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Discontinued Foods You Miss


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Olive Garden used to have a Create Your Own Pizza option on the menu, but now it's gone. :(


Now for one under "hard to find" more than "discontinued": Dunkaroos. They weren't my favorite snack as a kid or anything, but I enjoyed eating them whenever I had them. And I'll still randomly say to myself, from time to time, in a bad Australian accent, "How do you do YOUR Dunkaroos?!?!"

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It's not discontinued but only seasonal - Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice coffee!  I was hoping it would be in stock because I started seeing other seasonal products at the grocery store, but not yet.  Wishful thinking on my part.  It doesn't usually show up until October.


I like their winter blend coffee too, but not as much as the pumpkin spice.

It's back!  Yippee!

OMG, I'm lucky I remember anything from my youthful days of Ripple & Boones Farm, unfortunately, what I remember most is throwing up in the woods LOL

Never had Ripple, but high school DeLurker and friends would hit Romances' Drive Thru, who never ever carded, for Boones Farm Tickle Pink* when we were desperately poor.


* Which is cemented in my brain as Pickle Tink which is what a very nervous friend ordered the first time she was in the driver seat.

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Does anyone remember Ripple wine? There was a red, a white version and my all time favorite Pagan Pink.

Never had Ripple wine but I do remember Lake Country Red, Lake Country White & Lake Country Pink which we had to buy (it was a NYS wine) whenever celebrating an associate's birthday when I worked for an upstate NY congressman back in the day. I don't know how I ever drove home but my roommate always knew there had been an office party when she'd come home and see me lying on the couch, staring at the ceiling. That stuff was (at first) like drinking Kool-Aid so you never knew you'd had too much until all of a sudden...uh-oh!

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Olive Garden used to have a Create Your Own Pizza option on the menu, but now it's gone. :(

Now for one under "hard to find" more than "discontinued": Dunkaroos. They weren't my favorite snack as a kid or anything, but I enjoyed eating them whenever I had them. And I'll still randomly say to myself, from time to time, in a bad Australian accent, "How do you do YOUR Dunkaroos?!?!"

I worked at Olive Garden back in the day of create your own. Don't hold me to this please, it's been over a decade, but thinking of what it entailed I'd think you'd still be able to. Their computer to input was very user friendly. Give it a try next time! Now- I haven't had their pizza in about that long so if it changed completely then just shame on them. I remember the board with the little handle, the dipping sauce, etc. Customers loved those- you're not alone!

The thing I really miss are Wolfgang Puck brand apple tarts sold by Trader Joe's around 30 years ago--the tarts were sold frozen and needed to be baked--they were incredible, the pastry was buttery and flakey and the pie filling had a pure apple quality unsullied by too much spicing. Yes I still miss them although my waistline doesn't!

Can anyone help me?  I used to buy a box fudge candy mix.  It included a white plastic tray.  You added the mix to a bowl with some butter and either milk or water (I can't remember which one).  You microwaved it for 2 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds.  Poured it into the tray and cooled it.  I LOVED that fudge and my store hasn't carried it in years.  I can't even ask them about it because I can't remember the name of it.  Can anyone help me out?  Thanks in advance.  

I used to buy a box fudge candy mix. It included a white plastic tray. You added the mix to a bowl with some butter and either milk or water (I can't remember which one). You microwaved it for 2 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds. Poured it into the tray and cooled it. I LOVED that fudge and my store hasn't carried it in years. I can't even ask them about it because I can't remember the name of it.

No idea, but here's a Betty Crocker recipe from 1981: http://www.bettycrocker.com/how-to/tipslibrary/baking-tips/5-minute-fudge

Or this Land O Lakes recipe has butter: http://landolakes.com/recipe/2293/microwave-fudge

I was trying to find a list of locations that still make the fried pies, but this is the best I could come up with:  According to Wilipedia...There are some McDonald's restaurants throughout the US and world which still offer the fried pies, including all McDonald's restaurants in the United Kingdom, Japan and Russia.

I've been to a couple McDs recently that had "now serving fried pies" signs.

When I was little, I remember drinking this drink called Chocolate Soldier.  It was similar to Yoohoo.  It seems that isn't around anymore, but I remember enjoying it.  Here is a picture I found of the bottle:



I miss peanut butter Twix. I know they have the one with the chocolate cookie that you can find some places, but I swear there used to be one with the regular Twix cookie once upon a time

You're in luck.  They're making the PB Twix with the regular cookie again.  They're called "Creamy Peanut Butter."  I've seen them in convenience stores. 


Edited by InDueTime
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Now for one under "hard to find" more than "discontinued": Dunkaroos. They weren't my favorite snack as a kid or anything, but I enjoyed eating them whenever I had them. And I'll still randomly say to myself, from time to time, in a bad Australian accent, "How do you do YOUR Dunkaroos?!?!"

Someone recreated the recipe. Click me

Edited by theredhead77
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I miss Mini Taco chips. I think they were made by Dorito and they were so good.

I also miss the plain corn flavored Doritos.

You can get them through Amazon.com (listed as Doritos Lightly Salted). But the price per bag--before shipping, handling & any sales tax is figured in--isn't worth it. Way too expensive, even at the lowest price per bag (even at today's prices, you could probably buy 2 or 3 bags in a store for the least Amazon wants for 1 bag).

Most certainly!


But since your honey drives for work, you should put that on his to-do list when he is traveling - to keep an eye out for your favorite snacky!


I've looked into online grocers to order them for my brother, but I only found one place that had them at a reasonable price and they stopped carrying them (drat!)

Now that Easter is coming, I remembered my favorite discontinued 'non-chocolate' candy.  Until several years ago, you could get Sour Patch Jelly Beans at Easter.  I loved those things!  They were sour (with sweet when the sour taste went away), but they were a little different than the SP kids.  I'm not sure why, maybe because they were smaller, the taste wasn't so over-the-top.  I could only find them at Dollar Tree and sometimes at Walgreen's.  When I couldn't find them about three years ago, I checked online and the company had issued a statement that they weren't producing them that year because of a 'quality control' issue with the factory that made them (or something like that).  They haven't been seen since.  Last year, some people posted that they were back and they had found them, but I couldn't find any.  I did find WarHeads sour jelly beans, but they aren't the same (I think that's maybe what people were finding instead of SP).  If I had known that they were going to be discontinued, I would have bought every bag I could find and froze them (they would freeze fine.  I used to buy about 10 bags--they weren't big bags--and freeze them for later).

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Have you ever seen Jamie's School Dinners, in which Jamie O showed how chicken nuggets, strips, fingers, etc are made? It was so disgusting even the school children were put off eating them.

I saw when he showed how the formed chicken was made, but it was on the show where Jamie was trying to get the school system to serve healthier lunches starting in West Virginia. On that show the kids couldn't care less and still choose the disgusting "chicken" over the healthy food. I couldn't believe it.

Has Baker's Bittersweet chocolate been discontinued?  All I can find locally is unsweetened or semi-sweet.  Walmart's website says it isn't sold within 50 miles of me and Baker's website tells me it is a "new product" so they aren't sure if it is available in my area.  It can't figure out why Baker's thinks it is a new product considering the box in my cupboard expires next month.

2 hours ago, Mittengirl said:

Has Baker's Bittersweet chocolate been discontinued?  All I can find locally is unsweetened or semi-sweet.  Walmart's website says it isn't sold within 50 miles of me and Baker's website tells me it is a "new product" so they aren't sure if it is available in my area.  It can't figure out why Baker's thinks it is a new product considering the box in my cupboard expires next month.

It's still around, although you may need to order it in bulk online. I can't find it at the supermarket either, but there are so many other brands generally judged superior to Baker's that I don't mind. Does your supermarket carry Ghirardelli's chocolate bars?

Edited by GreekGeek
3 hours ago, Mittengirl said:

Has Baker's Bittersweet chocolate been discontinued?  All I can find locally is unsweetened or semi-sweet.  

Semisweet and bittersweet chocolate are essentially the same thing: http://www.chowhound.com/food-news/53775/what-s-the-difference-between-bittersweet-and-semisweet-chocolate/


The only FDA requirement is that something called dark, bittersweet, or semisweet chocolate contain at least 35 percent cacao and less than 12 percent milk solids (more milk solids, and it’s required to say it’s milk chocolate). Beyond that, labeling is entirely up to the manufacturer.

I only have one square left, hence my fruitless search for more.  

Baker's bittersweet is 66% cacao, Ghirardelli is only 60%,  Bakers semisweet is 56%.  I love dark chocolate, so I really wanted that extra chocolate goodness.  I needed the chocolate for cookies, so the extra "bitter" nicely contrasts with the sweetness.  I know I have seen a bar of 70% somewhere, maybe CostPlus World Market, but my grocery store doesn't have "plain" fancy chocolate bars, just ones with nuts, fruit, Sriracha, bacon, etc.

My grocery store does carry Ghirardelli Double Chocolate Crackle Cookie Mix, which is yummy, so all is not lost.

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I buy the large Lindt gold wrapper dark chocolate bars.   Strangely, the label doesn't state the percentage.  I stock up when they are on clearance at TJ Maxx or Marshalls, then freeze them. They're my choice for chocolate chunk cookies, any batter that calls for melted bittersweet chocolate and anything that involves dipping in melted chocolate. 

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I wasn't sure if regular "candy" bars would work the same as "baking" bars.  To me baking bars seem firmer, less waxy, maybe?   But it sounds like others have used them without problem, so I guess I will have to wander over to the gourmet chocolate bar aisle.  Gosh, what a sacrifice.

Edited by Mittengirl
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Just found this thread, so please excuse some of these older posts that I'm dredging up...

On 7/11/2015 at 6:05 PM, MargeGunderson said:

I remember the A&W with the car trays! I was lucky enough to grow up near the original A&W in Iowa which is still there, although no car trays now. Somehow a root beer float doesn't tast quite the same if it's not in a frosty mug.

I don't know if the A&W I went to as a youngster - early 70s - was an older one or not, but it had the roller skating car hops and the trays that hung on the windows (or you could go inside and sit at the counter on the rotating backless stools). It was seasonal, however, since our town (in Massachusetts) had a summer population... and eating outside in the car in winter would've been insane - hee. And since it was Massachusetts, the A&W there had awesome stuff like fried clams (whole or strips), clam rolls, scallop rolls and seafood salad rolls to go along with the fries and onion rings. Sadly it is gone now, but those whole fried clam rolls were so delicious.

On 7/11/2015 at 9:03 PM, QuelleC said:

The best thing ever as a little kid in the mid 60-s was the Dairy Queen Dilly Man in his little truck that sold Dilly Bars for 10 cents I think.

Back in the 70s, our local Dairy Queen - a walk up eat outside seasonal (spring and summer only) Dairy Queen - had this stuff called Krunch Koat that they would coat your ice cream cone with. It was this golden colored semi-crunchy stuff that's hard to describe, but was sort of peanut brittle-like in taste, but softer and chewy in texture. It tasted great with the vanilla ice cream and provided a nice contrasting texture, too. I worked at a Dairy Queen in Florida in the mid 80s, and it definitely wasn't around anymore then. I really miss that stuff.

On 2/23/2016 at 4:06 PM, BooksRule said:

Now that Easter is coming, I remembered my favorite discontinued 'non-chocolate' candy.  Until several years ago, you could get Sour Patch Jelly Beans at Easter.  I loved those things!  They were sour (with sweet when the sour taste went away), but they were a little different than the SP kids.  I'm not sure why, maybe because they were smaller, the taste wasn't so over-the-top.  I could only find them at Dollar Tree and sometimes at Walgreen's.

Okay, I'm not sure if what I had was exactly the same, and although I thought I bought another bag recently, I couldn't find it, but I'll describe what I had. These were smaller jelly beans in a sky-blue package, and the jelly beans themselves were blue and pink colors swirled together. They were called sour something, and the taste was similar to what you described - a sour shell with a sweeter center jell. Looking on Google, it appears that what I had was a knock-off brand version (and they were all the same flavor - not various), because it doesn't look the same. But for what it's worth, I got my knock off brand at Big Lots, and they were very inexpensive, so maybe worth a try to see if they might suffice until you can get the real thing.

I also get Belly Flops at Big Lots. These are Jelly Bellies that are slightly mishapen, but still delicious - also much less expensive than the "perfect" Jelly Bellies.

So far I'm enjoying the discussion, and I definitely remember those Betty Crocker microwaveable and quick snack cakes very fondly - both the ones with and without the frosting.

Okay now onto some more discontinued foods that I miss:

  • Low fat Ramen noodles: Yes, these existed. I was a poor college student paying most of my own way through school, and the cheap (10 for $1.00 on sale) regular Ramen noodles were a staple of my lunch. I had them almost every day. When I worked work-study in a soil lab, I cooked them in a beaker over a Bunsen burner. The problem was that they had/have a lot of fat in them. For a while, they came out with a low-fat version - only half the fat of the regular. They were 5 for $1.00 instead of 10, but for me well worth it, and I ate them a lot. I think there were around 4 or 5 flavors available as low fat. Unfortunately they didn't last, because otherwise I would be tempted to pick some up even now. I know a few recipes that use Ramen noodles to make various dishes. The baked casserole is quite delicious.
  • No Jelly candy bars: This was a delicious - at least to me then - candy bar that was similar to peanut butter cups, but the peanut butter middle's texture was different and to me even more delicious. The outside was milk chocolate, but might have had a peanut butter taste. And there were small crispies. I do remember that the commercials were epic and very funny soap opera like affairs. The tag line was "Peanut butter but No Jelly!" Vincent Price did a commercial as well. (Google to find a few).
  • This might still be available, but for me where I am now, likely not gettable. Friendly's had (has?) this holiday ice cream roll. It is log shaped with chocolate ice cream on the inside, vanilla (or chocolate chip) ice cream on the outside, and topped on the top with some frosting, a delicious fudge, and jimmies. You slice through it to get round slice servings. At the Friendlys Restaurant, you could order a sundae with it, which is a slice with a sundae sauce. I'd usually get hot fudge.
  • The above mention Dairy Queen Krunch Koat - I loved that stuff.
  • Baskin Robbins' Golden medly flavor ice cream - or something like that. This was one of their "flavors of the month" and it had white chocolate, milk chocolate, and dark chocolate ice creams all mixed together with a fudge ribbon (not chocolate syrup) and a caramel ribbon running through it. It was awesome.  I can't remember, but there might've also been almonds involved, but after the aforementioned other ingredients, that was already enough and kind of is the part I remember.
  • There were these TV dinners that were awesome for me when I was a kid. The trays would have cool pictures/drawings of characters underneath the foods, so that when you ate the items, you could see the pictures. The portions were smaller, but there were more things. Like for example: a small hamburger, a small serving of fries, 2 kinds of vegetables, and a dessert. One of the desserts was a chocolate brownie that baked in the tray. That one was awesome, but you had to work to get to the drawing underneath, because the brownie sometimes stuck to the tray at the top.

That's enough for now, I think.

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11 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:
  • This might still be available, but for me where I am now, likely not gettable. Friendly's had (has?) this holiday ice cream roll. It is log shaped with chocolate ice cream on the inside, vanilla (or chocolate chip) ice cream on the outside, and topped on the top with some frosting, a delicious fudge, and jimmies. You slice through it to get round slice servings. At the Friendlys Restaurant, you could order a sundae with it, which is a slice with a sundae sauce. I'd usually get hot fudge.

I remember those! But I'm remembering the round slices having a green christmas tree design in the center. It was like magic, to a kid.

I miss:


They were especially good tossed into chili. Mmmm. They had more substance to them than Cheetos but still turned fingertips orange. 

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

This might still be available, but for me where I am now, likely not gettable. Friendly's had (has?) this holiday ice cream roll. It is log-shaped with chocolate ice cream on the inside, vanilla (or chocolate chip) ice cream on the outside, and topped on the top with some frosting, a delicious fudge, and jimmies. You slice through it to get round slice servings. 

The fudge is my favorite part. Friendly's still makes the Jubilee Roll, and sells some products at Stop + Shop (if you're still in Massachusetts): http://www.friendlys.com/ice-cream/rolls/01.jpg

57 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

I remember those! But I'm remembering the round slices having a green christmas tree design in the center. It was like magic, to a kid.

I miss:


They were especially good tossed into chili. Mmmm. They had more substance to them than Cheetos but still turned fingertips orange. 

Nothing even comes close to these. I would trade all of the Cheetos in the world for one can of Planter's Cheez Balls.

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