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S03.E11: Best of Your Recollection

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22 minutes ago, AimingforYoko said:

I knew it was going to be Angie at the end. Marion doesn't feel comfortable pushing Will's boundaries yet.

Tough episode. I like that they didn't cop out and say it was Paco who shot the kid.

Marion means well but…

1) She thought he’d be happy the shoot was legit, and not understand that all that mattered to him that he killed an innocent kid.

2) She called him when she should have done what Angie did and come in person and comfort him without words. 

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Love that they didn’t drag out the whole Faith finding out about Jeremy. I am guessing she’ll change her mind on the partner switch. I also noticed that Angie is back to wearing the neck scarfs. Marion will definitely need to be more forceful and aggressive (for lack of a better word) in certain circumstances for things to work with Will. Will and Angie are toxic AF but when you know someone else that deeply, it’s very hard to a) transition back into a strictly platonic relationship and b) not resort to old patterns and behaviors. 

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The upside down title card foreshadows that sh*t is about to get real.

Marion helps Will getting ready for the interrogation. Angie finds proof to help exonerating Will. Am not sure what will happen to his relationship with Faith.

Marco’s death will add more emotional burden to Will’s self-reproach. He feels responsible for Lucy’s fate (bio mom) and he blames himself for Anna’s death (foster mom).  And that clicking sound will be triggering for him.

I really don’t like seeing Betty sad. 




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Poor Will.  An interesting episode.  Not sure where it's going after this, for all.  I think Faith will calm down and change her mind.  Last episode I was wondering why you would have people's faces on your phone, especially Jeremy the undercover but this episode I remembered the dyslexia and it made plot sense for Faith seeing Will getting a call from him.  Glad that secret didn't get dragged out.   Betty needs some hugs too.  💔

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Just to get it off my chest: there's no way Will would be allowed to walk around the station in those bloody clothes. They would be collected as evidence. Also, it's just gross. He's a walking biohazard.

I'm surprised they actually killed off the kid. It's going to be interesting rewatching this episode knowing the outcome. I usually watch each episode twice.

I really didn't expect the truth about Jeremy to come out so fast. That was quite the fight between Faith and Will and we didn't really get to see the repercussions because the shooting took over. 

I hope Will and Angie don't bond over this. Now they both have a couple of teenage bodies on their heads. Poor Marion. She's a normal person and her relationship with Will is so new so she doesn't understand all the levels of trauma he's dealing with.

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I missed the opening but got the gist during the interrogations/flashbacks.

I'm glad Faith knows and I can't even guess what will come of she and Will.  Asking for a new partner is one thing but will the show actually go there?

Agree, no way would Will have been allowed to keep his clothes as they were evidence and just gross.

I did like Angie and Oremwood finding the gun.  I also liked Angie finding out Ormewood is claustrophobic and her getting the witness to open up by getting her son's belongings back.

Hated seeing Betty sad because our animals know.  Marion still has things to learn about Will.  In the meantime, yeah, it was going to be Angie behind the door.  I don't think they need to be a couple again because they are toxic and more drama with Marion assuming she finds out about Angie and Will won't be good to see either.  And yes, Angie and Will could just be talking but who knows?

And of course when I heard the song, Go Now and had to go find out I wasn't crazy and that wasn't the Moody Blues but rather the original vocalist, Bessie Banks.

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My expectations were a little lower because of the recent mediocre episodes, but this one was really well done, although so, so sad. Upside-down title card was A+.

I don't find Will and Angie toxic. They're both broken in various ways and for each of them there's no one else who can completely understand that. That doesn't mean they'll necessarily end up with each other romantically, but it's an unbreakable bond.

Somehow I missed Betty! That must have been when I was rooting around at the bottom of the bag of chips looking for salt. No matter, I was planning to rewatch this one anyway.

The SD card in the doorbell was a little too convenient, but I'm glad they didn't this drag this out since we all know that the main character is going to be exonerated eventually so better to do it now.

Ormewood continues to be our adorable tv boyfriend. "I'm a big man. I'm a brave, big man. I'm a brave boy. HOLD MY FEET."

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15 hours ago, transitfan said:

This 😕 She knew something was wrong.  Dogs are pretty much in tune with their human's feelings, which is why they are so beloved.

When Will was cleared I had two thoughts. He absolutely needs to cuddle with Betty and he needs therapy. Betty by the door was heartbreaking.

@milkyaqua and @ShellsandCheese I think of Will and Angie as the third or fourth chocolate covered marshmallow. You know eating it is probably a mistake, a bad idea, something you are going to regret, but you do it anyway. I'm not sure what, if anything, happened beyond hugging. It's possible that was it. They do know and understand in each other in a way that no one else can so it makes sense Angie would be the one to help. 

My guess is that something will happen during the next case that will make Faith realize she wants to be partners with Will despite what happened. 

5 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

The SD card in the doorbell was a little too convenient, but I'm glad they didn't this drag this out since we all know that the main character is going to be exonerated eventually so better to do it now.

I agree. It felt a bit deus ex machina. It felt like something from a folktale where the hero gets what they need because they helped an old beggar expecting nothing in return.  

Edited by Sarah 103
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This season's storylines have felt....unrelentingly heavy. But there's only so much doom and gloom I can take in my tv viewing, and that makes me sad because this is one of my favorite shows. Prior seasons didn't feel like this, even with them blowing up Will and Angie last year. Things aren't going to end well this year either, between Raphael, Jeremy, Faith, etc. I'm tired of the trauma porn the writers keep inflicting. And no, I don't expect sunshine and rainbows and farting unicorns with this show but damn, can the actors and audience catch a break? What was the purpose of putting a body on Will like that, and a child no less? What was the reason? Why keep piling on the emotional damage without showing Will moving through the many, MANY issues he already has? 

I'm tired y'all. 

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What a well done episode.

while I agree with many of the comments e.g. bloody clothes worn in the precinct, were unrealistic -  I really believe the show was mainly about the trauma a police officer can/does feel if they kill anyone, but especially someone totally innocent and due to an accident.  No one can foresee a ricochet.

Thus the second half as Will's trauma is increasingly highlighted and the very, very pointed use of Betty lying down in front of his door as sad as Will just flat out broke me.

I haven't reacted so completely to a tv show in more years than I can remember.

Beautifully done and something that I don't think we civilians really understand about the job of a police officer  -some things that can happen on the job can cause real trauma to the officer.

Well written and well acted.

Final song - excellent and bravo to using the original singer.

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I can’t recall another cop shooting episode that focused solely on the law enforcement perspective. Normally you get the family’s and public reaction. It gave the audience time to really sit with Will. Very effective. I imagine though that will be coming next. Will is probably getting sued. 

I don’t like the torture Will thing but it was a solid episode. 

This might be the first time I liked Girlfriend. I get Angie being there for Will and I totally support their friendship but I was hoping Girlfriend would be there saying Angie sent her. 

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One of the best episodes of network television I've seen in a very long time. Bravo to the entire cast and crew. I wouldn't have minded the entire story being told over two episodes because I think Will's interview should have been much longer. Maybe two full acts or even more, to deliver an even fuller emotional response, one on one, with the investigator. Hell, if they wanted to get creative, do it in one seamless take.

Of course it had to be Angie at the door. She and Will are genuine soulmates, and always will be, even if they're not lovers or romantically paired. She completes him in their own broken way, moreso than Marion is currently, and likely ever will be.

Sad Betty broke me too.

While I agree that this is a very dark season, I think something like this was necessary for Will. The hallmark of any good bit of storytelling is to break the main characters down as hard as possible so their renewal is an even greater payoff for the audience. The rest of the season will naturally have to build him up stronger and more resilient. Will 2.0. or 3.0 or whatever. But he cannot be the same after that.

And I get his revulsion at being handed another firearm at the end. That tool had probably saved umpteen lives during his career, but it took an innocent one as payment. I sometimes wrestle with that same kind of feeling after a range session. This...thing represents so many diverging possibilities, good and bad. How it fires so powerfully, with such ease, and a split second later a hole gets punched in a piece of paper 30 feet away. But what if one day it's not a piece of paper, and the wolf has come to the door instead? Seeing what happened in the back of the car is a powerful reminder for all who carry of the responsibility and consequences involved.

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6 hours ago, NJRadioGuy said:

The rest of the season will naturally have to build him up stronger and more resilient. Will 2.0. or 3.0 or whatever. But he cannot be the same after that.

If Will 3.0 keeps the beard then I guess it will have been worth it to me.

This was a well done episode but I hated it lol.

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This one was heavy.  Wow.

Yeah, the SD card from the doorbell cam was pretty convenient, but we did have to get on with it, and we did know that eventually Will would be exonerated.  Plus, Mrs. Orbert and I both do the thing where we blurt out predictions of what will happen, and she was spot on.  Angie will somehow find the deaf woman's son's belongings, and this will lead to something that saves Will.  Yep.  Why else would Angie and Ormewood be involved in the case?  So it was deux ex machina, but I was "spoiled" and expected it.

Another single scene, moving the Jeremy story forward.  This one a little longer, but I'm glad Faith knows now and it wasn't dragged out.  And just as glad that that's all we got, as there was plenty of other stuff going on this episode.

Sad Betty. 😥

So... stupid question, but Angie was at the door and pointedly, Marion was calling on the phone, ignored though not intentionally.  I totally get Angie being the one to comfort him.  She alone gets Will, just as he alone gets her.  But did she just comfort him, or...?  I mean, Will and Marion are together now, right?  Will's a stand-up guy -- he arrested his best friend, this very same Angie, because it was the right thing to do -- but he's also human and had just had the mother of bad days.  Okay, I guess it was a stupid question, with possible answers ranging from "Well, obviously" to "None of your damned business".

What a heavy episode, this really was a story where no one won. What a miserably horrible thing to happen, that poor kid, his poor family, poor Will, and poor Betty. It really wasn't on Will, it was a horrible accident, but that's not going to make him feel better. He already carries so much guilt over things that were beyond his control, now this is going to be another tragedy for him to carry. 

I was sort of waiting for it be revealed that Paco was actually the one who shot the kid, but having it be Will is a more impactful story, even though I hate that Will is going to hurt so much after this. The poor guy really just cannot catch a break. 

Oh god, sad Betty, just to make this hurt even more. She could tell that her human was hurting and looked so sad.

Thank god we had Ormewood for a bit of much needed comic relief. "I'm a big man, a big brave man..."

This is the most I've liked Angie in awhile, she was really kind and compassionate to that family and she was there when Will needed her the most, despite everything. I think that Will and Angie are a mess as a couple, but I want them to be friends and soulmates again. They get each other in a way that no one else really can. I can get Marian's way of trying to help, she's a lawyer so she looks at this from a legal/practical way, and while her intentions were good she just didn't know what he needed the way that Angie does.

I am glad that Faith knows the truth about what's happening with Jeremy, and that even when she's mad at Will she has its back. I am really curious about how that next talk between Jeremy and Faith will go. 

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36 minutes ago, Orbert said:

So... stupid question, but Angie was at the door and pointedly, Marion was calling on the phone, ignored though not intentionally.  I totally get Angie being the one to comfort him.  She alone gets Will, just as he alone gets her.  But did she just comfort him, or...?  I mean, Will and Marion are together now, right?  Will's a stand-up guy -- he arrested his best friend, this very same Angie, because it was the right thing to do -- but he's also human and had just had the mother of bad days.  Okay, I guess it was a stupid question, with possible answers ranging from "Well, obviously" to "None of your damned business".

And Angie -I think- is kinda with Dr. Seth.

7 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Anyone who crows about the police or citizens "taking out the bad guy and saving the taxpayers money" should be made to watch this episode.

I only partially agree. I won't shed a tear when a violent dirtbag assumes room temperature, especially if his/her crime includes harming a child, a peace officer, or a vulnerable member of society. More oxygen for the rest of us, etc. But even with that said, the burden that the shooter will have to bear will be with that person forever, even if their actions were as righteous as the day is long. I think it's one of the reasons I never went for my CCW.

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6 hours ago, Orbert said:

This one was heavy.  Wow.

Yeah, the SD card from the doorbell cam was pretty convenient, but we did have to get on with it, and we did know that eventually Will would be exonerated.  Plus, Mrs. Orbert and I both do the thing where we blurt out predictions of what will happen, and she was spot on.  Angie will somehow find the deaf woman's son's belongings, and this will lead to something that saves Will.  Yep.  Why else would Angie and Ormewood be involved in the case?  So it was deux ex machina, but I was "spoiled" and expected it.

Another single scene, moving the Jeremy story forward.  This one a little longer, but I'm glad Faith knows now and it wasn't dragged out.  And just as glad that that's all we got, as there was plenty of other stuff going on this episode.

Sad Betty. 😥

So... stupid question, but Angie was at the door and pointedly, Marion was calling on the phone, ignored though not intentionally.  I totally get Angie being the one to comfort him.  She alone gets Will, just as he alone gets her.  But did she just comfort him, or...?  I mean, Will and Marion are together now, right?  Will's a stand-up guy -- he arrested his best friend, this very same Angie, because it was the right thing to do -- but he's also human and had just had the mother of bad days.  Okay, I guess it was a stupid question, with possible answers ranging from "Well, obviously" to "None of your damned business".

From TV LIne:  "But it was a great moment to see Angie show up for him, just as a friend. They’re obviously not romantically involved, but there’s a lot of history there. There’s a lot of love, and I think there will always be a lot of love, but in this moment I think they’re just trying to be good friends, and she’s showing up for him in a dark moment." This is a quote from Ramón.

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I know of a law enforcement officer who took down an active shooter who killed 2 and wounded 1, the shooter survived, and the LEO retired early due to PTSD.  He was lauded as a hero, but he couldn't deal with having to shoot someone.  I think the steps that have to be taken following an officer-involved shooting just increases the trauma.  They are isolated, read their rights, put on leave.  I saw a presentation on a workplace shooting that took place in my community (not the incident referenced above), and the officer who took down the shooter talked about how all that was done made him question what he did, were his actions legal and within regulations, etc.  And he shot a man who had shot multiple people, refused orders to drop his gun, instead shooting at the responding officers, so the very definition of a "good" shoot.  

And yes, on a shallow note, that blouse on Marion was awful. Especially noticeable when Amanda came in to get Will, and she was wearing a blouse that was perfection.  

Speaking of clothing, that scene of Will trying to wash the blood out of his shirt was heartbreaking.  I was thinking "just throw it away!" but then I started wondering if that was his past coming out, when he couldn't afford to throw out an article of clothing just because it got stained.  

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10 hours ago, possibilities said:

Him ignoring Betty when she greeted him, and then closing her out of the bathroom when he went in there to wash the shirt, really got to me. 

Yes.  Even when it was happening, I was like "don't do that, Will!  You need her!!"

I have a question about Angie and Marion.  Did something specific happen between them, other than the big overall situation?  Because when Marion came to his office door and found Angie there, Marion seemed mad and Angie seemed almost abashed to be found there and left immediately.  Marion simply not equipped to be Will's everything, so she needs to understand Angie is going to be around.  So unless Angie bitch-slapped Marion somewhere in there, that anger  seemed out of place to me.

48 minutes ago, bunnyface said:

Yes.  Even when it was happening, I was like "don't do that, Will!  You need her!!"

I have a question about Angie and Marion.  Did something specific happen between them, other than the big overall situation?  Because when Marion came to his office door and found Angie there, Marion seemed mad and Angie seemed almost abashed to be found there and left immediately.  Marion simply not equipped to be Will's everything, so she needs to understand Angie is going to be around.  So unless Angie bitch-slapped Marion somewhere in there, that anger  seemed out of place to me.

I noticed that, too, and I wonder if something happened between them that was cut out of a previous episode because, as far as I can remember, they haven't had many conversations, plus, Angie gave Marion her gun when she was hurt and scared after being attacked by the serial-killer DA. 

Perhaps this episode was filmed out of sequence, and the director thought they should act more like rivals than acquaintances.

14 hours ago, possibilities said:

Him ignoring Betty when she greeted him, and then closing her out of the bathroom when he went in there to wash the shirt, really got to me. 

I wonder if this is meant to indicate how traumatized and out of it Will Trent is. He is so focused on his trauma and what's going on in his head that he is completely oblivious to what is happening around him. He ignores Betty to clean his shirt. It's the sound of someone at the door and seeing Angie that starts to bring him back to the reality of the present. 

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