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S19.E02: Week 1: Results & Elimination

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I think the issue some people were having with the Janel/Val stuff, including pics and videos that were released prior to the show starting, is that they kind of want to have it both ways.  They are both physically affectionate people.  Janel is just one of those people that seems to be all over everyone.  But they have been heavily pushing the flirtatious side to their relationship and only now that they are getting called on it are they backtracking a little bit and pretending like that was never the intention.  There was a good week and a half or so before the show started where Janel was pretty much pretending her boyfriend didn't exist publicly.  It wasn't until she started getting backlash that she magically started posting pics of him again.  Like last night. 


There is no doubt in my mind that Janel went into this thing with the mindset that it was an acting job and she and her boyfriend had some sort of agreement, which is fine.  That is their business.  But I do think the original intention was very much to head into showmance territory and they are realizing quickly that it's not going to work for them. 


As for Sadie, I don't mind her.  But I don't want to hear the religion crap.  Candace didn't bother me at all last season when going into it I thought she would.  Sadie?  I wasn't particularly thrilled with what we got from her and the fam last night.

Edited by spanana
  • Love 1
He was awesome, but ringers will be the demise of this show, IMO.



I don't see how, considering there have been "ringers" on the show since the beginning and few of them have actually won, particularly the men. The only thing I think will be the demise of this show is one, natural progression meaning eventually it will just flame out and the ratings will go down like many shows before and two, producers messing around with the formula too much looking for controversy, water-cooler moments, etc.  The show has always been a mix of old and young; some dance experience and no dance experience; famous and not so famous, etc. 


Although I'm pretty sure Jonathan is gay, right?



Yes, he is. 


With regards to Lolo, yeah she's definitely someone who needs to stay far, far away from social media. To my recollection, she was okay when the media and US Olympic team were first hyping her with all this press, interviews, etc. but she is someone who is totally guilty of foot in the mouth disease and after a couple of unfortunate "what were you thinking" tweets and comments, people starting going at her online. It could have still not been a big deal except she made the huge mistake of responding and engaging with those criticizing her and since then it's just been from bad to worse. She's annoying but I swear from comments I see around online, there are people who just go at her for sport because they think it's fun and she just keeps responding, keep making it worse for herself. Yeah she really needs to get away from social media and just try to live her life in a healthy and happy way. 


With regards to Janel/Val, while I understand what kitcloudkicker and ElectricBoogaloo are saying, I don't entirely buy it because I just feel like Val especially at this point, with multiple seasons under his belt, knows how this show can be and I just can't buy that it's totally innocent on their part. Yes Janel is seen posing with her boyfriend and he's at the show but like some noted before the season, Kelly Monaco had a boyfriend at every show and Maria Menounos with her season with Derek was public about having a boyfriend and that didn't stop her and Derek from being flirty flirty at times and having a few suggestive comments and dance moments. As I noted last season with the showmance debate about Maks and Meryl, a showmance isn't always the pairing trying to convince people there is an actual relationship happening.


Sometimes it's a simple as knowing some fans think they would look good together and playing into it with a few flirty comments here, a few coy answers here, etc. As I have learned being a part of all kinds of fandoms - books, movies, television shows, even real people - there are those who will ship any and everyone sometimes with little help. So I just feel that knowing that, I can't entirely buy the "oh Val and Janel are just being touchy people and there's no concerted effort to push this..." Like I said though, judging by some of the reactions I've seen online and how Val rushed on twitter, I'm thinking they may tone it down, realizing that it's turning people off more than making them want to root for them.


Also, if it is all so innocent and not deliberate on their part, why were we shown that clip of them talking to the livestream guy where Janel was all hesitant and coy when asked if she was single? Now I get how the producers can edit things at times to tell the story they want and so maybe she eventually said she had a boyfriend but still why the little smirk and second hesitation if there is no intention for having any showmance angle and it's all innocent. She would have just said instantly, "no I'm not single..." Actually kind of like Danica who was pretty upfront about her relationship last season as was Val about it too.


Finally, I want to say I'm surprised about the story about Gleb but honestly from his one season he came across as kind of a tool who was also not that bright so I'd be lying. Also, Derek's audition video was hilarious and with that hair and those eyebrows, he actually did look like a little devil/gremlin for a moment. No wonder some think he's some demon spawn and that's how he's won so much.

  • Love 2

All Janel and Val have to do is say "We are just friends, Janel has a boyfriend". Done and done. They are playing both sides and it's backfiring on them. Wouldn't surprise me to see them talk about it in their package or interview next week. Damage control 101! Don't see them in the finals at this point unless they do a 180.

Two rants: totally not impressed with Mandy Moore"s group numbers , all shakey, Beyonce type .....what happened to ballroom?? Anyone remember the beautiful pro number to Taylor Swift Romeo and Juliet, beautiful and sexual! I think it was. Waltz? Bring back Ballroom and beautiful flowing gowns!!

Rant 2: wanted to barff when we could "choose'" which pro's audition to show! Show all of them for Pete's sake!!! One a week if you have to! i really wanted to see Cheryls! ( not that I considered voting) Of course it was going to be Derek!!! Of course this is Dancing with Derek Hough!

And Best First Night Dance-----Drew Lachey, She Bangs or Giles Marini. With Emmett Smith a close second . And these guys weren't ringers!

Edited by Packerbrewerbadger
  • Love 3

Anyone know what song the pro ladies were dancing to in the opening? I wanted to Google the lyrics because I'm sure I heard a few words wrong.


It's called Boss by Fifth Harmony. I had to go to YouTube and find it myself because the lyrics were so random to me. In fact they were so ridiculous that I was half paying attention to the Pro dancers, just thinking "what the hell is this song."

  • Love 2

I like some of Betsy's designs but she's just a little too wack and loose cannon-like for me.


I did laugh at Jonathan's "duck girl" comment.  But dude, no more surprised look.  It's seriously freaking me out, it's scary.


Then when they showed the flashback after Lolo had done her dance Monday night, I laughed when Chong said, "this is gonna be brutal..."


At least Julianne had color last night. Monday night was too plain with no color on her lips.

Sadie results show quote, "The reason I'm here is I want to share my faith and show that Christians can have fun too." Oh sheesh, here we go. I didn't know that Christians don't have fun.


I'm not on board when anyone wears their faith on their sleeve, let alone a TV personality. Honestly, I do not want to be subjected to that.

  • Love 4

Ok, I officially love Jonathan for his "duck girl" comment.  Really wish she'd gone home, but there was no chance of that. Kind of sad to see Lolo go because I think she could have done much better, if she'd been given a second chance.  And I would have liked to see more of Keo.  Felt bad for him when Erin specifically asked him about working with Lolo.  Thought his "interesting" comment was quite tactful.  <lol>  Betsy is fun, but I don't think we'll see any more than we've already seen, so I would have been okay if she went as well. 


Gosh I have really missed those backstage moments that we rarely get to see any more.  :(

  • Love 1

I must be a very typical targeted viewer because I almost always like the changes these shows make as they age.  I'm all for Julianne and Alison and Mandy Moore and less ballroom.  Hell, give them tap or hip hop or breaking!  Ballet, mime, acting, stand-up... I don't care, make it fresh and funny.  


I don't miss the Brit announcer or the 'head jewelry' singer, either (or is she still there?)  


I like Erin, the production stuff (videos, lasers, cars, etc.)  I like having no results show.  I don't miss the 'half scores' (8.5, etc.) they tried one season.  


I've never liked the stupid story hooks they attach to some pairs.  Val and Janell showmance!  Lea's a cougar!  Sadie's a Christian!  Whatever.  


Jonathan: "How did 'Duck Girl' and Mark do?"


I wonder if maybe Sadie has been kept so insulated from the other contestants that they've had almost no interaction with her outside of the live shows. They showed a clip of her praying with her parents right before her number with Mark, which is something you don't usually see with the contestants - generally they're with their partners before the dance, not with their families. Maybe that's why he couldn't remember her name. She is 17 after all, and from what little I can gather, pretty sheltered.



Rant 2: wanted to barff when we could "choose'" which pro's audition to show! Show all of them for Pete's sake!!! One a week if you have to! i really wanted to see Cheryls! ( not that I considered voting) Of course it was going to be Derek!!! Of course this is Dancing with Derek Hough!


Agreed. As soon as they said the audience had to vote which one to watch I knew it would be Derek's. If you've got all of them, show all of them. We're not all Team Derek out here after all.


  • Love 1

While I have no idea on Sadie specifically, generally the minor contestants wind up being around everyone else less.  They usually are off somewhere doing school when on set.  They are only allowed to work limited hours.  For instance, I remember Louis talking about how Zendaya got pulled out of their overall cast group rehearsal early.  I assume because she was over on hours and obviously pros would rather sacrifice group time than individual practice time.  So especially being the first week, I'd imagine Sadie has mostly been off by herself. 


I can't speak to her parents hovering around though.  I have never seen any of our other minors parents featured in any sort of backstage footage.  They sat in the audience and that was that.  Then again, none of them were "famous".  Sadie's family is the only reason she's here.


They showed a clip of her praying with her parents right before her number with Mark, which is something you don't usually see with the contestants - generally they're with their partners before the dance, not with their families.


I'd have to watch the clip again because I don't remember what she was wearing (if she was in costume), but from my memory it seemed like that clip was back in her own home, before she left to come to L.A. At least, that's what it seemed like to me, like they were praying for her journey and her time spent with the evil sinners of L.A. (LOL, I'm kidding).

Anyway, I just read this about Lolo:


Update on Sept. 16 at 11:20 p.m.: Lolo Jones posted on her Facebook page ab out her experience, posting in part, "I really wanted to stay on the show and have the layers of hurt wash away by showing the public how hard I work. I wanted to come away a victor for once. I wanted to do so good performing in public that the haters would stop teasing me."


Mental case?


FYI I put the complete Facebook post on Lolo's thread.

I feel sad for her. Doesn't the Olympics use therapists to get athletes in the right frame of mind for competitions?

I'd have to watch the clip again because I don't remember what she was wearing (if she was in costume), but from my memory it seemed like that clip was back in her own home, before she left to come to L.A. At least, that's what it seemed like to me, like they were praying for her journey and her time spent with the evil sinners of L.A. (LOL, I'm kidding).



There were two clips of her praying with her family. The one you described was shown in her opening package before her dance and there was another shown during the Results Show that was clearly of her and parents backstage before she performed. You can clearly see in her costume. 

The right person went home, for sure.  Talk about living down to your reputation.  The arrogant, hard, no-fun woman who chokes when it counts -- did it again!  That was hard to watch.  And the virgin talk just made me roll my eyes.  Be a virgin, fine, but I sure didn't need to hear about it.  She was just an all-around buzz kill on the show, so I'm glad her time was short.


Next time the show wants a hurdler, I hope they go for the Olympic gold medalist, Dawn Harper.  


Sad for Keo.  I hope we see more of him -- such a bright smile and energetic dancer.

Did anyone notice the Season 18 champ wasn't included when they talked to celebrities in the ballroom? I guess she and her showmance partner were too busy chasing down reporters to take pictures of them so they could stir all that crap up again. But it sure was great to see Charlie and Ralph!

Yes I did. That would be a good supposition, except that they could better accomplish that by participating in a joint interview, you know, on the actual show that presumably has the larger audience than any of the reporters they could chase down.


In any case, if they're toying with me with the intimacy (performance show) that's just fine with me.


Is the absence of something from the show considered "on topic" for the show thread?

  • Love 3

The Robertsons appear to be uber-helicopter parents.  There was no reason for them to be backstage.  Sadie is not as "sheltered" as they'd like everyone to believe considering that she modeled on the runway in New York for her own line of "dad-approved" clothing.  But again, that was "dad approved" just like her costume and her choreography had to be dad-approved apparently.  They need to just leave the kid alone.  If they did a good job raising her, then she'll be fine practicing and performing on her own.  Sit out in the audience and stop pulling the spotlight to you.  But I'm guessing the producers allowed it because from what I've heard Sadie is barely on the actual show.  It's her dad who is the real draw. 

I wonder if maybe Sadie has been kept so insulated from the other contestants that they've had almost no interaction with her outside of the live shows. They showed a clip of her praying with her parents right before her number with Mark, which is something you don't usually see with the contestants - generally they're with their partners before the dance, not with their families. Maybe that's why he couldn't remember her name. She is 17 after all, and from what little I can gather, pretty sheltered.



Agreed. As soon as they said the audience had to vote which one to watch I knew it would be Derek's. If you've got all of them, show all of them. We're not all Team Derek out here after all.


I remember them showing Kurt Warner and Anna praying before their dance. There were others also, but Kurt just popped to mind.


Sadie did most of her pre-season rehearsals in her hometown and only flew to LA Wednesday last week plus she has a parent or guardian with her during all rehearsals so she probably doesn't have much interaction with the others. But certainly Jonathan would, at minimum, know her name.  


I only saw 1 person tweet for the audition video (and it was for someone other than Derek).  The people I chat with during the show were too busy voting during the commercials to bother with blitzing twitter with audition tweets.  They'll probably show all the audition videos over the next few weeks so if you didn't see your fave this week, you probably will soon.


Has anyone heard if the live streaming stuff during the show is online anywhere? Between watching the show, tweeting and voting, I just couldn't allow myself to be distracted with whatever was going on there.

Sadie is relatively harmless overall, but that "imma christian - not sure if I told you all about it" bit, if maintained, is going to get very old very quick.  Being honest here - while I'd heard of that dreadful duck show, I have no clue as to what makes her a "celebrity".  Granted, we can say that about quite a few of them, but most have at least done something, anything, that makes them somewhat recognizable on their own. 


On this show, being a bad dancer with a great attitude and personality will keep you around for at least a couple of weeks.  Being a bad dancer coupled with being no fun is automatically cannon fodder.

  • Love 2

He was awesome, but ringers will be the demise of this show, IMO.

I disagree. I like that there are some people who can actually dance each season. If all the contestants were hopelessly uncoordinated, I wouldn't bother watching. I loved Jennifer Grey on her season (even though I was forced to root for Derek). Even if a contestant used to be a professional dancer, there is no guarantee that they will be any good at ballroom. That assumption always drives me crazy because it's like saying all football players could also become baseball players or that anyone who ever took piano lessons will automatically be able to pick ip the flute and play well. Anything requiring coordination accesses the same part of the brain but it doesn't guarantee success in anything else related. Just watch the open audition portion of So You Think You Can Dance each season for proof that you can be great at one dance style and horrible at all other types of dance. That's why I have no issue with contestants like Alfonso or Lea. You just don't know how much that dance background will translate to ballroom until they actually attempt it.

  • Love 6
Based on what Tom said when he sent it to her, about talking to the highest scorers who knew they were safe, I think she was supposed to interview Alfonso, Sadie and Bethany.



It was definitely Alfonso and Sadie. The Red Room camera showed the two of them running over to her right after she cut back to Tom.


Is this the first time they've shown the "stars" being somewhat catty about each other?



Erin was catty about Nicole her entire season and continues to be to this day.


Meryl was on GMA yesterday so I am guessing she was still in NYC during last night's show



The piece was taped Monday night.


Yes I did. That would be a good supposition, except that they could better accomplish that by participating in a joint interview, you know, on the actual show that presumably has the larger audience than any of the reporters they could chase down.



Obviously the show is as tired of them and their showmance as I am and didn't want to give it an audience so they had to go find one themselves. LOL

Edited by Toonces464

I'm not on board when anyone wears their faith on their sleeve, let alone a TV personality. Honestly, I do not want to be subjected to that.


Jesus wasn't on board either:


“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 6:1


"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. Matthew 6:5

  • Love 8

Lolo was the right choice to boot. I love good snark fodder but this is picking on someone tragically wounded. I watched her dance again and her text cue doesn't even start her dance...they prance in a circle and start on a beat. She messed up and then flipped out. Meh.

I wish her well...more Betsey and Chong!

  • Love 1

Sadie doesn't bother me, but I'm from Louisiana and totally understand how their faith is a huge part of southerners' lives. I'm Jewish, but have mostly Christian friends and it's not unusual for them to pray openly, such as saying grace before a meal in restaurants. Plus, Sadie is just a teenager. If I had been in her position at that age my parents would have wanted to approve of the costumes.

  • Love 3

Sadie doesn't bother me, but I'm from Louisiana and totally understand how their faith is a huge part of southerners' lives. I'm Jewish, but have mostly Christian friends and it's not unusual for them to pray openly, such as saying grace before a meal in restaurants. Plus, Sadie is just a teenager. If I had been in her position at that age my parents would have wanted to approve of the costumes.


Well, I'm not Southern and my family isn't particularly religious, but if I had been in Sadie's position at 17, my parents would absolutely have had approval of costumes, AND a clear "meeting of the minds" with my partner/teacher, producers and anyone else in charge AND at least one of them would have stayed backstage with me.

  • Love 3
Well, I'm not Southern and my family isn't particularly religious, but if I had been in Sadie's position at 17, my parents would absolutely have had approval of costumes,


Really? I am technically Southern, but I live in Austin TX. My family is super religious, and I have always been trusted to dress myself. It's fine, I don't know the girl, but I wish she would let us focus on her, not her dad. Because my guess is that she isn't very polarizing at all. I just want to see her dance and that's about it.

  • Love 2

I thought that Sadie did a good job. I understand people not wanting to be hit over the head with religion- I don't either, but it is an integral part of her life- besides who knows what the PTB asked her. I think that some people are automatically comparing her to Bristol- but Bristol couldn't dance---- which sucks in a dance competition. I thought that Sadie went out and did a good first dance and looked like she was having fun.

  • Love 2

Really? I am technically Southern, but I live in Austin TX. My family is super religious, and I have always been trusted to dress myself. It's fine, I don't know the girl, but I wish she would let us focus on her, not her dad. Because my guess is that she isn't very polarizing at all. I just want to see her dance and that's about it.

Yes, really.  They trusted me to dress myself properly but they would understand that on the show, others are making costume choices.

I like Sadie just fine. I don't have a problem with her praying backstage before she danced. It's not like she went out to te middle of the dance floor and led the audience in prayer. She's not hitting anyone over the head with anything. She is talking about who she is. Just like Everyone else talked about who they are and why they are doing this.

  • Love 2

Religion and family values aside, I don't have a problem with Sadie's parents having ulitimate approval over her costumes.  It's happened before with minors on this show and none of them were particularly religious.  I don't want to hear about it constantly, but it's slightly different being on a national television show with a wardrobe department that seems to abide by the skimpier the better rule as opposed to just picking an outfit out of your closet every morning.  It's a situation where people are going to tell you what to wear as opposed to ask you (or suggest things), more often than not, and a person has to feel confident enough to say no or speak up if they aren't comfortable with something.  Mind you I'm sure Mark would have been very mindful all on his own and it's not necessarily needed, but I don't think that is an entirely bad thing.  Now if Sadie were older and her parent were still feeling the need to approve her costumes than that's a different issue altogether.

I'm not Southern but my parents were definitely religious, and by age 17, they absolutely would have trusted me to wear appropriate clothing until such time as I did not.  Then they would step in.  At worst they might have spoken to my partner about what they felt was appropriate at the beginning of the season, but no way would they have insisted on "approving" my clothing.  She's 17, not 7.  She's got her own line of clothing and has modeled on the runway in New York.  She's not as sheltered as they would like everyone to believe.  You didn't see Shawn Johnson's parents running around sticking their nose in at every opportunity.  You didn't see Zendaya's parents needing to "approve" every little thing.  These two are either the world's most excessive helicopter parents or they give their child zero credit for being able to make a good decision.  Either way, it's tiresome.

  • Love 3

Religion and family values aside, I don't have a problem with Sadie's parents having ulitimate approval over her costumes.  It's happened before with minors on this show and none of them were particularly religious.  I don't want to hear about it constantly, but it's slightly different being on a national television show with a wardrobe department that seems to abide by the skimpier the better rule as opposed to just picking an outfit out of your closet every morning.  It's a situation where people are going to tell you what to wear as opposed to ask you (or suggest things), more often than not, and a person has to feel confident enough to say no or speak up if they aren't comfortable with something.  Mind you I'm sure Mark would have been very mindful all on his own and it's not necessarily needed, but I don't think that is an entirely bad thing.  Now if Sadie were older and her parent were still feeling the need to approve her costumes than that's a different issue altogether.



That's very true - Mark has really improved in the "costume my dance partner" department - last year he was mindful of Candice's costume quirks and I thought more often than not, Candice's costume and make-up were the best of the night.  Refined, elegant, sophisticated, and showed off her best attributes (those amazing legs) while allowing Candice to be comfortable.

  • Love 1

Some years ago, Mark did a very funny interview with some fashion magazine/blogger/website, (I can't quite remember who it was with) about how costuming is handled. This was right after S11 during his album tour and the extended chatter about BP was still going strong so they were asking a lot of questions about her and Mark was answering generally about all the stars.  He said the stars go in for an initial consultation with the wardrobe people who create dressmaker's mannequins for each star so they can build the costumes without the star present. They take measurements, discuss personal preferences, create color palettes, if someone is known for a symbol (the Cheetah girl for example), they'll put the symbol on all the outfits, etc. And they assess the star's physique, this is good so show that off, that's not so good so cover it up. More fabric here, less fabric there, the star is willing to show this but not that, etc.  Then each week the star only has to be re-measured due to all the weightloss most experience but the initial guidelines are already in place.


The point I'm trying to make is, although it seems like costuming decisions are made rapidly and on-the-fly each week, there has been a basis established that they are working from.


ETA: I should clarify, the discussion was about the female stars.  I don't recall any mention of the male stars. Also this was when Randall was still in charge of the costuming.  I would assume the procedures are still the same with whoever is in charge now.


It was a hilarious but informative audio interview and I'm wondering if anyone remembers it or where to find it.

Edited by Uke

I had so much fun watching Alphonso's number.   I've watched it several times now.  Makes me smile every time.  


Sadie looked to be just an adorable kid enjoying herself in her first dance.  I like her honesty and spunk and hope she's able to stick around for awhile.   It will be interesting to see how she develops as a dancer, as she seems to have tons of potential.   Mark is a good partner for her.   


Lea's number was graceful and classy.   Too bad she had to dance so early in the show.   By the end of the night, her relatively reserved performance was long forgotten.  


It's going to take me awhile to stop getting Derek's partner and Val's partner mixed up.  They'll probably both be around for awhile, considering their popular pro partners.   I prefer Val over Derek any day, but Derek is obviously talented and has a huge fanbase of his own.


Jonathan has a weird crazy look with his eyes that's kind of freaky.  He probably doesn't even know that he's doing it, but it's distracting. 


The MMA guy (Randy?) was fun.   Cute.  Sexy.   But Carrie Ann needs to tone it down.   First show, and she's already drooling and nearly falling off her chair.


Tommy Chong is a one-joke act, and though I enjoyed his dance, the same old pot-smoking gag every week is going to get old if he keeps it up.


Poor Lolo.   She seemed to be a bundle of nerves and didn't handle it well.   She clearly was the right one to go home, but I felt sorry for her.  She's a beautiful woman, but her social skills are lacking.


Betsey is so over the top, but she's fun, and I'm glad she'll be there another week.   Love her happy attitude.  


Race car guy is a blabbermouth, but he probably jokes around so much to make up for his pathetic dancing.   It doesn't work, though.   He'll probably go home next time.   I'd rather he go than Betsey.  

Edited by crocosmia
  • Love 3

Jonathan has a weird crazy look with his eyes that's kind of freaky.  He probably doesn't even know that he's doing it, but it's distracting. 

I hope it doesn't turn out that the poor guy has a Tyroid condition, but even if he doesn't it's a feature of his face and hardly something that he would be able to control.

At a glance behind the judges table, I  thought Julianne had dressed sort of matronly-ish with the long sleeved black lace ensemble (possibly to make up for the boob fest that was on display the previous night.) But wow, I just saw the head to toe shot on the Yahoo home page. IDK if images are frowned upon here or if I'd even know how to post it, if allowed. It was black lacy and sheer all the way down with what looked like matching black bra and undies.


Betsey seems to be in good physical shape. She must do some kind of regular exercise, (exercise that I'm guessing is not in the dancing department. Bless her heart.) I wonder what it is though. It's working. She's not overweight; she's not bony thin. She's super flexible and that is quite amazing at 72.


Chong looks amazingly good imo and more handsome than his younger days. Good for him.


I don't miss the Disney twits. (Or do we indeed have one and I missed the memo?) heh. IDK some of these folks.


Sadie is 17 and looks 17. Bethany, at 18, looks 30, imo. Maybe it was the costume, hair and makeup though.


The ones who were, "in jeopardy," were they the actual bottom vote-getters or did Tom use some sneaky snake semantics? I realize the one who goes is the bottom most, but the other ones are who I'm wondering about.  TIA.

Edited by ari333
  • Love 1
The ones who were, "in jeopardy," were they the actual bottom vote-getters or did Tom use some sneaky snake semantics?


I'm pretty sure that Tom said the two couples left were the bottom two vote getters of the night.  I wish they would stick with that formula of announcing the couples in jeopardy instead of faking who is in jeopardy.  Let the audience actually see who is in the real bottom and not people whose fan base they want to activate.

  • Love 2

I thought I wouldn't be able to enjoy the show with Julianne's judging conflict with her brother but I got over it by this results show. I didn't mind her styling both nights and she definitely has the figure to flaunt as much of it as she chooses. I just wish the show would choose which Hough they want: Derek or Julianne. For a fresh change, I choose the latter. It helps that Julianne is on her best behaviour to neutralize the obvious conflict rather than courting controversy as she did to get this gig.


I loved Fresh Prince so it's great to see Alfonso but I'm wary I detected a bit of Gilles' verbal diarrhea/insincere speechifying from him. I'd love to see him in the finals if not the winner so I hope I'm wrong.


I don't know how popular Sadie is but I was so glad she stayed. I hope she can amass enough votes to stay as long as her performances justify it. She was exciting to watch on the first week and I'd love to see Mark get another Mirror Ball. I have no prior knowledge of her and am used to tolerating religious nuts. She seems pretty benign by my standards so far.

Edited by anonymiss

........ I just saw the head to toe shot on the Yahoo home page. IDK if images are frowned upon here or if I'd even know how to post it, if allowed. It was black lacy and sheer all the way down with what looked like matching black bra and undies.


I searched for that photo on Yahoo.com but I didn't see it on the home page. I then did a Google images search and found a photo of Julianne in a black lace dress described just as you did, complete with black bra and panties on display. The lace is completely different from the lace on the dress she wore on the results show (actually, that dress fromt he results show doesn't even look like lace to me, just a very open type of fabric).The caption under the photo that I found on Google says she was attending "Mark Ballas's Kicking Clouds EP Launch in Beverly Hills". I think these are two different dresses. After seeing the photo of the lace dress with the undies, I must admit, Julianne had a bit of Cher rub off on her when they made that movie together!!!

Edited by luvthepros
Betsey seems to be in good physical shape. She must do some kind of regular exercise, (exercise that 'm guessing is not in the dancing department.) I wonder what it is though. It's working. She's not overweight; she's not bony thin. She's super flexible and that is quite amazing at 72.



My guess, probably a lot of yoga and some light cardio. Yoga especially would definitely help with the flexibility. 


Sadie is 17 and looks 17. Bethany, at 18, looks 30, imo. Maybe it was the costume, hair and makeup though.



I guess I can see that but for me, it's not so much I thought Bethany looked old, as I thought she came off as a very mature 18 year old while Sadie was very young 17 year old with the cutesy smile, dimples, giggle, sunshiney personality, etc. Bethany's intro package had a little of the perky but I found her very reserved and almost serious after she danced and responding to the judges and interacting with Erin. I don't know, I found the contrast between the two kind of interesting because there is only a year between them and they seem so different.


But I kind of like that Bethany seems to almost have this serious, mature quality to her at only 18. I guess it's also not surprising when you think about how much she's managed to accomplish before even graduating high school. Girl has to have some kind of maturity, not to mention incredible work ethic to build something of a small empire off of making videos in her bedroom. 


It helps that Julianne is on her best behaviour to neutralize the obvious conflict rather than courting controversy as she did to get this gig.



It was the first week, give her time. Not to mention, unpopular opinion perhaps, but much as I'm hardly fond of Julianne, I actually was not really that bothered by the comments she made to both Mark and Maks and didn't actually disagree with her on either. 


I think these are two different dresses. Must admit, Julianne had a bit of Cher rub off on her when they made that movie together!!!



Really...I may have to look at the pictures again but I'm pretty sure it was the same dress and I could see her wearing something like that for the results show because they're behind the desk, it's not like viewers would realize that it was all lace. Also, I've seen that look so many times on so many celebrities, I honestly didn't even bat an eye at it. 

I searched for that photo on Yahoo.com but I didn't see it on the home page. I then did a Google images search and found a photo of Julianne in a black lace dress described just as you did, complete with black bra and panties on display. The lace is completely different from the lace on the dress she wore on the results show (actually, that dress fromt he results show doesn't even look like lace to me, just a very open type of fabric).The caption under the photo that I found on Google says she was attending "Mark Ballas's Kicking Clouds EP Launch in Beverly Hills". I think these are two different dresses. After seeing the photo of the lace dress with the undies, I must admit, Julianne had a bit of Cher rub off on her when they made that movie together!!!


Oops. My bad. I just assumed since it showed up two days after the DWTS gig that it was the same and all I remembered was black lace. Plus I don't recall a full body camera shot on results night, so maybe that's why I got confused. [/doh!] Anyway, as mentioned, she has the figure to wear anything. So there's that.

Edited by ari333
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