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S06.E09: There Will Be Bloodwork

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I kinda think Teresa was right when she said Melissa and Joe copy everything she does, or at least there's a lot of keeping up with the Jones' going on. Chateau Gorga looks a lot like Chateau Juicy. And since they started the plans for the new house before Teresa and Joe pleaded guilty, maybe they copied the means to afford a new house from the brother and sister-in-law, too. Maybe that's why they're so dour and sad for Teresa. Maybe they're thinking: uh oh, we're next.


Absolutely right! Melissa copies right down to getting a puppy like Tre and since Juicy "taught Joe everything he knows about business"  I believe the Gorgas will be facing charges in the near future. IMO, the Gorgas would do whatever it takes to keep up with the Guidices right down to the illegal scams. I do think there is some feeling of sadness and fear on the part of JoeGo regarding the fate of his sister but Melissa is only concerned because she fears the Gorgas may be next. I'm also not buying Jac's newfound "concern" for Tre. She just wants to get her bloated face back on TV and is worried about her and Chris' own fates regarding their legal mess. As more comes out on the Lauritas they too may end up behind bars. Maybe the Gorgas, Guidices and Lauritas can have their own cellblock - The Real Inmates of New Jersey.

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I was raised Catholic, until the age of 14 when I refused to attend church anymore. I haven't set foot in a Catholic church in 20 years, and I still automatically go left-right. Me thinks the Marcheses don't attend church as often as they would have us think.

I was also raised in a strict Catholic home but it took me an extra 4 years than you to come to my senses.  When I went to college MANY hours away I never went to mass again except a wedding and a few funerals.  Their sign of the cross was incorrect and I have been gone from the church since 1985. I could go back to mass this coming Sunday and I would recall ALL the lines.  That shit sears on the brain!  I hope I don't offend those of you that are still practicing as I just found it wasn't my cup of tea. meh

On a separate note.  I have no doubt that the church had no problem letting Bravo film there as long as they were paid enough $'s. <wink>

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I was raised Catholic, until the age of 14 when I refused to attend church anymore. I haven't set foot in a Catholic church in 20 years, and I still automatically go left-right. Me thinks the Marcheses don't attend church as often as they would have us think.


Ghoulina, I was also raised Catholic, strict Italian Catholic, and was forced to attend Mass every Sunday and every Holy Day (ugh - so many of them!) until I left for college. I envy you were allowed a choice at age fourteen. I never went again either but I do remember every prayer and can still recite the Mass - it was that ingrained. And I was also taught left-right on the cross.

Edited by happykitteh
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Okay...watching again and I have to say, as much as the twins' voices grate on my nerves, they don't drive me too, too crazy or annoy me too much.  I do appreciate the fact that when you see them filming "every day" things (like going for a normal procedure such as a colonoscopy with their husband), at least they are not made up as if they are walking a red carpet.  Ter-ESS-a looked like a normal wife waiting for her husband - jeans, normal shirt, minimal makeup.  And, then we have Amber - going to the doctor with full on fake lashes, clown cheeks and much too much everything else.

And, God, please - enough with the white eye-liner!!  Whoever told Amber (and Tamra from RHOC) that was a good look should be shot!! 

I also appreciate that Dina doesn't believe this rumor about Rino and Santa.  IMO, though, this is all producer driven, and the fact that Theresa G. is telling Dina was also a producer-driven storyline set up. 

I don't believe any of that...that family is just too traditional for it to have happened, in the first place, and, in the second place, for Rino to still be alive or walking or have something to stuff in those bird underwear, if it did....

Oh, and also, I know Rino is caustic and crass, but there is something about him that makes me laugh! 

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As for Rino and his colonoscopy... I realize this is a routine matter for people of his age, but didn't he say something about his father having cancer? I could see why they'd be a little more concerned about the outcome in that case.

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Ghoulina, I was also raised Catholic, strict Italian Catholic, and was forced to attend Mass every Sunday and every Holy Day (ugh - so many of them!) until I left for college. I envy you were allowed a choice at age fourteen. I never went again either but I do remember every prayer and can still recite the Mass - it was that ingraned. And I was also taught left-right on the cross.

Happykitteh, we posted at the same time and although we said nearly the same thing my only difference is I was raised Irish Catholic. ;)

Edited by Raiderred
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What was with Teresa constantly asking the girls if they love her or how much they love her? OMG she was like a broken record. I wonder how much Gia hears about her parent's "legal issues" while at school. (Not to mention Juicy's priors-DWI's/fake licenses) Kids can be mean. I'm sure she tries to ignore them but all this WILL take a toll on her. Too bad she's the smartest one in the family. What IDIOT parents! !

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Happykitteh, we posted at the same time and although we said nearly the same thing my only difference is I was raised Irish Catholic. ;)

 Raiderred, I just noticed that and laughed! Irish Catolic and Italian Catholic - one just as bad as the other, LOL. No offense to any practicing Catholics here by that remark, I just mean the strictness of never, and I mean never, being allowed to miss Mass or a Holy Day unless you were too sick to stand up and needed Last Rites. This is what makes me think Amber and Jim are fake Catholics, not as devout as they tried to portray, or Jim would have gotten the sign of the cross correctly. It's so ingrained you don't even think about it.

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 As more comes out on the Lauritas they too may end up behind bars. Maybe the Gorgas, Guidices and Lauritas can have their own cellblock - The Real Inmates of New Jersey.

I would so watch that! Theresa would cut a bitch.  When Juicy heard about it, he would say "Whattaya gonna do about it, Tre?"  And Joe Go would cry himself to sleep every night.


Okay...watching again and I have to say, as much as the twins' voices grate on my nerves, they don't drive me too, too crazy or annoy me too much.  I do appreciate the fact that when you see them filming "every day" things (like going for a normal procedure such as a colonoscopy with their husband), at least they are not made up as if they are walking a red carpet.  Ter-ESS-a looked like a normal wife waiting for her husband - jeans, normal shirt, minimal makeup.  And, then we have Amber - going to the doctor with full on fake lashes, clown cheeks and much too much everything else.

And, God, please - enough with the white eye-liner!!  Whoever told Amber (and Tamra from RHOC) that was a good look should be shot!! 

I liked seeing Ter-ESS-a in normal clothes and makeup too.  It was refreshing after see so many of the housewives overdone regardless of what they are doing.  Most of them opt for clown, whore or clown whore - a combo that Amber seems to be trying to master.  

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It's Lenten season. Oh, that Amber!

Lentil/Lenten. Prostrate/Prostate. Vasectomy/Masectomy. I cannot believe there is this much dumb on one show. I also cannot believe there are this many women with so little knowledge of how to apply makeup. Or decorate a home. Or carry on a conversation.

I would however love to have Rino cook me a meal. On a night he was not chained to the toilet, of course.

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All I could think of when Joe Gorga was going on and on about being Michelangelo was how I wished they would have stuck in a blurb about that tenant the Gorgas have at their old mansion, which needs a shitload of repairs.


Boring.  The new people just suck.  They're not entertaining.  Will they make it back next season?  I hope not.


Teresa is unbelievable (not in a good way).  "Gia said she is proud of me.  That makes me so proud of her."  LOL.  And she doesn't think her kids should wear seat belts?  I mean really?


And I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired of them all acting like Teresa is grappling with some horrible, random event that just happened to her.  SHE COMMITTED MULTIPLE CRIMES!!! She admitted to it!! GMAFB.

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Absolutely right! Melissa copies right down to getting a puppy like Tre and since Juicy "taught Joe everything he knows about business"  I believe the Gorgas will be facing charges in the near future. IMO, the Gorgas would do whatever it takes to keep up with the Guidices right down to the illegal scams. I do think there is some feeling of sadness and fear on the part of JoeGo regarding the fate of his sister but Melissa is only concerned because she fears the Gorgas may be next. I'm also not buying Jac's newfound "concern" for Tre. She just wants to get her bloated face back on TV and is worried about her and Chris' own fates regarding their legal mess. As more comes out on the Lauritas they too may end up behind bars. Maybe the Gorgas, Guidices and Lauritas can have their own cellblock - The Real Inmates of New Jersey.

Melissa didn't get the puppy.  Joey did.  Joe, according to Tre (who I wouldn't trust for a nano second) taught Joey everything about the 'business', not Melissa.  JOey is the one who wants the big house.  Not Melissa. 


I don't believe Jac's concern about Tre is 'newfound'.  She's always shown concern about Tre.  This is nothing new and they were good friends.  The reason why the producers wanted Jac back was not for any support for Tre. The season has been awful and they're desperately trying to save the season.  They probably would have been much happier if Jac condemned Tre for her crimes rather than support her.  Jac and Chris's legal problems are very different from Tre and Joe's.  Their civil lawsuit has been going on for quit some time and no criminal charges have been filed against them.  I think it premature to say that they may end up being behind bars. 

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I was also raised in a strict Catholic home but it took me an extra 4 years than you to come to my senses.  When I went to college MANY hours away I never went to mass again except a wedding and a few funerals.  Their sign of the cross was incorrect and I have been gone from the church since 1985. I could go back to mass this coming Sunday and I would recall ALL the lines.  That shit sears on the brain!  I hope I don't offend those of you that are still practicing as I just found it wasn't my cup of tea. meh

On a separate note.  I have no doubt that the church had no problem letting Bravo film there as long as they were paid enough $'s. <wink>

I'm actually very surprised that St. Mary's allowed them to film on the grounds and in the church.  I have a feeling that Amber sold them a bill of goods about how this show was about 'the cancer' and her religion and how important it is to her.  If St. Mary's is anything like the Catholic church in the neighboring town of Holmdel, they don't need the money from Bravo.  They do quite well from the parishioners. 

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I love how Teresa was all "I don't want to deal with this nasty gossip crap" yet she perpetuates and always finds herself at the center of people talking shit about people she knows. She is the common denominator.

Also, when she said she told Dina so that Amber couldn't make stuff up - that story was pretty bad to begin with, so I wonder what she thought Amber would add to make it worse? Maybe we'll

find out...

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Melissa didn't get the puppy.  Joey did.  Joe, according to Tre (who I wouldn't trust for a nano second) taught Joey everything about the 'business', not Melissa.  JOey is the one who wants the big house.  Not Melissa. 


I don't believe Jac's concern about Tre is 'newfound'.  She's always shown concern about Tre.  This is nothing new and they were good friends.  The reason why the producers wanted Jac back was not for any support for Tre. The season has been awful and they're desperately trying to save the season.  They probably would have been much happier if Jac condemned Tre for her crimes rather than support her.  Jac and Chris's legal problems are very different from Tre and Joe's.  Their civil lawsuit has been going on for quit some time and no criminal charges have been filed against them.  I think it premature to say that they may end up being behind bars. 


Joe bought the puppy as a gift for Melissa. When Joe presented the puppy to Melissa he said, "You've been wanting a puppy" so obviously she'd been asking for one - IMO, because Tre recently got one.


IIRC, JoeGo himself gave props to JoeGui in a TH for "teaching him the business and taking him under his wing when he was young and starting out." I never stated that JoeGui taught Melissa anyhting. However, Mel will be in the shit if she signed off on shady dealing like Tre did - which she would have to do if it involves loans, mortgages, etc. Time will tell on these two.


I think Mel was playing coy with the "I don't want a bigger house" schtick. She'd LOVE to have the biggest house in the entire state of NJ.


I don't think Bravo would be happier if Jac condemned Tre for her crimes. This season seems like no one is allowed to speak ill of the Guidices. Tre is being portrayed as the victim rather than the victimizer that she is.  IMO, Jac was a crappy friend to Tre and is a crappy person in general.  Once the ongoing Laurita investigation is complete I for one will not be surprised if they end up with criminal charges. Premature? Perhaps, but many of Tre's fans didn't believe it was possible she would be involved in the kinds of crimes she's now pleaded guilty to. The Lauritas are probably glad Jim was outed for defrauding cancer patients and possibly costing them their lives. Now their theft of a cancer charity doesn't look as heinous by comparison.


If St. Mary's is anything like the Catholic church in the neighboring town of Holmdel, they don't need the money from Bravo.  They do quite well from the parishioners.

 They may not need it but they'll sure as hell take it. In my experience the Catholic church always has their hand out.


All I could think of when Joe Gorga was going on and on about being Michelangelo was how I wished they would have stuck in a blurb about that tenant the Gorgas have at their old mansion, which needs a shitload of repairs.


LOL!  Don't forget the faucet that came off in the realtors hand and the vanity that fell apart when touched. That would have been great if they had edited in that clip, hahaha! A Joe Gorga house a work of art indeed!

Edited by happykitteh
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Joe bought the puppy as a gift for Melissa. When Joe presented the puppy to Melissa he said, "You've been wanting a puppy" so obviously she'd been asking for one - IMO, because Tre recently got one.


IIRC, JoeGo himself gave props to JoeGui in a TH for "teaching him the business and taking him under his wing when he was young and starting out." I never stated that JoeGui taught Melissa anyhting. However, Mel will be in the shit if she signed off on shady dealing like Tre did - which she would have to do if it involves loans, mortgages, etc. Time will tell on these two.


I think Mel was playing coy with the "I don't want a bigger house" schtick. She'd LOVE to have the biggest house in the entire state of NJ.


I don't think Bravo would be happier if Jac condemned Tre for her crimes. This season seems like no one is allowed to speak ill of the Guidices. Tre is being portrayed as the victim rather than the victimizer that she is.  IMO, Jac was a crappy friend to Tre and is a crappy person in general.  Once the ongoing Laurita investigation is complete I for one will not be surprised if they end up with criminal charges. Premature? Perhaps, but many of Tre's fans didn't believe it was possible she would be involved in the kinds of crimes she's now pleaded guilty to. The Lauritas are probably glad Jim was outed for defrauding cancer patients and possibly costing them their lives. Now their theft of a cancer charity doesn't look as heinous by comparison.

Is it because Melissa wanted a puppy or because the kids wanted a puppy?  I don't see that it 'has' to do with Tre getting a puppy.  Actually, seems to me that the puppy was more for Tre's kids than anything else.


I don't see that Mel would 'have' to sign off on anything on Joey's businesses.  The only thing that we know she signed off on was the mortgage on their house.  And nothing has been 'brought to light'.  I don't believe that anyone would should be tried and convicted on something that there is no evidence of.


I also don't believe that Bravo isn't allowing anyone to speak ill of the Guidices'.  I think they would welcome it.  Dina is playing the loyal friend.  Kathy, etc. are family and there's the whole loyality thing.  And then there are the newbies who are afraid to rock that boat (for possibly many reasons).  As for 'cancer theft', that was a marketing thing of a company.  I wouldn't call it theft.  There is no Laurita investigation.  It's a civil lawsuit filed by a trustee for creditors involved in a company bankruptcy.  The trustee made allegations in the best interest of the creditors.  The owners of the company respond.  No one is objective in the case.


Tre's 'fans' may have been surprised by Tre's crimes but anyone who read her bankruptcy filing could tell you she was lying on the bankruptcy filing.  She forgot she had an online business?  She forgot she signed a book deal?  She forgot about assets?   

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I was also raised in a strict Catholic home but it took me an extra 4 years than you to come to my senses.  When I went to college MANY hours away I never went to mass again except a wedding and a few funerals.  Their sign of the cross was incorrect and I have been gone from the church since 1985. I could go back to mass this coming Sunday and I would recall ALL the lines.  That shit sears on the brain!  I hope I don't offend those of you that are still practicing as I just found it wasn't my cup of tea. meh

On a separate note.  I have no doubt that the church had no problem letting Bravo film there as long as they were paid enough $'s. <wink>

I was raised Catholic and went to church every single Sunday with my parents.  Until....


We walked out of mass and my dad's brand new Pinto was stolen.  We never went back again.  All I heard was a bunch  of *#$# *#$(# *#($(# Amen.  ;)   I saw it half glass full.  A blessing in disguise.  Ugly brown exploding when rear ended Pinto.  My dad, not so much.


Ambuh ~ I thought we all have discovered water proof mascara?

Edited by Lablover27
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I don't see that Mel would 'have' to sign off on anything on Joey's businesses.  The only thing that we know she signed off on was the mortgage on their house.  And nothing has been 'brought to light'.  I don't believe that anyone would should be tried and convicted on something that there is no evidence of.


I also don't believe that Bravo isn't allowing anyone to speak ill of the Guidices'.  I think they would welcome it.  Dina is playing the loyal friend.  Kathy, etc. are family and there's the whole loyality thing.  And then there are the newbies who are afraid to rock that boat (for possibly many reasons).  As for 'cancer theft', that was a marketing thing of a company.  I wouldn't call it theft.  There is no Laurita investigation.  It's a civil lawsuit filed by a trustee for creditors involved in a company bankruptcy.  The trustee made allegations in the best interest of the creditors.  The owners of the company respond.  No one is objective in the case.


Tre's 'fans' may have been surprised by Tre's crimes but anyone who read her bankruptcy filing could tell you she was lying on the bankruptcy filing.  She forgot she had an online business?  She forgot she signed a book deal?  She forgot about assets?


The Laurita's collected money from sales that a % of was supposed to go to the Susan Komen Breast Cancer fund. They misappropriated it and spent it on themselves. In my book that's theft. They can bury it in a bankruptcy but it's theft all the same.


IF Melissa is a partner or co owner in Joe's construction business then yes, she would have to sign off on it. There have been shenanigans with their Montville house which was supposed to be a builder's loan/spec house. I'm not a judge so I don't have the ability to "try and convict them" this is JUST MY OPINION!!! (@Tamra OC). One of the purposes of a message board is to speculate on what we the viewers think will happen. This is my speculation. As I stated, time will tell.


Tre fans were shocked by it all, beginning with the bankruptcy and many viewers didn't go to the trouble of reading the bankruptcy filing so they would be surprised at what came out.


I stand by my opinions as I'm sure you do yours. We'll have to agree to respectfully disagree.

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About the sign of the cross. What I find odd is, if it's St. Mary's in Colts Neck, it's Roman Catholic. If Jim were Greek or other Orthodox, I suppose they might attend there anyway, but I've found in my past anyway, the two didn't tend to just 'mix it up'. Which is why going right-to-left is strange also to me. I was raised Roman Catholic and I recall very very clearly in catechism the teachers and priest flipping shit if someone mixed it up. As others have said....that stuff is ingrained. 

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I hate the willful ignorance of all these women. So, Rino has an enlarged prostate? He must have said, "prostate" seven times. EVERY time Teresa said it, she said, "prostrate." PROSTRATE. Every. Single. Time. Hey, anyone can mispronounce a word, but come on! When someone tells you the correct way to say it, LISTEN! Tessa Guidice always looks better, imo, because though she frequently makes mistakes with language, she corrects it without much fuss. I think she speaks Italian at home mostly, and I'd imagine that makes it difficult to get every English word right. You could almost see when she said vasectomy, she knew it was the wrong word...but it was pretty close.

Did anyone else notice the way Teresa kept looking at herself in the mirror during the "prostrate" conversation? You could see the hamster wheel in her head turning. "Am I cute? Aren't these jammies adorbs? Wait, is my husband telling me he's worried about cancer because of his family history? PINK PJ's!!!" So vapid and gross.

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As I watch the re-air,  I admit.  I'm a horrible person.  I'm trying to figure out what Nicole's ex has to look like to mate with her and have the daughter look as she does.  She's not ugly or anything, but looking at the twins and I have to believe her ex is Howdy Doody?



Nicole doesn't have a daughter.  She has 2 sons.  That girl at the dinner was Nicole and Teresa's niece.  So apparently they have another sibling who is not being shown.

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LOL!  Don't forget the faucet that came off in the realtors hand and the vanity that fell apart when touched. That would have been great if they had edited in that clip, hahaha! A Joe Gorga house a work of art indeed!


Well...the Mayan ruins and the pyramids are also works of art, but you're not allowed to touch them!! 

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Make that two because I'm joining you.  It recorded on the DVR and I erased it without even a peek.  I'm not a stranger to trash TV, but I'm finally passing on this particular bit of nonsense.  I should have done this two or three years ago. 

I am making it three. After really liking the first season (reality show naivete) I now dislike all of them beyond description. I turned it off at the penis sock bit. Seriously, Bravo? Who's writing/directing your shows these days? A group of giggling 14 year olds? I'm out...

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LOL!  Don't forget the faucet that came off in the realtors hand and the vanity that fell apart when touched. That would have been great if they had edited in that clip, hahaha! A Joe Gorga house a work of art indeed!

Joe Go is an artiste!  Seeing his craptacular construction we all know it isn't for function.  With his taste level, he isn't striving for beauty.  So I can only surmise that Joe is making a statement about the excesses in modern society and our need to define ourselves by material possessions, even if there is nothing underneath to sustain them (a.k.a. marble without support crumbling in the Realtor's hands).  Joe is a deep thinker, trying to make his mark on society and expose the foibles of humanity through the grotesque monstrosities he inflicts upon the New Jersey landscape.   Then  again he could just be an incompetent idiot.  Six of one . . . . 


Nicole doesn't have a daughter.  She has 2 sons.  That girl at the dinner was Nicole and Teresa's niece.  So apparently they have another sibling who is not being shown.

Maybe their sibling got all of the brains in the family.  They have chosen not to be shown on RH.  Best decision ever.  

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I too was stymied at the size of Melissa and Joe's new house with only 4 bedrooms, no in law suite, no nanny quarters?


By now we all know these are spec houses, built to be sold but while that is all fine and dandy what about building a home, somewhere the kids can grow up in and create memories in?

I am typing this as I am packing up my childhood home and selling off the contents so I can move my father to an CCRC.  I guess I am getting sentimental.

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I'm actually very surprised that St. Mary's allowed them to film on the grounds and in the church.  I have a feeling that Amber sold them a bill of goods about how this show was about 'the cancer' and her religion and how important it is to her.  If St. Mary's is anything like the Catholic church in the neighboring town of Holmdel, they don't need the money from Bravo.  They do quite well from the parishioners. 

I assumed this was the St Mary's in Holmdel. I pass it a lot and it looked the same. Colts Neck and Holmdel probably share common areas. 


Yes, that parish is in a wealthy area and don't appear to be lacking in funds! What a nice lawn and landscaping! I always admire it. 

Maybe Jim made a donation to cover the "cost" of the filming and all...you know how it is.  (wink)


Or maybe Amber really did sell them her story.


In all fairness, she was a young mom with breast cancer. I imgaine her faith did carry her through. 


Hopefully the priests didn't see her on the phone gossiping with the ashes on her forehead.  That sunk to a new low. So holy and yet so not holy.  Wow. All in one scene! 

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I go to Catholic church every week and teach ccd, and I see plenty of people doing the sign of the cross "backwards."  I think people watch the priest doing the motion across from them, mimic that and don't cross over.  Their parents are next to them, so they don't see what they are doing, and it never really gets corrected.  


As for Jim and Amber who knows? Maybe Amber was raised Eastern Rite and is allowing Jim to raise their kids R. Catholic because his older kids are.  I think the worst offense was running out of church to pry info out of Teresa.  Gossip is a nasty business, and at ccd, we include it as something not to do when we are teaching the 10 commandments - thou shalt not bear false witness.  So Amber is shit out of luck on that account. Lol.  I don't know which commandment I am violating by posting on this message board! lol.

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I was raised Catholic and went to church every single Sunday with my parents.  Until....


We walked out of mass and my dad's brand new Pinto was stolen.  We never went back again.  All I heard was a bunch  of *#$# *#$(# *#($(# Amen.  ;)   I saw it half glass full.  A blessing in disguise.  Ugly brown exploding when rear ended Pinto.  My dad, not so much.

This is incredible!! Someone stole a pinto?! From CHURCH?!  Thank you for this story!! #sweetjesus

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I think the worst offense was running out of church to pry info out of Teresa.  Gossip is a nasty business, and at ccd, we include it as something not to do when we are teaching the 10 commandments - thou shalt not bear false witness.  So Amber is shit out of luck on that account. Lol.  I don't know which commandment I am violating by posting on this message board! lol.


That was Bravo's doing. That was one of the most staged scenes ever. It sounded like they handed Amber a script to read from. That's not to say that Amber's not batshit crazy, because she is. But that particular crazy screamed Bravo manipulation. Same thing when Teresa was "praying" on the floor in a previous episode.


That being said, Teresa doesn't want anyone asking her questions about her "situation", but she's on a reality show allowing cameras in her crying daughter's face. She's not a good mother. And its pointless to ask for "privacy" when you're putting it all out there on national television. And the sympathy drives me nuts, because she had complete control over where she has ended up.


I just want to fast forward to when Twin 1 finds out that people think her husband bedded her mother.

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I assumed this was the St Mary's in Holmdel. I pass it a lot and it looked the same. Colts Neck and Holmdel probably share common areas. 


Yes, that parish is in a wealthy area and don't appear to be lacking in funds! What a nice lawn and landscaping! I always admire it. 

Maybe Jim made a donation to cover the "cost" of the filming and all...you know how it is.  (wink)


Or maybe Amber really did sell them her story.


In all fairness, she was a young mom with breast cancer. I imgaine her faith did carry her through. 


Hopefully the priests didn't see her on the phone gossiping with the ashes on her forehead.  That sunk to a new low. So holy and yet so not holy.  Wow. All in one scene! 

St. Mary's is on Phalanx Rd. by 34.  That's Colts Neck.  The only Catholic church in Holmdel is St. Catherine's which is my old parish. 


I agree with you about the priests.  That's why I don't think they were told the full story about what was to be filmed.  I just can't imagine the parish agreeing to that.  

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I also appreciate that Dina doesn't believe this rumor about Rino and Santa.  IMO, though, this is all producer driven, and the fact that Theresa G. is telling Dina was also a producer-driven storyline set up. 



If the rumor isn't true, then what in the hell is that troll Victoria Gotti doing interjecting her smarmy self into that episode to spread the gossip for? What is in it for her? What a disgusting thing to put out there on national TV, as far as I'm concerned Victoria is no better than her criminal scumbag father.  This whole season is just pissing me off more and more.....

Oh and just an observation, those twins have amazing bodies and hair to die for, yes they do have butter faces, however, I still think they could have done better in the men department. Really, Rino and Bobby? Ugggggh. Dina, if this is all NJ has to offer, stay single honey.  

Edited by demarti
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I am extremely confused by Teresssa's blog this week. She claims that the Florida trip was just a pretext so that Teresa and Amber could ambush her with the Rino/Santa rumor. What does she think- (a) Victoria Gotti spread the rumor to Teresa and Amber, (b) then Teresa and Amber wanted to ambush Teresssa, so they © pulled Dina aside to get her to (d) convince Melissa that Dina and Melissa should take Teresa to Florida, and then (e) invite the others, all when they could have just ambused her in NJ (and Teresa the supposed ringleader of this didn't even go to Florida). This is how we all saw it play out, including Teresssa by the time she wrote the blog. It is ridiculous to spread the rumor in the first place (and I DO believe that it is untrue), but I simply cannot follow Teresssa's logic or argument.

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Victoria Gotti has been trying to get her ass back on reality television since her own show was scrapped.  In part because she tried to call all the shots.  Her sons I think finally stepped away when she tried to insert them on another show.  She denied it but there were a lot of recorded calls apparently.  I think it was something odd, like a season of the Real World in Brooklyn?  I do know someone on the old BRAVO boards linked an article about her lunching with people involved in both the NY and NJ show -- behind the scenes people.  I suspect she cultivated Theresa as a "friend" when they met at some Apprentice thing simply because of the show.  I did hear a lot of rumors she was trying to get cast the same time that Kathy came on the show.  Wouldn't surprise me at all that she put herself forward in this role because it puts her in front of a camera.  and lets her get in digs at people she might think stole her spot as a regular on the show. 


Over all, I take consider anything Gotti says as veracity as her hair is to being, well hair.

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Regarding the Laurita vs. Giudice BKs, Laurita's company's BK is involved in an adversary proceeding brought on by one of the creditors who is alleging that the Laurita brothers mismanaged about 5% of the gross receipts of the company while it was operating. As to the Susan G. Komen, the Laurita company essentially made a pledge, the charity was not out of pocket any money, the Laurita company could not if they wanted to pay or donate to the Susan G. Komen Foundation because it would be considered a preferential creditor. 


When I read the Giudice BK-my first thought was loan fraud.  it did not take a legal scholar to figure it out.  To me there is no comparison between the two BKs because the Laurita's are not involved in fraud allegations.  Never has any credible source, such as any of the attorneys involved in the case ever indicated there were criminal charges looming. 

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Well, I wonder if Twin 1 has heard this rumor before - like before this show ever filmed.  Will she be shocked at the news or just shocked that it is being filmed?


That was Bravo's doing. That was one of the most staged scenes ever. It sounded like they handed Amber a script to read from. That's not to say that Amber's not batshit crazy, because she is. But that particular crazy screamed Bravo manipulation. Same thing when Teresa was "praying" on the floor in a previous episode.

You are probably right.  Amber is probably the perfect employee.  She will leave church to do it.  I mean if I had The Cancer, I wouldn't be tempting fate by filming staged re-enacted scenes about my recovery.  I am way too superstitious in a nonsensical way.

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Any idea when this Project Ladybug event was that they are referencing?  I attended a PL event on 11/11/13 and most of the cast was there.  I didn't know the new girls so I don't know if they were there or not.  Not sure if that's the one they are talking about.  There were no kids or fashion show so maybe there was something else.  

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Yeah, I don't understand why Victoria Gotti would repeat (if it's true) this type of information or gossip.  Rino has a child, for goodness sake, and for her to do this on national television shows that the woman has no morals.  Some things you just keep to yourself.  I am wondering what her reasoning is to do this...Did she actually want Rino, but Theresa got him back and so she holds a grudge?  Does she want to make sure that Theresa knows she could have had Rino if she wanted him?  I mean, I just don't get it.  In any case, whatever is in that Napolitano closet is NOTHING compared to the Gotti skeletons, so maybe Victoria should lay off them and go get a hair cut or something.

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I am extremely confused by Teresssa's blog this week. She claims that the Florida trip was just a pretext so that Teresa and Amber could ambush her with the Rino/Santa rumor. What does she think- (a) Victoria Gotti spread the rumor to Teresa and Amber, (b) then Teresa and Amber wanted to ambush Teresssa, so they © pulled Dina aside to get her to (d) convince Melissa that Dina and Melissa should take Teresa to Florida, and then (e) invite the others, all when they could have just ambused her in NJ (and Teresa the supposed ringleader of this didn't even go to Florida). This is how we all saw it play out, including Teresssa by the time she wrote the blog. It is ridiculous to spread the rumor in the first place (and I DO believe that it is untrue), but I simply cannot follow Teresssa's logic or argument.

I can't believe I am speaking twin-but here goes-I think what TeResa is trying to convey is the trip to Florida for R&R for Teresa (by production) was a ruse and the bigger plan was to get the twins (and men) to go and then ambush them with the rumor.  Where is gets confusing is the meeting at Dina's house-I think TeResa is saying Amber and Teresa were discussing it and it could have been brought up there but then Teresa backed out and passed the torch on to Dina to drop the bombshell in Florida or coerce Amber to at a time there would be husbands-especially Rino.




Victoria Gotti has been trying to get her ass back on reality television since her own show was scrapped.  In part because she tried to call all the shots.  Her sons I think finally stepped away when she tried to insert them on another show.  She denied it but there were a lot of recorded calls apparently.  I think it was something odd, like a season of the Real World in Brooklyn?  I do know someone on the old BRAVO boards linked an article about her lunching with people involved in both the NY and NJ show -- behind the scenes people.  I suspect she cultivated Theresa as a "friend" when they met at some Apprentice thing simply because of the show.  I did hear a lot of rumors she was trying to get cast the same time that Kathy came on the show.  Wouldn't surprise me at all that she put herself forward in this role because it puts her in front of a camera.  and lets her get in digs at people she might think stole her spot as a regular on the show. 


Over all, I take consider anything Gotti says as veracity as her hair is to being, well hair.

As to Gotti, I think she smoked her credibility on the reality TV circuit when she threw out she had breast cancer and didn't.  IIRC on Celebrity Apprentice she was a mouthy, stupid, lazy bitch that got sent home after the second challenge. TPTB at NBC/Universal seem to have wanted to get mob-daughter and RH felon together for a bit-for what reason I don't know other than unsubstantiated gossip.  My guess is someone in production probably told her who the new RH were-I can't remember how she knew Teresa knew them.   I think this rumor was news to the twins and obviously hurt them deeply.  I don't really know what Victoria Gotti gained from it as I think it led to even more people universally despising her.  Dina scored a point for me when she said-you don't go after someone's mother. 


I was glad to see TeResa finally stand up for herself and her family and put the blame where it lies and that is with desperate Teresa Giudice who for five seasons now has been involved in unsubstantiated gossip.  Seasons 4, 5 and 6 only speak to the desperate levels Teresa will sink to create drama and grab herself a big fat paycheck.  For all the cast ramblings about Teresa being a good mother how does this gossip to destroy another woman and her family get overlooked?

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Regarding the Laurita vs. Giudice BKs, Laurita's company's BK is involved in an adversary proceeding brought on by one of the creditors who is alleging that the Laurita brothers mismanaged about 5% of the gross receipts of the company while it was operating. As to the Susan G. Komen, the Laurita company essentially made a pledge, the charity was not out of pocket any money, the Laurita company could not if they wanted to pay or donate to the Susan G. Komen Foundation because it would be considered a preferential creditor.

When I read the Giudice BK-my first thought was loan fraud. it did not take a legal scholar to figure it out. To me there is no comparison between the two BKs because the Laurita's are not involved in fraud allegations. Never has any credible source, such as any of the attorneys involved in the case ever indicated there were criminal charges looming.

Thanks zoeysmom, Everything's easy to understand when you explain it.

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Of everything that is crappy and boring about this season, the thing I am most sick of is that sad, harp music they play before any scenes at the home of Teresa & Juicy Joe. SPARE ME. This is not the home of someone dying. This is the home of 2 admitted felons! So lay off the sad elevator music! They should play a sound bite of a jail cell closing. THWANK. 

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