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S03.E03: The Meaning of Dreams

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On 2/28/2025 at 1:15 PM, Night Cheese said:

In those stills, Piper is a spitting image of a young Brie Larson. I had to do a double take because I thought it was her at first glance.

That's who she reminds me of!

This was a fun episode with the snake farm, but Chelsea is a little too forgiving of Rick considering he almost got her killed! I have a feeling things will take a turn for the worse on that yacht.

1 minute ago, snarts said:

Wait, so Chelsea's bitten by a cobra but she's ok, sporting just a tiny bandage, by dinner? Sure.

Worried for Belinda after approaching Greg/Gary. Wouldn't she have heard about Tanya's death?

I wonder if the snakes were milked of their poison?

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1 minute ago, snarts said:


Worried for Belinda after approaching Greg/Gary. Wouldn't she have heard about Tanya's death?

Watch the previews for the next episode. 

I feel like there was some foreshadowing when Belinda was shown floating in the pool--it was initially an immediate reference to the body floating in the pond in the episode 1 opener, then we see she's actually being guided by Pornchan.  It could just as easily be a red herring, which is why this show is so good.

I so hope Goggins gets a redemption arc. I am firmly in the fan camp--I'd listen to him read a phone book amd his real-world laugh is charming and infectious. 

This character is a departure for him, and he's killing it. 

He does have a very real charm about him--hoping that emerges before the vacay week is done--clearly it was there at some point because we're getting little hints that he and Chelsea had a fun relationship at one point. 



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22 hours ago, Sailorgirl26 said:

Watch the previews for the next episode. 

I feel like there was some foreshadowing when Belinda was shown floating in the pool--it was initially an immediate reference to the body floating in the pond in the episode 1 opener, then we see she's actually being guided by Pornchan.  It could just as easily be a red herring, which is why this show is so good.

I so hope Goggins gets a redemption arc. I am firmly in the fan camp--I'd listen to him read a phone book amd his real-world laugh is charming and infectious. 

This character is a departure for him, and he's killing it. 

He does have a very real charm about him--hoping that emerges before the vacay week is done--clearly it was there at some point because we're getting little hints that he and Chelsea had a fun relationship at one point. 



Doesn't she ask him why he's acting so weird in the first or second episode? Maybe the whole thing with his father / the hotel owner has him acting out. But yeah I can never hate any character he plays, Goggins is just so charismatic!

Edited by Natalie25
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41 minutes ago, Natalie25 said:

This was a fun episode with the snake farm, but Chelsea is a little too forgiving of Rick considering he almost got her killed! I have a feeling things will take a turn for the worse on that yacht.

She says he’s her soul mate.  He doesn’t feel the same though.

He identifies with the snakes — they’re misunderstood but so is he.

However like most of the guests this season he has secrets.  Did he ever share with Chelsea that he shared with the therapist/spiritual advisor about his father being murdered?

How long have these “life partners” been together.

Obviously Greg is hiding his past from everyone.  Tim is hiding the secret about his business dealings from Victoria and the rest of his family.

Then we have the 3 friends.  They’re not necessarily hiding secrets so much as not sharing everything, especially when 2 of them are talking about the third.  Now we’ve had 3 pairings so each of them have been talked about behind their backs, though each sees the other two taking about them.   They should have gone to a resort with more separated suites.

Lochy thought he was going to learn to have better posture but got told that he’s defensive and using his feminine leg to cover himself?  Saxon is trying to cloud his head with dumb ideas and now the posture therapist is trash-talking him!




Edited by aghst
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1 hour ago, Natalie25 said:

I wonder if the snakes were milked of their poison?

I wondered that as well, but I know there are different varieties of cobras, so maybe the the one that bit her wasn't going to cause many problems so long as she got immediate medical care?  I will say I would be annoyed with Chelsea for continually making plans without asking me first.  

I was a little frightened at the end with Belinda in her room.  I half expected Greg to emerge from a bathroom or closet to murder or threaten her.   

Still loving the three ladies.  I'm so interested to see how those three just blow up.

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It was nice to see the three ladies in the first half of the episode actually act like friends until the Orange Anvil dropped.  Sorry Kate, you've been shit talking since the beginning of the trip, no sympathy.

Rick is definitely getting interesting here.  So this unfinished business definitely has to do with father.  Agree that Chelsea was way too forgiving after the snake bite.  Can bad things please stop happening to her?

I wonder if Chloe knows more about Greg than she's letting on and is kind of a partner now?  Maybe Saxon is their next mark since she invited him on the boat.

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Figured Rick on weed might liven him up a bit, but I wasn't expecting that aspect to lead to him relating to a bunch of snakes in cages, and trying to free them.  Despite being poisonous.  And one biting poor Chelsea.  Yeah, Chelsea really needs to rethink this whole "soulmate" thing and realize that being near him is probably going to end badly for her.

Timothy continues to feel the walls closing in, and decides to not only just bury his head in the sand by making the family surrender all their electronic devices after-all, but is still joining Victoria with the whole pill-popping party.  I'm wondering if the endgame here is that he will actually end up not going down for whatever legal issue is going on, but will end up destroying his (and maybe his family's) life in other ways.  Would kind of be fitting.

Looks like it is Kate's turn to be the odd friend out, after more or less admitting that she's become more religious and maybe even conservative ever since moving to Texas, which surprises the other two, who I'm guessing are more liberal.  So, now she's the one looking from afar and hearing them gossip about her.  Again, on some levels, this storyline might be more stereotypical compared to others, but I'm finding these three and their interactions kind of fascinating.  Helps that all three of the actresses have great chemistry with one another and really make me believe these are three old friends who haven't talked in a while, grown apart in a lot of ways, and are now kind of toxic on some levels.

Still worry that Gaitok is going to end up getting himself in trouble, with the way he's trying to prove to himself (and Mook) that he's some kind of tough guy.

Belinda susses Greg out!  He's still denying it, but he clearly is not happy about this development.  Hope she sleeps with one eye open, because I don't trust this man.  Did like her referencing Armond and still missing him.  He was a problematic guy on a lot of levels, but I do remember him being loyal to her, and I can buy that she and other employees look upon him fondly despite his demons.

Saxon and Chloe/Chelsea's friend/Greg's girlfriend making eyes with one another will probably lead to something.

These references about tsunamis are making me raise my eyebrows.  Granted, I'd almost be fine with this season ending with a tsunami popping up and wiping out half of this lot.  As long as Belinda, Chelsea, Piper, and maybe Lochlan get on a sturdy lifeboat and watch from afar!

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Nice of Kate to give Laurie and Jaclyn something to gossip about her in the next scene with that church and politics thing. What’s funny is Austin is the a liberal oasis in a sea of red. Even churches there can be really progressive. It’s a very free spirited place.

I noticed Kate is a pushover and only wants to fit in. She quickly gossips with both Jaclyn and Laurie against the others’ backs, wanted to chat with old money Victoria about some party they were in a decade ago, and she’s gone full red state after living in Texas.

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I don't get why those women are with the old guys. I'd think money but then she thinks they're soul mates?   

Funny Saxon being called a douche to his face. He seems to know it and love it though. 

FBI has a search warrant but no mention of an arrest warrant for the dad.  I've been wondering if he could just turn on the client for a light sentence but then id imagine it would ruin his business if that got out to others. Or maybe the client turns on him.  Is he protecting the son or is he trying to hide everything from him?  Or both?


The three women...now each has been in the position of the outsider from the other two. 


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I was thinking now that his family is without access to cellphones Timothy is going to get paranoid on drugs that fuel his downfall and say things to his family he normally wouldn’t have directly said only to find out he gets cleared of any charges.  

From what I put together through conversations it looks like he might have gotten involved in a Ponzi scheme.  The question is at what level and how involved. 

I think that might be the same story as the three women.  None of them are saying how they truly feel about each other.  At least not directly.   

the snake scene was fun.   I am liking the couple and think they are interesting together.


Belinda vs Greg might end up being fun.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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10 hours ago, Natalie25 said:

I have a feeling things will take a turn for the worse on that yacht.

Omg, when multiple characters were talking about going on Greg's yacht, I was like "NEVER GET ON A BOAT WITH A STRANGER!" Even if they are rich. Seems like out of all of them, RIck would be the one who would know this.

Edited by MerBearStare
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That tsunami nightmare opening was terrifying. I think I needed some kind of warning for that.  I was shutting my eyes for half of The Impossible. 

The three women are all holier than thou gossips in their own ways with big main character energy, but Kate is especially annoying. Lol at her becoming a church going trump supporter but masking it as she's not that into politics after moving to Austin...Austin, the most liberal place in Texas. She had to know they would talk about her after that... right?

She honestly deserves a taste of her own medicine, if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.  I will say this 'toxic sisterhood's' different reactions to the gossip is interesting. Laurie had a meltdown, Jaclyn seemed unfazed, Kate's reaction looks like shame and betrayal. 

I chortled when Chelsea was bit by the cobra. On the topic of her being a Rick's "soulmate" I've yet to decide if she's just a super airhead and is attracted to him because he's a dark, mysterious older man that allows her to adventure around the world or if there's something else there. For now I'll go with the former, I guess. 

Even if the Ratliff dad doesn't end up with criminal charges surely he'd be cooked and lose his share of the shady business they set up, likely having to pay back the millions he admitted to taking? I think the desperation of losing everything plus not having access to his phone will crescendo into him some kind of extreme action. The last thing he needs is to be stuck on a boat again with Rick. 

Belinda is about to be on thin ice calling out Greg like that. He knows she's onto him, and is definitely not fooling her with the new alias. 

  • Like 6
14 hours ago, Harvey said:

What’s funny is Austin is the a liberal oasis in a sea of red.

That seemed odd to me as well. If you want to fill in the background of a character to suggest that the character has become more conservative and religious - and also concomittently divergent from her still-coastal friends - why have her move to one of the few places in a very large, and otherwise generally conservative, state that remains stubbornly still liberal? At least the other two friends didn't directly diss her or shun her for seeminly voting as she apparently did (but refused directly to admit). Though maybe that would have been preferable to gossiping about her in her absense, as she saw them do later.

It makes a lot of sense why Gary/Greg would flee the US to enjoy and spend his pile of illegitately-inherited money, and Thailand also seems like believable choice to do that. But why in a sense "return to the scene of the crime" and continue to pal-around at a White Lotus Hotel? That makes no sense to me for precisely for the reason shown here: the risk of running into someone who can place him at the Maui White Lotus and connect him to the death of his then-girl friend and later wife at yet another White Lotus Hotel. Amassing White Lotus "frequent guest points" wouldn't seem plausible given how much money he already has. Maybe he just can't resist the thrill of risk? Maybe he's looking to do another scam and "target rich" White Lotus hotels just have too many potential marks to ignore? Who knows?  

Edited by ahpny
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11 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

I know there are different varieties of cobras, so maybe the the one that bit her wasn't going to cause many problems so long as she got immediate medical care?

I can't remember the exact quote, but the guy who was announcing the snake show said something like, "If you get bit and get treatment within 15 minutes (or something like that) you'll live. Wait an hour and you'll die."

Here's an article on cobra bites in Thailand:

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So are we going to get a metaphorical Tsunami by the end of the show or a literal one? It would be wild if we end up in the middle of a gun fight only for an act of nature to come and wipe all of this nonsense away. 

Poor Chelsea is having an all time crappy vacation, her boyfriend is always pissy, she gets caught in the middle of an armed robbery, and now she's bitten by a poisonous snake! One that her high out of his mind boyfriend let lose! I actually am coming around on Rick, I think he's a troubled person more than a bad person, even though I would not be surprised if he has some really big skeletons in his closet, but Chelsea really needs to consider moving on before she's collateral damage to his self destruction/redemption quest. 

I thought that the snake imagery with Rick was really interesting, he sees himself as misunderstood and caged, but Chelsea also makes the point that snakes can be dangerous to others when let lose, it makes me worry again about Chelsea being caught in the middle of whatever it is that Rick has going on.

Oh damn, Brenda is so onto Greg/Gary, I am very concerned about her now. Who knows how many gays he has on standby to commit his murders?!

Timothy is in major panic mode, he has to know that he's just putting off the inevitable by keeping his family away from the outside world. I think its possible that he'll just stay in Thailand, although I cant imagine his family being thrilled about living in exile hiding from his crimes.  

Now its Kate's turn in the hotseat, I knew (and Kate probably did too) that Laurie and Jaclyn would be talking shit about her that night, turnabout is fair play after she has been happily trashing the other girls in the last two episodes. I have to say, her friends might be onto something about her doing whatever her partner is doing, no one has to be conservative in Austin, one of the most famously liberal cities in Texas, to fit in. I am so looking forward to everything between them exploding, their chemistry is so good. 

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9 hours ago, Harvey said:

What’s funny is Austin is the a liberal oasis in a sea of red. Even churches there can be really progressive. It’s a very free spirited place.

I thought that was odd too. It would make more sense if they were anywhere else in Texas, but maybe that's the point? She felt comfortable moving there because Austin is a liberal oasis in a red state but the friends she made ended up being more conservative?

I was mostly bored with this to be honest. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot going on here. The three girlfriends just sit around and gab about each other. Timothy is spiraling but I have no idea what he plans to do once this vacation is over. Rick's a bit of a mystery but then so is Chelsea for putting up with him. I don't much care about Gary/Greg and Belinda, TBH. Mook is clearly out of Gaitok'z league. I guess it's just all supposed to be quirky character study and I do like most of the actors, but story-wise it's kind of dull.

Chelsea said they were invited on Gary's yacht but didn't Rick just tell her he's going to Bangkok the next day? And he didn't say anything when she told him that. Did he change his mind?

The tsunami coming for the Ratliff house was maybe a little too on the nose in terms of omens.

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I loved Belinda's dress at dinner.  Is she feeling attracted to Pornchai? I couldn't tell. He was obviously feeling her. 

I think Kate's living in Austin was the reason the other 2 were surprised to hear she was conservative and church-going.  It may not have been as much of a shock if they knew she was living somewhere ultra-conservative.  Does Kate work? 

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5 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

The three women...now each has been in the position of the outsider from the other two. 

Each has been talked about behind her back by the other two. But in most of the scenes where all three are together, Jaclyn and Kate come off like a mutual admiration society with a halfhearted compliment to Laurie as an afterthought. Their political discussion may have changed that, though.

I think Kate living in Austin yet becoming conservative just makes her seem even more annoying (not to mention pathetic). Here she is among lots of liberals but she just turns her brain off and lets her husband do her thinking for her. I don’t have a lot of respect for women who change their beliefs and interests like chameleons to match their man’s because It’s All About Him. Internalized misogyny at its finest. Have a brain of your own!

It’s All About Him also seemed to apply when Victoria was telling Tim how great he was and how Rick must just be “jealous”. 

Anyone else think there’ll be a romance between Belinda and Pornchai?

Kind of hoping Greg/Gary will end up going overboard on the yacht outing. I wonder if Greg was even his real name?

Edited by CarpeFelis
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3 hours ago, ahpny said:

That seemed odd to me as well. If you want to fill in the background of a character to suggest that the character has become more conservative and religious - and also concomittently divergent from her still-coastal friends - why have her move to one of the few places in a very large, and otherwise generally conservative, state that remains stubbornly still liberal? At least the other two friends didn't directly diss her or shun her for seeminly voting as she apparently did (but refused directly to admit). Though maybe that would have been preferable to gossiping about her in her absense, as she saw them do later.

It makes a lot of sense why Gary/Greg would flee the US to enjoy and spend his pile of illegitately-inherited money, and Thailand also seems like believable choice to do that. But why in sense "return to the scene of the crime" and continue to pal-around at a White Lotus Hotel? That makes no sense to me for precisely for the reason shown here: the risk of running into someone who can place him at the Maui White Lotus and connect him to the death of his then-girl friend and later wife at yet another White Lotus Hotel. Amassing White Lotus "frequent guest points" wouldn't seem plausible given how much money he already has. Maybe he just can't resist the thrill of risk? Maybe he's looking to do another scam and "target rich" The White Lotus just has too many potential marks to ignore? Who knows?  

Greg doesn't strike me as a genius, just conniving enough to orchestrate Tanya's murder, which seemed to be somewhat impulsively planned.

The question still remains whether Tanya was a mark for him the whole time or if he was just at the right place at the right time when they met, and he only realized how rich she was later. I wonder if that will be somewhat answered this season. 

Either way he got away with it and seems to be living it up with a yacht so he probably thinks he's untouchable now.. also since he lives nearby, it could be plausible that he actually likes the food at the hotel and the familiarity of the resort so he's purely sticking around for that, and maybe to sniff out other rich patrons. This season is interesting because unlike the others, it's centered around 3 criminals, two that we know of in Greg and Timothy, and it's heavily implied that Rick is up to no good. 

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It's interesting is that had Timothy been at home when this investigation broke, he might've been offered immunity in exchange for his cooperation because it sounds like his role was more fiduciary, assisting Kenny in setting up the fund. 

Instead, he's MIA and now not returning phone calls which immediately makes him look so much guiltier. Kenny will probably flip on him trying to save is own ass. 

15 hours ago, Natalie25 said:

I wonder if the snakes were milked of their poison?

So then why the urgent rush to the hospital?

I had a friend who was bit by a rattlesnake in nearly the same location (upper calf). He got immediate medical attention & antivenom yet was kept in hospital overnight & couldn't walk or put any weight on his leg for a week due to the swelling. That's why I questioned the tiny little bandage at dinner seemingly only hours later.

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24 minutes ago, aghst said:

I heard that tourists who get bitten in Thailand could face some steep bills for treatment, like the equivalent of $1000 or more in cash on the spot.

In the U.S. it could cost tens of thousands or even more unless you have an excellent insurance plan. Even with insurance you may easily have a deductible that's more than $1000.

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41 minutes ago, Broderbits said:

In the U.S. it could cost tens of thousands or even more unless you have an excellent insurance plan. Even with insurance you may easily have a deductible that's more than $1000.

The other thing is a lot of hospitals may not even have enough anti-venom on hand.

Certainly those small urgent clinics are unlikely to stock them, which  is suppose to be expensive to produce.

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This seemed like a set-up episode and nothing really happened, even the snake bite was quickly resolved. The last two seasons I couldn’t wait for Sunday to come around for a new episode. So far, this is Ok but not as exciting for me. I didn’t think we needed a third scene of the three women talking about each other, we got the idea. The posture training scene was set up solely so we could find out Lochlan is hiding his feminine side, something we already knew. I’m not seeing anything interesting going on with Buddhist Piper or frat bro Saxon so I’m hoping for some surprises.

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The girls trip is a big exercise in schadenfreude as they get joy out of each others problems, with that special kind of pettiness that only people that you have known for years can generate. I feel like all three of them are not happy with how their lives are going and they are tearing each other down to make themselves feel better. 

I am interested in how all three Ratliffs siblings will handle finding out what their dad has been up to and their potential loss of wealth. Piper is really interested in Buddhism and generally finds her families wealth to be toxic, but who knows how she will handle it is she loses her safety net. Its also clear that Saxon is a nepo baby hire and has little to actually do in the company, so who knows what he will do when the company starts to fall apart. Its hard to tell with Lochy, he's still an enigma. Its also too bad for Timothy that all of this happened while he was so unavailable, if he really wasn't the instigator he could have gotten ahead of this and given up his partners and come out alright, but who knows now that he's avoiding the feds and his partners are already dealing with everything.

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8 hours ago, ahpny said:
15 hours ago, Harvey said:

What’s funny is Austin is the a liberal oasis in a sea of red.

That seemed odd to me as well. If you want to fill in the background of a character to suggest that the character has become more conservative and religious - and also concomittently divergent from her still-coastal friends - why have her move to one of the few places in a very large, and otherwise generally conservative, state that remains stubbornly still liberal? At least the other two friends didn't directly diss her or shun her for seeminly voting as she apparently did (but refused directly to admit). Though maybe that would have been preferable to gossiping about her in her absense, as she saw them do later.

I was confused as well. I wonder if the writing team is aware that Austin is a very blue (only blue?) part of TX? I can see them writing her as living there to demonstrate how much money her husband has because the cost of living in Austin is so high, but to be a wealthy, church-going Trump supporter, the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex would have made more sense.

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1 hour ago, Night Cheese said:

I was confused as well. I wonder if the writing team is aware that Austin is a very blue (only blue?) part of TX? I can see them writing her as living there to demonstrate how much money her husband has because the cost of living in Austin is so high, but to be a wealthy, church-going Trump supporter, the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex would have made more sense.

Maybe the other women assumed Kate's politics were still like theirs because she lived in Austin.

But then she talked about going to church or how wonderful her church-going husband or friends were, so then they probed and found out the truth.



  • Like 9
7 hours ago, snarts said:

So then why the urgent rush to the hospital?

I had a friend who was bit by a rattlesnake in nearly the same location (upper calf). He got immediate medical attention & antivenom yet was kept in hospital overnight & couldn't walk or put any weight on his leg for a week due to the swelling. That's why I questioned the tiny little bandage at dinner seemingly only hours later.

I'm guessing removing the poison only reduces risk of death, but there might still be scarring/infection/what your friend experienced. I think any wild animal bite warrants a hospital visit. I was also surprised at how she was just back at dinner like nothing happened.

12 hours ago, overtherainbow said:

I chortled when Chelsea was bit by the cobra. On the topic of her being a Rick's "soulmate" I've yet to decide if she's just a super airhead and is attracted to him because he's a dark, mysterious older man that allows her to adventure around the world or if there's something else there. For now I'll go with the former, I guess.

In the first episode Rick says "you're the one who's crazy". Maybe she'll turn out to be psycho? Might explain some of her reactions to his behavior.

9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Chelsea said they were invited on Gary's yacht but didn't Rick just tell her he's going to Bangkok the next day? And he didn't say anything when she told him that. Did he change his mind?

Maybe he felt bad he almost got her killed and will go after

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Chelsea seems downright stalker-ey. The whole "if you get me killed, I'll find you every time we get reincarnated" thing was just creepy.

I'm not sure if she'd be acting this way around Rick if he wasn't bankrolling a life of extravagant travel. That said, I think she's perceptive enough to realize that he has a decent side.

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8 hours ago, CarpeFelis said:

I think Kate living in Austin yet becoming conservative just makes her seem even more annoying (not to mention pathetic). Here she is among lots of liberals but she just turns her brain off and lets her husband do her thinking for her. I don’t have a lot of respect for women who change their beliefs and interests like chameleons to match their man’s because It’s All About Him. Internalized misogyny at its finest. Have a brain of your own!

I think you've hit it. In her separate conversations with Jaclyn and then with Laurie, she was agreeing with whatever they were saying about the other woman. In a way, I now don't think she was being two-faced, but just that she kind of absorbs other people's opinions because she doesn't know what to think herself.

Jaclyn and Laurie said that Kate just follows her husband, so all this is consistent with her. They may have moved to Austin for work, with that having nothing to do with it being liberal. Many people assume if you say you live in Austin, you must be liberal. 

Another thing is that Kate honestly didn't seem to anticipate that her saying, or implying, that she voted for Trump would get a negative reaction from her friends. I mean, that's a volatile subject. She seems to live in a bubble.

I had thought before that Rick might have lied about his father having been murdered, but I believe him now.

I was so glad that Belinda went up to Greg, asking him if they had met each other, and I also liked when she recounted her experiences with Armond and Tanya. Of course now I'm worried for her.

What did she see in her room? Nothing looked weird to me, but she said, "Fuck is that?"

All in all, I didn't particularly love this ep. I don't mind character development and subtle storytelling. But I got tired of Tim getting all stressed about the phone calls and his whole situation. I'm also bored with Saxon and Lachlan. The whole family is just unpleasant and tedious. Piper seems ok, but that's about it.

I do like Rick and think he's interesting, but I want things to move along. I actually thought that in the previous ep Sritala said she was going to Bangkok the next day, which would be the day of this ep. I guess I misunderstood.

Maybe things will pick up on the yacht. 

  • Like 7
1 hour ago, peeayebee said:

I think you've hit it. In her separate conversations with Jaclyn and then with Laurie, she was agreeing with whatever they were saying about the other woman. In a way, I now don't think she was being two-faced, but just that she kind of absorbs other people's opinions because she doesn't know what to think herself.


I got that vibe from her right away.
Maybe not necessarily 'not knowing who she is' but definitely 'changing her persona to whoever she's with to fit in/be liked'.
Not sure if that doesn't make her twofaced though. I think with a lot of people like her that's their motivation, and in the end if someone is inconsistent on where they stand/what they feel about things they do make for rather unreliable company.

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12 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I thought that was odd too. It would make more sense if they were anywhere else in Texas, but maybe that's the point? She felt comfortable moving there because Austin is a liberal oasis in a red state but the friends she made ended up being more conservative?

As some who lives in a city that is the political inverse of Austin, TX, I found that incredibly believable. If anything living a liberal city of a a red state would make someone like Kate more entrenched in her conservatism since the opposite is everywhere. 

36 minutes ago, Mvnl said:

I got that vibe from her right away.
Maybe not necessarily 'not knowing who she is' but definitely 'changing her persona to whoever she's with to fit in/be liked'.
Not sure if that doesn't make her twofaced though. I think with a lot of people like her that's their motivation, and in the end if someone is inconsistent on where they stand/what they feel about things they do make for rather unreliable company.

I think two faced is right. She’s an instigator who pretends to be concern to stir the pot and cut the other women down. 

Edited by Makai
  • Like 3
7 minutes ago, Makai said:

As some who lives in a city that is the political inverse of Austin, TX, I found that incredibly believable. If anything living a liberal city of a a red state would make someone like Kate more entrenched in her conservatism since the opposite is everywhere. 

I think two faced is right. She’s an instigator who pretends to be concern to stop the pot and cut the other women down. 

Fair, I do think it stems from a desire to bond/fit in, but then a lot of shitty behaviour does

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