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Thomas Ravenel & Kathryn Dennis: Will He Put A Ring On It?

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4 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Thomas said they last hooked up in December, so she very quickly picked up this guy. Unless he's a famewhore also and wants to be on the next season with her. 

Man, all I have to say is that this dude had better double-wrap his member every time he hooks up with Fertile Myrtle.

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9 hours ago, corter20 said:

I am thinking that Thomas might need to double wrap as well since he has been with 5 known women  (who knows how many more) since he started dating Kathryn. That alone would make me never want to go back to him again. I hope that is forever over between the two of them.

Kathryn actually said it one episode, I guess when Jennifer asked her if she would have sex with T-Rav again, that she wouldn't because "who knows who he's been with?". A little late for her to be asking that question, but better late than never.

She is trying, via Twitter, to give the impression that he's sleeping around a lot. Probably he gets more now that he's "famous" but, yeah, if you must, at least triple wrap!

Edited by RedHawk
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If these 2 can't make it, is there any hope for true love/humanity? I actually, for one brief fleeting moment, felt Thomas was sincere when he mentioned alongside the moving truck that he thought he'd be moving in with his wife. He was obviously physically attracted to the Ginger Tornado (TM) and her ability to provide a scion (his own well documented desire) with her lineage in sync with his desires, what could go wrong? He uses social media as a battering ram against the mother of his children, something that I think most "kids these days" have outgrown by 30. Poor Saint or Pope or WhateverFrenchHugenotsLabelTheirHeirs and Kensie. 

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There is such sickness between these two. Whenever she isn't miserable and starts to show happiness he goes on a Twitter rampage. She does the same when he has a new lady. It is like they don't want either to be happy. If they can't be together, no one is going to be happy. Super sad for the kids.

Also, I am curious about the eviction. I wonder if she has been evicted yet? She just posted a picture of planting flowers with Kensie that appeared to be at the house. Also, if she moved in there in October, that is a whole lot of months to go without paying. If she is late and Thomas pays the rent, after two months, she should have been evicted based on late payments. We have rental properties and that is always our rule. 

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Uh-oh.  Must be happy hour as Thomas is at it again.  This was posted to his FB page about an hour ago.  (It's 6:25 p.m. EST as I type this.)


Kathryn said on National Television that most ppl play checkers while she plays Chess. She left out that she uses her kids as pawns as Kensie and Saint haven't seen me in 8 weeks. My 87 year old mother and sister, an ICU Nurse, went to The house where Kathryn lives where I pay the rent to give Kensie her 2 YO b-day presents. My 87 yo mom could hear her granddaughter inside but Kathryn refused to let them in. Unbelievable...

He then posted in the comments:


This is going to be tried in the court of public opinion. The public needs to know...

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On May 11, 2016 at 1:55 AM, biakbiak said:

No Thomas it needs to be tried in family court, you stupid dumbass!

He's probably avoiding that for a number of reasons, including: not wanting to pay more, not wanting officials to know about his drinking problem, and not wanting a paternity test because, as he has said, that baby (Saint J) is his no matter what, family obligation fulfilled.

On 5/29/2016 at 2:06 PM, nexxie said:

He's probably avoiding that for a number of reasons, including: not wanting to pay more, not wanting officials to know about his drinking problem, and not wanting a paternity test because, as he has said, that baby (Saint J) is his no matter what, family obligation fulfilled.

I can't imagine that Ravenel family would let Thomas claim those babies without a paternity test. I think Thomas is avoiding family court because he doesn't want to pay more, he doesn't want his drinking and partying to be an issue, and he doesn't any record of how many visitations he's missed or pawned off on the nanny. Thomas likes the idea of fatherhood more than he likes the realities. He doesn't any of his failings as a father captured on the record. He's much happier to vent on Twitter about Kathryn keeping him from his babies.

The other issue is that Thomas might have pissed off enough people in his senatorial run that a third party might want to step in and fund Kathryn's custody battle like someone did with Jason Hoppy.

Edited by HunterHunted
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I think getting a paternity test is generally a good idea for any new, unwed person. It's required for legal situations in most states, I think. Not to mention I think that information could come in handy in the future for many reasons. The results seem to take some time to receive and that info could come in handy in an emergency. Or just to be able to say "I told you" to nosey busybodies. Call me crazy but I'd rather have a newborn tested than an older child. Babies don't ask questions like an 8 or 13 year old would. If it's never needed, no harm done. 

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Kathryn's boyfriend is a rekindled romance. Apparently they used to date and live together so it's familiar territory for both of them. He lives in the Virgin Islands though so it's a long distance romance at this point.

It's a double edged sword between Kathryn and Thomas. One claims that they won't give in until the other pays, the other says that they're already doing more than the state requires and he won't do more until he can see his kids more often. One person has to budge first otherwise it's going to be the same circular argument where one person has no money and the other doesn't get to see his kids. Poor Kensie and Saint, they were sired by two idiots.

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Petunia13......Kathryn will do anything to become Mrs. R & obtain the rights, privilege, money & acceptance in southern society she so desperately craves.  And I wouldn't  be surprised, when months from now, she announces her son & daughter will soon celebrate the arrival of their new sibling.

  • Love 2
54 minutes ago, LDHW said:

“He needs to support me because we have two children together. Not only that, I put my whole life on hold when I met him. I left college, I was three years in at USC. He told me we were going to have children and I wouldn’t have to worry about anything and then he totally off the grid. He hasn’t called me, helped our kids, seen our kids in months. He hasn’t given me money, so that’s why I am asking for his help and support.”

That's on her, imo. She skipped out on her education and being a self-sufficient young woman because she wanted to be on easy street. She's since discovered that when you marry (or screw) for money, you earn every penny and then some. Too bad, so sad.

Thomas is just your garden variety low-functioning addict loser. Unfortunately, his enabler is his bank account, and until that runs dry he'll have no reason to shape up. Or his liver gives out.

Lord help those two children. I hope they at least have the same nanny long term, for some stability.

  • Love 7

I think she really fell for him and he used her. I also feel like he "preyed" on her in a sense that she comes from good southern stock. In an article posted several weeks ago, it states that he knew about her way before the show. He stated that they  (politicians) called her "Senate Barbie". He sought her out in many ways and made big promises to a girl who saw glitter and gold. Being in the south, many are always told to marry well and marry young. I bet more than anything she thought this was her chance and she went for it. He made promises and took them back because he wanted her for a good time and to reproduce. She was young and fertile and took the bait. 

I totally get why she I bitter. I get it 100% and see it too much. I think she is mad for being stupid and young. I also think she is mad because fell into his trap and got played. I bet she wasn't use to that at all. 

I also don't believe that she is money hungry. I do believe that she saw Thomas as someone who was financially stable and could take care of her and their family without trouble. I can't hold that against her as I couldn't imagine marrying someone who was financially unstable. 

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I could have sworn that she dropped out of school before she got involved with Thomas.

Based on their two recent accounts of events, I am thinking maybe all of this went down in the summer? I just wondered if she was signed up for classes in the fall with the intention of going and then dropped out before the new school year started. That is the only sense I could make of this senseless couple.

12 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I could have sworn that she dropped out of school before she got involved with Thomas.

In the first season when I was curious and Googled her, that seemed to be very much the case. I've always wondered why she left, and felt sure it had nothing to do with meeting Thomas or even having the chance to be on this show.

Edited to add: Now that I've read her interview, I feel there are kernels of truth in it, but also some falsehoods about timelines and details. I would love to hear Whitney's side of the story, because actually, some of the footage we've seen tends to support Kathryn's story more.

Edited by RedHawk
5 hours ago, Babyfoot said:

I hate linking to Fitsnews (gag) but in case you didn't see this: http://www.fitsnews.com/2016/06/04/thomas-ravenel-addresses-lawsuit-against-kathryn-dennis/

If you hate linking to it then provide the reason from the article that promoted you to post it in the first place. Problem solved.

On 6/1/2016 at 11:01 PM, corter20 said:

I think she really fell for him and he used her. I also feel like he "preyed" on her in a sense that she comes from good southern stock. In an article posted several weeks ago, it states that he knew about her way before the show. He stated that they  (politicians) called her "Senate Barbie". He sought her out in many ways and made big promises to a girl who saw glitter and gold. Being in the south, many are always told to marry well and marry young. I bet more than anything she thought this was her chance and she went for it. He made promises and took them back because he wanted her for a good time and to reproduce. She was young and fertile and took the bait. 

I totally get why she I bitter. I get it 100% and see it too much. I think she is mad for being stupid and young. I also think she is mad because fell into his trap and got played. I bet she wasn't use to that at all. 

I also don't believe that she is money hungry. I do believe that she saw Thomas as someone who was financially stable and could take care of her and their family without trouble. I can't hold that against her as I couldn't imagine marrying someone who was financially unstable. 

Before Thomas, she was dating a state representative. It's quite clear that she had her whole life trajectory mapped out and she didn't do her homework with Thomas. Not only did he play her, she played herself and she's livid because in hindsight it's so clear that Thomas is not the guy she thinks he is.

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On June 6, 2016 at 7:27 PM, HunterHunted said:

Before Thomas, she was dating a state representative. It's quite clear that she had her whole life trajectory mapped out and she didn't do her homework with Thomas. Not only did he play her, she played herself and she's livid because in hindsight it's so clear that Thomas is not the guy she thinks he is.

I still say all her wild temper tantrums did her in---I'm sure Thomas is an asshat to deal with as a faithful, attentive partner, but I think he values a bit of public discretion and cool collectiveness as well. Her youthful immaturity was on full display with all those public blowouts, what with her making loud scenes shrieking at him and causing all sorts of ridiculous displays before storming away for days on end without even considering the long-term consequences. Just one look at that insane video of her aggressively shouting and grabbing at him on the streets of Manhattan shows how nutty she is.

And yet look how responsive and smitten he is when she's actually calm and rational and sweet with him---she's truly the embodiment of that old saying about catching more flies with honey than vinegar. She'd probably have that wedding ring and more if she'd just tried harder to control that firey anger. Maybe she'll learn with the next fellow.

It's a damned shame in a way, since I think they would've worked much better as a couple if she were an extra ten years older/wiser. Even Thomas has said as much!

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Major Bigtime said:

And the stories about her keep coming. Of course her dealer is going to deny selling drugs, LOL!


If there wasn't children involved I'd actually think it was funny that the guy is drooling all over her,  trying  to hook up again . And Kathryn's  like, yeah, so can you get me my drugs? 

What a mess. 

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On April 6, 2016 at 11:11 AM, Neurochick said:

I don't feel too sorry for Kathryn at all.  She seems the type that if you do try to tell her what time it is, she'll curse you out.  Most people never get the life they dreamed of; but most people don't act like spoiled brats either.  How would Katheryn feel if she were a poor single mother who had to decide between paying the rent or having food that month, and had to work in a crappy low paying job?  Nope, I don't feel too bad for her at all.

I feel bad for her especially when she pulled him aside and said, you went ahead and had unprotected sex with me after I said I didn't have any protection, and I had too many drinks. When he made it clear that he was fine if she got pregnant, and in fact would stand by her because he wants his legacy to live on... Do any of you remember that? Then she talked to her Gram about her and Thomas age, and Gram thought it was fine, Katherine truly wanted Thomas, and she felt all his talk about not deserting her etc. was her in. She was young but was ready to have babies and settle down. So neither of them should have been surprised. I just think he needs to make more of an effort, She's already accepted him, warts and all. Do right by her children.

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Do right by her children.

If you mean, " do right by their children", I absolutely believe he intends to do that.  He does not owe her anything more than child support at this point. He set her up in a big house in the country, which was not good enough, then a smaller house in town, which was also not good enough.  Had she agreed to either of those arrangements, she would have fulfilled his idea of a 'proper wife and mother of my children'.  Instead, she is a baby momma.

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I asked this on the reunion thread - how did someone get a hold of either Kathryn or Ian's cell phone and manage to take photos of the text messages and then decide to leak them to gossip sites?  Pretty strange.  And how did this person prove that they were actually text messages between these two unless they had the actually phone and could prove it belonged to either Ian or Kathryn?  For those of you who have a smart phone - at least looking at my own - the person's phone number and name only appears if you scroll back to the first text.  Any screen shots after the first page does not contain the person's name or number.  Heck, I could fake all of this in photoshop and I'm not a pro. 

This guy Ian denying that the texts are real doesn't conversely mean it's automatically true either,  because the whole thing is questionable. 

The records are sealed per this week's court hearing.  Thank goodness...for these children.  They are the most important factor in all of this. 

Both Kathryn are both at fault in all of this.  Neither one of them is better than the other although I put more blame of Thoma because of his age but yet Thomas has shown how he rolls over the years. 

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