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  1. I HATE Will and Angie. When your entire relationship is built around trauma. It's toxic until the end. That's all y'all know. Trauma on top of trauma. Betty does not ship no matter how hard the writers try. It was an entertaining episode.
  2. I have never seen anything TGW related, but I decided to check out "Elsbeth." It has a lot of stunt casting and I can see that wearing thin as the series goes on. Most focus is on, "What big star is going to appear next?!" than the actual plots of the episodes. CBS confirmed it was never moving to Paramount+ and I don't see another streaming network (especially after the strikes) picking it up. Miracles do happen now and then.
  3. The thing with rare pickups after cancellation. The ball has to start rolling right away behind the scenes. Remember contracts expire, sets get destroyed and props get sold off. Pay also changes. If it were moving to streaming. That's something that would be happening right now, not 6 months from now. Everything has be ironed out before the deal is sealed. Remember the cancelled "Silence of the Lambs" prequel "Clarice" also on CBS was going to move to Paramount+ but that was also cancelled because ViacomCBS & MGM couldn't come to an agreement. I was glad it was moving because it could be more R rated like the source material.
  4. I'm superficial because I want Tess to hook up with Leo. The partners to lovers trope is tired
  5. Friday night shows needs be very successful for a Friday show. S.W.A.T keeps coming back from the dead. I don't even think it's a CBS show. I think it's a Sony production. SHMT was in house, but still didn't have the ratings to survive another season. Blue Bloods is finally coming to an end after however many seasons.
  6. I understand, but I swear it happens every time. Meanwhile, many shows I gave up on seems to always get renewed. I actually wish it was a Friday night show.
  7. I know this is mathematically impossible, but I always feel guilty when one of favorite shows gets cancelled. It's like every time I remove a series from the DVR and decide to just binge watch later on. It gets cancelled. Lol
  8. Deadline said there's no plans to move it it to Paramount+ which would have been something CBS decided before announcing cancellation. I really liked this show. I even shipped Todd & Susan.
  9. She has great chemistry with the villains. The last show like that was "Closer."
  10. Of course they are going to warm up to her eventually.
  11. Didn't the original L&O have a bloated main cast from the beginning? It also wasn't based on a book series. I never watched any L&O or regular cop shows in general. I say "Regular" because I'm excluding stuff like "The X-Files" and "The Profiler." As I'm getting older, I'm turning into my parents. 😄 This is the first time I've watched new and old cop shows. I'm also not the biggest fan of Ormewood, but even his character needed meat on the bones. It doesn't necessarily have to be him and Gina, but it has to be something. And right now it's about how he neglected his family, which is realistic when it comes to the job. Younger Amanda would have needed the emergency room. That bastard was huge. What Amanda did wasn't right, but I understand. It's strange that the Captain didn't make sure the rapist got what was coming to him after what he did to his daughter. The police will overlook other victims, but would turn everything upset down when it involves their families. He would have never seen the streets again.
  12. I had to do a double take. lol I'm a hairy woman, so I don't play those games. 😂
  13. Amanda and Angie were good together. I need Will to get that DNA test.
  14. Of course, Cricket would be awesome, and Will cannot have her. Will, you can do everything right and life just gives you shit. I know the books are dark, but I cannot watch an awesome character become the lead in his trauma porn every season. No one could stay sane. You would definitely have a breakdown and fall into that dark hole. Good season premiere.
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