Galileo908 Yest. at 01:57 AM Share Yest. at 01:57 AM This week Lady Gaga pulls double duty as host and musical guest. Airs 3/8/25 1 Link to comment
buttersister Yest. at 04:39 AM Share Yest. at 04:39 AM I’ll record and use ff. Tuned in to see tfg, the Nazi and Spineless Marco. Don’t care what they were saying it was like seeing Adolf, Goerring and Eichmann. Hard pass. 4 Link to comment
JeanJean Yest. at 04:57 AM Share Yest. at 04:57 AM (edited) 20 minutes ago, buttersister said: I’ll record and use ff. Tuned in to see tfg, the Nazi and Spineless Marco. Don’t care what they were saying it was like seeing Adolf, Goerring and Eichmann. Hard pass. They do them way too benignly. At this point, it just makes me feel bad. I remember when Phil Hartman played Reagan as truly evil. They need that kind of bite, and more. Edited Yest. at 05:00 AM by JeanJean 13 Link to comment
Lantern7 Yest. at 05:12 AM Share Yest. at 05:12 AM (edited) Well, at least we got a pug. I don't think it was the same one as the Trump Dog sketches. Remembering his fur pattern, I think that one is no longer with us. Just now, buttersister said: I’ll record and use ff. Tuned in to see tfg, the Nazi and Spineless Marco. Don’t care what they were saying it was like seeing Adolf, Goerring and Eichmann. Hard pass. Eh. Marcello plays Marco as out of his depth, Mike Myers plays Elon as a maniac, JAJ plays Trump well . . . but like I've said, even a well-played Trump is still a Trump, and therefore detestable. At least they didn't recreate the State of the Union. Edited Yest. at 05:15 AM by Lantern7 5 Link to comment
JeanJean Yest. at 05:57 AM Share Yest. at 05:57 AM For me, none of the sketches were funny, but I did like the mascara commercial. W/U was on fire! (special ed, how things are in hell...) 3 Link to comment
Galileo908 23 hours ago Author Share 23 hours ago Cold Open: Starting with last week's original cold open. Not much really happened in this one. Okay, Marco Rubio Mark Ruby staring off into space while the Curb theme played was great. Mike Meyers came back as Elon, and he had to give a Dr. Evil finger (it was inevitable). He has his cringe energy down pat. I would still like to see cold opens about literally anything else. Monologue: And now a host with actual talent. "There's no need to google SNL 2013 Lady Gaga featuring R Kelly" got me. Alicia: And here I thought the sketch was gonna revolve around the dog. Nope! Dumb sketch about riding luggage like a scooter! Loved the fourth wall break of the chase through the studio hallway. And how the obvious dog puppet had its own scooter. Midnight Matinee: Lady Gaga singing a song to a Stuart Little parody was also not on the bingo card tonight. That was great, hell of a payoff. You'd think Pip was gonna get crushed, only for Marcello to get it instead was fun. Wine: Bowen got to sing a duet with Lady Gaga. Between that and Wicked, I know his life is complete now. That was real fun. "A man of fine tastes. "Yes. In wine, niche anime, and women." Funeral Planning: This was an excuse to get Lady Gaga into flapper gear, wasn't it? (Holy quick change!) I wish the throughline of Ego's father's murder was played into more, but I thought this one was delightfully silly. Loreal Easy Run Mascara: This was a fun one. Lady Gaga 1: I got mesmerized by this. WU: "American comedy jobs are being stolen by filthy Canadians!" (pic of Mike Meyers as White Kanye Elon Musk). That Cookie Monster joke made me gasp, and Update rarely does that for me. And how long was this show sitting on a Lord Gaga sketch? It was silly. And he was the latest in Update characters to just twist the knife into Colin about Scarlett being more successful. Friendly's: Holy crap, of all the product placement! "It feels wrong to lie at Friendly's." And somehow the waiters know and they go all Indiana Jones on liars lol. Someone in the subreddit went on the NBC tour today and saw them rehearsing this sketch and only described this as "Indiana Jones punch ice cream thing." But MAN, the whole sketch was building to the staff going Kalima on Heidi's heart and something missed its cue and the whole sketch fizzled out. We'll probably get the dress version uploaded tomorrow. Lady Gaga 2: Ooh, musical performance using the hallway. No showgirls or Lincoln? Boo. But that was still a great performance. That was an all timer, and that's not saying it lightly. Little Red Glasses: Such a hilariously specific observation. I can picture all these characters wearing those glasses. Love how the styles came in Chuck Schumer and Mom From Bob's Burgers (Love the shout out to Linda! She's 100% a little red glasses type!) No More Slay: Another Bowen/Gaga duet! And it's about stopping cringey slang! "Am I delulu?" "You're not delulu, you're 32!" Silly, but man, you could tell they only had three minutes for this. Between last week and this week? Like night and DAY. God DAMN, was this a fun one. Everyone was just having fun and being silly. You know when a host is comfortable on SNL, and Lady Gaga is as comfortable as they come. 5 minutes ago, JeanJean said: I remember when Phil Hartman played Reagan as truly evil. They need that kind of bite, and more. Ironically, portraying them as true evil would play well with them. Portraying them as the pathetic shlubs they are is the better route. Unfortunately, you run the risk of humanizing them in the process. 4 4 Link to comment
Dirge 23 hours ago Share 23 hours ago 7 minutes ago, Galileo908 said: Midnight Matinee: Lady Gaga singing a song to a Stuart Little parody was also not on the bingo card tonight. That was great, hell of a payoff. You'd think Pip was gonna get crushed, only for Marcello to get it instead was fun. "It was an accident, right Pip?" Crazy! 3 4 Link to comment
ajsnaves 23 hours ago Share 23 hours ago Can we recognize the true heroes of this show? The extras that sit in the background and act like there’s nothing weird going on around them, like professionals. There is a whole ass Temple of Doom sketch going on, and they’re just sitting there pretending to have a normal conversation. 6 5 Link to comment
JeanJean 23 hours ago Share 23 hours ago 14 minutes ago, Galileo908 said: Ironically, portraying them as true evil would play well with them. Portraying them as the pathetic shlubs they are is the better route. Unfortunately, you run the risk of humanizing them in the process. That's a very interesting point! 1 Link to comment
MrWhyt 23 hours ago Share 23 hours ago I wouldn't call it a great episode but it was definitely miles better than last week's. Consistently funny throughout with WU killing it again. LGG was a bit obvious with the cue card reading at times but otherwise she was a good host, i can see her getting to the five timer club. 5 Link to comment
Slade347 23 hours ago Share 23 hours ago Were there any cast members (besides Che & Jost) who were not in the Friendly's sketch? I thought last week's show was better. That one had at least a couple of funny sketches. This one just seemed to have one unfunny mess after another. The only laugh out loud moments I can remember having during a sketch in this episode were Pip's ending and the Curb music playing while focusing in on Rubio in the cold open. I do agree that Weekend Update was great.l, though. And I appreciated Lady Gaga's willingness to mix in the goofiness in her musical performances to go along with her obvious talent. 4 Link to comment
bunnyface 22 hours ago Share 22 hours ago For me this episode was a dud. Only liked WU. 3 Link to comment
iarwain 21 hours ago Share 21 hours ago I thought it was a better than average show. I actually laughed out loud several times. Sometimes I can sit through the whole show without laughing. Lady Gaga sure earned her money. I think she was in every sketch, aside from the open and Weekend Update. Speaking of which, WU seemed especially "dirty" this week. Liked how Mike Myers threw in the Lorne Michaels/Dr. Evil gesture. 5 Link to comment
sheetmoss 21 hours ago Share 21 hours ago Did they allow an uncensored shit in LG's 2nd song Loved the cheeky use of cum in the date sketch Link to comment
baldryanr 18 hours ago Share 18 hours ago 6 hours ago, JeanJean said: I remember when Phil Hartman played Reagan as truly evil. They need that kind of bite, and more. If you're referring to the mastermind sketch, do you have any idea how much people would complain if Trump was portrayed as some evil genius running the whole show? How dare they show him as anything other than an idiot? 2 1 Link to comment
xls 17 hours ago Share 17 hours ago 3 hours ago, iarwain said: I actually laughed out loud several times. Sometimes I can sit through the whole show without laughing. Me too 2 Link to comment
Ottis 16 hours ago Share 16 hours ago (edited) Humor is so interesting. What's viewed as "funny" is different to different people, and varies over time. Still, there are some aspects of humor, or lack of humor, that are consistent. For instance, the bit featuring Big Perk on WU. I watch sports shows and am familiar with Perk. Nothing about that skit had anything to do with how Perk is viewed. He does have a beard, as does James Harden and others. But his defining characteristic is that he can glower and be intimidating, especially when he is "debating" on TV. I don't know who that Big Perk was, he made up out of whole cloth and none of the humor worked. Then, take the Pip film. For most of that skit I was bored and ready to call it unimaginative and cliched (yes, Stuart Little, etc.). And truthfully, they would have been smarter to pick a different, small animal than a mouse and a different name than Pip. And the singing bits were too many. But ... that ending, where exactly 2 ounces of strength were needed, and then the bite with "it was an accident, right?" was very good. The pacing was off, but the humor was on target. "Vibe" funeral had a chance but didn't really go anywhere after setting up the concept. The Alicia/riding suitcase skit was one note and boring. The running mascara commercial was also one-note, and an odd choice for Int'l Women's Day. I can't even remember the wine skit and I just watched it 30 minutes ago. WU was OK, not a lot of cleverness. The Honey Smacks joke was good a good visual. Friendlies was classic SNL, mixing real life and absurdist humor. Lots of chuckles, especially the way the other people at the table speak the demon names so casually. Little Red Glasses ... I can't get past the NY/NJ accents. 8 hours ago, JeanJean said: They do them way too benignly. At this point, it just makes me feel bad. Yeah, the Trump "humor" is a struggle, and when they do things like sarcastically voice over that Trump's presidency is off to a smooth start you just know Trump will take that literally. They need to be far more clear on the ridiculousness of Trump. 4 hours ago, iarwain said: Liked how Mike Myers threw in the Lorne Michaels/Dr. Evil gesture. When that's the funniest line in your opening (and I agree, it was), you know you're in trouble. Gaga isn't a particularly good singer (she always makes me think of Cher, the totality of her image outshines her singing) but man, she works hard in her numbers. Love that she was willing to be whatever was needed in every sketch as well. Edited 16 hours ago by Ottis 2 Link to comment
MediaZone4K 15 hours ago Share 15 hours ago (edited) This week wasn't all THAT funny. I did like SNL acknowledging (again) the R Kelly episode head on instead of acting like it didn't exist. Loved the lighting in the restaurant sketch where gaga wore red with Bowen. Loved the trip through the hallways in the musical act. 13 hours ago, buttersister said: I’ll record and use ff. Tuned in to see tfg, the Nazi and Spineless Marco. Don’t care what they were saying it was like seeing Adolf, Goerring and Eichmann. Hard pass. Regarding SNL's portrayal of Trump. I don't see what they could/should do differently. Most programs portray him as a cartoonish bumbling idiot--not far off from the real thing. Even if you hate Trump, you cant help but think this must me a satirical comedy looking at his behavior. Plus the show isn't a drama so we wont feel serious after watching his performances...thats where the HBOs or the FXs come in. It's the same way SNL made Bush, Gadaffi and Saddam funny. Satire strips leaders of their seriousness and breaks them down. Edited 12 hours ago by MediaZone4K 5 Link to comment
peeayebee 15 hours ago Share 15 hours ago I didn't think this was a great show. There were some laughs from me, or maybe smiles. Nothing really stood out. First off, the CO. I'm surprised I hadn't heard about Rubio and Musk having a big argument. Anyway, I wish the writers would do a better job portraying the true evil that's happening. Did not like the monologue. The main thing that bugged was all the shimmying Lady Gaga was doing. Looked like nerves to me, which seems weird because she's obviously a very confident performer. The riding-luggage sketch was weird, but oddly not weird enough. I did like some of the silly dialog. Oh, and I loved when it looked like they were going to kiss, and the dog kept looking from one to the other. Best part of the entire show. I figured the Pip sketch would end in a bloodbath, but I thought it would involve Pip getting crushed. Of course that wouldn't really be a blood bath. I liked the lines others cited: the fallen ceiling being 2 ounces too heavy, and LGG questioning Pip that he dropped the ceiling on accident. I liked a lot of the lines in the LGG/Bowen sketch in the restaurant. It reminded me of the dialog from those bar sketches with Kate McKinnon. However, I had a hard time understanding some of what was said. For instance, there was a big laugh when Bowen said something about Italians and twice. What was that? The funeral home sketch had potential but was so-so. The show often does that. They come up with funny ideas but don't execute them well. The L'Oreal commercial was a good idea, but... whatever. WU - I loved the line about Daylight Savings Time, where we set the clocks ahead, ideally 4 years. Yes! I also liked Che's joke about Trump bragging that nobody changed the government faster than him, just like nobody changed airport security faster than Bin Laden. I liked Musk being called White Kanye. Another bit from the news I had missed was that Trump had made fun of Musk's clothes, and that was why Musk wore a suit. I had thought he wore a suit because Zelensky was criticized by right-wingers for not ever wearing a suit, and then people brought up Musk's attire. I don't know Kendrick Perkins, but I liked this bit whether or not it was accurate. I just didn't like the Friendly's sketch, though it did make me wonder if they double-check when people claim it's their birthday. Again, this was a good idea for a sketch, but I didn't find it funny, except for Bowen's character. Little Red Glasses was ok. Best part was when they showed pics of people who wear red glasses. I kind of liked the anti-slang sketch. I had to googled what 'reheating nachos' means. The first thing that popped up was a Vulture article from 3 days ago where LGG says she knows about the term. I wonder if she brought it to the show or if she knew it from working on the show. When Mike Myers walked out at the end, it struck me that he looks like David Byrne. 1 Link to comment
BC4ME 15 hours ago Share 15 hours ago 26 minutes ago, peeayebee said: However, I had a hard time understanding some of what was said. For instance, there was a big laugh when Bowen said something about Italians and twice. What was that? I assumed it was because Lady GaGa is Italian but I didn't get the joke. Link to comment
Is Everyone Gone 15 hours ago Share 15 hours ago Well I was disappointed in the sketches. Thought they were more weird than funny. Nothing as funny as this: But Gaga kicked ass in the musical numbers. She's an incredible singer. And I like how she clearly is a hard worker who threw herself into every sketch. 1 Link to comment
txhorns79 14 hours ago Share 14 hours ago 9 hours ago, Galileo908 said: Midnight Matinee: Lady Gaga singing a song to a Stuart Little parody was also not on the bingo card tonight. That was great, hell of a payoff. You'd think Pip was gonna get crushed, only for Marcello to get it instead was fun. I feel like this is the third or so time they've done this type of sketch, i.e. take a familiar movie with the twist being that it now has a bloody ending. The Dead Poet's Society one was the best, I think. 52 minutes ago, peeayebee said: The L'Oreal commercial was a good idea, but... whatever. I just remember it from the Mean Girls musical. Regina was soaked at homecoming, which left her mascara running and everyone suddenly wanted that look. They took it in a slightly different direction, but I thought that was where whoever wrote the sketch got the idea. 48 minutes ago, peeayebee said: The funeral home sketch had potential but was so-so. The show often does that. They come up with funny ideas but don't execute them well. This. There was a funny idea there, but they lost the thread around mid-sketch. Link to comment
The Solution 13 hours ago Share 13 hours ago 2 hours ago, peeayebee said: However, I had a hard time understanding some of what was said. For instance, there was a big laugh when Bowen said something about Italians and twice. What was that? "Italians aren't white." It's something WASPs used to say about us that only an Italian like Lady Gaga could get away with. For me, this and WU were the only funny parts of the show, although Lady Gaga is a very talented performer, unlike last week's lapdancer. 2 Link to comment
FlyingEgret 13 hours ago Share 13 hours ago I enjoyed both musical numbers but was absolutely transfixed by the first one. Lady Gaga and her crew are very talented Link to comment
Back Atcha 13 hours ago Share 13 hours ago 2 hours ago, peeayebee said: First off, the CO. I'm surprised I hadn't heard about Rubio and Musk having a big argument. Anyway, I wish the writers would do a better job portraying the true evil that's happening. In today's climate, I feel lucky we get ANY jokes that push the politics. The writers probably have your same wish. 2 Link to comment
Back Atcha 12 hours ago Share 12 hours ago 2 hours ago, peeayebee said: I had thought he wore a suit because Zelensky was criticized by right-wingers for not ever wearing a suit, I was watching the news (live) when Zelenskyy arrived; TRUMP welcomed / ridiculed him for not wearing a suit. He never challenges the Saudis. 1 Link to comment
SomeTameGazelle 12 hours ago Share 12 hours ago 11 hours ago, Galileo908 said: Funeral Planning: This was an excuse to get Lady Gaga into flapper gear, wasn't it? (Holy quick change!) I wish the throughline of Ego's father's murder was played into more, but I thought this one was delightfully silly. Yes, I thought there was more room for clues regarding whether Dismukes had or had not committed the murder that could have been very funny. I liked the Friendly's sketch because I thought it was about catastrophizing what if you try lying to get the birthday treat. I might have preferred someone other than Heidi as the victim though. WU went a bit too far for me in spots but I enjoyed Lord Gaga and laughed at Che's joke about needing extra training to teach special ed. 1 Link to comment
ahisma 11 hours ago Share 11 hours ago It was an enjoyable night overall and Gaga’s musical numbers were FANTASTIC. Weekend Update was on fire, and I did laugh out loud at Lord Gaga. Mikey really gave it his all. My favorite sketches were Little Red Glasses and L’Oreal. During the latter, though, I kept waiting for them to market it to YouTubers who need to film an apology or make current events all about themselves—first thing I think of when I think of performative crying. 4 Link to comment
After7Only 11 hours ago Share 11 hours ago Enjoyed the effort Lady Gaga put into both musical performances. But that 2nd song/performance was heavily influenced by Prince, Sign of the Times 1 Link to comment
Thalia 10 hours ago Share 10 hours ago 4 hours ago, Is Everyone Gone said: But Gaga kicked ass in the musical numbers. She's an incredible singer. And I like how she clearly is a hard worker who threw herself into every sketch. She's my favorite kind of host -- like Emma Stone, Timothee Chalomet, and (surprisingly to me, Ariana Grande this season) etc. -- talented performers/actors who give everything to the show and aren't afraid to look stupid. 4 1 Link to comment
possibilities 10 hours ago Share 10 hours ago Regarding the red glasses sketch, I am reeling REELING from them thinking 57 is old. Moreover, when I am old, I shall wear purple. 2 1 3 1 Link to comment
Crashcourse 7 hours ago Share 7 hours ago 9 hours ago, Ottis said: For instance, the bit featuring Big Perk on WU. I watch sports shows and am familiar with Perk. Nothing about that skit had anything to do with how Perk is viewed. He does have a beard, as does James Harden and others. But his defining characteristic is that he can glower and be intimidating, especially when he is "debating" on TV. I don't know who that Big Perk was, he made up out of whole cloth and none of the humor worked. I was surprised to see the Big Perk bit and I thought Kenan was much too gentle with it. I change the channel every time Big Perk is on because he's a big embarrassment with the awful grammar. 1 Link to comment
Sesquipedalia 6 hours ago Share 6 hours ago I fit the little red glasses stereotype perfectly, but big red glasses are what's actually on trend with older women. Prue Leith, for example, her glasses are not small. Link to comment
iarwain 2 hours ago Share 2 hours ago 13 hours ago, MediaZone4K said: Regarding SNL's portrayal of Trump. I don't see what they could/should do differently. Agreed, frankly those kind of comments are ridiculous. I'm surprised anyone even watches this show anymore. The right doesn't like the show because it clearly leans to the left. And the left doesn't like it because it doesn't vilify Trump enough. Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun - not. This is a comedy show, not a hardcore political show. 1 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu 38 minutes ago Share 38 minutes ago Cold Open Adrien Brody deservedly catching strays. Pretty sure Stephen Colbert did the Elon shops at Jos. A. Bank joke last week. Did they put some kind of prosthetic on Mike Myers face? Something was different besides the pale makeup. Opening Monologue At least I knew who the host was this time. Lady Gaga's PR team is on fire because she's been everywhere lately. EGORT. Like an EGOT but hurtful. Lady Gaga seemed a tad nervous but it was fine. Poor Pip getting dissed by his classmates. Don't cry, Pip! All you have to do is try! A kid lifted 500 lbs? That was a joke, right? Whatever, Pip gave 2 ounces of FAFO. I actually gasped out loud at "I came into some money." Not sure how that got past the censors. L'Oréal Easy Run mascara was insane. They should've gotten Drew Barrymore to do a cameo, ha ha. First musical number: now Gaga has to try to outdo all the pop princesses who've been biting on her act. Looking at you in particular, Chappel Roan. (Madonna sends her regards.) Weekend Update 40 lbs or two buttfuls of fentanyl. Yikes either way. The Cookie Monster joke was 100% wrong, Che. For shame. Lord Gaga has a smaller waist than the Lady. WU was actually pretty funny this week I thought. I knew there was a reason why I don't want to go in Friendly's restaurants. They're satanic. Kali ma! Didn't care for Lady Gaga's second performance. Wandering around the backstage and office areas has been done enough. Wow on the finish though. She is extraordinarily agile. Little red glasses are a fashion don't. Good to know. "Blowing into the slay shots and vomiting into the mother bag." What does that even mean? Lady Gaga brought tons energy and was totally game. She can host again when she has another album to promote. Link to comment
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