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S02.E10: Do You See The Vision?


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Fuckin kids, man. I'm glad murder teen is gone (and yay me for the prescient naming 😁) but damn I knew that stupid girl wasn't gonna go quietly. While it should have blown up in Angie's face, Will being the collateral damage just sucks. I do also hope this is the end of 'Will+Ange 4eva' because Will deserves better and they both just showed why. 

The season began and ended with an explosion, both literally and figuratively. This has been a morose 10 episodes and although it's given us some stellar material, I want to move on because this shortened season has felt like watching misery porn of these characters' lives and damn I need a fuckin break. 

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As I watched Will's fantasy, I kept saying over and over, 
"I hate this!"  I know Angie is not good for Will, but knowing that I was watching a fantasy, a beautiful fantasy, and that reality was going to be so different, and so awful for Will, I could barely stand to watch.  This episode is well done, but it is also almost painful.

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2 hours ago, possibilities said:

And here is the tie in with Amanda's story from earlier this season. 

How did Will let what Amanda did go unpunished?

Maybe Angie can use knowing Amanda's secret to get some leniency from the police on the charges.

I don't think that a jury would be able to figure out how much of what Angie reported was true/false without Crystal's mother "honest" testimony and we all know that all Crystal's mother cares about is the money. Crystal's mother most likely wouldn't want to tell the "whole truth" in court, especially about the way  Crystal's mother treated Crystal after the incident. There is a good chance that Angie could be found "Not Guilty" if nobody believes Crystal's mother testimony.

(I refuse to go back and watch the episode, but) I would have swore that Crystal said that Lenny didn't rape her, only came into her room at night to watch her sleep, and that Lenny had never touched Crystal, until that day when Lenny died. 

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Of course Angie is more than likely not going to go to prison but that is really not the point.   The pilot episode had Will deeply hated by most of the police department for investigating Faith’s mother.    He had two allies Angie and Amanda.   Will now has issues with Amanda and Angie will undoubtedly have issues with Will.   

This whole thing will likely shake up the status quo because we still haven’t dealt with the bombing and Will’s probable father.   I am not sure if it was an oversight or was pushed back because of the shortened season but with those two stories on the horizon and Will feeling more alone then ever….it might be the right time to deal with both.

As for Ormwood it might make his divorce and custody battle with his wife a lot less clear cut.  Wife walked out on kids which is a point further him.   This could be a major clusterfuck for him.

I think the only one to walk away clear this season is Faith but my guess is something is on the horizon for her.   Maybe another unplanned pregnancy 




Edited by Chaos Theory
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7 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

How did Will let what Amanda did go unpunished?

I don't recall details, was there enough evidence to charge Amanda?


1 hour ago, Chaos Theory said:

I think the only one to walk away clear this season is Faith but my guess is something is on the horizon for her.   Maybe another unplanned pregnancy

Honestly, I can't shake an undercurrent of suspicion about the reporter boyfriend.

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The Unbearable Sadness of Watching this episode. Angie's actions were going to catch up with her eventually. These men would not have died had she not covered up the first killing. 


Of course, Will saw his future with her through rose-colored glasses; don't we all do that with the people we love? 

So many questions for next season. Will we see where Will has gone? Realistically, Angie will never be able to work in law enforcement again. And then there's Amanda's situation. 

January feels very far away.

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Will [cop voice]: Angela Polaski
Me: ohhhh nooo he's arresting her
Will [normal voice]: Will you marry me?
Me: wait, what
Will [giddy]: SHE SAID YES!
Everyone in squad room: Yaaaaayyyy!
Me: lol oh this is fake

Even so, the imaginary lifetime was very touching, but I could not grasp that "Betty Maria White Trent" was Betty. I was wondering who that was and then it dawned on me and fortunately things were moving fast so I didn't burst into tears. I think it's hilarious that his kids got him another purse dog.

Ormewood's wife is making me side with Ormewood.

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If anything I think Will likely went to PR.  He has family there.  He will probably disappear there until season 3 and “how many months later.”  When he returns everything with Angie will be settled/swept under the rug.  She will be GBI with Ormwood still fighting for full custody of the kids and Faith several months pregnant.

Everyone hates him again but more so.

But they also need him to solve some big case that brings him back to the GBI.



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This episode had me feel all of the feelings.  Several good/funny lines in the first part of the episode (including 'those were my pop-tarts' or something similar).  It felt quite light hearted until it wasn't.  

You all were right that Crystal was the serial killer.

My tears were flowing during the fantasy segment.  How happy Will looked throughout the fantasy and how much he wanted the family that he never had.  But, I really resented Angie when Will was arresting her and she said "I thought you would chose me."  No, Angie, you know who Will is and to expect him to be less than he is was cruel.  

I don't know how much more the writers are going to have Will go through.  Give him some joy, not always heartache.  On Betty's gravestone it was written "she saved my life" and I think that is really true.  She is the only constant unconditional love in his life (and yes, I love dogs).

Amazing episode.  I will miss this show until its return.

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I actually liked this episode. Everybody had something to do and we got to get some fun scenes with some of our side players like Pete and Caroline. The threads from earlier in the season came together (a bit clunkily but I blame that on the shortened season).

This was a perfect example of why Will and Angie are so bad for each other. They're trauma bonded and that doesn't make for a healthy relationship.

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I like Angie and Will together. I only read the first book, though (and truly hated it and am now pretending the books don't exist), so I only know the characters from the show. I don't know if that makes a difference.

I also like that Angie and Betty have bonded. It was sweet when Angie laid down on the floor and immediately reached up to Nico for Betty.

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That was a lot and yes, when Will was arresting Angie I thought, "But what about Amanda?"  And of course Crystal was the killer.  I was glad when Will told her she was the one responsible for the mess with her daughter.  I was annoyed when he apologized to her and no, I can't see her doing the right thing and admitting she brought a loser into her home with her daughter and didn't believe  Crystal about any of her trauma.

I'm also with Ormewood when it comes to the custody fight.  Also, he knew what Angie did, so how does this impact him?  I don't see Angie dragging him into it.

As for Faith and her boyfriend, with this show you just know he can't be without his issues.

I do hope with a full season we won't have so much darkness on top of darkness.

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2 hours ago, possibilities said:

Since he took Betty with him, I think we can assume he's not planning to kill himself. But that's it.

I figured he went to Puerto Rico to be with his uncle, since his imaginary married future had many references to PR.

2 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

My tears were flowing during the fantasy segment.  How happy Will looked throughout the fantasy and how much he wanted the family that he never had.  But, I really resented Angie when Will was arresting her and she said "I thought you would chose me."  No, Angie, you know who Will is and to expect him to be less than he is was cruel.

And that he included at least one foster kid (who stayed). I think there might have been another, but I lost track.

1 hour ago, HyeChaps said:

I thought the marriage was strategic so he wouldn’t have to testify against her. 

That was my first thought when I was shocked that he proposed. But then when she had a wedding dress on instead of the clothes she was in, I quickly knew this was an alternate future.

It was very sad - and props to the writers and actors. It wouldn't be sad if we didn't care about the characters.

I'm also on Ormwood's side of the custody battle. I know she was in pain, but she just dumped her kids with no explanation - causing them pain and trauma.

I didn't realize this was the season finale. Boo! Now I'm twice as sad.

Edited by Clanstarling
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Poor Will    He hinted to Angie that they needed the table since maybe kids, but she wasn’t going there.

I wonder if it was significant that Faith’s boyfriend didn’t invite her up or if the show just didn’t want to spring for the set.

Ormwood’’s wife doesn’t get to abandon her kids for months, come back and announce she wants move and get sole custody of the kids.  the divorce is fair and her prerogative, but she doesn’t get to leave the jurisdiction with the kids.  

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This was a really rough one, a real rollercoaster of a season finale. I guessed that the happy life montage was just a fantasy pretty early on, but it was so sad to see Will so happy in a life that he probably cant have. This has been such a hard season for Will, every time things seem to be looking up things go down hill again. 

Huge kudos to everyone who guessed that Crystal was the serial killer, what an absolute mess. She was clearly way more screwed up than Angie imagined, if they never caught her it seems like she could have escalated, she was already keeping trophies in her room, that seems to go beyond "just" vigilante killings. I'm glad that Will called her mom out on shacking up with a sexual predator who is into teenage girls while having a teenage girl, while all of this is Lenny's fault first and foremost, none of this would have happened if she didn't put her daughter into this situation. 

I tend to be on the side of Will and Angie being toxic as a couple, they work great as life long friends who totally understand each other, but not in a romantic relationship, but they were really cute together building their table while playing with Betty. So of course things had to go to hell. 

I'm on Ormewood's side on this one, his wife has every right to (understandably) divorce him but taking the kids is a shitty thing to do, especially since she just vanished on the kids for weeks (months?) without apparently even checking in. Ormewood might be a bad husband but he's a good dad, there is no reason not to share custody.

So this season ends with Will gone and everyone else pretty miserable, that seems about right. The next season cant come fast enough.

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Season started crappy with Cricket dying, and now it’s ended crappy. How much more trauma can Will and Angie go through? Do the writers not want them to be happy, even if they are not together? 

Glad that Crystal is dead so we don’t have to deal with that mess, but Angie is the one dealing with the mess. Her intentions were good, but a traumatized killer was born.

Seeing Angie and Will happy in that fantasy scene was heartbreaking. 

Edited by twoods
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Did anyone else flash back to the movie Sea of Love? When Will and Ormewood were warning the pedo in the roller rink bathroom, it was almost a direct lift from when the Sea of Love cops were questioning that guy who swore "on the eyes of my children" that he wasn't fooling around with other women on the side. Only to become the next victim of the serial killer, just like the roller rink pedo.

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2 hours ago, twoods said:


Seeing Angie and Will happy in that fantasy scene was heartbreaking. 

I hope Ormwood and the other cops get Angie a killer lawyer - I can see them saying - This guy raped Angie and she knew he was raping Crystal. He attacked her and either she or Crystal killed him to save her life. It's Angie's story to tell and I don't think she's leaving. Can't see a local jury shedding tears for the creep... or any of the others. Ormwood and Angie are fiercely practical. A good lawyer could swing it and make badmom look like an enabler of the molestation of her own daughter, Will was queasy to accuse her But Angie isn't so nice.

Angie wasn't at work so she thought Crystal was getting better, enough to room her with that boy. She didn't know.

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With all that happened this episode, my favorite moment was the absolute glee Caroline had when getting to sit on Ormewood. 

With Crystal dead, I didn’t understand why Angie needed to confess to covering up the killing of Lenny. Crystal being a vigilante serial killer could have very easily been blamed on her history of abuse even if Angie had actually killed Lenny. 

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8 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

This episode had me feel all of the feelings.  Several good/funny lines in the first part of the episode (including 'those were my pop-tarts' or something similar).  It felt quite light hearted until it wasn't.

Yup.  This was where I was in the beginning.  Everybody had jokes.  Sly and dry, but still jokes.  The whole 'Loins' thing had be cackling.

And then shit got real!

8 hours ago, marceline said:

This was a perfect example of why Will and Angie are so bad for each other. They're trauma bonded and that doesn't make for a healthy relationship.

Agreed.  They are not in a healthy place.  And when Will "proposed" to Angie and we saw their wedding I knew it was a false scene, but the longer it went on, I knew it went even further than just a fake out, it was pure fantasy wish fulfillment.  It was Will's version of the "ideal happy tv family"  something that he had probably always wished for but never thought he'd have.

I am glad the show let Angie's bad decision come back and bite her on the ass.  I do like Angie as a character but that was a terrible decision. 

The sad thing is, Angie's sacrifice was for nothing.  Not just because it did blow back on her, but in all likelihood, even if Crystal had taken the rightful blame for killing her pedo step dad we might have still ended up in this place but without it blowing up Angie's life in the process.

There was a great chance that Crystal would have gotten off lightly, maybe probation and community service.  Sure she killed a guy, but that situation is highly sympathetic and juries might have been swayed. Especially if Angie had testified both of her past with Lenny and told a good story on the witness stand about what went down that day.

So Crystal would have been free and still would have killed Lenny and still would have gotten away with it.

Her mother, being the person that she was probably still would have abandoned her and Crystal would have still been on her own. And she was a textbook spree killer complete with keeping trophies.  She would have gone that route anyway.

So Angie's decision to take the blame only hurt herself in the end because we would have ended up here regardless.

Shallow note: Faith looked extra nice this episode.  I loved her hair.

Also I am not feeling her boyfriend.  But I hate the trope of the reporter in a relationship with a first responder and their relationship gets tied up in trading information to do their jobs.  Also Amanda doesn't like him so that has got my Spidey senses tingling a bit.

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19 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

How did Will let what Amanda did go unpunished?

Please indulge my old-age memory: What did Amanda do? Did she know about Angie covering up for Crystal killing Lenny? (I just can't remember.)

I guess I just wasn't as emotionally invested in this ep as other viewers. First off, seeing all the joking around in the first half of the ep just annoyed me. I don't know if I would have felt that way had I not "known" that Crystal was the killer. But the jokes and lightheartedness seemed forced to me. The writers were doing that because of the terrible stuff that would come later.

It was clear early on with Will and Angie being so lovey dovey, doing the table together, Will talking about kids, that their relationship would be blown up. I even wondered if the show was going to kill off Angie.

I absolutely hated seeing Betty's grave in Will's fantasy. NO! NO NO NO! And that substitute dog? No. Not a Betty replacement. No way Jose.

When Amanda sat on the couch, I loved seeing Betty jump into her lap.

I didn't like Faith's hair. No flip. No.

Ormewood's wife wanting custody of the kids? No. No no no. 

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8 hours ago, DEL901 said:

I wonder if it was significant that Faith’s boyfriend didn’t invite her up or if the show just didn’t want to spring for the set.

I haven't otherwise been suspicious of him, but it was suspicious that he came down the stairs to her. People IRL don't do that unless there's something inside they don't want seen! But the show not wanting to create a set, that is a plausible explanation.

5 hours ago, dleighg said:

did he? Maybe I missed that but i thought that was just a "story"

He definitely did.

4 hours ago, crows works said:

Wasn't he the foster 'dad' who got Angie pregnant?  Will had to steal a car to take her to the clinic. I can see Will falling on his sword to help her in court. That he didn't mention the case so as not to upset her. 

Third rock guy can play a creepy monster.

Yep, he was the foster dad who raped and impregnated Angie. What's not entirely clear is what he did to Crystal -- before she said it was creepy/inappropriate behavior but not abuse, then this time she said it was. Hard to know which of those is true. She could easily have been in denial before, and it's also possible she was remembering a different one of mom's boyfriends. Trauma can mix things up.

I wish Will had talked about this with his colleagues before arresting Angie publicly like that -- maybe there was a better way through this. Not saying he should have completely ignored what she did, but this was the nuclear option.


I said Angie only made it worse. With the right lawyer and jury,  Crystal would have gotten manslaughter at most with professional treatment. I understand Angie was during what she felt was right. She's screwed up too because of childhood trauma. I don't even think she should have been a cop. P.I., Social Worker or Child Therapist. The episode was great with 6 extra helpings of trauma.

Edited by Simba122504
Word change
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10 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

After getting severely beaten by some guy that she pulled over for a traffic stop early in her career, she planted enough cocaine in his car to warrant a felony distribution conviction, which cost him 28 years, if memory serves.

Ah. I thought posters were saying she knew about Angie covering for Crystal. Thanks.

On 5/22/2024 at 11:19 AM, seacliffsal said:

It felt quite light hearted until it wasn't.  


On 5/22/2024 at 11:51 AM, marceline said:

Everybody had something to do and we got to get some fun scenes with some of our side players like Pete and Caroline

I didn't like the teasing and abuse of Pete, but then Ormewood got some too, so I could overlook it. Caroline's glee at getting to help by sitting on Ormewood's chest made the scene for me.


16 hours ago, snarktini said:

I haven't otherwise been suspicious of him, but it was suspicious that he came down the stairs to her. People IRL don't do that unless there's something inside they don't want seen! But the show not wanting to create a set, that is a plausible explanation.

I think Faith's bf saw that she was sad and in distress, so he rushed to her rather make her slowly climb the stairs to get to him.

I bet the opening shot of next season will be Will with a full beard, sitting on a beach in PR, holding Betty.

Edited by mrsbagnet
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A semi-feral Will who let himself go would be quite a shock!

Him not leaving a note about where he's gone, to me says maybe he wants to be unreachable so he can't be asked to testify against Angie or explain the arrest. If nobody else can figure out what he was thinking, maybe she gets released and they chalk it up to Will having a breakdown.

I think Angie in the woods might have told them that she figured out who the serial killer (Crystal) and went to find her, but unless she breaks the confidentiality of the AA group (which she clearly didn't want to do, as they demonstrated eleswhere in the episode), I don't know how she explains that she figured that out.

Maybe they could try to case suspicion for the death of Crystal on the pedophile who was in the woods with her, but that would be more corruption.

I find it interesting that a lot of people were sympathetic to Amanda, but not to Crystal. 

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