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Except Chelsea (and Cole)


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They have been living together for a while so the effect of them being married won't be as extreme for Aubree if Cole were moving in for the first time but I do sort of wish they had waited a bit to give Aubrey a hot second to get used to officially being a family of three before they brought a baby into the mix. It is certainly not a huge deal and I think Cole is great with Aubrey and will continue to be great even with a child of his own in the house but a little breathing room would have been nice. 

  • Love 7

This so soon explains all of her hand-wringing regarding Aubree having a different last name than her, Cole, and any siblings. I think she or they definitely wanted this to happen sooner rather than later and that's kind of weird to me but maybe already having a child makes it easier to take the plunge.

She better tread carefully with the name thing and basically wishing Aubree wasn't who she *is* and that means she is part Adam and has his last name. I don't think she consciously thinks she's doing that but I think the irrational part of her wishes Aubree was Cole's.  And that is a rejection of Aubree.  I have a friend who was adopted and whose adoptive mother once told him when he was a teenager that she wished she had him. He rightfully saw that as fundamentally a kind of rejection of him because he wouldn't be who he was if she had him.

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On 7/13/2016 at 8:39 AM, CourtneyCourt said:

UGH...as a bitter infertile myself, why couldn't she have waited till her wedding?? And if she wanted a jump start why start 6 months or so ahead of the wedding? I'd have been so much happier for her if she waited till after her wedding (and thats a lot coming from me!)


Wonder what Randy has to say...

I am sorry. I know these girls popping out kids so easily is a tough pill to swallow when you try so hard for one. It's just not fair.

  • Love 7
On July 15, 2016 at 11:45 PM, Maharincess said:

Even though I knew it was coming "trap baby" in this case makes me laugh.  They are engaged and getting married in a couple of months, they've both said they want kids as soon as possible but Chelsea still trapped him.  I don't see trap in this case. 

Tell me about it -- dating for time, engaged, both talking about kids, and a guy who can choose to use birth control (condoms) if he wanted, she sure did trap him. Lol.

  • Love 3
On Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 8:20 PM, Blissfool said:

I wonder if they'll sign a pre-nup?

They need to. I understand that nobody goes into a marriage thinking about divorce, but odds are 50/50 that it'll happen. Cole doesn't have anywhere near the earning power that Chelsea does, so it would be in her best interests to make sure her assets are protected. 

  • Love 2

Despite being slightly disappointed, I am truly happy for them. The only reason I say I am slightly disappointed is because I thought Chelsea wanted to wait to after they were married and to have a little time to adjust to married life. At least they are stable, they were getting married, neither have a criminal record, take care of Aubree, and this baby will loved and cared for as well. They seem like a good match overall and I hope they last.

  • Love 6
36 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

They need to. I understand that nobody goes into a marriage thinking about divorce, but odds are 50/50 that it'll happen. Cole doesn't have anywhere near the earning power that Chelsea does, so it would be in her best interests to make sure her assets are protected. 

I really hope Randy makes this happen as Chelsea's main financial planner.  She still seems really insecure about Cole wanting to marry her. I'd see her not wanting to rock the boat and being too timid to insist on Cole signing one.

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

I really hope Randy makes this happen as Chelsea's main financial planner.  She still seems really insecure about Cole wanting to marry her. I'd see her not wanting to rock the boat and being too timid to insist on Cole signing one.

and she gets weirdly stubborn and headstrong about random things, so I can see her "standing up to" Randy b/c they're in love

  • Love 5

I think it might also be a good idea for Chelsea to speak to an unrelated accountant or financial advisor in addition to a lawyer. I think having her dad help her out with her financial planning was okay for awhile, since she trusts him and listens to him. But now that she's getting married, it might be better to entrust her and Cole's finances to an impartial professional. I  think they should find someone who will give fair advice that suits both of them. Randy is a good guy, but we all know he dotes on his little princess and I think it's likely that his advice is "what's Chelsea's is Chelsea's, and what's Cole's is 95% Chelsea's."

  • Love 12

Haha, the best part of that article for me was reading Taylor got an increase in the child support she receives from Adam, too.  So what's he bitching about? Not the smartest move to open your mouth about income, now was it Adam? I'm sure he didn't let the court know about his significant raise in earnings due to the show. I wonder if both moms still used the same attorney and how much he currently owes. Their earnings should be a part of that record, as well. I don't normally count what's in other people's pockets but Adam is the one still harping on it and throwing a hissy fit for the camera so... I'm curious now.

Interesting that current filming is titled "7B" and not "8". I wonder what the reason for that is? It sounds like it could be the end of TM2 and this will wrap up all the storylines, opting for just update specials in the future. I could be wrong but it sure sounds convenient given everyone's current situations. 

  • Love 4
29 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

They've done that before, with part "A" and part "B". It seems to me that they might film continuously over a year, with a little break inbetween?

I always took it as that way the "talent" can't negotiate their salaries.  I think that's kind of shady, if true, but I don't really know what I'm talking about, so there's that...

  • Love 4

I thought it was just a break in filming during a calendar year, too. It seems like it might actually be a payment thing. The old contract is still in effect. New ones don't apply yet.

I think that's what TheAshley was trying to say without just saying it. That's the only logical reason for producers to step in and tell Adam to quit throwing his fits and giving them attitude trying to keep them from getting anything that can make it into the show. He was reminded his current contract was still in force and he better honor his end or else. It doesn't sound like he's happy about it but seems to have changed his tune. If that contract is broken by Adam, he won't be able to meet his new child support obligations and he'd be looking at a serious fine owed to production or mtv or whoever. Serves him right. His mouth wrote a check his ass can't cover. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Katt said:

I'm not condoning any of this behaviour at all, but it's not Chelsea's fault if people judge you by YOUR actions, Adumb:

Adumb is soooo dumb (fill in the blank just like Match Game RIP Gene Rayburn), he doesn't realize that anyone can Google and find his address. I am not savvy like our members here with finding documents, records, and that sort of thing, but I just found his address.


  • Love 4

I would be very surprised if the Houskas had anything to do with this. Yeah, Randy is immature but Adumb doesn't seem to get it; he's easy to dislike without anyone else being involved. 
I hope that's actionable libellous behaviour. @lezlerswould know.
lol, MKay, a few former TMJ posters show up there. It's a bloody shame about that site, though. RIP Teen Mom Junkies. :(

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, Mkay said:

Um, if it isn't the people he named publicly, and it's proven that it's not, isn't that slander? I'd sure go after him for that if I were any of those people. It's slander if it isn't true. (Or its bordering very close)  I guarantee it will be proven that it isn't them. 

The fact that the account was Leah's Meth Pipe is hilarious! 

It would be libel since it was publication. Slander is for anything said orally. Does this fall under what is considered libel? Only if what Adumb posted is in false and he knows it is false, and second, it injures or harms the Houskas in any way such as Randy suffering losses at his business as long as he can prove it was solely due to Adumb's libelous words. In other words, what Adumb posts has to be proven to be false and that he intentionally posted it to harm the other party because he knew the claims were false. Those false comments then have to harm the party involved. They had to have suffered some damages due to Adumb's allegations. 

For example, someone can post on Facebook and type away all the crap they want about Adumb. They can say he is a no good, piece of shit who doesn't pay child support. If they then KNOWINGLY POST FALSE INFO such as this piece of shit has HIV or AIDs and is purposely going around town having unprotected sex so he can infect as many partners as possible hoping to infect and maybe kill as many woman as possible, and those comments then affect Adumb for example, the public going to his place of work (LOL) or home and he is being harassed, attacked, or assaulted due to the comments posted, Adumb could then pursue a libel claim since all the elements are there for a libel suit.

Adumb is accusing the Houskas. Are they suffering in any way from it? No. Unless one is an Adumb defender and then that person or persons go after the Houskas and harm them in any way, and that harm can be traced back to what Adumb posted, and if the Houskas can prove they had nothing to do with that Instagram account (which I am sure is not them), they could have a claim if they can then prove Adumb posted that information with ill intent and knowing it was false. That last element is hard to prove.

Overall, this is just a case of Adumb shooting off his mouth on his social  media as usual. If the guy wants privacy a la Jenelle, then he needs to get his fucking ass off this show for good and stay off social media.

11 hours ago, Mkay said:

He doesn't have the common sense to realize he has just alerted tons of people that there is a police report with his address and phone numbers on it. ? He has just made it easier for crazy jealous haterz to drive by his house. Had he not posted about it, I wouldn't know there was a police report out there. However, he must not realize that prior to that anyone could find his address through his county's tax site. ? His and everyone else in America. Does he want to sue them, too?! 

The bolded part is so funny only because I know you Mkay, if you had found this information, you would have posted it here. I can almost hear you saying, "Damnit! There was a police report out there and I missed it!" You go girlfriend. You keep digging up all that you can find for us. I appreciate it. :-)

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 7
45 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:


The bolded part is so funny only because I know you Mkay, if you had found this information, you would have posted it here. I can almost hear you saying, "Damnit! There was a police report out there and I missed it!" You go girlfriend. You keep digging up all that you can find for us. I appreciate it. :-)

Bahahahahahaha this is so true! That's me for sure!! Sadly, I couldn't find it last night. I didn't look real hard. I was kinda tired.

It's fun to me to find these things. I think it falls in line with loving the investigation part of crimes. I should totally have been CSI. HahHa 

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 4

Tort aspects of defamation will depend on the state and corresponding state law. Not a South Dakota lawyer so no idea how it works there, but in general, defamation under libel has presumed damages (slander, you need to prove damages unless it's slander per se). If you're suing for the tort of defamation, and it is a matter of public concern (anything that is newsworthy, which you can argue here, but my personal opinion is that it's sad that this would be newsworthy), First Amendment applies and, if you are a public figure, you must also prove the falsity of the statement and prove fault of the speaker (speaker knew it was inaccurate and they said it anyways, or were reckless in saying it, or, for a private figure, you must show that the speaker acted negligently in stating it (that they failed to reasonably investigate the truth of the claim).

12 hours ago, Mkay said:

He doesn't have the common sense to realize he has just alerted tons of people that there is a police report with his address and phone numbers on it. ? He has just made it easier for crazy jealous haterz to drive by his house. Had he not posted about it, I wouldn't know there was a police report out there. However, he must not realize that prior to that anyone could find his address through his county's tax site. ? His and everyone else in America. Does he want to sue them, too?! 

That's exactly what I was thinking. How many people were actually aware of this hateful IG until he made a post about it? I sure wasn't. 

  • Love 4
On ‎7‎/‎22‎/‎2016 at 10:57 PM, Katt said:

I would be very surprised if the Houskas had anything to do with this. Yeah, Randy is immature but Adumb doesn't seem to get it; he's easy to dislike without anyone else being involved. 
I hope that's actionable libellous behaviour. @lezlerswould know.
lol, MKay, a few former TMJ posters show up there. It's a bloody shame about that site, though. RIP Teen Mom Junkies. :(

Naw, that's not libel.  For starters, he never actually said it was them he said he suspected it was them.  You're allowed to suspect anyone you want.  Also, you need some kind of damages to pursue a claim for libel.  Without some kind of actual damages, you have no claim.  

And on topic, I'm happy for Chelsea and Cole.  We started trying a few months before we got married.  I didn't actually get pregnant before the wedding (thank god.  I was so damn sick and gained so much weight so rapidly I would've been hating life at our wedding if I was pregnant) but it's not unheard of to try before the wedding if you're planning on having kids right away.   Trap baby?  Please.  That's just funny.   Good for them, they seem genuinely happy.


ETA: Sorry, didn't realize the answer had been posted already!  You guys are quick! 

Edited by lezlers
  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, lezlers said:

My question is, how does he keep getting women?   The extent of his douchiness is very well documented. I instantly lose respect for any female who gives him the time of day.

2 things: 1. He's semi famous and makes more money than the average 25 year old in South Dakota.


2. Far more complicated- there are just some women (generally with low self esteem, or maybe not necessarily low self esteem, but the inability to base their self worth on how they feel about themselves, rather than how guys seem them), who really get off on trying to be "the one that's different". When  they see how badly a guy has mistreated another girl, they don't think, well there's one asshole I should avoid at all costs. No, they think, here's a guy who's known for treating his partners poorly. If I am just so awesome that he treats ME respectfully, that will send a clear message to everyone just how great I am, taming this asshole. It's the Cruel Intentions effect- everyone wants to be the Annette who makes a guy incapable of love still fall in love with her. It's a challenge, it's a trophy- it's not about Adam at all. He's just the venue. And Adam plays right into it, treating these girls well at first (so they think, it's totally ME that's different). It happens to a lot of girls, particularly high school and college aged. Most will grow out of it, but some don't.

  • Love 11

I bet Adam is only getting married because he wants another income to offset his child support losses for Aubree and Paislee. Plus, it gives him a built-in babysitter for those weekends he has his kids and wants to go out with his friends. My sister's ex was an Adam and he's just as selfish in his 50s as he was in his 30s. The Adams of the world never change, they just find new victims.

  • Love 6
On 7/25/2016 at 7:00 AM, lezlers said:

My question is, how does he keep getting women?   The extent of his douchiness is very well documented. I instantly lose respect for any female who gives him the time of day.

I'm reading a book about the night stalker and he had groupies at his trial who said things like "he's so sexy, I love him" and "he's gorgeous".   I'm not saying Adam is anywhere near the levels of Ramirez but some women just don't care what a man has done. 

There are crazy people everywhere. 

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Totally true, you guys. Gross people attract gross people, I guess. I questioned Taylor's decision to have a baby with Adam after seeing all the crap he put Chelsea through. At least she had the decency to kick herself in the ass when he did to her and Paislee what he had done to Chelsea and Aubree. Thank God Adam got himself fixed so Aubree and Paislee won't have a slew of half-siblings littering the Midwest.

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6 hours ago, geekamonggeeks said:

I'm so confused why any woman would hitch herself to Adam Lind after seeing him act like a human garbage bag for the last six years or so. He hasn't changed at all. He's still a neglectful father who can't have custody of his older daughter and who always complains about having to pay support for his children, who always badmouths the women who gave birth to his kids for being selfish hags because they have the audacity to ask him to help financially support the children he fathered. He's endangered Aubree's safety and then basically said Chelsea was being a bitch for being concerned and angered. He almost killed two elderly people in a fiery car crash and then blamed them. He's a total scumbag, and any woman who willingly dates him or gets engaged to him is an idiot.

Thankfully he's neutered...

So I'm somewhat ashamed to admit (to anyone except y'all) that I started following a few of the girls on Snapchat. Chelsea recently sent some snaps of Cole shirtless and....damn.... He is really a physically attractive guy. Adam isn't the only one lifting weights (and Cole doesn't seem to have that unnatural steroid-pumped-up look Adam does....Cole is just CUT and FIT shirtless). 

I feel like a dirty old lady now (I'm in my early 30s)....how old is Cole?

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

So I'm somewhat ashamed to admit (to anyone except y'all) that I started following a few of the girls on Snapchat. Chelsea recently sent some snaps of Cole shirtless and....damn.... He is really a physically attractive guy. Adam isn't the only one lifting weights (and Cole doesn't seem to have that unnatural steroid-pumped-up look Adam does....Cole is just CUT and FIT shirtless). 

I feel like a dirty old lady now (I'm in my early 30s)....how old is Cole?

Cole is a very attractive young man, and he seems very nice too boot. Work it Chelsea!

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

So I'm somewhat ashamed to admit (to anyone except y'all) that I started following a few of the girls on Snapchat. Chelsea recently sent some snaps of Cole shirtless and....damn.... He is really a physically attractive guy. Adam isn't the only one lifting weights (and Cole doesn't seem to have that unnatural steroid-pumped-up look Adam does....Cole is just CUT and FIT shirtless). 

I feel like a dirty old lady now (I'm in my early 30s)....how old is Cole?

And he acts much more comfortable that way than he does on tv. 


I only follow Kail and Chelsea.  That's all I could handle for now.  Ha

I don't quite get snapchat, but I do use it sometimes to take stupid pictures of things I see that I don't want to post to Facebook or instagram. It lets you take pictures or short videos that you can either send directly to someone on your friends list or do a 'feed' that people can see. I don't follow any celebrities but I assume the feed is how you see their pictures. One of the things I do enjoy are the "filters" that you can use. It detects your face, then can add various goofy animations or effects, and thats where a lot of the 'face swapping' pictures you'll see online come from. The filters can change daily, with special holiday or event ones (Today there's a harry potter one for the new book release). 

Edit: Differences are that the feed is temporary, I think images/videos only last 24 hours. You don't have a way to look up old ones from other people, theres not a like system (that I know of).

Edited by DoctorWhovian
  • Love 1

I have no idea how any SM sites work, except maybe Facebook, but sometimes when I'm on my tablet, it starts changing to the mobile version and I go into a panic and shout my husband who runs in like he thinks a swarm of fire ants is attacking me -and is probably rather disappointed they're not after he left them clear instructions and bunged them a few quid-. Yes, I am very ashamed. I am one step up from a grandma who talks about the "Space Face" and "My Twat". :/

  • Love 2
39 minutes ago, Tatum said:

I don't get snapchat either. I have facebook, and that's about all I can handle.

I think Cole is objectively physically attractive, but for some reason, I can't imagine being attracted TO him. There's just something so bland and generic about him. But if Chelsea's happy, good for her.

While I agree that Cole is a bit white bread, I think that is one of the big reasons why he works well with Chelsea. She isn't exactly the most dynamic character, so they match well that way. They are pretty much the picture of 2.5 kids and a white picket fence. They seem genuine and content, so good for them, I say.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Tatum said:

I don't get snapchat either. I have facebook, and that's about all I can handle.

I think Cole is objectively physically attractive, but for some reason, I can't imagine being attracted TO him. There's just something so bland and generic about him. But if Chelsea's happy, good for her.

I know what you mean. Cole is a good looking guy, but his personality is so beta male. I can see why that would appeal to Chelsea, especially after dealing with an arrogant douche like Adam, but it wouldn't be my cup of tea.

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