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Season 2 Discussion

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I didn't realize until the end of the episode that we didn't get any Chelsea/Yamir time this week and I was actually relieved to get a break.

Neither did I. When the previews came on for the next episode and I saw Yamir, I was like 'oh'. The show has too many couples if I didn't even realize one of them was missing from the episode.

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I'm in the minority, but Brett's ex was okay looking. I don't see it as an impossibility that he would be able to snag someone like her.

I don't find him particularly horrible-looking, either (certainly no worse than either Mike or Louis from last season), and I think he's got a gentle, sweet disposition.  That laugh, though...  :(

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You know? I watched the first season...this season just seems contrived...they KNOW what they signed up for....Daya seems like she is just playing it up for the camera..and overall it just feels more scripted. I know it is a train wreck and I do love me a good train wreck..but this is not watch-able for me....I don't know what it is...I just cannot give enough of a crap about it..lol

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I think Mo and Daya should automatically be awarded green cards just for having to put up with Danielle and Brett. Mo should be commended for displaying so much grace and respect amid so much ignorance and stupidity.


...And then maybe they can hook up! They'd make a cute couple.


 My sympathies now lie entirely with Daya; that kid is a brat!


How is the kid a brat? She's being put under immense pressure to not only accept and love a complete and utter stranger, but do it on camera, and she's not even so much as thrown a tantrum. Kids don't tend to warm up to adults who try too hard, which is exactly what Daya and the stupid dad are doing. They need to sit back, chill out, and let it happen naturally if it's going to happen at all. Even if the kid throws an enormous tantrum or ten, she's justified. They've put her in a shitty situation all around. Thank goodness Grandma is there, at least for a little while. 

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1. Where is Jason filming his confessionals? That bright, clean, modern background does not match the rest of their shack's decor.

2. Jason & Ron (his dad) seemed like a married gay couple. He looks horrible for 38, so they look to be an age appropriate couple.

3. He met her while she was chatting up one of his friends? They both deserve what they're getting.

4. That house was so dirty & cluttered, made me itchy.

I can't even comment on the others.

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I could not stand Brett before, but after watching him baby talk to his daughter? Grrrrrrr! Baby taking to anyone other than a puppy or kitten should be a felony. Kids are people and deserve to be talked to like people.

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Jason and his Dad belong on another reality show, I'm not sure which one, but it isn't this.  What a couple of endearing weirdos.  I can't wait to see Cassia's reaction to the sty she's being brought to because it sounds like she deserves whatever she's got coming!  Jason is one of those men that makes me want to crawl inside of his head to see the truth:  he's plain, has a really odd, flat, affect (very little personality), doesn't look to lead a particularly exciting life.....and yet he has a model worthy, bikini clad, young woman frolicking out of the surf running towards him.  How does this make sense to him?  How does he justify this?  That this bimbo can see beneath his skin into his wonderful inner self?  That he's been wrongly misunderstood and judged by American women?  That this hottie is somehow in his league?  She doesn't seem to possess the docile, easily controlled personality that you could see for others would be the motivating factor.


Jason is cringetastic, but I have to confess I kind of loved his dad. He seems quite happy with his algae farm (pool), his dogs, flopping on his couch and being bemused. He knows his life is going to be a wild ride for the next three months, he's accepted it and is going with the flow. I'm looking forward to his eloquent eyebrow raising and head shaking and eyerolls for the season.

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Jason and Cassia, LOL.  Jason is married to his daddy.  These two have been married for some time and I don't think there is room for a third wheel of the female kind.  The local womenfolk of Swampview, FL, know this and are keeping Jason out of their vajayjays.  Cassia is psycho and has zero interest in Jason.  She has made this very clear, and Jason gets it - however she is really hot and he's willing to risk it, especially since after she rejects him, he'll still be married to daddy. 


This made me LOL. Clearly there are Very Good Reasons why Jason is still single.  Jason looks much older than 38, and is a tightwad to boot. Not the well-heeled sugar daddy Cassia is expecting. I bet Cassia has a string of other potential fiancés she's stringing along. That pool was disgusting. If (big if) she actually turns up and gets to Swampview, I'd love to see her emerge from that pool covering in algae like an actual Swamp Thing. I thought the Dad was very endearing and sweet. He made me laugh when he pretended to be electrocuted when he was plugging in the pressure washer.


I'm now rooting for Jason and Evelyn. That sis-in-law was horrendous. I'm glad Jason had the balls to say "This is over" and walk away from them rather than stay for the drama TLC was no doubt hoping would escalate.


As for Brett and his ex-wife, did anyone else think of this? It was the first thing that came into my head. I'm starting to warm to Daya, who was clearly trying her hardest to make the best of a bad situation.


Nowhere near enough of DaniMo this week. I thought he behaved well at the restaurant but as someone said upthread, he's a consummate con artist so is going to behave until he has that Green Card in his hot little hand. It's a convenient excuse for him that his religion prevents him from sleeping with Dani before the wedding. His lack of attraction to her would probably make it difficult for him to perform so using his religion gives him an out on that score.

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Why do people care so much if you don't want to eat bacon? LOL! What I don't get is, if you don't want bacon on your burger then you don't order a bacon burger. You just order a hamburger, not a bacon burger without the bacon.

I didn't order a bacon hamburger. It was the only burger on the menu and it had bacon on it.

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I'm glad Jason had the balls to say "This is over" and walk away

I didn't see that as balls. I saw that as cowardice. Instead of being a man, and facing his family, he avoided them until he was no longer able to do so. Then, when he did have to deal with the consequences of that cowardly behavior, instead of manning up and telling his family to cut it out with the 3rd degree, and calling his sister in law out on her rudeness, he took his toy and ran home.

I don't think the SIL is into Justin. I think she's just one of those women who is a total bitch because everyone allows it. And because nobody has ever put her in check, she feels free to butt in wherever she likes and say whatever she likes about everyone else's business.

Edited by sleepyjean
Fixed quoted text
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It's almost like we're being "punked" by the Mohammed & Danielle story. Did they make it up just to get on a reality tv show? Did the show cast actors? There is just no way that Mohammed is anyway....in-the-hell-interested in Danielle as a wife.


No  way in hell!!!!!!

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I think he said "in her forties."

with a sheepish grin like he was really pulling one over on Mohammed.  Mohammed doesn't give two shits about Danielle's age, he is not attracted to her, so he doesn't care about her age, she could be 60, it wouldn't matter.  So, the fact that the son somehow thinks Mohammed is attracted enough to Danielle to where her age would somehow "ruin" her in his eyes is laughable.

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I'm surprised that people aren't aware that several faiths do not allow pork in their diets... I guess Dani's family never ran into anyone with a strict Kosher diet before.

That family as a whole doesn't strike me as one to venture out too far from their own kind.. They are familiar with certain things and that's just how things are for them. A lot of small towners have that mentality, unfortunately. I run into it all the time where I live.

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True, so true.

I think that just as we romanticize what other countries are like, people from other countries romanticize what the US is like. If your only info about a country comes from TV, you would probably think everyone likes in a high rise in a city or in something out of Beverly Hills. It's interesting that almost all the Americans portrayed live in BFE. Justin is probably the exception.

I've seen BFE here a few times, what does it mean?

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I didn't see that as balls. I saw that as cowardice. Instead of being a man, and facing his family, he avoided them until he was no longer able to do so. Then, when he did have to deal with the consequences of that cowardly behavior, instead of manning up and telling his family to cut it out with the 3rd degree, and calling his sister in law out on her rudeness, he took his toy and ran home.

I don't think the SIL is into Justin. I think she's just one of those women who is a total bitch because everyone allows it. And because nobody has ever put her in check, she feels free to butt in wherever she likes and say whatever she likes about everyone else's business.

I thought this, too, but honestly, I don't think there was much Justin could have done other than walk away. I remember Justin's friend asking Evelin an episode or so back if she knew about the crazy SIL, so I can tell that she's been an issue to Justin for some time if he's complained about her to a good friend. Sometimes, it really is best to walk away when someone is being a classless tool. I personally wouldn't want to argue with my SIL in front of a new SO at a family 'party'. Not the time or the place. I can tell the SIL is just someone you cannot win against during an argument.

Edited by trimthatfat
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I didn't see that as balls. I saw that as cowardice. Instead of being a man, and facing his family, he avoided them until he was no longer able to do so. Then, when he did have to deal with the consequences of that cowardly behavior, instead of manning up and telling his family to cut it out with the 3rd degree, and calling his sister in law out on her rudeness, he took his toy and ran home.

I don't think the SIL is into Justin. I think she's just one of those women who is a total bitch because everyone allows it. And because nobody has ever put her in check, she feels free to butt in wherever she likes and say whatever she likes about everyone else's business.


The only reason I got that vibe from her is because she seemed to take the entire thing so personally.  So bothered that no one told her something, but honestly, while I might say snarky things if I thought someone was after an in-law for a green card, those snarky things probably wouldn't involve any anger as to why I wasn't told (I would be hurt I wasn't told, but probably not angry about it).  I think any outward behavior of that sort, especially directly in front of the person is wrong, but I might understand it if it was only along the lines of "well, she just wants a greencard!" because then, as is the way with these personalities as far as I've seen, you've picked the easiest target...the interloper.  But it was like she was personally offended by Justin not coming to tell her.  As if the two of them had some sort of special relationship that would require he clear these things with her.


I see your point about cowardice, but I don't see it that way.  I think with someone like Jennifer, the more you engage, the more entrenched you become.  If you walk away from her, she has lost, because someone like that would enjoy arguing all day.  And it wouldn't be a logical argument, her shit would not make a scintilla of sense, but she would be zealous in her nonsense.  Evelin already felt bad about the family drama, there is no need to engage someone who doesn't have a filter, and appears to have the ability to get downright nasty.  Jennifer seems like the sort that wouldn't have even tried to filter herself if Justin had tried to engage her, she would have just started to say baldly mean things to Evelin.  Now, he has set the limits and the boundaries, if you start in on Evelin, he is simply going to leave.  Someone like Jennifer won't be able to stand that.  But thats it, if you invite me to your house, thats fine, but the minute you start in on Evelin, I have to leave.  You can come over to my place, the minute you stat in on Evelin, its time for you to go.  We can vacation in Aspen for the holiday, but the second you start in on Evelin, I'm going to go find another hotel.  


With time, if no one engages Jennifer, she is just going to look like a crazy loon who likes to talk shit.  

Edited by RealityGal
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I thought this, too, but honestly, I don't think there was much Justin could have done other than walk away. I remember Justin's friend asking Evelin an episode or so back if she knew about the crazy SIL, so I can tell that she's been an issue to Justin for some time if he's complained about her to a good friend. Sometimes, it really is best to walk away when someone is being a classless tool. I personally wouldn't want to argue with my SIL in front of a new SO at a family 'party'. Not the time or the place. I can tell the SIL is just someone you cannot win against during an argument.

Agreed. My father acts like Jennifer when he's really mad. No matter how much you argue with him it will never go anywhere because he always believes he is right. And he can go on alllllll day if you engage him. So it is easier to walk away. Besides, that's exactly the type of over the top bullshit TLC  wants  to catch. I wouldn't indulge them either. I can understand the family feeling blindsided and even hurt that's how he chose to reveal everything, but ultimately it's his life and his choice. They may not like it, but tough shit. At least his mother and brothers seemed alright, if not a bit shocked. Jennifer was the only one who seemed personally offended by it all....and I don't really get why she cares so much.

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I feel like Justin could have handled that whole situation so much better. He knows how his SIL is and knew that she would probably get a bit irate... It was unfair of him to introduce his fiancee to them like that.  It was also quite immature. He should have talked to his family in private first and allowed them to voice their concerns and then be man enough to address those concerns. Then and only then, should he have brought the fiancee into the mix.


Yes he has a right to marry who he wants and do as he pleases but, of course, his family is going to have concerns. They care about him and don't want to see him taken advantage off. Expecting family to stay quiet when you seem to be doing something foolhardy is ridiculous. Expecting congratulations when you just blindsided them is even more ridiculous. 


Just dropping a bomb on them like that was sure to start fireworks and he knew it. Yet he was acting all surprised and butt hurt.  If my brother did that to me I would not be pleased at all and would actually be hurt by the way he went about it. 

Edited by Bandolero
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Justin's folks may be so unpleasant that the thought of having a significant interaction with them was paralyzing.  I'm not saying they were abusive, but when the relationship may be strained enough that all his good news are met with put-downs.  There comes a time when people stop listening to "concerns" because they are not voiced by family members that have their best interests at heart, as a matter of habit.

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I feel like Justin could have handled that whole situation so much better. He knows how his SIL is and knew that she would probably get a bit irate... It was unfair of him to introduce his fiancee to them like that.  It was also quite immature. He should have talked to his family in private first and allowed them to voice their concerns and then be man enough to address those concerns. Then and only then, should he have brought the fiancee into the mix.


Yes he has a right to marry who he wants and do as he pleases but, of course, his family is going to have concerns. They care about him and don't want to see him taken advantage off. Expecting family to stay quiet when you seem to be doing something foolhardy is ridiculous. Expecting congratulations when you just blindsided them is even more ridiculous. 


Just dropping a bomb on them like that was sure to start fireworks and he knew it. Yet he was acting all surprised and butt hurt.  If my brother did that to me I would not be pleased at all and would actually be hurt by the way he went about it. 


I almost never think its a good idea to cater to nonsensical people.  you know how so and so is always seems like a way of co-signing or forgiving their behavior.  The fault lies totally on the SIL for her shitty behavior.  The only way she was not going to be a bitch to Evelin is if she wasn't around.  No matter when/how she met her, she was going to behave like a bitch, and no one in the world was ever going to stop her.  No one else was that perturbed except for Jennifer.  She was beyond a bit irate, she was a raging bitch.  And IMO, she was already in that frame of mind to attack, she knew that Justin was bringing someone with him, and I think she put on her gameface and was ready to attack.  According to the friend, the SIL has been a bitch to every woman Justin has brought around, so Justin could have brought home an all American cheerleader with a Harvard MBA and Jennifer would have still found fault and been a raging bitch.  


No one else seemed all that upset besides Jennifer, and I think if she had known ahead of time she would have been 10x worse, because she would have had time to think through the many ways she could be a spiteful bitch.  And the rest of his family seemed resolved to not make a scene there, but probably to talk to him about it later.  The rest of the family just asked a few questions, seemed surprised and open.  His own mother was accepting of it before they left, she seemed hurt she didn't know ahead of time, but seemed fine.


I most assuredly would expect my family members to stay quiet in a public situation like that, and I would expect them to maintain their manners in front of others.  I don't think thats an unreasonable expectation, I think those are basic manners.  Unless the guy I brought was just on an episode of America's Most Wanted, or Very Bad Men, or on the evening news as a suspected serial killer, I expect you to hold in your feelings until we can speak in private.  I don't expect my family to forego basic manners and give into being rude just because they are concerned.

Edited by RealityGal
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These people knew they were being filmed for a television show, right? Did they think they were going to be on The Price Is Right? No, they knew it was TLC and had no doubt been briefed on the setup. I just can't believe Justin would be so callous or stupid. Maybe the SIL wants this to be her shot at her own show? Who knows!

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Have you ever tried to find a burger or almost any other dish in this country that doesn't have bacon on it?   I don't eat bacon, not for religious reasons but because I just can't stand it.    I am so sick of even ordering a simple salad and having to tell them to leave off the bacon.   No everything is not better with bacon.


Having said that, of course, as noted the con artist handled it well.   It's what they do.   If con artists had short tempers and treated people like crap, they would be very bad con artists.   Being a con is about convincing people they are putting one over on you.  Danielle is one of those women who just has to have a man in her life.   It doesn't have to be a good man, it just has to have a penis.   Otherwise, despite a fulfilling job and 4 wonderful kids, she is nothing.   Which is freaking sad.   I just hope this doesn't end in him cleaning out her bank account before he heads back to Tunisia to find another mark.


If Danny and Amy met in Bible College that explains so much.  Someone wondered if the family is fundie lite.   Those two things make their relationship make sense.   At least his approach.   You are never alone with someone of the opposite sex until married.   So no nice romantic dinner, you have the family over.   No hanging around and showing her the house or around town.   You need to do that with a chaperone.   It also explains his famly's obsession with the wedding night.   These types love to talk about when you can sex.   And they talk about sex way more than people who are actually having a healthy sex life talk about it.   


I felt for Brett's kid.   If Mom and Dad live so far apart that it is a 10 hour to drive to get her, why are they not using another form of transportation.   Sure it's a 20 hour drive for dad.   but guess what, also a 20 hour drive fo the kid and she has no say in the matter.   Lovely how dad just thought eveyrone should share the same bed.   Sadly, I have many cases where the thought of having a separate sleeping space for the kid is just lost on the non-custodial parent.   Why is this a difficult concept?   Even if it is in the same room, how about an air mattress?

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I thought it was crazy odd that the little girl didn't want anything to do with dad. What is that about? And he seemed so awkward with her, as if he'd never met her before, himself. Just weird.

I like Amy, she seems very sweet. I hope it works out for her. I was surprised when they asked about the wedding night and she said something like I'm afraid it will hurt. Whoa. 1, who says that at a dinner table with people they don't know and 2, who says that? Lol

Jennifer was a nightmare but Justin is a pig. He's had Evelyn in the US for 15 days and just surprises the family. Ugh. Poor gal. What is Evelyn's life going to be like?

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These people knew they were being filmed for a television show, right? Did they think they were going to be on The Price Is Right? No, they knew it was TLC and had no doubt been briefed on the setup. I just can't believe Justin would be so callous or stupid. Maybe the SIL wants this to be her shot at her own show? Who knows!


I can certainly see the producers talking to SIL that way.  She has the lack of self awareness and respect that makes for a great reality TV star.


Have you ever tried to find a burger or almost any other dish in this country that doesn't have bacon on it?   I don't eat bacon, not for religious reasons but because I just can't stand it.    I am so sick of even ordering a simple salad and having to tell them to leave off the bacon.   No everything is not better with bacon.


Most times over here the burgers are plain and a bacon burger is extra, but I'm in Southern California, so maybe its different in other areas.  If you can't get a salad without bacon that just sounds wild, the only salad I can think of that has bacon is a cobb salad.  I just had someone make me bacon brushed with maple syrup, and I must tell you, that was some truly delicious bacon.  


I thought it was crazy odd that the little girl didn't want anything to do with dad. What is that about? And he seemed so awkward with her, as if he'd never met her before, himself. Just weird.


I don't have kids, but I do have nephews, and I've been around children.  From observation I can tell you that kids will often put on and behave differently when they know they are the center of attention.  They can do the shy act to encourage even more attention, they can use "no" to get more attention, they can mug for the camera.  Children enjoy getting attention, and they may not exactly be themselves when they are the center of attention.  So, I don't know if she is putting on an act with her dad because cameras are around.  As for Brett though, he seems awkward around her, and I can't figure that one out.  But seriously, he is an asshole for putting his kid in this situation.  He only has her for a few months, and instead of making his child the center of his attention, he is putting her in a situation to have to share him with his new fiance.  It just reeks of asshole move.


 And I think its just so odd that Daya is disappointed that Cassidy doesn't want to be her flower girl after knowing her for a grand total of 2 days.  Come on now, there are better ways to get to know a child before you spring that on them.  Just get to know Cassidy and make her the center of attention for a bit, play with her, find out what she likes and doesn't like, take her out to play.  The little girl doesn't seem like hell on wheels, she seems like a normal little girl, if you played Barbie's with her for a little bit, or spent some time with her on the jungle gym, engaging with her, she would probably be more open to liking you, but right now you're just some woman she just met who she is stuck sharing a bed with for reasons she probably doesn't entirely understand.

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I thought it was crazy odd that the little girl didn't want anything to do with dad. What is that about? And he seemed so awkward with her, as if he'd never met her before, himself. Just weird.

My first thought was damn TLC for making them have this shy little girl be a part of a storyline they concoted for this couple. What better than to thrust a child who doesn't spend a lot of time with Dad into a situation with a stranger for the almighty TV ratings.

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I loved the shot of Jason's dad lying down on the couch looking at the stuffed alligator hanging on the top of the sofa. I found myself wondering why they had one.

I think it is the mascot for their swamp of a swimming pool.
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My first thought was damn TLC for making them have this shy little girl be a part of a storyline they concoted for this couple. What better than to thrust a child who doesn't spend a lot of time with Dad into a situation with a stranger for the almighty TV ratings.

I don't blame TLC, just like I didn't blame Jerry Springer. People volunteer themselves for those shows, knowing full well the producers are looking to make a dramatic story out of their situation, and there will be plenty of unpleasant consequences for everyone involved. Even if TLC was the most upstanding network ever and all they did was straight documentaries, this would still have been a bad situation for Cassidy.  The tv show - even though I'm guessing they only spent a few days filming her - is unnecessary stress on top of the strain of leaving her comfort zone, and living with a father she's not used to being around, and a total stranger who is uncomfortable around kids and hasn't the slightest idea how to be a caretaker. They bring Cassidy into the home (after doing the hand off in a public park, which seemed odd to me), and tell her Daya is going to be her new stepmom. (And Cassidy is not too young to pick up on the unspoken "You'd better get along with her" that comes in parentheses after that.) On top of that, she has to be with Daya 24/7 for the next month, most of that time alone with her. On top of that, they will be sharing a bedroom, so there will be no escape, no privacy. And on top of that, there are two other women there she probably doesn't know very well. And no other kids. But hey, there's a dog she can play with! Poor kid. I feel for her.


Brett doesn't seem like a fame whore, so my guess is he's doing the show for financial reasons. My guess is that's how he justified putting his daughter through this. Assuming it occurred to him at all that this might be difficult for her. It's not hard to figure out why Daya got into this. I don't know why Chanel agreed to it. She's probably legally required to hand Cassidy over for visitation, but it seems like the custodial parent should have to give permission for this tv thing. But we didn't see much of her. Could be she's not exactly mom of the year. Maybe she's taking this month off to party in Ibiza with her latest boy toy.

Edited by sleepyjean
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That's what the screen title said, ex-wife. I got the distinct feeling he doesn't spend much time with his daughter. Either that, or the cameras scared her. Or she's just a very shy little girl.

If they live 10 hours away it's likely the ONLY time he gets to see his daughter is these month long visits.  There is no every other weekend visitation in these types of situations usually.  But I think the TLC crew and Daya had a lot to do with her being shy. I think the teen mom girls said there are like 10 crew members when they are filming so I would imagine there's about the same for TLC.  I'm surprised her mom even agreed to let her be on the show.


She was actually dating or in a relationship with one of his friends. Not sure how much they were physically in the same place.

She was dating his friend, then his friend dumped her, she found Jason on facebook and friended him and started to chat him up.  Weird for sure.  I think he said he's gone to visit her 1 or 2 times. 


Have you ever tried to find a burger or almost any other dish in this country that doesn't have bacon on it?   I don't eat bacon, not for religious reasons but because I just can't stand it.    I am so sick of even ordering a simple salad and having to tell them to leave off the bacon.   No everything is not better with bacon.


I have a friend who is a strict vegetarian.  As in she was brought up that way and unless it was an accident she's never had meat EVER in her life.  There will be time where she will order a fish entree at a restaurant and some sauce will come with bacon or pork in it... when there was no mention of it on the menu.  Just the smallest amount will upset her stomach. To me it's mind blowing that restaurants (usually fine dining is where she goes) do not realize you need to mention certain ingredients in entree descriptions. Especially pork!

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And what kind of moron is Brett, making his and Daya's bed the communal sleeping place for his ENTIRE family!? Without even asking Daya, yet! That's a big house. I'm sure the granny roommates would have had ideas for sleeping arrangements. God, Brett is a dolt.

An unmarried couple sleeping in the same bed with a small child is beyond inappropriate.  Why would Brett choose to bring Daya to the US while his daughter is visiting for an entire month... and leaving her alone all day with Daya???  Recipe for disaster. 


Cassidy seemed like she barely knew Brett.  I saw no warmth between them at all.  I hope Cassidy's mom is watching this show.  I'm sure she'll be horrified that her daughter is sleeping in bed with two adults and is left alone all day with a stranger.  What a trainwreck.

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Jason is going to deserve every heaping coal Cassia dumps on his head. He has had plenty of warning as to what kind of girl she is and what makes him think he is so special that it will work out with him when it didn't with his friend? Hopefully his friend was smart enough not to keep putting up with her crap and got the hell out of there. I did like his dad though. Can't wait to see his expressions when she is there.

Love me some Amy. I thought it was funny when she answered that stupid question with she was worried it would hurt. What did these morons think she should say?

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An unmarried couple sleeping in the same bed with a small child is beyond inappropriate.  Why would Brett choose to bring Daya to the US while his daughter is visiting for an entire month... and leaving her alone all day with Daya???  Recipe for disaster. 

Because he figured that he won't have to pay for expen$ive childcare during her visit!!! (Daya, run and get that ring checked out!) It's the same reason he has roommates despite having a good job and wouldn't shell out for a plane ticket for his kid to get back and forth from visitation. 


Brett and the mom did the handoff at a park. That tells me that they were meeting in the middle of what would otherwise be an even longer than 20 hour round trip. It seems to me that it would cost the same to get the kid a plane ticket and pay the "unaccompanied minor" fee as it would have cost to take 2 days off work (unless you went on a weekend), pay for gas, overnight lodging, feed, etc. It is so stressful and boring for a little kid to be stuck in a car for so long!! The parents only had to drive half way -- she had to go the entire distance! 

Edited by PityFree
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An unmarried couple sleeping in the same bed with a small child is beyond inappropriate. Why would Brett choose to bring Daya to the US while his daughter is visiting for an entire month... and leaving her alone all day with Daya??? Recipe for disaster.

Cassidy seemed like she barely knew Brett. I saw no warmth between them at all. I hope Cassidy's mom is watching this show. I'm sure she'll be horrified that her daughter is sleeping in bed with two adults and is left alone all day with a stranger. What a trainwreck.

In one cultural mindset it is inappropriate. In the other half of the family the daughter services as the chaperone for the unmarried daddy and auntie Edited by Raja
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As a kid, I was raised by my aunt, thank goodness, but every time my mom made that trip and it was maybe 2 times a year, I wouldn't let her go, not for one second.

My son is pretty fearful and about Cassidy's age and if either of us single parented, he'd do the same thing with the other parent. Yes he might shy it up but with the other parent. I'd expect Brett's daughter to be shy but hugging him on his back. This is a parent. It was very very weird that she acted shy with him. I wouldn't let mine go for a month if that is how he acted with a co parent. Do they not ever talk on the phone? It was as if he was the weird cousin she's never met.

The communal bed, meh. My son sneaks into ours most nights and flings himself across the bottom, but then we are a family. I would have put her on a cushions from the couch or heck, bought a blow up mattress for goodness sakes.

Edited by hatchetgirl
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Brett and the mom did the handoff at a park. That tells me that they were meeting in the middle of what would otherwise be an even longer than 20 hour round trip.

Or the custody agreement requires them to do the exchange in a neutral location.

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Or the custody agreement requires them to do the exchange in a neutral location.

Or Cassidy's mother doesn't want the TLC crew at her house. To me that would sound reasonable.


To me Brett seems lazy, cheap, and overly confident everything between Daya and Cassidy will magically work out. What would happen if they ended up not getting along? Or something worse? It certainly happens. I know I have dated guys who had kids that I just didn't enjoy being around. Even with the roommates and his mom being there, that isn't 24/7. He was not very smart to just trust everything would be ok without really seeing much interaction.

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Lots of divorced couples hand off the kids at a neutral, public location. I see a few on Fridays at the convenience store down from my house, and all my divorced friends/family do. Of course, that doesn't mean it isn't an even longer drive. A friend's ex-husband moved to another city after their divorce and she still had to meet him halfway.

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I don't remember how much Danielle's family said a semi cost, but my husband works in that world (not as a driver, but he deals with drivers and owner/operators) and the company I work for owns semis and well.  A new tractor that isn't super decked out (sleeper, maybe a fridge, but nothing exorbitant) will cost you about $125k.  That doesn't include the trailer.  Guys who practically live in their trucks can spend much more than that to get fancy sleepers, small kitchens, etc.

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In one cultural mindset it is inappropriate. In the other half of the family the daughter services as the chaperone for the unmarried daddy and auntie

To me, having a six year old serve as a chaperone is completely inappropriate (Looking at you, Duggar Family.) - just as inappropriate as having the kid share a bed with two unmarried adults (one of whom is a total stranger). If that's one of Brett's reasons for the arrangement, then he is more of a weirdo than I first thought.


Perhaps the adults would not need a chaperone if they didn't sleep in the same bed

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I wondered as well why Danielle's son was so shady on her age.  Maybe she directed everyone to just have her as in her "40's"?  I wonder if Dani and Mo will have kids... Not to stereotype, but the last time I was in the MENA region, some dude stopped flirting with me once he found out I was in my mid 30's.   I'm not saying the men there look for someone young and fertile, but, I'm saying....

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