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S03.E13: Smith Playground

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Even Jacob knew Gregory was taking forever on this. Good on him for making them make their move on HIS field trip. And maaaaan, Manny chose the absolute worst time to shoot his shot. And DAMMIT, Ava and Mr. Morton just had to ruin their moment and put that thought of dating co-workers in their heads.

"My bird's name is Peter, and you'd know that if you ever came over to meet her."

At first, Liberty was just being petty, but taking over the shady tables and tossing everyone's lunches?! Oh FUCK them, Abbott deserved to throw dem hands. That relay race was great, and Barbara came in clutch! She was great.

Mr. Johnson found Ava's secret basement bathroom! So good to see that again! And OF COURSE her code was 6969.

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Ava's reaction to Mr. Johnson being like, "I abused it" in regards to her bathroom was great :p. 

I liked seeing the teachers having so much fun with the obstacle course. Their inner kids were coming out in full force in that moment and it was entertaining to watch. Helps that they were so motivated, too. I like how Barbara was finally just like, "Enough" with the teacher rivalry. 

I also liked Gregory on the little tricycle, hee. I thought he was genuinely going to fall over when he stumbled away afterward. 

6 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

Even Jacob knew Gregory was taking forever on this. Good on him for making them make their move on HIS field trip. And maaaaan, Manny chose the absolute worst time to shoot his shot. And DAMMIT, Ava and Mr. Morton just had to ruin their moment and put that thought of dating co-workers in their heads.

Yeah, that had me like, "Noooooo, stop talking, you two!" I liked Gregory's point about focusing so much on expecting things to go right htat he didn't plan for if they'd gone wrong. Sure, he may know that Janine likes him, but still, yeah, even when you know, and even when you're certain you'll get the answer you want in a moment like that...it's still very easy to let that doubt creep in, too. 

But yeah, I love Jacob and Gregory's friendship. Jacob comparing their situation to a Hallmark movie, and putting himself in the place of the person watching that Hallmark movie, was cute. 

I also like Gregory's reason for liking the color green. And Janine's answer about why she likes blue: "But not synthetic. The kind you find in nature. Like fish, or Smurfs."

"Do you like swinging?" Oh, Janine...XD. 

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I immediately understood all of Ava's frustrations with Janine when she did a victory dance before passing off to the next person.

Janine and Gregory had better be a couple by the end of the season finale, or else it will be disastrous storytelling. Mr. Morton's cautionary speech didn't even make sense - his life fell apart because his marriage failed, not because he married a coworker.

Mr. Johnson telling the toilet that it was about to learn who he was the hard way was probably the hardest I've laughed at this show all season.

Edited by Blakeston
  • Like 13
11 hours ago, Annber03 said:

Ava's reaction to Mr. Johnson being like, "I abused it" in regards to her bathroom was great :p. 

Oh man, that was perfect! 


"Do you like swinging?" Oh, Janine...XD.

 Reminded me of Janine obliviously talking about going to Bone Town.


10 hours ago, Blakeston said:

Janine and Gregory had better be a couple by the end of the season finale, or else it will be disastrous storytelling. Mr. Morton's cautionary speech didn't even make sense - his life fell apart because his marriage failed, not because he married a coworker.

Morton IS the worst. 

But at least Janine and Gregory both know that they like each other and want to be together. Still, I hate this will-they-won't-they trope.

HATED the Liberty teachers. The guy pouring his water out just so he could take longer, and of course putting Abbott's lunches in the sun. 

Ava's air chair... Is that a real thing? Seems pretty stupid.

The wood slide looks like fun. That whole park looks fun.

Jacob said he was single. I thought he was seeing Avi. (That was his name, right?)

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I'm not going to lie, I wanted Abbott to throw hands on Liberty, but beating them in the relay was just as satisfying--even Janine came through--although she had me worried for a minute.

Ugh,  Morton's gets on my nerves; his bitter, miserable arse has got to go. I don't find him funny at all.

That said, I'm okay with Gregoy waiting to express his feelings for Janine, I'm not ready for them too hookup yet, lol.


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On 5/15/2024 at 11:11 PM, Blakeston said:

Mr. Morton's cautionary speech didn't even make sense - his life fell apart because his marriage failed, not because he married a coworker.

I think his point was that when they broke up, they were still working together and had to see each other every day.  As a result, one of them had to switch to another school. Since they are still arguing over grill ownership, and Morton has been at Abbott for at least 3 years, this implies that his ex also worked at Abbott and recently transferred to another school. Therefore, all his coworkers should know her.  I don't think the writers thought this through logically.

Also, it's pretty obvious that if you work together and break up it's going to be awkward, at the very least. Janine and Gregory know this from when they shared that kiss in the greenery. Why is this news to them? And who cares if you have to report the relationship to HR? Why does Ava care at all? Is she afraid she's going to lose one of them if they break up? She herself said that they're not really part of the Abbott team.

Why Janine would volunteer to compete in the monkey bar portion of the relay race when she had just demonstrated she couldn't do it by herself was mystifying. She should have done the tricycle portion.

Parts of this episode were just annoying.  The Mr. Johnson parts were funny. And Ava's secretary must think that Ava never uses the bathroom.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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Y'all. Why did I think this was the finale and threw my remote across the bed when Janine and Gregory didn't get together? 🫣

I was ready to denounce this show altogether and my love for these two crazy, nerdy kids. You got one more episode to change my mind, Quinta. 😑

Mr. Morton can get the fuck on, I'm positive he's the reason his marriage ended and not because they worked together. I'm hoping Ava was tryna apply some reverse psychology to them and when they do get together next episode, she's gonna take credit and say something like, 'I did it for y'all. I can't be rooting harder for a couple than they root for themselves!' 😁

And, damn you, Manny and your date beard. I knew he was feeling him some Janine. Still getting a weird vibe from him, though. 

That relay race was awesome. 

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3 hours ago, Enigma X said:

I enjoyed this episode, but I am with others who are over the Janine and Gregory will they/won't they. It has officially entered the "I don't care" stage for me.

Same. I don't tune in for romantic drama. I outgrew this mess after Jim & Pam on The Office. That said, as someone who dated a coworker when I was Janine's age, Morton spoke the truth.

BTW, this whole dilemma would be irrelevant if Janine was still working at the district. She and Gregory could date with no problem.


Edited by marceline
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Delightful episode.

18 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

Barbara being told "Satan's right behind you girl" is what got her to book it to the finish line.

This made me cackle out loud.  And then she put on the Usain Bolt pose. 

And I agree, the Janine/Gregory stuff is misfiring. I almost think it would have been more interesting if they had actually gotten together after that kiss and found they really weren't a match after all.  It would have been a good twist on the will they/won't they.

Morton and Jacob's continuing enmity is a gift.

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It would have made a lot more sense for tiny Janine to do the tricycle and Gregory to do the bars, but it wouldn't have been as visually funny.

I did think it was interesting that Gregory said Janine could do the bars when the reat of them were doubting it. So... he thinks she pretended not to b e able to do it in order to get him to "help" her earlier. 


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Nothing causes me to lose interest faster than will they/won’t they, and Gregory and Janine are no exception.

Mr. Johnson’s bathroom discovery cracked me up, from his smirk at Ava’s assistant to him telling the toilet it was going to learn his name the hard way.

Barbara’s delivery of “oh, wait a minute now…” when she noticed something afoot with the Liberty kids was perfectly delivered. It was like listening to one of my great-aunts.

There has GOT to be a meme of Gregory on the trike. I was DYING.

  • Like 8
44 minutes ago, possibilities said:

It would have made a lot more sense for tiny Janine to do the tricycle and Gregory to do the bars, but it wouldn't have been as visually funny.

I love that Janine even commented on that when she was going across the bars. She said something to the effect of, "I'm not physical in this way." :p (which, relatable, Janine). 

  • Like 2
25 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

I guess I forgot, but what's the beef between Jacob and Mr. Morton about?  (I like Mr. Morton.) 

I think it was just in a sitcom arch nemesis kind of way.

1 hour ago, Empress1 said:

Nothing causes me to lose interest faster than will they/won’t they, and Gregory and Janine are no exception.

This is the one time this season where I felt like it worked for me. They're about to finally have their moment, and then here comes Ava to cockblock them, and Mr. Morton just twists the knife over his marriage failing.

But yeah, I hope they get their act together soon, so they can finally become the annoying lovey-dovey couple that none of the other teachers can stand because of how adorable they are.

Edited by Galileo908
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Since when does Gregory think about consequences of relationships failing? He's already dated a parent of a student (yes, I know the student wasn't in his class) and the daughter of a coworker.

I'd be perfectly fine with Gregory and Janine never getting together. I don't think they're a particularly good fit. But more than anything I'd just like the stupid will-they-won't-they to end one way or the other. If the coworkers thing was going to be an issue, it should have come up much earlier since it's the most obvious obstacle. I don't even remember at this point what most of the other obstacles were. I don't mind a good will-they-won't-they; the problem with Abbott Elementary's is that it doesn't feel at all organic. It's the writers throwing wrenches into the gears in the clunkiest, most arbitrary way possible. Case in point: The "we're coworkers" issue only just now coming up near the end of the third season.

The field trip stuff with the other teachers and students was fun. More of that, please.

  • Like 10
3 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I guess I forgot, but what's the beef between Jacob and Mr. Morton about?  (I like Mr. Morton.) 

We were introduced to Morton in an episode where Jacob kept insisting that Morton hated him, and was always throwing veiled insults at him - even though we only saw Morton being totally professional with him.

Then at the end of the episode Morton spoke directly to the camera and admitted that he couldn't stand Jacob.

The whole misogynist side of Morton is something they only introduced this season.

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9 hours ago, Black Knight said:

Since when does Gregory think about consequences of relationships failing? He's already dated a parent of a student (yes, I know the student wasn't in his class) and the daughter of a coworker.

When you put it like that, it really does sound like he has a problem. I guess part of why I've gone so cold on Gregory and Janine is because of the way he treated that ER nurse he was on the date with. The moment he saw Janine across the bar he turned into the worst version of himself. Meanwhile Janine seems to have regressed since leaving her job at the district. I think that whatever moment they might have had has passed.

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After Double Date, I think Janine is fully aware of how Gregory feels about her. Now she's waiting for him to say something since he pointedly rejected her the last time. At this point, I wouldn't mind if she went on a date with Manny. At least he's being clear about his feelings.

12 hours ago, Annber03 said:

I love that Janine even commented on that when she was going across the bars. She said something to the effect of, "I'm not physical in this way." :p (which, relatable, Janine). 

I can relate, too. That line was awesome.

At first I thought that other teacher was going to be another one of Melissa's sisters.

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2 hours ago, mrsbagnet said:

At first I thought that other teacher was going to be another one of Melissa's sisters.

I don't remember what the sister we met looks like - I forget faces easily - so when this teacher appeared, I assumed she was the sister, back for an ep. It was only after a little back-and-forth that I realized that she and Melissa didn't know each other.

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2 hours ago, mrsbagnet said:

At first I thought that other teacher was going to be another one of Melissa's sisters.

LOL.  Me too.  I thought for sure that would be the gag.  But then that would mean yet another Schemmenti was a teacher and we should have already seen her during the conference episode.

I did like that return of Tatyana Ali.

12 hours ago, Blakeston said:

The whole misogynist side of Morton is something they only introduced this season.

Legit question -- I missed the misogyny what points to that for you?

I did like how throughout the season the show has been dropping little hints about the state of his marriage in throw away lines and this is the culmination. 

At the start of the season we found out he eloped over the summer.  And then later on we found out he and his wife were in couples counseling and then even later, I think it was the episode with the book club we found out he and his wife were undergoing a trial separation. And now this... full on divorce.  LOL.

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28 minutes ago, J-Man said:

Why were there tricycles just sitting around in a public park? That didn't make any sense. The rest of the apparatus used in the obstacle course was fixed playground equipment, but the tricycles definitely didn't belong.

I’m just going to tell myself that the playground relay is a thing they promote (kinda like exercise circuits) so the playground staff has the equipment available. I  mean, otherwise, how would everyone know what the legs of the relay are, and where each participant should be to start their portion?  Like pretty much every show, it doesn’t help to think too much about it. 

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So, a replica was made in LA.

https://www.inquirer.com/arts/abbott-elementary-quinta-brunson-smith-memorial-playground-20240515.html#:~:text=But the episode wasn't,Bros. in Burbank%2C Calif.

Smith’s slide is also the site of a pivotal moment for Janine and Gregory, the Abbott characters played by Quinta Brunson (the show’s creator) and Tyler James Williams. But the episode wasn’t actually filmed at the historic playhouse in East Fairmount Park. Economic factors dictated shooting its segments in Los Angeles’ Griffith Park and on a backlot at Warner Bros. in Burbank, Calif. So a replica of the slide was designed and built.

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On 5/16/2024 at 6:32 AM, peeayebee said:

Jacob said he was single. I thought he was seeing Avi. (That was his name, right?)

Seeing him. But, since it's a situationship rather than a relationship, he says he's single.

On 5/16/2024 at 10:01 AM, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Morton has been at Abbott for at least 3 years, this implies that his ex also worked at Abbott and recently transferred to another school.  Therefore, all his coworkers should know her.  

Unless Morton transferred to Abbot after the breakup. His dislike of Jacob could be because he preferred his old teaching team to his Abbot team. 

When I taught, a number of the male teachers in our district were dating/married to other teachers. Usually, their partners worked at different schools. 

A Gregory/Janine break up could be motivation for Gregory to promote to principal at another school, too. 

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Surely Janine knows how adults use the term "swingers." Sometimes her naivete is not believable to me.

Greg still motivated by jealousy of Manny. Ehh, not a good look, Gregory.

Ava pretending to take off her earrings like she was about to fight her snotty soror Crystal.

Mr. Johnson probably should've never told Ava he'd abused her secret toilet. And she probably should've had a better security lock.

Why was Mr. Johnson wearing his pants hiked up to his armpits?

If anyone's taking a vote, I'm over Janine and Gregory. I want her to date Manny, and maybe Greg can get with soror Crystal. (Even though she's from the enemy school.)

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2 hours ago, peeayebee said:

Something to do with his heavy keys weighing down his pants.

Except his mariachi pants weren't up around his chest.  But it was a funny visual.

9 hours ago, Rae Spellman said:
On 5/16/2024 at 1:01 PM, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Morton has been at Abbott for at least 3 years, this implies that his ex also worked at Abbott and recently transferred to another school.  Therefore, all his coworkers should know her.  

Unless Morton transferred to Abbot after the breakup.

My point was that if they are still fighting over a relatively minor thing like the grill, they likely broke up fairly recently. But I suppose they could have broken up before the 1st season, 3 years ago, and then really dragged out the division of their property.  It just doesn't seem realistic.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
On 5/17/2024 at 10:53 AM, DearEvette said:

At the start of the season we found out he eloped over the summer.  And then later on we found out he and his wife were in couples counseling and then even later, I think it was the episode with the book club we found out he and his wife were undergoing a trial separation. And now this... full on divorce.  LOL.

I didn't recall that. So he eloped over the summer with another Abbott teacher, who has since switched to a different school. Janine hasn't been around much, but surely Jacob would have shared the gossip with Gregory, so the perils of dating a coworker would not have suddenly been a realization for him.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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15 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Greg still motivated by jealousy of Manny. Ehh, not a good look, Gregory.

THANK YOU. I actually hated how he acted at the bar, not just his crappy treatment of his 'date', but his ridiculous display of jealousy when he invited himself to Janine's table, all this after HE had rejected Janine. I hate the 'jealous person resorts to invasiveness and sabotage when they realize the person they like is moving on' trope.

I also hate the 'will they, won't they' trope, especially when they're clearly dragging it out for the sake of dragging it out like Abbott Elementary is doing. We all know they're going to end up together, so killing time like this is annoying to the viewers who want them together, AND to the viewers who don't want them together.

And I'll be honest, I don't think the actors have romantic chemistry with each other. Janine and Gregory have always had 'just friends' chemistry, and they seem so forced together. I would honestly be fine if they didn't end up together. They're going the predictable, done-a-million-times route because that's what people expect, but it would be so interesting if they stayed just friends.

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