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Except Chelsea (and Cole)


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I love this girl. I think she's the best of all the Teen Moms. She has gotten her non MTV, non Teen Mom career going. She's bought a beautiful home for herself and Aubree. She seems to have been driving the same car for a few years unlike the other girls.

She also seems to be a very kind hearted sweet person.

But the best thing of all is that she and her boyfriend have been together for a year now and they aren't living together or engaged and she's not pregnant again.

I think Chelsea and Aubree have the best chance for a bright, happy future out of all of them.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 11

Have you read something somewhere that says he doesn't want kids and she does? I don't remember seeing him anywhere except for a few pictures. Maybe there's an interview somewhere that I missed.

I haven't seen any indication that Chelsea wants more kids right now. She had that scare with Adam but I think a lot of that was story line.

Chelsea seems happy with Aubree right now. And if she does want another, who cares. Unlike the other girls she's set herself up for the future. I don't blame her if she does want a sibling close to Aubree's age but I've seen no indication that she does.

I'm just trying to figure out where this is coming from. I thought it was Chelsea's dream to have the career she has. Maybe she's fulfilling somebody else's dream.

This kid just can't win.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 4

Chelsea doesn't seem like the type to have the kind of motivation necessary to live a secret life, or fulfill someone else's dream for her. Look how long it took her to get her damn GED, and she claimed she *wanted* to do that. So I'm thinking most of what she is doing these days is because she wants to, not because someone else is pressuring her to do so. She could easily fall back into the pattern of the rest of them (ass, couch, whining) but she chose to (finally) get her ass in gear, go to school, and have a life outside of the TM franchise because I am guessing she and her family have discussed that TM2 won't be around forever, regardless of the fact the other girls seem to totally ignore that. Eventually it will be over, they might be lucky to hit 30 and be getting a special every couple years. She's also lucky for people in her life like her parents, because they seem very smart, levelheaded, work hard, and were able to convince Chels to let them assist with her finances and make good financial decisions for the future. Or at least better than these other girls. She may not be a millionaire, but she seems to have more than a comfortable life these days and we don't see her running off with brand new cars every year and the parade of random men through Aubree's life. Yes, Randy & Mary probably babied her a lot but it seems to have worked out in the long run. She's one of the few TM's who is adulting just fine without some crazy scandal in her life 24/7....referring to Adumb and his bullshit doesn't really concern her anymore, and it doesn't strike me that he's too worried about being in Aubree's (or Paislee's) life. I am guessing that as soon as the cameras go away so does any fatherly ambition on his end. 

  • Love 6

I also think Chelsea is the only girl in the series that showed remorse for what kind of father she gave her child. (Out of the ones that were crappy fathers. Kail and Ambie regularly whines about Jo and Gary being their kids' dad, but they're actually good dads.) Andrew wasn't even around at all for Jace, and Jenelle barely paid lip service to how that hurt him. It was more about how he left her alone with their kid. Chelsea cried real tears about how her daughter deserved to have a loving dad like she does, but she has Adam.

  • Love 7

For as much as I rag on Chelsea for being dumb, I do think she's the only one of the teen moms that uses any kind of foresight when she's considering her actions. Although I think Maci and Kailyn love their kids, both tend to do what they want to do without thinking of how it will affect others down the road, or their own futures.


Leah, Jenelle, Farrah, and Amber- their parenting skills are so subpar, and whatever love they feel for their children takes a backseat to their own needs- I wouldn't expect any kind of insight from them over how their decisions have and will continue to negatively impact their kids' lives.


Hopefully Chelsea ends up with someone who is willing to take on a paternal role for Aubrey, and it's someone that Chelsea stays with. I do think Chelsea is the most likely of the teen moms to base her choice of partner on what will be best for Aubrey.

  • Love 5

I also think Chelsea is the only girl in the series that showed remorse for what kind of father she gave her child. (Out of the ones that were crappy fathers. Kail and Ambie regularly whines about Jo and Gary being their kids' dad, but they're actually good dads.) Andrew wasn't even around at all for Jace, and Jenelle barely paid lip service to how that hurt him. It was more about how he left her alone with their kid. Chelsea cried real tears about how her daughter deserved to have a loving dad like she does, but she has Adam.

I remember one of kids I work with telling me this. He blamed his mother for choosing a shitty father for him. It was so sad.

At least Aubrey has Chelsea dad who adores her. Hopefully he will be a positive male figure in her life.

  • Love 1

Hopefully Cole will turn out to be a good, long-term part of her life. I'm sure that's what Chelsea is banking on, since she has never made anything public, but she has admitted to dating other guys between him and Adam. She is smarter than the other girls in that she hasn't publicized every relationship she's had, leading to break up stories in the media. Anyway, whenever she posts pictures or videos of Cole with Aubree, Aubree always seems very happy and comfortable with him, and he seems happy too. I know she gets a good edit, and that she has made plenty if mistakes, but I really do think Chelsea has made the best effort to put her child's needs before her own.

  • Love 4

I'm just now seeing the episodes around Chelsea getting her aesthetician license. It's so nice to see a Teen Mom accomplishing something and even seeming excited about it. She is also one of the few women I've ever seen who actually looks better with that bright red lipstick. It usually looks gaudy and wears the person, but she found the perfect shade.

  • Love 4

One thing I've noticed about Chelsea is that whenever they show her and Aubrey, she always has Aubrey engaged in something; they're either coloring, reading, doing some kind of craft, or just talking, but she actively engages her in some activity, and does it with her. It's quite a contrast to say Leah, who spends her segments crying while her daughters try to murder each other in the backseat.

  • Love 10

It is. Chelsea is the best out of this bunch. Also you are spot on about Leah. Remember the unseen moments when the pet died and Leah was FLIPPING out to the point where it scared one of the twins who asked what was happening and Leah screamed at her. Ugh. Chelsea also doesn't let Aubree hear bad things about Adam or any of his legal issues, she sends her out of the room. I also like that her home seems to have a quiet atmosphere. Every other house lacks this.  

  • Love 5

Chelsea is immature, just not as bad as the rest. This girl couldn't tolerate Taylor for five seconds until she met Cole and moved on completely from Adam. Suddenly she wants to compare notes? If I were Taylor, I'd tell her to go scratch. Chelsea knew in her heart that Taylor was going through the same crap with Adam that Chelsea did and she couldn't offer an ounce of sympathy or even be cordial considering the two have daughters who are half-siblings. And sorry, but you had a baby with the guy, continued to sleep with him and allow him into your life up until what, last year, and suddenly now he's the worst human on earth? I mean, yeah, Adam's a POS, but she had that POS in her bed for a loooooong time and it caused a lot of drama with his other baby mama, I'm sure. Chelsea couldn't have cared less. I remember before my husband and I got married, his ex-wife behaved like a raging lunatic and could not have been nastier and more confrontational with me. We broke up for like two days and she contacted me to try and be buddy-buddy, and of course when we got back together it was same shit, new day. Ridic, and nothing to do with what's best for the kids.

Edited by SaveLevi
  • Love 4

I agree, I think Chelsea just appears to be a better person in comparison to nearly everyone else on the show. She is still very immature and I think if she didn't have a new man in her life she would still be giving Adumb googly eyes every time he came sniffing around. Im not sure she has really figured out mothering yet either, she is just a good big sister to Aubree and Randy is still parenting them both for the most part, Chelsea would be nowhere near where she is now without Randy. I think she has a chance of figuring it out by her mid thirties though, she's not awful, just ditzy and annoying.

Edited by Pakalolo
  • Love 5

I thought Chelsea had it changed back to Houska. I could totally be making that up though, I just have a vague memory of Chelsea and her lawyer discussing changing Aubree's birth certificate.


I vaguely remember that too. I keep trying to find an article about it. I thought Adam insisted his name be taken off the birth certificate and Chelsea changed it back to hers.

I also think Chelsea is the only girl in the series that showed remorse for what kind of father she gave her child. (Out of the ones that were crappy fathers. Kail and Ambie regularly whines about Jo and Gary being their kids' dad, but they're actually good dads.) Andrew wasn't even around at all for Jace, and Jenelle barely paid lip service to how that hurt him. It was more about how he left her alone with their kid. Chelsea cried real tears about how her daughter deserved to have a loving dad like she does, but she has Adam.

That's because Chelsea legit loves her kid. Jenelle?  He's an extension of  herself when she wants him around. It is still all about her and that's sad for that little boy. He didn't ask for shit parents.

  • Love 2

I agree, I think Chelsea just appears to be a better person in comparison to nearly everyone else on the show. She is still very immature and I think if she didn't have a new man in her life she would still be giving Adumb googly eyes every time he came sniffing around. Im not sure she has really figured out mothering yet either, she is just a good big sister to Aubree and Randy is still parenting them both for the most part, Chelsea would be nowhere near where she is now without Randy. I think she has a chance of figuring it out by her mid thirties though, she's not awful, just ditzy and annoying.

I think Chelsea is actually a pretty good mom for a girl in her early 20s. I guess I just don't expect her to act like someone in her 30s. In some ways (the baby talk, sometimes treating Aubree like a BFF, etc) she is less mature than say Leah, who I really don't see doing stuff like that.  But to me that is just in superficial ways. In all substantive ways, Chelsea is more mature and a much better parent than any of them on TM2. She's got Aubree in things. She shows up to stuff on time, I believe. And she's dealing with the worst ex who is around.


Kail thinks she's Mother of the Year because she nurses. @@  Please. Her relationships with the baby daddies are toxic and she uses her kids to manipulate them. I think she's just a user, plain and simple.


I do think Chelsea relies on Randy too much but I think we're seeing less and less of that as she matures, which is the way you want it. That little girl sure has a lot of people who love her. I thought it was super sweet when she said Randy's wife would never miss her show.

  • Love 8


In all substantive ways, Chelsea is more mature and a much better parent than any of them on TM2.


Agree. I can honestly say she is a very good parent compare to a couple of young mothers I know. 


Chelsea was definitely immature a few seasons ago, and was still making questionable decisions.  I don't expect her to do a 180 change in such a short amount of time. Any small change for the better, is a change for the benefit of herself and Aubree in the long run. So what if Randy helped her. Why shouldn't he? Should he sit back and just let Chelsea squander her money away, like Jenelle and Leah? Good for him for helping her with her money. If there is one thing that this show has shown, is that these participants blow their money on material things in such a short amount of time.  These young girls have no clue about investing money. Maybe if Jenelle would listen to Barb for once, she might have a big chunk of her TM money left. If Kail wasn't stuck with an alcoholic parent, she might have had the same kind of help with her money as well as making better choices for herself which in turn would be better for Isaac. One never stops being a parent. It doesn't cease once a child hits the age of 18 or when they become a parent themselves. Generally, parents do step back and allow their children to live their lives when they reach adulthood and parenthood. That doesn't mean they cease offering advice.


Look at Leah. She is definitely immature. She is also in deep, deep trouble. What she needs is a Randylicious in her life. Who does she have instead? That woman who thinks a father who works, can't take care of his children. Leah could use some heavy-duty guidance. Instead, she has that big enabler named Dawn. It is never Leah's fault. It is Cory's fault.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 9

Im not saying there is anything wrong with Randy doing as much as he wants to help Chelsea, I'm saying that is why I don't really give Chelsea much credit for being in a better place than many of the other teen moms, I don't think she had much to do with it until just recently. Chelsea is a very lucky girl that Lois Griffen chose Randy to be her child's father or she would have probably frittered away all her money on leopard print accessories and make up, never finished high school, and just coasted on her baby "achievement" all while constantly babbling on about wanting to be a family with Adam.

  • Love 1

The thing is it takes a certain amount of maturity to know when you're in over your head and you need some help. Jenelle has never had that. Chelsea could have said "Screw that, Dad. You can't tell me what to do with my money."  But she didn't. She did go against him early on with letting Adam stay with them, etc.  But I think she knew that she genuinely needed his guidance (not just his money or his help) so she never distanced himself from Randy even when he was pissing her off. And I think she could have, temporarily, by using the TM2 money. But she didn't.


Kail did draw the short straw with her parents but she could have relied some on Jo's parents but she blew that relationship, too, by being so adversarial with their son.

  • Love 9

lilmarysunshine, well put. You hit the nail on the head. Chelsea could have easily just distanced herself from her dad. And there were times when she didn't take kindly to his advice. She was acting like the teenager that she was, and acting like a lot of teenagers do behave. They think they know it all or that their parents are trying to control them and not let them make their own choices. This is a situation that would have happened regardless of MTV being in the picture or not, I believe. She may not have a home, but she likely would have still achieved the career. She still would have had sex with Adam many times over, and she likely would have been living with Randy until she earned enough money for an apartment to rent.


The rest of the girls, such as Jenelle, would be in a very different spot if MTV were not in the picture. She likely would have served jail time. She might have ended up a dope fiend on the streets, selling herself to get that next fix. Who knows, but I do know she would not have two cars, a nice home to rent, and taking vacations to the Virgin Islands. As for Kail, she too would be in a different place without MTV.


Randy being the father that he is, and Chelsea slowly growing and maturing was also a factor. You can't force a person to mature. That comes from the person. Chelsea had a goal in life and she pursued it. Part of maturity is being able to assess your strengths, determine areas that you need to improve, and set goals for the future. She seems to have confidence in herself, something that is lacking in Jenelle and Leah. Being genuine is also part of maturity. Chelsea has always stuck me as someone who is genuine. She doesn't behave in an arrogant manner and I don't think I have ever watched her put others down, like the other girls constantly do. The exception being when she has talked about Adam, but she gets a pass for that because she spoke the truth and the truth is, he is an asshole.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4

The thing is it takes a certain amount of maturity to know when you're in over your head and you need some help. Jenelle has never had that. Chelsea could have said "Screw that, Dad. You can't tell me what to do with my money." But she didn't. She did go against him early on with letting Adam stay with them, etc. But I think she knew that she genuinely needed his guidance (not just his money or his help) so she never distanced himself from Randy even when he was pissing her off. And I think she could have, temporarily, by using the TM2 money. But she didn't.

Kail did draw the short straw with her parents but she could have relied some on Jo's parents but she blew that relationship, too, by being so adversarial with their son.

That is exactly it. I think both Maci and Farrah's parents have given very practical advice on finances, school, personal relationships, etc., and if it's not what Maci or Farrah wants to hear, they just ignore it. For all her screeching, Barbara has also given Jenelle good advice at times, and we all know how Jenelle handles that.

Chelsea may not be the brightest, but she recognizes that 1. Randy has the benefit of experience and knows what he's talking about, and 2. He has her and Aubree's best interests at heart. That is invaluable insight and why she's so far ahead in the game.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 6

That is exactly it. I think both Maci and Farrah's parents have given very practical advice on finances, school, personal relationships, etc., and if it's not what Maci or Farrah wants to hear, they just ignore it. For all her screeching, Barbara has also given Jenelle good advice at times, and we all know how Jenelle handles that.

Chelsea may not be the brightest, but she recognizes that 1. Randy has the benefit of experience and knows what he's talking about, and 2. He has her and Aubree's best interests at heart. That is invaluable insight and why she's so far ahead in the game.

Totally agree.


I think that Chelsea deserves the praise that she gets.  She is stuck with Adam who is only interested in Aubree for the cameras rather than Corey or Jo who seem to genuinely want to be in their kid's lives.  Kail and Leah should be grateful for their exes considering that Adam has a rap sheet that is 20 pages long, doesn't show up, lies to his daughter and can't be trusted to obey court orders.  Unlike Jenelle, Kail or Leah, she is essentially being a single parent.  IIRC, Corey has the twins for 3 days a week, Jo has Isaac for 10 nights a month and 6 weeks over summer while Adam has Aubree for every other weekend which is about 4 days a month.  Admittedly she doesn't have another kid but I see that as another plus, she didn't jump straight into marriage and kids before getting her life sorted out. IMO, she is the only one out of the mums who has a legitimate reason to bitch about her ex given that she can't even be sure of Aubree's safety when she is with him (riding a motorbike without a helmet, anyone?).   Meanwhile, she got an education, a job and a house without it being paid for by a husband/ ex and even though Randy helped her out, she is now at a point where she is paying off her own mortgage.  Randy did a lot of work helping Chelsea but Leah has 50 thousand relatives who babysit a lot as well as Corey's family and Jeremy's family. Kail was allowed to live in Jo's house with his parents helping out even when they weren't together (IMO she was the problem and I would have kicked her out for her ungratefulness) and now she has Javi's family.  Jenelle has her mother raising her child so no one can say that Barb hasn't helped Jenelle.  Sure, Chelsea has her flaws but she is by far the best mother of this bunch.  If MTV left tomorrow, she would still be able to support herself and her daughter which is a hell of a lot more than can be said for the others.  

Edited by ChocolateAddict
  • Love 7

I think that Chelsea deserves the praise that she gets.  She is stuck with Adam who is only interested in Aubree for the cameras rather than Corey or Jo who seem to genuinely want to be in their kid's lives.  Kail and Leah should be grateful for their exes considering that Adam has a rap sheet that is 20 pages long, doesn't show up, lies to his daughter and can't be trusted to obey court orders.  Unlike Jenelle, Kail or Leah, she is essentially being a single parent.  IIRC, Corey has the twins for 3 days a week, Jo has Isaac for 10 nights a month and 6 weeks over summer while Adam has Aubree for every other weekend which is about 4 days a month.  Admittedly she doesn't have another kid but I see that as another plus, she didn't jump straight into marriage and kids before getting her life sorted out. IMO, she is the only one out of the mums who has a legitimate reason to bitch about her ex given that she can't even be sure of Aubree's safety when she is with him (riding a motorbike without a helmet, anyone?).   Meanwhile, she got an education, a job and a house without it being paid for by a husband/ ex and even though Randy helped her out, she is now at a point where she is paying off her own mortgage.  Randy did a lot of work helping Chelsea but Leah has 50 thousand relatives who babysit a lot as well as Corey's family and Jeremy's family. Kail was allowed to live in Jo's house with his parents helping out even when they weren't together (IMO she was the problem and I would have kicked her out for her ungratefulness) and now she has Javi's family.  Jenelle has her mother raising her child so no one can say that Barb hasn't helped Jenelle.  Sure, Chelsea has her flaws but she is by far the best mother of this bunch.  If MTV left tomorrow, she would still be able to support herself and her daughter which is a hell of a lot more than can be said for the others.  

Right on!!

  • Love 4

Im not saying there is anything wrong with Randy doing as much as he wants to help Chelsea, I'm saying that is why I don't really give Chelsea much credit for being in a better place than many of the other teen moms, I don't think she had much to do with it until just recently. Chelsea is a very lucky girl that Lois Griffen chose Randy to be her child's father or she would have probably frittered away all her money on leopard print accessories and make up, never finished high school, and just coasted on her baby "achievement" all while constantly babbling on about wanting to be a family with Adam.

All in that damn baby voice. I think it's getting worse, if that's possible.

  • Love 2

And talking to her clients in that voice in a professional setting . . . I wonder how often she works at the spa? IIRC, she mentioned at the start of this season that she was still working "a few shifts" there, or something similar.

She seems to dabble at the spa, I doubt she's there forty hours a week. The main source of her income is probably Teen Mom. I agree she does need to act a little more professionally with her clients.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 1

And talking to her clients in that voice in a professional setting . . . I wonder how often she works at the spa? IIRC, she mentioned at the start of this season that she was still working "a few shifts" there, or something similar.

When did she talk to a client in that voice? I thought it was her boyfriend whom she was working on in last week's episode. I don't know why it was her boyfriend, I thought maybe they just wanted to film a scene of her working there and used her boyfriend as a client.


If her baby voice is the worst thing that can ever be said about Chelsea, more props to her. I'd rather hear Chelsea speak any day of the week than to hear Jenelle, Kail, or even Leah at their best. They don't even have jobs to talk about or show to the viewers. 



All in that damn baby voice. I think it's getting worse, if that's possible.

A baby voice getting worse? Not sure how that happens. What is getting worse on this show, are the douchebag parents and the screaming and cursing that is taking place in the presence of the children. When Chelsea begins to speak that way to her child, instead of her baby voice, I will jump on the bandwagon.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 3

I just assumed it was a friend of hers or something, with the way she was joking around a bit.

That is what I thought as well. I don't know that a customer wants to be filmed for MTV. They have to sign a release.



I would totally go see Chelsea for a facial treatment....if I lived in SD anyway. She seems to be fun and know what she is doing without being unprofessional. I like that she doesn't act super uptight and makes her clients (and friends) seem at ease. Not like a facial is a big deal, but you want to be relaxed to enjoy it.

Me too. I like when a person who is working on you, such as a facial, massage, pedicure, engages in light banter and isn't uptight. It just puts me at ease. Again, I think the person she was working on was a friend. My spouse thought it might have been co-worker that Chelsea was practicing on.

  • Love 2

When did she talk to a client in that voice? I thought it was her boyfriend whom she was working on in last week's episode. I don't know why it was her boyfriend, I thought maybe they just wanted to film a scene of her working there and used her boyfriend as a client.

If her baby voice is the worst thing that can ever be said about Chelsea, more props to her. I'd rather hear Chelsea speak any day of the week than to hear Jenelle, Kail, or even Leah at their best. They don't even have jobs to talk about or show to the viewers.

A baby voice getting worse? Not sure how that happens. What is getting worse on this show, are the douchebag parents and the screaming and cursing that is taking place in the presence of the children. When Chelsea begins to speak that way to her child, instead of her baby voice, I will jump on the bandwagon.

I couldn't agree more. Nitpicking on her voice when we have the other train wrecks on this show is crazy.

I never saw her speaking in a "baby" voice to a client. As far as I know the only clients we've seen her work on are her friends. I'm sure when its a non friend client she's professional. Otherwise she wouldn't still be working there.

Who says she doesn't work a full work week? And if she doesn't what does that matter? She's still miles ahead of the rest. She has a chance now to maybe work part time, so what? She'll have the rest of her life to work.

I agree that if nitpicking tiny things about Chelsea is the only shit talking people can come up with, the girl is doing pretty damn good.

If the person I went to for the services Chelsea provides was sweet, friendly and knows what they're doing like Chelsea seems to, I wouldn't give a shit what their voice was like.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 2

This is the Chelsea thread. Her voice is extremely grating to me, and I would never go to her for spa services. Again, just my own opinion. And since it's her thread and she mentioned working "a few shifts" ON the show, I wondered how opted she worked. I'm sorry some have a problem with my curiosity. I definitely have issues with the other girls, and will air the,non their own threads.

  • Love 7

I know its the Chelsea thread. That's why I was talking about Chelsea.

Saying you wouldn't go to her for services because of her voice seems petty to me and that's my opinion.. What if somebody had a speech impediment or was deaf?

I choose my people by how friendly and professional they are. I couldn't care less about their voice.

I don't call ahead before an appointment and ask if anybody has an objectionable voice.

Like I said. If nitpicking her voice is all you have, the girl is doing great.

Keep doing you Chelsea. You have it together more than many people twice your age. Baby talk all you want.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 2

This is the Chelsea thread. Her voice is extremely grating to me, and I would never go to her for spa services. Again, just my own opinion.

I like Chelsea, but I wouldn't either. Being an aesthetician seems more like a hobby for her than a career. You can't build a clientele working a few shifts a week. My guess is the salon owner gave her a deal on the room rental in exchange for publicity from the tv show.

  • Love 4

I can understand Chelsea's hangups about the visitation center. Nobody ever wants to admit that it's so bad, they have to do this. With all of the car accidents he's been in, the fact he's still driving around, he's obviously NOT sober, the aggravated stalking or whatever the charge was, his family not taking the visits seriously, this is something she needs to do, at least until that family can prove that they can follow the rules. I would hate for Aubree to be harmed in anyway because Chelsea doesn't want to be one of "those". Sometimes you gotta suck it up to keep your kid safe.

  • Love 6

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and to voice them as such.

For example, I happen to love Chelsea. I didn't always, but she has come a LONG way and grown as a woman and mother before our eyes, and I respect her for always doing right by Aubree. (Except sticking her with a double E at the end of her name.) But I understand not everyone here likes her (and her baby talk voice and how she calls Daddy for everything) - and that's OKAY.

Because for the most part, we're adults who can agree to disagree at the end of the day. K? K.

  • Love 8

I can understand Chelsea's hangups about the visitation center. Nobody ever wants to admit that it's so bad, they have to do this. With all of the car accidents he's been in, the fact he's still driving around, he's obviously NOT sober, the aggravated stalking or whatever the charge was, his family not taking the visits seriously, this is something she needs to do, at least until that family can prove that they can follow the rules. I would hate for Aubree to be harmed in anyway because Chelsea doesn't want to be one of "those". Sometimes you gotta suck it up to keep your kid safe.


Yeah, I get the hesitation too. I imagine it's depressing there at the visitation center. And you don't want to think that you've reproduced with someone who is so awful where that's an option. Even if you were only 16 at the time. 

But I agree that if something happened to Aubree because Adam's parents are in denial she would never forgive herself. And it would be good leverage for the judge to straighten Adam's parents up. I don't understand their entitlement. But then, they did raise Adam so maybe they are just better at hiding it.


And Adam...he's always been awful and just when you think he can't sink any lower, he surprises you and digs a little deeper. He is deeply, deeply flawed.

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