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S46.E03: Wackadoodles Win

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16 hours ago, Meowwww said:

I’m over it.  The purple tribe lost again. The entire show has been focused on them since their first loss.  Just showing them over and over again.  I can’t take it, I deleted after they lost again. Same song, same verse.  I can’t root for any of them, they are all so unlikeable.  Show, let us know some of the others besides Venus.  

Agree!  I hate this set up too, every season now with the smaller tribes one of them gets deciminated, it's boring and predictable, they need to change it up!

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Bhanu saying he didn't care about winning a million dollars, he cared about winning a million hearts gave me a terrible flashback to Dan Foley saying, "I want to be REMEMBERED," which we do because he was so heinous. I wish people would stop going on this show thinking it's going to be a jumping off point for celebrity status because that has rarely happened and probably not at all for the last two decades.

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Just now, fishcakes said:

Bhanu saying he didn't care about winning a million dollars, he cared about winning a million hearts gave me a terrible flashback to Dan Foley saying, "I want to be REMEMBERED," which we do because he was so heinous. I wish people would stop going on this show thinking it's going to be a jumping off point for celebrity status because that has rarely happened and probably not at all for the last two decades.

And those who achieved anything….mostly from the first few seasons….although a few of the most athletic have started competing on The Challenge.  

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There's so many shows now that people probably come on Survivor in hopes of creating a reality TV career. They could parlay it into stints on TAR, The Challenge, Traitors, House of Villains. Hell, apparently even Deal or No Deal Island lol.

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I think in the very first episode Bhanu said he was an immigrant and he grew up in a dirt hut and he wanted to inspire other immigrants/Indians... something like that. I think that's behind his "win a million hearts" aspirations.

Some of his many proclamations hit and others don't, but I appreciate his heartfelt sincerity and raw emotions, even if we get a bit too much of him. It makes a change from polished assholes.

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Another week, another Yanu loss. Still don't know half of the other players on the other tribes, because I think a solid 30 minutes of the show's run-time was on Bhanu's despairing: "This is it! This is the end for me!" Does he think that Jeff takes the castaways 'round back behind the voting hut and shoots them? It's Survivor, not Squid Game.

Goodbye Randan, we hardly knew you. Too bad he didn't give Venus his beware advantage, but it was also kind of a millstone around the neck unless the conditions could be met (which may be never? is it null and void if the tribe never loses before merge?). Kind of gross of Yanu to be celebrating the debilitating medical issue of another contestant. Probst sneaking out of the Fijian forest like a cryptid to ambush Tiff and Bhanu in the middle of some actual turns in the gameplay just so they can rejoice, "One man's loss (of nerve function) is another's gain (in a gameshow)!" 

3 hours ago, wintrygal said:

Agree!  I hate this set up too, every season now with the smaller tribes one of them gets decimated, it's boring and predictable, they need to change it up!

100% two tribes are more balanced than three, physically and socially, plus there's more opportunities for complicated alliance-making, splitting the votes, early scheming, actual blindsides. Instead, each group of 6 breaks down into a core 4 with 2 on the bottom, and each vote is basically a steam-roll. Then the inevitable team of losers gets to the merge down on the numbers, and again it's another dogpile of votes. Yawn.

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15 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

Someone should explain to Bhanu that a mermaid with a dragon tail would be a half-woman with a dragon tail and not much mermaid at all. Unless we are envisioning 1/3 human, 1/3 fish and 1/3 dragon. He should have gone for a fantasy creature whose top half might seem pretty and harmless like a unicorn or fairy.

I'm pretty sure it wasn't his intention, but Bhanu basically described the classical idea of the mermaid, which was a monster.  A monster with the upper body  of a beautiful woman with a beautiful singing voice - but under the water, invisible to people on land or on boats, she had the lower body of a sea monster, and would lure sailors to get close enough to her that could tear them to pieces and devour them.

We only think of mermaids as angelic now because of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale.  That was the whole point of his story. She was raised to be a monster, but she fell in love, and developed empathy and generosity.  He could have done the Little Vampire or the Little Ghoul just as easily.

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4 hours ago, jsm1125 said:

I really hope Bhanu’s “million hearts” line wasn’t a plea to get the Sia money. 

Bhanu’s whole “million hearts” shtick had already gotten old to me by about his third repetition.

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7 hours ago, jsm1125 said:

I really hope Bhanu’s “million hearts” line wasn’t a plea to get the Sia money. 

That's my first thought with any sob story players. Why is Bhanu getting so much airtime? Mr. Watcher and I were doing impressions of Donkey from "Shrek" with "Are we there yet?" everytime the whining started.

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One of the moments when Bhanu was doubled over, sobbing and wailing, I just had to think "Man, this dude is seriously overacting".   It felt like he was doing it for effect. 

How could anybody be so unaware of how ridiculous they are? 

He's wearing a wedding ring, isn't he?  I can't imagine a person that would put up with that OTT hysteria on the regular.  

That is NOT normal.  He needed a doctor more than Randen.  

Edited by SnapHappy
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14 hours ago, violet and green said:

Some of his many proclamations hit and others don't, but I appreciate his heartfelt sincerity and raw emotions, even if we get a bit too much of him. It makes a change from polished assholes.

Finding out he's an actor makes me seriously doubt the sincerity of anything he does/says tbh. He is truly giving SNL skit to me.

14 hours ago, watch2much said:

I loved seeing Hunter nail the sandbags. It doesn’t bother me that he practiced all those things. Everyone else had the same opportunity to prepare. It’s like getting to Survivor and not being able to make a fire. They all know there’s a chance they may need to do a fire challenge yet most can’t do it at all when they get there and don’t use their time there learning how either.

Not everyone has the money/time/resources to build all of Survivor's overused challenges to practice. 

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12 hours ago, jsm1125 said:

I really hope Bhanu’s “million hearts” line wasn’t a plea to get the Sia money. 

I hope it was. I hope that down the road, Bhanu takes off his mask and is like "A-ha! My game was to play the role of a pathetic sad sack so that people would feel sorry for me and let me goat my ass all the way to the FTC and you fell for it!"

Finding out that Bhanu was merely ACTING would make however many more unseemly displays of weepy, OTT, paranoid Bhanu worth.

As it is, if this is his genuine set of emotions, I'm sort of scared for him and sad for the screening mechanisms of the show.

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15 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

There's so many shows now that people probably come on Survivor in hopes of creating a reality TV career. They could parlay it into stints on TAR, The Challenge, Traitors, House of Villains. Hell, apparently even Deal or No Deal Island lol.

I've accepted the fact that 95% of any reality show player, competitive or even just a general reality TV show, are looking for some degree of fame or attention. So there's going to be plenty who do anchor for a reality tv career. Some are in it for the experience, sure, and some will likely be a one and done player, but most are doing these shows in hopes that they can appear elsewhere. 

Some are just more obvious about it than others. Bhanu is one of those people who's just outright admitting he's there for the fame and attention, not about the experience or winning. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Not everyone has the money/time/resources to build all of Survivor's overused challenges to practice

If you have the means to put your life on hold for a month to be on a freakin' TV show,  I'm sure you can find a way to prepare yourself, especially since many people try for years to be accepted.

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So anti-climactic.  I know this is how it's been done in the past, that when someone gets medivacced, there is no vote.  But still.

I find Bhanu to be possibly among the most irritating and annoying contestants on Survivor ever.  If this is how he is in real life, I would find him utterly exhausting.  He said repeatedly that he wants to "win a million hearts".  If that is his goal, then I don't think appearing on Survivor is helping his case.  If I could give him negative hearts, I would.

On 3/13/2024 at 10:56 PM, Maya said:

I’m sorry but I have to give credit where credit is due. The three people on Yanu who aren’t Bhanu have the patience of a saint. He is exhausting and annoying. 


On 3/14/2024 at 1:59 AM, HurricaneVal said:

Good Lord.  Bhanu is a lot, isn't he?  I thought that maybe he was getting it together when he told his tribe he pulled the white rock and got sent back to camp and has no idea what the other two had to do.  I thought that was brilliant strategy.  Then he boofed it by fessing to Q.

On the first episode, I thought Bhanu had such promise.  He fell fast.  Faster that anyone in Survivor history, really.

I felt sorry for Venus last week.  Then this week I can see she is a bit snotty and perhaps her isolation on the tribe isn't just mean girls being mean.

Bhanu and Venus are my least favourite.  Bhanu is too paranoid.  His constant crying over possibly being voted out.  Ugh.  This is a game where people get voted out.  It's part of the game.  Don't they do a psych test for applicants?  Not sure how he passed, he is too paranoid and can't handle it.  I bet his tribemates are wishing they kept Jess instead of him.

Venus seems like she would be the queen of the mean girls.  She seems like someone who is used to being on top, and when she finds that she isn't on top, she can't handle it.  If anyone here watched "Industry" on HBO/Max, she totally reminds me of Yasmine.

On 3/14/2024 at 5:44 AM, JudyObscure said:

I wish I could find Bhanu funny, but he's got that hateful side that's a little bit scary.  He's like a mean, selfish child in a man's body.  Screaming in Jess's face one minute, sobbing over his poor little self the next, telling us about Kenzie's dragon tail like he really thought it was true and we just needed convincing? Now he thinks God gave someone a pinched nerve just to save Bhanu. 

No thanks on the heart winning from me, even Princess Diana turned me off when she said she wanted to be the Queen of hearts, I think Bhanu's crying, lying and eagerness to throw others under the bus is disgusting.

I love Hunter's story!  The guy gave up being a doctor to teach kids and has a house full of Survivor stuff to use for games.  He's a dream teacher.  I've seen Hoarder episodes featuring teachers.  They not only have a compulsion  to save everything for school projects, they need to save 30 of everything.

Yep, I didn't care for that either.  Bhanu was praying all day and now his prayers have been answered.  If his prayers had been answered then maybe they wouldn't have lost the challenge.  Or maybe the tribe would have targeted someone else.  How awful that he views a guy having a medical injury as God answering his prayers.

Hunter is by far my favourite character.  He gave up med school to be a teacher?  Seems like a great teacher who really loves teaching.  I love that he took the time to make all these Survivor puzzles.  I bet part of it was the challenge of making them.  And then learning them.  He seems like the kind of guy that would be really interested in learning, not just about winning.

The bed he made was awesome.  Wonder if he's going to offer to make beds for everyone?

On 3/14/2024 at 8:50 AM, seacliffsal said:

I guess I have a different take on Randon's injury.  I thought they should have taken him out at the first medical visit as he had absolutely no feeling in his hand/arm.  Maybe it's because as I age I am more aware of the effects of strokes and even heart issues/attacks as I have more and more friends experiencing them.  I am glad that Randon was taken out as it could have been a very dangerous scenario.  I was glad that he told us at the end of the episode that he had recovered.

I thought the same.  I thought tingling sensation and loss of feeling in extremities are classic symptoms of a stroke or heart attack.  Not "I slept on my hand wrong".

On 3/14/2024 at 10:37 AM, iMonrey said:

Oh. My. God. This was 90 minutes of Bhanu whining, crying and complaining. I have this awful feeling he's going to make it all the way to the end. I cannot imagine the show investing this much time in someone who gets voted out in the first few weeks. My luck, he probably wins. He'll be the new Yam Yam. 

Honestly, I'm just so sick of these people who say "I'm an outcast, I'm socially awkward, I don't fit in with other people" then decide to go on Survivor. Like yeah, that's the place for you. And of course the show just eats it right up. 

I'm there with you.  I don't know why the producers think that watching paranoid and socially awkward people who admit they are socially awkward but then proceed to cry this much about it are entertaining.

Last season, Jake was the sort of socially awkward outcast.  But I found myself really invested in Jake's story and I was rooting for him.  He was not annoying.  Because he tried to understand how he could fit in better, and made effort with others.  With Bhanu it's "why don't you like me, why am I so unloved, I have been crying all day about this".  Almost like a sad sack guilt trip into getting people to feel sorry for him.

Edited by blackwing
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1 hour ago, SnapHappy said:

That is NOT normal.  He needed a doctor more than Randen. 

That's a bit too much. We have to be empathetic and remember what he has been through and what Survivor means to him.


For the longest time, I was looking for a platform. Because as a queer man, a South Asian, I wanted to let folks who look like me and who came from humble beginnings like me. Because I grew up in poverty, with nothing. And, for the most part of my life, Survivor has been my life. Living under a thatched roof. When it's raining, rain used to just fall on us inside the house. So it's been like that. When I watched Survivor for the first time, I was like, "Oh, my god, that's hit me close to home." So, I instantly connected. And the first episode I saw was Survivor: Cagayan, and Spencer was my hero. He's the one. I fell in love with the show and started watching episode after episode and season after season. And here I am! Superfan of Survivor, and here talking to you.



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On 3/14/2024 at 12:15 AM, Lantern7 said:

I’m thinking there I’ll be a “drop your buffs” thing next week, and we’ll wind up with three tribes of five. There should be clauses for stuff like what happened with Randan. We could’ve gotten two tribes of seven, but Vanu had to slide off the hook. If any of them win, would we apply an asterisk to them?

My thoughts exactly.

On 3/14/2024 at 10:48 AM, Lady Calypso said:

The other issue is how performative Bhanu feels. A lot of them are doing this with the analogies, and it's no different than the mermaid/dragon analogy Bhanu made about Kenzie. So when he does that and then spends the entire journey whining to Ben and Liz about how bad his position was on his tribe, it did feel a bit manipulative. Bhanu seems to wear his heart on his sleeve so it was likely genuine, but part of it felt like he did that with them for a reason. 

And, when they do get reshuffled next week if Ben and/or Liz is on his new team, you don't think they're going to also feel he's a liability? He did himself no favors by spilling to them at the challenge.

23 hours ago, Kenzie said:

I would love it if Hunter won. I'm tired of winners like Yam Yam who might be funny around a campfire at night but would die in a week if actually marooned on an island. It's really  nice to see someone athletic, smart and castaway-capable for a change.

Same same same! I get so frustrated when the "strong' ones, aka, the ones who are capable of surviving, get voted out. I know it is a mental game as well as a physical game but I would like to see an actual Survivor, not the social butterfly or sneaky liar, win.

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Hmmm....  There doesn't appear to be individual player threads for this season--or at least not any in the first page listing of threads.  Anyways, I learned on another discussion board that Bhanu has an IMdB page where the mini-bio states:


Bhanu Gopal, a skilled actor and dancer from Visakhapatnam, India, has made waves in the industry since moving to the United States in 2013. With a background in Indian Classical dance, Bhanu has showcased his talent on both the stage and on screen. Notable achievements include roles in award-winning films like, Shuffled (2022), Men In Blue (2022), Smack-man Resurrected (2023) and appearances in commercials, such as the memorable AAA Insurance commercial featuring Rick Astley. Bhanu's dedication and commitment to his craft makes him a rising star in the world of acting.

This mini-bio was created by a Paul Smith, and Bhanu's credits all seem to be walk-on, extra type roles.  A couple of those listings say they're "uncredited" which leads me to believe either Bhanu or his agent or spouse or best friend etc. added those to his filmography.  

I'm not sure if "audience member" or "pedestrian" exactly qualifies as making waves in the industry, either.  Self-promotion and drawing focus is the name of the game when it comes to the entertainment industry and the subset of reality TV, so he's certainly giving it his all.  If that's the objective, then kudos to him, he's certainly accomplishing that goal!

So, when Bhanu says he's "not an actor" he's either totally lying, or he's being very self aware and entirely honest regarding his actual talents.

Edited by HurricaneVal
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Bhanu is going to make it to the end, isn't he?? 😧

This season is not doing it for me, which makes me believe it will turn out to be one of my favorites. But until then, I slog on...

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7 hours ago, cdnalor said:

If you have the means to put your life on hold for a month to be on a freakin' TV show,  I'm sure you can find a way to prepare yourself, especially since many people try for years to be accepted.

You would think so. And yet, most seasons on Survivor, there are people who have no frigging clue how to start a fire with flint, no clue how to build a shelter with the materials that are available every season, self-proclaimed super fans who seem to not have digested such Survivor Strategy 101 as "Don't be bossing everyone around, or you'll be making yourself a target," "Don't tell obvious lies that can easily be caught like telling multiple people that they're your No. 1," "Don't tell everyone about your immunity idol or advantage," "Don't fall for the fake idol play -- real idols are more sophisticated than anything that can be put together with materials available to players," "if you can't swim, maybe take some lessons," etc etc.

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6 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

"Don't fall for the fake idol play -- real idols are more sophisticated than anything that can be put together with materials available to players" ...

Are they though lol? 

I absolutely hate that now people have to spend countless hours and money creating these stupid ICs in order to 'be prepared' for the show. 

I really don't know why I'm still watching. There's really not much to like anymore.

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On 3/14/2024 at 9:50 AM, Special K said:

As someone who has had neck surgery for stenosis (from a bulging disc), I was alarmed when Randen explained his symptoms initially.  They were way worse than anything I experienced.

When I was walking around with a disc problem in my neck before surgery, my doctors warned me not to fall or do anything that might result in any impact to my neck, since it could advance to paralysis from the neck down.

The first doctor who saw Randen probably specializes in emergency medicine or wilderness medicine, and was right to consult a neurosurgeon. With all the impact to their bodies in challenges, it was not a risk worth taking.

He probably just needed a steroid injection in the end.

I coukdnt agree more. I had very sudden onset of hand issues and it turned out i ha e bilaterL ulnar nerve entrapment in both arms and it became extremely painfum. Im glad they didnt take a chance :)

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I don't think he's a very good actor. I think he is an emotional, expressive, somewhat eccentric man, who in his life has tried to make the most of his talents. I saw a little clip of him doing traditional dancing... When he said, he is not an actor, I think he meant he couldn't act and easily lie in this situation. He is not a smoothy.

I think it is also worth bearing in mind that Yanu tribe, being Yanu tribe, have the most inept shelter of all three tribes, and have not had flint or fire - so no rice, no warmth - for seven days at this point.

Jess was losing her mind from lack of sleep on their shitty bamboo shelter floor, days prior, and the episode opened with Bhanu saying they had relocated to the wet-looking sand below a rock curve to escape the rain the previous night and he hadn't slept at all. That alone will send some of us quite mad, and cetainly increase emotional lability.

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11 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

That's a bit too much. We have to be empathetic and remember what he has been through and what Survivor means to him.


I take all the personalities "lightly" as time passes because lack of food, sleep, and the ability to trust wears on people differently. I know I become discombobulated and weepy when I'm not getting enough sleep. B may be just reaching the end of his tether, and a win or food could make all the difference. It'll be interesting if his shot in the dark is successful.

3 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

I coukdnt agree more. I had very sudden onset of hand issues and it turned out i ha e bilaterL ulnar nerve entrapment in both arms and it became extremely painfum. Im glad they didnt take a chance :)

Is there a reason he cannot return to the game after a three hour MRI? (If it shows he's fine)? Is there a rule about no contact with the outside world, no matter how brief?

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On 3/14/2024 at 8:54 AM, Lady Calypso said:

I don't think he will. Yam Yam could be a lot but he seemed extremely well liked and he was good at the game. 

Everyone seems annoyed with Bhanu. He cannot win, even if he does get (dragged) to the end. 

I don't see Bhanu winning only because it's annoying others that he "never has a plan or suggestion". Also, production is giving him such a lengthy edit, it makes me wonder if that is to keep us aware of all the comments he made that will come back to bite him. Why couldn't we see the other teams wheeling and dealing and searching? Watch them enjoy food or show what advantages they've created? Hunter is very watchable and I loved when a player implied Hunter is "running the tribe", I agreed with the one who said no, he's positioning his strengths to stay 

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People are crying every episode now, so much that it's fast becoming a staple of the game.

I can't stand Bhanu.   I have been calling for his ouster since episode 1. 

These assholes, wondering aloud where the bad karma is coming from.   Oh, I don't know ... maybe from Kenzie and Tiffany mean-girling Jess and trying to make her look like a fool ... maybe from Bhanu screaming hatefully in Jess' face ...

Bhanu claiming "a miracle" when another human being is facing the fear of partial paralysis and imminent spinal surgery is beyond unseemly.   It's disgraceful and sick.  Probst trying to rationalize it as "part of Survivor" felt forced and unconvincing.

Has there ever been a display of phoniness on this show to rival Kenzie's "I'm so glad I got to know you" moment with Bhanu?


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2 hours ago, Chalby said:

Is there a reason he cannot return to the game after a three hour MRI? (If it shows he's fine)? Is there a rule about no contact with the outside world, no matter how brief?

I think the rule is if you have to have medical intervention beyond a check over and basic first aid--like you'd get in the school nurse's office, from a the team trainer, or an EMT in the field--then you're out.  Bandages, splints, braces, antibiotic cream are all fine.  A little time sitting in the shade with ice packs on pulse points and bottles of water type stuff.  That year when that one tribe was on bacteria beach and several (not seven) tribe members had bad infections, I think the rules were stretched to give them prescription antibiotics.  As I recall, that one guy ended up going home on a medical that season because there was a bad infection very close to his knee that could have compromised his long term mobility.  He was given a choice of staying and risking his leg and/or blood poisoning, or going home, and he chose to go home.  I would hope that if the risk of sepsis truly was nigh, he would have been involuntarily removed from the game by the doc, but they gave him the choice for the dramatic moment.

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11 hours ago, Chalby said:

Is there a rule about no contact with the outside world, no matter how brief?

Presumably, yes.

9 hours ago, millennium said:

Oh, I don't know ... maybe from Kenzie and Tiffany mean-girling Jess and trying to make her look like a fool ... maybe from Bhanu screaming hatefully in Jess' face ...

Don't forget Q.

4 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said:

Bhanu is a phony, pure and simple.  

I agree. 

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14 hours ago, millennium said:

Has there ever been a display of phoniness on this show to rival Kenzie's "I'm so glad I got to know you" moment with Bhanu?

I found Angelina Keeley to be extremely phony, disgenuous, fake, and delusional.  Everything about her.  But I think the difference between her and Kenzie is that Angelina seemed to truly believe in everything she was saying.  I think Kenzie knows that she is playing a game.  And Bhanu is desperate and stupid enough to believe her, despite calling her a mermaid dragon just earlier.

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On 3/14/2024 at 2:59 AM, HurricaneVal said:

Randen's injury seemed to just come out of left field.  We never really saw how it happened, not did we even know he had issues.  Just suddenly Jeff and the  medic appeared in camp, talking about Randen's numb hand. 

He had the problem last week.

I will never understand why some tribes can’t get their shit together enough to build a decent shelter. They are provided with pre-cut poles and are surrounded by more wood and palm leaves galore. How hard is it to put a thick layer of leaves on the platform of poles so they can have a softer surface? 

I’m sure Randen will be back next season. 

I have no issue with people creating and practicing challenges before going on the show. Why not? 

Doesn’t anyone try to start fire with their glasses anymore? That would be my go-to mo

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5 hours ago, Shermie said:

Doesn’t anyone try to start fire with their glasses anymore? That would be my go-to mo

We saw Bhanu feverishly rubbing back and forth with a carved out piece of bamboo in the first episode. It's not as if they didn't try at all.

I still remember some contestant breaking their glasses in half to increase the likelihood of getting a flame, and getting one!

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I think that only works with glasses made from real glass?  Most lenses today are made from plastic so it is lighter on the nose and ears, and it doesn't quite have the same intensity of sunlight focus as real glass.  If I were going in Survivor, though, I might have special spectacles made just for this.  Won't help me at the penultimate final council where I might need to make fire, so I'd still practice with a flint and machete.

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7 hours ago, Shermie said:

Doesn’t anyone try to start fire with their glasses anymore? That would be my go-to mo

Didn’t the old guy (I think his name was B.B.) do that in the very first season?  I thought they specifically banned that after that season, but I could be wrong.

If it’s indeed a rule, obviously they can’t ban glasses since some need them.  But they could certainly ban the use of glasses to start a fire.  There are always cameramen around and watching.  

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8 hours ago, blackwing said:

Didn’t the old guy (I think his name was B.B.) do that in the very first season?  I thought they specifically banned that after that season, but I could be wrong.

If it’s indeed a rule, obviously they can’t ban glasses since some need them.  But they could certainly ban the use of glasses to start a fire.  There are always cameramen around and watching.  

Michelle (I believe) did it in Fiji so it wasn't banned at that point at least.

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Most eyeglasses won't start a fire. They have to be magnifiers. Either glasses for someone who's farsighted, which is much less common than nearsightedness, or they have to be the old type of bifocals with a convex bottom half of the lens, and not as many people wear those anymore now that progressive lenses exist.

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10 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Michelle (I believe) did it in Fiji so it wasn't banned at that point at least.

And having seen her do that, Yau-Man repeated the feat in Micronesia.

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16 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Michelle (I believe) did it in Fiji so it wasn't banned at that point at least.

Michelle Yi! A favorite of mine - she was one of the few bright spots in the horrifying Fiji season.

14 hours ago, fishcakes said:

Most eyeglasses won't start a fire. They have to be magnifiers. Either glasses for someone who's farsighted, which is much less common than nearsightedness, or they have to be the old type of bifocals with a convex bottom half of the lens, and not as many people wear those anymore now that progressive lenses exist.

This is true. And according to Wikipedia, that's exactly how Michelle was able to do it:

"Michelle finally started a fire at Ravu using Yau-Man's glasses. Michelle used Yau-Man's glasses because the thicker bifocals concentrated the light better than her own glasses."

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On 3/14/2024 at 6:09 PM, jaigurudeva said:

Goodbye Randan, we hardly knew you. Too bad he didn't give Venus his beware advantage,

It wasn't for lack of trying though.  Apparently he did want to pass it off to her, and talked to Peachy about it, but Peachy stuck by the rule that says "Unclaimed Beware Advantages are non-transferable."

Which makes sense, since until you find/claim the Beware Advantage, you don't have a vote.  If it were transferable, people would be moving that penalty around every chance possible.  Maybe even weaponizing it (as in, giving someone the unclaimed Beware to deprive them of their vote before a crucial TC.)

Now, if he had claimed the Beware, he could have passed the HII to Venus like normal...if it were on his person when they came to yoink him.  Because other medevacs with regular idols had also tried to do hand-offs in their yoinkings, but they didn't have them on hand right then.  So those idols were declared dead.


Expect there to be a new Beware clue hidden on Nami and the box to be moved.  Unless Randen didn't tell Venus where the clue/box were, then they could place the clue back in the original spot...

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I forgot to check for Erik's cartoon from this episode.


Yeesh . . . this was dark. Erik also threw in this bit:


That's cute . . . and if you delete the first two words, you got a kickass greeting card for Survivor fans.

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