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Discontinued Foods You Miss


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Okay, old people, gather round:

Remember golden brown M & Ms? They were discontinued when the blue ones were added.

They were my favorite color and I miss them.

You mean the "tan" ones? I remember them too. As long as they keep yellow, I'm happy.

What do you think about the "designer" colored ones that aren't normally in the bags, except for some of the "pastel" ones around the holidays like Easter, but you can usually buy them in bulk/by the pound (or maybe less) in certain "specialty" types of candy stores & at the M&Ms World stores in Vegas, NYC, & wherever else?

Weren't the tan M&Ms the replacement for the red ones when they were (temporarily)discontinued due to the Red Dye #2 scare?

On the subject of fast food, does anyone remember the Burger King dinner baskets? I worked there at the time, and I *still* have burn scars on my knuckles from cleaning out that damned popcorn machine.(At least I wasn't the one who brought the food to the table.)

I never did quite understand the point of replacing one M&M color with another (except for the aforementioned red dye scare in the '70s/early '80s). I say just put every color that ever existed in the damned bag!


To whomever asked, I kind of like the pastel colors for Easter. The pink and blue would probably do well at baby showers, too.

Weren't the tan M&Ms the replacement for the red ones when they were (temporarily)discontinued due to the Red Dye #2 scare?

On the subject of fast food, does anyone remember the Burger King dinner baskets? I worked there at the time, and I *still* have burn scars on my knuckles from cleaning out that damned popcorn machine.(At least I wasn't the one who brought the food to the table.)

I remember the Burger King Dinner Baskets. At least I remember I used to get the one with Shrimp; mostly because you never usually saw shrimp at a fast food place that wasn't seafood-centric (which BK isn't, obviously). The other entree choices may have also been why I got the shrimp 1, but I've forgotten what they were & what used to come with the baskets. I've also forgotten about the popcorn at BK, sadly.

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Weren't the tan M&Ms the replacement for the red ones when they were (temporarily)discontinued due to the Red Dye #2 scare?


The tan M&M's were not a replacement; they co-existed with red until they were discontinued in the mid-80's. Full story here: http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2011482_2011480_2011460,00.html

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On the subject of fast food, does anyone remember the Burger King dinner baskets? I worked there at the time, and I *still* have burn scars on my knuckles from cleaning out that damned popcorn machine.(At least I wasn't the one who brought the food to the table.)

I have absolutely no memory of those dinner baskets, I would have been all over the shrimp & popcorn.

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Did anyone else have chicken fajitas at their McDonald's? I loved those as a kid with their picante sauce.

The Arch Deluxe was a great burger, too. I was sad when that disappeared.

I don't remember the Arch Deluxe either, no BK dinner baskets, no McDonalds pizza, no Arch Deluxe. Am I on some kind of "do not feed" list?

Edited by GaT
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OK, I do recall the Arch Deluxe. It was marketed as a burger for grown ups. Also, going really old school: Anyone remember the McDLT? The veggies on one side of the Styrofoam container to stay cool, and the burger on the other? Once Styrofoam went away, so did the McDLT!


Apparently, Jason Alexander starred in an 80s commercial for it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTSdUOC8Kac.

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A&W with car trays and roller service anyone?

We didn't have roller service, but we did have drive-ins with car service.  Didn't every household have a full set of the mugs that they stole?  In hindsight, A & W must have told the waitresses to turn a blind eye to the mug theft, as a marketing tool, cuz how else did they not notice all the mugs were missing when they picked up the trays?

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I was just a kid back in the late 70s/early 80s, so I don't really have much concept of the relative cost back then, but what I do remember is that back in those days, Taco Bell was also actually good. Really good. And I don't think it's just one of those McDonald's-esque "it was just good because you were a kid" type things. My dad, who has never been one to suffer bad food at home or otherwise, absolutely loved it. Back then, they weren't around every corner, and the closest one to our house was a good 25 minutes away. We never made any special trips for it, but every time we "went to town" and happened to be in that area, without fail, my dad would insist that we stop in. My parents, my sister and I all just loved it. Never occurred to me that the parents might have been paying more than your average fast food bill for it at the time, but if that's true (and I'm not doubting it) they sure did so enthusiastically. Good times. Good times. My 10 year old self would absolutely destroy two crispy tacos and a cup of "beans & cheese."

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I vaguely remember seeing Hostess Pudding Pies and I'm not sure I ever ate one, because I ate Mrs. Baird's chocolate pies. And lemon and peach and apple and cherry. It's a Texas thang, y'all.


I remember being in elementary school and taking a homemade fried peach pie in my lunch. My best friend had never seen one and I went home and told my mom that I felt sorry for her.

I loved those nasty pudding pies!  Tastykake has started making (sporadically?) a chocolate pudding pie in a "graham cracker" crust.  Wellllll, not so much on the crust, but I do love the filling!


Speaking of fried pies (and McDonalds)...does anyone remember when the pies were deep fried, and they had cherry in addition to apple??  I freaking LOVED those things, even though it was highly likely that you would bite into one and burn your tongue on a squirt of scalding hot grease :)

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Also, going really old school: Anyone remember the McDLT? The veggies on one side of the Styrofoam container to stay cool, and the burger on the other? Once Styrofoam went away, so did the McDLT!

One thing that always puzzled me about the McDLT is that the cheese was on "the cool side." Don't most people like their cheese melted?

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I also remember the McDLT and the the Arch Delux. Also remember when Taco Bell had only about 6-7 items on their food menu. A&W with car trays and roller service anyone?

I remember the A&W with the car trays! I was lucky enough to grow up near the original A&W in Iowa which is still there, although no car trays now. Somehow a root beer float doesn't tast quite the same if it's not in a frosty mug.

Edited by MargeGunderson
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I just found this forum and came specifically to mention the McDLT!  Although I remembered it as the McLean.  A quick Wiki search says the McLean replaced the McDLT and along with the McArch (didn't appeal to me) it was part of the Deluxe line in the 90's.  I thought it was way earlier than that.  They also had a nice large Deluxe Fillet-O-Fish that included lettuce.  I always want more veggies on my burger so I really loved these and was so sad to see them go.  Also, you could get out of there for under $5 and I actually find McD too expensive now.  Anything tasty looking is too large for me and they got rid of the $1 fries.  The styrofoam containers got a lot of criticism but boy those were tasty.  They had so much veg that they'd fall apart if they sold them assembled. 


Mom never bought us shakes or cakes or anything like that but what I do remember is that awful 1-2-3 Jello where it would separate into 3 layers as it set up.  Best if made in individual glasses.  Didn't we feel fancy, and lots of fun to make. 


The best thing ever as a little kid in the mid 60-s was the Dairy Queen Dilly Man in his little truck that sold Dilly Bars for 10 cents I think.

I am sure this has been mentioned before, but something discontinued that I miss - the actual 11 herbs and spices in the breading from KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken).


There was a time in the past that KFC actually used 11 different herbs and spices. I think in the early 90's (later maybe - not sure) that they decided to do like everyone other company in the world does nowadays - find a way to be cheap as hell and still make a profit.


KFC when I was a kid (in the 80s) was great. But then suddenly the recipe changed. It didn't taste the same. It was more salty (which is fine) but not as flavourful. Turns out KFC tried to go cheap, and the breading became only salt, pepper and MSG. If you search, you can find the original recipe (but not the amounts) of the 11 herbs and spices. Apparently, someone found the hand-written recipe by Colonal Sanders in an old book, or behind an old painting (I forget now) they bought at a garage sale.


MSG laden KFC is not good. And where I am, here comes Popeyes, which is amazing. There is no comparison and reading that KFC is experiencing sagging sales (due to Popeye's) does not surprise me one bit.

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One thing that always puzzled me about the McDLT is that the cheese was on "the cool side." Don't most people like their cheese melted?

I think it is a new trend. The cafetaria at work produces burgers like that. The bun, meat and cheese are put on the grill at the same time. When the meat is hot enough all is assembled. However, the cheese is not melted at all and is cool as you noted.

Ahh, deep fried pies. Chocolate is my favorite, cherry, then lemon. The crust is they key, there has to be just the right amount of bite, too soft and it doesn't balance the filling, too hard and it just tastes stale. The glaze is also tricky, some nowadays just have too much. Some company still makes them in certain places (I've bought them rather recently), I want to say tastycake, but I'm not sure. Hostess had the best recipe when I was a kid, but they changed it at some point.

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Do they still make Kool-Pops (I think another brand was Ice-Pops)? Those were flat plastic tubes of different flavored fruit syrups--a bunch of different flavors in the same box--& you'd put them in your freezer for awhile, then take them out & they'd be like a slushy/frozen pop-up.

How frozen they ended up depended on either your freezer's temperature or how long you let them freeze; you'd crunch/suck on 'em & push 'em up the tube as you went, until there was no more ice/slush left.

I used to eat 'em when I was in, like, Kindergarten & Elementary School, & loved 'em, & don't think I've seen 'em around or heard of 'em in a long time.

Do they still make Kool-Pops (I think another brand was Ice-Pops)? Those were flat plastic tubes of different flavored fruit syrups--a bunch of different flavors in the same box--& you'd put them in your freezer for awhile, then take them out & they'd be like a slushy/frozen pop-up.

How frozen they ended up depended on either your freezer's temperature or how long you let them freeze; you'd crunch/suck on 'em & push 'em up the tube as you went, until there was no more ice/slush left.

I used to eat 'em when I was in, like, Kindergarten & Elementary School, & loved 'em, & don't think I've seen 'em around or heard of 'em in a long time.

I don't think I've seen Kool Pops specifically but there are several other brands on the market. Even at the dollar stores you get about a dozen for a buck.

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Speaking of fried pies (and McDonalds)...does anyone remember when the pies were deep fried, and they had cherry in addition to apple??  I freaking LOVED those things, even though it was highly likely that you would bite into one and burn your tongue on a squirt of scalding hot grease :)

I think there's still a few locations that make them fried.  When I lived in So Cal, the McDonald's in the Walmart near me still made them deep fried (in the Arcadia/Monrovia area just off the 210).  Every other McDonalds had been making the baked version for years.  I would go to that location just to go to the McDonalds.


I was trying to find a list of locations that still make the fried pies, but this is the best I could come up with:  According to Wilipedia...There are some McDonald's restaurants throughout the US and world which still offer the fried pies, including all McDonald's restaurants in the United Kingdom, Japan and Russia.

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Do they still make Kool-Pops (I think another brand was Ice-Pops)? Those were flat plastic tubes of different flavored fruit syrups--a bunch of different flavors in the same box--& you'd put them in your freezer for awhile, then take them out & they'd be like a slushy/frozen pop-up.

How frozen they ended up depended on either your freezer's temperature or how long you let them freeze; you'd crunch/suck on 'em & push 'em up the tube as you went, until there was no more ice/slush left.

I used to eat 'em when I was in, like, Kindergarten & Elementary School, & loved 'em, & don't think I've seen 'em around or heard of 'em in a long time.

Otter pops and variations are still around and so are the ones in the harder plastic tube.

Not sure if it is discontinued, but I haven't seen it in forever...Lancers wine.


A college boyfriend used to get a bottle (in the green bottle) for our video watching date nights (he had beta which lost out to VHS!) and that thought passed my mind for a random reason today.  I think back than wine selection was pretty much limited to Boones Farm, Reunite, Mateus, Lancers and MD 20/20 and Lancers.

Not sure if it is discontinued, but I haven't seen it in forever...Lancers wine.


A college boyfriend used to get a bottle (in the green bottle) for our video watching date nights (he had beta which lost out to VHS!) and that thought passed my mind for a random reason today.  I think back than wine selection was pretty much limited to Boones Farm, Reunite, Mateus, Lancers and MD 20/20 and Lancers.

Don't forget Blue Nun, advertised by the wonderful team of Stiller and Meara. 


Lancers still exists, as evidenced by this link here: http://www.vivino.com/search?q=lancers. It may be harder to find in stores, though, if it's considered a nostalgia product.

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It's not discontinued but only seasonal - Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice coffee!  I was hoping it would be in stock because I started seeing other seasonal products at the grocery store, but not yet.  Wishful thinking on my part.  It doesn't usually show up until October.


I like their winter blend coffee too, but not as much as the pumpkin spice.

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