just pack him up and plunk him down in a new home the next day. I also do NOT understand why Janelle and Nathan live so far away. Neither of them works, there is nothing keeping them where they are. If they were truly interested in Jace's well being, they would move close to Barbara, and let a transition happen gradually. But that's reasonable and we are dealing with effed up people. Poor Jace, even asking him where he wanted to live was inappropriate. I also get the feeling that Jace is scared of Nathan. Just my impression. And it kils me when Nathan walks around with Kaiser roll on his shoulder and screams at people. 


No Kail, Jo doesn't have to consider YOU when he dresses Isaac. I swear, she is just looking for things to be mad about WRT Jo. BTW, my son has a buzz cut and we are white like vanilla. 


I actually enjoyed the Chelsea speed date. Although it must be producer driven. I have a hard time believing that Chelsea lacks for a social life. She lives in a smallish town, she must be a minor celebrity since she has been on TV for years, I really don't think that she stays "in her box" the way she says. I mean, Adam has spun is celebrity (I am gagging just typing that) into hookups with strippers and other women from far and wide. I did lol with the obviously older heavyset guy sat down in front of her. I could have been Randilicious' twin brother. Chelsea's facial reactions were priceless. I love how every ep starts with "Adam is back in jail". I can't wait for his BS excuses about that next week. Hopefully Sad Panda doesn't say what a good dad his is. I will jump through my TV if that happens. THe fact that Aubree loves him is  not a measure of his god parenting. Sorry


I am confused with Leah and Corey. What exactly was he asking for. She made it sound like he wanted to have primary custody. He said he just petitioned for more time. Someone's lying. And Gracie should not be using that chair. It's not a toy. I would have liked it if Leah could have show one smidgen of gratitude toward Corey about the chair approval. I'm sure he was trying as hard as she was to make it happen. 

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Jenelle doesn't look interested at all. I care more about my dog than she does about those kids.


I care more about my stove than she does about those kids. 


It was terrifying when Nathan started raging on Barbara as he held Kaiser Roll.


Yea, and his whole issue with Jace being around Barb is that she yells and curses too much? Yet here he is doing the same thing! Was he actually cursing? No. Do you think a baby knows the difference? All they know is the loud sounds and the tension in your body. They are already setting Kaiser up for the same life of fear Jace has had to deal with. 

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Boy, Kail has her defense all set and out there by her friend who wants to reveal what really happened with the racist comment. Strange, if this was a set-up, why did Kail apologize and then post on her Twitter how worried she was about tonight's show? Total bullshit:


She can spin it all she wants. The point is, she did text those messages and she did say those ugly words.


Exactly. Even if the restaurant fight was contrived, because the show wanted the drama - she still said what she said, there's no getting around that. 


and those first two guys made me think Chelsea mistakenly wandered into a gay bar.


Oh thank God I'm not the only one who thought that! That actually would have been pretty funny - if she and her friends accidentally wandered into a gay speed dating session!


She did drugs after Jace was taken away? Not that I can recall, I think she was doing drugs-well, for a fact she was drinking and going out, then LEFT when Barb wanted custody then Barb let her move back in, then did drugs again, etc, etc.


Yes, regardless of when she started using drugs, she was not caring for her child. Period. She just wants to throw a guilt trip on Barb - like "you took my son away, I was so depressed I resorted to doing drugs". Oh please. 


I seriously wish someone would just call Kail out on what an unbearable bitch she is.


They can't. Because as soon as someone raises a valid point, she's out of there. She did it to Jo last night, and she did it to Sad Panda at the reunion. She is never willing to face the heat. What happened to her being tired of fighting with Jo over stupid shit? I'm pretty sure a haircut falls into that category. 

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The scene with Jenelle, Barb, and Nathan really upset me.  I'm glad Barb didn't give in right away.  Hopefully in a year's time Nathan will be gone or locked up.  Nathan really bothers me.  It creeps me out the way he always has Kaiser.  Not that Jenelle has any interest in her baby, but he seems so territorial over him.  Normally I think it's sweet when a dad dotes on his new baby, but something about the way Nathan is with Kaiser disturbs me.  I think he has a creepy ulterior motive for wanting Jace although I have no idea what it is.


For Pete's sake Kail, dress Isaac the way you want when you have him and don't worry about what he wears when he's with Jo.   Chelsea has to worry about Aubree's safety when she with Adam.  In comparison, clothes and hair are pretty small issues.  Isaac looks clean, happy, well fed, and loved when he's with Jo and that's what should matter most.  I didn't like Jo until this season but he's come a long way.  Darn you, Jo, for making me like you.


As usual, Leah makes everything all about her. 

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It's partly how Nathan is filmed. The camera operator makes Kaiser the focal point, instead of Nathan. We've been conditioned by tv to focus on the centered object and to react to foreboding. We see the baby, know its a tense situation, and distrust Nathan. The camera operator may be sending a message, intentionally or not, but it could also be a quirk of proportions. 


I don't trust Nathan after seeing the arrest footage.

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I'm still pissed at Kail. Let's review: she shows up to a nice restaurant looking like she just crawled out of the 2 for 1 bin at Goodwilll, has a sleeve tattoo that makes it look like she just busted out of Oz her damn self, and let's not forget when she stole a television, but yeah, let's worry that people will think a 4 year old with a buzz cut is a thug. I won't even touch on the fact that her goofy ass husband refers to himself as Big Papi or has a buzz cut. Stupid cow.

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Jenelle's dead eyes freak me out. When Barbara got emotional over the idea of parting with Jace, started to cry over her fear that Jace might think that she turned her back on him by giving him back to Jenelle, God help me if I didn't tear up as well. Even Nathan, who minutes earlier was raging at Barbara as he always does, at least looked very sympathetic to Barbara's sadness. But, as per usual, Jenelle just sat there with the blank affect of a serial killer. Sigh.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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Did anyone catch the previews for next week? Monday Dr. Drew is going to talk to the three Teen Mom's from season one, Farrah is not there. Plus the four from this season.

Then Wednesday he does the usual sit down with Kail, Jenelle, Chelsea and Leah.

I wonder if he will bring up the racial stereotyping by Kail? It will be interesting if he does and what she says. Or she will get up and leave the stage like she has in the past when confronted with a question she doesn't want to answer.

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Did anyone catch the previews for next week? Monday Dr. Drew is going to talk to the three Teen Mom's from season one, Farrah is not there. Plus the four from this season.

Then Wednesday he does the usual sit down with Kail, Jenelle, Chelsea and Leah.

I wonder if he will bring up the racial stereotyping by Kail? It will be interesting if he does and what she says. Or she will get up and leave the stage like she has in the past when confronted with a question she doesn't want to answer.

Doubtful. Dr. Drew rarely touches on anything heavy or controversial. And if he does he really glosses over it, then doesn't call them out on their bullshit answers. I really don't get why he isn't tougher on these girls. They're all adults now and should be able to answer honest questions about their words/actions. They don't need him to walk on eggshells for them. I'd really like to see Kail get into SMASH mode and Nipples run around telling everyone how done he is while Jenelle sits there in awkward silence.


I kind of wish they'd hire anybody else to replace Sad Panda. He's useless.

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Does Javi have a ball sac? All he does is sit there while that mannity (sorry to all mannities but whoever came up with that description hit the nail on the head), but all he does is sit there with this silly grin on his face, showing lips and gums. I don't really know the whole stories to any of these teen moms but I did think it was so trashy when she got married to Javi, (where was that? it looked like a low budget Sea World. OMG! How appropriate! I never thought of THAT! Mannity?). Anyway, I thought it looked so 'thuggy' and trashy to see her in her wedding gown (as already mentioned). with that sleeve. Issac and baby Lincoln are the CUTEST kids I ever saw! She should be so proud and grateful she has such a sweet little boy and a father that loves him so much! BITCH!

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Does Javi have a ball sac? All he does is sit there while that mannity (sorry to all mannities but whoever came up with that description hit the nail on the head), but all he does is sit there with this silly grin on his face, showing lips and gums. I don't really know the whole stories to any of these teen moms but I did think it was so trashy when she got married to Javi, (where was that? it looked like a low budget Sea World. OMG! How appropriate! I never thought of THAT! Mannity?). Anyway, I thought it looked so 'thuggy' and trashy to see her in her wedding gown (as already mentioned). with that sleeve. Issac and baby Lincoln are the CUTEST kids I ever saw! She should be so proud and grateful she has such a sweet little boy and a father that loves him so much! BITCH!

Kail and Javi had their Tattoos under the Sea extravaganza at the Adventure Aquarium in Camden, NJ.

As for Javi's balls...well, Kail took them and hid them in one of her chins.

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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Why don't Nips and Janelle move closer to Jace? They have no jobs and rent a place. They're totally mobile. That'd be the easiest transition for Jace.

I hate Kail's prodding Isaac about how much he missed her. It's so needy. You really shouldn't expect your children to fill your deep emotional needs. Too much pressure on the child. And her storming out on Jo was so disrespectful. She knew she was wrong and couldn't handle it.

Enough with the box comments. Let's all commit to calling it a comfort zone instead.

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Yes Kail's wedding dress was terrible. Same for her tattoos. But it is possible for tattooed women to look stunning in a wedding gown....without covering up their ink. Kail is just unfortunate in the fact that she has no style or good taste.

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Jenelle's dead eyes freak me out. When Barbara got emotional over the idea of parting with Jace, started to cry over her fear that Jace might think that she turned her back on him by giving him back to Jenelle, God help me if I didn't tear up as well. Even Nathan, who minutes earlier was raging at Barbara as he always does, at least looked very sympathetic to Barbara's sadness. But, as per usual, Jenelle just sat there with the blank affect of a serial killer. Sigh.

I think that's what bothers me so much with janelle. She needs to look right at her mom and say "I appreciate you standing in for me while I struggled with addiction." Jane,le acts like she's been conned by her mom who greedily wanted her grandson all to herself. She poured her heart out and Nips and Janelle just stared.

If I were Jo, I wouldn't be face timing or sending pics of Isaac everyday while I had custody. Sure Isaac can call his mom if he wants, but it's isaacs time with his dad. Kail tries to have too much control over that time.

Edited by finkleiseinhorn
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You know, I am kind of getting tired of MTV's version of reality with these chicks. There is obviously something HUGE going on with Leah and they are editing it out and I call bullshit on that. If you want to be on tv and get tv money and pretend you are being "real", then bs on hiding the most real things, like this chick is screwing up- she's living in a tiny apartment, her fancy cars are gone, her kids are always looking a mess, her husband is a grade-A douchecanoe and her ex husband and his cop wife have had enough of it.
And since I called her out on it, I will repeat that Corey and Miranda should NOT let the crazy twin use the wheelchair. It is not a toy. As someone that spent years on crutches, it offends me every time it is made into a toy. It's not a toy and we know none of your salaries can afford to replace it so just STOP using it like a QUAD. Buy evil twin something else to ride on if you must (or here's an idea: teach her what the hell NO means). Reminds me when I would have to drag around the grocery store with a toddler and crutches bc someone let their kid use the scooter with the basket. For real, I have gone home and cried after that experience. Since their child has very severe issues, I would think they would be more mature about the wheelchair and its use.
Chelsea dating hours away from home, ummm ok. But at least their is hope that one of these kids is not going to be severely damaged when she is older so yay for her. Go on all your fake dates you want, beats watching Janelle's gross life.
Kail, IMO you are the worst kind of racist bc you think you can cancel out anything you say or do by saying "Oh, I have two half-Hispanic children" or "I have a Hispanic husband". It's just like the old "I have lots of black friends" bs. If you really had friends of another race, I would hope you would not judge their haircuts and clothing choices at all. it would be even better if you didn't have to qualify them as anything but "your friend" but that is asking too much from judgy-judgeton Kail. And Javi is just the most spineless person I have ever seen. What a loser. I think he is afraid Kail will beat him up again, lol. I give Jo credit bc he seems to have come a far way since the series started and he is more than patient with Kail. The way she is constantly speaking to him takes balls and he is too gracious to say it. hahaha... must be the thuggish upbringing of his.. lol...
Janelle... ugh. She is definitely on some calm-her-down pills. And Nathan creeps me out too. I don't like how he seems so controlling. It is creepy. Barb isn't perfect but Idk how much of my sanity I could keep if i had a daughter like Janelle. I know it can be said that SHE raised that person but I know people that did everything right and still lost a kid to drugs so it can't all be pinned on her. Janelle is a complete train wreck, period. Even not abusing drugs, she is not a nice person. And she continues to surround herself with Losers. I guess she has a type.
And of course, we can expect NO real hard questions from the Sad Panda. No accountability from these girls. They rake in the MTV money but God forbid anyone call them on their BS. Leah #1 bc there is a whole lot of something happening there. It's a shame. I know a girl or two that got pregnant in high school (and I'm not even thuggish!) and they don't always become train wrecks. Some of them finish high school on time, go on to college, raise their child well, and deserve credit for the hard work it must take to have a child that young and do right by the kid. If MTV really wanted to tell the story they could pick an occassional girl that isn't a train wreck or they could call these train wrecks out on the stuff they do. But they won't. Shame.

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The scene with Jenelle, Barb, and Nathan really upset me.  I'm glad Barb didn't give in right away.  Hopefully in a year's time Nathan will be gone or locked up.  



I think that's what Barb is banking on. Offering a one-year transition period was a pretty savvy move on her part. It appeases Jenelle and Nathan but gives them plenty of time to implode and rack up more DUI's and domestic violence arrests. I think Jenelle will quickly lose interest in the idea of full custody and the situation will revert back to normal where Jace lives with Barb and spends occasional weekends at his mother's.


I agree with those who were irked to see Gracie using Ali's very expensive wheelchair. The chair is not a toy and it's one instance where they need to tell Gracie, no, she can't have what her sister has. If the kid pitches a fit, who cares, she'll live.

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Aleeah (?) playing around with Ali's wheelchair burned me up. Cory, after you said several episodes back you were worried that the chair would be seen as a toy instead of a medically-needed device, you allow that enemy-of-cats to ride around on it.  SMH  C'mon now! When that child breaks that chair, and she will, good luck getting the insurance to pay for the damages. Hand her a can of hair spray and let her run free.


Jenelle's dead eyes freak me out. When Barbara got emotional over the idea of parting with Jace, started to cry over her fear that Jace might think that she turned her back on him by giving him back to Jenelle

Glad you mentioned this. Jenelle said in last week's episode to Nathan that her big worry - ha! that cracks me up - was Jace feeling abandoned by his grandmother if she were to take him to live with her and Nathan. Now, we have Barb saying the very same thing, except Barb does have legit fears whereas Jenelle was just throwing out one of her million excuses for not taking Jace back into her life.


Ask a child a question and you will get an honest answer. Jenelle: "Jace, do you want to live with us?" Jace shakes his head while his facial expression looked like he was thinking "Oh, hell no!"


I won't even touch on the fact that her goofy ass husband refers to himself as Big Papi or has a buzz cut. Stupid cow.

Don't forget, he calls her "Bae" which seems to mean pile of shit.  In that case, that is alright by me.


I hope Javi's sisters put Kail on check. That shit would certainly not fly in our family where we have different races and cultures going on.


Kail, I have news for you. Want to know what is "thuggish"? Not having a job or career and marrying a non-White guy for his benefits. Yeah, I guess the "white boys" you banged and pleaded with to move in with you didn't want your fat ass in tight shorts. Or, they didn't have jobs with benefits and so you had to find a fool who would give you what you needed without you having to work for it yourself.  You had to go and find a Latino guy who has a great family and has goals.


As for Javi's balls...well, Kail took them and hid them in one of her chins.

Second best quote in just a couple of days. *applause*

I actually figured she took his balls and cooked them up like Tripas. That would be cannibalism since she is a cow.


Why don't Nips and Janelle move closer to Jace?

My opinion is, it is part of his plan to isolate Jenelle and remove Barb from HIS life. Nathan scares the hell out of me and I am not even in his presence.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I agree with those who were irked to see Gracie using Ali's very expensive wheelchair. The chair is not a toy and it's one instance where they need to tell Gracie, no, she can't have what her sister has. If the kid pitches a fit, who cares, she'll live.

This bugs the crap out of me. Not that I want to hurt Ali, but I almost wish the insurance reps will watch this show and see how irresponsible these knuckleheads are being with this super expensive piece of medical equipment. Get evil*twin a four wheeler or something if she needs something to ride. The wheelchair isn't a toy! I mean, we never really did get an explanation as to why the loaner wheelchair was broken. I have a feeling evil*twin had something to do with it.

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Leah- I am so glad that Ali finally has her wheelchair! Now Leah won't be bitching about it all next season. How dare Leah and her family bash Cory? He should be put frown because he works and provides for the girlses? I don’t think so.  I do commend Leah for asking Miranda to Ali’s doctor’s appointment. Miranda is going to be a big part of the girlses life. She should be involved in the medical aspect of it. I appreciate that Leah and Germy clothed the girlses more this season. Progress is being made.

Chelsea. The speed dating thing was stupid. Is she looking for someone to fuck on the first date? Guess so.  Chelsea’s baby voice was insufferable this season! Cut that shit out. Aubree is adorable, and seems to be happy, despite having a father whose a douche bag.

Kail: Someone needs to put Kail’s face on the Incredible Hulk’s body. Kail smash! The thing about the haircut was stupid. Isaac is half Latino, half White. Lincoln is too. Just because she married a Latin guy doesn’t mean that she can’t be racist.  She was so immature when she was talking to Jo about it. She didn’t even finish the conversation. Grow up, Kail!

Jenelle: My heart broke for Babs when she was talking about how she was going to feel like she abandoned Jace, if Jenelle regained custody. She has put her all into that boy’s life, and hasn’t gotten so much as a thank you from her daughter. Jenelle is a moron, who will never take responsibility for her own actions. She’ll always blame someone else. How dare she blame Babs for her drug use? As Babs said before, “I didn’t put a needle in her arm!”  Nathan is a major manipulator of Jenelle. Why don’t you focus on getting your own daughter back, instead of focusing on scheming for custody of Jace? Why does Jenelle always get with losers? I’m pulling for Jace.

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Sadly, I think Barb is right in that Jace would feel abandoned if he went to live with Jenelle. That kid looked absolutely terrified when Jenelle asked if he wanted to move in with her. To me, Jace seems like the type of kid that doesn't want to disappoint either Jenelle or Barb, so for him to shake his head and admit he doesn't want to live with Jenelle and Nathan was very telling. He clearly doesn't feel safe with his mother.

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