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S01.E02: Selina Kyle

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Detectives Gordon and Bullock investigate a child trafficking ring preying on Gotham's street kids, including Selina Kyle. Meanwhile, Penguin resurfaces in the countryside and begins to make his way back to GOTHAM, leaving victims in his wake.

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This show just might become my favorite of the season.  I'm enjoying the blend of comedy/soap opera/serious crime drama.  The characters are all very diverse in some way, and I like that too!  The child-stealing storyline seems shoehorned in, but I'm liking the campy duo who play the kidnappers.

Edited by Syndicate
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It is official, I absolutely love this show. I love James, Alfred, Bruce, Fish, Falcone, the Penguin, and Cat. These characters are so well drawn. I already feel like I know them.


Ben McKenzie is such a good actor. He plays the earnest, angry cop perfectly.


Alfred yelling at Bruce and Bruce calling him a worry wart cracked me up. People are always bitching about child actors, but I think the young actors playing Bruce and Selina are turning in solid performances.


Fish and Falcone are golden together. They are both so freaking menacing and dangerous.

Edited by SimoneS
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Guest Accused Dingo

Gordon is willing to pretend to shoot a dude but not call in a tip to the newspapers


Fish Moonie -  If wishes were horses Penguins would rise.


Gordon should just open a home for wayward teens.  


Best line though was:  "The Waynes are dead.  Everything is up in the air.  No one is safe."  Probably the theme of the season.

Edited by Accused Dingo
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It seems like the show is hitting just the perfect blend of serious/campy, and I love it! I already feel like the actors have a good feel for their characters, and I am realy enjoying all the performances. I think the actress playing baby Catwoman in particular is doing a great job.


I really hope we hear about the Dollmaker again. I am curious as to what the heck he wanted all those kids for (I am just gonna go ahead and guess its not for a free trip to Euro Disney).

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Well, that was fun. I think the overall message is: "Never, ever fuck with Selina 'Cat' Kyle." If she's not threatening you with allegations of bad-touch, she'll rip your damn eyes out.


How the hell does Jada stay so tiny with all that scenery she's chewing?


I know, right? Fish wasn't in that many scenes, but she was chowing on scenery so hard, I thought she'd choke on it.


Are we supposed to feel bad for Oswald? He seems so . . . I dunno, earnest in his endeavors. It's not his fault nobody cooperates with him. And we'd all be walking like penguins if we had to swim in a river. I did like Carol Kane as Ma Cobblepot . . . didn't she play the same role in Batman Returns, or am I wrong? Oh, and I'm still prone to going "wak-wak-wak" anytime I see him.


Few things are as funny as street kids in posh attire. Does Bruce even go to school? Does Alfred home-school him? Nice that his heart is in the right place, even if his ears aren't. Who would expect Young!Batman to be into metal?


Next week: Professor Pyg?!? Is that you?

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I really like this show. They've taken the positive aspects of the pilot and built on them. Especially the tension between Bullock and Gordon.


I also loved that they are ramping up the body count. I know its on at 7, during the family hour, but it's still supposed to be Gotham.

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It finally dawned on me that Catween's hair here mimics Michelle Pfeiffer's hair in Batman Returns when she "became" Catwoman.  She's got spunk.  


I guess I'm missing the campiness but I was more distracted by chores tonight than I was last week so I need to rewatch it. But DAMN Jada...I don't care how much scenery you chew, I just hope to achieve anything remotely resembling your back. 

Edited by mtlchick
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Goodness, Jada/Fish, must you say Everything So Dramatically!? Yeah, she seems to be channeling Eartha Kitt. But I'm not hating it so far. Speaking of Fish, it looks like half the wardrobe budget is going to her dresses --while everyone else is in black, gray, and muted tones. She looks great.


Now we see the beginning of the Wayne Home for Children (or whatever the official name is).


Poor Oswald, he can't even pull off a simple ransom scheme. Yeah, he has a long way to go.


Geez show, we get it, she's Cattween, but she does NOT have actual claws. Way to go overboard, makeup dept.


So Falcone says that The Waynes AND Falcones were the pillars of the city; does that mean that the Waynes were into crime too? I hope not.

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Falcone and the Waynes would have traveled in similar wealthy circles.  They had to have known each other, and it may be the 'balance' was arranged in a more direct manner than might be supposed.


This was a solid follow up episode.  The two creeps were at their creepy best. 


The actors playing Bruce and Selina did well.  Bruce comes off as both scary and naive.  He gives off a strong sense of entitlement even at this age, with his assumption that he can provide money or clothes; his reference to Gordon's 'adventures' and his dismissal of Alfred's concerns were belittling.  I can see why Alfred is so unsettled, especially given the instructions on how to raise Bruce, because he is choosing the scary path.  Selina is sly, holding her cards in reserve until she absolutely needs to play them. 


I find myself watching Bullock more than Gordon.  He actively seeks the middle ground, and lashes out when others disrupt it.  He is a scared man.  He was quick to get between Gordon and the beat cop, and he also insisted to their boss that Gordon was with the program. 


Richard Kind made quite the smarmy politician, and on the take as much as the rest of them.  Gordon's contempt was dripping from every word.


Penguin and Fish are very entretaining to me in these small snippets.  They lighten the mood, oddly.  I'm glad Butch is still around.  He may be interesting.

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Great second episode.

Whoever is doing Cateen make-up deserve a standing ovation, when she was talking with Gordon the only think i could focus on were her eyes, they were so beautifully green and absolutely cat like. so kudos to the make-up. and I second @Lantern7 anyone who will scratch your eyes our without a second thought is someone you should think twice before messing with.


Bullock is... well full of bullocks. The guy is terrified for his ass. I don't buy for a second that he's a truly bad guy. i think he's a good guy at heart who has been let down far too many times and has grown hardened by what he has seen and did. which is why i think he will never rat out Gordon (besides the obvious comics future that needs to be) i think he sees a younger him in Gordon.


Batween is slowly growing on me.

Alfred has both angered and scared the living shit out of me. you don't grab a kid head. the boy is mourning. i think his promise to papa wayne his weighting heavily on him and it turning to bite him in the ass.


I kept on waiting for either Gordon, Bruce or Alfred to suggest that maybe they can help the kids by funding a children home for them. heaven knows the kid has the money.


I heard Dollmaker and all i could think about: so those kids are being turned into porcelain dolls?

I watch Arrow. I wonder which Dollmaker they'll use on Gotham. Arrow used Mathis.



Best line though was:  "The Waynes are dead.  Everything is up in the air.  No one is safe."  Probably the theme of the season.

I would like to second that.

Edited by foreverevolving
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The dark humour on this show really clicks with me, which is rare. I like that balance, especially with a show like this because getting too serious and dark just wouldn't carry it along very well, imho.


I also like how they're showing just how screwed up Bruce is now, and that Alfred is struggling to understand and handle and deal with him in the right way but he's so frustrated and at a loss. It's a good bit of realism that fits in with everything else. 

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Well, that was fun. I think the overall message is: "Never, ever fuck with Selina 'Cat' Kyle." If she's not threatening you with allegations of bad-touch, she'll rip your damn eyes out.

At least until it's dramatically convenient she act like a helpless little kid again. Such as when whatever the woman's name is was looking for her, saw the necklace Cat dropped, and slooooowly turned around and pointed her gun at Cat on top of the box while Cat didn't even try to take her out.



Penguin and Fish are very entretaining to me in these small snippets.  They lighten the mood, oddly.  I'm glad Butch is still around.  He may be interesting.

I just hope the show isn't going to point out that "HEY! THIS GUY'S THE PENGUIN!" whenever he shows up like they have been. People coming to the conclusion that he looks/acts/walks like a penguin out of nowhere all the time is already getting tiresome.


I kept on waiting for either Gordon, Bruce or Alfred to suggest that maybe they can help the kids by funding a children home for them. heaven knows the kid has the money.


As i recall most versions either have his parents previously set up or have Bruce set up an orphanage at some point.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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I was wondering why this was called Selina Kyle for over half the episode, and suspected my channel guide to be incorrect. Lot of stuff going on.

I can't say that I feel bad for Oswald but I definitely didn't feel bad for the frat boy he tried to ransom. I've known so many dudes like that whose mothers would have reacted exactly the same way. "You must be quite the scamp" had me cackling.

Gordon is growing on me, especially when he was going to let Bullock tenderize Humpty Dumpty. His relationship with Barbara is going to be in trouble sooner than later though, if he keeps coming him smelling like grimdark. The little exchange when he told Barbara "you have no idea" of the extent of the GCPD corruption was echoed pointedly by Selina when she told him the same about what she's survived. Just a reminder that even though he's learning the ropes he's still in over his head.

The Eartha Kitt is strong in one Fish Mooney. I LOVE Eartha (favorite Catwoman) but Jada needs to dial the emulation back a notch. Fish is already a hairsbreadth away from crossing the county line between character and caricature. Seems like she had some feelings for Handsome McWaiter, though. Interesting.

Bruce is not at all what I expected but I'm very happy with some realistic dysfunction in the kid. Lots of young boys go through what he's experiencing. Not all of them have a scarily permissive guardian and an endless supply of money, though. The bricks are being laid.

The actress who plays Selina is doing an admirable job, but the character still needs some fleshing out. I expected more from an episode with her name as the title.

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I have to say I love Bullock and Gordon's good with him but I'm not enjoying any of the rest of this.  I think I'm out unless next week ends up being a lot better.

Edited by Matt K
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Catween is hardcore scratching that guys eyeballs out, then threatening the cop with the bad touch to get what she wants. I could see this version growing up to be Catwoman. She's 13, so I don't expect her to be able to do everything yet. I think she had the element of surprise with eyeballs and she didn't have that with Mrs. Creepy child abductor. 


Since they had her be there for it, I was also wondering if she was going to come forward as a witness to the Wayne murders.


The actor playing kid Bruce is doing a pretty good job as well. He's got the angry, mourning, entitled kid down to a T. I just don't know if we need to see him every week. They have a lot of characters going on and we need to get time to know the others since he's not Batman yet. 


Can we keep Falcone and get rid of Fish? He seemed much more threatening without taking over the whole scene. 


I guess someone didn't tell Mr and Mrs Creepy that the Black Canary killed the Dollmaker over on Arrow. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Lili Taylor!!!! {{{{{{LOVE}}}}}}


Great episode. I adore Harvey, Gordon and Jada  - sorry, Jada owns being called Jada. She is chewing the scenario and it is, oh, so deliciously over the top.  I like Rennee better in the comics, here she is so jealous and passive-agressive.


"These two episodes were better than 95% of the Batman movies I've seen" - So says my SO.

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Count me in as one who feels like this will be my favorite new show of the season. I am thorughly enjoying all the characters, including Fish's over the topness. 


The villains were so creepy but so pedestrian looking at the same time. 


I, again, was entertained this week.

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I can see why Alfred is so unsettled, especially given the instructions on how to raise Bruce, because he is choosing the scary path.

Yeeeeaaaah, I'm going to need to see that will, because "no psychiatrists" is an oddly specific instruction. But my bigger issue is that the writers want to take the straight and narrow (boring) path to Bruce becoming Batman. Like they're working backwards from Batman, instead of forward from Bruce. ("Batman is kinda messed up, guess he never had therapy as a kid." "Ooh, write that in!")



I was wondering why this was called Selina Kyle for over half the episode, and suspected my channel guide to be incorrect. Lot of stuff going on.


The actress who plays Selina is doing an admirable job, but the character still needs some fleshing out. I expected more from an episode with her name as the title.


This also annoyed me greatly. Well, now I know to keep my expectations in check with the titles.



Is this show taking place like 10 years ago? There's a conspicuous lack of smartphones.

It's set in the "present day", but it's also deliberately vague about when it takes place.

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Yeeeeaaaah, I'm going to need to see that will, because "no psychiatrists" is an oddly specific instruction. But my bigger issue is that the writers want to take the straight and narrow (boring) path to Bruce becoming Batman. Like they're working backwards from Batman, instead of forward from Bruce. ("Batman is kinda messed up, guess he never had therapy as a kid." "Ooh, write that in!")


Yes, that's a weird instruction.  Maybe the Waynes had their share of secrets.  I'm not sure the current trajectory Bruce is following ends at Batman.  The desire is there, but he is too impatient and impetuous.  There will need to be some course corrections.

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Penguin's just a little off-center so we get the Ceiling o' Crazy instead of the Wall o' Crazy. Oswald is fast learner, so I imagine the next ransom attempt will go better. At least he may not have to attempt to bargain for the price. "Scamp" by itself made me smile. Robin Taylor is owning every scene Oswald is in.


Fish? Don't let the guy(s) for recreation work in your place of business. Or date older, maybe? The young man seemed too attentive, which gave it away.


Harvey and Jim bicker like a long-time couple, which isn't new, but it has it's moments. I also liked how Harvey figured it was Barbara on the tip. We also get a glimpse as to why Harvey may be single though. "You're like a monkey on a thoroughbred." Really?


Much love to Lili Taylor and Frank Whaley who brought some disturbed, dark humor to those scum they played! Lili's Patti had some great moments, especially with Catween/Selina. Frank Whaley has such a wonderfully expressive face, I can't help but enjoy him. I had watched a group of Blacklist episodes a week or so ago, and as soon as I saw it was Mr. Whaley I was 'aw, shit!'  And then they killed the veteran.


I loved how Oswald's mom shut that smile down when Montoya was all "We're clean." For all that Gordon is hit with the Saint Jim from Harvey, they are still effective. We haven't seen Montoya and Allen do too much, much less effectively. (I am holding out hope.) I did like that Mama Cobblepot was certain that it was a painted woman who was trouble for her son! 


Nine miles isn't terribly far from Gotham, yet, the rich kids' disappearance may bring GCPD? If county or whomever doesn't want/care about the case?


I love that Alfred and Jim have just sort of taken on the Raising of Bruce. Alfred seems no-nonsense, but there seems to be a bit of pain that Bruce doesn't open up to him. Maybe we can learn more about how Alfred and the Waynes decided on this course for Bruce. It sounds like Thomas, at least, had a plan in place. Why?


Edward! His creepy grin tickles me because he is a pretend person and not for real. It's the slightest dollop of Jim Carey, but more in the delivery of Nygma's lines, imo. Keep the forensics comin', Ed.


I am not sure how I feel about the ending, with Gordon and Selina. There are probably things she can add to the investigation, but what she implied/said? I am not certain. Hope this is fleshed out next episode!

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I am not sure how I feel about the ending, with Gordon and Selina. There are probably things she can add to the investigation, but what she implied/said? I am not certain. Hope this is fleshed out next episode!

I took that scene as her just straight up lying. Yes, she was present for the murder but I doubt she seriously saw who the murderer was. She was just using that information as leverage to get what she wanted from Gordon. I would expect nothing less from Selina. I imagine the writers want to drag out the mystery of who actually shot the Waynes for a very long time. 

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To add, I found the dialog still isn't all the great and the Bruce stuff seemed shoehorned in.  I liked seeing Oswald's Mom but Montoya and Allan we're a waste here.  On top of that I wasn't really feeling the case of the week and there was so little detective work.  I'm not really finding the whole "before Batman" angle all that compelling.  So seeing the origins of half a dozen Batman characters each week isn't doing it for me.  Especially since this show isn't an Origin as so much is actually different.


Also, hate how we didn't really get a resolution to the kidnapped kids.  Instead of showing Gordon finding them it's just implied which really killed the resolution of that plot.

Edited by Matt K
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@Actionmage totally forgot about Ed. the second i saw him tonight i was struck by how much he reminded me a bit of Carey, but in a more dialed down and creepier way. i kind of feel sorry for him, i know what it likes being really bad when it comes to face to face human interaction and this guy is bad (even more than what i used to be), so i wonder what his family is like..


oh and mama penguin.. yea i can understand why the kid came out the way he did.

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Really good second episode and this show continues to build a fascinating world.  The two crooks were creepy and funny with the accents.  The guy playing Oswald (I don't know many real names at this point) continues to shine.


I was about ready to call bullshit when I thought the Mayor, after making a big deal about this new program for the homeless teens, suddenly made an arrangement with the kidnappers.  There was no way the press wouldn't have found out about that.  Thankfully, I'm glad they didn't go that route.


Good lord though, Jada is REALLY chewing the scenary.

Edited by benteen
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Man, when Nigma eventually becomes the man he's suppose to be, pretty much everyone at Gotham PD better be like "Yep, saw that coming!"  The guy is totally the poster child of awkward creepier, who will snap one day, and really cause damage.  He's so over-the-top, but he's still cracking me up.


I still think the dialogue needs work (really gets into clunky and awkward territory at times), and I still think they're trying to find the right balance between camp and grit, since I did find it jarring at times.  But, I still will be patient with it, because there is still stuff I like about it.


Still loving the Gordon/Bullock pairing, and how they bounce around from hating each other, to actually working well together.  Ben McKenzie is still bring the right amount of intensity to the role, and Donal Logue is continuing to be a hoot as Bullock.  He is suck a dick, but I love watching him.  But, they better be careful, since Montoya and Allen seem to be zooming in on Oswald's "disappearance", and I"m sure they'll find out they were involved.


Speaking of Oswald, oh boy.  I won't say I "root" for him, but man, is he becoming one of my favorites.  The scamp line killed me, and his entire attempt at trying to get back into it was laughable.  Ransoming ain't that easy!  The actor really is impressing me.


Glad we finally caught a bit more of Selina, even if she still wasn't shown as much as I would have thought an episode titled with her name would be.  But, she is clearly a survivor, and is going to play a big part in all of this.  The actress continues to look perfect in the role.


Lili Taylor and Frank Whaley were having a blast in the roles.  Glad they aren't dead, so maybe they'll return.  Loved The Dollmaker name-drop.  This could be an interesting idea; not automatically see the DC villains, but meet their henchmen, who are quirky and unique in their own ways.


Jada Pinkett Smith really devoured the scenery tonight.  Not quite sure if I enjoyed it or not.  John Doman though, is a perfect Falcone.


The stuff with Bruce was kind of slow, but I'm really continuing to dig Sean Pertwee's Alfred.  He really does come off like a former military men, who is thrust into a situation, he's not fully prepared for, and is trying his best.  But, I feel like he commands the room, any time he speaks.  Really hope we get more of him, and I especially want them to find a way to have him cross paths with Bullock.

Edited by thuganomics85
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The child-stealing storyline seems shoehorned in, but I'm liking the campy duo who play the kidnappers.


They had a sort of Wes Anderson vibe to me.  Not Wes Anderson fan, but, judging solely from his movie trailers, they seemed like the kind show up in his films.  My guess is that they're taking orders from Gwyneth Paltrow and Ben Stiller.

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How much of a slimeball as Donal Logue's character is, this is actually one of his more likeable characters compared to some of his recent roles.


Agreed about the clunky dialogue...I do cringe at some of them.  And of course, being a network show whenever they're using words like crap instead of real curses just sounds really awkward.

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Geez show, we get it, she's Cattween, but she does NOT have actual claws. Way to go overboard, makeup dept.


So Falcone says that The Waynes AND Falcones were the pillars of the city; does that mean that the Waynes were into crime too? I hope not.


As for the Waynes, I took Falcone's little speech to mean that the Waynes and the Falcones were two sides of the same coin. The Falcones keep all the crime in Gotham under control while the Waynes rule the legitimate economy of the city. Which makes sense. You would need both to work properly for the city to function.


With the level of crime in Gotham and the incompetence/corruption of the cops, if there wasn't a firm hand in control of the city's criminal underworld Gotham would become a war zone of rival gangs and eventually bring down the legitimate economy. And on the other hand, if the city's legitimate economy goes to shit, this would not only disrupt the cash flow to the criminal element, it would create so much destitution that additional crime might emerge, too much for any crimelord to control and the system would collapse.


So a place like Gotham needs its two pillars in place to keep the whole thing from falling apart.


Whoever is doing Cateen make-up deserve a standing ovation, when she was talking with Gordon the only think i could focus on were her eyes, they were so beautifully green and absolutely cat like. so kudos to the make-up. and I second @Lantern7 anyone who will scratch your eyes our without a second thought is someone you should think twice before messing with.


I don't think that's good make-up, I think it's good casting. That kid’s physical appearance is freakishly appropriate to play Catwoman.

Edited by AzureOwl
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I think this episode was better than the pilot but I wasn't particularly wowed by the actress playing Selina. I also feel like so much of the dialogue is stilted and forced, and the music is just plain annoying.


Plus I don't think I'm on board with pissy, 'tough love' Alfred. It's a different take on the character, to be sure, but I'm not sure it's one that I like.


I'll probably watch next week but I kept checking the clock while watching this week, which is never a good sign.

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Liked this episode. The mayor looks to be in cahoots with the child snatchers. The scene of Selena Kyle on the bus with that kid, telling him to never talk with someone who is friendly...nicely done. Robin Lord Taylor continues to be creepy as The Penguin. Falcone messing with Fish Mooney's mind...one of them's gonna end up dead, and I am betting it will be Fish.


All in all, well done with good pacing. Looking forward to next week and the rest of the season.

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"Never, ever fuck with Selina 'Cat' Kyle."


This is why she's my absolute favorite. 


I think the reason she didn't attack when Lili Taylor saw her was two fold.  First, she didn't have the element of surprise (the locket probably fell as she was getting into position).  Second, she probably saw Gordon coming from the side just before he took Taylor down and didn't need to attack like with the other man.  She already trusts Gordon as much as she's capable and let him save her.  If no cops had arrived I expect Selina would have tried to jump off the crates to avoid getting shot but they did so she didn't need to. 


I like what the show is doing with Selina.  When we meet Selina in the comics she's almost always already full on Catwoman.  We don't always get to see the steps she took to become the villain/heroine/anti-heroine we know her to be, so it's nice that we're seeing them now.  I can't wait for more.

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As for the Waynes, I took Falcone's little speech to mean that the Waynes and the Falcones were two sides of the same coin. The Falcones keep all the crime in Gotham under control while the Waynes rule the legitimate economy of the city. Which makes sense. You would need both to work properly for the city to function.


With the level of crime in Gotham and the incompetence/corruption of the cops, if there wasn't a firm hand in control of the city's criminal underworld Gotham would become a war zone of rival gangs and eventually bring down the legitimate economy. And on the other hand, if the city's legitimate economy goes to shit, this would not only disrupt the cash flow to the criminal element, it would create so much destitution that additional crime might emerge, too much for any crimelord to control and the system would collapse.


So a place like Gotham needs its two pillars in place to keep the whole thing from falling apart.

I found this duality fascinating. I wonder if Fish fully understands the implications of her actions?


Did they rescue the children, or is that to be continued?


Who is The Dollmaker? I do not recognise him from Batman comics.

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The resemblance of the actress who's playing Selina/Catgirl to a young Michelle Pfeiffer is pretty incredible, both in looks and mannerisms. Fortunate that the young woman can actually act as well. Great bit of casting.


Overall I'm really enjoying the show: Gordon, Cat, Penguin and Bruce are my favourites at the moment, although I'm really enjoying everyone.

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