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While I fully and completely support her decision (she's too good for this shit show) I would have watched the HELL out of Erica Kane slaying desperate fame whores left and right. lol

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4 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

While I fully and completely support her decision (she's too good for this shit show) I would have watched the HELL out of Erica Kane slaying desperate fame whores left and right. lol

Maybe Joan Collins is available?

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On 6/18/2024 at 7:25 PM, ApprenticeFan said:

It has been rumored that Mark Anderson, the father of Kelsey from Joey's season, may appear in the first season of Golden Bachelorette. According to speculation, his IG is private.



It turned out the rumor was right. Mark Anderson will appear as contestant in the inaugural Golden Bachelorette season.

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I would have probably cut Pascal and Greg but they made it. I'm glad she kept Jack he is good for some laughs (and good meals). I like Jordan and Mark best so far and also Keith the first rose guy.

Aw hell no Gerry you should not be giving advice.

Edited by Armchair Critic
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If Kelsey's dad, Mark, ends up being the next Golden Bachelor (if he's not Joan's F1), then the Golden franchise wasted no time skewing younger…Gerry was 72, Joan is 61, Mark's 57…JLo is 55, I wouldn't categorize anyone in their 50's as "golden".

Jonathan, the gentleman who came out of the limo wearing the eye mask, is smooth. 

Frenchie is a bit much. 

Joan looks older than 61. Sometimes getting work done has the opposite effect. 

F*ck off, Gerry! 

Edited by funnygirl
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I turned to this during the commercial breaks on Survivor.  Don't care for Joan-she seems bland, but she is 'blond' and thin so I guess she meets the expectations of the contestants.  The men that I saw seemed very nice and were handsome.  And, although I just saw him briefly, the French contestant seemed a bit much.  The only investment I truly had was when the horse ran off after the cowboy rode in-why wasn't anyone holding the reins?  I hope the horse was okay and did not get hit by traffic or get lost.

Survivor will always be my first priority and not interested enough to record this, so checking in during commercials it shall be...

I do appreciate everyone's comments and insights and that will help me follow the season.  

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I wouldn't accept half of Warren Buffet's savings account to go on television. Geez, tough crowd.

Kelsey's dad is my age. I'm not accepting being "Golden" lol .. 

Joan seems like a nice lady and I wish her all the best the same with Gerry. People out here acting as if they don't have holidays and or live with shitty family members lol. The man did the same thing every other person comes on this show and does except he is a senior citizen. The only thing I fault any of them for is putting themselves and their family in a position to be judged on something as superficial as the socks they choose to wear. My skin is just not that thick.

I like the golden franchise because of the house looks like a lot of fun as compared to Instagram Model central of the original. I enjoy hearing their love stories. I'm also wondering where ABC is finding all these hot senior citizens.

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I hope they have all learned from Gerry & Theresa's example, not to rush into marriage. 

Joan said once she would never move far from her kids. She had better choose someone who is willing to move or lives close enough to commute. 

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37 minutes ago, TVMovieBuff said:

I hope they have all learned from Gerry & Theresa's example, not to rush into marriage. 

Joan said once she would never move far from her kids. She had better choose someone who is willing to move or lives close enough to commute. 

I had a "golden" wedding - 50/62 the day of the wedding. But while dating, that was the universal theme. Location. No one wanted to move away from their family. I know I wasn't willing to leave my grandkids and my now husband had a son. He made it very clear he would never leave the state as long as his son was here. I believe this is why most of these golden couples won't last. It's too bad really but I definitely get it.

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1 hour ago, TVMovieBuff said:

Joan said once she would never move far from her kids. She had better choose someone who is willing to move or lives close enough to commute.

Yeah that's all I could think of when I saw where all these men were from - none of them too close to Maryland! They are never going to be an actual option because of geography. First impression guy - his tagline is "Girl Dad" and he lives in San Jose California, about as far from Maryland as you can get. Does this sound like a guy who is just going to up and move all the way across the country away from his "girls"???? They should cull these contestants from people who make sense geographically and if they can't find 24, then make a shorter list because most of these are ridiculous just for this reason alone.

The other problem as I see it, particularly this season, is that Joan is only 61, and most of these men are in their early sixties. That isn't golden, that's middle age! I think only one or two are retired, the rest are still working full time jobs and have careers! Shoot, a few seemed like they are still raising children, forget about grandchildren! And the ones with established businesses like Pascal or the rancher in Texas - exactly how do you relocate that????

I think these issues are the real problem with the Golden Franchise - unlike young twenty somethings, you are so established in your career and family that it makes it too difficult to just up and move. It's partly what doomed Gerry and Teresa's relationship, and I can see this being a problem here.

That being said, Jack is this season's Susan. Comic relief, no real shot. I don't read spoilers, but I did see a funny recap that compared Kim to Captain Lee on Below Deck and now I can't unsee it. I don't watch the regular version of this show, so I don't know Mark, but he seems really nice and cute.

Someone should have given Joan a Pepcid after the chicken soup, prune juice (really Charles?), beef and asparagus, champagne, and Japanese tea service. She was a champ. 

Her story about her husband was really sad, but man, that woman has definitely had a lot of work done on her face - her younger self was unrecognizable compared to the way she looks now! Same funny recap said she looks so good it looked like Jesse would fit in as on of the guys she is choosing from😜

Judging by who she gave the first impression rose to, I have no idea what her "type" is....I hope I can stay spoiler free!

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Agree with all who have said location is going to be a problem.  One guy, I can't remember his name, but he has joint custody of his two young kids, they looked to be maybe 10-12 in the picture.  He lives nowhere near Maryland.

Joan seems very close to her children and grandchildren, I can't see her moving away from them to another state. I can't see the joint-custody guy being able to move his kids away from their mother who shares custody, to another state. Not happening. 

Plus, is Joan going to want to be a stepmother and help raise those kids? I immediately thought, too many strikes against here.  I was really surprised she gave him a rose at the end.  She seemed ready to have fun, as in, take off for Paris for four days on a whim. Which is not surprising at all.

The guy who is an ER physician in Reno, NV.  Would he quit his job and move cross-country?  I think when people are in their 20s, maybe 30s, they are willing and able to move for love.  But once you are established in your career, have children and possibly grandchildren, the idea of pulling up roots and moving to another state is pretty daunting.  I am probably too cynical but I just don't see these relationships working.

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I like Joan, she seems easy to be with, and she has a nice group of guys. I like Pascal, or maybe  it's his accent,  but I think he  played that up, and his accent will diminish  if he stays on. Bonus he's a stylist  I always  need help with my hair. Keith ( first impression  rose) seems nice. I'm not sure about Choc, or his soup. I so want to change his name. I'll  give it a chance, it's better than the regular  bacheloror- bachelorette, I stopped watching  those shows, I was losing brain  cells.

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1 hour ago, dancingdreamer said:

I like Joan, she seems easy to be with, and she has a nice group of guys. I like Pascal, or maybe  it's his accent,  but I think he  played that up, and his accent will diminish  if he stays on. Bonus he's a stylist  I always  need help with my hair. Keith ( first impression  rose) seems nice. I'm not sure about Choc, or his soup. I so want to change his name. I'll  give it a chance, it's better than the regular  bacheloror- bachelorette, I stopped watching  those shows, I was losing brain  cells.

I was thinking that after 50 years living in Chicago, Pascal must put a lot of work in keeping his French accent! But I’m sure it helps him owning a salon! Tres chic!

As a 50-year-old myself, I kind of like that 61-year-old Joan, who was one of the youngest contestants on Gerry’s season has skewed this show down from mid-seventies to mid-sixties. There’s a good chance that Kelsey’s dad will be the next Golden Bachelor and they’ll skew down to mid-fifties. Yeah, not quite “golden” but I’m in the core demographic that has stuck with watching every season of Bachelor/ette/Pad/Paradise/Games/Golden—and even that songwriting spinoff they had one time since way back in time when Chris Harrison and I were still in our twenties. I feel like we’ve earned something for over 20 years of service to the franchise. That being said, there were a couple of guys that looked pretty darn good for their ages and seemed like “my demographic” (Guy, the ER doctor; Jonathan, the tall Black guy with the dimples; Jordan, the nervous guy) and others that very much looked to me like “my parents’ demographic.” But good vibes all around so far. These guys seem like they’re going to get along as well as Gerry’s ladies did, and that was a big part of the appeal of the show.

Edited by JenE4
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8 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

I was flipping between this and baseball, and I missed Gerry's cameo. What did he say/do?

It was a season preview glimpse, so you didn’t miss it.

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1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

I was thinking that after 50 years living in Chicago, Pascal must put a lot of work in keeping his French accent! But I’m sure it helps him owning a salon! Tres chic!

As a 50-year-old myself, I kind of like that 61-year-old Joan, who was one of the youngest contestants on Gerry’s season has skewed this show down from mid-seventies to mid-sixties. There’s a good chance that Kelsey’s dad will be the next Golden Bachelor and they’ll skew down to mid-fifties. Yeah, not quite “golden” but I’m in the core demographic that has stuck with watching every season of Bachelor/ette/Pad/Paradise/Games/Golden—and even that songwriting spinoff they had one time since way back in time when Chris Harrison and I were still in our twenties. I feel like we’ve earned something for over 20 years of service to the franchise. That being said, there were a couple of guys that looked pretty darn good for their ages and seemed like “my demographic” (Guy, the ER doctor; Jonathan, the tall Black guy with the dimples; Jordan, the nervous guy) and others that very much looked to me like “my parents’ demographic.” But good vibes all around so far. These guys seem like they’re going to get along as well as Gerry’s ladies did, and that was a big part of the appeal of the show.

I thought  Jonathan  was very handsome. As for accents, I've  been here 54 years, I still have an accent,  but if I go back to the UK, it's like having  a refresher  course.lol

Edited by dancingdreamer
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Joan....step away from the Botox.  Joan!!!

Her face is as smooth as a hairless cat, while her arms look like a Sharpei.

Sorry, but I'm in her age range, and it's so distracting to me when friends/acquaintances show up with freshly Botox'd lips that won't move.  

The location issues, as others have said, is ridiculous.  They should do a more geographical Golden series:  Southeast only, Northeast.  So at least they'd have a chance of finding someone physically close.

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14 hours ago, Boofish said:

I'm also wondering where ABC is finding all these hot senior citizens.

Seriously! As a woman over 60, I'm hoping they set up the "Golden Cast-offs" Dating Service!

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I was not happy to see Gerry show up in the preview, but it’s better than when I thought he was going to be the “surprise” in the last limo, which turned out to be Kelsey’s dad. (I’m 55, so he’s the closest to my age and is definitely hot … which should be everyone’s signal to run far away because I’m always most attracted to men who turn out to be the most commitment phobic. Hence single/never married. He just struck me as being very full of himself.)

Am I the only one who got the impression that when Gerry said “maybe your guy isn’t here” he meant HE might be the right guy?


The one taller guy with glasses (Bob?) reminds me of Edward Herman from Gilmore Girls. Keith (first impression guy) and Chock also each remind me of people but I can’t place who. Something about their voices. I like Jonathan who wore the mask, and think Guy is the straight up handsomest. Jordan is also very attractive. Jack grated at first but grew on me by the end.

I don’t watch the main franchise and told myself I wasn’t going to watch this because I was disappointed it was Joan instead of Faith, who lives in the same community I do, but I think they’ve sucked me in LOL. 

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Oh, my gosh. The promotional peeks. Enough with the closeups of GOLD/GOLDEN accessories. Are they going to dress Joan in gold fabric every episode.

I like watching a woman on TV not yanking on/adjusting her hair every 27 seconds.

I enjoy not constantly hearing, “like,” “you know,” “I mean,” or the non-stop bleeping out of expletives.

(I have only watched The Golden Bachelor, not the shows with younger contestants. Please forgive me if I am complaining about issues that you all have already discussed.)

Do they truly vet contestants with background checks, internet searches, alias searches. One man said his wife died in 2016, but closed-captioning gave us 2018 (or 2018/2016). Do they verify employment history. I saw at least four occupations that could be euphemisms for “unemployed.” I like Joan more than most of you guys do. But she seemed uncomfortable. Which is understandable; they put a lot of pressure on her to perform and cultivate an audience. She seemed maternal towards many of them, reassuring them that she understands how nervous they are- - she felt exactly the same during Gerry’s season, blah blah blah. 

Pascale played up his Frenchiness, but I laughed when the other guys joked about how he is a French-Chicagoan, and he joked about how often he needs to visit France to freshen up the accent.

Prune juice stunt was stupid. You’re a great catch was stupid. Walking stick to push-ups was lame. 

I thought the tenderloin dinner looked terrible. It resembled school cafeteria food. 




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Joan is one buccal fat removal and thread eye lift away from being a Real Housewife cast member 😉! Her forehead is frozen from Botox, she's loaded with cheek filler and lip injections- still a pretty lady, but she's close to being a little too overdone. Pascal is hot- a French hairstylist and salon owner and a funny guy. Lots of hunks this season 😘! They need to make the rose ceremonies shorter- Gil and that other guy's knees were going out.  Gerry must've gotten a day off from his psych ward janitor- I mean restauranteur job to see Joan!  Bring it on, The Golden Bachelorette! This is going to be a fun season 🙌📺😄

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1 hour ago, marny said:

I couldn’t take a guy named Chock seriously. My husband and I kept laughing that it was probably short for Chorles. 

That’s awesome! Lol. I, too, was trying to decipher the origins of his name, and the best I could come up with is that maybe Chock was a junior, third, or fourth of whatever his name is and they called him Chock as a mash-up of “chip off the old block.” 🤷‍♀️

Edited by JenE4
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1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

That’s awesome! Lol. I, too, was trying to decipher the origins of his name, and the best I could come up with is that maybe Chock was a junior, third, or fourth of whatever his name is and they called him Chock as a mash-up of “chip off the old block.” 🤷‍♀️

Chock full of nuts?

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1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

That’s awesome! Lol. I, too, was trying to decipher the origins of his name, and the best I could come up with is that maybe Chock was a junior, third, or fourth of whatever his name is and they called him Chock as a mash-up of “chip off the old block.” 🤷‍♀️

Or maybe a version of his last name which could be Chockworh, or Chockleton. Well maybe not those, but you know what I mean! 

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I googled Chock and all I can say is don’t Google this man if you don’t want to be spoiled! However, this came up: Charles “Chock” Chapple. So @marny was pretty close with “Chorles,” lol.

Edited by JenE4
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4 hours ago, Hip-to-be-Square said:

Joan is one buccal fat removal and thread eye lift away from being a Real Housewife cast member 😉! Her forehead is frozen from Botox, she's loaded with cheek filler and lip injections- still a pretty lady, but she's close to being a little too overdone. Pascal is hot- a French hairstylist and salon owner and a funny guy. Lots of hunks this season 😘! They need to make the rose ceremonies shorter- Gil and that other guy's knees were going out.  Gerry must've gotten a day off from his psych ward janitor- I mean restauranteur job to see Joan!  Bring it on, The Golden Bachelorette! This is going to be a fun season 🙌📺😄

It’s the chin implants that distract me….and that every thing on her face is just too tight. 

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The cast of GB we’re on celebrity family feud and who is outstandingly young looking is Sandra Mason. Think she said she was going to be 76 and her arms, shoulders   everything is  firm. Heck don’t even see wrinkles on her neck. 

Edited by athousandclowns
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I saw Joan on The View.  They asked her about the Fantasy Suite.  She said she asked the show to take the bed out of the situation.  She said she did not want to sleep with anyone at that point.  She wanted the time to spend alone away from the cameras but no sex.  She said the men were all very understanding about it.  

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54 minutes ago, LakeGal said:

I saw Joan on The View.  They asked her about the Fantasy Suite.  She said she asked the show to take the bed out of the situation.  She said she did not want to sleep with anyone at that point.  She wanted the time to spend alone away from the cameras but no sex.  She said the men were all very understanding about it.  

Well that melts my cold dead heart.  😆

I've so often wished that participants in the series would make this request:  A night together, no cameras, but no beds either.  A 2-bedroom suite, so they can have a real date, where the man goes "home" after the goodnight kiss.

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1 hour ago, Starlight925 said:

A night together, no cameras, but no beds either.  A 2-bedroom suite

Yes! I would still want to get some shuteye! Falling asleep in each other's arms on the sofa does not sound good to this 60-something woman :) 

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